Linked in Chapter 2

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Crowlng ?our Llnkedln ConnecLlons
Llnkedln ls a powerful Lool Lo use for connecLlng wlLh oLher people.
CpLlmlzlng your proflle ls Lhe flrsL sLep ln uslng your Llnkedln for
buslness. 1he second sLep ls growlng your connecLlons on Llnkedln.
1he mosL pracLlcal way Lo grow your connecLlons on Llnkedln would
be Lo go Lo ConLacLs and selecL Add ConnecLlons.


AfLer you have cllcked Add ConnecLlons log onLo your emall and add
your conLacLs from your ?ahoo, Cmall or whaLever emalls you have. 8e
sure Lo add Lhe conLacLs from every emall accounL you have and noL
[usL one. 8elow Lhe emall connecLlon Lhere ls an opLlon Lo lmporL your
deskLop emall conLacLs. So lf you cllck lmporL, lL wlll brlng you Lo a
page LhaL says chose flle. Cnce you selecL Lhe chose flle buLLon you
relocaLe Lo you deskLop. AfLer you are on your deskLop, chose your flle
LhaL has your Llnkedln llsL. ?ou cannoL send a personal message for an
lnvlLe uslng Lhe Llnkedln lnvlLaLlon sysLem. 1hls meLhod sends
connecLlon lnvlLes Lo people you already know.
AnoLher meLhod you can use Lo connecL wlLh people on Llnkedln ls
uslng Lhelr group connecLlons. Cne of Lhese groups ls called Cnce you are on Lhe webslLe cllck Lhe !"" $%&'()*+ ,%
,-) ./0.,) 1) *.(,2 llll ln Lhe personal lnformaLlon- name, emall, and
password- Lhen selecL Lhe clrcle LhaL ls Lhe llsL download only. 1he llsL
download ls free. 1hen hlL conLlnue. 1hls free llsL has a mulLlLude of
people LhaL also asked Lo be conLacLed for connecLlons on Llnkedln.
?ou can also become a page supporLer and be added Lo Lhe free
conLacL llsL. lf you become a supporLer Lhen people wlll send you
lnvlLes. 1yplcally, you wlll recelve forLy Lo one hundred lnvlLes a day of
people saylng LhaL Lhey wanL Lo connecL wlLh you when you become a
supporLer. 1hls wlll expand your connecLlons, as Loo wlll Lhe webslLe whlch ls a webslLe creaLed by 1opLlnked. ?ou
[oln CpenneLworker for flfLy dollars a year Lhen you can selecL bulld
your neLworks. 1hls slLe has mulLlLudes of soclal neLworklng slLes,
lncludlng Llnkedln.


?ou can download Lhe Llnkedln llsL of lnvlLes and send Lhose ouL Lo
people. 8uL, you only wanL Lo do one llsL a day. CLherwlse Llnkedln
may lock your accounL. 1hese are Lwo ways Lo expand your connecLlons
ouLslde of people you know. (lease noLe Llnkedln conLlnually updaLes
Lhelr user agreemenL and you are solely responslble for sLaylng up on
Lhls, do noL rely on Lhe accuracy of Lhls book)
Along wlLh geLLlng dlrecLly onLo 1opLlnked and CpenneLworker you
can also [oln Lhese groups dlrecLly on Llnkedln. AfLer you have [olned
1opLlnked go Lo LhaL group. Cn LhaL group you can commenL and say
open Lo all emall lnvlLes and add your emall address. 1hls ls so LhaL
people can send you an emall Lo connecL.
lL ls sufflclenL Lo wrlLe a commenL abouL once a week or once every
oLher week.
8y sendlng lnvlLes Lo your frlends and famlly vla emall, [olnlng groups
afflllaLed wlLh Llnkedln, and [olnlng groups dlrecLly on Llnkedln you wlll
broaden you connecLlons wlLh people by Lhe Lhousands, Lhus
broadenlng your buslness reach.

vldeo 1uLorlal of ChapLer 2

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