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International Conference 100 years of Child Protection Recommendations for the Future

28 30 November 2005 Amsterdam The Netherlands

Adolescents in conflict with the Penal law: A socio-psychological perspective of the uvenile ustice !ystem in Peru
Hugo Morales Crdova, M. !."!#$ %ro&essor Postgrade Diploma in Multidisciplinary Intervention of the Children and Adolescents Ombudsman's School of Social Work Catholic University of Peru Lima Per

'n!e the !reat'on o& the &'rst (uven'le !ourt 'n Ch'!ago 'n $88), there has been ver* l'ttle resear!h on the !auses and treatments o& &elon* and !r'me behav'or +hen the transgressor 's a m'nor, there 's e'ther 'nsu&&'!'ent ava'lable -no+ledge, or a..l'!at'on &rom a .s*!holog'!al stand.o'nt. /or 20 *ears there have been 'm.ortant brea-throughs 'n the (uven'le (ust'!e adm'n'strat'on as a result o& three ma'n 'nternat'onal la+s .ro.osed b* the 0n'ted Nat'ons1 $#M'n'mum 2ules &or the Adm'n'strat'on o& 3uven'le 3ust'!e "the 4e'('ng 2ules#, 2#5u'del'nes &or the %revent'on o& 3uven'le 6el'n7uen!* "the 2'*adh 5u'del'nes# and 3#2ules &or the %rote!t'on o& 3uven'les 6e.r'ved o& the'r 8'bert*. These rules and gu'del'nes have been ver* hel.&ul 'n the develo.ment o& m'nor del'n7uen!* !odes, and (uven'le (ust'!e s*stems 'n 8at'n Amer'!an !ountr'es. 9n 8at'n Amer'!a (uven'le (ust'!e s*stems .r'v'lege l'bert* de.ravat'on and 'n!ar!erat'on as .enalt'es, even +hen ava'lable em.'r'!al ev'den!e suggests that these t*.es o& !onvent'onal treatments are not e&&e!t've 'n a *oung .o.ulat'on. Th's 's an 'ntr'ns'! !ontrad'!t'on &or a so!'al grou. +hose .er'od 'n l'&e enta'ls the use o& 8'bert* as 'ts last name. As o..osed to &'rst +orld !ountr'es, +e !ould'n *oung o&&enders 'n 8at'n Amer'!a as a d're!t result o& .overt*, along +'th a ser'es o& hand'!a.s der'ved &rom the !ulture o& .overt*. Negl'gent so!'al';at'on, d*s&un!t'onal and bro-en &am'l'es, lo+ 7ual't* edu!at'on, and redu!ed develo.ment o..ortun't'es are (ust a &e+ o& the underdevelo.ment var'ables shared +'th the rest o& the reg'on. 9n %eru, (uven'le (ust'!e s*stem has been 'm.lemented under the (ur'sd'!t'on o& an 9rregular 'tuat'on 6o!tr'ne, even +hen !urrent legal 'nstruments are 'n!l'ned to obe* the 9ntegral %rote!t'on 6o!tr'ne .ro.osed b* the Ch'ldren 2'ghts 9nternat'onal Convent'on A!t. The s*stem 'n 7uest'on 's an 'n7u's't've s*stem based 'n a mentorsh'. model. Th's .resentat'on d's!usses th's s'tuat'on &rom the .o'nt o& v'e+ o& the 'ntegral .rote!t'on and the 6evelo.ment %s*!holog*.

Candidate to Master in Neurosciences by Faculty of Medicine of San Fernando and Licentiate in Education by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Bachelor in Social sycholo!y "ith concluded studies in Clinical sycholo!y by ontificia Universidad Cat#lica del er$. Me%ber of the &ntera%erican Society of sycholo!y. rofessor at Faculty of sycholo!y at UNMSM. 'esearcher of ublics olicies of (uvenile (ustice) *outh Cri%e revention) +iolence in Schools and Social Education at , -*- &nstitute. E./%e%ber of the S0ecialists1 2ea% in ,dolescent and (uvenile +iolence of the -ffice of Children and ,dolescents of the Ministry of the 3o%an and Social 4evelo0%ent of the 'e0ublic of eru. E/%ail5

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