Spatial Dose Mapping For Individualizing Radioiodine Treatment

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Spatial Dose Mapping for Individualizing

Radioiodine Treatment
W hen the MIRD Committee and
the International Commission on Ra-
data collected at a time when diag-
nostic instrumentation was much less
sophisticated. On pages 143–149 of
absorbed doses exceeding a limit of
2 Gy but only rarely for lower doses
(10). If the therapeutic activity is
diological Protection (ICRP) pub- this issue of The Journal of Nuclear limited to 7.4 GBq, then the blood
lished their biokinetic models and Medicine, Kolbert et al. (5) impres- dose is below the limit of 2 Gy for
dose factors for a standard man (1,2), sively show the need for more detailed most patients, even for those who are
life became easy for the nuclear investigations of the biokinetics of ra- hypothyroid and who have reduced
medicine physician who wants to diopharmaceuticals with the applica- renal function. This deduction could
assess internal radiation doses from tion of modern diagnostic techniques, be made from the recently published
the administration of diagnostic and including spatial dose map generation. results of several international multi-
therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. All A particularly good example for this center trials investigating 131I bioki-
that needs to be done is to procure the need is the treatment of differentiated netics after the use of recombinant
appropriate publication with a list of thyroid cancer (DTC) with 131I be- human thyroid-stimulating hormone
organ-specific absorbed doses per unit cause, for the purpose of improved (11,12). In these studies, the blood
of activity and to input numbers for image quantification, 131I can be absorbed dose was calculated with a
replaced by the positron-emitting iso- modified method taking into account
tope 124I. As present, strategies with patient-specific parameters.
See page 143
respect to the dosage of 131I for the The work by Kolbert et al. (5) and
treatment of DTC consist mainly of previous work by Sgouros et al. (13)
the administration of fixed standard using 124I PET images for quantifi-
the activities administered. Those who activities (6,7); variability in the bio- cation and 3-dimensional internal
are more conscientious or need more kinetics and therefore the individuality dosimetry software for assessing bio-
precise data apply quantitative scinti- of patients is not considered at all. kinetics and 3-dimensional dose dis-
graphic imaging, probe measurements, The ideal activity of radioiodine for tributions in tumors and normal organs
or blood sampling to measure the the treatment of thyroid cancer is the after the administration of 131I for the
number of decays in the whole body smallest possible amount that delivers treatment of DTC add new and valu-
and in cumulating organs and use a lethal dose of radiation to the entire able information to the dosimetry of
computer codes such as MIRDOSE3 lesion or metastasis while minimizing thyroid cancer treatment with 131I.
(3) or OLINDA (4). In either case, the side effects. The very nature of empiric Using PET results as inputs to a fully
procedure results in a complete list of fixed activities means that no attempt is 3-dimensional dose-planning program,
organ-specific absorbed doses and cor- made to determine either the minimum Sgouros et al. (13) obtained the spatial
responding effective doses, providing amount of radioiodine that will deliver distributions of absorbed doses, isodose
an assessment of the individual sto- a lethal dose or the maximum allow- contours, dose volume histograms, and
chastic risk. What remains to be done? able reasonably safe absorbed dose. mean absorbed dose estimates for a
The excellence and merit of the The method of lesion dose–based total of 56 tumors. The mean absorbed
MIRD committee and ICRP are be-
activity administration first introduced doses for individual tumors ranged
yond question. However, the bioki-
by Maxon et al. (8,9), which aims for from 1.2 to 540 Gy. The distribution
netic models currently used are often
a remnant absorbed dose of 300 Gy or of absorbed doses within individual tu-
based on human tissue distribution
a dose absorbed by metastases or mors was wide, ranging from a mini-
lesions of 80 Gy, and the approach of mum of 0.3 Gy to a maximum of 4,000
Benua et al. (10), a dose concept that Gy, showing the high variability of dose
Received Sep. 28, 2006; revision accepted
Oct. 4, 2006.
is based on a pretherapeutic blood ranges even within a single patient (13).
For correspondence contact: Michael Lassmann, dose assessment and that aims for a Kolbert et al. (5) provide dose
Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of
Würzburg, Josef Schneider-Strasse 2, D-97080
blood absorbed dose of 2 Gy, have not volume histograms and mean absorbed
Würzburg, Germany. been used extensively. doses for 14 normal organs, including
COPYRIGHT ª 2007 by the Society of Nuclear
Benua et al. observed bone marrow organs for which comprehensive doses
Medicine, Inc. depression more frequently for blood have not been published (for example,

2 THE JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE • Vol. 48 • No. 1 • January 2007

the salivary glands). This work also the observed discrepancies. The high- their biokinetics should be like those
shows good agreement between the est whole-body residence time (45.8 in healthy individuals with blocked
absorbed dose to the heart chamber h), observed by Hänscheid et al. (11), thyroid iodine uptake. The results
and the blood absorbed dose as mea- was about 4 times the value assumed obtained should be applicable not only
sured according to the method of Benua by the model calculations. From the for radioiodine therapy or estimation
et al. (10), thus indirectly confirming absorbed dose per unit of activity of organ doses from deiodination in
the validity of the method of Benua reported by the ICRP for red marrow labeled antibody studies, as claimed
et al. At present, therefore, the blood- (2) corrected for this factor, it can be by the authors, but also in diagnostic
based dosimetry approach seems to be deduced that even for the respective investigations with other iodine nu-
the only approach that is directly patient’s red marrow, the dose should clides, such as 123I and 124I. This
linked to clinical results and that is not have exceeded 2 Gy if the activity technique could also lead to improved
supported by sufficiently well mea- administered was limited to 14 GBq. dose estimates with the MIRD (1) and
sured dose data. The blood dose for this patient— ICRP (2) models for the diagnostic use
The absorbed dose in the target 0.35 mGy/MBq (11)—would have of these radionuclides. To be able to
tissue is the determinant of successful been 5 Gy at 14 GBq, with a high risk make use of the data reported by
therapy, and in metastatic thyroid of severe bone marrow depression (10). Kolbert et al. (5) for this purpose, it
carcinoma, a high administered activ- Obviously, the assumption used by would be highly desirable to obtain
ity is required to achieve high tumor the ICRP (2) that activity not taken additional information on the mea-
doses. Unintentional radiation expo- up by the thyroid, stomach, or small sured organ residence times.
sure of healthy organs, however, limits intestine is distributed uniformly Knowledge of mean organ absorbed
the maximum applicable radioiodine throughout the remaining body is not doses is useful mainly for collective
activity. A reasonable limit of the appropriate. The residence time in dose assessments and risk analysis in
absorbed dose to the red marrow and blood was found to be about 14% of dedicated diagnostic or therapeutic
the dose assessment data published by the whole-body residence time (11), procedures. For high-dose therapies,
the MIRD committee (1) and ICRP (2) although total blood volume repre- however, dosimetry is performed to
might be used to estimate the maxi- sents only 7% of the body. Radio- determine the maximum safe dosage
mum activity to be administered to iodine not specifically bound is for an individual patient. As Kolbert
patients. However, severe bone mar- confined mainly to a rapidly equili- et al. (5) pointed out, considerable in-
row depression, which is a limiting brating compartment of extracellular terindividual differences are observed
factor, was observed after treatment water with a distribution volume of regarding organ doses. It is a challenge
with activities of 11 GBq or even less about 20 L. Concentrations must be to reliably estimate organ doses from
(14); this effect cannot be explained by expected to be higher in blood, red a series of planar scans to predict the
use of the tables provided by the MIRD bone marrow, liver, and lungs than in maximum therapeutic activity that will
Committee (1) and by the ICRP (2) for bone, connective tissue, or body fat. not induce serious adverse effects in
calculating the corresponding doses. The data presented by Kolbert et al. other organs. Up to now, the correla-
How can the differences between (5) confirm this assumption. Doses in tion between assessed doses and
model calculations and observations the liver and lungs are higher than observed toxicities in targeted radio-
be explained? A major correction has those predicted by the MIRD (1) and therapy has not been satisfactory (see,
to be made regarding the whole-body ICRP (2) models. Mean organ doses for example, the report by Wiseman
residence time. In the MIRD (1) and are more or less comparable to the et al. (15)). Only a few studies have
ICRP (2) dose estimate reports, the observed blood dose; consequently, reported on evidence of a relationship
half-life of radioiodine excretion has the activity concentration will be only between dose and functional organ
been set at 8 h, corresponding to 11.1 h slightly lower than that in blood but impairment (16,17). Those studies
of whole-body residence time. Half- will be significantly higher than that were characterized by meticulous or-
lives typically observed in thyroid which would be expected for a uniform gan residence time evaluations that
cancer patients are longer, especially distribution throughout the body. Unfor- included all corrections potentially
under hypothyroid conditions. Mean tunately, no information is presented on affecting the outcome.
whole-body residence times have been red marrow doses by Kolbert et al. (5). Kolbert et al. (5) present a method
reported to be 24.1 h in patients This example shows that it might be of organ dosimetry that goes a step
treated after thyroid hormone with- worthwhile to use modern diagnostic further, with the potential to improve
drawal and 17.3 h in euthyroid patients techniques with the potential to gen- dosimetry considerably. A series of
after exogenous stimulation with re- erate spatial dose maps to confirm or tomographic images inaugurate the
combinant human thyroid-stimulating improve data on biokinetics for in- option to deduce a 3-dimensional dose
hormone (11). The increase in this dividualized patient treatment. The map for the individual patient. For many
easily measurable parameter alone, patients included in the study by years, it has been a long-term objec-
however, is not sufficient to explain Kolbert et al. (5) were euthyroid, and tive of nuclear medicine physicians to

SPATIAL DOSE MAPPING • Lassman and Hänscheid 3

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4 THE JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE • Vol. 48 • No. 1 • January 2007

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