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Concatenated field required in the DME format

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Vinda bailwar 03-May-2011 05:48 Dear All, I am usin DM!! tree "or the "ormat require# by the ban$% In the "ormat I nee# to &han e the "iel# 'alue a"ter &on&atenatin it% (or ! %

I" the )ayment Metho# o" the transa&tion is *+* then the 'alue in the out,ut "ile -ill be *+0.*%

(or this "irst I -ant to $no- -hi&h is the "iel# a'ailable in the DM! tree "or the ,ayment metho#%

/e&on# ho- i &an im,lement the &on&atenation o" the "iel#%

Than$s 0 1e ar#s

!#ite# by: 2in#a bail-ar on May 3, 2011 5:48 AM

Correct Answer by Anan# 1ai&hura on May 3, 2011 10:25 AM 3i,

4o to /!11 an# i'e the str&utre name as ()A53 6)ayment me#ium: )ayment #ata7% 5ou -ill "in# the "iel# 18A9! 6)ayment Metho#7 in /tru&ture ()A53% It is better to use stan#ar# "un&tion instea# o" -ritin user e:it%

)lease use /tatus as /tan#ar# at Attributes Tab, i" you -ant to ,ass blan$ -hene'er element is not ettin 'alue "rom it sour&e%

1e ar#s,

Anan# 1ai&hura See the answer in context 1133 2ie-s

A'era e ;ser 1atin 60 ratin s7

Re: Concatenated field required in the DME format

Anand Raichura 03-May-2011 0<:02 6in res,onse to 2in#a bail-ar7 3i,

I" you -ant to &on&atenate than you nee# to &reate atoms "or ,assin 'alue%

)lease "ollo- the belo- ste,s:or Element At attributes tab sele&t: ma,,in ,ro&e#ure as =-n Ma,,in 6atoms7 an# Atom han#lin : 01

or !a"ment method atom At attributes tab sele&t : ma,,in ,ro&e#ure as /tru&ture (iel#% At /our&e tab ,ro'i#e /tru&ture: ()A53 (iel# name:18A9!

or Constant #$%# atom At attributes tab sele&t: ma,,in ,ro&e#ure as >onstant% At /our&e tab ,ro'i#e: 0.

1e ar#s,

Anan# 1ai&hura
o o o

1e,ort Abuse ?i$e 607

Re: Concatenated field required in the DME format

Vinda bailwar 03-May-2011 0<:31 6in res,onse to Anan# 1ai&hura7 3i I "oun# your ans-ere 'ery hel,"ul%

@ut in the DM!! "ormat I #ont et the "iel# ()A53-18A9! "or ma,,in , in the a'ailable "ile#s "or ma,,in % /o I #e&i#e# to use !:it Mo#ule% Am I &orre&t or am i missin the "iel# in 'ie-in % >an u ui#e me "urther%

Than$s 0 1e ar#s

1e,ort Abuse ?i$e 607

Re: Concatenated field required in the DME format

Vinda bailwar 03-May-2011 12:10 6in res,onse to 2in#a bail-ar7 3i, I ha'e one more query% I ha'e a &on#ition "or the ,ayment metho#%

I" )ay metho# is *1* then out,ut 'alue is *141*% i" ,ay metho# is *+* then out,ut 'alue is *+0.*

&an u ui#e me ho- to im,lement it

Than$s 0 1e ar#s

1e,ort Abuse ?i$e 607

Re: Concatenated field required in the DME format

Anand Raichura 04-May-2011 08:2< 6in res,onse to 2in#a bail-ar7 3i,

)lease -rite &on#ition usin &on#ition ar ument%

)lease "ollo- the belo- ste,s:At attributes tab sele&t DM!!: e:isten&e status o" a "ormat tree no#e as 26=,tional: i" obAe&t has no 'alue, obAe&t is s$i,,e#7 an# in ma,,in ,ro&e#ure sele&t ra#io button >onstant% At /our&e tab ,ro'i#e &onstant as +0.6as ,er your e:am,le7% At >on#itions tab -rite a &on#ition that i" ()A53-18A9! B *+*%

>o,y the no#e "or other ,ayment metho#s%

1e ar#s,

Anan# 1ai&hura

1e,ort Abuse ?i$e 607

Re: Concatenated field required in the DME format

Vinda bailwar 03-May-2011 0<:35 6in res,onse to Anan# 1ai&hura7 3i I "oun# your ans-er 'ery hel,"ul% @ut in the DM!! "ormat I #ont et the "iel# ()A53-18A9! "or ma,,in , in the a'ailable "ile#s "or ma,,in % /o I #e&i#e# to use !:it Mo#ule% Am I &orre&t or am i missin the "iel# in 'ie-in % >an u ui#e me "urther%

I ha'e one more query A&&or#in to my require# "ormat i" any "iel# 'alue is blan$ the s,a&es shoul# be -ritten a&&or#in to the len th o" the "iel#% 3o- &an I a&&om,lish this% )ls 4ui#e

Than$s 0 1e ar#s

!#ite# by: 2in#a bail-ar on May 3, 2011 <:31 AM

1e,ort Abuse ?i$e 607

Correct Answer Re: Concatenated field required in the DME format

Anand Raichura 03-May-2011 10:25 6in res,onse to 2in#a bail-ar7 3i,

4o to /!11 an# i'e the str&utre name as ()A53 6)ayment me#ium: )ayment #ata7% 5ou -ill "in# the "iel# 18A9! 6)ayment Metho#7 in /tru&ture ()A53% It is better to use stan#ar# "un&tion instea# o" -ritin user e:it%

)lease use /tatus as /tan#ar# at Attributes Tab, i" you -ant to ,ass blan$ -hene'er element is not ettin 'alue "rom it sour&e%

1e ar#s,

Anan# 1ai&hura

1e,ort Abuse ?i$e 607

Re: Concatenated field required in the DME format

Vinda bailwar 03-May-2011 10:50 6in res,onse to Anan# 1ai&hura7 3i, Than$s a lot "or the hel,% My ,roblem is sol'e#

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