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What you are about to read is, Denmark: My Roots, it is an essay that I wrote during Composition One last

semester. We were assigned to write an essay about our heritage and where we have traveled and our most favorite place that we traveled. In this essay you will read that the movie, The Little Mermaid, wasnt what we all think it up to be as. Denmark is also full of culture and is into natural ways of getting energy. People of Denmark decent are much laid back and easy going kind of people. I chose to share this essay with you because it is one of my favorite essays I wrote. It was an open essay that did not have any boundaries for me. I also love to learn new inspiring things about myself and what makes me who I am. I have never known much about my family or my heritage so this chance to look into it made me happy and super eager. In this essay I also got to share one of the most amazing trips of my life I got the opportunity to take! I got to share and tell the wild stories of me traveling to Brazil. I never in my wildest dreams thought of going to Brazil, but life leads you in ways that will take you away unexpectedly. The trip to Brazil was a very liberating experience for me, even though my mother and brother went. I turned 18 there and I just felt freer. I think its amazing that I get to share my experience there. I of course got a good grade on this essay I wouldnt choose an essay that I didnt make a good grade. I enjoyed writing this essay so much hope you have a great read!

Summer Jefferies Mrs. Davis Comp. 1 MWF 1:30 15 November 2013 Denmark: My Roots. The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page, those wise words are from, Augustine of Hippo. I have always dreamed about traveling and getting to experience new cultures. I came from a broken home until I was about 6 years old. I dont have a big family and only know my mothers side, because I dont know my biological father. If I were given the chance to travel to my roots of Denmark I defiantly would! There are many reasons to why I would take advantage of that experience here are a few, I would love to experience a new culture, I could find out possibly why I am the way I am, and to just get educated of my heritage. Being able to experience a total different culture other than the good ol American culture would be a dream. Not only would I get to be around a different culture, but I would get to experience my background culture. Cultures are different all around the world and knowing that I could get to know myself on a deeper level would be an amazing time. Culture is an important aspect in ones life. Culture is what makes someone who they are on the inside and out. Being able to travel to my heritage would able me to embrace more of my cultural roots. Finding out why I am shaped, or like certain things could in the end all tie back to Danish cultural ways. I have always had an identity problem until about two years ago. Being able to have that comfort inside of me knowing that Im from that special place and I am from somewhere or someone important, would feel great. Denmark is the happiest place on earth, which could be a possibility to why my half of the family is so openly and great people.

I believe education on ones heritage is important. Why not take a chance to go visit back to the roots of the family? Being educated about my heritage would allow me to figure things out I never would have before. My several times grandmother could have been someone of royalty or importance. Why not take a chance? I will be talking about my heritage place which is Denmark. Denmark is smaller than Massachusetts and has low to flat to smooth hills that run across the region. The lowest part of this region is Lammefjord at 7m, and the highest point is Yding Skovhoej which sits at a point of 173m. The Kingdom of Denmark is located in Northern Europe and borders the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. On the peninsula side it borders on the north side of Germany. Many Germans migrated to Denmark in a fleet to get out of Germany. The climate of Denmark is not unordinary, they are a temperate region with humid overcast weather. Their summers are cool and their winters are windy and chilly. The capital of Denmark is Copenhagen, this is where most tourist go if they visit Denmark. Unlike the United States Denmarks economy remains in good health and have zero, zilch, natta, no nation debt! When it comes to Danish culture it all comes down to family, parties, and happiness. There are a few places that I would like to visit if I ever went to Denmark. Denmark is known for their zoos, and also the Little Mermaid statue. The Little Mermaid statue didnt get much attention until the Disney movie came out. Ironically that movie is one of my all-time favorite Disney movies! After, the Disney movie the Little Mermaid, it made it to where the statue became a must see on the docks of Copenhagen tour list according to (desitnation360). Denmarks little mermaid is far from the happy ending like we all know it to be. In Andersons story the mermaid did not win the love of the prince and turned into a green sea foam monster like creature.

Denmark is rich in music, arts, history, and tons more. Denmark is known for their Folk dances that has been around since the 1700s. Danes are also recognized for their elaborate celebrations. Their biggest and most anticipated celebration is Christmas. They usually celebrate this for more of their cultural reasons rather than religious, like most. Denmark net states that, Denmark is said to be the place to go if you want a perfect white holiday. (Danish) This Christmas party consist of food, parades, fireworks, and family. Most people that are of Danish decent are tall and blonde. Danes are super outgoing and have a laid back type of personality. Most Danish families are small. Its an everyday thing to see unmarried people living with each other that have kids. In a city called Copenhagen people are way more fashionable. Only farmers wear the Dutch wooden shoe, most regular people do not wear them out in public anymore. Danish people have an artsy flow to their clothing, this plays into their artsy culture. Many people in Denmark ride bikes to school or work. They even ride their bikes in the snow! In Denmark most places are easy to get too and arent far away. Denmark tries to stay as environmental friendly as possible. Their most reliable energy source is wind power! Denmark prohibits civilians to have any kind of possession of a weapon such as a gun. Only police and military people have this right to handle weapons. With no civilians having possession of guns this ties into them having a peaceful personality. I have a friend from Denmark and she was raised in a home where corporal punishment was not the answer, instead they would have time out. People of Denmark find high school much harder than most high schools in the United States. College in Denmark is where it becomes easier for them. Traveling has always been a part of who I am. Being able to travel to such a rich and wonderful culture knowing that its a part of my background would be an unexplainable

experience. Getting to know more about my past and educating me on a culture that is so true and pure would be a great opportunity. Danish culture has won my heart and I hope one day I will be able to travel their and experience in real life and not just behind a computer screen.

Lonely Planet, ( 2013)

Danish Culture

Dates July, 2006 July, 2006

Destination Prais, France

Venice, Italy

Highlights Eating a French fry in France, climbing the stairs of the Eiffel Tower Rowing down the river like in the movies. 1 went to Disney for the first time. Rain forest caf was awesome! 2 went to Disney for a second time eating with the Disney characters was great. Went to sea world as well. 3 went to universal studios and Disney with Luan. Went to the beaches of Miami. Visited my brother all three times in a town I dont remember. Also got to see where I was born, Placerville, California Playing on an elite softball team for camp. Going to the beach and spending time with family Jumping over waves on New Years for good luck. Holding a bald eagle and watching bears eat salmon.


July 2003 2005 2012

1Orlando, Florida 2Orlando, Florida 3Orlando, Miami, Florida

March 2006 2008 2012 July 2009

Everywhere in California


Jully 1998 ect 2012

Newington, New Hampshire Portsmouth, Maine December Curitiba, Brazil 2012 June- July 2013 Alaska

Places You would like to visit Kenya, Africa Sydney, Australia Nepal, India

Highlights of those areas Going on a safari. Also helping others once I become a Nurse. Snorkeling by the great Barrier Reef. Walking the streets of India, experiencing the culture.


My Travels to Brazil.

I went to Brazil the Christmas of 2012, to go visit my boyfriend no ex-boyfriend and his family. Luan was an exchange student at my high school and we dated for almost a year. When he asked me to come to Brazil for Christmas I could not have said no. my mother and brother also went it was a great experience. We traveled on the day the world was supposed to end, that was a little spooky. When we got into South America we got through customs pretty quickly because we were standing in the wrong line and because we were American they just checked us and let us through without any problems. We arrived in Sao Paulo and our destination was Curitiba. Luan had someone pick us up at the airport and drive us to our destination. It almost took us five hours to get to a place that was only two hours away. That was the only bad thing I can think of was the traffic in Brazil. The traffic would get so bad that people would turn their vehicles off and sit outside in lawn chairs. Brazil is a super vibrant country. There are so many beautiful places to experience there. They had about three parks in the city I stayed at and they were stunning. People of

Brazil are very friendly as well they welcome you with open arms. The one thing I dont like about the life style there is that you are either rich or poor there is no in between there. The economy sucks and the government is controlling, there government is military based, and when you are 18 you have to take a test and if they want you to join you join no options. The climate is about as crazy as Oklahoma! One day it can be sunny and super-hot and the next rainy and cold. During Christmas time there its summertime and we went to the beach after Christmas day. I spent Christmas, my 18th birthday, and New Years there. Their New Years Traditions are so much fun! Everyone eats a big dinner together then we went to the beach dressed in white and jumped waves for good luck and good fortune for the New Year. The beaches of Brazil are like no other. I would do anything to live on a beach in Brazil. The water is clear and warm. I could look for miles in front of me and then look behind and only see mountains. The sun was unbearable hot when on the beach I got sunburnt the first ten minutes I was there. Even though I went to visit a boyfriend that now is no longer my boyfriend I still dont regret going. I had an amazing life experience there, it was the first time I felt free. Taking the time to travel while Im young will always be something I will do, and taking advantage of the experience and living like there e is no tomorrow will always be something I will do. I hope one day I could go back to Brazil and experience more of it and travel more in South America.

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