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Making a shortcut

Make a shortcut to your "DragonAge2.exe" file (typically located in the C:\Progra !iles (x"#$\Dragon Age %%\&in'ship folder$ on your desktop( )tart Menu( or *here+er. ,ight click on the shortcut( choose properties( then add the follo*ing to the end of line in the "-arget" field: -enabledeveloperconsole . it should look so ething like this:
"C:\Program Files\Dragon Age II\bin_ship\DragonAge2.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole

/e sure that there is a single space &et*een the last 0uotation

ark and the hyphen

And some commands

runscript healplayer 1 2eals the entire party runscript injury remparty 1 ,e o+es all in3uries fro runscript injury remall 1 re o+es all in3uries fro party e &er the selected party

runscript addmoney X 1 Adds copper in the a ount of 4( i.e.5 67777 8 6 9old piece runscript killallhostiles 1 Destroys all ene ies. /e careful here &ecause this can &reak scripted encounters and can potentially &lock progress. runscript addxp X 1 Adds experience in the a ount of 4 runscript pc_immortal 1 :ou *ill still lose health( &ut not die. Can &e undone *ith runscript pc'i ortal 7 runscript cheat 1 9i+e all party e &ers a *hite;glo* effect *ith *hite dust spray out *hen you o+e( te porarily raises party<s defence &y a significant +alue( ho*e+er( da age is still taken. (needs clarification$ runscript zz_upgrade 1 =pens the enchant ent *indo* runscript zz_app_debug 1 =pens the Appro+al de&ug *indo* to set Appro+al rates and ,o ance flags (this doesn't work for Sebastian, you must use his personal zz_seb_debug command) runscript zz_supercrit player 1 Adds 6777 )ta ina and 2ealth( >7 Dexterity and )trength to 2a*ke. ?ote that this effect is irre+ersi&le. =nce you use this( you cannot pick up loot. -his effect is irre+ersi&le( &ut the extra attri&ute points the Maker<s )igh. ay &e redistri&uted using

%n certain +ersions this effect does not restrict loot fro &eing picked up. -he effect can also &e repeated. @se Maker<s )igh then reenter code. :our character *ill ha+e >7A to strength and dexterity and you *ill ha+e o+er 677 points to distri&ute -o achie+e this effect *ith any co panion( prefix the chosen co panion<s na e *ith gen00fl_ in place of player. ex: r nscrip! ""_s percri!

runscript dbg_setattrib [attrib] [value] ; gi+es the selected party e &er a 6"7 sec. attri&ute &uff B de&uff( *here Cattri&D is a nu &er fro 6 to # (68)tr( 28Dex( E8Mag( F8Cun( >8Gil( #8Con$( and C+alueD is the a ount &y *hich you *ant to raise it. A negati+e C+alueD can &e used to lo*er the attri&ute instead (i.e. ;6>$. runscript bo lingforferelden H -his co and surrounds you *ith a &all of energy and allo*s you to knock around nearly any ?PC (party e &ers included$ like &o*ling pins. /e sure to sa+e &efore you do this( as it ay ha+e unintended conse0uences (pushing ?PCs into unreacha&le areas for exa ple$. Gears off after >7 seconds. :ou can find these of Dragon age *iki to 3ust look up console

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