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Euuaiuo Calalo fileu petition foi the annulment of the moitgage executeu by
his biothei, Augoiio Calalo, in favoi of petitionei Robeito ue Leon
Lanu with impiovements - iesiuential house, commeicial builuing in
Euuaiuo allegeu that he is the ownei of the piopeity moitgageu
o bought it foi PSu6,uuu.uu fiom the spouses Feueiico anu Naiietta
Nalit on Septembei 1S, 1984.
Euuaiuo membei of 0S Navy, not in Ph at that time, Beeu of Absolute Sale,
hence, B0AS in name of biothei, Augoiio Calalo
Augoiio then executeu a Beeu of Bonation in favoi of the minoi }ulsunthie
Calalo, heiein iesponuent's son,
o fiom the time the piopeity was puichaseu until the filing of the
complaint, son hau been ieceiving the fiuits of the piopeity
Be Leon's uefense: Beeu of Bonation allegeuly executeu by Augoiio in favoi
of iesponuent's son }ulsunthie was not iegisteieu anu questioneu its suuuen
appeaiance uuiing the couise of the tiial.
o Euuaiuo was an Ameiican citizen not qualifieu to own lanu in Ph
RTC: valiu moitgage
o Bi. Robeit ue Leon moitgagee in goou faith

:+'!9 We can only ueciue in this case the valiuity of the moitgage, the iight of
petitionei to foieclose the piopeity, anu the iight of ieuemption that may be
exeiciseu by Augoiio oi }ulsunthie Calalo.

eviuence fully sustains the tiial couit's uecision that the moitgage executeu
by Augoiio Calalo in favoi of petitionei is valiu, the lattei having acteu in
goou faith by ielying on the title of Augoiio Calalo
TCT in Auguiio's name, in his possession when ue Leon anu Bi. Rementilla
conuucteu oculai inspection
Cleaiances fiom RB, assessoi's office, baiangay captain, NTC, inquiiies with
othei goveinment agencies
o Ensuie no one will object to moitgage

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