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Text and Photography by: Dr. Raditya Jati Center for Land, Region, and Disaster Mitigation Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)

A. INTRODUCTION Rapid urbanization has increased urban population disproportionately to a country annual growth and depends on the industrialization and economic growth. The capital city of Jakarta with the fast growing city had experienced contrasting from development impacts. Problems had occurred on environment degradation, pollutions, poverty, land use change, conflict of interest, any many more problems occurred likewise most megacities around the world. The contrasting landscape of Jakarta had made the city endangered by flooding in several places and environmental destructions mostly along the Ciliwung River. The city of Jakarta has an important major river of Ciliwung River, passing through the urban areas. Many times, communities spring up in slum areas or as low-income centers in the periphery of urban area on the riversides. Although the riverside have to be considered as restricted areas for settlement development, but the land have been so valuable for the people in Jakarta that are mainly have a job in informal sectors. Some of the low incomes that have mushroomed within the more than 20 years on the urban riverside area are cre-

ating poor settlement and environmental problems. The local and national government have not been able to keep pace with the urban expansion for providing basic amenities to the people. In the absence of basic amenities from local governance, these communities either resort to organizing their own system or depend on the existing strained resources. Poverty and environment problems are related in various dimension, complexity and mostly these relations cannot be understand clearly and integrity. Hence, the environment quality of poor settlement along the urban riverside becomes a challenge, especially in the major cities where the problem and issued of urbanization are of immediate importance. The concept of designing the waterfront settlements should consist of waterscape planning, waterfront area, and waterfront activities including community development. The efforts on the community development are attempt to increase the environment quality including waste management, access to clean water, esthetics, and historical traditional ceremony. Kampong improvement programs are encouraged by the community, therefore an instrument for monitoring and evaluation program for community development especially on poverty are needed. The concept of `livelihood has evolved considerably since the 1970s when `development was dominated

Ciliwung River had been assumed to be in low livelihood condition with low degree of social coherence and economic flexibility in absorbing surplus labor, informal sector employed, and low access for economic and natural resources
by a modernizing agenda involving interventions designed and implemented by strong states. Macroeconomic policies paid little attention to livelihoods as such and trajectories were assumed to follow a more or less straight line towards higher standards of living1. Mostly the people living in the riverside in Ciliwung River had been assumed to be in low livelihood condition with low degree of social coherence and economic flexibility in absorbing surplus labor, informal sector employed, and low access for economic and natural resources. When water levels in the Ciliwung River begin to rise, residents in flood-prone districts Jakarta, brace for the coming disaster. This scenario is all too common in Jakartas 78 zones regularly affected by flooding. With 40% of its land below sea level and 13
1 D.K., Bagci, (1998), Conceptual and Methodoligical Chalengges in the Study of Livilihood Trajectories: Case-studies in Eastern India and Western Nepal. Journal of International Development 10, 453-468

rivers flowing through it, this city with 8.4 million people on the marshy northern coast part of Java has long struggled with floods. Neighborhoods such as Kampong Melayu, Jatinegara, and Cawang experience yearly inundation2. The problems have intensified with rapid urbanization and development. Construction along the riverbanks has destroyed native vegetation in many areas, leading to erosion and silting of riverbeds. As a result, sections of the Ciliwung, the citys largest river, have been reduced to fraction of its original width and depth. And as more area is covered by cement and asphalt, less rainwater is able to seep into the ground, so it runs into the river3.
2 Starke, Linda. 2006. State of the World: Our Urban Future. W.W. Norton and Company. New York. Page 130 Nagara, Biko. River Management. 3 Ibid

Integrated waterfront riverside of Ciliwung River efforts in Indonesia typically must address nine inter-related and often overlapping issues: 1. Lack of knowledge and monitoring of riverside resources and processes; 2. Natural resource based valuation of riverside; 3. Lack of empowerment of the communities and resource users; 4. Lack of clarity regarding legal authority and planning frameworks; 5. Lack of institutional capacity to undertake integrated of river basin (experience has shown the value of broadening stakeholder participation to better utilize the knowledge and local capacity of resource users); and 6. Lack of integration between initiatives; 7. Lack on environmental issues, especially waste management and water sanitation, benefit of land use, and communities involvement; 8. Lack of trans-knowledge among cross cutting issued, such as livelihood and disaster mitigation; 9. Lack of policy development between top down and bottom up approaches.

All related with the spatial relation with the activities, access, and asset in household level communities.
The entry point of livelihood has aimed at attaining food security, and economic surplus, to that of a sustainable aquaculture, farming productivities, and ecotourism, aimed at providing sustainable riverside livelihood and contributing to poverty alleviation. Nevertheless, contributing livelihood at the Ciliwung River will focused on the main impacts of the economic situation in Indonesia, the mechanism that should be developed in the riverside communities, and the coping strategies for economic situations. All related with the spatial relation with the activities, access, and asset in household level communities.

B. EMERGING ISSUES The fast growing city of Jakarta had been rapidly developed, especially in the area that are potential of natural resources will be densely populated. The riverside of Ciliwung River had physical, biotic, and cultural pressure that gave impacts on the environment, which include the land capability, air, water, social economic, and governance. The sustainable zone need a integrated concept and action plans to maintain the sustainability of the riverside and the its living being. The need of integrated riverside management is a priority, since this concept normally not implemented in Indonesia, especially guidance for spatial planning and management. The issues are livelihood, spatial planning, and flooding mitigation plan. Therefore, the plan development and management of the riverside are not yet optimize. C. AIM OF RESEARCH Base on the facts, the aim of the research are: 1. to identify issues of riverside livelihood Ciliwung River and their major system drivers and sources of vulnerability and resilience; 2. to understand and develop social ecological dynamics in the paradigm of integrated waterfront

riverside management through parcipatory model for improving life quality and reduce poverty; 3. to publish a book on livelihood, spatial uses, and disaster mitigation of Ciliwung River.

Poverty and environment problems are related in various dimension, complexity and mostly these relations cannot be understand clearly and integrity
D. RESEARCH ADVANTAGES The research expectation can bring advantages for: 1. Science and knowledge, especially for livelihood on riverside, integrated riverside management in Indonesia, which is still in the development of concept, base on the participation of the stakeholders; 2. Advice for planner as guidelines and tools in assisting planning and managing the sustainable development in Indonesia that can also can reduce the poverty in Ciliwung, Jakarta Indonesia; 3. Publication, knowledge transfer, and lesson learned about livelihood, spatial planning, and disaster mitigation for public.

The integrations in the level of praxis should be implemented in model with tools and guidance for livelihood. To develop tools as necessity in planning process, and managing the riverside and waterfront social ecological system is needed as powerful advice tools to help the planners and managers. The system controls the physical, biotic, and sociocultural economic aspect and the interaction between the human and nature that tend to change the process of nature and utilization. Managing the activities of people in a way that conserves habitats while sustaining resources is extraordinary complex and difficulties. When environmental, social or cultural qualities are in decline, a key step in the remedy is for the public to be aware of changes, and the causes of changes.

E. RESEARCH METHODS AND ANALYSIS This research consists of three main methods, which are: 1. Literature Study and Presenden First the study will start by literature reviews from books, journals, project, and programs in national, regional, and local level in Indonesia especially for the study area. This includes collecting primary data from reports, books, government agency, and data bank. Beside literature study, there is also presenden study, which is theoretical review of concept in livelihood, and riverside management program that has similarity cases with Indonesia especially for the study area, such as successful cases, methods, issues also aboard in other counties by any reports or journals. The analysis will be in descriptive qualitative views comparing cases, using matrix, and adopting or modification of model livelihood for cases in Indonesia and other successful model as lesson learned from any other countries. 2. Field Observation The field observation is a descriptive qualitative review of the natural resource, economic and cultural resources, and social economic condition. This method is to get impression of the existing environment condition, to match the sustainable livelihood concept and spatial planning for the riverside of Ciliwung River. The field observation will be analysis by descriptive qualitative method. The surveys also include photography activities with land based and aerial based. Land based photography include daily activities, situation, environmental issues, social and cultural activities, portrait of people, which covered as daily life and journalistic photography. The aerial based will be conducted at 100 meter above sea level to get impression of the aerial view surrounding the Ciliwung River, with the dense populated settlements, waste and environmental existing conditions, and spatial linkage with other area and infrastructures. 3. Parcipatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) The Parcipatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) is use to identify issues related on the dynamic social-ecological system in Ciliwung River, identify any other issues related on the topic of the research in parcipatory way involving the stakeholders. Collecting the information from the stakeholders require method using participation, using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) the data of social, economy, expectation, perception of the stakeholders can be identify. The information also includes on developing the sustainable livelihood indicators, model of management and planning, and development of scenarios. The FGD also support by in-depth interviews with key persons such as government agencies, communities, private sector, industry, and NGOs. The analysis will be in descriptive qualitative method in developing the guideline and formulating the response due to the environmental impact. All of the method and analysis are to reach the aim of the study.

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