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Discuss using your own words the meaning of each statement.

INTRODUCTION This essay will define and elaborate on education statement by a few great philosophers that had made a great impact in their teaching and their life. VIVEKANANDA ! EDUCATION !TATE"ENT Vivekananda was born on January 12 186 . !e came from a respectable middle" class family were his father was an attorney and he is a lover of the arts and literature. !is father is a liberal"minded man and sceptical about religion but his mother on the other hand was a pious# kind and devoted to !indu.

Vivekananda statement Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man. $ndeed education is to enhance ones true potential# ability and capability. %ducation is a process of gaining knowledge and information. Vivekananda believe that education plays a vital role in curing the evils in the society and it is critical in shaping the future of humanity.1 &anifestation implies that something already e'ists and is waiting to be e'pressed and e'plored. The main focus in learning to be able to unveil the hidden ability of a learner manifests. (hat a man learns is really what he discovers during the process in education. )nowledge is inherent in human being# what it needs is *ust something to trigger it to bring it out. &anifestation indicates spontaneous growth# provided that the impediments are all removed. &anifestation in the view of Vivekananda can be interpreted in two levels spiritual and physical. +piritual manifestation is through morale# ethic and beliefs ,religious beliefs-. $t will be manifest through the way one speaks and present himself in public and in community. .hysical manifestation is achievement that one ac/uired. $t simply means that the persons are able to manifest their true potential and ability in their area or field. 0 perfect man would be able to manifest both spiritual and physical manifestation.

The word 1perfection2 in Vivekananda statement of education is very significant. $t shows that every action in a learning process is connected or a part of a creation of a prefect man in the end. 1.erfect2 implies completion or something being mad whole. 3esides that the 4reek definition of prefect suggests the idea of attaining a goal on an end. $t is to conclude that perfection in education means the achievement of the highest goal or ma'imi5ing the highest actuali5ation of one potential or abilities. 6e't importance in Vivekananda definition of education is 1already in man2. $t refers to the human being7s potential and the ability that is already in man which is the range of abilities and talent# known and unknown to them# which he was born with. This means every person is born with an abilities he himself may not know about. +o# $ assume here that everyone by birth is destined to be the person he has destine to be# if that ability or potential in e'tracted out from that person. 3y stating that it simply means everyone have the knowledge and potential to be a bright and smart person and it is the teacher7s role to trigger the potential in each one of us to enable us to be a genius. $ wonder if this is true because in today7s era of technology a child could not possible inherent the technology gen from their parents or is it possible8 $s it possible for someone to achieve this ultimate potential8 %ducation according to Vivekananda must provide 1life building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas This means the ideal education must be able to produce the ideal man with perfection that would be able to contribute the fullest potential to the society. &anifestation of perfection already in man means through ac/uiring education a learner would be able to improve its knowledge and intellectual# purify his emotion and have firm moral virtues and unselfishness yet still moving toward its ultimate goal to be the perfect man ant then only then according to Vivekananda will he has a complete freedom of soul. Vivekananda also observed that education is to serve the entire human being with regards to its kinds and the pursuits of knowledge is lifelong process. $n my personal opinion# in today7s technology and life knowledge is and will be a lifelong process. (ith the inherent gens that we have if we fail to picked up the new technologies and science we would be left behind and incompetent. Vivekananda also observed that education is a continuous and a lifelong process. !e said that As long as I live, so long do I learn. 0 man not only learn about science but man learn about their culture# their society and they should be able manifest is in their value and contribute it to their community.

6o man should be denied to getting education because only through education will our life be uplifted and only through education we will be able to achieve civilisation. 0ccording to Vivekananda also# that is it the duty for the one that had receive education to evangeli5es the ones that are still in the dark. $t is the role of the rich to help the poor so that they too will prosper and have better life. Today# in education the person that transcend knowledge and information are teacher. $t is the role of the teacher to always update themselves with new knowledge and information. 0 teacher must never stop asking /uestions and ac/uiring knowledge for it is their duties to be a thinker and to builds the prefect man.

A# $ARA%I ! EDUCATION !TATE"ENT 0l"farabi was born in (asi*# in the province of 9arab in Turkestan# in :;2 0<. !e came from a noble family where his father of .ersian =rigin was an army commander at the Turkish court. 0l 9arabi has agreat desire to understand the universe and humankind# ad to kow the latter7s place within the former#so as to reach a comprehensive intellectual picture of the world and society. 0l 9arabi died in <amascus at the age of 8>. The second philosopher is al 9arabi education statement he perfect human being is one !ho has ac"uired both theoretical virtues and practical virtues. The most important definition on al 9arabi education statement is 1the perfect human being2. 1.erfect2 means without any flaws or a complete. +o# 1the perfect human being2 would be a person without any flaws. (ould this person be a 4od"like human for he has no flaws in every aspect of himself8 0nother part of the statement mentioned about the 1one who has ac/uire2 meaning the person have received and digested proper training or gone through proper education process. Thus# this person has the has shown evidence has without any doubt achieve his level of perfections. The statement also defines the 1theoretical virtues2 refers to intellectual knowledge. The knowledge is about the ?reator# the &ost !igh# the active cause of all things and the governor of this world by his (isdom and *ustice. The 1practical virtues2 refers to the

becoming perfect in moral behaviour. $t consists of imitating the ?reator# as far as possible# by carrying out admirable actions. $ndeed the whole education activity of education in al 9arabi7s view can be summed up as the ac/uisition of values# knowledge and practical skills by individual within a certain period and a certain culture. The goal of education is to guide individual to perfection since human being was created for this purpose and the goal of humanity7s e'istence in this world is to attain happiness and the highest perfection or the absolute good. (hen the person ac/uire the both theoretical and practical virtues than only then the person could carry out the responsibility of political leadership and become the role model of the society for other people. +o# a perfect human being he e'pects from education combines both knowledge and virtuous behaviour@ he has attained both happiness and the absolute goodness at the same time. $n other words# al 9arabi sees education as a mould that could and would be the source of not only knowledge but to applying knowledge with the utmost virtuous behaviour. $n order to be the perfect human being a person not only have intellectual knowledge but could determine and only accept kind and good behaviour and tolerate nothing else but absolutely truly behaviour genuinely. 0l 9arabi also observed that education prepares us for a formation of a leader. $t is his views that a leader who leader should have ac/uired the perfect human. The leader should be able to conduct as a role model to the society and act fairly upon it people. $t is crucial for a certain kinds of people to obtain education than others because ignorance is more harmful in monarchs than it is in the common people#. +ince# most leaders in a country and also in a family are men. (ould this be the reason woman are often depressed from obtaining education in certain communities8 3eing depressed for education would be easier to manage and control the people because by not knowing it is easier to in still fear in them. (ould it be the reason certain community deprived certain kinds of people from obtaining education8 (ould it be one of the many reasons to deprive them from uplifting their social status8 Theoretical and practical practices differ from one society to another but through education it would nurture and prepare them to be free. $f we live in solidarity we might learn to live like a wild animal in order to survive but if we live in a community the goal of

education is to teach us to tolerate each other and to work together in the same common culture and goals in order to attain happiness. The accepted behaviour in one society is also different in another society. +o# his role of education would to show the learner the culture# behaviour accepted in the society and not only to teach intellectual knowledge. CON$UCIU! ! EDUCATION !TATE"ENT ?onfucius was born at Auyi in the principality of Bu. !is forebears were aristocrats from +ong. !is own father was a minor official who died when ?onfucius was still a child that led the family to poverty. !is initial employment was a low"grade officer in"charge of livestock and granaries. !e rose through the administrative hierarchy to become the prefect and director of public works at the age of C> in the city of Dhongdu and then he became the ministry of security and *ustice for Bu. ?onfucius took lifelong delight in learning as well as teaching and he lived to see his reputation and teaching spread far and wide. !e died due to illness at the age of ;2. 0ccording to ?onfucius education should aim to raise the level of individual morality if the moral level of society is to be raised. ?onfucius observed that education plays a fundamental role in the development of a society and also in the creating the characteristic of an individuals. $t simply means that 1by nature# me are much alike@ their practices set them apart2$Analects, %ang &ou'. This means the supremacy of virtue@ it can alter human nature and improve it in /ualitative terms. Through raising of individual moral standards it will renders society entirety to be more virtuous. &oral value according to ?onfucius are practicing love towards parents# having respect the elderly# must be diligent# have courage# must have loyalty# would tolerate each other in a family and in the society and many more. 0 person that has moral values in his life would definitely increase his social status in life. $f everyone in the society practice and have high moral value in them it would lead to a more civili5e society and $ would increased the value of that society. ?onfucius e'plained that a teacher must be the role model to the students. They as teachers must understand their students7 uni/ue behaviours and attitudes and use suitable techni/ue to teach them depending to their level and understanding. !e# ?onfucius believes that education is for everyone in the society not only for a certain kind of people. %ducation must be a tool to increase the level of the society.

?onfucius also determined that there are two pillars of education that are moral instruction and imparting of knowledge. &oral instruction is the basis of ?onfucian teaching. $n the feudal society# it reshaped the moral concepts and proclaimed a series of new rules that put an end to political chaos and moral decadence. ?onfucius believe that the creation of man with high moral values and integrity and eventually this man will help to govern the country and since they have high moral the people will be able to live in security# peace and prevail. $n order to instil moral values and also to have it balance with intellectual development in his disciple# ?onfucius drafted si' manual and these manual became the foundation of is teaching and learning. These books essentially talk about social relations and ethics# and he includes others sub*ect such as philosophy# history# politics# economics# culture and musicianship. 3esides moral values# the second pillar is imparting of knowledge. This means the need to learn life skills besides moral ethic. ?onfucius teaches si' arts that are rites# musicianship# archery# chariot"driving# calligraphy and mathematics. The purpose was to impart skills and know"how through practice and it would inculcate sound moral sense and provide a solid cultural grounding that were necessary for a competent e'ercise of the public office. ?onfucius education concerned solely in the making of 1man of /uality2 and he provides the tools that they have to master. 0s a remarkable teacher he# himself have been a role model as a teacher and a leader for countless generations. $t is through education ones ac/uire moral virtues and through education we learn how to life with each other in a community without conflicts. $n any country their economic and political stability can only be achieve if the leaders are e/uip with high moral standards because then and only then they will ensure the people need before their own and continuous stability will lead to prosperity since the people are happy and living in security. &#ATO ! EDUCATION !TATE"ENT .lato was born in C28 3?. !e was born to a family that belonged to the tops ranks of the 0thenian aristocracy. !is father was a descendent of ?odrus# who was the last king of 0thens. The brother of one of his mother7s ancestor was +olon# who was the great 0theian statesman and law"maker. =ne of his uncles# ?ritias# was to become a member of the ?ouncil of Thirty. .lato was predestined to play an active role in politics yet he did not choose the path. .lato went to private school where he studied reading# writing# arithmetic and arts. !e

also attended physical training at the gymnasium. 0t the age of 2># .lato became the disciple of +ocrates. !e founded the 0cademy in 0thens. .lato died at the age of 8> in C8 3?. .lato7s education statement is Education should free people from false opinions and students should learn the truth on their o!n rather than by force ( Analogy of the )ave. !e believed that all human lived in the world of appearance e'cept for the true philosophers. $n my opinion the statement are divided into two parts that is education should free people fro false opinions and the second part is students should learn the truth on their own rather than by force. The first part of the statement means that education would be able to create people with free mind and it would also enlighten the people with knowledge. There many things which are unknown to human being in the past and by not knowing people often driven to fear. )nowledge has contributed in overcoming the fear for in education human beings had learnt the truth about things around them# nature and politics. =ther than that# education teaches people to ask /uestions and to seek more knowledge. 0ccording to .lato a teacher should teach the pupils to be able to determine the different between right and wrong. %very child education should be guiding them to evaluate their behaviours and actions besides to guide them to think and ask /uestions to seek the truth. 1It is only through proper education that human being !ould be able to free themselves from the chains of their senses, desires, ambitions and passions and they !ould be able to accede, progressively, passing from one level of enlightenment to the ne*t, to true kno!ledge and ultimately to the vision of the Agathon, the +inal ,ood $-./0-E) 1 vol23, no 142 ,1553,p.#25-32'. This shows that according to .lato education would free a man from himself and would be able to seek the truth like the man who seeks answers in the analogy of the cave. The second part 1students should learn the truth on their own rather than by force2. !ere .lato is referring to the action of ac/uiring knowledge should comes naturally rather than through feeding method where a learner are re/uired to memori5e and absorbs knowledge like a sponge. .lato believed that educations start from a very young age from day one and even before birth. The teaching of cultures begins at home where parents or

guardians start by telling tales and through the stories told it will determines the character and mould the child into individual. +o# it important to choose the right stories to tell a child. %ducation is a step by step process and it should not be rush and force into someone and .lato recommended that all education must be presented# no in the form of compulsory instruction because a free soul would seek and pursue any study slavishly. 0ccording to him nothing that is learned under compulsion stays !ith the mind $.epublic, 6#7d-e'. $n the analogy of the cave# .lato tells us a very uni/ue story where $ could summari5e it that what he is trying to tell us in the story is that man with knowledge should not hesitates to talk about it but the acceptance of knowledge would not be immediately because the truth are always being feared. !uman being who lives in comfort 5ones would not easily open"up to accept some unknown knowledge without evidence because of fear. Though# it should not stop those with knowledge to teach and enlighten. This to me shows that# a teacher should not give up sharing knowledge and always find new ways or method to teach their students. $n it their moral obligation as a teacher that their student would be able to accept knowledge naturally and not to teach for e'aminations purposes as that kind of knowledge normally disperses after the e'aminations. 0ll that received knowledge will be able to see the truth and all that refused knowledge will always fear of the dark for they have not seen the truth.

Re'ate the ideas of each (hi'oso(her with the "a'aysian !ystem of Education. &ro)ide s(ecific e*am('es.

1%ducation in &alaysia is a continuous effort towards enhancing potentials of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner in order to create individuals who are well" e/uipped intellectually# spiritually and emotionally. This effort aims to produce knowledgeable# ethical and responsible &alaysian citi5ens who are can contribute towards the harmony and prosperity of the community and nation.2 $8ational -hilosophy of Education'. 0l" 9arabi statement on education 1the perfect human being is one who has ac/uired both theoretical virtues and practical virtues2 has definitely plays a ma*or role in the &alaysian %ducation +ystem.. The &alaysian %ducation .hilosophy is a guide for all educational activities in &alaysia. $t sets the values and principles of the &alaysian education system from the primary to the tertiary level. The influenced from the four distinguish philosopher that have affected the &alaysian %ducation +ystem first at foremost is that &alaysia %ducation +ystem provide education for everyone with regards of gender and races. $ts aims and ob*ectives of the &alaysia %ducation is to produce individuals who are knowledgeable and full of integrity that will be able to contribute productively to the country as a learned# responsible and ethical citi5en. The learner will have a strong mental and physical after they have completed their education through &alaysian %ducation +ystem. 0ll of these are in line with the education statement given above especially with the statement given by 0l" 9arabi and ?onfucious. 0ccording to them through education we would be able to produce man with high integrity that one day is the leaders of the country and through education they would be able to uphold this living status. ?onfucius statement mentions that 1education should aim to raise the level of individual morality if the moral level of society is to be raised2. .lato mentioned that education for each individual even before birth and education is a lifelong process. $n &alaysia education begins as early as possible for the children and depending on the parents# &alaysia education system provided early education for free if the parents could not afford private educations. This is how his ideas have affected the &alaysian %ducation +ystem.

&alaysia %ducation +ystem comprises of pre"tertiary education ,pre"school to secondary education- is under the *urisdiction of the &inistry of %ducation and tertiary or higher education is the responsibility of the &inistry of !igher %ducation. .re"primary is not really being emphasi5e in &alaysia %ducation +ystem but the parents are encourage to send their children to kindergarten# and nurseries from the age as young as years old. &ost of the nurseries in the city are manage by the private sector. +ome of them charge a huge fees where some charge only a small fee depending on the services offered in the nurseries whereas in the rural a few government ministries and some 64=7s like .%E&0T0# )%&0+ and +ocial 0ffairs &inistry set up nurseries for parents to send their children. The fees charges are very minimal and affordable. 0t the age C to si' years old they are encourage to send their children to pre" school. &any pre"school are being set up in the primary school. 4overnment aided school also provide pre"school education to young children. The government aided school normally charge an affordable fee for pre"school education whereas the government pre"school are provided for free. 3esides that pre"school education are also provided by the private sector if the parents opt for a better service but normally their fees are /uite e'pensive. .rimary education ,a period of 6 years- where the secondary education ,F years which encompasses years of lower secondary and 2 years of upper secondary- make up 11 years of mandatory education. The admission age to the first year of primary education is seven. .rimary schooling is mandatory for all children between the ages of ; and 12. +tudents sit for common public e'aminations at the end of primary that is G.+E e'amination# lower secondary they have to sit for the .&E e'amination and upper secondary they are re/uired to take the +.& e'aminations. $n &alaysia %ducation +ystem# tuition means supplementary academic coaching ,%duweb Technology# $khlas Tuition ?enter.-. ?hildren as young as seven were sent to tuition classes after their school hours. +tudents attend tuition classes on their own and pay for the profit"oriented tutoring service. Typically# students are taught what have been taught in schools and they learn twice ,4anesan# 2>1>-. Teaching techni/ues in tuition classes are geared towards helping pupils do well in the national e'ams such as G.+E# .&E# +.& and +T.&. 3esides all this in &alaysia %ducation +ystem pupils attend tuition to get e'tra education.

$n tuition classes# the tutors teach and give e'ercise based on e'am format and the sole purpose of meeting the e'am re/uirement instead of teaching real knowledge. +tudents go outside and seek tuition classes because of their and their parents7 general opinions towards public schools in &alaysia that deemed them to be low standards in teaching. &any students in &alaysia are rushed to tuition class once they get off schools without any proper rest. This might cause the students unable to focus in tuition classes. +ome students that are not doing well in their e'ams are forced to attend tuition by their parents# and this can cause the students to feel pressured when they are not improving after they went to tuition classes. +tudents who are busy attending tuition classes tend to neglect their co"curricular activities. This is not encouraged as co"curricular activities help develop discipline# leadership and team"building skills which are important interpersonal skills. Eecently &alaysia implemented 1&urid1+ukan where each pupils are re/uired to take part in one sports activity in school. $n my opinion this will help the pupils to stay active and not only focus on the e'aminations. .lato himself attended gymnasium for the physical education is as important as other kind of education and ?onfucius mentioned that education and physical education must be balance in other to achieve the ultimate person. $t is the focused on e'amination $ believe that focus on national e'aminations had made parents obsessed on their children to always be first in all e'aminations and they want to ensure that their children would achieve above other children. $n order to go further in education here in &alaysia they must e'cel in e'aminations. Gpon completion of secondary education# students who achieve good grades or e'cel in the +.& can opt to pursue 1 to 2 years of post"secondary education that is the form si' or the matriculation. 9orm si' or newly renamed to pre"G is provided in selected secondary school whereas matriculations is provided in college both public college and private colleges. . These are the university entrance preparatory course. $n total# the 12 years of school education serves as the basic entry re/uirement into Hear =ne of a bachelor7s degree programme in higher educational institutions. %ducation at tertiary level# institutions of higher learning offer courses leading to the awards of certificate# diploma# first degree and higher degree /ualifications ,at academic and professional fields-. The duration of study for a basic bachelor degree programme is years

and the courses of study at this level are provided by both the public universities and private universities and colleges. Tertiary education providers consist of two ma*or groupsI

.ublic ,government"funded- institutions of higher learning# for e'ample# public universities# polytechnics# community colleges and teacher training institutes. .rivate ,private"funded- higher educational institutions ,.!%$s-# for e'ample# private universities# private university colleges# foreign branch campus universities and private colleges. $n &alaysia# there are many education systems that had been used such as .rimary

+chool =ld ?urriculum ,)B+E-# .rimary +chool $ntegrated ?urriculum ,)3+E- and the most recent is .rimary +chool +tandard ?urriculum ,)++E-. )3+E is one of the education policy that had brings many achievement and successful in education system. $n addition# to improve current education system# )3+E makes few changes in two aspects which are curriculum and school culture. $n order to develop children as learners through )3+E# teachers must grounded into four principles which are integrated approach# holistic development of individual# one education for all and life"long learning. The aim of )3+E want to provide primary school pupils with language and arithmetic skills that enable them to communicate and solve problem in daily life for their future. 9urthermore# the changes of )B+E to )3+E are not only in curriculum but also in school environment. $n 2>11 )++E were implemented beginning with Hear =ne and will full be in use by the year 2>16. The difference between )3+E and )++E is the implementation +chool 3ased 0ssessment ,+30- and will )3+E emphasi5e on m7s ,reading# writing and counting- )++E on the other hand emphasis on Cm7s with the addition of penaakulan. 3esides that# )++E are removing &alaysia %ducation +ystem from e'am oriented education to task based education which focused more on learning rather that e'amining. 0ccording to .lato education is best learn naturally rather that by force and in my opinion learning through task based concentrate more on learning naturally rather than memori5ing for e'amination. .lato did mention about

memori5ing that it would not be permanent knowledge because it would disappear soon as the need of e'aminations is gone. The &alaysian %ducation +ystem also is highly influence by all the four philosopher ideas in terms of moral ant ethic education. $n &alaysia %ducation +ystem learners are re/uired to achieve high moral values and learners are also need to learn about 0llah in $slamic +tudies. 3esides that# learners learn to tolerate and live in multi racial environment with each other through -endidikan 0ivik dan 9e!arganegaraan. 0ll the four philosopher statement touch on the ultimate human being practice high moral values and ethics. The role of a teacher is to identify the pupil7s potential. These potentials are already with the child when they were born and it is the duty of the teacher to discover the pupil7s potential. &alaysian %ducation +ystem enables these to be done through the sub*ects taught in school. 0ll the sub*ects taught in school like &usic# Visual 0rts# and .hysical %ducation will allow some children to show their talent in the area they are born with. 0ccording to Vivekananda everyone is born with talent. !is education statement 1%ducation is the manisfestation of the perfection already in man2. )nowledge is already in everyone it is education that e'plores it and strengthens it.

+rite a conc'usion com(aring the four. Vivekananda# 0l J 9arabi# ?onfucius and .lato have their own views on education though they came from a different part of the world and they also have different ideas but they too have many similarities in their view on education. They background on them are as below@ Viviekananda 0l " 9arabi ?onfucius .lato <ate of birth on the <ate of birth on the <ate of birth on the <ate of birth on the 12 January 186 8;20.<. =riginI ?ulcatta# =riginI $ndia Tukestan FF13.?. (asi*# =riginI Auyi# ?hina C283.?. =riginI 4reece 0thens#

0ll of the four philosophers have been given the opportunity to learn. They received education and like .lato his path was determined because he was set to members of the ?ouncil. %ven though# ?onfucius father died and left his family poor but his forbearers has given him the opportunity to learn and improve his life. Vivekananda was born in a family that is already appreciating arts and literature where his father is a liberal and 0l J 9arabi was fortunate to have an army commander as a father that he had the chance to embrace knowledge. 0ll of them agree that education was not only for one man but for everyone regardless of their status in the society. ?onfucius believes that education should be provided to all men without any e'ceptions. Vivekananda fights for education e/uality in men and women. .lato7s polis can only survive if all its citi5ens7 received an education that would enables them to make rational political decisions. $t means .lato fights that everyone should get proper education so that they would be able to be a free man. 0ccording to 0l 9arabi education will be the core of civili5ation and with education# an individual will be able to reach it perfection and improve it status in the society. =nly 0l J 9arabi touch on the need for education in for the monarchs first so that they would be able to manage the country than# to the common people because as he said the political leaders are the captain that would be able to guide the people. These leaders will set the e'ample that to citi5en will have follow.

$n others words# a teacher would have to set a good e'ample for the pupils or students to model from. $f the head set the wrong e'ample# all the tails will also accept that e'ample as acceptable in their society. ?onfucius# Vivekananda and 0l J 9arabi both agrees that through education a man will be more ethical and they will have integrity. +ince according to .lato through education man will be able to see the truth and not blindly agrees to any false opinion. This means that through education we human would be able to decide the best for themselves and they would know the difference between right and wrong. ?onfucius demonstrated that education plays a fundamental role in the development of society and individuals. +o# the whole idea is if everyone is educated and enlighten the society will be living in peace and harmony without much social disasters. $n today society# social media plays much more in shaping the moral and ethic of the society. The educations system taught the children to behave well in school but in the media they can see many opposite behaviour than what is taught in school. Vivekananda believes that everyone is born with a talent. %veryone has their hidden potential# skills and knowledge that would be manifest through education. ?onfucius wrote many books on acceptable behaviours and also on world knowledge that one need to know in order to be that perfect human. !is teaching emphasi5e on love towards parents and the elderly. 3esides that# his teaching also stress on diligent# respecting each other# courage# kindness# loyalty and tolerance. $t is the duty of the teacher to identify the students and it is the teacher duty to determine what type of individuals he is going to form. $n the aspect of obtaining education ?onfucius also addressed that a balance physical education is needed to ensure a strong mind. 0l J 9arabi ideas are written in the form of books and article are mostly influence by his religion $slam and the 0l J Auran. 0lthough in his writing there are no direct views on education but 0l J 9arabi views on education can be sum up as ac/uisition of values# knowledge and practical skills by individuals within the particular period and culture. .lato believes that education starts form the days a child is form in the womb of its mother. !e advised mother to e'ercise to keep the baby in the womb healthy and alert. !e suggest parents to starts education as early as possible through fables though parents must

filter the stories told to be suitable for the children age. !e also believe that education is lifelong and human stops learning when they retire where the need of education retire as well. $n my opinion# in today era education does not stop even after we retire because every day there are new thing happening around the world and a retired person still need to keep themselves updated in order to be connected to the society. 0s a conclusion# all the four philosopher Vivekananda# 0l"9arabi# ?onfucius and .lato views on education is to create the man that are aware of their country politic needs# and leaders that would lead in perfection and to create man that can live with each other in peace and harmony in order to have a prosperous country. %ducation would teach man to distinguish between right and wrong so# in an idealistic society where everyone complete their course of education that society would have no social disaster and crimes that would lead to man leaving in harmony and that society would be able to grow and prosper. 3esides that# the four philosophers also agree that education will uphold a man livelihood. $n obtaining education a man will be able to uplift his social status and also through education a man would have a better live in the society. $t is because of education a man will be able to obtain a better *ob and will have a better financial that will give them a better economic power. Though# not everyone who go through the education process will be the able to obtain the same level of education but at least through education the will be literate. Biteracy will enables them to the truth and also to learn about spiritual. $f they are better than their parents# they can teach their children to be better than them. 6ot everyone will be an engineer but at least as .lato said 1 they !ould be able to make a good political choices for their country. Then# they will be a free man and they will be able to manifest their full potential. Bastly# in the reality# even a well taught man who has reach their full potential and a leader to the country could not run from conducting the opposite of the society morale code. $n the real world today man live in greed and in selfishness. They might have reached their goal in education but it would not be the reason to impart them with wealth. $t is not how much you give to the society that determine what7s you are worth in the world today but it is how much you have in the assets and in the bank account that count you to be in the highest level of the society today. $t is true that the idealist that the more you learn the more

knowledgeable you become but the more knowledge you know the better you become to go around the system and obtain more for yourself. RE$ERENCE, 1. &ok +ong +ang. 2>>C. .engantar .endidikan Teras. +ubang JayaI .ercetakan +entosa +dn.3hd. 2. %e 0h &eng. 1:8;. .edagogi Gntuk 3akal 4uru. .etaling JayaI .enerbit 9a*ar 3akti. . <atta. 3. 1:: . +wami Vivekananda# .atriot".rophet J 0 +tudy. ?ulcuttaI 6ababharat .ublishing. C. +ufian !ussin. 2>>C. %disi 2. .endidikan di &alaysia@ +e*arah# +istem dan 9alsafah. )uala BumpurI <ewan 3ahasa dan .ustaka

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