Lesson Plan

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Lesson Title: Endocrine Disorders Time: 50 min class period Terminal Objective: Given a model students will be able

to create a treatment plan including, a description of the disorder, symptoms of the disorder, treatments and/or cure and any prevention strategies for their given endocrine disorder. Content Standard: There aren t any set for anatomy standards but !ountain "iew created their own standards for each unit in the anatomy and physiology curriculum. Strand 4: #ife $cience Concept 5: !atter, Energy, and %rgani&ation in #iving $ystems '(ncluding )uman $ystems* PO 5: Describe the levels of organi&ation of living things from cells, through tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, and communities to ecosystems Language Standards: +eading, E##, ", $tandard -, ./01 +eading, E##, ", $tandard -, E/02 3riting, E##, ", $tandard 2, ./14 3riting, E##, ", $tandard 5, ./1 CCSS.ELA Literac!."ST.## #$.% (ntegrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media 'e.g., 5uantitative data, video, multimedia* in order to address a 5uestion or solve a problem. &aterials 'eeded: Endocrine Gland Disorders wor6sheet Endocrine Gland Disorder Treatment plan guidelines 3hite board Document camera 7natomy and 8hysiology te9tboo6s $tudent notes 'otes on t(e lesson: This lesson is intended to be a cumulation lesson from the previous wee6. (n the previous lessons we discussed endocrine glands, hormones, disorders and treatments. This class period is intended for

students to wor6 in the classroom using their notes, boo6 and the teacher as a resource to fill in their Endocrine disorder wor6sheet, which they will use to write their treatment plan. Tim e 10 min Sub Objectives $3.7T list the 10 hormone producing glands of the endocrine system. ,loom-s Level: :nowledge 10 min $3.7T name 0/2 hormones secreted by each organ/gland. ,loom-s Level, :nowledge Student lead learning, Each table will be assigned a gland and they will list 0/2 hormones produced by that gland on their endocrine disorders wor6sheet. $tudents will share their gland s hormones with the class, allowing the other tables to fill in the missing glands on their endocrine disorders wor6sheet. Student lead learning: Each table will be assigned a gland and they will list the disorders associated with the over or under production of their previously listed hormones on their endocrine disorders wor6sheet. $tudents will share their gland s disorders with the class, allowing the other tables to fill in the missing hormones on their endocrine disorders wor6sheet. 7 different student form each table will come up to the board and write down the disorders associated with their given gland. Teac(ing Strategies ,ell.or): ;ill in gland column of endocrine disorders wor6sheet C(ec) *or +nderstanding $tudents will use their notes to fill in 10 hormone producing glands. <all on non volunteers to come up to the board and fill in a gland.

7 student from each table will come up to the board and write down the hormones they found for their assigned gland.

10 min

$3.7T list disorders caused by over or under production of endocrine gland hormones. ,loom-s Level: :nowledge

Tim e 10 min

Sub Objectives $3.7T describe treatments and/or cures for their specific endocrine disorders. ,loom-s Level: <omprehension

Teac(ing Strategies /ndependent Student learning: Teacher will assign each student a specific disorder 'some disorders will be repeated*, students will then list and describe the treatments and/or cures and prevention strategies for their given disorder. =sing the document camera, teacher will model how the students will write their treatment plan for their given disorder.

C(ec) *or +nderstanding $tudents will fill in the Treatment/8revention column of their given disorder on the Endocrine disorder wor6sheet for homewor6 and they will turn the wor6sheet in along with their treatment plan.

10 min

Given a model $3.7T create a treatment plan including, a description of the disorder, symptoms of the disorder, treatments and/or cure and any prevention strategies for their given endocrine disorder. ,loom-s Level: $ynthesis

$tudents will create a treatment plan according to the model shown in class and will turn in their treatment plan in 0 days along with their Endocrine disorder wor6sheet.

0ome.or): Endocrine gland disorder wor6sheet and treatment plan due in 0 days.

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