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EXT. PARK, BENCH - DAY FADE IN An Old lady sat on a bench is fumbling around in her pockets. She pulls out a phone, and with a gloved hand types in 3 digits. From a distance, she is watching two boys fighting. CUT TO: EXT. PARK, BASKETBALL COURT - DAY SFX. Fist against flesh The two boys throw punches, and one of them is knocked on the floor. WINSTON(15), gets on top of the other, squeezing his throat tightly with both hands. He leans away, uncontrolled rage permeating his expression. We see the boy's face turns purple as he tries to resist. His hands flail wildly towards Winston's face. He can't reach. Winston fumbles in his back pocket, producing a sharp pair of scissors. He raises his arm high in the air. The boy's eyes widen, fear escaping his lungs. Winston's hand plunges. Blood spurts up on his face, as a surge of pleasure escapes him. Fixated, his hand raises a second time. Again, the plunge and surge of excitement. Again. Again. He stops, his shoulders arched, predatory. He stands, and walks away casually. Over the body, and across the cold concrete. CUT BETWEEN: INT. PRISON, CORRIDOR - DAY 10 YEARS LATER Winston walks down the prison corridor, a guard in tow. He is handcuffed behind his back. CUT TO: EXT. PRISON - DAY Steel door slams behind. Winston is Wearing high waist black trousers and white short sleeved shirt. In R.hand a plastic bag. Across the road his mother JACKIE(50) is stood by her

car. She waves and walks across slowly across the road towards him. She embraces him, her red puffer jacket squeezing against his body. With her head on his shoulder, he reciprocates the hug. Jackie pulls him in front of her to get a better look. She looks him up and down and smiles. JACKIE Look at you... She gestures towards the car, and they walk across the street. CUT TO: INT. CAR - DAY Jackie is driving the car through the city. Winston looks out and glances across at her briefly. Winston looks down into his plastic bag. Inside are 3 condoms, a safe sex pamphlet and a food voucher. Jackie reaches across and squeezes his knee. He leans across and kisses her on the cheek. CUT TO: EXT. TUDOR LAWNS, DRIVEWAY - DAY The car pulls into the Cul De Sac, and slowly up the drive. The neighbors look on behind their curtains. The car Stops and they get out. WINSTON guides her into the house. CUT TO: INT. 8 TUDOR LAWNS, HALLWAY - DAY Jackie goes on into the kitchen to start unpacking some groceries. Winston is left stood in the hallway, taking in the house. All of the pictures on the wall are covered in tinsel. Winston takes the keys from the bottom of the step and locks the door. A small dog runs across the floor in front of him. He puts the key in his pocket. CUT TO: INT. 8 TUDOR LAWNS, KITCHEN - DAY

Jackie is separating a string of sausages on the kitchen counter. Winston suddenly embraces Jackie from behind. She jumps but he holds her tightly. He wraps his arms round her stomach, and leans his head on her shoulder. WINSTON Its so good to be back. You know I love you right? ...You know you'll always be special to me don't you? Jackie is stiff, but relaxes slightly, putting the scissors down on the counter. Winston lets go, picks up the scissors and starts separating the sausages, smiling at JACKIE. She looks wearily at the scissors. CUT TO: INT. 8 TUDOR LAWNS, DINING ROOM - NIGHT Winston and Jackie sit opposite. Winston takes a sausage, dips it into the beans and mash, and lifts it to his mouth with anticipation. Jackie leans across and grabs his wrist. JACKIE knife and fork love. She sits back down and Winston stares at his mother blankly. JACKIE CONT'D (retracting) No... no, you're right. Winston begins to devour the sausage. JACKIE starts eating. Winston looks up at a large portrait on the wall behind Jackie of his father stood behind his knelt down mother. Beneath it, a smaller portrait of a young Winston. WINSTON Have you missed me? JACKIE Of course I have. WINSTON Of course you have... And the dog.

JACKIE ...Well you've, you've been gone a long time. WINSTON Why was that?... JACKIE ...Let's just enjoy our meal. Lets... The dog wonders into the doorway, and looks at Winston, who stares back. JACKIE (reassuring herself) I just want you to know that everything will be O.K from now on. Winston ignores her, and continues staring at the dog. WINSTON I'm going to need some money. JACKIE ...I can't give you anything Winston, you know that. WINSTON You wouldn't make me push? Jackie resumes eating, defiant. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. 8 TUDOR LAWNS, LOUNGE - NIGHT Winston is stood by the window, and Jackie pulls the lounge curtains to. JACKIE I'm going to have a bath. SFX. Taps on full. CUT TO: INT. 8 TUDOR LAWNS, BATHROOM - NIGHT Jackie is lying relaxed in the bath, her eyes closed. The door handle turns slowly and the door opens slightly. Winston's eye in the gap. WINSTON

Jackie's head, breathing slowly. door opens fully, Winston walks in quietly, slowly. SFX. Creaking floorboard Jackie stirs, sees Winston, and shoots up, grabbing the towel on the floor to cover herself. She stands up in the bath, but he doesn't move. JACKIE (pointing) Get out! Winston stands there motionless. JACKIE ... I can't give you anything, you know I can't! Winston smiles, turns, and leaves the bathroom. Jackie is still in shock. She gets out of the bath, wraps the towel around herself and walks to the door. Sound of a chair being lodged up against the door. JACKIE (banging the door) Winston! Winston! She slumps down against the door. Jackie is sat on the edge of the bath, her head in her hands. Chair being unlodged from the door. Jackie heads slowly towards the door and opens it. CUT TO: INT. 8 TUDOR LAWNS, LANDING - NIGHT She walks along the landing and opens the door to a bedroom on her left. The room is dark, but the light from the landing illuminates Winston's room, which is a time capsule, old photos and toys kept in stasis. She pauses, before carrying on along the landing and down the stairs. CUT TO: INT. 8 TUDOR LAWNS, HALLWAY - NIGHT

The TV is on in the lounge, set to a phone sex channel. A Naked woman writhes around on the screen. The light illuminates a shirtless WINSTON, who is on the phone, eating some meat. beside him on the table, three empty condom packets. The reflection of the TV in WINSTON's eye. Jackie walks up quietly, hiding behind the doorframe. WINSTON (chewing) Turn around... slowly. Yeah. Look at you... You know I love you right? FEMALE VOICE Yeah ok honey, whatever you say Winston turns around and looks at straight at JACKIE. WINSTON (still chewing) You know you're special to me? Jackie darts behind the wall, out of her depth. FEMALE VOICE Yeah, I know it. Jackie rushes away into the kithen. CUT TO: INT. 8 TUDOR LAWNS, KITCHEN - NIGHT Jackie turns the sink tap full blast. The chopping board on the kitchen counter has the remnants of red liquid, and bits of fur. JACKIE leans in and scrapes the board with her finger, putting it up to her nose. Blood is dripping off the counter and a trail leads along the floor and up to the bin. Jackie looks at the bin, blood covering the rim. She walks over, pops the lid and screams, falling onto her knees. Winston is stood in the doorway, leaning on the frame. He walks up behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders, admiring his reflection in the window. FADE OUT

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