Shelf-Life Management: Paints, Sealants, and Adhesives: Users Guide

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Users Guide

Shelf-Life Terms
Shelf-Life (SL): The total period of time beginning with the date of manufacture, cure, assembly, or pack that an item may remain in the combined wholesale (including manufacture) and retail storage system and still remain suitable for issue to the end user. Shelf-Life Item: An item of supply possessing deteriorative or unstable characteristics to the degree that a storage time period must be assigned to ensure that it will perform satisfactorily in service. There are two types of shelf life items: Type I Shelf-Life Item: An individual item of supply, which is determined through an evaluation of technical test data and/or actual e perience, to be an item with a definite non! e tendible period of shelf!life. A one position alpha code (non!e tendible), e cept code "#$, is assigned to a Type % &' item.

Shelf-Life Management: Paints, Sealants, and Adhesives

Shelf-Life Management for Paints, Sealants and Adhesives, Federal S pply !lasses "#$#, "#%#, & "#'#
(Includes paints, sealants, and adhesives)

(etermining Shelf-Life !odes (heck the )*) +ederal 'ogistics %nformation &ystem (+'%&) using the ,ational &tock ,umber (,&,), %tem ,ame (ode (%,(), or %tem ,ame (%,) to determine the shelf!life codes (&'(). %f +'%& is not accessible, use +ed'og to check for the information. +or additional information, contact the )'%& &helf!'ife Point of Contact (POC). -hen an item is not a shelf!life item, it will be identified by a &'( of ".$ (/ero). %f such an item is suspected to be sufficiently deteriorative, the &'( of . in the +'%& may be invalid and a &'( challenge should be forwarded to the 0&A &helf!'ife 1*(. 2a/ardous items of supply shall re3uire special storage and handling in accordance with )'A% 4546.55 (see References). +or discrepancies or 3uestions concerning shelf!life codes, contact the 0&A &helf!'ife 1*( at 703-308-6532

GSA Global Supply Hardware SuperStore 1500 E. Bannister Road Bldg #6 Kansas ity! "# 6$1%1 &16'()6'*%15
+,e GSA Hardware SuperStore -anages .ederal Supply lasses &010! &0%0! and &0$0 and assigns s,el/'li/e ti-e periods /or t,e 0S0s assigned to t,ese 1o--odities. As an a1ti2e parti1ipant in 3#34s initiati2es in s,el/' li/e -anage-ent! GSA o//ers t,is bro1,ure as a basi1 guide and in/or-ation resour1e /or s,el/'li/e -anage-ent .

Type II Shelf-Life Item: An individual item of supply having an assigned shelf!life time period that may be e tended after completion of inspection, test, or restoration action. A one position numeric code (e tendible) or code "#$ is assigned to a Type %% &' item.

) idelines
Inspe*tion of !ontainer for )eneral !ondition and Servi*ea+ility The containers should be clean, secure, free from leaks and e cessive rust, distortion and/or other deterioration 'abels should be legible and securely attached to the container. 'abels should include: ,&, 7anufacturer and (A08 code (ontract number/'ot number )ate manufactured, and either e piration or inspect/test date

laboratory testing is re3uired nine (;) months prior to the re!test date for those items. The testing is performed to determine whether the item remains suitable for use by the end!user. Shelf-Life ,-tension & (isposal -hen Type % shelf!life items reach the e piration date, they can no longer be issued for use and are to be processed for reutili/ation, recycling, or disposal without delay to your servicing )97*. (ontact your facility environmental office to classify the ha/ardous material in order to turn!in to the )97*. %f assistance is needed for classification of the ha/ardous waste, contact the 2a/ardous Technical %nformation &ervice (2T%&) or the )97*/)97& &helf!'ife 1*(. -hen Type %% shelf!life items reach their inspect/test!date, check the )*) <uality &tatus 'ist (<&') or +ederal &tandard =;> for 0&A managed items, for &' e tensions. The <&', in the Test )ue column, contains e tension information for Type %% items that have been laboratory tested. This e tension information is valid only if the stock to be e tended has been properly stored per the applicable storage standards. The <&' is available online on the shelf!life website (see Websites). -hen Type %% shelf!life items fail laboratory testing, they can no longer be issued for use and are to be processed for reutili/ation, recycling, or disposal without delay to your servicing )97*. (ontact your facility?s environmental office to classify the ha/ardous material prior to turning it in to the servicing )97*. %f assistance is needed for classification of the ha/ardous waste, contact the 2T%& or )97*/)97& &helf!'ife 1*(.

GSA Extension Inquiries, @.;!64=!AB>B

Points of !onta*t
Shelf-Life Program ! ,, 703-767-1585 LA,, 703-767-2529 Army,, 570-895-7685 "avy,, 717-605-1506 A#, sles.airfor$, 478-926-4005 %&,, 703-695-8947 GSA,, 703-308-6532 #AA,, 202-267-8840 'S&G,$, 202-267-2183 T(A,, 505-846-8917 (%S,, 1-888-352-2255 LIS,, 1-877-352-2255

Material Safety (ata Sheets (MS(S) %f needed, obtain an 7&)& for the ha/ardous material from the 2a/ardous 7aterial %nformation 9esource &ystem (27%9&). The 27%9& is available on the -eb at and on the 27%9& ()!9*7. :oth 7&)& sources allow product information search using ,&,, manufacturer, supplier, (A08 code, specification number, or part number. To obtain a copy of the ()!9*7, or if you have any 3uestions regarding 27%9&, contact the 0&A 7&)& 9e3uest (enter or your +ocal 1oint listed in the 27%9& website. Laboratory Testing Testing is an element of inspection that generally denotes the determination, by technical means, of properties or elements of chemicals or other chemical products (ha/ardous or non! ha/ardous) or of their components. %t also involves the application of established scientific principles and procedures. +or items in storage,

.e+sites htt)*++,,, htt)*++,,, htt)*++,,, htt)*++,,,.ds$ htt)*++,,, )SA MS(S /e0 est !enter (omm.A5B!;@B!6.;=C )&, 4B6!6.;=, or 5!ABB.6AA.=B6; References
)*) 454..@=!7, &helf!'ife 7anagement 7anual, 7ay @..> )'A) 4566.>=/A9=.@!5A/,AD&E1%,&T 445..6BA/A+7A, @>!55./7(* 446..5>A, 7aterial <uality &torage &tandards 1olicy for &helf 'ife 7aterial, 7arch @..4 )'A% 4546.55/T7 >A!45./,AD&E1 1E: 6=>/A+F7A, @>!@.;/7(* 446..5@A, &torage and 2andling of 2a/ardous 7aterials, Fanuary 5;;;

+ederal &tandard >5>, 7aterial &afety )ata, April 5;;B +ederal &tandard =;>, )epot &torage &tandards, *ctober 5;;A

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