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A BRIEF INTRODUCTION Welcome, reader. You're about to venture nto a ne! !orld o" #er$onal #o!

er and $el"% m#rovement& t'e !orld o" $el"%'(#no$ $. W t' t' $ #o!er"ul tool, (ou ! ll be able to c'an)e t'e #ro)ramm n) o" (our $ubcon$c ou$ m nd and d $$olve barr er$ t'at *ee# (ou "rom ac' ev n) (our )oal$ n l "e. T'e #o!er o" t'e m nd $ ncred ble, and I'm #lea$ed to #re$ent t'e "ollo! n) n"ormat on and tec'n +ue$ to (ou. No! ! t'out "urt'er ado, let'$ )et $tarted,

W-AT I. -Y/NO.I.0 In order to )a n a )ood under$tand n) o" '(#no$ $, t'$ 'el#"ul to learn t'e t'eor( o" t'e 'uman m nd develo#ed b( Dr. 1o'n 2a##a$. -e came to t'e conclu$ on t'at $e#arat n) t'e con$c ou$ and $ubcon$c ou$ m nd$ $ a " lter, called t'e cr t cal m nd. T' $ " lter ! ll acce#t or re3ect n"ormat on de#end n) on 'o! !ell t " t$ t'e $ub3ect'$ n)ra ned #red3ud ce$, but n order "or c'an)e to occur more ra# dl(, t $ 'el#"ul to b(#a$$ t'e cr t cal m nd and )o r )'t to t'e $ubcon$c ou$. T' $ $ done b( overload n) t'e cr t cal m nd ! t' !'at are called 4me$$a)e un t$,4 $t mul "rom t'e env ronment, t'e $ub3ect'$ bod(, and ' $ or 'er con$c ou$ and $ubcon$c ou$ m nd$. 5an( ! ll $a( t'at t'e('ve never been '(#not 6ed and are t'ere"ore un$ure t'at t'e( can be. -o!ever, '(#no$ $ occur$ more o"ten t'an t'e common #er$on bel eve$& !atc' n) telev $ on, read n) a boo*, and dr v n) are all act v t e$ !' c' can lead to a $tate o" '(#no$ $. I" (ou've ever "ound (our$el" lo$t n a #lot or dr ven alon) ! t'out t' n* n) about t'e route (ou !ere ta* n), (ou !ere n a $tate o" '(#no$ $. Your "ocu$ narro!ed do!n, and t'e out$ de !orld almo$t cea$ed to e7 $t. W' le a $ub3ect $ '(#er$u))e$t ble, dea$ can be #lanted n t'e $ubcon$c ou$ m nd and u$ed to c'an)e be'av or #attern$ or !a($ o" t' n* n). I'm $ure (ou've e7#er enced t'e "ru$trat on o" !ant n) to $to# a bad 'ab t onl( to " nd (our$el" #art c #at n) n t'e o""end n) be'av or t me and t me a)a n. T' $ $ due to t'e "act t'at t'e $ubcon$c ou$ m nd 'a$ acce#ted a #ro)ram and $ $ m#l( carr( n) t out. W t' '(#no$ $, !e 'ave a #o!er"ul tool to ed t t'e $o"t!are o" t'e $ubcon$c ou$ and br n) ra# d c'an)e.

RE8UIRE5ENT. FOR .E9F%-Y/NO.I. All (ou trul( need n order to be) n a #roce$$ o" tran$"ormat on t'rou)' $el"%'(#no$ $ $ a ! ll to c'an)e and a "e! $ m#le tec'n +ue$. T' $ !or* (ou are read n) no! ! ll #rov de (ou ! t' t'e tool$ (ou need to $ucceed, but n order "or t'em to be e""ect ve, (ou mu$t 'ave a com#ell n) de$ re to c'an)e. -al"%'earted attem#t$ ! ll "a l to conv nce t'e $ubcon$c ou$ m nd, and (ou ! ll be $tuc* n t'e $ame #attern$ a$ be"ore. Ta*e a moment no! to t' n* about !'at (ou could ac' eve " (ou could 3u$t c'an)e t'at

one #roblem t'at'$ bot'er n) (ou. Create a$ v v d a $cene a$ #o$$ ble, ut l 6 n) a$ man( o" (our " ve $en$e$ a$ (ou can. Allo! t'e "eel n)$ o" $ucce$$ and 'a## ne$$ to "lood (our be n) unt l (ou cannot 'el# but $m le at t'e t'ou)'t o" t'e "uture. 9et (our$el" 'un)er "or t' $ "uture, *no! n) t'at t $ )ood "or (ou. T' $ $ n t$el" a #o!er"ul tool, and ! ll 'el# n$# re (ou on (our #at' to #o$ t ve c'an)e and 'a## ne$$.

U.E. OF .E9F%-Y/NO.I. .el"%'(#no$ $ can be a##l ed to a ! de var et( o" $$ue$, nclud n) encoura) n) )ood 'ab t$, m#rov n) (our #er"ormance o" $#ort$ or ot'er ta$*$, rel ev n) an7 et( and emot onal u#$et, rel ev n) m nor #'($ cal #a n$, n$# r n) con" dence, and br n) n) dee# rela7at on. Once (ou under$tand to '(#not 6e (our$el" e""ect vel(, (ou ! ll be able to !or* on all t'e$e t' n)$ n a ver( #ro"ound !a(. W' le $el"%'(#no$ $ $ a #o!er"ul tool, t $'ould not be attem#ted !'en (ou are n a ver( ne)at ve mood. T'e ne)at v t( ! ll be ta*en nto t'e $ubcon$c ou$ ! t' (ou and ma( ma*e t'e $$ue !or$e. For $er ou$ emot onal and mental d $order$, (ou $'ould con$ult ! t' a doctor or #$(c'olo) $t. Fortunatel(, mo$t nd v dual$ ! ll be able to ma*e )ood u$e o" '(#no$ $. I'm $ure (ou're "am l ar ! t' "eel n) com#letel( e7'au$ted a"ter a 'eav( load o" !or* or a"ter deal n) ! t' an emot onall( c'ar)ed $ tuat on. Or #er'a#$ (ou $omet me$ "eel a )reat amount o" an7 et( n $ome $ tuat on or anot'er. Nearl( un ver$al #roblem$ l *e t'e$e are 3u$t $ome o" t'e man( $ tuat on$ n l "e t'at can be m#roved t'rou)' t'e #o!er o" '(#no$ $. You ma( no! be "eel n) a dee# $en$e o" e7c tement and n$# rat on to c'an)e (our l "e "or t'e better. A$ I'm $ure (ou're a!are, a #o$ t ve att tude $ t'e " r$t $te# to #ro"ound c'an)e, and (our ! ll to $ucceed ! ll ta*e (ou to t'e de$t nat on (ou de$ re. .o "ollo! me, and I'll ntroduce (ou to t'e tec'n +ue$ (ou ! ll u$e n order to be) n (our tran$"ormat on,

.E9F%-Y/NO.I.: T-E BA.IC /ROCEDURE .el"%'(#no$ $ $ reall( ver( $ m#le, and (ou ! ll l *el( become a natural +u c*l(. Be"ore (ou learn t'e more advanced tec'n +ue$, (ou ! ll d $cover *e(!ord$ t'at ! ll 'el# ta*e (ou nto a $tate o" '(#not c trance. Your #'($ cal *e(!ord ! ll t e t'e $en$at on$ (ou "eel to (our #'($ cal bod(, and (our emot onal *e(!ord ! ll allo! (our m nd to be at ea$e. T'e #'($ cal and emot onal *e(!ord$ ! ll d ""er "rom #er$on to #er$on, but all o" u$ ! ll $'are t'e $ame ntellectual *e(!ord$: 4Dee# $lee#.4 T'o$e t!o !ord$ ! ll allo! (ou to enter (our #ea* o" $u))e$t b l t( and a""ect real c'an)e. T'e "ollo! n) $cr #t ! ll ta*e (ou to a ver( com"ortable #lace !'ere (ou ! ll " nd (our #'($ cal and emot onal *e(!ord$. Clear a $#ace o" ten m nute$' t me to carr( out (our

" r$t e7#er ment. F nd a +u et room n !' c' (ou can rela7, and remove tec'nolo) cal d $tract on$. You ma( " nd t 'el#"ul to record (our$el" read n) t'e "ollo! n) and l $ten to t a$ (ou rela7. Allo! a "e! $econd$' #au$e bet!een number$ !'en count n) do!n. Script to discover keywords F nd a com"ortable c'a r and $ t u# $tra )'t ! t' (our "eet "lat a)a n$t t'e "loor and (our 'and$ n (our la#. F nd a #lace $tra )'t a'ead to )a6e at, and be) n to ta*e $lo!, dee# breat'$. Allo! (our$el" to breat'e "rom (our d a#'ra)m, lett n) (our lun)$ "ull( e7#and. W'en (ou're read(, clo$e (our e(e$ and cont nue to "ocu$ on (our breat' n) "or t'e $#ace o" ten breat'$. Allo! (our attent on to dr "t u# to (our $cal#, and "eel a calm n), rela7 n) "eel n) de$cend. You can "eel t "lo! n) over t'e mu$cle$ o" (our "ace and do!n t'e bac* o" (our 'ead. T' $ )ood "eel n) $ mov n) do!n (our nec*, $ n* n) n dee#. And t' $ "eel n) cont nue$ to move do!n (our bod(, roll n) do!n (our $'oulder$ and mov n) nto t'e mu$cle$ o" (our arm$. Feel t'e calm rela7at on mov n) do!n (our arm$, nto (our " n)er$. Br n) (our attent on bac* u# to (our $'oulder$, and let t'e )entle com"ort and rela7at on de$cend to (our c'e$t and u##er bac*. You can "eel t'e com"ort $ n* n) n dee#, lett n) (our $# ne $o"ten and (our bac* $ n* nto t'e c'a r a$ a calm "eel n) move$ over (ou. T' $ "eel n) cont nue$ to )ro!, and move$ do!n to (our m d$ect on and lo!er bac*, rela7 n) and un! nd n) (ou. T'e com"ort $ n*$ nto (our ' #$ and t'e( become loo$e, dee# rela7at on overcom n) t'em. T'at !onder"ul "eel n) o" calmne$$ and #eace be) n$ to move nto (our le)$, and t'e( be) n to rela7. Allo! t'at $en$at on to de$cend even "urt'er, #a$t (our *nee$, do!n nto (our "eet. Feel t'e com"ort, t'e lett n) )o, and allo! (our breat' to ta*e (ou ever dee#er nto t'at $tate o" calm rela7at on. No!, a$ I count bac*!ard$ "rom ; to <, allo! (our$el" to enter more dee#l( nto t'at $tate o" #'($ cal relea$e and calm. At 6ero, (ou ! ll be ver(, ver( com"ortable and rela7ed. ; % lett n) )o, =, > % dee#er and dee#er, ?, @, < % ver(, ver( calm and rela7ed. Cont nue to breat'e dee#l( and "ocu$ on t'e #'($ cal $en$at on$ (ou're "eel n) no!. I ! ll ment on a $et o" !ord$ t'at t e t'e$e )ood "eel n)$ to (our #'($ cal bod(. I'm )o n) to a$* (ou to # c* t'e one t'at mo$t $tron)l( de$cr be$ !'at (ou are "eel n) no!.

-eav( Float n) Rela7at on

9 )'tne$$ 9oo$e T n)l n) 9 m#

Return (ou (our "ocu$ to (our breat' and allo! ever( n'alat on to lead to (ou a #o$ t ve emot on. 9et t' $ emot on " ll (our m nd a$ I ) ve (ou $everal !ord$ t'at ma( de$cr be !'at (ou're "eel n). / c* t'e !ord t'at (ou can mo$t !onder"ull( connect ! t'.

Calm Con" dence .ucce$$ -a## ne$$ 1o( Content /eace

No!, I'm )o n) to a$* (ou to v $ual 6e or ma) ne a $a"e, !ell%l t $ta rca$e o" ?< $te#$. I" (ou don't l *e $ta r$, (ou can ma) ne be n) n an elevator on t'e ?<t' "loor or !al* n) ?< $te#$ do!n a #at'. W t' ever( $te# (ou ta*e, (ou allo! (our$el" to enter more dee#l( nto a $tate o" trance, and connect more and more dee#l( ! t' t'e #o$ t ve #'($ cal and emot on$ "eel n)$ (ou 'ave. And (ou be) n to $ n* ever dee#er nto a $tate o" rela7at on: ?<, @A, @B, @C, @D, @;, @=, @>, @?, @@, @<, A, B, C, D, ;, =, >, ?, @, <, dee# $lee#. Eac' and ever( t me dee# $lee# $ $u))e$ted "or t'e #ur#o$e o" '(#no$ $, ! t' (our #erm $$ on, (ou allo! (our$el" to enter +u c*l(, calml( and dee#l( nto a $tate o" com#lete rela7at on. You ! ll remember (our #'($ cal *e(!ord, and (ou ! ll remember (our emot onal *e(!ord. In a moment, I ! ll count u#!ard$ "rom < to ;, and (ou ! ll return to normal con$c ou$ne$$. At ;, (ou ! ll be "ull( a!a*e and br mm n) ! t' #o$ t ve ener)( !' c' (ou ! ll ta*e ! t' (ou t'rou)'out (our da(. < % )o n) a l ttle dee#er, @ % be) nn n) to r $e, ?, > % com n) u#, =, ; % e(e$ o#en, ! de a!a*e. W de a!a*e.

For a cou#le m nute$ a"ter (ou return "rom (our '(#not c adventure, (ou ! ll $t ll be n a $tate o" $u))e$t b l t(. 1u$t rela7 and en3o( t'o$e )ood "eel n)$ (ou 'ave, and ma*e a note o" !'at (our *e(!ord$ are. No! t'at (ou 'ave t'em, (ou ! ll be able to u$e t'em to +u c*l( enter nto a $tate o" '(#no$ $. Entering hypnosis with keywords A$ be"ore, $ t n a com"ortable c'a r and " nd a #o nt to )a6e at. Allo! (our breat' to dee#en and clo$e (our e(e$ !'en read(. Be) n to re#eat (our #'($ cal *e(!ord n (our m nd and allo! t'at #'($ cal "eel n) to "lo! do!n (our bod( 3u$t a$ t d d be"ore. Remember t'e calmne$$, t'e rela7at on and let t $ n* n, "rom (our 'ead to (our toe$. 9et t'e "eel n) d $$olve all t'e ten$ on$ o" (our bod( $o t'at (ou become more and more rela7ed and at ea$e. Count (our$el" do!n "rom ; to <, and t'en be) n to re#eat (our emot onal *e(!ord, allo! n) (our breat' to lead (ou to t'at #o$ t ve "eel n). 9et t move over and t'rou)' (ou, and reall( connect ! t' t'at #o$ t v t(. W'en (ou "eel trul( calm, count (our$el" do!n "rom ?< to < and enter nto t'at dee# '(#not c $lee#. W'en (ou 'ave entered dee# $lee#, (ou are read( to re#eat !'atever a"" rmat on$ (ou $o c'oo$e. A"ter (ou 'ave re#eated (our a"" rmat on ; % @< t me$, (ou are read( to count (our$el" out o" '(#no$ $ and )o about (our da(. I" (ou " nd enter n) '(#no$ $ ! t' (our *e(!ord$ d "" cult, #ract ce, T'e more (ou re#eat t' $ e7erc $e, t'e ea$ er t ! ll become and t'e +u c*er (ou ! ll be able to enter a dee#, com"ortable trance. No!, let'$ loo* at a"" rmat on$.

AFFIR5ATION. A"" rmat on$ are t'e #'ra$e$ (ou ! ll u$e to create real c'an)e n (our l "e. T'e( are t'e $u))e$t on$ (ou'll #lant n (our $ubcon$c ou$ m nd dur n) t'e #roce$$ o" $el"%'(#no$ $. W'en c'oo$ n) an a"" rmat on, t $ m#ortant to *ee# t #o$ t ve. T'e $ubcon$c ou$ m nd ! ll not #roce$$ ne)at ve$ l *e 4not,4 4can't,4 4$'ouldn't,4 etc. .o, rat'er t'an $a( n), 4I am not tem#ted b( c )arette$,4 (ou could $a(, 4I am 'a##( ! t'out c )arette$.4 It $ al$o m#ortant to *ee# (our a"" rmat on$ n t'e #re$ent ten$e. U$ n) a #'ra$e $uc' a$, 4I ! ll be at m( deal !e )'t,4 merel( tell$ (our $ubcon$c ou$ m nd t'at t'e c'an)e can be #ut o"" t l $ome arb trar( t me n t'e "uture. T'e #re$ent ten$e, on t'e ot'er 'and, t e$ t'e re$ult$ (ou !ant nto (our ever(da( l "e "rom t'e ver( $tart. Comb ned ! t' ma) n n) t'e re$ult$ (ou !ant, t' $ re$ult$ n #o!er"ul tran$"ormat on. .o, rat'er t'an t' n* n) about 'o! (ou ! ll one da( be !'atever !e )'t (ou de$ re, tell (our$el" t'at (ou do !e )' t'at muc', and ma) ne !'at (ou "eel and loo* l *e. W'en be) nn n) (our #ract ce o" $el"%'(#no$ $, t'$ m#ortant to $t c* to one a"" rmat on at a t me. Total "ocu$ on t' $ ne! real t( ! ll cau$e t to come nto be n) muc' "a$ter t'an " (ou're attem#t n) to $a( @; d ""erent a"" rmat on$ at once. In add t on to "ocu$ n) $olel(

on one ne! real t(, I !ould $u))e$t re#eat n) (our a"" rmat on da l( over a #er od o" at lea$t t'ree !ee*$. One '(#no$ $ $e$$ on a da( $ enou)', but a)a n, "a$ter re$ult$ ! ll be ac' eved t'e more (ou #ract ce, .ome )eneral%#ur#o$e a"" rmat on$ t'at I " nd to be e7tremel( bene" c al are:

I am 'a##( and content. /eace " ll$ m( be n). I am )ett n) $tron)er ever( da(. I am $ucce$$"ul, and ! ll cont nue to be $ucce$$"ul. I am con" dent and bold.

I'm $ure t'at (ou're even no! t' n* n) o" "urt'er a"" rmat on$ to br n) (ou t'e re$ult$ (ou !ant. I con)ratulate (ou, (ou've alread( made a 'u)e amount o" #ro)re$$ 3u$t b( t' n* n) about t'e #o$$ b l t e$ o" #o$ t ve a"" rmat on$. /la( ! t' t' $ tool, and mo$t m#ortantl(, 'ave "un *no! n) t'at (ou're $ett n) (our$el" u# "or $ucce$$,

T-OUE-T 5ANAEE5ENT A$ I ment oned n t'e #rev ou$ $ect on, our c'o ce$ o" !ord$ can 'ave a 'u)e m#act on t'e !a( !e )o about our da l( l ve$. 5o$t #eo#le uncon$c ou$l( run a mental $cr #t, tell n) t'em$elve$ t'at t'e( are or are not $ome t' n). T'e #roblem come$ !'en t'e $cr #t t'e nd v dual $ runn n) $ " ll n) t'e r m nd ! t' ne)at v te a"" rmat on$, $uc' a$, 4I am a lo$er and no one l *e$ me,4 4I ! ll never accom#l $' m( dream$,4 etc. T'e$e $ lent * ller$ can underm ne even a ded cated #er$on, and t'u$ need to be dealt ! t'. T'e " r$t $te# n el m nat n) ne)at ve #ro)ramm n) $ to become a!are o" t. T' $ $ a d "" cult ta$* "or man( #eo#le, a$ t'e !orld !e l ve n 'a$ tra ned our bra n$ to be '(#eract ve and d $tracted. -o!ever, t'e c'allen)e o" develo# n) m nd"ulne$$ $ !ort' ta* n) on. Not onl( ! ll (ou become a more #o$ t ve, $ucce$$"ul nd v dual, (ou ! ll become more "ocu$ed and able to deal ! t' ne)at v t( !'en t come$ u#. One o" t'e ea$ e$t e7erc $e$ lead n) to m nd"ulne$$ $ $ett n) a$ de " ve m nute$ to ob$erve (our o!n t'ou)'t$. Allo! t'em to r $e and leave a$ t'e( ! ll, #a$$ vel( ob$erv n) !'at come$. I" (ou $'ould " nd (our$el" $!e#t alon) b( a t'ou)'t, return to ob$erver mode ! t'out 3ud) n) (our$el". Da l( #ract ce n t'e morn n) and t'e n )'t ! ll over t me ( eld #ro"ound re$ult$. Anot'er u$e"ul tec'n +ue $ t'e #ract ce o" med tat on. Contrar( to !'at $ome bel eve, med tat on doe$ not re+u re contort n) (our bod( nto an a$ana. One can 3u$t a$ ea$ l( med tate $ tt n) n a c'a r or $tand n) u#& t'e #o$ t on $ le"t u# to t'e nd v dual. . m#l(

#ut, med tat on $ t'e "ocu$ on one t' n), u$uall( t'e breat'. A$ ! t' t'e above e7erc $e, $'ould t'e attent on !ander, non%3ud)ementall( return (our "ocu$ to t'e ob3ect o" med tat on. T'ere are man( t(#e$ o" med tat on (ou can tr(, $o I !ould adv $e e7#lor n) unt l (ou " nd one t'at a##eal$ to (ou. 5ed tat on 'a$ al$o been #roven to ncrea$e overall bra n "unct on and !ellbe n), $o I encoura)e all m( reader$ to ) ve t' $ !onder"ul #ract ce a tr(. A$ (ou become more m nd"ul, (ou ! ll be) n to not ce !'en ne)at ve t'ou)'t$ #o# u# n (our 'ead. An e""ect ve !a( o" deal n) ! t' t' $ ne)at v t( $ to lau)' at t and t'en re#eat a #o$ t ve a"" rmat on relat n) to t'e $$ue. Not onl( doe$ t' $ encoura)e #o$ t v t(, t tra n$ (our bra n to reco)n 6e t'e ne)at v t( a$ be n) r d culou$, and t'u$, t ! ll occur le$$ and le$$ "re+uentl(. You can te$t t' $ b( *ee# n) a tall( o" t'e amount o" t me$ (ou e7#er ence ne)at ve #ro)ramm n). Over t me, (ou ! ll " nd t'at (ou're e7#er enc n) "ar more #o$ t ve t'an ne)at ve t'ou)'t$.

A .NEA2Y TRIC2 TO 5AFI5IGE YOUR RE.U9T. In add t on to a"" rmat on$ n t'e #re$ent ten$e and v v d ma) nat on, t'ere are ot'er !a($ n !' c' $ucce$$ can be made to occur "a$ter. One $uc' !a( come$ "rom t'e !orld o" a$$oc at on$. Ta*e a moment to t' n* about $omet' n) t'at (ou are certa n o", #er'a#$, 4I love m( mot'er.4 A$ (ou t' n* t' $, ma*e a note o" an( $en$at on$ t'at (ou e7#er ence. You ma( $ee a color, 'ear a note o" mu$ c, $mell a "ra)rance, or even "eel a bod l( $en$at on. W'atever (ou e7#er ence, !r te t do!n $o t'at (ou remember. No!, ta*e a moment to t' n* about $omet' n) t'at (ou are uncerta n o". A)a n, t' $ $'ould be $omet' n) #er$onal, $uc' a$ a doubt t'at (ou can accom#l $' $ome )oal. 5a*e a note o" an( $en$at on$ t'at (ou e7#er ence !' le t' n* n) t'at t'ou)'t and com#are t'em to t'e a$$oc at on$ (ou 'ave ! t' a t'ou)'t o" certa nt(. -o! do t'e( d ""er0 T'e tr c* come$ nto #la( b( 4co#( n) and #a$t n)4 a$$oc at on$ "rom $omet' n) (ou are certa n o" to $omet' n) (ou are uncerta n o". For e7am#le, let'$ $a( (ou !ere to t' n*, 4I love m( mot'er,4 and $a! t'e color red n (our m nd. On t'e ot'er end o" t'e $#ectrum, let'$ $a( (ou t' n*, 4I can ) ve a #o!er"ul $#eec' at !or*,4 and $ee t'e color )reen. T'e ne7t t' n) (ou !ould do $ re#eat t'e a"" rmat on, 4I can ) ve a #o!er"ul $#eec' at !or*,4 and v $ual 6e t'e color red n add t on to t'e $ucce$$ (ou de$ re. I encoura)e (ou to #la( ! t' t' $ tec'n +ue and record !'atever re$ult$ (ou ac' eve. I'm $ure t'at (ou ! ll " nd t to be mo$t e""ect ve.


.el"%'(#no$ $ $ one o" t'e mo$t #o!er"ul !a($ n !' c' !e can enact c'an)e n our l ve$. W t' m nd"ulne$$ and *no!led)e, bad 'ab t$ can be el m nated and )ood one$ #ut n t'e r #lace. T'e tec'n +ue$ #re$ented n t' $ $'ort eboo* 'ave 'o#e"ull( ) ven (ou t'e n$# rat on (ou need to "ul" ll !'atever $el"% m#rovement )oal$ (ou de$ re. -ere'$ to (ou, dear reader& I ! $' (ou muc' luc* and $ucce$$ on (our #at' to #o$ t ve, 'ealt'( c'an)e,

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