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(Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Portofolio, dan Konsep Diri Terhadap Kecerdasan Jamak Anak Taman Kanak-Kanak) THE KINDERGARTEN CHILDRENS MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES (An Experimental Study the Effects of Portfolio Based-Instruction and SelfConcept Toward The Kindergarten Childrens Multiple Intelligences) Anita Yus ABSTRACT The objectives of this research are to study the effects of the portfolio and snapshot based-instruction as well as self-concept of kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences. The research used Quasi-experiment method with 2x2 factorial design and was conducted at kindergarten in Medan. The research sample were 60 children who were selected based on score test of self-concept, i.e. the positive was 33% from the highest scores and the negative was 33% from the lowest scores. The hypothesis of this research are as followed: a) there are differences score of the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences between the children which learning in portfolio based-instruction and the children which learning in snapshot based-instruction, b) there are differences score of the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences which owning positive selfconcept, score of the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences which learning in portfolio based-instruction is better than which learning in snapshot based-instruction, c) there are differences score of the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences which owning negative self-concept, score of the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences which learning in snapshot based-instruction is better than which learning in portfolio based-instruction, and d) there is a significant effects of interaction between the instruction and self-concept toward kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences. The result of this research are: a) the portfolio based-instruction could increase the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences is better than snapshot based-instruction, b) the children who have positive self-concept, the portfolio based-instruction could increase the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences is better than snapshot based-instruction, c) the children who have negative self-concept, the snapshot based-instruction could increase the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences is better than portfolio based-instruction, and d) both instruction and self-concept could increase the kindergarten childrens multiple intelligences. The applying of portfolio based-instruction will impact at planning and instructional developing, teachers role, and management at kindergarten, as well as instruction at Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK). i

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