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STRATEGIC ACCOUNT BUSINESS PLAN Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC

10151 Deerwood Park Blvd Building 200 Suite 250 Jacksonville, FL 32256

Submitted by:

Christoper (CJ) Crews Ivan Gonzales Timothy Edwards

25 June 2013
Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC Confidential File: RCS&S Strategic Account Business Plan.doc Date Published: 06/25/2013

RCS&S Strategic Account Business Plan

Table of Contents
Team Profiles ...................................................................................................3-5 Business Profile ...............................................................................................6-7 Competative Advantage ..................................................................................... 8 Strategic Plan ...................................................................................................... 9 Core values ....................................................................................................... 10 Mission Statement ............................................................................................ 11 Vision Statement ............................................................................................... 12 Strategic Objectives ....................................................................................13-15 Internal/ External Strategy ..........................................................................16-20 Customer Groups ........................................................................................21-24 Value Creating Strategy ................................................................................... 25 Short Term Goals ........................................ .Error! Bookmark not defined. Action Items .................................................................................................30-32 Financial Assessment ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Score Card Matrices ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Implementation Plan ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Team profile

Christopher Crews Student FSCJ IT Management

Christopher (CJ) attended Jacksonville University, and was an integral part of the Offensive Line of the University football team until the summer of 2010. He then transferred to Florida State College of Jacksonville where he would achieve his Associates degree. Hoping to go even further with his education, he is currently working on his bachelors degree with a foreseeable graduation timeframe of fall semester of 2013. He is currently working to pay for classes by securing a part time position at UPS. In his spare time he enjoys working on cars and building race-spec engines for various customers. Within the next 3-5 years, he aspires to secure a position where he can maximize his organizational and interpersonal skills. This project will allow him to further my knowledge base, add a valuable portfolio to contribute to his years of experience and educational teachings that will allow CJ to grow personally and professionally.

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Team Profile

Tim Student FSCJ IT Management

Tim brings over 17 years of Information Technology knowledge and experience. He is currently pursuing his Bachelors of Science in Information Technology Management. He began his IT career while serving in the United States Navy. Tim is currently the Systems Administrator for a well-known manufacturing company that makes Beauty Brand product. His responsibilities include managing and maintaining server and storage needs for all sites in the United States and Canada. Tim has also taught classes at Florida State College in the Information Technology Department. His role is to evaluate your current Information Technology Infrastructure. After analyzing the Infrastructure he will give you an assessment of any vulnerabilities or area of improvements.

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Team Profile

Ivan Gonzales

Student FSCJ IT Management

Ivan is currently a WSR88D (Doppler) Radar tech with the National Weather Service in Jacksonville, Fl. He has been in the Electronics Field for over 18 years beginning his career as an Avionics Test Station Apprentice for the U.S. Air Force. He brings a unique prospective to the group due to his keen knowledge base and personality type. He aspires to become an Electronics Systems Analyst within the next ten years and is currently in the Information technology field as 20 percent of his time is utilized toward System Administrative functions. His current involvement in Office Automation and Network Analysis lends to his achievement in Linux Administration. He is a focused Christian, Father, and devout husband of 16 years. His hobbies include fishing, hunting and being a jack of all trades. He is a father of two vibrant teens and two miniature schnauzers.

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Business Profile

Root Cause Solutions & Services (RCS&S) is a call center solutions and business transformation consulting company with depth and breadth of industry. We collaborate with clients in commercial and government industries to solve their most pressing challenges from strategy development through implementation and performance sustainment. Our team provides strategic services and solutions to small, mid, and large corporations globally.

Root Cause Solutions & Services (RCS&S) is dedicated to providing quality solutions with proven results. We specialize in consultative services, business transformation, process improvements, and developing solutions critical to enhancing business operations. The RCS&S team has over 50 years of combined international experience across the functions of: Sales and Business Development Operations Management Strategic Planning & Implementation Financial Management and Accounting Rapid Business Transformation Mergers & Acquisition Due Diligence and Integration Vendor Management
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I.T. Optimization Quality & Continuous Improvement

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Competitive Advantage
Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC Competitive Advantage is the ability to stand up a small call center to handle overflow or shortage of personnel for a call center. We also have staff members who have experience in some of the top management position in multiple markets of the industry. With the vast knowledge of the market place we analyze your companys processes to let you know where you are strong and where you need improvement.

Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC was created to assist companies in finding the root cause of whatever business processes problem they may have. We pride our business model on providing a company with what they need, not what they want. Most companies only treat the symptoms; we eliminate the root cause of the issue.

Our staff has over 50 years of experience in multiple global market industries. We have business partners in each of these markets to assist us. We do not just talk the talk we have the experience to back it up.

Profit Engine:
Our primary revenue driver is our ability to analyze your company processes and assist you with increasing productivity and performance. Afterwards we train your staff on these new processes through our Learning Services. This will give you the ability to invest those gains in productivity and performance back into your company.

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Company: Root Cause Solutions & Services, LLC

Strategic Plan
Key Proformance Indicators
How we mea s ure s ucces s

Financial - How we are profitable
Stra tegic Objective F1: To exceed $50 million Goa ls :Al loca tion of two ma jor Clients in the next ten yea rs utilizing a low inves tment a pproa ch Stra tegic Objective F2: To increa s e revenue by 20% a nnua lly Goa ls :Build ca s h flow of $1 million by levera ging the cons ulting pipeline

Strategic Objectives and Goals

Our Mis s ion

Strategic Plan

"Making the invisible visible in corporate processes"

Our Core Va lues Stra tegic Objective C1: To decrea s e expens es Goa ls :Eva lua te cus tomer expens es in by 5% compa ris on to s a vings Stra tegic Objective C2:To increa s e net profit by 10% a nnua lly Stra tegic Objective C3: To ups ell other RCS&S Goa ls :Eva lua te bus ines s tra ns forma tion s ervices a nd lea rning s ervices to increa s e Profit Goa ls :Eva lua te cus tomer net profit qua rterly to es tablis h a total 10% s a vings a nnua lly

Customer/Constituent - How we provide value

Measure: New Customer Rpt Financial RPT Financial RPT Customer Happy Financial RPT Financial RPT

Target: 2/ month > $1 10% sav 20% inc >20% >5%

Wha t our Orga niza ion will look like

Commitment Ethical Value Consistency Fun

Internal/Operational Processes - Which process we must excel at
Stra tegic Objective O1:Ca pitalize orga niza tiona l s tructure utilizing metrics Goa ls :Ma intain compa ny ma trices to improve orga niza tiona l efficiency

Competitive Advantage

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Stra tegic Objective O2: Highlight 20% s a vings Goa ls :Initia te a n a udit of reengineering of ca pitol by reengineering proces s es proces s es of 5% s a vings of Ca pitol Stra tegic Objective O3: Ca pitalize on client retentions s ervices Goa ls :Eva lua te compa ny utilizing the s ervices with s a vings to the cus tomer Goa ls :Initia te qua rterly cus tomer s urvey to eva lua te our delivery proces s

Wha t we do Bes t

RCS&S Strategic Account Business Plan

our ability to analyze your company processes and assist you with increasing productivity and performance

Be the leader in the Southeastern part of the country for call center solutions, business transformation services, and learning services for multiple companies.

Stra tegic Objective O4:Ca pitalize us ing a n a na lys is of the current s ervice delivery proces s


Organization Wide Strategies

How we make strategy a habit Stra tegic Objective P1: To hire, develop a nd Goa ls :Increa s e Hiring ba s ed off of fina ncia l The plan is to continue How will we get there increa s es by 5%. Within a small town reputation ma intain the right people having accountability of Stra tegic Objective P2:Tra in a n effective Goa ls :Employ other cons ultants with Sigma is critical to customer trust and Action Items with all levels workforce with s trong core va lues Six a pplica ble experience vital to growth and of management and Stra tegic Objective P3:Al ign performa nce Goa ls :Increa s e workforce by 5% every establishment of that name department heads in a qua rter within the community. We will with s taff recognition frequent basis,therefore Stra tegic Objective P4:Development of tea m Goa ls : Mentors hip opportunities for exis ting allowing for multiple eyes on gain a great reputation in the members a dva ncement with mentors hip employees with qua rterly a ccomplis hments Southeast. a very visible strategic plan.

People/ Training - How we must learn and Improve

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Core Values

Commitment We believe that our words and actions should align; Say
what youre going to do; do what you said you will do.

Ethical We believe in doing business honestly and fairly. Value Create value by providing Learning Services so you can re-invest the
earnings back in your company.

Consistency Provide the same level of superior service to EVERY client. Fun We create an environment that is conducive for learning and have fun while






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Mission Statement

Making the invisible visible in corporate processes

RCS&S strives to make the hard-to-see information and daily processes easier to see. We will work day and night to ensure that you are satisfied with our services. If you ever have any questions or you are not sure about something in your business give us a call. Our 50 years of combined experience will steer you in the right direction.

RCS&S-Making the invisible visible in corporate processes.

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Vision Statement

Root Cause Solutions & Services, LLC

Will be the leader in the Southeastern part of the country for call center solutions, business transformation services, and learning services for multiple companies. We will do this by starting out with local small to medium firms and gradually moving into larger firms across the nation. RCS&S will keep its headquarters in Jacksonville, FL and grow to a regional contender in the marketplace.

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Strategic Objectives
Root Cause Solutions & Services, LLC has stated their vision is to become the leader in the Southeastern part of the country for call center solutions, business transformation services, and learning services for multiple companies. Our Company has taken the approach of creating the vision for this company that outlines the goals and what measures are needed to ensure the vision is met. Initially this company had come to us striving for a global presence. This type of long term vision is what it needed, but logistically the initial building of the company must be initiated locally and continue into a regional foundation. Currently RCS&S,LLC has a small presence in the Jacksonville area. This particular market is unique in that it is a big city with small town roots. Within a small town reputation is critical to customer trust and vital to growth and establishment of that name within the community. RCS&S has the desire to make Jacksonville the home of its headquarters, which shows the desire to establish itself in this area indefinitely. This strong presence in Jacksonville will demonstrate the ability for this company to expand its operation into a regional presence in Atlanta, GA and Charleston, SC and Orlando, FL. These strategic areas if penetrated could reaffirm the regional dominance in these areas and within a 5 year period allow this company to grow exponentially.

Financial Objectives:
Growth To exceed $50 million in the next ten years To increase revenue by 20% annually To increase gross profit by 20% annually To increase sales by 20% annually

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Customer Objectives:
Current Customer To decrease expenses by 5% To increase net profit by 10% annually To upsell other RCS&S services

New Customer Introduce business solutions utilizing all three Verticals of RCS&S Introduce cost savings to company by utilizing Gain Sharing technique and contract services Expand sales to a regional market Customer Service Continually improve our service approach for new and existing customers

Internal/Operation Objectives:
Call Center Solutions Capitalize on improved organizational structure utilizing company metrics Highlight 20% or more savings of capitol by reengineering processes Capitalize on day-to-day reporting for management activities

Business Transformations/ Learning Services Capitalize on client retentions services Business performance improvements by utilizing Smart Execution techniques

Capitalize using an analysis of the current service delivery process

Increase community outreach to include Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce

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People/ Learning Objectives: People

To hire, develop and maintain the right people Employ other consultants with Sigma Six applicable experience Increase amount of workforce to include full time employees by 20% annually

Training Train an effective workforce with strong core values Train employees to work better together with Meyers Briggs assessments and team building exercises

Culture Align performance with staff recognition to affirm the individual contribution leads to team success

Knowledge Development of team members advancement with mentorship opportunities within the company

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Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC. was developed from its major verticals of Business Call Center Solutions, Business Transformations, and Learning Services. Utilization of one of these highly developed services will systematically expose the vulnerabilities within another vertical. This strategy of business will propagate an overhaul of a companys current process into profitability for the company and quality improvement. This company has utilized a little to no marketing approach but prefers a boardroom referral over commercial marketing. Nonetheless marketing by word of mouth in this industry is vital.

Internal/ External Strategy

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Customer Groups
Group Name: Call Center Solution Customer Needs:
On Demand Call Center o For call centers we analyze your metrics (outbound, inbound, talk time/wrap time, etc) and show you how you can save money by maybe changing some processes. Overflow of calls o To keep you from losing revenue on lost calls when your demand is high or low on staff we automatically accept your overflow of calls. This will save you money on employee compensation and avoid losing business with long hold times. Call Processes o We analyze how your inbound/outbound calls are processed. Our analysis goes beyond the metrics of what 3rd Party software provides. Managed Services o With managed services we take the load off management of handling some of the day-to-day reporting. This will allow staff to focus on more important company matters.

Customer Characteristics:
Schedule Management Services Customer Care Services Located in North Florida/South Georgia Medium to Large size company

Customer Profile: Companies that provide services to their clients by appointment

only. Companies that require inbound/outbound calling services.

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Targeting: Alleviate the extra work of schedule management and the day to day
customer questions. Let us handle those things for you so your employees can focus more on providing quality care to your customers.

Positioning: Our goal is to be the leader in the market for Business Transformation in
the North Florida/South Georgia market.

Group Name: Business Transformation/Learning Services Customer Needs:

Client Retention o We provide client retention services. This will save your company capital on Wages and Salary. Rapid Business Transformation o Assist in improving business performance by utilizing Smart Execution through integrated, comprehensive, and programmatic system for improving business performance. Service Delivery o We break down your current service delivery process. Show, create, and train your employees on how to improve the delivery of services to your customers. Order to Cash o Analyze your current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to improve business process for receiving and processing customer sales.

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Demographic: Industry Company size Location Environmental: Economic development Building relationship by providing call center services. Order processes to customers Recommend upgrading any outdated Beauty Brands 0 200 Southern Region

Supply conditions Technological change equipment Competitive developments focus on Culture/Customs custom Operating Variables:

What competitive developments should we

Should we focus on a specific culture and or

Technology User-nonuser status

Software that will help track customer data Focus should be to use technology to make jobs easier and more efficient

Customer Capabilities

To build customer relations start with customers with few services

Purchasing Approaches: Purchasing-function organization Focus on both functional areas of customers centralized and de- centralized.

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Purchasing criteria

Focus will be on companies that have a similar core values of providing a quality product

Situational Factors: Urgency Provide quick service without losing focus on the relationship and delivering quality product Focus on providing the Call Center aspect. Once the relationship is made ask for the opportunity to show how you can save them money with the other services

Specific application

Size of order

Size of order is irrelevant if you can provide great quality of service

Personal Characteristics: Buyer-seller similarity Focus on companies who need the services you provide. Focus on companies that have integrity


Value Creating Strategy

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Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC utilizes a customer Intimacy strategy for business. This strategy is utilized by coveting a deep understanding of its customer and their perception of value based on services provided. It makes up a narrow market segment but the key is not to narrow that it is specialized. Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC separates itself from the competition by providing an unyielding dedication to the client from the beginning of the relationship to the end. This competitive advantage offers clients a value based on the depth of knowledge within the Sigma Six methodologies used to streamline manufacturing and conceptual theology applied to businesses and call centers. The amount of personal interaction required to solidify a relationship with the client is crucial to any development of trust by the client to allow modifications to be implemented in the clients work area.

Group Name: Business Transformation/Learning Services Strategy:

Sustaining the relationship with the client is paramount. The relationship could lead to a longer then desired initiative, although the benefit is exponential to future business. Proposals are often viewed and reevaluated, companies are hesitant in times of bad economy and risk is diminished. Ability to recognize these risk factors and mitigate them with strong market approaches to business modeling and bottom line figures can drive the service to become indispensable.

Group Name: Call Center Solution Strategy:

Call Center Solutions require dynamic changes within a company are driven by Upper level Management and often inspired by those seeking to take a personal stake in the company. Decision making authorities are often given to frontline managers to empower them to a sense of personal stake in the company. Implementation of a bottom up approach, delegating the employee the power to enter into the decision making process also reaffirms the employee and provides the sense of personal stake within the company. Dynamic organizations know they need to apply both reason and instinct to decision making. Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC does this every day. A successful strategy is measured by providing more value to your customer than your competitor will.

Short Term Goals

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Root Cause Services and Solutions, LLC

GOAL Financial Smart Goals Growth Allocation of two major Clients utilizing a low investment approach within the next quarter Build cash flow of $1 million by leveraging the consulting pipeline within Six months to a year Develop an initial call center development segment by utilizing supplemental cash flow within six months MEASUREMENT

Monthly Financial Report Monthly Financial Report Monthly Financial Report

Customer Smart Goals

Current Customer Evaluate customer expenses in comparison to savings

Evaluate customer net profit quarterly to establish a total 10% savings annually Evaluate customers utilizing business transformation and learning services to increase business transformation and increase in overall savings New Customer Evaluate the company utilizing the tri vertical services with goal of decreased expenses to the customer Evaluate company expenses quarterly for a net profit for a reportable cost savings in percentage format Follow each lead in the Southeast to develop a strong regional clientele
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Monthly Financial Report Monthly Financial Report Monthly Financial Report Monthly Financial Report Monthly Financial Report Customer Acquisition
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Customer Service Provide quarterly surveys for customers to provide a measurable approach to our efforts Call Center Solutions Employ Sigma Six Lean methodologies to create Cost savings of 10% in a quarterly report Evaluation of processes for reengineering in a quarterly format with a savings of 5% quarterly Make available our services of day-to-day report generation of operations

Quarterly survey Report Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report

Business Transformations/ Learning Services Create client retention reports on a quarterly basis for evaluation of repeat business Provide quarterly surveys for customers to provide a measurable approach to our efforts Create baseline reports of business performance with subsequent quarterly reports on Smart execution techniques for RCS&S performance

Quarterly survey Report Quarterly survey Report Quarterly survey Report Quarterly survey Report New Customer Report

Maintain a quarterly presence within the Chamber of Commerce to establish ourselves in the local business community

Internal/ Operational Smart Goals:

Initiate an audit of reengineering processes of 5% savings of Capitol

Quarterly Financial Report

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Maintain company matrices to improve organizational efficiency by 5% quarterly

Quarterly Financial Report

People/Learning Smart Goals:

People Increase Hiring based off of financial increases by 5%. Quarterly Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report

Employ other consultants with Sigma Six applicable experience 1 individual every quarter Increase workforce by 5% every quarter based on financial report

Training Train workforce utilizing the Meyers-Briggs assessment with quarterly team building exercises

Quarterly Internal Personnel Report

Culture Provide staff recognition to affirm Team successes Quarterly

Quarterly Internal Personnel Report

Knowledge Mentorship opportunities for existing employees with quarterly accomplishments

Quarterly Internal Personnel Report

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Employ other consultants with Sigma Six applicable experience 1 individual every quarter Employ other consultants with Sigma Six applicable experience 1 individual every quarter

Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report

Employ other consultants with Sigma Six applicable experience 1 individual every quarter

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Action Items


Action Priority

Root Cause Services and Solutions, LLC

GOAL Financial Smart Goals Growth Following Leads, Business visits, Follow up email leads from website Utilize other consultants if other jobs require more than what manning is available on a contract basis Creation of our own call center COST MEASURE

On Target On Target On Target





$1,500 Monthly Team meeting $4,000 Monthly Planning

High Customer Smart Goals Current Customer Financial management plan using Sigma Team


On Target On Target On Target

Med Customer Monthly Net Profit Calculations Low Customer determination of current RCS&S services being utilized High New Customer Sigma Team needed to evaluate new company financial statistics High Sigma Team for financial saving analysis

Monthly Sigma Team Report Monthly Sigma Team Report Monthly Sigma Team Report Monthly Sigma Team Report Monthly Sigma Team Report Cliental Report Cliental Report
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On Target On Target On Target Not on Target

High New customer Leads High Customer Service Customer Survey development team Low $400

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Call Center Solutions Sigma Team for development of cost savings Not on Target On Target On Target High Sigma Team for re-engineering of processes in place High Sigma Team to include newest service of report generation High Business Transformations/ Learning Services Create client retention reports on a quarterly basis Med Provide quarterly surveys for customers to evaluate our delivery process and measurable efforts Sigma Team initial analysis for baseline reports of business performance Initiate quarterly customer survey to evaluate our delivery process quarterly presence within the Chamber of Commerce to establish ourselves in the local business community Internal/ Operational Smart Goals: Initiate an audit of reengineering processes

Monthly Sigma Team Report Monthly Sigma Team Report Monthly Sigma Team Report Quarterly survey Report Quarterly survey Report Monthly Sigma Team Report Quarterly survey Report Cliental Report

On Target Not on Target On Target Not on Target Not on Target




On Target On Target

High Low Review Company matrices to improve organizational efficiency People/Learning Smart Goals: People Hire consultants with Sigma Six experience by way of headhunter or Workforce agency Training Train workforce utilizing the Meyers-Briggs assessment with quarterly team building exercises Culture

Quarterly Financial Report Cliental Report

Past Due


$2,000 Financial Report Internal Personnel Report

On Target


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On Target

Provide staff recognition to affirm Team successes Quarterly High Knowledge Sigma team to start a companywide mentorship program Low

Internal personnel Report Internal personnel Report

On Target

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Financial Assessment
Root Cause Solutions and Services is a new company to the market. They have only been open for a little over a year. The financials are very limited. Expected expenses are Rent, Employees, equipment, Travel and Entertainment. These are expenses associated with the day to day operations of the company. We also have training expense to keep up to date with the latest technologies and certifications. We will be developing some marketing material to make ourselves known in the community. Currently we have a website that gives some details on the services we provide. We will soon have a pamphlet the goes a little more in detail with the services we provide. Customer Group: Call Center Solution Estimated number of customers: 25 Estimated Revenue this year: $1.9 million
Root Cause Solution and Services 2013 - Budget

First Quarter

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Second Quarter

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Third Quarter

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Fourth Quarter

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FY 2013 Totals

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First QTR projections

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Second QTR projections


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Third QTR projections

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Fourth QTR Projections

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2013 Forecast

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Score Card Matrices

Root Cause Services and Solutions, LLC has a long time standing within the industry, the Two Partners hold a combined experience level that could make a novice marvel at the amount of experience held. They have made it a point to foster an atmosphere of grown not only on a personal, but professional level as well. A Long term commitment with this firm is nothing short of the definition of longevity. They are pillars in the industry. Root Cause Services and Solutions, LLC GOAL Financial Smart Goals Growth Allocation of two major Clients utilizing a low investment approach within the next quarter MEASURE TARGET Action Items

New Customer Report

2 leads Monthly

Build cash flow by leveraging the consulting pipeline

Monthly Financial Report

$1 million over six months

Develop an initial call center development segment by utilizing supplemental cash flow within six months Customer Smart Goals Current Customer Evaluate customer expenses in comparison to savings

Monthly Financial Report

Capture overflow calling

Following Leads, Business visits, Follow up email leads from website Utilize other consultants if other jobs require more than what manning is available on a contract basis Creation of our own call center

Monthly Financial Report

Cost Savings

Evaluate customer net profit quarterly to establish Monthly a total annually Financial Report Evaluate customers utilizing business transformation and learning services to increase business transformation and increase in overall savings
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10% savings

Monthly Financial Report

Combine RCS&S services

Financial management plan using Sigma Team Customer Monthly Net Profit Calculations Customer current RCS&S services being utilized
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New Customer Evaluate the company utilizing the tri vertical services with goal of decreased expenses to the customer

Monthly Financial Report

Maximize Services for savings

Evaluate company expenses quarterly for a net profit for a reportable cost savings in percentage format

Monthly Financial Report

Maximize Services for savings

Sigma Team needed to evaluate new company financial statistics Sigma Team for financial saving analysis

Follow each lead in the Southeast to develop a strong regional cliental

Customer Acquisition Report

2 new clients New customer monthly Leads Team

Customer Service Provide quarterly surveys for customers to provide a measurable approach to our efforts Call Center Solutions Employ Sigma Six Lean methodologies to create Cost savings Evaluation of processes for reengineering

Quarterly survey Report Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report


Survey Score

10% savings

Make available our services of day-to-day report generation of operations

Sigma Team for development of cost savings 5% savings Sigma Team for re-engineering of processes in place Aid Sigma Team to Management include newest team service of report generation

Business Transformations/ Learning Services Create client retention reports

Quarterly survey Report Quarterly survey Report

Customer Service

Provide quarterly surveys for customers to provide a measurable approach to our efforts


Create client retention reports on a quarterly basis Survey Score

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Initiate quarterly customer survey to evaluate our Quarterly delivery process survey Report Internal/ Operational Smart Goals: Initiate an audit of reengineering processes of Capitol Maintain company matrices to improve organizational efficiency Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Financial Report


Survey Score

5% savings

Sigma Team Audit Sigma Efficiency Team

5% increase

People/Learning Smart Goals:

People Increase Hiring based off of financial increases

Quarterly Financial Report

5% increase in sales

Hire consultants with Sigma Six experience by way of headhunter or Workforce agency Train workforce utilizing the Meyers-Briggs assessment with quarterly team building exercises Provide Quarterly staff recognition

Training Train workforce utilizing the Meyers-Briggs Quarterly assessment with quarterly team building exercises Internal Personnel Report

Employee Retention

Culture Provide staff recognition to affirm Team successes Quarterly Knowledge Mentorship opportunities for existing employees with quarterly accomplishments

Quarterly Personnel Report Quarterly Internal Personnel Report 10% increase in workforce

Sigma team to start a company wide mentorship program

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Implementation Plan
In each area evaluate your companys past efforts P and current efforts C. Describe how you will achieve these efforts. Owning the Plan Detailed Action Plan Strategic Leader to oversee Strategic Plan Leader or Team for each Customer Group CEO or Top Management Involvement Supporting the Plan People - Required Competencies & Skills Resource Allocation Personnel, Money, Time Structure Communication/ Information Operating Systems Planning System Poor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exceptional

None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extensive None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Champion Leader

None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Leader/Team

None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ High

Insufficient _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sufficient

Poor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exceptional None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thorough

None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thorough

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Compensation Rewards and Incentives Corporate Culture Adapting the Plan Persistence Scorecard Measured Results Continuous Improvement

None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Performance Bonus Inconsistent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Consistent

None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Relentless None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extensive None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ongoing

Root Solutions & Services, LLC is a company very familiar with Strategic Planning and Sigma Six methodologies. They have been consulting for quite some time and honed their skills in an effort to turn Jacksonville into a Corporate Headquarters. This speaks volumes about the CEOs and the consulting product they provide to Call Centers and Business Transformations. Their continued efforts for success will be matched by their enthusiasm and client trust. The plan is to continue having accountability of Action Items with all levels of management and department heads in a frequent basis, therefore allowing for multiple eyes on a very visible strategic plan.

Root Cause Solutions and Services, LLC Confidential

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