50th Anniversary March Madness

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MARCH MADNESS for GOD! Come and Join Us!

On the Occasion of the 50 Years Anniversary of the Construction of Saint Michael Church and Saint Joseph Church! (1964-2014) Parish Mission with Fr. John Lanzrath
March 8, 9, 10 St. Michael Church, Girard March 8, Saturday, right after the 5:30 PM Mass. Dinner will be served at Saint Michael Hall.
March 9 (Sunday) and March 10 (Monday) 6:30 PM at Saint Michael Church Theme: The Spiritual Journey of Lent. How can I make the Lenten Journey 2014 a spiritually fruitful experience and grow in my relationship with the Lord Jesus?

Fr. John Lanzrath A native of Wichita, Kansas, Father John Lanzrath earned a degree in mathematics and statistics and worked as a civilian in military intelligence at Boeing Military Airplane Company before resigning his position to enter the seminary. He studied at Mount St. Marys Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and later at Gregorian University in Rome. Ordained a priest in 1988, he has served his home diocese in many capacities associate pastor, high school teacher and chaplain, vice-chancellor, Moderator of the Curia, and director of the Spiritual Life Center. While in Rome, he served as a spiritual director for the novices of Mother Teresas Missionaries of Charity. He conducts parish missions and retreats and works tirelessly spreading the message of stewardship throughout the diocese and country. He is currently our chancellor of the Diocese of Wichita. We are blessed to have him lead us at our parish mission! Please come!

Saint Josephs Spaghetti Feed March 9, 2014 Sunday at Saint Joseph Hall in Arma, 11:00 to 1:30PM Contact information: Tom and Debbie Amershek, Spaghetti Feed Chairpersons - 620-347-4637 or damershek@pittstate.edu. Souper Friday March 14th at St. Joseph and March 28th at St. Michael Yes, you read that right, Souper. What a better way to bring parishioners together than food? After all, the family that eats together, stays together! And since it is Lent, we will bring soup that is meatless! I ask any of you to sign up at the back of the church if you would like to bring a kind of soup and any food that is suited for Lent! While we are eating, we will hear a talk from a speaker we have invited. There will be a free will donation and the proceeds will go to this ministry! March 14, 2014, Friday, 6:30 PM St. Joseph Hall, Arma March 28, 2014, Friday, 6:30 PM- St. Michael Hall, Girard Talk: Ministry With persons With Disabilities

Speaker: Tom Racunas

Tom and his wife, Becki, have been members of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Wichita since 1985. He retired from the Wichita public school district after 36 years in education, seven as director of Heartspring, a private residential school for students with developmental disabilities. Currently he serves as director of the Diocese of Wichitas Ministry With Persons With Disabilities. Pilgrimage Tour to the Cathedral and Fr. Emil Kappauns Church! March 22, 2014, Saturday Itinerary: 7:30AM Bus leaves from Saint Joseph(Arma) parking lot to Girard 8:00 AM Bus leaves from Saint Michael(Girard) parking lot 11:00AM - tour at the Cathedral 12:30AM - lunch at the Cathedral Hall (bring your own provision). 1:30PM - Bus leaves for Pilsen 2:30 PM - Tour at Pilsen 4:00PM - Mass in Pilsen with Fr. Roger 5:00PM - Dinner at a Restaurant in El Dorado (your own expense) 6:30PM - heading home (should be back by 8 to 8:30PM) Pilgrimage Fee - $35.00 per person! Please register early! Registration deadlineMarch 10, 2014! Please contact the Parish Office in Girard (724-8717) Tuesday to Friday, 10AM to 12Noon to register!

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