Medical Shop Management System

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Medical Shop Management System

Medical shop management requires user entry of container and product dimensions, together with information on weight and orientation constraints It implements the storage and retrieval system of day-to-day activities which involves daily transaction report, monthly wise report on goods delivered, enquires which enables us to provide efficient and accurate methods of organizing and accessing different types of information. In-built database facilities for up to 5 containers and ! information for a particular product code is already held in the ! this is automatically entered into the appropriate fields. "he first option will attempt to pac# as much of the medicines using any of the pac#ing methods available to medical shop management. "his may be a loading from the floor or from the end of the container. "he second and third options are self e$planatory and the one most appropriate to the practical circumstances should be selected. products are

provided so that input into these screens can be carried out with minimal effort. If product database then

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Medical Shop Management System

%nalysis may be defined as a process of dividing the problems into parts, identifying each part and establishing relationship in the parts. %nalysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and the relationships within and outside of the system. %nalysis is a continuing activity at all stages of the pro&ect. It is the process of studying problems. "o find the best solution to the problem, by which the e$isting system is learnt, e$isting problems are understood .'b&ectives and requirements are defined and the solutions are evaluated. 'nce analysis is completed, the analyst has a firm understanding of what is to be done. %nalysis consists of two sub phases( )lanning and *equirements +efinition. "hey include understanding the customer,s problem, performing a feasibility study and developing a recommended solution strategy, determining the acceptance criteria, and planning the development product. "he products of planning a System +efinition and )ro&ect )lan. "he system definition is typically e$pressed in -nglish or some other natural language, and may incorporate charts, figures, graphs, tables and equations of various #inds. "he e$act notation is used in the system definition are highly dependent on the problem area. 'bviously, one uses different terminology to describe an accounting system than to describe a process control system. %nalysis is defined as the procedure by which we brea# down at intellectual or substantial whole into parts or components.

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Medical Shop Management System

2.1 Existing System

-$isting system is very complicated to #eep the trac# of all registers and handle them manually. %s well as this wor# is time consuming . also e$pensive in this system report wor# may be not accurate and not fastest. "o avoid all these limitations and ma#e the wor#ing more accurately the system needs to be computerized Draw a!"s #$ t%e existing system "ime consuming More e$pensive Searching problem Maintains problem of all registers /ess accuracy +isplay multiple reports

2.2 &r#'#se( System

In proposed system, the management needs not to #eep any type of registers, which they use to #eep in old one. "hey have wor# only with one computer. %ll the details are stored in computer files. "he dual entries are done very quic#ly as entry in one file only , affects the other file where it has to record. In the way there is no need to record the computer operator.

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Medical Shop Management System

"he wor#ing through registers system is not only very laborious and time consuming , but there are number of errors found. In comparison to old system the proposed system of computer processes many advantages.

2.) O *e!ti+es #$ t%e &r#'#se( System

%ccuracy Security "ime Saving )erform *epetitive "as# 0ery 1ell /ow 2ost -asy Maintenance -asy Modification %ttractive and Status

2., -easi i.ity St/(y

%n important ob&ective of conducting the System %nalysis is the determination of the feasibility. 3easibility study is carried out to select the best system that meets the performance requirements. 3easibility study is necessary to evaluate the feasibility of a pro&ect at the earliest possible time. It is used to investigate the pro&ect and e$amines whether the designed system will be useful to the organization. 3easibility and ris# analysis are related in many ways. If pro&ect ris# is great, the feasibility of producing quality software is reduced. "he different type of feasibility are(

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Medical Shop Management System

"echnical 3easibility 'perational 3easibility -conomical 3easibility

Te!%ni!a. -easi i.ity "echnical 3easibility is used to find out whether the necessary technology, the proposed equipment have the capacity to hold the data, which is used in the pro&ect. It is a study of function, performance and constraints that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptance system. "he technical 3easibility issues usually raised during the feasibility stage of investigation includes these( "he software which is running on windows 4) operating system can be easily installed. "he hardware required is )entium based server.

O'erati#na. -easi i.ity "his feasibility test as#s if the system will wor#s when it is developed is installed. 'perational feasibility in this pro&ect are( "he proposed system offers greater level of user-friendly lines. "he proposed system produces best results and gives high performance. It can be implemented easily. So the pro&ect is operational feasible.

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E!#n#mi!a. -easi i.ity -conomical feasibility deals about the economical impact faced by the organization to implement a new system. 3inancial benefits must be equal on e$ceed the cost of the e$isting system. "he cost for implementing the proposed system, including hardware and software cost should be evaluated. -conomical feasibility in this pro&ect are( "here is no additional man power requirement. "here is no additional cost involved maintaining the proposed system.


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Medical Shop Management System

).1 0ar(ware S'e!i$i!ati#n

)rocessor )rocessor speed *%M 7ard +is# +rive 3loppy +is# +rive ;eyboard Monitor 9ase Memory

( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

)entium processor 5.!678 5 69 : 69 569 72/ /6 :5M9

).2 S#$tware S'e!i$i!ati#n

'perating System 3ront end tool 9ac# end tool

( ( (

1indows 4) 0isual 9asic <. 'racle

).) Lang/age S'e!i$i!ati#n

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Medical Shop Management System

1is/a. 2asi! 3.4 0isual 9asic is quic#est and earliest they to create powerful application for Microsoft operating system. "he 0isual 9asic programming system allows to create robust and useful application that fully use of the 6raphical =ser Interface >6=I?. "he front-end tools ma#e the user interface with the system easier and also provide a user-friendly environment to the system. "his rich language enables us to develop many different types of application. 1e can create programs that intersect with the hardware. 0isual 9asic is an event driven programming language. "he advantage of such an approach what that there were fewer bugs and lesser sup rises enterprises. 9uilding prototypes becomes very easy. A!ti+e 5 Data O *e!ts 6ADO7 "he bridge between the data provider and data consumers is through data sources created using MS active 4 data ob&ect >%+'? which is the primary method in visual basic to access data in any data source, both relational and non relational for bac#ward compatibility and pro&ect maintenances , *emote +ata 'b&ects >*+'? and +ata %ccess 'b&ects >+%'? are still supported. Data S#/r!es an( Data C#ntr#. 'n the client-side, several new data sources are available, including the data environment, a graphical designer that allows to quic#ly creating %+' connections and comments to access the data. "he data environment designer provides a dynamic programmatic interface to the data access ob&ect. "he data environment provides advance data shaping services ."he

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ability to create hierarchies of related data, aggregate and automatic grouping all without code. "he new %+' data control is similar to the intrinsic the data control and remote data control, e$cept that uses %+' to access sources either as user controls are proprietary data structures. -eat/res +ata access features allows to create data base and front-end create data base format, including Microsoft S@/ Server, oracle, Microsoft access and other enterprise level data base. It includes a 6=I environment for ma#ing window based applications. Internet capabilities ma#e it easy to provide access to documents and applications across the internet from within your application. It provides a vital lin# to graphical environment and allows developing application based on standard windows features( dialog bo$es, command button, drop-down menus, scroll bar, selection list, etc. It also allows creating robust application that fully ma#es use of the graphical user interface. 0isual basic allows adapting more of parallel approach, with independent section of code for each option that the user may select. "his is #nown as -nvironment )rogramming /anguage.

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It can be e$tended easily through the use of window %)I call, hundreds of third party control and +//s, and integration with other windows applications through 2'M and +2'M allows for a rapid application development and e$cellent for business application. Ora!.e 'racle database is capable of supporting over A database size of up to A simultaneous users and a

terabytes. It is preferred to the other pc based *+9MS pac#ages

because its clientBserver database qualities, failure handling, recovery management, administrative tools to manage users and the database, ob&ect-oriented capabilities, graphical user interface >6=I? tools, and web interface capabilities. It is widely used by corporation of all size to develop mission-critical application. It is also used as a teaching tool by educational institutions to teach ob&ect-oriented relational database technology, structured query language >S@/?, )/BS@/ >oracle,s procedural language e$tension to S@/?, and interfacing web and oracle database. 'racle has an educational initiative program to form partnerships with educational institutional to obtain oracle database software at a nominal membership. 'racle software is installed to wor# in three different environments in a standalone environment, such as a laptop or des#top that is not an a networ#, oracle enterprise database software S@/Cplus client software are installed on same machine in a clientBserver environment, a two-tier architecture with a server, oracle enterprise database software resides on the server side, and S@/Cplus client software resides on the client machine. In three-tier architecture, the client communicates with oracle database server through a middle-tier iS@/Cplus, an interface through a web browser.

C.ient8Ser+er Data ase

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Medical Shop Management System

2lientBserver database, such as oracle, run as a process on the server and run a client database application on each client.

Deman( #n C.ient an( Netw#r" "he client computer does not run the entire +9MS, only the client

application that requests data from the server the client request data from the server, and only the requested data or sent bac# via networ#, which results in less networ# traffic.

C.ient -ai./re "he client failure, the clientBserver database is not affected. "he other clients are not affected either .'nly the failed client,s transactions in progress are lost. Transa!ti#n &r#!essing If a grouped a transaction or batch transaction fails in the middle, all transactions are rolled bac# -eat/res 'racle is a popular clientBserver database management system that is based on the relational model. "he oracle environment provides utilities to wor# with database tables, developing forms, reports, and graphs, managing users and database, and interfacing the web and database. S@/Cplus is oracle,s proprietary environment to enter S@/ queries S@/ is a language with data retrieval, +M/, ++/, +2/, and transaction control query statements.

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S@/C plus is an environment that provides user with editing, file, formatting, e$ecution, interaction commands.


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Medical Shop Management System

System design is the process or art of defining the architecture, components, modules, interface, data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. 'ne could see it as the application of systems theory to product development. "here is some overlap and synergy with the discipline of system analysis, system architecture and system engineering. System design is therefore the process of defining and developing a system to satisfy specified requirement of the mar#et or a customer. "he system design document describes how to transform the requirements and the functional design into more technical system design specification. "his design involves conceiving and planning out in the mind and ma#ing a drawing, pattern, or s#etch of. It includes three types of activities( -$ternal +esign, %rchitectural +esign, and +etailed +esign. "he architectural design and detailed design are collectively referred to as internal design "he e$ternal design involves specifying the e$ternally observable characteristics of a software product and the internal design involves Specifying the internal structure and processing details of the system. "he fundamental concepts of the system design includes abstraction, structure, information hiding, modularity, concurrency, verification, and design aesthetics

,.1 Ar!%ite!t/ra. Design

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%rchitectural design involves identifying the software components, decoupling, and decomposing them into processing modules and conceptual data structure, and specifying the interconnection among components. System architecture is the design or set of relations between the parts of a system. "here is no strict definition of which an aspect constitutes system architecture, and various organizations defined it in different ways. System architecture is primarily concerned with the internal interfaces among the system components or sub systems, and the interface between the system and its e$ternal environment, especially the user. "he internal structure of the software product and tests that attempt brea# the system are opened during the implementation. "he processing details, to record design decisions. to

architectural design is also

called as internal design. "he goal of this design is to specify the internal structure and

,.2 N#rma.i:ati#n
*edundant data can pose a huge problem in database. Someone has to enter the same data repeatedly. If a change made in one piece of the data, the change has to be made in many places.

*edundancy may also let to anomalies. +ecomposing is the process of splitting relations into multiple relations to eliminate anomalies and maintain anomalies and maintain data integrity

Inserti#n an#ma.y

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Medical Shop Management System

Insertion anomaly occurs when then information about an entity cannot be inserted unless the information about another entity is #nown. De.eti#n an#ma.y +eletion anomaly results when the deletion of information about one entity leads to the deletion of information about another entity. U'(ate an#ma.y. =pdate anomaly can occurs if the item price changes to a new price. -irst N#rma. -#rm 61N-7 "he primary #ey is defined. "his includes a composite #ey if a single column cannot be used as a primary #ey %ll non #ey columns show functional dependency on the primary #ey components. "he table contains no multi valued columns

Se!#n( N#rma. -#rm 62 N-7 %ll AD3 requirements are fulfilled. "here is no partial dependency.

T%ir( N#rma. -#rm 6)N-7 %ll 5D3 requirements are fulfilled. "here is no transitive dependency

%ll the three normal forms are used to design the database.

,.) Data -.#w Diagram

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+ata flow oriented techniques advocate that the ma&or data items handled by a system must be first identified and then the processing required on these data items to produce the desired outputs should be determined. "he +3+ >also called as bubble chart? is a simple graphical formalism that can be used to represent a system in terms of input data to the system, various processing carried out on these data, and the output generated by the system. It was introduced by +e Macro >AEFG?, 6ane and Sarson >AEFE?."he primitive symbols used for constructing +3+,s are( Sym #.s /se( in D-D % circle represents a process.

% rectangle represents e$ternal entity

% square defines a source or destination of the system data. %n arrow identifies dataflow.

+ouble line with one end closed indicate data store.

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;.1 M#(/.e Des!ri'ti#n

;.1.1 &/r!%ase Item "he medicines been purchased by the medical shop, the details are recorded in the )urchase Item. Some of the details been recorded by the Medical shop agent is the agency from which the medicines are bought, item details such as item type, item name, quantity, manufacturing date, e$piry date etc. "he operations that are been performed here( "o add new records into the database, to modify an already e$isting record in the database , to search a record and delete a record from the database.

;.1.2 Item

"he medicines been sold out by the medical shop, the details are recorded in the Sales Item. Some of the details been recorded by the Medical shop agent is the agency or the customer and their respective address to whom the medicines are sold, item details such as item type, item name, quantity, manufacturing date, e$piry date etc. "he operations that are been performed here ( "o search a record in the database and delete a record from the database.

;.1.) Item Detai.s

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"he medicine details such as name of the medicine, bill number, manufacturing date, e$piry date, price and the quantity of the medicines etc are been recorded in the Item +etails.

;.1., Agen!y

"he bill for the medicines been purchased, is issued to the 2ustomer by the medical shop. "he 2ustomer bill contains the bill number, purchase date, agent or agency name, details of the item such as medicine type, name, price, quantity, manufacturing date, e$piry date etc "he operations that are been performed here( "o print the record , to modify an already e$isting record in the database , to search a record and delete a record from the database.

;.1.; C/st#mer

"he bill for the medicines been purchased, is issued to the 2ustomer by the medical shop. "he 2ustomer bill contains the bill number, purchase date, details of the item such as medicine type, name, price, quantity, manufacturing date, e$piry date etc. "he operations that are been performed here(

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"o print the record ,to modify an already e$isting record in the database ,to search a record and delete a record from the database.

;.1.3 St#!" Detai.s

"he Stoc# details deals with the details of the agency as well as the stoc# item such as the item type, item name, price and quantity. "he operations that are been performed here( "o display the sales details of the stoc# as recorded in the database ,to search a record in the database.


"esting is an activity to verify that a correct system is being build and if perform with the intention of results once gathered and evaluated provide a qualitative indication of software quality and reliability and serve as a basis for design modification. % pro&ect is said to be incomplete without proper testing.

3.1 System Testing

Testing Strategies

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System testing is the stage of implementation that is aimed at ensuring that the system wor#s accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. "esting is vital for the success of the system. System testing ma#es a logical assumption that if all parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. % series of tests are performed for the proposed system is ready for =ser %cceptance "esting. "he testing steps are =nit "esting Integration "esting 0alidation "esting 'utput "esting =ser %cceptance "esting

Unit Testing =nit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design, the machine module. "his is also #nown as HM'+=/- "-S"ID6I. "he modules are tested separately is carried out during programming stage itself. In this step, each module is found to be wor#ing satisfactory. So the e$pected output from the module is arrived. Integrati#n Testing +ata can be lost across and interface, one module can have an adverse effect on others, and sub-functions when combined may not produce the desired ma&or functions. Integration "esting is a Systematic Structure, while at the same time conducting to uncover errors associated within the interfaces. "he ob&ective is to ta#e unit-tested modules and to combine them and test it as a whole. 7ere correction is difficult because the vast e$penses of

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the entire program complicate the isolation of causes. "his is the integration testing step. %ll the errors encountered will be carried over to the ne$t testing step. 1a.i(ati#n Testing 0alidation testing is performed in order to find whether there is any flow and deficiency in requirements of the system. -ach and every module is tested independently. "he input and output process are validated effectively. "he input of the user for each field is validated to chec# if value entered is null >or? valid. %fter field level validation, the module level is made such that they are integrated and a validation is performed for the whole system. O/t'/t Testing %fter performing the validation, the ne$t is output testing of the proposed system. Since no system could be useful. If it does not produce the required output in the special format as#ing the user about the requirement, test the output generated >or? displayed by the system. 7ence the output format is considered in two ways. 'n is on of the screen and other is printed format. User<A!!e'tan!e Testing =ser-%cceptance of a system is the #ey factors for the success of any system. "he system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly #eeping in touch with the perspective system users at the time of developing and ma#es changes whenever required. "his is done with the regard of the following points. Input Screen design 'utput Screen Menu driven system 3ormat of crystal reports and other output.

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3.2 System Im'.ementati#n

System implementation is the stage of the pro&ect that the theoretical design is turned into a wor#ing system. If the implementation stage is not properly plane and control, it can be considered to be the most crucial stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the user confidence that the new system will wor# and be effective. Dormally this stage involves setting up a coordinating committee, which will act as a sounding board for ideasJ complaints and problem. "he first tas# is implementation planningJ i.e., deciding on the methods and time scale to be adopted. %part from planning two ma&or tas# of preparing for implementation are, education ta#en place much earlier in the pro&ect at the implementation stage the emphasis must be on training in new s#ills to gives staff confidence that they can use the system. 'nce staff has been trained the system can be tested. %fter implementation phase, the user staff is ad&usted to the changes created by the candidate system, evaluation and maintenance to bring the new system to standard. "here is an there types Implementation )lanning -ducation )lanning System )lanning

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"his %pplication is designed to be generic as we develop our site we should ta#e advantage of several areas in which you can improve and customize business .%utomatic notification of newly placed orders to the company,s shipping or processing department. +ifferent #inds of products will be introduced in future in order to satisfy the customer needs. Many more facilities can be introduced.

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"he software HMedical Shop Management SystemI has been developed in windows EG environment using visual basic as front end and oracle as bac# end. "ime consumptions reduced to a great e$tent and user as less comple$ity in handling this database. "he pro&ect is fully fledged and user friendly, -nd users will be lightened in using this software because it is easy to have bills and reports and mostly all contents to be entered are to selected from combo bo$. "his reduces the calculating efforts to be carried out by the users.

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Re$eren!e( 2##" A. 5. :. K0isual 9asic, , 2harles 7ampfed >5 K0isual 9asic <. ,, 7erbert Schildt >5 K0isual 9asic <. ,, Lohn 8u#ows#i >5 ? ,=niversity of "oronto ? , "ata Mc6raw 7ill ? , 9)9 )ublications

!. K+ata base systems using oracle,, Dilesh shah ,)hi publications 5. KSoftware -ngineering,, *ichard 3airley

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Medical Shop Management System

<. KSoftware %nalysis and +esign,, -lnasri

Re$eren!e( ?e site

Data ase

( dbMmedical

Ta .e Name ( tbMloginform &rimary @ey ( null

-ie.( Name =sername )assword

Data Ty'e 0archar5 0archar5

Si:e 55 55

Des!ri'ti#n =sername )assword

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Medical Shop Management System

Ta .e Name ( tbM)urchaseItem &rimary @ey ( *ecordno

-ie.( name *ecordno %gencynm Itemtype Itemnm -ntrydt Mfgdt

Data ty'e Dumber 0archar5 0archar5 0archar5 0archar5 +ate

Si:e 5 : 5 : A

Des!ri'ti#n *ecord number %gency name Item type Item name -ntry date Manufacture date

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-$pdt )pr @ty "otal

+ate Dumber Dumber Dumber >G,5? 5 >G,5?

-$piry date )rice per rate @uantity "otal

Ta .e Name &rimary @ey

( tbMSalesItem ( Itemtype

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Medical Shop Management System

-ie.( name *ecordno +octor 2ustnm %ddr 2ity %gencynm Itemtype Itemnm -ntrydt Mfgdt -$pdt )pr @ty "otal

Data ty'e Dumber 0archar5 0archar5 0archar5 0archar5 0archar5 0archar5 0archar5 +ate date date Dumber Dumber Dumber

Si:e 5 : : 55 55 : : :

Des!ri'ti#n *ecord number +octor 2ustomer name %ddress 2ity %gency name Item type Item name -ntry date Manufacture date -$piry date

>G,5? 5 >G,5?

)rice per rate @uantity "otal

Ta .e Name &rimary @ey

( tbMItem detail ( Itemname

-ie.( name *ecordno

Data ty'e Dumber

Si:e 5

Des!ri'ti#n *ecord number

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Medical Shop Management System

%gencynm Itemname 9atch no Mfgdt -$pdt

0archar5 0archar5 0archar5 date date

: : A

%gency name Item name 9atch number Manufacture date -$piry date

Ta .e Name &rimary @ey

( tbM%gency bill ( null

-ie.( name *ecordno 9illno

Data ty'e Dumber>5? Dumber>5?

Si:e 5 5

Des!ri'ti#n *ecord number 9ill number

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Itemnm Mfgdt -$pdt @ty )pr "otal

0archar5>: ? +ate +ate Dumber>5? Dumber>G,5? Dumber>G,5?

Item name Manufacture date -$piry date

5 >G,5? >G,5?

@uantity )rice pe rrate "otal

Ta .e Name &rimary @ey

( tbM2utomer bill ( 9illno

-ie.( name *ecordno 9illno %gencynm +octornm Itemnm

Data ty'e6si:e7 Dumber Dumber 0archar5 0archar5 0archar5

Si:e 5 5 : : :

De!ri'ti#n *ecord number 9ill number %gency name +octor name Item name

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Mfgdt -$pdt @ty )pr "otal

+ate +ate Dumber Dumber Dumber 5 >G,5? >G,5?

Manufacture date -$piry date @uantity )rice per rate "otal

Ta .e Name &rimary @ey

( tbMStoc# ( %gencynm

-ie.( name %gencynm Itemtype

Data ty'e6si:e7 0archar5>: ? 0archar5>5 ?

Si:e : 5

Des!ri'ti#n %gency name Item type

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Medical Shop Management System

Itemnm Mfgdt -$pdt )pr @ty

0archar5>: ? +ate +ate Dumber>G,5? Dumber>5?

Item name Manufacture date -$piry date

>G,5? 5

)rice pe rrate @uantity

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S!reen Attri /tes "his screen shows login information.

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S!reen Attri /tes "his screen shows M+I form.

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S!reen Attri /tes "his screen shows purchaseitem details.

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S!reen Attri /tes "his screen shows saleitem details.

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Medical Shop Management System

S!reen Attri /tes "his screen shows item details.

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S!reen Attri /tes "his screen shows agency bill details.

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C/st#mer 2i..

S!reen Attri /tes "his screen shows 2ustomer bill details.

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S!reen Attri /te "his screen shows stoc# details.

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Medical Shop Management System

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+im cn %s %+'+9.2onnection +im rs %s %+'+9.*ecordset +im rsA %s %+'+9.*ecordset +im cnA %s %+'+9.2onnection )rivate Sub cmdMaddM2lic#>? agencyMnm N Me.cmbMagenm."e$t itemMnm N Me.cmbMinm."e$t If cmdMadd.2aption N O'#O "hen cn.-$ecute Oinsert into saleMitem values>O . 0al>t$tMrno."e$t? . O,PO . "rim>Me.t$tMdr."e$t? . OP,PO . "rim>t$tMcnm."e$t? . OP,PO . "rim>t$tMadd."e$t? . OP,PO . "rim>t$tMcity."e$t? . OP,PO . "rim>cmbMagenm."e$t? . OP,PO . "rim>cmbMinm."e$t? . OP,PO . "rim>Me.t$tMitemnm."e$t? . OP,PO . 3ormat>dtpMendt.0alue, Odd-mmm-yyO? . OP,PO . 3ormat>Me.t$tMmfgdt."e$t, Odd-mmm-yyO? . OP,PO . 3ormat>Me.t$tMe$pdt."e$t, Odd-mmmyyO? . OP,O . 0al>t$tMppr."e$t? . O,O . 0al>t$tMqty."e$t? . O,O . 0al>t$tMtotal."e$t? . O?O cn.-$ecute OcommitO rs.*equery rsA.*equery qty N 0al>Me.t$tMqty."e$t? 1hile Dot rsA.-'3 N "rue If agencyMnm N rsA.3ields> ?.0alue "hen If itemMnm N rsA.3ields>A?.0alue "hen

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qty N 0al>Me.t$tMqty."e$t? qtyA N rsA.3ields><?.0alue qtyA N qtyA - qty cn.-$ecute Oupdate stoc#Mdetail set agencynmNPO . cmbMagenm."e$t . OP,itemtypeNPO . cmbMinm."e$t . OP,itemnmNP O . Me.t$tMitemnm."e$t . O P,mfgdtNPO . 3ormat>Me.t$tMmfgdt."e$t, Odd-mmm-yyO? . OP,e$pdtNPO . 3ormat>Me.t$tMe$pdt."e$t, Oddmmm-yyO? . OP,pprNO . 0al>t$tMppr."e$t? . O,qtyNO . qtyA . O where itemtypeNPO . cmbMinm."e$t . OP O cn.-$ecute OcommitO Msg9o$ Orecord updatedO +im ans %s String rs.*equery rsA.*equery +ata*eport!.Show ans N Msg9o$>O+o = 1ant "o )rint 'utQ....O, vbResDo, Odeletion )rocess...O? If ans N vbRes "hen cmMprint.Show)rinter -lse t$tMrno."e$t N O O t$tMdr."e$t N O O t$tMcnm."e$t N O O t$tMadd."e$t N O O cmbMagenm."e$t N O O t$tMitemnm."e$t N O O

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cmbMinm."e$t N O O t$tMcity."e$t N O O t$tMmfgdt."e$t N O O t$tMe$pdt."e$t N O O t$tMppr."e$t N O O t$tMqty."e$t N O O t$tMtotal."e$t N O O t$tMrno.Set3ocus -nd If rs.MoveDe$t If rs.-'3 N "rue "hen rs.Move/ast -nd If -$it Sub -nd If -nd If rsA.MoveDe$t 1end cmdMadd.2aption N OprintO -lse cmdMadd.2aption N O'#O Msg9o$ Oo#O

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-nd If rs.*equery rsA.*equery -nd Sub

)rivate Sub cmdMdeleteM2lic#>? +im ans %s String noA N Input9o$>Oenter no to deleteO? ans N Msg9o$>O+o = 1ant "o +eleteQ....O, vbResDo, Odeletion )rocess...O? If ans N vbRes "hen cn.-$ecute Odelete from saleMitem where recordnoNO . 0al>t$tMrno."e$t? . OO Msg9o$ Orecord deletedO 2all data cn.-$ecute OcommitO -nd If rs.MoveDe$t If rs.-'3 N "rue "hen rs.Move/ast -nd If rs.*equery rsA.*equery -nd Sub

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)rivate Sub cmdMeditM2lic#>? +im no %s Integer If cmdMedit.2aption N O-ditO "hen t$tMrno.Set3ocus cmdMedit.2aption N O-dit SaveO -lse cn.-$ecute Oupdate saleMitem set recordnoNO . 0al>t$tMrno."e$t? . O,doctorNPO . t$tMdr."e$t . OP,custnm NPO . t$tMcnm."e$t . OP,addrNPO . t$tMadd."e$t . OP,cityNPO . t$tMcity."e$t . OP,agencynmNPO . cmbMagenm."e$t . OP,itemnmNPO . cmbMinm."e$t . OP,itemtypeNPO . t$tMitemnm."e$t . OP,entrydtNPO . 3ormat>dtpMendt.0alue, Odd-mmm-yyO? . OP,mfgdtNPO . 3ormat>t$tMmfgdt."e$t, Odd-mmm-yyO? . OP,e$pdtNPO . 3ormat>t$tMe$pdt."e$t, Odd-mmm-yyO? . OP,pprNO . 0al>t$tMppr."e$t? . O,qtyNO . 0al>t$tMqty."e$t? . O,totalNO . 0al>t$tMtotal."e$t? . O where recordnoNPO . 0al>t$tMrno."e$t? . OP O cn.-$ecute OcommitO Msg9o$ Orecord updateO cmdMedit.2aption N O-ditO -nd If rs.*equery rsA.*equery -nd Sub )rivate Sub cmdMfirstM2lic#>? If >rs.9'3 N "rue? %nd >rs.-'3 N "rue? "hen Msg9o$ Oplece enter recordO, vb';'nly -lse

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rs.Move3irst 2all data -nd If -nd Sub )rivate Sub cmdMlastM2lic#>? If >rs.9'3 N "rue? %nd >rs.-'3 N "rue? "hen Msg9o$ Oplece enter recordO, vb';'nly -lse rs.Move/ast 2all data -nd If -nd Sub )rivate Sub cmdMne$tM2lic#>? rs.MoveDe$t If rs.-'3 N "rue "hen Msg9o$ Oyou are in last recodO rs.Move/ast -nd If 2all data -nd Sub )rivate Sub cmdMpreviousM2lic#>? rs.Move)revious

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If rs.9'3 N "rue "hen Msg9o$ Oyou are in first recodO rs.Move3irst -nd If 2all data -nd Sub

)rivate Sub cmdMe$iteM2lic#>? =nload Me -nd Sub )rivate Sub cmdMrefM2lic#>? =nload Me Me.Show -nd Sub )rivate Sub cmdMsearchM2lic#>? +im fnd %s Integer fnd N 0al>Input9o$>Oenter nofor searchingO, Ofind processO, OAO?? 1hile Dot rs.-'3 N "rue If fnd N rs.3ields> ?.0alue "hen Msg9o$ Orecord foundO 2all data rs.*equery

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rsA.*equery -$it Sub -nd If rs.MoveDe$t 1end If rs.-'3 N "rue "hen Msg9o$ Orecord not foundO -nd If rs.*equery rsA.*equery -nd Sub )rivate Sub 3ormM/oad>? Set cn N Dew %+'+9.2onnection Set cnA N Dew %+'+9.2onnection Set rs N Dew %+'+9.*ecordset Set rsA N Dew %+'+9.*ecordset cn.'pen O)roviderNMS+%'*%.AJ)asswordNtigerJ=ser InfoN"rueO cnA.'pen InfoN"rueO O)roviderNMS+%'*%.AJ)asswordNtigerJ=ser I+NscottJ)ersist I+NscottJ)ersist Security Security

'n -rror 6o"o err cn.-$ecute Ocreate table saleMitem>recordno number>5?,doctor varchar5 >: ?,custnm varchar5>: ?,addr varchar5>55?,city varchar5>55?,agencynm varchar5>: ?,itemtype

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varchar5>: ?,itemnm varchar5>: ?,entrydt date,mfgdt date,e$pdt date,ppr number>G,5?,qty number>5?,total number>G,5??O cn.-$ecute OcommitO err( rs.'pen Oselect Cfrom saleMitemO, cn, ad'penStatic, ad/oc#9atch'ptimistic rsA.'pen Oselect Cfrom stoc#MdetailO, cn, ad'penStatic, ad/oc#9atch'ptimistic Me.cmbMagenm."e$t N agency Me.cmbMinm."e$t N item Me.t$tMppr."e$t N price Me.dtpMendt.0alue N 3ormat>+ate, Odd-mmm-yyO? Me.t$tMmfgdt."e$t N 3ormat>mfgdate, Odd-mmm-yyO? Me.t$tMe$pdt N 3ormat>e$pdate, Odd-mmm-yyO? Me.t$tMitemnm."e$t N itemnm -nd Sub )ublic 3unction data>? t$tMrno."e$t N rs.3ields> ?.0alue t$tMdr."e$t N rs.3ields>A?.0alue t$tMcnm."e$t N rs.3ields>5?.0alue t$tMadd."e$t N rs.3ields>:?.0alue cmbMagenm."e$t N rs.3ields>!?.0alue cmbMinm."e$t N rs.3ields>5?.0alue t$tMitemnm."e$t N rs.3ields><?.0alue

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dtpMendt.0alue N rs.3ields>F?.0alue t$tMcity."e$t N rs.3ields>G?.0alue t$tMmfgdt."e$t N rs.3ields>E?.0alue t$tMe$pdt."e$t N rs.3ields>A ?.0alue t$tMppr."e$t N rs.3ields>AA?.0alue t$tMqty."e$t N rs.3ields>A5?.0alue t$tMtotal."e$t N rs.3ields>A:?.0alue -nd 3unction

)rivate Sub t$tMpprM;ey)ress>;ey%scii %s Integer? If Dot >;ey%scii SN !G %nd ;ey%scii TN 5F 'r ;ey%scii N G? "hen ;ey%scii N Msg9o$ Oplese enter numeric valueO t$tMppr.Set3ocus -nd If -nd Sub )rivate Sub t$tMqtyM;ey)ress>;ey%scii %s Integer? If Dot >;ey%scii SN !G %nd ;ey%scii TN 5F 'r ;ey%scii N G? "hen ;ey%scii N

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Msg9o$ Oplese enter numeric valueO t$tMqry.Set3ocus -nd If -nd Sub )rivate Sub t$tMrnoM;ey)ress>;ey%scii %s Integer? If Dot >;ey%scii SN !G %nd ;ey%scii TN 5F 'r ;ey%scii N G? "hen ;ey%scii N Msg9o$ Oplese enter numeric valueO t$tMrno.Set3ocus -nd If -nd Sub

)rivate Sub t$tMqtyMlostfocus>? t$tMtotal."e$t N t$tMqty."e$t C t$tMppr."e$t -nd Sub )rivate Sub t$tMpcodeM;ey)ress>;ey%scii %s Integer? If Dot >;ey%scii SN !G %nd ;ey%scii TN 5F 'r ;ey%scii N G? "hen ;ey%scii N Msg9o$ Oplese enter numeric valueO t$tMpcode.Set3ocus -nd If -nd Sub

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)rivate Sub t$tMphnoM;ey)ress>;ey%scii %s Integer? If Dot >;ey%scii SN !G %nd ;ey%scii TN 5F 'r ;ey%scii N G? "hen ;ey%scii N Msg9o$ Oplese enter numeric valueO t$tMphno.Set3ocus -nd If -nd Sub

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