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Michael Nagy George

18 Ibrahim Solyman Street, Taween - Fesel , Giza, Egypt.

Mobile: (+2) 012 434 74 68
Home: (+2) 0237417164
Email :

To obtain software developer position that enriches my software development experience and further
develops my technical skills and fully utilize my academic background, while providing all necessary
help to improve and increase the profit of company I working in.


Aug 2009 – Present

EL RUBAIA Technical and Information :- Founded in 2009 , Saudi Company build and design
integrating solution ,The main customers are Saudi government and Saudi educational organization .

 Aug 2009 – Sep 2009 EL RUBAIA Website:- Company Website using Sliver Light
 Sep 2009 – Till Present: - Saudi Arabia Culture Mission Website using sharepoint
MOSS 2007.

Sep 2007 – Aug 2009

DashSoft :- Founded in 2005, DashSoft main business line is outsourcing. It is to design, build and
implement turnkey solutions to offshore companies, My position is Software Engineer I’m involved
to develop & test many projects :-

 Sep 2008 – Aug 2009 Telerik ECMA :- ECMA is a full HR system, Software built for

 Nov 2008 – Sep 2008 WCF Service Generator Wizard :- Generate Astoria , WCF
endpoint , WCF Collection Service and AtomPub service from Telerik Open Access entities,
Software built for Telerik .

 Sep 2008 – Nov 2008 Wireframe: - is Customer Relationship Management system

built from scratch, system built for Telerik.

 July 2008 – Sep 2008 Generic DAL :- is generics data access layer based on
ADO , ADO.Net , DAAB , Linq to SQL , ADO entity framework , Data Service , NHibernate
and Telerik Open Access .

 Jan 2008 – July 2008 SiteFintiy :- is content management system produced by

Telerik . I developed Newsletter module and Notification service for more info


Description Internet Cafe System which many feature like Control each client by a specific
time , Support chatting , Server can talk to client using client sounds. , The ability to
recover from errors , Share folders to clients by new techniques. , Generate report about
what happened each day , Support security and Remote access to client desktop.
Tools Microsoft C# 2.0.
Year 2006.

Description A Client/Server Architecture Video Blogging Application with rich GUI client and
multi-threaded & functionality server.
Technology & Tools Java 2 Standard Edition 1.5 (J2SE 5.0) using Java Swing, Sockets,
Threading, DSJ (Direct Show Java).
Year 2006.

HEM Messenger
Chatting Application
Description A Client/Server Architecture chatting application.
Tools Microsoft Visual C++ 6 using MFC framework, MFC Sockets.
Year 2006.

Description A 3D DX-Ball game,
Tools Microsoft Visual C++ 6 using Direct X 9.0 SDK.
Year 2006.

Space Craft
Description A 2D flash game attacking planes with player’s plane within 4 levels and 3 trials.
Tools Macromedia Flash MX, Action Script 2.0, Adobe Photoshop 9.0.
Year 2005

B.Sc. Computer Science, Helwan University, 2007
Major Computer Science.
Grade Good
"El-Tawfeaya Secondary School "

Programming Languages Self Estimation(out of 10) Experience Duration
C# (2, 3.5 and 4) 9 More than 3 years
VB .Net 7 About 3 months
Java 6 About 3 months
SQL, OQL 6 About 3 months
C++ 5 About 3 months
Ruby 4 About 1 months

Application Frameworks Self Estimation(out of 10) Experience Duration

Model Viewer Controller 8 About 3 Months
Microsoft Foundation Class 5 About 3 months
Model Viewer Presentation 4 About 2 months
Java Swing Framework 4 About 2 months

Graphics Programming
Experience with DirectX 9.0 for creating a 3D DX-Ball using Visual C++ 6.

Web Technologies Self Estimation(out of 10) Experience Duration

HTML 9 More than three years
ASP .Net 9 More than two years
Web Service 8 More than 5 months
SharePoint 2007 8 More than 5 months
Data Service 7 More than 4 months
JavaScript 7 About one year
Silverlight 6 More than 2 months
WCF 3.5 and 3.5 sp1 6 More than 2 month
Ruby On Rails 3 About 1 month.

Experience with Microsoft SQL server 2000, 2005 and 2008.

OR Mapping Tool Self Estimation(out of 10) Experience Duration

ADO.Net entity Framework 8 About 6 months
LinqToSQL 8 About 3 months
Telerik Open Access 8 More than 3 months
NHibernate 6 About 1 month

Programming Paradigms Self Estimation(out of 10)

Structure Programming 9
Object - Oriented Programming 9

Testing Environments Self Estimation(out of 10) Experience Duration

Microsoft Unit test 8 About 6 months
RAD Tool and IDEs
Experiences with Microsoft Visual Studio 6 & 2005 & 2008.
Experiences with Java Eclipse 3.2, NetBeans 5.0.
Experiences with Microsoft Expression Studio

Other Technical Skills

• Solid and Deep Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming and the Object data
model itself (Reference to Graduation Project).
• Deep understanding of Object-Oriented Analysis/Deign and good knowledge and
applying of UML diagrams.
• Very Good understanding and applying of Object-Oriented Software design patterns
(Decorator, Strategy, Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory, State, Proxy, …)
• Very Good understanding of Waterfall, Iterative and Unified Process Software
Development Process (Agile, Scum). And Software Development Process Concept.
• Very Good understanding of Relational data model and Relational Database Design.
• Solid and Deep understanding of Computer Networks and Network Protocol
• Deep understanding of Multi-threading Concept and Experiences it with many
technologies (.NET Technology, Java Technology).
• Deep understanding of Operating System Theories.
• Deep Mathematical understanding in various mathematical topics.
• Very Good Problem Solving skills and Ability to attack problems in different views

Open Mind and fast learner in science and new technologies.
Highly Self motivated.
Work under pressure.
Good Communications skills.
Research abilities.
Gender Male.
Date of birth 24th October, 1986.
Nationality Egyptian.
Marital Status Single.
Military State Exempted
• Arabic (Mother Tongue).
• English Very Good

Graduation Project
Project Information
Code Name Triton DOODBMS
Description Distributed Object-Oriented Database Manager System that support native
objects Storage, retrieve and manipulation. Using Object Data Modeling as it's
Data model partially adhering to the ODMG 3.0 standards.
(more info

Technology used Microsoft .NET Technology, C# 2.0.


Participation Information
1- Server Connection Manager: -
• Establish and handle the connection between the server and the Client.
2- Client Library:-
• Connect to server and transfer Data with security policy.
• Preparing object state which will be stored at server.
• Get objects from their sates which received.
3- Object Manipulator Manager :-
• Store Object pattern by using Storage Manager In pattern.
• Make some operation in the stored Objects like scan all and search it
unpacking objects and start find the target objects.


Chess & Pool.

Available upon request.

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