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Seventh Day

Dragons of Atlantis Seven Day Protection Guide.

2011 Seventh Day All Rights Reserved 1|Page

Copyright 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Seventh Day Dragons of Atlantis levelling guide is not authored nor endorsed by KABAM LLC and any KABAM LLC materials presented are the sole and exclusive property of KABAM LLC and/or their respective owners. All the material contained in this book is provided for educational and informational purposes only.. While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both accurate and effective, the author does not assume any responsibility for the end results of this information as each the amount of time a player has cannot be determined by this guide.

2011 Seventh Day All Rights Reserved 2|Page

Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................. 1 Using This Guide and Some Tips ............................................................... 2 Day 1: The Foundation ............................................................................... 3 Day 2: Building Your Army ......................................................................... 8 Day 3: Armored Transports & Faster Attacks ........................................... 13 Day 4: The Market and the Keep.............................................................. 17 Day 5: Training, Research and Attacks .................................................... 19 Day 6: Final Research and Remaining Buildings ..................................... 20 Day 7: Great Dragon Armor Egg Hunt? ................................................. 21 ATTACK CHART REFERENCE TABLE .................................................. 22

2011 Seventh Day All Rights Reserved 3|Page

We get tons of email from Dragons of Atlantis players asking how it get so much resources and power before our protection is up. This blog will lay out a guide that we created and hone daily as we play. It is just that, a guide. It will not tell you step-by-step WHAT to do, but instead a general idea of what to do each day. There is currently no other guide like this on the net anywhere. To play, you have your choice of FACEBOOK or KABAM.COM. Free rubies aside, We choose Facebook, as there seems to be less issues. This is an advance guide, and as such it is highly recommended you start this on a weekend (or some time you have 1 or 2 days to spare). The first 3 days of the guide are grueling as we will be getting a couple high level buildings constructed, and troops must be warring for resources to make this work as well as very high researches will be required, we stretch the game to its limits. While most of us play advanced mode, we do try to keep the casual gamer in mind. So if you work a lot, you still should be able to smoke anyone in any alliance you are in fast. And on the 7th day, you should have resources busting out the seams - so that you can pursue ultimate victory with confidence.

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Using This Guide and Some Tips

Speed Ups:
This is a sleeper tool in the game. The key to making this guide tick is when to use them and on what. Seventh Day ONLY uses speedups on research only mainly the weapon calibration, metallurgy and medicine as these are the main build we use here. You can if you like use them in the beginning, but we recommend against it.

It is imperative that you are attacking back to back, the camps you are able to in multiples (this means correct research, and troop count). They should never be sitting idle after day 2. While on day 4, you will have access to the trade, you will still need gold and gold comes from camps as well as precious ore needed to train the troops. NO IDLE TROOPS!!!

Believe it or not, gold is really not that big a deal in the game. It is only useful in the beginning when you are researching, That is why 7th DAY focuses on heavy research during your protection, so you do not have to panic later when you lose it. Trust us when we say, gold is easy to make. So with this in mind, we suggest that after day 4 you STOP accepting gold quest and leave them there this way players cannot take them. It is what we call the quest-bank (phrase coined by Cain back several years ago)

So, as promised NO FLUFF GUIDE. Start your city!!

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Day 1: The Foundation

Day 1 Routine (follow close in order, it will be tight)
Hit the SKIP button to avoid the tutorial after you created your city. Then open your inventory and open the chest. Go to productions tab and use the Nanos. Keep using those as you get them - they stack.

FIELDS (Start here first) Build the Following: 1 x Farm 3 x Mines 3 x Quarrys 4 x Lumber Mills

We start here first to get your resources going. How you lay it out is up
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to you. Rotate as you start your builds. First farm, then lumber mill, mine and quarry, then repeat. It is pretty self-explanatory. Yes you are seeing this correctly. There is ONLY ONE FARM! On the 4th or 5th day, you will have well over 1 million food from camps alone. Wood and METALS are the most valuable for troop training and stone is for buildings, which after day 6, we wont need much wood anymore. Once done, you will have 9 quests to collect! Next: Level 1 of each group to level 3 (ex. 1 mine, 1 quarry and the Farm), then level one of the Lumber Mills to 4. The City Using the routine below, build the following: 6 x HOMES SCIENCE CENTER 14 GARRISONS.

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The above image is how you want your city. WHERE the buildings go, is up to you, but the QUANTITY must be the same. Below, is the routine I use. I will show you by the steps below, how to set this up without running out of resources. Depending on your play time and schedule, if you play straight through, will take about 3 hours. Slower you go, the more resources you will have to play with. This is just to start. Follow along below: 1. BUILD: 6 x HOMES. Lots of debate here, but our test have shown this to be the optimal amount. 2. CLICK FORTRESS and set tax to 100%, then again to 50%. VERY IMPORTANT: Leave it at 50% for the duration of this guide. 3. BUILD: SCIENCE CENTER (1) 4. RESEARCH: WOOD CRAFTING (1). Use a 5m SPU, and wait out the last 3mn 5. RESEARCH: MASONRY(1) and ALLOYS(1). Wait these out, they do not take long. 6. BUILD: 3 x GARRISONS. Collect the rewards. 7. LEVEL: SCIENCE CENTER (2). Wait it out. a. RESEARCH: WOODCRAFT (2). Use 15m SPU + 1m SPU. b. RESEARCH: MASONRY (2). Use 15m SPU + 3m SPU c. RESEARCH: ALLOYS(2). You wont have a SPU for it, which is fine, as you will still be levelling the SC (2) 8. BUILD: 1 x GARRISON. Collect rewards. 9. LEVEL: SCIENCE CENTER (3). 33min. a. RESEARCH: METALLURGY (1)

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a. RESEARCH: WOODCRAFT (3) once SC(3) is completed. b. Build GARRISONS until you have a total of 14. See image above. Keep up on the research as you build these. 10. LEVEL: SCIENCE CENTER (4). 1hr 10m. This will unlock

RAPID DEPLOYMENT (1), WOODCRAFT (4) and WEAPON CALIBRATION (1). a. RESEARCH: RAPID DEPLOYMENT(1). Gives nice gold reward of 6k! b. RESEARCH: WOODCRAFT (4). This is where the gold from above comes in handy. c. RESEARCH: WEAPON CALIBRATION (1) d. RESEARCH: MASONRY(3) and ALLOYS(3). 11. BUILD: METAL SMITH. Unlocks METALLURGY. a. RESEARCH: METALLUGY(1) after the above is researched. 12. BUILD: FACTORY(1). Not only does this give nice

resource reward, it unlocks MERCANTALISM for trading with other players (we will use this later in the game). 13. LEVEL: FORTRESS(2). This will unlock 3 more plots. a. BUILD: 2 x MINES b. BUILD: 1 x QUARRY 14. LEVEL: HOMES(3). Rotate as you do it (first all level 2,

then all level 3) and so forth. 15. LEVEL: FIELDS(3). Level all the buildings to level 3.

Rotatae as you do it.

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Day 1 is complete.



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Day 2: Building Your Army

Day 2 Routine:
If you followed the steps from day one, you should have waked up to something similar to the image below maybe a 10% variance, but no exceptions:

Day 2 Starting Resources

While there is not many steps today, what you have to accomplish, is very resource demanding. You need to have a full day off to make this work on schedule if you are playing casual, just play through. If you are unable to build or train at a certain point due to lack of resources, just come back after a few hours, and you should be fine. Much of the work today will be done in the first few hours of the morning. The rest will be obtaining resources to get the research done. You will want to have a free day today, as it will keep you busy.

Preparing for battle:

While doing todays routine, open up your map, and log all coordinates
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of level 1 camps. You want to make a list so when it is time to attack, you dont have to keep scrolling and wondering if you hit a particular camp or not. Get about 5-10 camps if possible. When searching, locate those that are within 7min range. The do the following: 1. LEVEL: GARRISON (2), (3) & (4). Level ONLY ONE GARRISON. For the rest of the game, do not do anything with the other 13. 2. RESEARCH: WEAPON CALIBRATION (2). Use 15min SPU 3. BUILD: FACTORY (1). 4. BUILD: MUSTER POINT (1). 5. BUILD: OFFICERS QUARTERS (1). Then recruit one general. 6. TRAIN: As soon as the GARRISON reaches level 4, immediately train LBM(70) and PORTERS(150). While they are training, continue with the next steps. 7. LEVEL: METAL SMITH (2). 8. RESEARCH: METALLURGY (2) 9. ATTACK: See below.

The Math of Attacks and Training

This completes your city routine today. But you are far from done. For the rest of the day, you will be sending out attacks to your list of camps you made. Starting with the first one, send out a squad (70 LBM and 150 PORTERS). If you have the distance no more than 10min, you
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should be able to make 6 attacks per hour, which will yield 3,000 METALS/hr. (the level 1 camps loot you 500 METALS each hit*) Your fields should be putting out another 3,000/hr (click on your FORTRESS under BASE RATE to find this) for a total of about 6,000/hr. It cost 21k of METALS to train 70 LBM. The best and most efficient way to do this, is starts your attacks. Set a timer (I use my android). As long as you maintain at least 6 attacks for the first 4hrs, at the end of this time, do the following: 1. TRAIN: LBM (70) and PORTERS (150). For future reference, we call these Day 1 Squads or just D1. See charts at the end of the guide for other squad types. 2. LEVEL: MUSTER POINT (1). Each level will allow you to send out another squad. Make sure you have another general 3. RECRUITE: GENERAL/OFFICER. From the officers quarters.

Now you will have 2 squads out hitting 2 different camps, doubling your troop loot. Repeat the above formula for the rest of the day, decreasing step #1 by an hour. So next time, start another squad after 3hrs, then 2hr then after that, train a squad every hour. Dont forget to raise your MUSTER POINT and appoint a GENERAL so you can attack. To keep it simple, the guide will assume you can only get 3 squads done, which is more than enough. Just spend as much time as you can on attacks all day. Your end of day objective is to get at least 60k 100k of METALS. Its a nice cushion for tomorrow as well as your fields will be cookin as well.

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Continue with the city: 1. LEVEL: 1 x MINE (4) 2. LEVEL: 1 x LUMBER MILL (5) 3. LEVEL: SCIENCE CENTER (5) and (6). This will unlock MEDICINE and LEVITATION. 4. LEVEL: GARRISON (5) 1hr 25m 5. LEVEL: METALSMITH (3) 6. TRAIN: D1 squad. Should have plenty to do this after the above buildings are done, then level your MUSTER POINT (2) and recruit another general. NOTE: The following research you will run in to gold issues. For this reason, research what comes available. Use rewards and attack loot as the come in. MET and WC are buffs for future combat, LEV is for the training of ARMORED TRANSPORTS. 1. RESEARCH: WOOD CRAFT (5). Allows for LEVITATION. 2. RESEARCH: LEVITATION (1), (2) and (3) 3. RESEARCH: MEALLURGY (3) 4. WEAPON CALIBRATION (3) 5. RESEARCH: MEDICINE (1)

It is important to keep troops attacking. The minute they return, send them back out. They are your main source of resources while working
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on today. Focus on getting one or two more D1 squads out.

RESEARCH CHECK LIST (We are only interested in these two for now) WOODCRAFT (5) LEVITATION (3) MEDICINE (1) WEAPON CALIBRATION(2) METALLURGY (2)

YOU ARE DONE FOR THE DAY! STOP! You can continue to attack if you like.. (rec.)

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Day 3: Armored Transports & Faster Attacks

Day 3 Routine
Depending on your play time which should have been all day, if you are working toward massive resources (casual players may not be close to this), the follow is something you may have. Focus on the METALS. But fear not casual players, today youll be able to catch up to this.

Figure 1 Day 3 Resources

The new troops we will be using for the duration of the guide are ARMORED TRANSPORTS. They have several benefits, but the two we are interested in the most are the speed and the cargo they can carry (not to mention they are tough lil bastards for being a non-elite). In order to unlock them, we need to finish two buildings: the FACTORY (3) and GARRISON (6). Again, if you are playing casual, just continue from yesterday and work your way here. There is not much to do today, but train and attack all day.

If you havent already, fire up another D1 squad, raise the muster point

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And get another general so you now will have 3 squads out attacking level 1 camps for a total of 1,500 METALS per run. Once we are able to get ARMORED TRANSPORTS done, We will start to have enough troops to start on level 2 camps and hopefully by end of the day, attacking a level 3 camp. Do not worry about research for these troops, as that has more than been satisfied for level 2 camps. It is more preferable to attack with ATs so as to get ALL of it. Since the FACTORY (2) 18min ,(3) 36min (54min) will take the least amount of time, start with those. Once they are done, work on the GARRISON (6) 3hrs. This will be the last time we need to level it. Between the two buildings, you will have a 4.5hr build time While these two buildings are levelling, start on WEAPON

CALIBRATION (5) wich will take 5.5hrs which is almost the same time for the FACTORY (3) and GARRISON (6) to complete. After which, level MEDICINE (3).

Once FACTORY (3) and GARRISON (6) finish, Time to train ARMORED TRANSPORTS. Start with 50 ATs. Then queue up enough LONG BOWMEN to make your total equal 150. Objective here is to make it so when the ATs are done training, you will send them off to level 2 camps, and stop attacking LEVEL 1. This will be your D2 squads. DO NOT hit level 2 camps until you have MEDICINE(1). So make sure that is your next research. Every hour (resources permitting) create another D2 Squad until you have at least three. AFTER you have at least 2xD2 squads hitting level 2 camps AND
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WEAPON CALIBRATION is done, continue with below. 1. LEVEL: 1 x MINE (6) 2. LEVEL: 1x LUMBER MILL (6) 8min. NOTE you shold already have one at level 5. 3. LEVEL: METAL SMITH (4) This will unlock METALLURGY (4). 4. LEVEL: DRAGON KEEP (4). The following are the research levels we are shooting for today. The order is not important as there are building requirements. The objective is to get MEDICINE (1) first, then WEAPON CALIBRATION (4), METALLURGY (4) and MEDICINE (4). This will give us a nice jump for the next couple days. 5. RESEARCH: MEDICINE (1) 6. RESEARCH: ALLOYS (4). Also unlocks METALLURGY (4) 7. RESEARCH: METALLURGY (4). 8. RESEARCH: MEDICINE (2), (3) & (4) 9. RESEARCH: WEAPON CALIBRATION (5). Start this after you have all the above research. I do it before I end the day when that is usually when the rest of the research completes. It is important to keep the D2 squads hitting camps back to back, as now you will start to see a nicer resource intake. Focus on getting troops ready for a LEVEL 3 camp for tomorrow (D3 = LBM(450) + AT(100)). DO NOT ATTACK WITH this squad as it requires a WEAPON CALIBRATION (5) which you do not have yet.

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Day 4: The Market and the Keep.

From this point on, there will most likely be wide range of variance of resources from player to player. One example of this is that WEAPON CALIBRATION (5) will either still be processing or have not started. As soon as possible, get the research going. Another research you want to get started today once WEAPON CALIBRATION 5) is complete is the MERCANALISM (1) a research that allows you to buy and sell on the market. One transaction per level of MERC. It is unfortunate that KABAM has focused all its advertising is players spending money, that the trade is almost non-existent these days. For this reason, I suggest researching MERC(1) and then see if you can find ORE at any value on the market. If there is none, then it is likely that most people are not trading on this server. If you are lucky enough to be on a server where people DO trade dont be afraid to raise your MERCANTALISM level, this is where you can pick up some extra METALS (ORE) for a fee. However, more often than not, if you just ask in WC, someone will put some up. We have yet to run this guide, without someone answering our call for a reasonable price. 1mil ORE we can easily get for under 100k gold. Almost ALWAYS! So ask. You should have the gold by now. If this is the case and you are able to get ORES regularly, this will allow you to slow down the attacks, and not have to sit glued to the PC as much, as you can use what you get from trade to train your D5 army. By day 4, if you are able to get 1mil in ORES that will be enough to train troops for D5 and you can stop attacking and relax. The other two researches we are going to want at level 5 is
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METALLURGY and MEDICINE. METALLURGY (5) requires METAL SMITH (5) and ALLOYS (5). So to start, research the ALLOYS first since it takes the least amount of time, then continue with METALLURGY and MEDICINE. Level the Dragon keep(6) and continue to train and tackle level 2 camps. A final note: From today on, unless you need it, do not COLECT quest rewards that have gold or gold/food rewards. What we are going to do is start up a quest bank.. A quest bank, is a bank that is untouchable by players attacks. And at a low level this is important as you need gold for your research, and if you end up out of protection, you will be subject to attacks, and gold is NOT protected by STORAGE(we build this on day 7). So stop taking monetary rewards.

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Day 5: Training, Research and Attacks

The only thing you will be dong today is continue your attacks, training and researching prepare for level 4 camps. You will not be able to take them out yet as you need WC (6). If you are a casual player, you will start to catch up with the heavy players by today and tomorrow, as there is less to build, and more to train. By day 7 both casual and hard care will be working on the final buildings.

Day 5 Routine:
1. LEVEL: METAL SMITH (6): Unlocks ALLOYS(6) 2. LEVEL: HOMES (4). Need more volunteers 3. LEVEL: DRAGON KEEP (7). If you are able to get more METALS in the TRADE level DRAGON KEEP (8) otherwise you can wait until tomorrow. 4. RESEARCH: ALLOYS (5) 5HRS: Allows METALLURGY (6) 5. RESEARCH: WEAPON CALIBRATION (6) 21h 11m. Due to the time on this, start time will be different from each player depending on time devoted to game prior days. The rest of the day, all resources go to training. LONGBOWMEN (150 = 1hr) and ATS (50 = 1hr each). Each time you get a D3 squad, send them out (tomorrow will be attacking level 4 camps). Your resources will be massing a little more quickly now. Keep an eye on the trade for METALS and purchase as needed.
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Day 6: Final Research and Remaining Buildings

1. RESEARCH: METALLURGY (6) 2. RESEARCH: MEDICINE (6) 3. BUILD: ROOKERY(1) 4. BUILD: SENTILE(1) 5. BUILD: STORAGE(1) (6). This will protect over a million resources except gold. You do have your quest-bank right? Continue to attack the rest of the day. Keep attacking to keep your resources coming in to train, or purchase resources from the trade market. Either way, keep shooting for your D5 troop. DO NOT attack until you have a 6-6-6 research level.

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Day 7: Great Dragon Armor Egg Hunt?

Once your research has hit 6-6-6, send your D5 off to the closest level 5 camp, and REPEATEDLY ATTACK IT all day and all night. Do not worry, your armor will drop. Contrary to what people say in WORLD CHAT Armor DOES drop from level 5 camps. If you started level 5 camps yesterday, you can probably get the complete set by end of today. Sometimes more often than not, you will get them all pretty fast. 1. RESEARCH: DRAGONRY (1) 2. RESEARCH: ARIAL COMBAT (1). Note this can only be done once you found all the armor. Once you have ARIAL COMBAT, you will be able to take your Great Dragon out and farm wilds for your eggs, to start your outpost but that is for another guide. Congratulations! You now have a fully sustainable city in which to venture out in the world of Dragons of Atlantis with confidence.

Be sure to visit the forums if you have any questions.

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This guide only deals with camps up to level 5. This is the minimum camp level to acquire Great Dragon Armor. A Little known fact. The following chart has been tested thousands of times per level. It has given a ZERO LOSSES flawlessly*.


Camp Level


Weapon calibration

Armored transports

1(D1) 2(D2) 3(D3) 4(D4) 5(D5)

70 150 450 2,000 5,500

150p* 50 100 300 600

1 2 5 6 6

1 3 4 5 6

Medicine 0 1 2 5 6

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Long Bowmen


Attack Chart Disclaimer After level 5, there may be a chance of a 100% (or massive) troop wipe. This has been called through the community as a RNG or random number generator. We have never seen this over the years we have tested and believe it to be a result of a near-miss research vs troop count. We have over a million attacks combined on levels 1 -5 and have yet to see a RNG take our troops.

Off the record, it seems to be more of an issue with KABAMS site, than the FACEBOOK version. This could just be a coincidence, however all games were played and tested on a Facebook server.

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7th Day Is dedicated to my two gamer-sons I am proud that you are who you are

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