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BUILT UP STEEL BEAMS Prepared by Ismail Ali

In designing built up sections , the minimum area of the section must be determined in order to be adequate to the required section modulus (Zreq = M/0.6fy

Thickness of the web (t): !he thic"ness of the #eb can be determined empirically from the follo#ing equation $ t = % & 'h must be ( ')/*h+, #here t is the #eb thic"ness in mm h is section depth in meter ) is the ma- shear force +, design shear strength of steel

.r can be ta"en from the follo#ing table $ h(m 0./ 0 0.*1 0.1 0.%1 * *.1 ' 2 1

t(mm h/t

63/ 0003 0''

/300 0003 0*1

4300 0*13 020

0030* 0*13 020

0*302 0*13 026

02 02'

02306 0163 0%/

0630/ 0663 0/%

*0 *00

**3*2 *0/3 **%

!he minimum thic"ness of the #eb is ta"en t = 6 mm , and is increased in steps of * mm

Depth of the section (h) : h = 0.015Zreq/t ( (0/00 333 0/*0 67 #here 7 is the beam length for deflection control

Area of flange : 8rea of one flange = '6Zreq/2h for symmetric sections (identical upper and lo#er flanges

8rea of the t#o flanges = 'Zreq/*h for unsymmetrical sections !hen 8fl = btfl 9here 8fl is area of flange b is #idth of flange tfl is thic"ness of flange and b: '0 tfl tfl ( t of #eb : *.16t

Checks : M/Z : +y )6;/I6t : +, 9here Z is the actual section modulus I actual section moment of inertia

; = 8fl6- & 8#6h#//

EXAMPLE <esign a built up section of the simply supported beam #ith span 7= 0* m 7i,e load = 06t/m .#n #eight of the beam 0.' t/m Sol tion !otal load = = 77 & <7 = 06 & 0.' = 06.' t/m Ma- bending moment = M = =7*// = 06.'60**// = *4'.2 t.m Ma- shear force = ) = =7/* = 06.'60*/* = 4%./ t >equired ;ection modulus = Zreq = M/0.6fy = *4'20000/0.66*200 = *0'%1 cm'

!E" hmin = 7/00 = 0*/00 = 0.*m tmin = % &'6h = % & '60.* = 00.6 mm ta"e t = 0* mm h = 0.015Zreq/t = 0.015*0'%1/0.* = 024./ cm ? 010 cm choose beam depth = 0.1 m and #eb thic"ness = 0* mm #lange 8fl = '6Zreq/26h = '6*0'%1/26010 = 000./ cm* tfl : *.1 t = *.160* = '0 mm ta"e tfl = *0 mm b6* = 000./ b = 10 cm = 100 mm choose flange section 1006*0 mm

section properties 8fl = 000 cm* I = t6h'/0* & *68fl @* I = 02'*%00 cm2 Z = 02'*%00/%1 = 0400* cm'

Check M/Z = *4'20000/0400* = 000*.26 "g/cm* A +y = 0.66*200 = 0220 "g/cm* o"

; = 8fl 6- & 8#6h#// = 0006%2 & 02660.*6026// = 0014%.2 cm' )6;/I6t =4%/0060014%.2/02'*%0060.*=60*./ "g/cm* A +, =0.26*200=460 "g/cm* o" <esign of stiffeners ;tiffeners are usually needed #hen h#/t B %05*000/+y !he ma- distance bet#een stiffeners is ta"en equal to !he #idth of the stiffener is b ( h#/'0 & 20 mm 9here h# is the depth of the #eb in mm !he thic"ness of the rib is ta"en at least b/01

+y in "g/cm* a = *6h for h/t B 000 a = *.1h for h/t : 000

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