Bahan Ajar Bing Klas X 2014 (Genap)

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TASK 1 (IN PAIRS Read the text carefully!

) (RPP 1)

There will be a Prince and Princess Contest of SMK N 1 Limboto. Each class please send a couple to be the representative of the prince and princess. All the contestants should fill a form to Mr. Irfan. Thank you. TASK 2 Complete the text with the correct words from the box. a. Cooperationb.b.Decorate e. Welcome c.Will be graded d.Do the best

f. Working bee

g. important

Attention , please. There will be a ....(1) tomorrow. The purpose is to clean and ....(2)your classrooms.All students should bring cleaning equipment such as brooms, dusters, cloths and things to decorate your classrooms. Please, note that the activity ....(3). The points scored will be for ....(4)cleanliness and decoration. So, ....(5) for your classrooms. Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who may present the text? What is the announcement about? What is the purpose of the activity? What should the students do? What will be mark

TASK 3. (IN GROUPS) Listening text May I have your attention, please. Because our flight today is fully booked, we must require that passengers limit their carry-on items to one person. If you more than one carry-on item, please report to the counter now so that attendants may check your extra bags. Answer the questions. 1. Where is the announcement? a. At the airport b. At the station c. At the market 2. Who should report to the counter? a. The pilot b. The passenger
Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

c. The stewardess 3. Why must the passenger limit their carry-on items? Becaude of the flight is . a. Free booked b. Non booked c. Fully booked 4. What must the passenger do, if they have more than one carry on item? a. Report to the counter b. Enter to the gate c. Out of the gate 5. Who may check your extra bags? a. The passenger b. The attendants c. The pilot STUDENTS WORK SHEET(RPP 2) Task 1 Study this text carefully! Attention, please. Today you will go home earlier than usual. All the teachers will have a meeting, with officials from the Education Department, at the town hall. Although you go home earlier, you have to spend your time well. Thank you Task 2. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to form a good announcement. Then answer the questions.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Thank you. You should record your interview and prepare it for the next English lesson. Attention, please. We will discuss it together. You should find a foreigner there to talk to, or to interview him/her. To improve your English speaking,we will go to Borobudur next month. For further information, please contact Ms. Santi, the English teacher.

Answer the questions! 1. When will the students go to Borobudur? 2. What is the purpose of the plan? 3. What should the students do there? 4. Who should the students contact to get more information? 5. and prepare it for the next English lesson.What does the word it refer to? Task 3 Create announcements based on the following situations.Present your work to the class.
Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

1. Your class will join a carnival to celebrate Independence Day. You announce that the final preparation will be held this afternoon after school. 2. Suppose you work in an information center of a big fashion shop. Someone reported she lost her motorcycle key. It is big and black attached to a toy accessory. What should you say to announce it? 3. Suppose you are the class captain. Your friend Anna, has been absent for four days because of dengue fever. You invite your friends to donate some money for her. You also invite them to visit her at the hospital. What should you say?

Download 3 of text of announcement from internet.or find out from other source. Every student is different.

STUDENTS WORK SHEET (RPP3) Task 1 Study this text carefully!

A. Ann Bill Ann Bill : Do you know why there were lots of detectives at the airport this morning?What happened? : Yeah, they were waiting for an aeroplane from South Africa but it was too late. : Why? : I dont know. But it was funny. Somebody had told the police a few hours earlier That the plane was carrying a parcel of diamonds from South Africa very expensive and ..some thieves had plannedto steal it. : So? : So They were keeping guard there, everywhere, the whole morning.Some were in the main building and some in the airfield. : What happened when the plane arrived? : All yhe detectives were very watchful. Two men took the parcel off the plane and then carried it to the Customs House. : What did they do with the parcel then ? : Two detectives opened it. And to make sure that nobody would break in, two detectives were keeping guard at the door. But ha ..haha : What ? : It was funny. They got a hoax. The parcel didnt contain diamonds ! But you know what? : What? Why laughing? : Stones and san.! : You must be kidding! : No, Its true.

Ann Bill Ann Bill Ann Bill Ann Bill Ann Bill Ann Bill

Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X

By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

B. Too late The plane was late and the detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting avaluable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting at the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the customs House.While two detectives were keeping gusrd at the door, two others opened the parcel.To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! Task 2. Answer the questions. 1. What is the main topic of the text above? 2. What information do you get from the text? Task 3 A wet night Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the midlle of a field. As soon as this was done,, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelt good.After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the camp fire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.Tjeir sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night,, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent. Read the text above carefully, then change into a monolog.

Write down your own experience. STUDENTS WORK SHEET(RPP4) Task 1 Read this text carefully! Last week, I took my five year old brother, Willy, to a musical instrument store in my hometown. I wanted to buy him a set of junior drum because his drum teacher adviced to buy him one.Willy likes listening to music very much. He also likes asking me everything he wants to know.Even his questions sometimes seem precious for a boy of his age.He is very inquisitive. We went there by car. On the way We saw a policeman, standing near a traffic light regulating the passing cars and other vehicles. He blew his whistle now and then. Seeing the policeman blowing his whistle, Willy asked me at once,wwhy is the policeman using a whistle, not a drum? Hearing his unexpected question, I answered reluctantly,because he is not Phill Collins!
Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

Task 2. Answer the questions. 1. I wanted to buy him a set of Junior drum.. The underline word refers to a. Willy c. Phil Collins b. The writer d. The drum teacher 2. The first paragraph of the text above is called a. Twist c. Orientation b. Complication d. Classification 3. Hearing his unexpected question, I answered reluctantly. The synonym of the underlined word is . a. Seriously c. Carefully b. Happily d. Unwillingly 4. How did the writer and his brother go to a musical instrument store? a. By car c. On foot b. By taxi d. By pedicap Task 3 Find the meanings of the following words at your dictionary. 1. deskmate = 2. To moor = 3. reservoir = 4. To insist = 5. to convince = 6.oar = paddle = 8. to plunge = 9. adroit = 10. experience=

Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X

By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard. I had a close friend named Dessy. She was my .(1)when I was junior high. We had many unforgettable experiences and Ill tell you one of them. One day, we went to a.(2). Near my house. It was very quiet. Nobody else was there then.There was an empty boat .(3) at the bank of the reservoir. Dessy asked me to ride on the boat, but I declined. You know, I could not swim then However, Dessy .(4) me ride on the boat and told me that everything would be fine. She .(5) me that she could swim.After considering, I agreed to get on the boat. Dessy took the .(6) and gave me one of them. Then, both of us .(7) the boat together. We paddled and paddled. We didnt realize that we had paddled a long way. Suddenly, the wind blew hard. Our boat lost it balance and we .(8)into the water. I was very panickly, since I could not swim. Fortunately, Dessy was .(9), she swam, wih me on her back.. After a hard struggle, we finally reached the bank of the reservoir Since that moment, I learned to swim. It was really a memorable (10)

Task 4 Complete the recount text with the verbs in brackets. Change the verbs into past forms. Last mont, I (1 see) a Karawo festival in Gorontalo. It .( very attractive. Many people .(3. Watch)it along the road. Like parade, people joining the festival .(4.walk)along the main street. They .(5 wear) various type of clothing of karawo.The designs .( uniqe and attractive. I (7.can)not imagine that they .(8. Have to) walk such a long distance. Of course it(9,be) very tiring. However, all of them (10.look) happy. Task 5 Compose a recount text based on the following series of events. Share your text orally in class. Main theme : watching a roadshow Supporting details : It was held at the town square at night. It was free, so many people were interested in watching it. The security and police officer checked everyone who enter the square. The viewers brought newspapers and mats to sit on The roadshow went well. Everyone was satisfied with the show.

Make a klipping about the recount text. Find the recount text from internet or other source.

Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X

By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

STUDENTS WORK SHEET(RPP5) Task 1 Read this text carefully! NYI RORO KIDUL Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty, she was called Dewi Srengenge.It means the goddess of sun. Her father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy because he expected to have a son. The King decided to merry Dewi Mutiara.He had a son from her. Dewi mutiara wanted her son to become a king in the future.She asked the King to send his daughter away. The King didnt agree . Dewi Mutiara called a black wizard to curse Kadita.She wanted Kaditas beautiful body full of ulcer.. Then, Kaditas body was full of ulcer. It smelled bad. The beautiful princess cried. The King was very sad. No on could curehis daughter illness. The King didnt want her daughter to be a rumour so he sent his daughter away. The poor princess didnt know where to go. However, she had a noble heart. She didnt have any bad feeling about her step mother.She walked for almost seven days and seven night. Then she came to the South Ocean. The ocean was so clean and clear. She jumped into the water and swam. Suddenly there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. She became more beautiful than before. She also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean.
Task 2

Answer the questions.

1. Who are the persons having a good character in the story?

2.. How about Kaditas step mother? Did she bave good character? 3. What can we learn from the text above> 4. Make a brief explanation about the moral value you have learned? Task 3 Complete the text with the correct words from the box. Than tell the story in front of class. a. Butterfly f, Worms b. beautiful g. leading c. caterpillar h. cricket d. ugly i. looks e. sad j. voice

The Lost Caterpillar

Seven . (1) are walking happily. Their mother is .(2) them. They have just had their breakfast on a big tree near a river. Come on children, lets go home.Mama worm says, Suddenly, a .(3) says,Your lasy child is.(4).Ugly? asks mama worm. Then she .(5) at the child. He is not the same as her other children. Hey, ugly!she says,you are not my child. Go away!

Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X

By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

The little brown worm walks away. He is.(6). when he is near a lake, he looks Into the water. oh,how ugly I am, he eries. you are not ugly, says a (7).oh,I find you, my child. The worm looks around. There is a beautiful big .(8) an her children. They all look the same as he. They may call you ugly,says Mother Caterpillar, but you are the most.(9) Child in the world. One day,you will turn into a beautiful .(10). {taken from fun plus 01}\ Task 4 Arrange the paragraphs into a sequential text. Then one of the group member tell the srory in front of class. A. Painting the wall 1. After her friend left, the witch looked around her house and she said to herself, my friend was right. My house looks ugly and the paint is faded. I have to repaint it. Then she went to the shop and bought a can of paint. 1. Suddenly the broom turned into a paint brush and it started to paint the upper walls. It worked very fast, and in ten minutes all the job was done.Tne witch was very happy. 2. One morning, one of the witchs friends came over to visit. When she looked around the room, she saidYour house is ugly. My house is more beautiful than yours,and the walls are brighter. The witch was very angry when she hear this and she shouted, get out of my house! And dont ever come back here. 3. After lunch she started to paint, and she worked very carefully. In the afternoon,she finished the lower part of her house. When she wanted to start painting the upper part she found out that she couldnt reach it.Then she got an idea.I will use my magic broom.She shouted,Broom, oh my broom, turn into a paint brush and paint my walls. B. A greedy farmer 1. After that, he called out to God, If it were rainy, it would be useful for my wheat.The following day it rained. The farmer called out to God, If you gave more rain, my wheat would grow more. The following day, it rained again.
Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

2. Let me tellyou a story. This story is about a greedy man who is never satisfied with what he has. The more he gets, the more he wants. 3. Then, in summer time,he harvested his wheat and collected it in a heap. The farmer called out to God. If you had given more rain, my wheat harvest would have been bigger.He asked God, why dont you give more rain and more wheat?Then, God made heavy rain, and all of the farmers wheat floated away with the water. 4. There was a farmer in a village. He was very ambitious. He wanted to make more and more money. In the spring time, when it was rainy, he called out to God, If it were sunny, I would sow some wheat.The next day, it became sunny, and the farmer sowed some wheat. Homework Find out the Legenda text from internet or other source.

STUDENTS WORK SHEET(RPP6) Task 1 Read this text carefully! A miser worked very hard and bought expensive golden jewelry, which she put in her bag. She was very proud of the jewelry, but was afraid of wearing it in case her sweat would damage the jewelry. She just showed it to her friends everytime she met them. One of her friends didnt like the misers habit.So, she decided to teach her a lesson.She observed where the miser put her bag and stole the jewelry. When the miser noticed that her bag was empty, she bagan to cry aloud. The news about the lost jewelry soon spread around the neighborhood. One day, the friend who had taken the jewelry visited the miser and said,Do not be sad, but place a stone in your bag and pretend as if the jewelry was still there. It will be just the same for when the jewelry was there, you felt anxious to wear it, but just showed it to your friends and made them jealous of you. The miser cried louder and louder, but then, the friend took the jewelry from her pocket and put it on the misers lap.
Task 2

Answer the questions. 1. What is the main idea of the text? 2. Make a brief explanation about the moral value you have learned?

Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X

By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

Task 3 Complete the text with the verbs in the brackets. Change the verbs into past forms. Than tell the story in front of class. The Rabbit and the Crocodiles Once upon a time, a rabbit .(1.want) to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea. He .(2.see) a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit .(3.ask) the boss crocodile, how many crocodiles are there in the river?The boss of crocodile .(4. Answer), we are twenty here. Where are they?the rabbit asked for the second time. What is it for? the boss of crocodile asked. All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are,.(5.say) the rabbit. Then the boss of crocodile .( all his friends and .(7.ask) them to make a linein order from one side to other side of the river. Just then, the rabbit .(8.start) to count while jumping from one crocodile to another; onetwothreefouruntil twenty, and finally, he .(9.thank) to all crocodiles because he (10.cross) the river easily. Task 4 Read the text carefully, then answer thr questions. The magic Candle One day, a young wanderer got lost in awood. Suddenly he saw a light from an old hut. He knocked on the door, and an old woman opened it. She was crying. She said that the devil had stolen her magic candle.The candle could grand anything she asked.The wanderer asked her where the devil lived. In a castle not far from here,said the old woman. The wanderer went to the castle. There he found the devil, but he was old and weak. Therefore when the wanderer grabbed the mgic candle from the devils table and ran away,he couldnt chase him. But the wanderer was not a kind man. He didnt return the candle to the old woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle and made a wish, I want to go far away from here. Suddenly the genies appeared and took him to a beautiful palace. There was party in the palace. The wanderer wanted to make some money. So he lit the candle again and wished for some jewelry.He sold them to the guests and was soon making a lot of money. Then the princess came to buy the jewelry, but there was nothing left. The wanderer fell in love with her and asked her to marry him. The kind princess said yes, and they got marriedthe next day. In his happiness, the wanderer told the princess about his adventure and the magic candle. Hearing that, the princess got very angry. At night she lit the candle and wished that yhe wanderer disappear. In the morning the wanderer awoke and foend himself back in his ugly house in the village.

Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X

By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

Answer these questions. Then discuss it with your friends. 1. What is the main idea of the first paraghrap? 2. What do you thing the old woman said to the wanderer when she told him about her candle? What did the wanderer say in response? Make the dialog 3. What is the resolution in this text? Do you think it has a happy ending or a sad one? 4. Can you find any moral value from this story? Homework Make a klipping about narrative text. Find the story from internet or other source. STUDENTS WORK SHEET Task 1 Read this text carefully INSYA ALLAH BY Maher Zein

Task 2

Answer the questions. 1. What is the main idea of the text? 2. Make a brief explanation about the moral value you have learned? Task 3

Homework Make a klipping about Islamic song. Find the lyric of the song from internet or other source.

Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X

By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

Teaching & Learning Program, Grade X

By: Nizma Dengo, M.Pd

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