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The South Asian Times

e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Follow us on Vol.6 No. 42 February 15-21, 2014 60 Cents New York Edition

BJP inching towards the 272 seats mark

With BJP bagging 202 seats alone, NDA led by the party is projected to get 227 seats in the Lok Sabha polls, tantalizingly close to be able to form the next government in India, finds Times Now poll.
Gandhinagar: In a clear indication that the US may be changing its stance towards Narendra Modi, whom it was treating as a political pariah, US Ambassador Nancy Powell Thursday met the Gujarat chief minister, who is seen as a strong contender for the prime minister's post after the upcoming general elections. The meeting in the capital of Gujarat marks a significant change in the US stance as the BJP leader was denied a visa in 2005 in the wake of the 2002 Gujarat riots. During the meeting, the visa issue was not discussed, however. Powell "held comprehensive and wide-ranging discussions with Modi covering all facets of the Indo-US relationship and cooperation, in the wider global context", said a Gujarat government release.

US bends, envoy meets Modi in Gujarat

New Delhi: The BJP could reach its highest tally ever and the Congress its lowest point, giving the NDA the best chance of forming the government after the Lok Sabha polls, though well short of a majority. That's the big picture emerging from the Times NowCVoter national projection poll released on Thursday. The poll projected that the BJP would win 202 seats if the elections were held now and its allies another 25, giving the NDA 227 seats in the 543-member lower

house. The Congress, in sharp contrast, would sink to just 89 and even with 12 seats from its allies the UPA would barely cross the 100 mark, it predicted. With "others" likely to win 215 seats and many of them having joined hands with the BJP in the past, that would be very good news for those rooting for Narendra Modi as prime minister. In terms of vote shares, the NDA is estimated to win 36%, the UPA 22% and others 42%. AAP, whose performance Continued on page 4

Narendra Modi presented a bouquet to US Ambassador Nancy Powell who visited him.

Modi raised the issue of the recent diplomatic row over the arrest of Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade and Powell "reassured that the US government was fully

committed to resolving this issue at the earliest possible". Modi also emphasized that the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai Continued on page 4

Two long-standing allies renew ties

Comcast takeover of Time Warner to reshape pay TV

New York: Comcast Corp's proposed $45.2 billion takeover of Time Warner Cable Inc could face close scrutiny from US antitrust regulators because of the deal's potential to reshape the country's pay TV and broadband markets, Reuters reports. The company resulting from the merger of the top two US cable service providers would boast a footprint spanning from New York to Los Angeles, with a near 30 percent share of the pay TV market as well as a strong position in providing broadband Internet services. The all-stock deal, announced on Thursday, would put Comcast in 19 of the 20 largest US TV markets, and could give it unprecedented leverage in negotiations with content providers and advertisers. The friendly takeover came as a surprise

The $45.2 billion deal would put Comcast in 19 of the 20 largest TV markets in America, giving it unprecedented leverage in negotiations with content providers and advertisers.

President Barack Obama and the First Lady flank President Franois Hollande of France before a state dinner at the White House on Tuesday. The discussions between the two leaders underlined that US and France are on the same page on global issues such as the crisis in Syria, terrorism More on page 22. and Irans nuclear program.

after months of public pursuit of Time Warner Cable by smaller rival Charter Communications Inc, and immediately raised questions as to whether it would be blocked by the Department of Justice or the Continued on page 4

Food 15

Travel 18

Health 25

Spiritual Awareness 30

excellence in journalism

February 15-21, 2014


February 15-21, 2014

New Delhi: A multi-disciplinary brains trust is being co-created for India by noted Harvard professor Michael E. Porter with a mission to replicate the US structure and enhance India's prosperity, according to sources privy to the development. The Indian Council on Competitiveness will be coanchored by Harvard Business Schools Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, chaired by Prof Porter, and the US Council on Competitiveness and the Institute for Competitiveness. We will reincarnate this bold structure consistent with Indias unique requirements, Prof. Amit Kapoor, president and chief executive-designate of the Indian Council on Competitiveness, said. Prof Kapoor is also Edtior in chief of Thinkers and In recent months, Prof Porter has led a high-visibility campaign in the US for mending that countrys fault lines. These, the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor has argued, cant be attributed merely to economic downturn. The points flagged by him and co-author Jan Rivkin include: - Ease the immigration of highly skilled individuals, starting with (but not restricted to) international graduates of US universities. - Rewrite the corporate tax code with lower statutory rates and no loopholes. - Aggressively use established international institutions to address distortions and abuses in the international trading system that disadvantage the US. - Streamline regulations affecting business by focusing on outcomes while simplifying reporting and compliance, reducing delays, and minimizing the need for litigation. On his part, Harvard Business School (HBS) dean of Indian origin Nitin Nohria has pitched in with a "US Competitiveness Project". The work included two surveys titled "Competitiveness at a Crossroads" with the latest version involving nearly 7,000 alumni and over 1,000 members of the general public, illuminating actions that business leaders and

Harvard to co-create US-like 2 Indian-Americans invited to Obamas competitive body in India State Dinner for Hollande
Washington: President Barack Obama invited two of his top Indian-American fundraisers to a select group of guests for a State Dinner hosted in honor of his French counterpart Francois Hollande. Shefali Razdan Duggal and Azita Raji, both from California, were invited Feb 11 to the first State Dinner of Obama's second presidential term. While Duggal is a member of the Democratic National Committee's Finance Committee and is a Co-Chair for the DNC Women's Leadership Forum, Raji is a member of President's Commission on White House Fellowships. Duggal is on the White House Council of Women & Girls (chaired by Obama's Senior

The Institute for Competitiveness, India, has established the Indian Council on Competitiveness, under Prof Amit Kapoor, in collaboration with the U.S. Council on Competitiveness.

Shefali Razdan Duggal and (right) Azita Raji attended the State Dinner Feb 11.

policymakers can take to improve US competitiveness. The US Council on Competitiveness is a non-partisan, non-governmental organization, comprising peer corporate CEOs, university presidents, labor leaders and national laboratory directors. It works to set an action agenda to drive US competitiveness, while striving to offer innovative public policy solutions such as ensuring lower cost, easy access to high quality education and training for all Americans. It also aims at maintaining long-term federal investments in science and technology leadership, as also reformation and simplification of the tax code to stimulate investment and attract global capital to the US. The council's target over the next 10 years is to help create at least 21 million jobs, cut unemployment to under 5 percent, prune government debt by $4 trillion to ensure Americas long term solvency, invest $2.2 trillion in infrastructure to maintain competitive advantage, and double exports. Charles O. Holliday, Jr, the chairman of Bank of America, is its chairman emeritus. Deborah L. Wince-Smith, president and chief executive of the US Council said: The Indian body will be committed to addressing the issues pertaining to Indias competitiveness in a multidisciplinary manner.

Advisor Valerie Jarrett) and is currently a Co-Chair for the Ready for Hillary PAC (Political Action Committee). At the State Dinner, Karen Narasaki, an American civil rights leader and human rights activist, was accompanied by IndianAmerican Vivek Malhotra, direc-

tor, Civil and Human Rights, Ford Foundation, as per the list of guests released by the White House. The dinner was attended by who's who of America along with members of the Obama's Cabinet, top officials, lawmakers and members of the French delegation led by Hollande.

New Plan by Islamic Center Mayor proposes, Governor disposes developer: Rebuild a synagogue
New York: Sharif El-Gamal, the developer whose plans for a $100 million Islamic prayer and community center near the World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan collapsed amid a national controversy three years ago, is back. This time, he and a partner are planning to build a new home for an 83-year-old synagogue in the garment district in Midtown, while creating a sleek, 23-story retail center and hotel. This being Manhattan, it is mainly a real estate deal, despite the religious trappings. El-Gamal and his partner, Murray Hill Properties, have a contract to buy the three-story building at the northwest corner of Seventh Avenue and 40th Street from Parsons the New School for Design for about $61.5 million. The developers hope to demolish the building, which includes the Garment Center Synagogue on the ground floor, and erect a tower that could capitalize on the surging hustle and bustle of Times Square, whose central location and popularity with tourists has made it an attractive neighborhood for new hotels. Were in the process of buying one of the last untouched corners of Times Square, Mr. El-Gamal, chief executive of Soho Properties, said Monday, with an opportunity to secure the future of a synagogue that will serve the Jewish community for decades to come. El-Gamal has been largely quiet since 2011, when his proposal for a 15-story Islamic center at 45-51 Park Place, about three blocks from the World Trade Center site, generated a torrent of protests. Some politicians and relatives of Sept. 11 victims said at the time that it would be disrespectful to build a Muslim institution so close to the spot where Islamic radicals destroyed the trade center.

Albany, NY: One day after Mayor de Blasio suggested New York City be allowed to set its own minimum wage, Gov. Andrew Cuomo shot down the idea as economically damaging De Blasios proposal to to the entire state. Cuomo told a radio raise minimum wage in interviewer that hav- NYC has been shot down by Governor Cuomo. ing municipalities set their own, competing wage rates would create a chaotic situation and negatively cannibalize New York. The mayor needs Albanys approval to increase the minimum wage, now set at $8 an hour. We are also one state and we dont want to cannibalize ourselves. We dont want to have different cities with different tax rates competing amongst themselves, the governor said on the Capitol Pressroom radio program in Albany. Albany has one tax rate and then Schenectady has a different tax rate because Schenectady is trying to steal business from Albany. Or they have different wage requirements or different labor laws, he said of the potential jockeying. Cuomo and the Legislature approved a law last year that hiked the minimum wage statewide from $7.25 to $8 per hour on Jan. 1. It is scheduled to jump to $8.75 at years end and to $9 by the end of 2015. In his State of the City address Monday, de Blasio didnt put a figure on what the city minimum wage should be. But city Comptroller Scott Stringer has proposed an $11 an hour rate.

February 15-21, 2014

BJP-led front inching towards ... Continued from page 1 in its first Lok Sabha polls will be closely watched, is projected to win seven seats, four of them from outside Delhi. Its vote share, the poll suggests would be about 8%, which would be larger than the vote share of any party other than the Congress or BJP in any recent general election. Among the parties currently not aligned to either the Congress or the BJP parties, the AIADMK and the Left - which are in an alliance are projected to win 27 seats each, the Trinamool Congress 24, the BSP 21 and SP 20. The BJP's tally is seen to be rising in virtually all the states where it is a serious contender. Its biggest gains are projected to come from Uttar Pradesh, where it will net 34 and Bihar and Rajasthan, where it is projected to net 21 seats each. US bends, envoy meets Modi in :... Continued from page 1 attack must be quickly brought to justice. LeT operative and Mumbai terror attack planner David Headley is in a Chicago prison and India has sought his extradition. The US embassy in New Delhi said in a statement that the meeting "was part of the US Mission's outreach to senior leaders of India's major political parties in advance of the upcoming national elections". Powell "has shared and listened to views on the US-India relationship" and she "continues to emphasize that the partnership is important and strategic, and that the United States looks forward to working closely with the government that the Indian people choose in the upcoming elections", the statement added. The meeting was facilitated by Indias external affairs ministry, which had received a request some time ago to arrange it. Commenting on the meeting, External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid said
Modi owes an explanation over the riots, while JD-U leader Shivanand Tiwari said that Modi will never be able to wash his hands of the violence. The US revoked Modi's visa in 2005 under a law barring entry of foreign officials seen as responsible for "severe violations of religious freedom". He has not applied for a US visa since then. Since Modi's emergence as a national leader, the US business lobby has reached out to him. Three Republican lawmakers accompanied a US business delegation that met him in Ahmedabad last year. Comcast takeover of Time Warner... Continued from page 1 Federal Communications Commission. Time Warner Cable shares jumped 6.8 percent to $144.50, still substantially short of the $158.82 per share value that Comcast put on its offer, indicating investors' worries about regulatory clearance. Comcast shares fell 3.5 percent, cutting the per-share offer value to $154. "I don't know if the deal is too big to fail to be approved but it is definitely too big to sail through either the Department of Justice or the FCC without serious, serious examination," said former FCC Chairman Reed Hundt. "Only Comcast could have paid this price and the combined company, if approved, would tilt the balance of power at every negotiating table in media and content and broadband and equipment industries." Comcast Chief Executive Brian Roberts said he was confident about getting the green light from regulators as the two companies plan to divest 3 million subscribers, so that their combined customer base of 30 million would represent just under 30 percent of the U.S. pay television video market. He said no decisions have been made on which markets to sell. The new cable giant would still tower over U.S. satellite competitor DirecTV, which has about 20 million video customers.

Neal Kwatra in New Yorks Most Powerful 100 list

New York: An online news outlet in New York that has gained increasing popularity, has included two Indian Americans among the citys Most Powerful 100. City&StateNY, which focuses on politics and government, lists US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara as the 7th most powerful man in the city. It also ranks Neal Kwatra, head of the consulting firm Metropolitan Public Strategies, as the 90th most powerful. There is no man more feared in New York, and his reputation is well deserved, says City&State about Bharara. Bharara keeps indicting corrupt elected officials, crooked Wall Street kingpins and any other lawbreakers who have the misfortune of falling in his jurisdiction, the news site adds saying that he would easily qualify as a Hall of Famer. Kwatra, 40, who set up Metropolitan Public Strategies firm in 2013, was the chief strategist for newly elected Brooklyn District Attorney Ken

Neal Kwatra is founder and head of the consulting firm Metropolitan Public Strategies.

Thompson. Thompson defeated the 23-year incumbent Charles Hynes. Ciy&State calls Kwatras firm the citys hottest new political consulting firm. Among his important clients are the Working Families Party and the Hotel Trades Council. Kwatra is credited with turning the Hotel Trades Councils 30,000 members into prized campaigners, who were key to the 2009 re-election campaign of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg as well as several

Council elections, according to Crains New York Business which listed him in its 2012 top 40 Under 40. The top leaders of the city and the state are also the highest in the Most Powerful 100 leading with Mayor Bill de Blasio at 1st, followed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo; US Senator Charles Schumer; City Council Speaker Melissa MarkViverito; State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver; State Attorney Gen. Schneiderman, before Bharara.

New York: An Indian American man in New Jersey has been convicted of sexually assaulting or attempting to assault five women. Hiten Patel, 35, was arrested Aug 2, 2012, after investigators linked him to at least 10 sexual assaults. Patel was acquitted Wednesday of sexually assaulting two of the victims, though he was found guilty of pulling an imitation firearm on one and attempting to rob the other, reported. This guilty verdict should serve as a reminder and deterrent of the grave consequences in store for individuals who seek to take advantage of

NJ man convicted for sexually assaulting women

vulnerable victims, especially women, assistant prosecutor John Flammer was quoted as saying in a statement.Due to the brave women who came forward and faced their attacker, this defendant will now be unable to harm anyone else, Flammer said. Seven women testified during the two-week trial and many of them gave similar accounts of how Patel threatened them and sexually assaulted them at gunpoint. Some of the women said Patel choked them during the attacks. After his arrest, police seized from his van the firearm allegedly used in the crimes.

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February 15-21, 2014

Goldman promotes Ashok Varadhan to co-head securities

New York: Goldman Sachs Group has named IndianAmerican executive Ashok Varadhan as a third co-head for its securities division, the largest and most profitable of the global investment bank's four units. Varadhan would co-head the division, which comprises the fixed income, currency and commodities business as well as the equities business, according to an internal memo sent to employees Monday. Varadhan joins existing coheads Isabelle Ealet and Pablo Salame in his new role, according to the memo, cited by The Wall Street Journal. Varadhan, 41, will be based in New York City. He was most recently head of macro trading in the securities division. A Duke University graduate, Varadhan joined Goldman in 1998 in swaps trading and has served in other FICC roles since then. He became a managing director in 2000 and a partner in 2002, according to the memo. "As a long-tenured leader in the Securities Division, Ashok has demonstrated dedication to our clients and a deep understanding of our business," Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein and President Gary Cohn wrote in the memo. As head of macro trading, Varadhan had overseen interest-rate products, currencies and emerging markets. Varadhan is the son of eminent Indian-American academician Srinivasa Varadhan, a Chennai native who is professor of mathematics in the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. The senior Varadhan was awarded the Abel Prize, considered equivalent to the Nobel Prize and awarded for outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics.

Obama's state dinner for Manmohan Singh was most expensive

Washington, DC: US President Barack Obama has spent a whopping $ 1.55 million on five of his state dinners since 2009, with the most expensive of them being the first one hosted in honor of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Records from the State Department Office of Protocol, whose budget covers state dinners, show they can cost taxpayers in excess of half a million dollars per event, CBS News reported. In response to a Freedom of Information request to which it took the State Department 13 months to respond, CBS News has obtained the Office of Protocol's expense calculations for the first five state dinners of the Obama presidency. The Obama administration spent $ 572,187.36 for the State Dinner for Dr Singh at the White House on November 24, 2009. US president hosted Mexican president Felipe Calderon on May 19, 2010 at a cost of $ 563,479.92. He held his third state dinner on January 19, 2011 for Chinese president Hu Jintao at a cost of $ 412,329.73. He held the fourth state dinner on June 7, 2011 for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the cost was $ 215,883.36.The fifth State Dinner was held on October 13, 2011 for

The Obamas receive the guests of honor Dr Manmohan Singh and wife Gursharan Kaur for the state dinner on Nov 24, 2009

South Korean President Lee Myungbak at a cost of $ 203,053.34, the CBS report said. It said the State Department has not yet responded to another Freedom of Information request filed seven months ago for its rundown of the expenses for the sixth state dinner honoring British prime minister David Cameron on March 14, 2012. Obama hosted French President Francois Hollande during his seventh state dinner last night. The US Congress has been waiting for similar information from the State Department even longer, it said. In a letter to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dated November 1, 2012, Darrell Issa, a Republi-

can lawmaker from California, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, had expressed concern about the costs of state dinners and asked for an accounting. "Please provide," wrote Issa, "an itemized list of costs and expenses for each of the last six state dinners, including, but not limited to, amounts paid, including reimbursements, for non-government event planners, entertainers and chefs." Issa gave Clinton two weeks, until November 15, 2012, to respond to his request. The CBS, quoting a staffer says the Committee never received a response from Clinton or the State Department, the report said.

Dr Lodha takes over as AAPI-QLI President Columbia University students launch

Garden City, NY: At the inauguration ceremony for the new executive committee of AAPI-QLI (QueensLong Island chapter of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin) at the Akbar restaurant here on Feb 5, Dr Ajay Lodha took over as the PresiDr Vic Polati (holding mike), Acting Police dent from Dr Tarun Wasil. Commissioner & newly appointed CEO of Nassau Others in the new slate of University Medical Center, presented Nassau County executive committee are: Citation to incoming President Dr Ajay Lodha. President elect Dr Madhu Korrapati; Vice President - complimented Dr Wasil for Also helping young doctors Dr Vaijinath Chakote; Sec- his successful year and ap- get jobs, develop their pracretary Dr Rakesh Dua; preciated his achievements tice, as well as in matrimoand Treasurer Dr Jagdish during his term. Dr Lodha nial matters. * To make AAPI-QLI presented his agenda as folGupta. stronger in legislative matThe outgoing president lows: * Increasing AAPI-QLI ters. Dr Wasil welcomed the * To hold educational new president and the new membership * Promoting the younger seminars in the changes in executive committee. Dr Lodha, who is also the Re- generation, developing the healthcare laws/Obamacare gional Director (New York youth wing, and to bring as well as in the new billing division) of National AAPI, them into leadership roles. codes, and so on.

website on Lok Sabha elections

Anand Katakam, Iva Dixit, Indrani Basu, Rishi Iyengar and Aparna Alluri - chose the number 545 because that is the number of seats in the India's Lok Sabha. The site hit 1000+ likes on Facebook in just about 72 hours and has over 400 followers on the microblogging site Twitter. The website will offer election trivia and news without any "high-brow, jargonled, politically-driven journalism" and "will break through the clutter, delivering pieces that'll interest even the most non-political of readers." It will make use of charts, graphics and visuals to "tell interesting stories" tailored for online consumption."This, after all, is the world's biggest exercise in democracy. TheFiveFortyFive. com will try and reinvent how it's reported, online," the

New York: A group of Indian students at Columbia University here launched a website focused exclusively on India's upcoming general elections, promising to provide a comprehensive and "no high-brow and jargon-led" reportage of the event. The '' is a "single-subject website" focusing on the Indian general elections founded by six Columbia journalism school students. It is being described as a platform for a "variety of voices" including students, academics, professionals, bureaucrats, journalists and even the "discerning politician" talking about what the "election means to them" since elections are "not just about political leaders and political parties." The students behind the dayold website - Devjyot Ghoshal,

description of the website said. The website already has posts about India's first experiment with democracy, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's recent first ever interview to a TV news channel as well as about the dressing styles of some of India's most popular political leaders like BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. A post titled 'The Rahul Gandhi Interview In Numbers' breaks down the number of times the Congress scion mentioned words like 'system', 'economy' and 'riots' in his interview to the TV channel. Another post "Dressing for Democracy" talks about India's "most dapper politicians." "Be it bandhgala, handloom saree or Modi Kurta, dressing for politics doesn't come easy," it said.

February 15-21, 2014


Shopping bags make fine fuel: Indian-origin scientist

Washington, DC: Plastic shopping bags an abundant source of litter on land and at sea - can be converted into diesel, natural gas and other useful petroleum products, shows a promising research led by an Indian-origin researcher. The conversion produces significantly more energy than it requires and results in transportation fuels - diesel, for example that can be blended with existing ultra-lowsulphur diesels and biodiesels. Other products, such as natural gas, naphtha (a solvent), gasoline, waxes and lubricating oils such as engine oil and hydraulic oil also can be obtained from shopping bags. There are other advantages to the approach, which involves heating the bags in an oxygen-free chamber, a process called pyrolysis, said research leader Brajendra Kumar Sharma, a senior research scientist at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Centre at University of Illinois. According to Sharma, one can get only 50 to 55 percent fuel from the distillation of petroleum crude oil. But since this plastic is made from petroleum in the first place, we can recover almost 80 percent fuel from it through distillation. Plastic bags make up a sizeable portion of the plastic debris in giant ocean garbage patches that are killing wildlife and littering beaches.Plastic bags have been detected as far north and south as the poles, the researchers wrote. Over a period of time, this material starts breaking into tiny pieces, and is ingested along with plankton by aquatic animals, Sharma said. Fish, birds, ocean mammals and other creatures have been found with a lot of plastic particles in their guts. Turtles, for example, think that the plastic grocery bags are jellyfish and they try to eat them, he said. Other creatures become entangled in the bags.

Cornell adds licensing Accord to protect Bangladeshi workers

The move is to ensure safety of garment workers who make Cornell logo apparel
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University has announced it is requiring its apparel licensees who have garments manufactured in factories in Bangladesh to sign and abide by the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. The Accord is a legally binding, five-year agreement between apparel manufacturers and global and Bangladeshi trade unions. It was created in the wake of the collapse of an eightstory commercial building outside Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, on April 24, 2013 that killed 1,129 workers and left 2,500 injured. The collapse followed the deaths of approximately 300 workers in factory fires in Bangladesh and other countries. Most died due to the absence of properly constructed fire exits or from being trapped behind locked doors and windows. Cornell is taking this step to ensure that workers who make Cornell logo apparel do not have to work in buildings that are structurally unsound, lack proper fire safety measures, or both, said Cornell president David Skorton. We believe the Accord is a fair, transparent, and unbiased approach to factory inspection and remediation. It is clear that the inspection practices that have been in place for years have not been effective in preventing these types of tragedies. The Accord calls for independent inspections by trained fire and building safety inspectors at factories used by members of the Accord. When problems are found in a factory, the companies using the factory will share the costs of retrofitting the structure. To date, more than 130 companies have signed the Accord. Collectively, they do business with more than 1,600 Bangladeshi factories employing more than 2 million workers. Cornell is the sixth university to add the Accord to their licensing requirements. The others are Duke, NYU, Penn, Temple, and Penn State.


Avantika Bawa named to Oregon Arts Commission

FIA-Chicago celebrates R-Day despite inclement weather

vantika Bawa, an Indian American Portland artist and the 2014 recipient of the Oregon Arts Commissions honorary Joan Shipley Award, was recently appointed to the Arts Commission board by Governor John Kitzhaber, according to the Lebanon Express. Bawa is an assistant professor of fine arts at Washington State University in Vancouver, Wash., and received her masters in fine arts from the Art Institute of Chicago. Born and raised in India, Bawa was living in Georgia in 2009 when she visited Oregon for a residency. The Oregon Arts Commission provides leadership, funding and arts programs through its grants, special initiatives and services.

Avantika Bawa

Well-known community leader Dr. Shakir Mukhi passes away

rominent community leader and philanthropist Dr.Shakir Mukhi, American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin (AFMI) trustee and former president is no more. It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing away of Dr.Shakir Mukhi. He was an important member of our organization who was always concerned with the plight of underprivileged masses in India. His contributions are many and he will be sorely missed by one and all. May Allah grant him maghfirah and give perseverance to his family," said Dr. A.R.Nakadar, AFMI's founding trustee. Born in Gujarat, a philanthropist to the core Dr. Mukhi was an active participant in AFMI's educational mission in addition to various other charitable and community activities. He served as the executive VP of Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation, VP of Indian National Overseas Congress, and board member of AAPI for Asian communities. He was a Human Rights Commis-

n spite of the stubbornly freezing blizzard conditions marred by prolonged power outage, the spirited celebrations to honor the Indias Republic Day hosted by Federation of Indian AssociationsChicago [FIA] by no means diminished as more than two hundred guests converged at the Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows, Illinois on Sunday January 26th, 2014. The celebrations were enthused by infusion of spontaneous Antaskhari singing led by a group of ladies who further excited the guests with impromptu dancing to the drum beats. After the restoration of the power, the celebrations took a more formal shape with outgoing FIA president Hina Trivedi thanking the guests for gathering in the spirit of celebration to honor Indias Republic Day. Later, President Hina Trivedi invited two long-standing illustrious community leaders Dr. Bharat Barai and Dr. Ram Gajjela and a community worker Mrs.Yasmin Khan and presented them with FIA Community Service award for their outstanding yeoman services rendered to the community and for their ardent support to FIA. The awards were jointly presented by Rishikant Singh Naren Patel, Iftekhar Shareef, Ajai Agnihotri and Gulzar Singh.

Dr. Bharat Barai seen receiving an award joined by [L to R] Dr. Ram Gajjela, Iftekhar Shareef, Rishikant Singh,Naren Patel, Hina Trivedi

Iftekhar Shareef, Trustee Chair thanked the devoted Trustees and FIAs core leadership team for their commendable effort in hosting the event in such a short notice. Keerthi Kumar Ravoori, the new FIA President thanked the FIA Trustees, leaders and the member-organizations for bestowing their faith in electing him to the office of the FIA presidency and pledged that he will strive hard to take up the reigns of FIA leadership to showcase the finest of Chicagos vibrant community through forums and events.

First NaMo tea stall set up in Silicon Valley

Dr.Shakir Mukhi

sioner for Nassau County Long Island since 2001. A graduate of M.P. Shah Medical College, Jamnagar, he had been serving the Long Island and Queens communities for the past several years as a Family Physician. He completed his residency training from Catholic Medical Center Hospital in Family Medicine, Queens NY. He was popular among his patients for his compassion and kindness.

ver 60 professionals working in various IT majors like Microsoft, Cisco, Apple, eBay and Oracle joined hands at the first NaMo tea stall set up in Silicon Valley US, as part of extending their support to BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi for the Lok Sabha polls. The Indian American professionals met at a Indian tea-stall in Ortega Park in Sunnyvale as part of the volunteer group --"I Care for India", a press statement said here. "The meet-up was set up at a traditional

village-side tea-stall where people attended discussion on the role of technology in solving Governance issues in India," it said. Participants, who came from engineering background, came up with suggestions such as making use of latest technology to cut power transmission losses in India, fully computerizing the process of Government tenders and providing technological aids to Indian farmers. The organizers plan to compile all the suggestions discussed and send them to a team formed by BJP in India, the statement added.


February 15-21, 2014

Indian-Americans should be politically more active: Neel Kashkari

Washington, DC: Running for California governor election with the promise of creating jobs and providing good education, Neel Tushar Kashkari feels it is time that Indian Americans, who have made their presence felt in almost every sphere, should be more active politically as well. The 40-year-old Republican, son of Indian immigrants from Jammu & Kashmir, is likely to face incumbent Jerry Brown, who is yet to declare his candidature for re-election scheduled to be held later this year. "We all feel a sense of gratitude as America has been very good to our families, given us wonderful opportunities and we feel our duty to help others have the same opportunities that we had. And given the success that Indians in America have had, it is high time that the Indians have more influence politically as well," said Kashkari, the architect of the US's bank bailout at the height of the 2008 recession. Kashkari, who has raised over $900,000 in the two weeks after announcing his decision to enter the governor's race, said his family members, including his parents, are very excited that he is in a position to run for the post. Before entering into direct contest with governor Brown, Kashkari would have to win the primary, where Tim Donnelly is the other Republican in the race in the resource-rich state. "We are establishing ourselves as the premier Republican ticket to challenge Governor Brown. And so far the feedback has been excellent," said Kashkari. He said his Indian-American heritage will

US takes India to WTO over solar energy projects

Washington, DC: The US has challenged in the World Trade Organization (WTO) India's domestic content requirements in the second phase of the National Solar Mission (NSM), adding another irritant to bilateral ties already strained over the Khobragade affair. Terming India's domestic content requirements as "discriminatory", US Trade Representative (USTR) Michael Froman told reporters Monday the US has sought WTO dispute settlement consultations with India on the issue for the second time in a year. "These domestic content requirements discriminate against US exports by requiring solar power developers to use Indianmanufactured equipment instead of US equipment," he said. "These unfair requirements are against WTO rules, and we are standing up today for the rights of American workers and businesses," Froman said, suggesting the US action was also "in support of the rapid global deployment of renewable energy." "These types of 'localization' measures not only are an unfair barrier to US exports, but also raise the cost of solar energy, hindering deployment of solar energy around the world, including in India," he said. Under WTO rules, if the matter is not resolved through consultations within 60 days of the request, the US may ask the WTO to establish a dispute settlement panel, the USTR said. In February 2013 too, the US requested WTO consultations with India on these domestic content requirements, but these failed to resolve US concerns. In October 2013, India's cabinet approved measures governing the implementation of Phase II of its NSM. For solar projects under Phase II, India is again imposing domestic content requirements, under which solar power developers must use Indian-manufactured solar cells and modules instead of US or other imported equipment, the USTR said. Moreover, the Phase II domestic content requirements have been expanded to cover thin film technology, which was exempt from such requirements under Phase I, it said. As thin film currently comprises the majority of US solar product exports to India, these domestic content requirements are likely to cause even greater harm to US producers than under Phase I, the USTR said.

Neel Kashkari is running for California governor

be advantageous for him during the election for the highest political post in the state, which is highly diverse ethnically. "I think it is helpful because California is a state of immigrants so many people have come to California from around the US and from around the world and one of my goals is to bring many different ethnicities in the Republican Party," he said. "So I am reaching out not only to Indians, but also to Asians, to African-Americans, to Latinos and saying that come into our party, we welcome you here. We want you to be successful. We want your kids to get good education. I feel that my Indian background is going to be a big education but would also help me reach out to other ethnicity bring them with me," he said when asked about his Indian heritage.

Penguin India withdraws copies of Wendy Donigers book The Hindus

New Delhi: Penguin India has withdrawn copies of Indologist and University of Chicago professor Wendy Doniger's book The Hindus: An Alternative History, after an out-of-court settlement was reached between it and plaintiffs Shiksha Bachao Andolan which objected to sections of Doniger's book. The details of the settlement include withdrawal of the books from dealers and pulping copies. Penguin maintained a studied silence on the matter and refused to comment, though author Doniger replied by email to some news outlets that she was upset that the book was being withdrawn. The book released in 2009, has been eliciting controversy especially in the United States, where a group called American Hindus engaged in a long polemic on a Washington Post-sponsored website on the claims in the book. In 2010, a petition was

Wendy Doniger (right) and cover of the book

signed online and submitted to Penguin USA. The petition was signed online and submitted to Penguin USA. The petition was backed by the Sarasvati Research Trust and demanded that the book be withdrawn. It was addressed to the Penguin USA president Susan Peterson Kennedy and Mike Bryan, CEO and President of Penguin India. The group which filed a suit in India is called Shiksha Bachao Andolan with an office in New Delhi. In addition to a civil suit, filed in 2011, there were two

criminal complaints filed on the matter. Responding to the decision, Wendy Doniger issued a statement saying she was deeply angered and concerned for freedom of speech in India. "The true villain of this piece," she said, is "the Indian law that makes it a criminal rather than civil offence to publish a book that offends any Hindu, a law that jeopardizes the physical safety of any publisher, no matter how ludicrous the accusation brought against a book."

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February 15-21, 2014

"So I'm very, very proud of him -although he does always make me feel like an underachiever whenever I listen to him," Obama said.

Raghuveer Nayak sentenced to two years for fraud

New York: An Indian-American pharmacist has been sentenced to two years in prison for paying bribes and kickbacks to physicians for patient referrals. Raghuveer Nayak, a former fundraiser and key figure in the senate seat scandal of now jailed Chicago governor Rod Blagojevich, was sentenced on Tuesday with a fine of $500,000 by US district court judge Robert Gettleman, who said the 59-year-old pharmacist had seriously "corrupted the doctor-patient relationship." He had pleaded guilty last year to federal fraud and tax charges. Nayak, who owns several surgery centers in Illinois and Indiana, turned tearful as he apologized in the court for letting down his family and community. "These mistakes are mine and mine only," he said. "I stand before you asking for forgiveness." Nayak's alleged role in Blagojevich's attempted sale of a US Senate seat nearly five years ago, however, was not taken into account by the judge while sentencing him. "When it comes to the doctorpatient relationship, we all rely on our physicians to make the best recommendation possible," said Gettleman who also ordered Nayak to pay $23,000 in restitution to the Internal Revenue Service. Nayak had been approached by federal agents on the day Blago-

USAID administrator Rajiv Shah

Obama all praise for USAID's Rajiv Shah

Washington, DC: Citing immigrants' absolute faith in the American dream, Rajiv Shah, the Indian-American administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), has given a call to "end extreme poverty in our lifetime." "This is now achievable, but only if all of us-from science, business, government, and faith-come together for the poor," he said delivering the keynote at the 62nd National Prayer Breakfast. "We can end extreme poverty for the 1.1 billion people who live on a dollar-and-a- quarter a day," said the highest ranking Indian-American in the Obama administration. Such prayer groups are helping leaders worldwide to serve with greater moral courage, Shah said. President Barack Obama attending his sixth prayer breakfast, bringing together legislators, officials, and clergy from all faiths and political ideologies, focused on the importance of freedom of religion - not only in America, but also around the world. "History shows that nations that uphold the rights of their people, including the freedom of religion, are ultimately more just and more peaceful and more successful. "Nations that do not uphold these rights sow the bitter seeds of instability and violence and extremism. So freedom of religion matters to our national security," Obama said. Shah recalled his childhood "in suburban Detroit, where every family in our Indian-American community had an immigrant story to share-of hard work, sacrifice, and absolute faith in the American dream," "When my grandfather gave his life-savings to send my dad to America, I think he hoped-but never could have imagined-how this nation and its values would lift our family," Shah said. "That my mom would run an award-winning Montessori school or my dad would one day work as an engineer on the Apollo mission and at Ford Motor Company." "As a child, my Hindu heritage was an extension of my communitya place to fit in and feel loved," he said. "The desire to connect to my family's history drew me to southern India the summer after college to help fight disease in a remote community," Shah recalled. Obama lavished high praise on Shah, "who is just such an incredible young leader and is out there every single day, I could not be more proud of his outstanding leadership at USAID." "And it's a good reminder of the dedicated public servants that I have the chance to interact with every single day," he said amidst applause. "And they do great work, don't always get a lot of credit, sometimes get subject to the sort of criticism that you do when you're in public life." "But Raj is single-minded in terms of trying to help as many people as possible all around the world and is an extraordinary representative for our country. "So I'm very, very proud of him -although he does always make me feel like an underachiever whenever I listen to him," Obama said.

Raghuveer Nayak was also Chicago governor Rod Blagojevichs fundraiser

jevich was arrested and decided to cooperate with authorities in return for leniency. He had allegedly spoken to then US Representative Jesse Jackson at an October 2008 meeting about raising campaign cash for Blagojevich in return for Jackson's appointment to succeed newly elected President Barack Obama in the Senate. While Blagojevich was convicted and sentenced to 14 years in prison Nayak was never charged in the scandal. Prosecutors said in court filings last month that the scandal should be kept in mind as it showed his "willingness to corrupt." "In both contexts, he has proved that he believes money buys influence," prosecutors said.

By Prakash Bhandari

Rudolphs: First couple to receive Padma Bhushan

area training grant as Ford Foundation scholars and we traveled in a Land Rover jeep.It was a memorable experience and now we have found time to write about this experience of our travel. We are finishing up a book to be published by the Oxford University Press on our journey by road from London to Jaipur entitled Destination India: Overland from London to India and what we learned there, said Lloyd Rudolp from Kensington,Calif. They first stayed in Jaipur for six months and then moved to Chennai.But it was Jaipur that fascinated them. The Rudolphs have great appetite for writing and they have written on variety of subjects -the themes are wide-ranging: caste and democracy; the politics of education and curricula; the impact of modernity on Indian religions and the evolving relationship between religion and politics; the interaction between princely and British India; federalism; IndoUS relations; and Mahatma Gandhi. The Rudolphs in their book, The Modernity of Tradition (1967) had warned that democracy or modernity would not eliminate traditional social structures like caste, as the standard modernization theories. Way back in the eighties the Rudolphs knew India so intimately that they had written caste groups would use democracy to achieve their political and economic goals, as well as fight centuries-old caste prejudices. This idea has become conventional wisdom in recent times and shows the insight of the couple. They have written on Mahatma Gandhi profusely.Over the course of the years, I co-authored eight books with Susanne.The Modernity of Tradition: Political Development in India; Education and Politics in India;The Regional Imperative: The Administration of US Foreign Policy Towards South Asian States Gandhi: The Traditional Roots of Charisma; Essays on Rajputana; In Pursuit of Lakshmi: The Political Economy of the Indian State; Reversing the Gaze: The Amar Singh Diary, a Colonial Subject s Narrative of Imperial India

Jaipur: Two Harvardians, who obtained their PhDs in the 50's and who contributed immensely in making the Chicago University a well known institution for the Indian study were honored with Padma Bhushan,the third highest civil award in India after Bharat Ratna and Padma Vibhushan by the President of India Pranab Mukherjee this Republic Day. Lloyd Rudolph and his academic wife Sussane who are in their eighties now were rewarded for their contribution to India. The extra ordinary couple has lived and worked together and have authored a number of books as political scientists. The news came in Kensington,California where we have our home. We are grateful to our friends who recognized our work. We are particularly thankful to Nirupama rao, who was till recently Indias Ambassador in US.She worked to see that we are rewarded.We first reached India in 1956 under foreign

and, most recently, Postmodern Gandhi and Other Essays: Gandhi in the World and at Home said Rudoph. In analyzing the relationship between India's politics and its economy, the Rudolphs maintain that India's economic performance has been only marginally affected by the type of regime in powerauthoritarian or democratic. More important, they show that rising levels of social mobilization and personalistic rule have contributed to declining state capacity and autonomy. At the same time, social mobilization has led to a more equitable distribution of economic benefits and political power, which has enhanced the state's legitimacy among its citizens. The Rudolphs time in Jaipur even now is spent on research and writing and meeting a former noble. Late Thakur Mohan Singh Kanota made their stay in India notable and meaningful. The meeting with Mohan Singh was most productive as they jointly wrote the book Reversing The Gaze [Oxford University

Lloyd and Sussane Rudolph

Press] based on the 89 volumes of the Amar Singh diary now exhibited in the Amar Singh Library and Museum in Kanota, Castle,near Jaipur. The Rudolphs first book on Rajasthan, Essays on Rajputana is about the history, culture and character and administration of India princely states in the 19th and 20th centuries. They bring to bear the perspective and concerns of several social sciences on the princely and feudal orders under paramountcy in the 19th century and on their demise after independence. The nature of their evidence ranges from the material they gathered as participant observers in the midst of the political struggle over jagir abolition in the 1950s.


February 15-21, 2014

New York State Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick

By Robert Golomb

Not afraid to say No

ers the entire town of Smithtown, and northern parts of the town of Islip - in his Smithtown community office last week, he explained why he is proud of his many No votes. I wear my no votes as a badge of honor, he said, with just a glimmer of a smile on his face. The bills that I opposed, which unfortunately were passed, were filled with wasteful spending, adding up to more than six billion dollars. The citizens of my district, which is composed primarily of middle and upper middle class families, are the good, hardworking, family oriented people who pay a disproportionate amount of the tax burden in our state, which, as Im sure you know, is the highest taxed state in the nation. So, of course, I will vote no on any legislation that will drive our taxes even higher. Fitzpatrick, who has a BA in Business Administration and has worked for 14 years in the financial services industry, however, was quick to add that he has accomplished far more in the Assembly than simply voting No on budgetary measures that he believed contained excessive spending. Noting that he has sponsored or co-sponsored 36 bills during his eleven years in the Assembly, Fitzpatrick stated, To change the culture in Albany it is not enough to simply be reactive and vote no. It is equally important to be proactive and introduce bills- economic and otherwise- that will actually benefit the citizens of NYS. Asked to cite the three bills he has sponsored of which he is most proud and explain the importance of each, Fitzpatrick unhesitatingly offered the first two, which unsurprisingly to me, concerned issues relating to the budget: I was proud to

he President and many national Democrats have dubbed the Republican Party as the party of No because of their opposition to a long list of domestic and foreign policy bills proposed by Democrats in the House and Senate. Republicans refute such a label, arguing that whenever they have opposed legislation initiated by Democrats, they have offered their own bills, only to have them readily dismissed by the President and his party. It seems to me that on a national level each party has a point. But if Democrats are looking for a Republican to be their poster child of the No vote, all they need do is leave Washington and come to the NYS Assembly in Albany, where they can meet and study the voting record of the Assemblyman for the 8th AD, Republican Michael Fitzpatrick. Having voted No on every state budget with the exception of the 2011-2012 and 2012- 2013 budgets since his election in 2002, Fitzpatrick, the married father of two adult children, could immediately become the No vote poster child for these Democrats - who would also learn that Fitzpatrick over that same time voted against any bill that contained an increase in business, property or personal taxes and, or, contained any hikes in fees paid to governmental agencies. Based upon this record, these Democrats would come to understand why Fitzpatrick is often referred to as Doctor No by legislators on both sides of the aisle in the State Assembly Building in Albany. When I interviewed Fitzpatrick whose Suffolk County District cov-

have introduced a bill that capped the property tax levy at a level that cannot exceed the rate of inflation. This establishes a built in check on government spending which provides an essential safeguard for our taxpayers. And, I am also proud, Fitzpatrick continued, of the legislation I have introduced to reform our pension system. Pension costs for the state and local governments are the elephant in the fiscal room. The high and ever escalating costs {of the state pension} will be very difficult to sustain even into the near future. My legislation would provide tax relief for our overburdened citizens, and at the same time, the bill would provide new state and municipal employees with a pension plan that will be fiscally stable both in the short and long term. Because it had nothing to do with the state budget, the third legislative proposal he cited came, at first, as a surprise to me. I sponsored a bill that would prohibit the New York State Employees Retirement System from investing in companies that do business with nations that sponsor terrorism such as Iran. I am particularly proud of this law. It allows New York State to do something to thwart this awful regime from possessing nuclear weapons, he said. Fitzpatrick then paused shortly before adding, Such nuclear weapons in the hands of these Christian and Jewish hating Iranian mullahs could result in enormous numbers of death and incalculable destruction to America and to our allies, including our closest ally, Israel, whose very existence would be threatened if Iran, God forbid, possessed a nuclear weapon. As a devout Catholic and as an ordinary

I wear my no votes as a badge of honor. The bills that I opposed were filled with wasteful spending, adding up to more than six billion dollars, says the Republican assemblyman representing a Suffolk county district.
American citizen I marched in the 1980s with my Jewish brothers and sisters on behalf of Soviet Jewry. And today as an Assemblyman I will continue to work together with all good people of all faiths to try to prevent a monstrous anti-Christian, anti-Semitic regime from possessing monstrous weapons. Fitzpatrick told me that when he returns to Albany next week, he will try to convince his colleagues to take a close look at a bill he introduced in the Assembly just last week. The bill contains controversial budgetary reforms which include - ending the practice of granting municipal government employees automatic salary increases when their contracts have expired, requiring that all new state and local government workers make payments into a 401 k style defined contribution to their pension plans, and placing a 2 percent cap on pay raises won by municipal workers in binding arbitration. While there is virtually no Albany Republican or Democrat who gives this bill, which has drawn harsh criticism from public employee unions throughout the state, any chance of becoming law, Fitzpatrick remains convinced that, whatever the eventual outcome of the bill, he did not waste his time in authoring it. Every thousand mile journey, it has been written, begins with a first step, he said. Introducing this bill is an important first step. Many of my Democratic and Republican colleagues, while probably not planning to vote for the bill now, are at least beginning to acknowledge the credibility of my proposals. These proposals have also gained a great deal of attention from both the print and broadcast media throughout the state. Regardless of the outcome of the bill, it has begun to drive the conversation in Albany into not if, but rather when and how, we must reform the budget and change the entire budgetary process into one which places the taxpayer first. Most Yorkers, I suspect, would probably say yes to that. Robert Golomb is a nationally published columnist.

Washington: An Obama administration official has expressed confidence that despite recent setbacks India-US strategic partnership will continue to grow whatever the outcome of India's upcoming national elections. "For almost two decades, in both India and the US, Presidents and Prime Ministers and political parties have come together and worked to overcome old schisms," US National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice said Friday. "Piece by piece, we're establishing a lasting partnership that's equipped to tackle today's global challenges," she said addressing delegates attending the Aspen Institute US-India Dialogue at the Indian ambassador S. Jaishankar's residence. "And, the United States is confident that, whatever the outcome of India's upcoming national elections, the cooperation and strategic partnership between our nations

India-US partnership would keep growing after poll: US

"Piece by piece we're establishing a lasting partnership that's equipped to tackle today's global challenges," US National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice said.
will continue to grow," Rice said. The dialogue has been convened by the Aspen Strategy Group, a bipartisan US policy forum, in conjunction with the CII and the Aspen Ananta Centre to take a broad look at the Indo-US relationship. President Obama's key adviser said she was not suggesting "that our relationship doesn't require work, or that there aren't real challenges to overcome." "Every meaningful partnership between powerful nations encounters setbacks. And, obviously, recent events have drawn more attention to our disagreements than to our cooperative efforts," Rice said without referring to the Khobragade affair or any other particular incident. "But, those difficulties should be minor compared to the breadth of our relationship and the magnitude of what we can accomplish together," she said apparently alluding to the diplomatic spat over the December

arrest of Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade. "We must also deal with our differences in a constructive manner, commensurate with a relationship of this importance," Rice said. Stressing the "need to expand opportunities for trade and investment," she expressed "particular concern" over India's "local content policies" that "end up discouraging investment" and protection of intellectual property rights. "Concluding a bilateral investment treaty would be a strong step forward, helping to attract more capital to India and benefiting Indians investing in industries across the United States," Rice said. India and US "must also keep working together on major global challenges, such as addressing the drivers of climate change that have critical implications for every nation," Rice said.


February 15-21, 2014


House Republicans let debt-limit Attorney General urges states to restore voting rights to ex-felons bill pass without conditions
Days of brinksmanship over budgetary issues seem to be over.
Washington: The US House of Representatives Tuesday approved a bill to extend the limit on the federal government's borrowing authority with no string attached. The legislation, approved in a 221201 vote, would suspend the debt ceiling until March 15, 2015, allowing the Treasury Department to issue new debt above the current $17.2 trillion cap, Xinhua reported. The bill eliminates the threat of default and puts off debate on the issue till after the 2014 midterm elections. It signifies a retreat from a long-held Republican strategy of seeking concessions in exchange for a debt-limit increase, delivering victory to President Barack Obama who has demanded a debt limit hike without conditions. House Speaker John Boehner told reporters Tuesday morning that he would advance a "clean" debt-limit bill to the House floor, abandoning a proposal circulated Monday which would have linked the debt limit increase with a reversal of military benefits cuts. Without an increase in the statutory borrowing limit, the U.S. government would face the threat of a historic default that could wreak havoc in global financial markets and hurt economic recovery. The Democraticcontrolled Senate was scheduled to hold a vote on the bill Wednesday, where it will be a shoo-in. Congressional Democrats have long insisted the debt limit be raised with no strings attached. Washington: Attorney General Eric Holder called on a group of states Tuesday to restore voting rights to exfelons, part of a push to fix what he sees as flaws in the criminal justice system that have a disparate impact on racial minorities. "It is time to fundamentally rethink laws that permanently disenfranchise people who are no longer under federal or state supervision," Holder said, targeting 11 states that he said continue to restrict voting rights for former inmates, even after they've finished their prison terms. "Across this country today, an estimated 5.8 million Americans are prohibited from voting because of current or previous felony convictions," Holder told a symposium on criminal justice at Georgetown University. Now into his fifth year as attorney general and hinting that this year might be his last, Holder survived political con-

Attorney General Eric Holder said 5.8 million Americans are prohibited from voting because of current or previous criminal convictions.

troversies that, early on, placed him on the defensive. Now he is doubling down on the kinds of issues that have long held his interest during a career in law enforcement prison overcrowding, overly harsh mandatory drug sentences and school disciplinary policies that he says push kids into street crime.

On a topic with racial overtones, Holder said 2.2 million black citizens, or nearly one in 13 African-American adults, are banned from voting because of these laws, and he said the ratio climbs to one in five in Florida, Kentucky and Virginia. "Although well over a century has passed since post-Reconstruction states used these measures to strip African-Americans of their most fundamental rights, the impact of felony disenfranchisement on modern communities of color remains both disproportionate and unacceptable." In Iowa, action by the governor caused the state to move from automatic restoration of rights following completion of a criminal sentence to an arduous process requiring direct intervention by the governor in every individual case, he said. "It's no surprise that, two years after this change of the 8,000 people who had completed their

Iconic Hollywood child star Shirley Temple dead at 85

New York: Shirley Temple, who lifted America's spirits as a brighteyed child film star during the Great Depression years and forged a second career as a US diplomat, has died at the age of 85. Shirley Temple Black died late Monday night of natural causes in her home at Woodside, California, CNN reported citing a statement issued by the actress's publicist Cheryl Kagan. She was surrounded by family and friends. Born Shirley Jane Temple in 1928, she began acting at the age of three. She was first noticed in the 1932 film 'War Babies', and also performed in the Baby Burlesks series of short films. Her singing, dancing and acting over 18 years had drawn the hearts of millions. She starred in about 40 films and retired from the silver screen at age 21 but later hosted TV shows. She became a Republican Party supporter and later US ambassador posted to Ghana and Czechoslovakia. She also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States from 1976-1977.

Shirley Temple as a child star and (above) receiving the Screen Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement award in 2006.

'Long-term study casts doubts on value of mammograms

Toronto: One of the largest and most meticulous studies of mammography ever done, involving 90,000 women and lasting a quarter-century, has added powerful new doubts about the value of the screening test for women of any age. It found that the death rates from breast cancer and from all causes were the same in women who got mammograms and those who did not. And the screening had harms: One in five cancers found with mammography and treated was not a threat to the womans health and did not need treatment such as chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. The study, published Tuesday in The British Medical Journal, is one of the few rigorous evaluations of mammograms conducted in the modern era of more effective breast cancer treatments. It randomly assigned Canadian women to have regular mammograms and breast exams by trained nurses or to have breast exams alone. Researchers sought to determine

whether there was any advantage to finding breast cancers when they were too small to feel. The answer is no, the researchers report. The study seems likely to lead to an even deeper polarization between those who believe that regular mammography saves lives, including many breast cancer patients and advocates for them, and a growing number of researchers who say the evidence is lacking or, at the very least, murky. It will make women uncomfort-

able, and they should be uncomfortable, said Dr. Russell P. Harris, a screening expert and professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who was not involved in the study. The decision to have a mammogram should not be a slam dunk. The findings will not lead to any immediate change in guidelines for mammography, and many advocates and experts will almost certainly dispute the idea that mammograms are on balance useless, or even harmful.

Washington: The US will ban interstate sales of elephant ivory, a move aimed at cracking down on global wildlife trafficking that puts endangered species at risk, the Obama administration said today. Imports of ivory to the U.S. were outlawed more than 20 years ago, and the new rules allow only limited exceptions for sales of antiques brought into the U.S. before the prohibition, according to a White House statement. Obama administration officials cited increased worldwide trade in elephant tusks and rhinoceros horns as they announced the ban. Record high demand for wildlife products, coupled with inadequate preventative measures and weak institutions, has resulted in an explosion of illicit trade in wildlife in recent years, with the increasing involvement of organ-

Ivory sales banned in US as 35,000 elephants die each year

ized transnational criminal syndicates, Associate Attorney General Tony West said today in an emailed statement. President Barack Obamas administration acted in advance of the London Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade, which starts tomorrow. Poaching claims about 35,000 elephants per year worldwide and took the lives of 1,000 rhinoceroses in South Africa last year alone. At $45,000 per pound, rhino horn is worth $2,812 per ounce. Thats more than the $1,290 per ounce price for gold futures for April delivery at 3:39 p.m. on the Comex in New York. This trade undermines security, fuels corruption and contributes to the spread of disease, and it is decimating iconic animal populations, West said.


February 15-21, 2014


Washington: The US has listed six markets in India, including Nehru Place and Gaffar Market in New Delhi, as "notorious markets" in global piracy and counterfeiting of American products in violation of intellectual property rights (IPR). Manish Market and Lamington Road in Mumbai, and Chenoy Trade Centre and the Hong Kong Bazar in Hyderabad were also listed among the "notorious" in a report released Wednesday by the US Trade Representative's office (USTR). "Nehru Place continues to be a prominent example of the numerous markets in major cities throughout India that are known for dealing in large volumes of pirated software, pirated optical media containing movies and music, and counterfeit goods," the report said. "Gaffar Market is rife with counterfeit clothing, shoes, cosmetics, electronics, and other products, most of which are imported into India," it said. Hyderabad's Chenoy Trade Centre and Hong Kong Bazar house a large number of shops that sell computer hardware and software.

Nehru Place tops US list of six 'notorious markets' in India Congress, BJP join hands to pin down AAP

"Nehru Place is known for dealing in pirated software, pirated optical media containing movies and music, and counterfeit goods

Hazare to meet Mamata, to campaign for party

Kolkata: Praising Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee, social activist Anna Hazare said he will meet her in Delhi Feb 18 to decide how they can cooperate while the party claimed he has decided to campaign for them in the coming Lok Sabha polls. "I will meet Mamata. We will have detailed talks. We will decide the road we will take," Hazare told media persons at his village Ralegan Siddhi in Maharashtra after meeting site said the two would hold talks Feb 18 to "discuss the modalities of the election campaign". Hazare said he had sent a 17-point suggestion to all political parties about pro-people policies and asked them whether they would implement it if they came to power. None but Banerjee replied. The Trinamool Congress supremo has made clear time and again her intentions to play a decisive role in the centre after the general elections.

Social activist Anna Hazare Trinamool general secretary Mukul Roy. A post on the Trinamool web-

New Delhi: In a clear sign that the AAP government was on its last legs, the Congress and the BJP joined hands to paralyse the Delhi assembly Thursday, forcing Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to say he will quit if his attempts to pass the Jan Lokpal bill failed Friday. In a dramatic U-turn In a dramatic U-turn, Congress joined BJP from the time the to taunt the chief minister and his party, Congress mocked at the targeting Law Minister Somnath Bharti in particular. (File photo) Bharatiya Janata Party when it extended critical support to wasnt passed Friday in the assemKejriwal Dec 28, the two parties bly. "We will try to introduce the bill came together to taunt the chief minister and his party, targeting tomorrow. If it gets beaten and Law Minister Somnath Bharti in defeated by the Congress and BJP, I will resign. particular. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is Kejriwal, 45, bore through 70 desperate to pass the bill, which minutes of heckling and ugly sloganeering, only to declare later: aims to check corruption in high "This is the first time in India both places, during the four-day session the Congress and the BJP had such which started Thursday. But this is impossible with the a synchronized setting. It was very well coordinated... 31-member BJP, the biggest group This is what we wanted," he said, in the assembly, the eight-member speaking partly in Hindi and partly Congress, the lone Janata DalUnited legislator and an independin English. Unable to speak in the house, ent virtually banding together. The AAP won 28 seats in the Kejriwal -- who had wanted to distribute copies of the Jan Lokpal bill December election. But one memto all legislators -- told the media ber has rebelled and has been later that he would resign if the bill expelled.


February 15-21, 2014


Parliament shamed amid chaos

In a first such incident inside the House, Andhra MP uses pepper spray during Lok Sabha turmoil, expelled as three MPs were taken to hospital
Andhra Pradesh, broke the speaker's microphone. Amid the pandemonium, which has crippled parliament every day New Delhi: An Andhra Pradesh MP expelled from the Congress for opposing Telanganas formation shocked the nation when he used pepper spray during another tumultuous day in the Lok Sabha. The first of its kind act in Parliament sent scores of MPs and Lok Sabha officials -- and even some journalists in the media gallery -- running for cover, coughing violently and with a burning sensation in eyes. As Vijayawada MP Lagadapati Rajagopal was quickly overpowered by fellow MPs and marshals, a pungent odor enveloped the lower house, adding to the chaos caused by sloganeering since morning. But amid the commotion, the government managed to introduce a bill that would pave the way to carve out a Telangana state out of Andhra Pradesh -- precisely the issue over which Rajagopal was protesting. TDP member M. Venugopala, who too is against a break up of New Delhi: A TDP lawmaker who collapsed in the Lok Sabha while protesting over the Telangana issue has been admitted to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) of Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital here, said an official said. Telugu Desam Party's (TDP) K. Narayana Rao was protesting near the speaker's podium after the house reconvened at 2 p.m. Suddenly, he collapsed on the floor and was rushed to the hospital while the house was adjourned. Hospital medical superintendent H.K. Kar said Rao has a heart disease and was advised to undergo an open heart surgery last week by doctors back home in Hyderabad.

since it convened on Feb 5, the house was adjourned till 2 p.m. Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde promised strict action

MP who collapsed admitted to hospital

"Too much exertion and excitement resulted in an increase in his blood pressure and pulse rate. His heart condition added to the problem as he felt suffocated and out of breath," said Kar. Rao was brought to the hospital just after 2 p.m. and was immediately examined by a cardiologist and a physician. He was then admitted to the CCU and is currently under observation. Three more parliamentarians who were brought to the hospital with complaints of itching in the eyes and on their skin, after a suspended Congress MP used pepper spray in the Lok Sabha, were treated and later discharged.

The first of its kind act in Parliament sent scores of MPs and Lok Sabha officials running for cover

against the MPs. We will take strict action, he said, adding that the Telangana bill had been introduced and it is now the property of Parliament. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kamal Nath said Thursdays ruckus is a big blot on our parliamentary democracy. Many party leaders have requested me to ask the speaker to take strict action against the MPs... It is a very shameful act. Kamal Nath said he had been told -- but he did not see it for himself -that a knife too had been smuggled into the house. It all began when Shinde rose to table the Telangana bill at noon. In no time, Rajagopal, who had brought the pepper spray with him, used it in the house.

At least three MPs were taken to hospital while others quickly trooped out of the house. Doctors were called to treat some of the MPs. Rajagopal was later led away by security personnel. The pepper spray was not the only act of defiance on Thursday. Rajagopal is among the six MPs from Seemandhra region of Andhra Pradesh who were expelled from the Congress on Tuesday. The expelled MPs have said their goal was to stall the tabling of the Telangana bill in parliament. Rajagopal and other Congress MPs -- Sabbam Hari, G.V. Harsha Kumar, V. Arun Kumar, R. Sambasiva Rao and A. Sai Pratap -had stunned the Congress by tabling no-confidence motion notice against the UPA government.

Solar powered aircraft to land in India

Arvind Kejriwal has threatened to resign if the anti-corruption bill is not passed

SC tells Karnataka to check Devadasi practice

New Delhi: The Supreme Court Thursday directed Karnataka's chief secretary to ensure that no girls are offered Thursday night or Friday as devotees of temples in the "Devdasi" practice. A bench of Chief Justice P. Sathasivam, Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai and Justice Ranjan Gogoi directed the official to take all "preventive measure in the conduct of the programs to be held in the early hours of Feb 14, where girls are being dedicated as devotees to the temple (Uttangi Mala Durga Temple)". "We also direct the chief secretary (to ensure) that no such incident (of dedicating girls as devotees to temples) takes place either on Feb 13 or Feb 14." The court issued notice to the central and Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu governments and the National Commission for Women (NCW) returnable in four weeks. The petitioner, S.L Foundation, had urged the court to direct the central and Karnataka governments to take urgent steps for restraining the devadasis' dedication that was going to be held on the midnight of Feb 13 at Uttangi Mala Durga Temple in the state's Devanagar district as it was against the provision of the constitution.

AAP defers tabling Jan Lokpal bill

New Delhi: The AAP government has decided not to table the Jan Lokpal bill in the assembly this week, said a source. The bill will not be tabled today (Thursday) as it will be circulated to all the legislators so that they can go through it, the source in the government said.. The Congress - which props up the government from outside - has opposed the bill since the AAP government did not get central governments nod before it is introduced in the assembly. Kejriwal has threatened to resign if the government is not able to push through the anti-corruption bill.Despite the Union law ministrys opinion late Wednesday that the central governments prior consent is mandatory for introducing Jan Lokpal bill in the assembly, the AAP government was firm on its stand of bringing it in the assembly.

Solar Impulse will land in India in April 2015

New Delhi: The world's first solar powered aircraft, Solar Impulse, capable of flying day and night is all set to land in India about a year from now, the aircraft's manufacturer said. "Solar Impulse will land in India in April 2015 and will be the first ever day and night abled solar powered aircraft to do so," Solar Impulse CEO Andre Borschberg said here. He said it is for the first time in history that an airplane has succeeded in flying day and night, powered by nothing but solar energy. The aircraft is powered by 12,000 solar cells and flies in the dark by reaching high altitudes during the

day and gliding downward over long distances at night. It uses no fossil fuels. "The light solar plane flies at around 70 km per hour and is especially sensitive to air turbulence," Borschberg said. "Solar Impulse that weighs 2,740 kg is an attempt to push the envelope as far as research and innovation are concerned in areas such as renewable energy and materials research. It is also a powerful educational tool, encouraging young minds to unleash their imagination," Borschberg added. The city where the aircraft will make its first stop in India is yet to be decided.


February 15-21, 2014


Third Front's only agenda is to save Congress: Modi

Sonia to head Congress campaign panel

New Delhi: Congress president Sonia Gandhi will head the party's campaign committee for the Lok Sabha elections which has 50 members including party vice-president Rahul Gandhi as co-chairman, it was announced. Gandhi has approved the 2014 Lok Sabha election committee, said general secretary Janardan Dwivedi in a release here. The committee has Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and union ministers A.K. Antony, Sushilkumar Shinde, P.Chidambaram, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Kamal Nath, Oscar Fernandes, Jairam Ramesh, Anand Sharma among its members. The party has already declared Rahul Gandhi as chief of its campaign for the Lok Sabha polls expected in April-May. General secretaries Digivijaya Singh, Dwivedi, Ambika Soni, Gurudas Kamat, B.K. Hariprasad, Mukul Wasnik, C.P. Joshi, Luizinho Faleiro, Madhusudan Mistry, Ajay Maken, Mohan Prakash, Shakeel Ahmed are also members of the panel. Other members include party treasurer Motilal Vora, Congress president's political secretary Ahmed Patel, union ministers Manish Tewari, Jyotiraditya Scindia, V. Narayansamy, Rajeev Shukla and Jitendra Singh. Former chief ministers Ajit Jogi (Chhattisgarh), Sheila Dikshit (Delhi), Ashok Gehlot (Rajasthan), Capt Amarinder Singh (Punjab), former union ministers Mohsina Kidwai and Kumari Selja and MP Satyavrat Chaturvedi, party spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala and former Punjab minister Rajinder Kaur Bhattal also find a place.

The BJP plans about 12 to 15 such tea sessions and other top party leaders will participate too

Narendra Modi took a dig at Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik at the rally

Bhubaneswar: Taking a dig at the efforts by some political parties to set up a Third Front, BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi said in Odisha such a move has only one purpose - to save the Congress. Addressing a public meeting in the state capital Bhubaneswar, the Gujarat chief minister said such fronts take birth just before the elections and their only aim is to help the Congress. Noting that the eastern parts of India have not grown at par with western and central India, he said it happened only because states in the region have been ruled by the so-called Third Front parties. "If we want to develop India's eastern region, we need to teach a lesson to those who have been advocating a Third Front," said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader. "Of the 11 parties which are clamoring for a Third Front, nine have supported the Congress

always and when the elections come, they wear the mask of a Third Front," he said. "The only work of this Third Front is to save Congress. Whenever the Congress is in trouble, they appear. Unless we identify this Third Front, we cannot purify Indian politics," said Modi, kick-starting the party's campaign in the state for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Castigating Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik over the issue of unemployment and migration, he said a large number of people from the state migrate to Gujarat for jobs as employment opportunities are not available at home. Patnaik is a member of the Third Front. "What leaves me worried is that the people from the chief minister's district in Odisha have to migrate for a job," he said. "Who wants to leave his old parents, state, agriculture farm, and friends," he asked.

Modi's 'chai pe charcha' a strong political pitch

New Delhi: Move over Arvind Kejriwal's assembly-in-a-stadium. Narendra Modi's parliament at the tea stall is here. The BJP's prime ministerial candidate sat at the Iskon Gathiya tea stall in western Ahmedabad, earphones in his ears and engaged with people at tea stalls across the country. Giant TV screens relayed the interaction live at a 1000 tea stalls in 300 cities. Between sips of tea, he discussed good governance and answered questions through what is pegged as "a unique combination of satellite, DTH, Internet and mobile." "Tea stalls," said Mr Modi, "are like a footpath parliament." If he can scale his idea of the tea-stall interaction the way he wants, he said, he will be able to interact thus with "two crore people." Taking time off his high-pitched rallies, Mr Modi leisurely slammed the Congress-led government in the two-hour interaction. He also said, "elections are a celebration of democracy," in a reminder of why he is holding the 'chai pe charcha' or discussion over tea. The program is part of his election campaign for the general elections due by May. He spoke in English when he answered a question on black money from a person at a Thiruvananthapuram tea stall. "I assure my countrymen that when we form the government we will bring back every single rupee of black money. This is my personal commitment," Mr Modi said. The BJP's PM candidate also announced that he will give away 5 to 10 per cent of the black money that is brought back to people who have honestly paid taxes. 'Chai pe charcha' highlights that Mr Modi sold tea on trains as a young boy and is positioned as a giant snub to political rivals like the Congress' Mani Shankar Aiyar, who have made snide remarks about the Gujarat Chief Minister's modest origins.

New Delhi: Since its dramatic showing in Delhi, the Aam Aadmi Party has expanded swiftly across most parts of India. But it's not clear if the party will make a similar impact in the Lok Sabha polls. AAP leaders are confident it will, and point to the soaring numbers who are joining it in state after state at a time when most people are wary of politicians and political parties. Although its government in Delhi could come apart over more issues than one, AAP is attracting youths, activists and professionals as well as retired bureaucrats in thousands, shows a nationwide survey. AAP's growth is startling in some states, feeble in some. For a party formed only in November 2012, AAP now claims 9.8 million members nationwide. Uttar Pradesh has embraced AAP

Will AAP click in general elections?

like few states have, one reason being its proximity to Delhi, the original AAP hub. Uttar Pradesh boasts of some 1.8 million members, followed by over one million each in Bihar and Maharashtra. Delhi, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh claim 800,000 members each. Other membership ranges from over 100,000 in West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand and Assam to around 200,000 in Orissa, Gujarat and Jharkhand, around 250,000 each in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, about 400,000 to 500,000 each in Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan, and nearly 600,000 in Kerala, say AAP leaders. With Haryana and Maharashtra set for assembly elections this year, AAP is focusing on these two

states. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal hails from Haryana's Bhiwani district. His uncles still live there. Political pundit and AAP strategist Yogendra Yadav is widely seen as Haryana's chief ministerial candidate and is also tipped to fight the Lok Sabha polls from Gurgaon, adjoining Delhi. In Uttar Pradesh, AAP has 72 functional district units and hopes to contest all 80 Lok Sabha seats. AAP's Kumar Vishwas has vowed to take on Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi in Amethi. Many of its leaders belong to or live in the state: Ashutosh (Mirzapur), Manish Sisodia (Ghaziabad), Shazia Ilmi (Kanpur) and Sanjay Singh (Sultanpur). AAP functions in 34 of Maharashtra's 35 districts, AAP

With Haryana and Maharashtra set for assembly elections this year, AAP is focusing on these two states.

state secretary Preeti Sharma Menon told IANS. Its most prominent leaders are activists Anjali Damania and Mayank Gandhi. In Bihar, Social Welfare Minister Parveen Amanullah quit the Janata Dal-United cabinet to join the fledgling party, giving it a major boost. "AAP is getting tremendous

response," said state convener Somnath Tripathi. AAP has expanded rapidly in Karnataka's urban parts, particularly Bangalore, but has made lesser impact in Andhra Pradesh. "People see a ray of hope in AAP," lawyer and AAP member Ravi Chandra said in Bangalore.


February 15-21, 2014


US-bound Indian carriers on slippery tarmac?

By Rohit Bansal or those who don't like point-to-point flights to the US, the choice of a transit airport has hinged on the price of the ticket and the time we have to kill doing a beer and duty-free. So, Frankfurt, London Heathrow, Paris Charles de Gaulle or Amsterdam Schiphol it has been, before the Finns began to hard sell Helsinki in recent years via higher-order temptations like a smaller carbon footprint! Challenging the all-European jostle for the business potential of Indian travellers have been Dubai, Doha and Abu Dhabi. The useful three-way, dog-fight of Arab egos has been spoiling us with aircraft and lounges that feel plusher each year, along with walk-in visas, meet and greet speedy clearance services like Marhaba and deals like free hotel stay and limousine rides in the city. But from end-January there's been more to Abu Dhabi or Dubai than all its rivals. Transit from there and you can be done and over with immigration, and customs clearance of your suitcase at UAE itself. So,

The losers will be Air India and all other carriers competing for the two-way aggregate of four million seats between India and the US.

after crossing the Atlantic via Abu Dhabi you can breeze out of O'Hare or JFK as easily (or at least hope to!) as an American passport holder on a domestic flight! If that's cute, nicer still is that the idea is anchored on us, South Asians. As far as India is concerned, only 4 percent of the market of four million, two-way air seats each year to the US (estimate by aviation think tank Centre for Aviation -- CAPA) goes via the Middle East. For the record, the first time that US customs and immigration was allowed outside of the US

was in Toronto, Canada, in 1952. And the request came from American Airlines just so that pile-ups were avoided at US airports. Since then, almost all airports in Canada, two in Ireland, and others in the Caribbean, have been accorded the same privilege. Emirates, in recent years, has been wooing Indian passengers to the US via Dubai and then Dublin, where similar US customs and immigration facilities are available -- but that makes it two stop-overs. The advantage with Abu Dhabi is obvious enough. Imitation

Abu Dhabi is now only the 15th airport to get pre-immigration, city pair status to the US -- the first addition to a list of ultra-special relationships that had stopped growing since the 1980s
being a pithy evidence of flattery: Competitor Dubai and its resident airline, Emirates, want to get similar status as of yesterday! But Abu Dhabi and the UAE's national airline Etihad it is for now. Three points need underscoring in the deal clinched amid stiff opposition from US pilots and the odd American carrier. First, the ruler of Abu Dhabi has bankrolled the set-up infrastructure and 80-85 percent of the $5million that US customs will need annually to maintain their shop in his kingdom. Next, and this flows

into the Sheikh's mission to make Etihad a global carrier, the US market is one of the cornerstones of his vision to de-risk his kingdom from oil revenues. For the US, this is being marketed as a case for enhanced security and deeper checks. The taste of the pudding now lies in how many millions the UAE can lure to the Abu Dhabi airport -- many, in fact, weaned from neighbouring Doha in Qatar and even Dubai, a part of the seven member-emirates comprising the kingdom. But the most relevant clincher is what UAE negotiators and Naresh Goyal, the non-resident founderchairman of Jet Airways, secured last year from Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh. They rode on the fact that rival Emirates had already got huge increases in its entitlements of air seats from Singh's predecessor, Praful Patel. Ironically, after the US Federal Aviation Authority downgraded India's aviation, the new regulations will mean a reversal for Jet and help the Sheikh. Jet can't add any more seats to the US till the downgrade is reversed. The US part of its revenues will grow as a feeder to Etihad! The losers will be Air India and all other carriers competing for the two-way aggregate of four million seats between India and the US.

By Viju Cherian

US meet: Is it big deal for Modi?

When the political and diplomatic dust settles, one thing is evident: This is a victory for Narendra Modi. But the question to be asked, in true 'NaMonomic' style is: Does Modi require the US or its endorsement at this point of time?.
reach to senior political and economic leaders which began in November to highlight the USIndia relationship" can be taken with a pinch of salt. The second: Is it really a victory for Modi? The party has right-

or anyone who has been following the campaign by political parties in India leading to the general elections this summer, the Hindustan Times report that United States ambassador to India Nancy Powell has got permission from the Centre to meet Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi does not come as a surprise. If opinion polls are anything to go by, Washington will soon have to do business with a government in New Delhi headed by Modi. For the US, which holds the adage 'there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests' as the bedrock of its diplomatic relations with foreign nations, it was natural to warm up to Modi. Clearly, both the US and Modi have come a long way since 2005

US ambassador to India Nancy Powell is scheduled to meet Gujarat chief minister and BJP's PM candidate Narendra Modi

when the Gujarat CM was denied a US visa. However, there are two points to take away from this US climbdown. The first: Is Washington trying to 'influence', albeit covertly, the political scenario in India? Citing this, many political parties have taken objection to Ms Powell's move. This is also because the US has

a checkered past when it comes to 'influencing' elections (a recent example being the admission by former US defence secretary Robert Gates in his memoir that the US tried to delay and manipulate the 2009 Afghan presidential poll outcome). Given this, the US embassy statement that the meeting was "part of our concentrated out-

ly refrained from speaking about this proposed meeting in a shrill pitch and will do well to overcome the temptation to go to town tom-toming this as Modi's 'achievement'. If the BJP was to highlight this as an achievement, it can be accused of doublespeak and of being opportunistic. In the crystal ball of Indian politics, Washington's retraction is a clear shot in the arm for the BJP's prime ministerial candidate. It does not require clairvoyance to see that countries, like the UK, the EU and now the US, are reacting after witnessing the 'Modi wave'. When the political and diplomatic dust settles one thing is evident: This is a victory for Narendra Modi. But the question to be asked, in true 'NaMonomic' style is: Does Modi require the US or its endorsement at this point of time? (The views expressed are personal.)

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.


February 15-21, 2014


By SATimes

hal Chilli is a new addition on Lexington Avenue, an area known as Curry Hill for New Yorkers. However, Chal Chilli likes to distinguish itself from the neighboring restaurants. It has innovated a fusion of Indian and Thai and we thoroughly enjoyed every flavor of it. As their tagline for the restaurant goes, Thai Fusion with a blend of South Asian Spices. To be true to these words, they have spiced ordinary Thai dishes with our Indian flavors and presented them in a contemporary way. The restaurant is the end result of a unique mother-daughter collaboration. The entire concept is of young and exuberant Ayesha Kianis and she came up with it to make her mother Alias dream come true of starting a restaurant in New York City. They worked with chef Fatima Ali, who is also a winner of Chopped a Food Network show. Fatima advised them on combining both flavors and giving it a unique twist. And, it has been a successful experiment. We began our culinary journey at Chal Chilli with their Spring Rolls. Normally, at any Thai restaurant you expect a quarter size oily bite stuffed with cabbage only. That was not the case here. The presentation and to devour it was an experience itself. The wrap is whole-wheat tortilla and it is stuffed with different spiced vegetables, which pleased our Indian palates very well. Moreover, it is served with a spicy chilli sauce and that balanced the spicy flavors of Spring Rolls. To honor the desi traditions, Chal Chillis kitchen makes everything fresh and you can taste each and every ingredient. Nothing comes from a bottle or a packet. Next, we tried Crispy Tofu. Thats a dish that took Chal Chilli to the New York City Wine and Food Festival. It is topped with sesame seeds and served with another of their homemade sauce. The crispiness of tofus crust blends amazingly with the softness of it. And the fact its not deep-fried it is another healthy option that the restaurant offers on their menu. For main course, we opted for Chal Chilli Vegetables, Eggplant Basil, Roti Canai and a

Chal-Chilli Spring-Rolls

The NYC restaurant that combines two cuisines with unique South Asian flavors is a dream come true for the mother-daughter duo of Ayesha and Alia.

Chal-Chilli Crab-Cake

flavorful pyramid of Fried Rice. The entrees are just like the appetizers -- freshly prepared. In fact, we could still feel the crunchiness of vegetables. Their signature vegetable dish was cooked with red chillies, turmeric and yet topped with kaffir leaves and basil to give it a perfect Indo-Thai touch. Roti Canai is another hybrid version of a poori but more delicious and creative. They do not serve alcohol, but let the guests bring their own. We were content with mango lassi. For desert, there is no resisting their Fried-Banana-with-LycheeIcecream. Overall, we had a wonderful experience. We see this restaurant doing quite well in a

Fried Banana with Lychee Icecream

market thats predominately known for its Indian cuisines. However, their Thai-Indian blend gives the Indian food lovers another

option to explore. On their website,, you can even book a table online.

'Superfoods' to enhance your diet

uperfoods is a marketing term used to describe foods with special health benefits. Particularly, when accompanied by a balanced diet, they provide many nutritional benefits. Here are some sought after items that come under the list, reports

Blueberries: They contain high levels of polyphenols, an antioxidant that positively impacts the nervous system and brain function, helping to combat memory loss and enhance your mood. They are also high in antioxidants that help fight wrinkles. Lingonberries: Lingonberries
(Vaccinium vitis-idaea) are to Scandinavians what blackberries are to Americans an abundant wild

fruit. They help to keep your blood pressure low and decrease the risk of exposure to metabolic syndrome which leads to diseases like obesity and diabetes. Lingonberries also help in fighting infections and protect against chronic inflammations that cause heart disease and cancer. Finally, because they are rich in fiber they help the digestive system function. Avocados: Avocados are full of fiber, plant sterols, magnesium, folate, protein, potassium, vitamins B6, E and K.

levels of vitamin C will help support the immune system. If you are on a vegan or dairy-free diet, eating kale can increase your calcium intake.

Green tea: Green tea can hinder the development of tumor-spreading blood vessels and it also helps to deal with the effects of alcohol by repairing liver damage. Quinoa: It is now readily available in many supermarkets and is one of the best whole grains you can eat. It is an ancient grain, easy to make, interesting, high in protein (8 grams in 1 cup cooked), fiber (5 grams per cup) and a naturally good source of iron. It also has plenty of zinc, vitamin E, and selenium to help control your weight and lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Kale: Kale is low in calories, has zero fat and high levels of fiber, which helps to keep you full for longer. The lutein found in kale will keep your eyes healthy and the high

Berries pack an incredible amount of nutritional goodness into a small package. They're loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients, low in calories, and high in water and fiber to help control blood sugar and keep you full longer.


February 15-21, 2014


ifferent from the usual mush and romantic comedies, this Valentine's Day enjoy director Ali Abbas Zafar's atypical action thriller Gunday. Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on Feb 14 and the film is also coming out on the same day. Featuring Priyanka Chopra, Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor and Irrfan, Gunday made on an approximate budget of Rs.50 crore which includes promotions, will reportedly hit more than 2,000 screens across the country. Produced under the prestigious banner of Yash Raj Films (YRF), Gunday holds a lot of significance for its makers as it was the last narration that the late Yash Chopra, who started YRF, heard. Set in the 1970s West Bengal, the film tells the story of two friends - Bala and Bikram - played by Arjun and Ranveer respectively. The two grow from being small time inconsequential coal thieves to the most powerful black marketing mafiamen. If the story is atypical, the actors also sport different avatars in the film. In fact, Ranveer and Arjun went many shades darker for the movie. The plot fits well with the time it portrays and also includes the world of cabaret dancers with Priyanka playing cabaret dancer Nandita.
The action thriller features Priyanka Chopra, Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor

Caughtya! Anushka with Virat Kohli in NZ

rithik Roshan is opting out of Karan Johar's upcoming film Shuddhi, saying he does not want to delay the project The film was slated to reunite Roshan with his Agneepath director Karan Malhotra and his former costar Kareena Kapoor but the actor's health and subsequent separation from wife Sussanne kept delaying the project. "Karan Malhotra (director) and I have decided to unite in the most ambitious way post-Shuddhi. For now I cannot allow a vision The film kept on getting delayed due to the like Shuddhi to stagnate any further. I had the finest expeactors health

rience an actor can have working with Karan Malhotra in Agneepath," Hrithik said. "I'm sure both my dear Karans (director Malhotra and producer Johar) are going to go beyond with this one. Shuddhi remains a part of me in spirit and I am sure it will be a landmark in our cinema. I wish them all the best," he said. Now according to reports, the Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani hit pair Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone are all set to step into the lead role for Shuddhi.

The actress and cricketer grew close while shooting an ad together

Amitabh gets emotional on Abhishek's 38 birthday

egastar Amitabh growing up, his days then to Bachchan says he now, little incidents of nostalwants to be a friend, gic flavour," Bachchan posted on his blog. "Now it is companion and a never ending best to be with him as an support to his son Abhishek, who turned 38 today. The adult, a friend a confidante, a occasion brought many old support, a companion... That memories to the mind of the Abhishek celebrated his is best what occurs to me, birthday on Feb 5 and shall ever remain...," he 71-year-old actor. "Abhishek further added. Abhishek's last just turned 38...! It is obvious cliche to start speaking suddenly of the day release Dhoom 3 scripted history by becomand moment he was born and what we were ing the first Bollywood film to gross Rs 500 up to, of how he behaved when young, of his crore across the world.

nushka Sharma may have doled out clichd statements in response to her link up with Indian cricketer Virat Kohli, but pictures surely speak louder than words. The actress has apparently flown to New Zealand to catch up with Virat, where Team India is currently playing a Test series. Some fans of hers have even posted photographs of Anushka and Virat on social networking sites. The photos show the two of them holding hands while walking on the streets of Auckland. The actress went to New Zealand to root for Virat and she happily posed for the cameras during the match. Later on, she was joined by Virat and the two have been snapped together at various restaurants and malls. In fact, the couple looked very comfortable in each others company, says the source. The source adds that since the actress is not shooting for any of her films at the moment, she could head out to New Zealand and spend some time with Virat. Anushka has been busy shooting endorsements and is likely to begin shooting for Peekay once she returns from New Zealand. After this she will shoot for the film Bombay Velvet, says the source. The duo grew close while shooting an ad together. News reports had revealed how on his return from the South African tour, Virat drove directly to Anushka's apartment where he stayed till he left for New Zealand.


February 15-21, 2014


ollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha quashed all rumors regarding any bad blood between her mentor Salman Khan and herself. Sonakshi, who was launched by Salman Khan in his brother Arbaaz Khans film Dabangg, was reported to have had a tiff with the Khan brothers. The reports about a tiff with Salman and Arbaaz Khan became prominent when it was reported that Sonakshi Sinha had rejected two of Salman Khans upcoming films Dolly ki Doli and Kick, which eventually went to Sonam Kapoor and Jacqueline Fernandez respectively. However, Sonakshi Sinhas presence at his Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations and Salman Khans birthday bash were more than enough to say that she shares a cordial relation with her family.

Sonakshi shot to fame with Dabangg starring opposite Salman Khan

Hasee Toh Phasee not a candy-floss romance!

asee Toh Phasee is for the romantics who like their martinis stirred not shaken. Debutant director Vinil Mathew's straight-forward approach is smart and fresh; his characters are lovable. Nikhil (Sidharth Malhotra) is an optimist, who believes once committed, there's no straying. Meeta (Parineeti Chopra) is a non-conformist; she's a go-getter in her personal and professional space. Naturally Nikhil and Meeta's ideologies don't match. But there's an under-current in their equation that keeps the audience hoping they that they will seek each other out. Ok, so why aren't these two together in the first place? Is it only because they are poles apart as people? No, it's because Nikhil is engaged to be married to Meeta's elder sister Karishma. And, Meeta herself has been missing from the family scene for Parineeti Chopra and Sidharth Malhotra seven long years chasing her professionin a still from the movie al dream. This romantic comedy mirrors the quirks in human nature subtly and provides humour in everyday situations; in the family and amongst friends. Parineeti's relationship with her father (Manoj Joshi, in fine form) strikes the right emotional chord. The songs -- Shake It like Shammi and the Punjabi Wedding Song add zing to an otherwise simple narrative. Parineeti who has come to represent the power-house performer passes with flying colours. And, Sidharth, whose good-looks distract, shows a definitive growth in his second outing as an actor after Student of the Year.

Aditya Chopra just scolds me: Ranveer

ctor Ranveer Singh, who got his big break in Bollywood in an Aditya Chopra film, says the shy producer has never praised his work and rather scolded him. Ranveer Singh made his acting debut with YRFs Band Baaja Baaraat followed by Ladies vs Ricky Bahl and will now be seen in Gunday, another film from the same production house. I feel lucky and fortunate to be working for Aditya. He is a great guy. But he has never said good things to me. He just scolds me. He just says good job and not more than that, Ranveer Singh said in an interview. Ranveers character, Bikram, is slightly held-back, like an angry young man. I dont know if my character is similar or inspired by anyone. Somebody who works closely with YRF said to me that he gets a vibe of young Mr Amitabh Bachchan by looking at me in Gunday. It is a huge compliment, he said. Mr Bachchan is more than the reason for me to become an actor. I wanted to

So what if people think I cant act, asks Kaif

The actor will be seen next in the movie Gunday

he might be a Bollywood megastar, but ironically, not many in the film fraternity rate Katrina Kaif even moderately, when it comes to her acting skills. From being called eye candy in hero-centric films to being considered non-existent in her latest, Dhoom: 3 shes heard it all. Ask Kaif about it, and she says unperturbed, Its okay... I mean, if thats what they feel, thats what they feel! Prod her further about whether it upsets her when most guests on Karan Johars ongoing chat show, too,

rate her the lowest in terms of acting abilities, and the 30-yearold calmly says, No, it doesnt. People are entitled to their opinion, and I cant have an opinion on someone elses opinion. When asked if she feels that people pull her down because shes competition for them, Katrina responds with a cheeky giggle, saying nothing. Criticism on her acting skills apart, the actor is also a favourite when it comes to rumours. Ask her how she has been dealing, of late, with

constant speculations around her personal life and relationships, and she sighs before breaking into a giggle, saying, Oh, yes! These speculations Ive kind of started to expect them now. As an actor, you eventually learn to accept such things as a part of your life. So, what is it that she misses the most of a normal life? Not having to worry about other peoples opinion! pat comes the reply. Katrina gyrates to a song in Dhoom 3

become actor because I used to watch Hindi films and was inspired by him. The cast and crew of the film were all youngsters so the atmosphere was energetic, he added.


February 15-21, 2014


In this Tamil Nadu destination, 1,500 films have been shot, mainly for the breathtaking frames it offers for dream sequences in the backdrop of some pristine settings.

Coco Lagoon of the Great Mount Resort Group that is among a dozen such places to stay at Pollachi, offering solitude, spa experience and wellness treatments. (right) Elephants at the Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park near Pollachi. Top Slip, a picturesque picnic spot neat the sanctuary, has an elephant camp where one can watch pachyderms being groomed.

By Arvind Padmanabhan ollachi, Tamil Nadu: Ensconced in the vicinity of the Western Ghats along the Kerala border, this town, which literally means the land of natural wealth and prosperity, remains one of Tamil Nadu's best kept secrets for tourism. This, despite the fact that some 1,500 films have been shot here, mainly for the breathtaking frames it offers for dream sequences in the backdrop of some pristine settings. Or for that matter, the near-perfect weather round the year, thanks to the mountainous settings that it is blessed with. The town also boasts among the tastiest tender coconuts one can have - both green and the unique orange ones. While Pollachi per se offers tourists a resort experience of tranquil solitude and de-stressing, there is much to explore in its vicinity for

those who want more. Some of the best, yet little explored, tea estates and nature treks in the southern quarters of India are in its neighborhood -- Valparai being among them. That the town is well-endowed with nature's bounty can also be gauged by the fact that some dozen dams, large and small, surround it. As the recipient of both southwest and northeast monsoon, it has perennial water sources -- and hence several waterfalls as well that make excellent backdrop for photos. Pollachi also caters to a wide range of a tourist's needs - spiritual, adventure, ecology, village-experience, wildlife, agro and wellness and so on. It is also a perfect weekend vacation spot for families, travel freaks and corporates. The famous Subramanya temple, dedicated to Shiva's son Lord Kartikeya and believed to have

been built some 700 years ago, is also just an hour's drive away. Legend has it that when Kartikeya was upset after his older brother Ganesha was given the golden fruit by his parents following a challenge which he claims was won by him, he flew away from Mount Kailash on his peacock to the hilltop at Palani where the temple stands today. Those who want solitude, can check in to some of the best resorts depending on the budget. Coco Lagoon, run by the Great Mount Resort Group, is one such destination offering luxury, leisure and wellness in the same place, with some 32 luxurious rooms, suites and villas, besides private polls. The ayurvedic treatments are quite soothing. "Vaidya Sutras, our resort's international ayurvedic wellness center, has a technical collaboration with the legendary ayurveda family -

Getting there
Pollachi is well connected for air and rail transport. The nearest airport, as also a train station, is at Coimbatore, less that 50 km away. Average hotel rates: Rs. 2,000-plus per person per night. Average meal costs Rs. 500-plus per person Asthavaidyan Thaikkattu Mooss Vaidyaratnam of Kerala - and offers genuine ayurveda treatments," says T. Sethupati, the managing director of the group. "The centre treats various ailments like migraine, obesity, digestive disorders, musculo-skeletal disorders, respiratory disorders, hypertension, diabetes, arthritic problems and psoriasis. We also have a general wellness and beauty care program." For those interested in wildlife, there are two sanctuar-

ies to choose from - the Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park on the Tamil Nadu side that was recently converted into the integrated Anamalai Tiger Reserve, and the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, which is a reservoir of tranquil greenery ensconced in a valley that stretches into the Nelliampathi Hills range of Kerala. A must-see during a visit to either sanctuaries is Top Slip, a picturesque location and an ideal picnic spot that offers elephant safaris. It got its name during the British era, as lots of its timber was slipped down to the plains below. It still has an elephant camp to watch pachyderms being groomed. The area has wild elephants as well. If you still have any doubt in making Pollachi your next dream destination, just watch one of the 1,500 films that have been shot there. Maybe, you can also actually see one being shot during your visit.

2,700 pay up for a chance to take a one-way trip to Mars

he Mars One venture says more than 200,000 people registered their interest in taking a one-way trip to the Red Planet, but only a fraction of those are officially in the running for the trip. It is estimated that, over 2,700 people have paid their registration fee and submitted public videos in which they make their case for going to Mars in 2023 with no guarantee that they'll ever come back. However, the Dutch-based venture's founder, Bas Lansdorp, told NBC News last month that Mars One won't disclose how

many applicants in all have paid the fee ranging from $5 to $73. The second round of selection involves providing Mars One with medical data and meeting with a selection committee. Second-round candidates would be notified of their status by the end of this year and undergo their interviews starting early next year. The field is supposed to be winnowed down further over the next year or two, through two rounds of reality-TV competitions. Revenues from that programming, plus sponsorships and other marketing arrangements, would go toward the

Americans made up 24 percent and Indians 10 percent of the potential colonizers of the Red Planet.
The Earth and the Moon (enlarged in inset) as seen from Mars. Courtesy NASA.

multibillion-dollar cost of sending the first four-person crew to Mars. Mars One plays off the fact that it's far easier logistically to send

astronauts on a one-way trip to Mars than to make a round trip. Registrations came from more than 140 countries, with Americans

making up the biggest contingent (24 percent), India (10 percent), China (6 percent) and Brazil (5 percent), and so on. Mars One isn't the only venture taking aim at the Red Planet: Inspiration Mars plans to send a man and a woman flying over the Martian surface in 2018. SpaceX's billionaire founder, Elon Musk, has said he'd like to see thousands of space pioneers settling the Red Planet and he aims to go someday himself. NASA, meanwhile, intends to send astronauts on twoway trips to Mars and its moons in the 2030s.


Februry 15-21, 2014


By Anjuri Nayar

Woman should have an identity beyond her looks: Katrina Kaif

healthy and hair shiny is a tough job. You have to "keep at it", says the actress, even doling out tips for this purpose. "Start with a good diet and healthy food. This is important for the body. You need to see that the products that you use are of the best have to make sure you are protecting your skin with a sun screen, using good shampoo and conditioner on your hair because that is something that we don't take seriously," said Katrina, who recently launched hair care range "6 Oil Nourish Hair care" by beauty brand L'Oral Paris. The five must-haves in her daily routine are also equally practical and easy to follow. "Sun block, lip balm, a good shampoo and conditioner and a leave-in serum after you wash your hair, to apply," she said. For someone, who is often seen in formal gowns and extravagant saris

New Delhi: Be it her flawless skin or well worked-out body, Katrina Kaif has always been known for her beauty. But the actress feels "there is more to beauty than just the physical appearance". "I feel it is important not to get overly obsessed and overly carried away with just the physical aspect. There is more to beauty than just the physical appearance. You are also a complete person and a woman should have an identity beyond just the way she looks," Katrina said in a telephonic interview. Media appearances and film shoots are regular in the actress' life, which require her to look perfect at all times. This can be "tough", said Katrina. "It is tough in a way. You are a human being at the end of the day and everyone has his or her good days

Katrina Kaif was last seen as a gymnast in Dhoom3.

and bad days," she said. Hair and make-up can be challenging for the actress, but the people who she works with often make the "time consuming" job into fun. "I think the hardest thing is the

hours spent in hair and make-up every day. It is time-consuming, but it can be fun when you are working with a new team," said the 30-yearold. She also says that keeping skin

at public events, Katrina's personal style statement is simple. "It is very casual, simple... basic jeans and t-shirt, maybe summer dresses...I am very simple outside of my work," she said and added that her public appearance is an "extension" of how she really is. "I think that is an extension of me. I don't think I go overboard when I go out or dress up," she said. On the movie front, the actress was last seen in "Dhoom 3", which did extremely well at the box office. Katrina played a gymnast in the action drama. "For me every film is special. In 'Dhoom', whether it was the acrobats or songs, they interested me at that time," she said. She added: "The kind of roles which I am doing is what I am happy go through different phases where you are looking for different things."

New Delhi: Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci's iconic Mona Lisa wears a Punjabi salwaar kameez and dashing superhero Wolverine has become "Wolver Anna", with an obvious resemblance to southern superstar Rajinikanth! Thinking global and going local is the mantra of entrepreneurs at the Comic Con India festival. The fourth edition of the Comic Con India annual convention moved to the spacious 50,000 square foot spread of Thyagraj Stadium, leaving behind the cramped confines of Dilli Haat. This development, in fact, worked best in favor of visitors, who were spoilt for choice with around 100 exhibitors participating in the festival that concluded Sunday. And in the sea of graphic novels, popular comics, merchandising stalls and gaming parlors, some out-of-the box ideas stood out and found many takers. Uday Vir Singh from Jalandhar in Punjab had quirky posters and tshirts on sale. One poster was that of Mona Lisa in Indian attire and another one was of three superheroes - Batman, Superman and Hulk - paying tribute to Indian martyr Shaheed Bhagat Singh. A touch of Punjab was evident on every item on display and the 22year-old admitted the influence comes from his roots. "I wanted to give an Indian touch to things that are globally known and people can instantly recognize. The Punjabi touch has come from my roots," Uday Vir Singh, the owner of Desi Pun, said. "People can relate to these items and understand the quirky humor in them," said Uday Vir Singh, who has a bachelors in animation and multimedia. The posters were priced at Rs. 100. Comic Con India store has fridge magnets, coasters,

Global goes desi at Comic Con India

Cupid strikes, even at workplace

New Delhi: For the last two years, Vartika Nanda has been receiving a bouquet of red roses on Valentine's Day. Her colleagues know there is someone special in her life, but little do they know that he is a colleague from office. Love has blossomed in extreme situations and adverse conditions, and finding your soul mate in office is one of the common occurrences, as one tends to spend a considerable time at the workplace. While office romances are the best kept secrets because of "office policy" at many firms, the hide-and-seek journey of office romances still brews and keeps alive excitement and thrill in a relationship. "It is always better to keep your personal and professional lives separate till the relationship reaches a stage where the two have decided to marry. Otherwise, it can lead to speculations and embarrassment among office colleagues if the relationship fails to culminate into something concrete," 26-year-old Nanda, an HR professional, said. "At times it can be really silly how the couple flirts and teases each other without colleagues getting a sense of their relationship...," she added. "We haven't announced our relationship so far. We want to keep it under wraps for some more time." Office romance was once limited to well-planned tea breaks, lunch outings, office parties and even smoke breaks. But instant mobile applications like WhatsApp have allowed love-birds to romance freely in virtual world, with emoticons to express every mood. "Thanks to instant chats and many phone applications, you are connected with your partner throughout the day. While a chat window popping up in the middle of some work could

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa wore a salwaar kameez and dashing superhero Wolverine became Wolver Anna (Rajinikant) at the Comic Con in Delhi.

posters and cushion covers of the comic strip series "Widhwaa Maa aur Andhi Behen". The series has borrowed its story line from popular Bollywood movies like "Hum Aapke Hain Kaun", "Aandhi", and its title from the most clichd Bollywood characters a widhwaa maa (widowed mother) and andhi behen (blind sister). "It is a spoof on popular Bollywood movies with these female characters playing the lead. Comics have to be fun and the idea was to create something that will make people laugh," said a graphic designer from the team of the comic series. Apart from this, the desi version of Wolver Anna is the true representation of Indian cinema meeting the superhero. "Look what they have done to Wolverine," said an onlooker who spotted the irrepressible Rajinikanth in the superhero attire. While graphic prints have entered a whole new dimension by finding their way to clutches, bags, wallets, note-book covers and scarfs the colorful compositions and psychedelic prints too were a popular lot. Vatsal Panchal from Gujarat used popular attractions like the Eiffel Tower and Taj Mahal motifs in his silk scarves.

Office romance was once limited to wellplanned tea breaks, lunch outings, office parties and even smoke breaks. But instant mobile applications like WhatsApp have allowed love-birds to romance freely in virtual world, with emoticons to express every mood.
lead to possible embarrassment, instant chats on phone are extremely convenient and personal," said Akash Grover, a journalist. Among the most common places where these romances flourish are business process outsourcing (BPO) offices, as their erratic working hours lead to some social interaction and they find "like-minded" and "understanding" partners among them. "Our social life goes for a toss when we do graveyard shifts," admitted Harshit Goyal, a BPO employee. "So we have various groups, we

hang out together and hence it is obvious to find someone special there. We don't keep it much of a secret, because our culture is more about 'not getting attached' soon," he added. But there are those who are married and working as colleagues. So does the spark in their relationship fade away with time? Delhi-based PR professional Nikky Gupta doesn't agree. Gupta and Kamal Narayan, a former journalist, have been married for eight years and together run a PR firm. Having graduated from friends to couples to colleagues, Gupta admits sustaining a relationship at work requires constant efforts from both sides -- to reinvent and rediscover each other from the monotony of being together 24X7. "Many people have this perception that being together all the time as a couple and working professionals can squeeze all juice from a relationship. But what really matters is how you are managing the bond," 31year-old Gupta said. "My husband and I are not love birds, but we never forget to celebrate Valentine's Day. We might forget to celebrate our marriage anniversary, like many couples do, but we celebrate our togetherness each year on this day," she said.


February 15-21, 2014


India-born politician wields power in new Danish cabinet

Copenhagen: India-born Danish politician Manu Sareen, 46, continues to hold some of the most powerful and sensitive portfolios in the new Danish cabinet announced by incumbent Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. Sareen is the first male minister in Denmark to hold the portfolios of social welfare, gender equality, church and Nordic cooperation affairs since his induction into the cabinet in 2011. A social-activist leader of the Danish left Social Liberal Party (the Radikale Venstre Partiet), he brings to the coalition of ThorningSchmidt's Social Democrats and the Socialist People's Party great influence and much welcome electoral confidence, particularly among the divisive ethnic immigrant minorities in the country. Although a smaller party, the Radikale Venstre is considered by the country's political pundits as the veritable cornerstone of the coalition. The premier Danish daily, Tidnigen Berlinske has editorially bestowed a lot of praise and great hope on Sareen. "There exists a direct bridge between the Social Democrats and the Dansk (Danish Liberal) Folkparti whereby the voters tend to vacillate - albeit, mostly in one direction -from left to right," says the prestigious paper's political editor, Bent Winther. "However, with the integration affairs/policies in the capable hands of Manu Sareen, it can be safely left for many tumultuous flip-flops and conflicts between the two (major) government parties without fear of col-

Singapore riots: Indian gets 15 weeks in jail, first to be sentenced

Singapore: An Indian national, part of 25 compatriots charged with involvement in Singapore's worst riot in 40 years, on Monday became the first person to be sentenced in the case - receiving 15 weeks in jail by a court here. 32-year-old Chinnappa Vijayaragunatha Poopathi, a construction worker, had pleaded guilty on Feb 7 to an amended charge of failing to disperse during the Little India riot on December 8 under Section 151 of the Penal Code. It was believed to be the first time that Section 151 has been invoked in Singapore, Channel News Asia reported. He was initially charged with

The rampage left 43 officers injured and 24 vehicles damaged

Manu Sareen

lapse," Winther stated. Born in India May 16, 1967, Manu Sareen's family moved to Denmark in 1970, and settled in the Danish island of Amager, in the strait of Oresund that forms part of Denmark's capital Copenhagen. A trained social worker and disputes mediator, Sareen is also a prolific author and much sought after lecturer. Also active in numerous socio-political and cultural fields, Sareen was nominated for Politician of the Year in 2003, 2006 and 2007 by the National Association for Gays and Lesbians, a prestigious, respected and much loved lobby as well as a coveted political asset in liberal Denmark. On Oct 3, 2011, he was appointed the first male minister for equality. Sareen is the first minister of Denmark with a non-European ethnic background. Sareen is married to Anya Degn Sareen and the couple have three children.

Auckland to host Hindu youth conference

Wellington: A prominent voluntary Hindu organization in New Zealand Monday announced that it will organize on March 1 a youth conference in Auckland, the largest and most populous urban area in the country. Hindu Youth New Zealand will hold the third National Hindu Youth conference to provide a platform for interaction between youths of the community, a press release issued by the organizer said. The theme of the conference is 'Dynamic You - The Power of Youth.'"Our purpose is to inspire young people to discover the potential within and be proud of our very rich Hindu heritage" Nitika Sharma, president of Hindu Youth New Zealand said.

rioting, punishable by up to seven years in prison and caning. The charge was amended after the attorney general's chambers considered factors that included the extent of the accused's involvement in the riot in Little India, a precinct of Indian-origin businesses, eateries and pubs where most South Asian workers take their Sunday break. Deputy chief district judge S Jennifer Marie ordered Chinnappa's imprisonment to take effect from his arrest date on December 8, local media reported. Chinnappa and his friend, who were going to a canteen in Little India, ignored a warning by others that police had advised people not to go

in that direction and leave the area. They had also consumed some beer, the report said. The duo joined an assembly of about 10 people and shouted at canteen employees, asking that they reopen the shop, which further heightened tensions, it said. Chinnappa could have been jailed up to two years and/or fined. The trouble started after a private bus fatally knocked down an Indian pedestrian in Little India. Some 400 migrant workers were involved in the rampage that left 43 officers injured and 24 vehicles damaged. Singapore previously witnessed violence of such scale during race riots in 1969.

Thais rally in support of Indian businessman

Automotive jewels of the Maharajas on display at the Paris Retromobile 2014

Thai businessmen show support for Satish Sehgal

Indian royaltys penchant for grand automobiles was the focal point of the Retromobile 2014 held Feb 5-9 in Paris, with 15 beautiful cars of the Maharajas on display. The Paris Retromobile is among the worlds most important classic car shows, where those interested in vintage cars can meet, buy and sell automotive works of art.

Bangkok: A group of Thais Sunday demonstrated in front of the Indian embassy here in support of Satish Sehgal, an Indian origin businessman facing deportation for his antigovernment views. On Feb 4, the Center for Maintaining Peace and Order said Sehgal would be deported to India for defying the state of emergency in Bangkok, reported the Bangkok Post. Sehgal publicly criti-

cized the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at a rally called by the opposition People's Democratic Reform Committee. A group of businessmen plan to submit a letter to the Indian ambassador in Thailand, asking the embassy to protect the rights of Seghal. On Jan 22, the Thai government declared emergency in Bangkok and some nearby areas for two months.


February 15-21, 2014


China backs Lanka over US rights complaint

Taliban want Islamic system of governance in Pak

The Taliban's agenda includes introduction of Shariah law in courts, halting US drone attacks and introduction of an Islamic system of education in public and private institutions.
Islamabad: An Islamic system of governance, introduction of Shariah law and release of jailed militants are part of a 15-point agenda finalized by the Taliban for peace talks with the Pakistan government, according to media reports. The Taliban 'Shura' or council, which has been meeting in the restive northwest under its deputy chief Sheikh Khalid Haqqani, also demanded the withdrawal of the army from tribal areas, said a report on the website of the Dawn daily. Jamaat-e-Islami leader Ibrahim Khan and Jamiat Ulema-e- Islam-S leader Yousuf Shah, members of the Taliban-nominated committee, are in Waziristan for a meeting with the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. They are likely to convey the Taliban's demands to state negotiators, the report said. The Taliban's 15-point agenda was also reported by Dunya News

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Beijing: China's Foreign Minister has offered support for Sri Lanka after the United States said it would table a U.N. resolution against Colombo over its human rights record. "China opposes some countries' interference in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka under the pretext of human rights issues," Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Sri Lankan counterpart G. L. Peiris in Beijing. China backs the Sri Lankan government in safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, Wang said, according to China's Foreign Ministry. "We believe in the Sri Lankan people's wisdom and capacity to handle their own affairs," Wang added. Sri Lanka this month reject-

ed U.S. criticism of its human rights record as "grossly disproportionate", after a senior U.S. official said Washington would table a U.N. resolution against the country. President Mahinda Rajapaksa's government, which finally crushed a 26-year rebellion by ethnic minority Tamil separatists in 2009, has rejected calls for an international inquiry into atrocities during the civil war. China has increasingly tight ties with Sri Lanka, funding airports, roads, railways and ports, which has unsettled India, traditionally Sri Lanka's closest economic partner. The island of 21 million people just off India's southern tip has become a front in the competition between the Asian giants China and India.

Members of the committee selected by the Pakistan Taliban (TTP) to attend peace talks with the government.

channel. However, Geo News reported that the Taliban's demands included release of militants, withdrawal of the army from insurgency-hit areas and compensation to people affected by violence. The reports about the 15-point agenda could not be independently confirmed. According to the report on Dawn's website, the agenda includes introduction of Shariah law in courts, halting US drone attacks and introduction of an Islamic system of education in public and private institutions. Other demands include release of Pakistani Taliban and foreign fighters from jail, restoration and com-

pensation for property damaged in drone attacks, handing over control of tribal areas to local forces, withdrawal of the army from tribal areas and shutting down of check posts. The report said the agenda also states all criminal allegations against the Taliban should be dropped. "Equal rights for all, poor and rich, families of drone attack victims to be offered jobs, end interest-based system, stop supporting the US in the war on terror, replace the democratic system of governance with the Islamic system and stop all relations with the US," the report quoted the agenda as saying.

Karzai will not sign security agreement: US spy chief

Washington: The US intelligence chief said he does not expect Afghan President Hamid Karzai to sign a security agreement with the United States that would allow American troops to stay after 2014. Washington has repeatedly appealed to Karzai to sign the bilateral security agreement (BSA) negotiated last year but James Clapper, director of national intelligence, said he had given up hope that the Afghan president would endorse the deal. Well, obviously, it takes two to sign this, Clapper told the Senate Armed Services Committee. And it's my own view, not necessarily company policy, ...I don't believe President Karzai is going to sign it, he said. His comments were the most explicit yet by a senior US official acknowledging the bleak prospects of Karzai backing the agreement. Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the committee, asked Clapper if it would be better for the US government to wait for the next Afghan president to sign the deal after the country's April elections. Clapper said that would be a policy decision and not up to him but he said such a move could have a salutary effect. The United States favours leaving about 10,000 troops in Afghanistan after this year to help train Afghan forces and counter Al Qaeda militants and its allies. The delay in signing the security agreement, which would set up a legal framework

US intelligence chief James Clapper

for foreign troops to stay post-2014, has created uncertainty and undermined confidence among Afghans, Clapper said. The effect already of the delay has been negative in terms of the impact on the economy, not to mention I think the psychological impact, he said. Worries about whether Nato-led forces will remain in the country have triggered negative trends in the economy, including a decline in foreign investment, he said. Asked about the state of Afghan forces as Nato troops draw down, Clapper said the country's army has improved but suffers from extensive desertion problems. About 30,000 Afghans deserted last year out of an army of 185,000, the intelligence chief said. On the battlefield, Afghan forces often score tactical victories against Taliban insurgents but have difficulties holding cleared territory, particularly when police units are involved, he said.

Kathmandu: Nepal's newly-installed Prime Minister Sushil Koirala, in his first decision following assumption of office, decided to take tough measures against corruption and irregularities that are widely prevalent in various government entities of the Himalayan nation. Nepali Congress chief Koirala was sworn-in along with party colleague Ram Sharan Mahat and the twoman cabinet, at a meeting here, decided to take concrete measures to curb the menace of widespread corruption and irregularities. At the very outset, Koirala suffered a setback at the eleventh hour when his major coalition partner, Communist Party of NepalUnified Marxist Leninist (CPN-UML), chose to stay out of the government after being denied the home

Nepal's Koirala government moves against graft

Newly-elected Nepalese PM Sushil Koirala is congratulated by his supporters as he leaves parliament in Kathmandu

ministry. Koirala, seen as the epitome of simple living, has declared his determination to resume good and transparent governance. Immediately after assuming office, Koirala signed a decision that any payment of Nepali Rs.5,000 or above by government entities, including the Prime Minister's Office, should be

posted on the government website at least for three days. Before being elected to the post of prime minister, in a speech delivered in parliament, Koirala had stressed that a zero tolerance policy against corruption and maintaining good governance would be the key agendas of his government.


February 15-21, 2014


UN-Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi

Little progress in Syrian peace talks: UN mediator

Damascus: A fresh round of peace talks between Syria's government and opposition has got off to a rough start, with few signs of progress, UN-Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said. "Today I don't have much to tell you except that the beginning of this week is as laborious as it was," Brahimi told a news conference in Geneva after a joint meeting of the two sides. "We are not making much progress." The frustration was also conveyed by Syria's government delegation, who said no agenda had been agreed for the ongoing peace talks and blamed the opposition's refusal to discuss the issue of "terrorism." "Another lost day because the representatives of the coalition insisted that terrorism in Syria does not exist and did not want to discuss it," said Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad after the second day of talks. The second round of talks got off to a shaky start on Feb 10, with Brahimi shuttling between the delegations in the hope that keeping them apart at first might put them in a more conciliatory state of mind. There has been scant sign that the current round, expected to last until Friday, will make progress toward ending the conflict.

Washington: The French and American presidents have continued to stress their common ground as Franois Hollandes state visit has drawn to a close. Barack Obama said both had resolved to put more pressure on Russia and Iran over stopping the bloodshed in Syria. The French leader tackled the thorny issue of data protection after the revelations of US spying exposed in the NSA scandal. We have worked towards cooperation which can enable the fight against terrorism and at the same time to respect principles. And we are making headway over this cooperation. And there is a mutual trust which has been restored and which should be based both on respect for each others country and also based on the protection of privacy, Franois Hollande told a joint news conference in Washington. President Obama said France and other allies were committed to enforcing existing sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program. We dont want new sanctions, because the ones we have in place are already squeezing Iran and brought them to the table. We also want to send a message to the Iranians that if they dont resolve

US, France on same page on global issues as Hollande concludes State visit

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama welcome French President Francois Hollande for the State Dinner in the White House Feb. 11.

this broader issue of their nuclear program that there will be consequences and that the sanction regime will not only stay in place but will likely be tightened in the event that these talks fail, Obama said. Hollande was honored at a lavish White House state dinner, capping a visit to the US aimed at renewing the partnership between the two long-standing allies. His was the first official state dinner at the White House in Obamas second term as President. At the party, Hollande and Obama toasted the two nations' centuries-old friendship.

President Franois Hollande had left France amid sinking popularity ratings and swirling reports that he cheated on his partner of seven years with a younger movie actress making this week's trip something of an escape for the embattled president.The former French first lady Valerie Trierweiler -- whom Obama said in November he was looking forward to hosting didn't accompany Hollande to the White House after Hollande announced their split. He says his private life is private, but Hollande did not deny the affair with the actress.

Beijing: China and Taiwan agreed to establish a formal government-level dialogue for the first time in 65 years, official news media reported, after a historic meeting in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing. Representatives from both sides smiled and shook hands warmly before Tuesday afternoons session, the first formal talks since the country split in two in 1949, after a civil war. Beijing refuses to formally acknowledge the government in Taiwan, which it considers a breakaway province, and previous negotiations on cross-strait relations have been conducted by quasi-official representatives rather than government officials. Wang Yu-chi, Taiwans minister of mainland affairs, called the meeting a new chapter in relations between the two sides and truly a day for the record books, according to wire service reports.

China, Taiwan hold first direct talks since 1949 split

Ethnic cleansing taking place in C Africa

Libreville: "Ethnic cleansing" is being carried out against Muslim civilians in the Central African Republic, with international peacekeepers unable to prevent it, Amnesty International said. France's defense minister earlier called on international forces deployed in the Christian-majority country to put an end to attacks by the militias "by force if needed". Amnesty said it had documented at least 200 killings of Muslim civilians by Christian militia groups known as the anti-balaka, set up in the wake of the March 2013 coup by the mainly-Muslim Seleka rebellion. "Ethnic cleansing' of Muslims has been carried out in the western part of the Central African Republic, the most populous part of the country, since early January 2014," Amnesty International said in a report. "Entire Muslim communities have been forced to

Central African Republic soldiers walk on a street in Bangui

Wang Yu-chi, head of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council (left) shakes hands with Zhang Zhijun, director of China's Taiwan Affairs Office

Zhang Zhijun, Chinas representative, said the two negotiators could definitely become good friends but would need to show imagination to achieve breakthroughs in the future, Chinas official Xinhua news agency reported. We absolutely cant let the relations between the two sides be turbulent again, and even more, we cant backtrack, Zhang said. The two men had met only briefly and informally once before, on the sidelines of aregional summit in Bali in

October. Taiwans people remain firmly opposed to the idea of reunification with China, with about 80 percent supporting the status quo of de facto independence. Taiwan broke away from the rest of China in 1949, when Chiang Kai-sheks nationalist forces fled to the island after their defeat by Mao Zedongs Communist Party troops. Taiwan has been self-governing ever since and held its first democratic presidential election in 1996.

flee, and hundreds of Muslim civilians who have not managed to escape have been killed by the loosely organised militias known as anti-balaka." The group said attacks against Muslims had been committed "with the stated intent to forcibly displace these communities from the country," with many antibalaka fighters viewing Muslims as "'foreigners' who should leave the country or be killed". "They appear to be achieving their aims, with Muslims being forced out of the country in increas-

ingly large numbers," it said. The impoverished country descended into chaos last March after the rebellion overthrew the government, sparking deadly violence that has uprooted a million people out of a population of 4.6 million. Atrocities, the fear of attacks and a lack of food have displaced a quarter of the country's population, while the United Nations and relief agencies estimate that at least two million people need humanitarian assistance.


February 15-21, 2014


Now, IBM layoffs hit India unit

Passenger fares and freight rates were left untouched in the interim rail budget

New Delhi: India Inc said the government's focus on modernization and expansion of the country's vast rail network without touching passenger fares and freight rates was a step in the right direction. Expressing happiness on no populist measures being incorporated in the budget, PHD Chamber of Commerce president Sharad Jaipuria said: "The focus was rightly on attracting huge investments to upgrade, modernising and expanding railways as per aspirations of people and attempting to bring in foreign direct investment (FDI)". Passenger fares and freight rates were left untouched in the interim rail budget, which talks about plans about involvement of private sector and FDI as part of efforts to modernise the largest transport network in the country. "Increased private participation, as rightly noticed by the government,

India Inc gives thumbs up to rail budget

seems to be the way of future development. The increased efforts towards unlocking the value of railway assets would go a long way in achieving this objective," Assocham president Rana Kapoor said. Presenting the interim budget for four months in the Lok Sabha, railway minister Mallikarjun Kharge said an independent Rail Tariff Authority is being set up to rationalize fares. he also said there was a proposal to expand dynamic pricing of tickets in line with the airline industry. He announced the launch of 17 new premium trains, 39 express trains and ten passenger trains in the coming year and providing rail connectivity to Katra and Vaishnodevi in Jammu and Kashmir, and Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh in the Northeast. Annual Rail Plan has been pegged at Rs 64,305 crore with a budgetary support of Rs 30,223 crore.

Pune: Technology giant IBM's workforce-rebalancing efforts have now hit India, with the company asking several of its employees in its hardware business unit to quit. The total number of employees impacted, however, could not be confirmed. IBM's employee union in the US, however, confirmed the news. "Yes, IBM India is firing a large number of workers today. We do not know how many, or how many are still employed. We are extremely concerned in IBM's drive towards its goal of $20 earnings a share for 2015, it is discarding its greatest asset - its employees. IBM India employees are being terminated and forced out of the company, as are thousand of hardworking IBM workers around the world. We express solidarity with all being impacted by IBM's callous disregard for its workers," said Lee Conard, national coordinator, Alliance@IBM CWA Local 1701. Sources said the layoffs were taking place in IBM's systems technology group, which focused on the hardware business and has about 8,000 employees. "For about a year, the company has put a freeze on hiring in its software and services units in

The layoffs are reportedly taking place in IBM's systems technology group that has 8,000 employees.

India. We have been told it is restructuring the organisation and, therefore, there will be no new hires," said an IBM India software and solutions group employee. The official site for IBM employees' union said, "In 2013, IBM spent $1 billion on what it called 'workforce rebalancing', which means nothing else than a giant job cut. In 2014, the company is set to spend another $1 billion to eliminate an estimated 15,000 jobs worldwide." An email sent to IBM India did not elicit any response.

Jobs on fire
Layoffs in IBM's systems technology group, which focuses on hardware business and has about 8,000 employees Company set to spend another $1 billion to eliminate an estimated 15,000 jobs worldwide. In 2013, IBM spent $1 billion on what it called "workforce rebalancing"

'Rule of law must for promoting Indo-US business, trade'

New Delhi: The rule of law is not just a prerequisite for a vibrant society based on civil and human rights but also for robust bilateral and global economic and trade relations that are without uncertainties, said an expert. The rule of law is necessary not just for the civil rights and the human rights as is generally believed but even for business and commercial transactions, said James P. Duffy, a convenor of a three-day conference on "Threading the needle in US-India deals: Safe passage through formidable legal risk". Duffy represents American Bar Association Section of International Law which is jointly organising a three-day conference along with the Society of Indian Law Firms and Services Export Promotion Council. "Vodafone (tax issue) is a big question for us in the US," Duffy told newsmen, making it clear that he was Duffy said this at a news conference he addressed along with Lalit Bhasin, president of the Society of Indian Law Firms, on the eve of the conference. Bhasin said though there would not be any session devoted to issues involving Vodafone, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ranbaxy but it would surface during the course of the deliberations at the conference. Bhasin said such interactions are not directed at influencing government policies but helps lawyers from both sides to understand each other's legal framework in specific areas. "We believe in strengthening our economics and commercial relations and promoting trade and business between the two countries. This cannot be achieved without proper legal support and that is where the role of legal profession comes in... Sharing of experiences and knowledge is essential to move forward," Bhasin said.

US fixed mortgage rates continue to fall

New York: US fixed mortgage rates continued to drop for the fourth consecutive week, reflecting that weaker housing data are putting downward pressure on the rates, a survey said. According to the Primary Mortgage Market Survey released by Freddie Mac Thursday, the 30-year fixedrate mortgage (FRM) decreased to 4.23% in the week ending Thursday from 4.32% in the previous week. The 15-year FRM, a popular guide for those looking to refinance, edged down to 3.33% this week from 3.40% in the prior week. "Mortgage rates fell further this week following the release of weaker housing data," said Freddie Mac's chief economist Frank Nothaft in a statement. "The pending home sales index fell 8.7% in December to its lowest level since October 2011. Fixed residential investment negatively contributed to GDP in the fourth quarter for the first time since the third quarter of 2010." "The Institute for Supply Management reported a significant slowing in growth in the manufacturing industry in December than the market consensus forecast," Nothaft added.

Lalit Bhasin, president of the Society of Indian Law Firms

"not going to comment on it". Pointing out that "Vodafone was not the wisest thing" and there could have been appropriate ways of doing it by minimising its implications, Duffy said the use of tax policy in certain ways inhibits trade.


February 15-21, 2014


New Delhi: India is back in the Olympic fold with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) lifting its 14-month ban in the wake of "free and fair elections" to the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) two days ago. The decision, by the IOC Executive Board (EB) at an ad-hoc meeting in Sochi, reinstated the IOA which kept tainted officials out of its elections. Newly-elected IOA president N. Ramachandran said he was delighted. "I am extremely delighted that the IOC has lifted the ban. Now we have to work together to keep the IOA clean," Ramachandran said. The Executive Board took the decision following a report submitted by a threemember delegation, headed by Robin Mitchell, who were the observers at the IOA General Assembly here. The IOC observers told the Executive Board members that the elections were held in full respect of the recently passed NOC (National Olympic Committee) constitution, which complies with all IOC requirements, including the clause that no person convicted or charge-framed can run for a position within the organization. It is the first time in Olympic history that a suspension of an NOC was been lifted during an Olympic Games, and the decision will have an immediate impact. The three Indian athletes, who were competing under the IOC flag in the Sochi Winter Games (Feb 7-23), can now take part under the Indian flag. They took part in the Opening Ceremony under the Olympic flag and and have competed as Independent Olympic

IOC lifts ban, India back in Olympic fold IPL: Yuvi fetches record Rs 14 crore
Bangalore: Five players - Yuvraj Singh, Dinesh Karthik, Kevin Pietersen, Glen Maxwell and Mitchell Johnson - bagged million-dollar contracts even as the eight franchise teams pointedly ignored Sri Lankan and English cricketers on the opening day of the Indian Premier League (IPL) players' auction. Among the leading stars who remained unsold on the opening day were Sri Lanka's Mahela Jayawardene and South Africans Vernon Philander and Wayne Parnell. The auction will resume when the uncapped and unsold players will be available for bids. Royal Challengers Bangalore picked up Yuvraj at Rs.14 crore (approximately $2.3 million), while Delhi Daredevils made a successful bid for Karthik at Rs.12.5 crore ($2.08 million). Yuvraj, who is out of both the ODI and Test teams, became the highest paid player in the league. Royal Challengers appeared a bit miffed that they paid out an additional Rs.4 crore to Yuvraj after they bid Rs.10 crore only to see the auctioneer Richard Madley reopen the bid to allow Kolkata Knight Riders into the ring. The bid eventually ended at Rs.14 crore in favour of RCB after KKR pulled out at Rs.13.5 crore. Pietersen, unceremoniously dropped from the England squad earlier this month following the disastrous Ashes tour of Australia, went back to Delhi Daredevils who used the Right To Match (RTM) to keep the hard-hitting batsman for Rs.9 crore ($1.5 million). Kings XI Punjab sucRs.6 crore ($1 million). Also winning a lucrative contract was 23-year old Kiwi Corey Anderson who recently set a ODI world record of a 36ball century as Mumbai Indians bagged him for Rs.4.5 crore($750,000) and also former Aussie batsman Mike Hussey for Rs.5 crore ($833,000). With the Sri Lankans scheduled to tour England this summer, the franchises were obviously averse to bidding for players from these two countries. Among the big losers were the Pathan brothers, Irfan and Yusuf, and Saurabh Tiwary all of whom commanded far less price. Yusuf, bought by Knight Riders in 2011 for $2.1 million, had to settle for Rs.3.25 crore ($540,000) with the same team. Irfan, whom the now-defunct Pune Warriors had bought for $1.9 million in 2011, will now play for Sunrisers Hyderabad who won him for Rs.2.4 crore ($400,000). Tiwary was bought for $1.6 million by Royal Challengers Bangalore in 2011, but this time around, he managed only a contract Rs.70 lakh ($116,000). Much of the action was during the prelunch session when there was a frenzy of buying, but the latter half of the day saw the franchises on the quieter side with an eye to their fast depleting salary caps while saving some funds for the morrow.
Royal Challengers Bangalore picked up Yuvraj Singh at Rs 14 crore

The three Indian athletes, who were competing in the Sochi Winter Games can now take part under the Indian flag

Participants. The Indian flag will also be raised at the Games Village in Sochi. Sports Minister Jitendra Singh congratulated the IOA for getting back into the Olympic fold and expressed his happiness that the country's sportspersons will once again be able to contest under the tricolour. "This is a great day for the country. As an Indian, I am thrilled and very, very happy. The Government of India congratulates the IOA, IOC, sportspersons and the people of the country who were involved in getting India back into the Olympic Movement. I am very happy that now our sportspersons will be able to contest under the Indian flag," Jitendra Singh told media at the Sports Authority of India (SAI) headquarters here. "It's been a long journey of over a year when sportspersons and sports lovers have raised their concerns, the Government of India has raised its voice at Lausanne, and through other forums, for paving a way to get India back into the Olympic Movement," said the minister, who had led a government delegation to IOC head-

quarters in Lausanne last year. The IOA was suspended in December 2012 after it failed to comply with the Olympic Charter and its statutes, relating specifically to good governance, during its controversial election process. As a consequence, the IOA was no longer entitled to exercise any activity or right, includi n g financial s u p port, conferred by the IOC. The IOA was suspended in December 2012 after it failed to comply with the Olympic Charter and its statutes, relating specifically to good governance, during its controversial election process. As a consequence of the ban, the IOA was no longer entitled to exercise any activity or right, including financial support, conferred upon it by the Olympic Charter or the IOC, since that date.

cessfully bid for fast bowler Mitchell Johnson for Rs.6.5 crore ($1.08 million) and fellow allrounder Glenn Maxwell for

New Delhi: Serious doubts are being raised over the deposition of Indian cricket board president Narayanswami Srinivasan, India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and the India Cements management that Gurunath Meiyappan was not a team principal, only a cricket enthusiast with Chennai Super Kings, in a report submitted to the apex court. Retired Judge Mukul Mudgal in his report to the Supreme Court said that Dhoni, Srinivasan and his company India Cements took the stand during the inquiry of the betting and the spot-fixing scandal in the Indian Premier League (IPL) that Meiyappan, who is the son-in-law of Srinivasan, had nothing do with the cricketing affairs of Chennai Super Kings. But in his due course of the probe, Mudgal found out that Meiyappan made it out to the world that he was indeed the team principal of Chennai Super Kings. Mudgal in his report has indicted Meiyappan of being involved in the betting scandal in the IPL. According to IPL constitution, if any team franchise or its

Did Dhoni, Srinivasan misrepresent facts?

Indian cricket board president N. Srinivasan (right) and team captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni

members are found to have acted in any way which has a material adverse effect upon the reputation or standing of the League, BCCI-IPL, BCCI, the franchisee, the team (or any

other team in the League) and/or the game of cricket, the franchise can be terminated with immediate effect by written notice.


February 15-21, 2014


A stroke is a localized damage to brain tissues, caused by loss of oxygen or internal bleeding. In many cases, a stroke can be fatal.
By Arvind Padmanabhan New Delhi: Changing habits and sedentary lifestyles have made the incidence of strokes more prevalent among South Asians, notably Indians, and can induce permanent disability or prove fatal, even as preventive measures are at hand, doctors maintain. According to them, an aggravation of intracranial atherosclerosis (ICAD), the hardening of the arteries that supply oxygen to the brain, can impede blood flow by narrowing and obstruction of blood vessels and result in strokes. "While ICAD in Western population could range from 8-10 percent of the stroke patients, it could be as high as 35-40 percent for South Asians," says Shakir Husain, chief of interventional neurology at New Delhi's Saket City Hospital. Alarmingly, the prevalence is more pronounced among the country's youth because of a Neurointervention Foundation, a stroke is a localized damage to brain tissues, caused by loss of oxygen or internal bleeding. In many cases, a stroke can be fatal. Doctors explain that the risk factors include hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking, nutritional deficiency, high cholesterol, Type-A personalities like high achievers under constant stress and lack of information about its early symptoms and intensity. In a study published last October in leading health journal The Lancet, titled "Global and Regional Burden of Stroke" which looked at its incidence between 1990 and 2010 - a third of all strokes globally now occur in the 20-64 age group. Even as the overall death rates due to stroke were down globally, the number of people who succumbed to it was 10 times higher in the lower and middle-income countries, said the study, predicting the numbers to double worldwide by 2030.

'India in midst of stroke epidemic'

Preventive measures against strokes

Lead a simple, yogic life: Eat simple, beat stress by conditioning the body and mind to be calm and flexible. Lifestyle modification: Incorporate physical exercise in your daily routine, create happiness and instill peace in your surroundings. Dietary regulation: Watch and reduce the intake of saturated fats, consume more fiber and create a good balance of protein, fiber, carbohydrates and polyunsaturated fats. Measure your food: One's calorie intake should be with accordance to his or her nature of work. A sedentary worker's calorie intake should be less than that of a field worker. Adopt good habits: Control temper and work toward the maintenance of well-balanced and flexible personality. Stop smoking. Reduce, rather avoid, consumption of alcohol.

lifestyle where smoking is fashionable and alcohol consumption is trendy. "There is this urge for wanting more and stopping at nothing, along with stress," Husain noted. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Stroke by two experts, Jeyaraj Durai Pandian and Paulin Sudhan, the prevalence rate of strokes is 84262 per 100,000 population in rural India and 334-424 in cities. "India, like other developing countries, is in the midst of a stroke epidemic. There is a huge

burden of strokes with significant regional variations," they said in their paper, adding that this called for an organized effort by both the government and private sector. "It's assumed the average age of patients with strokes in developing countries is usually 15 years younger than those in the developed countries. In India, nearly one-fifth of the patients with first-ever stroke admitted to hospitals is estimated at 40 years or less." According to the Stroke and

Own a car or TV? Diabetes can be controlled in over 80 percent Indian patients Obesity, diabetes lurk
By Ramen Goel Toronto: Is there a possible connection between owning car or computer or even TV set with obesity? Definitely, say researchers. Having high-priced consumer goods result in too much sitting, less physical activity and increased consumption of calories - and this can lead to lifestyle diseases like obesity and diabetes, shows new research. "The spread of obesity and type-2 diabetes could become epidemic in low- and middleincome countries as more families are able to own higher priced modern-day conveniences such as TVs, computers and cars," warned Scott Lear, a professor of health sciences at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Canada. Its the sitting that can be detrimental. Its not only the opposite of being active, but it actually reduces your bodys ability to break down fat and use sugar in the blood for energy, explained Lear. Lear headed an international research team that analyzed data on more than 150,000 adults from 17 countries - ranging from high and middle income to low-income nations. Researchers, who questioned participants about ownership as well as physical activity and diet, found a 400 percent increase in obesity and a 250 percent increase in diabetes among owners of these items in low-income countries. The study also showed that owning all three devices was associated with a 31 percent decrease in physical activity, 21 percent increase in sitting and a 9 cm increase in waist size, compared with those who owned no devices. Mumbai: India is home to nearly 62 million diabetics - second only to China which has over 92 million diabetics. Diabetes management has become a huge business opportunity and the last few years have seen an array of non-intrusive insulin delivery methods and non-needle glucose monitoring systems - flooding the markets in different shapes, sizes and price tags. A recent such discovery which is likely to reach diabetics in the next few years is by tech giant Google - where the company is testing a 'smart contact lens' that can help measure glucose levels in tears. Google's new 'Smart Contact Lenses' are good, but the key issue was never measurement of blood sugar - most of the experienced diabetics know their average blood sugar levels. However, it will be an excellent tool for new diabetics, who are also not averse to wearing contact lenses. While the focus of majority of this research happening worldwide today is aligned with the goal of diabetes treatment, that is, to achieve and maintain healthy blood glucose levels, it is also necessary to look at its life- weight loss in significantly obese long cost implications. people was seen to result in diaA majority of diabetics are betes control in most of the unable to keep sugars under con- patients. Since 2004, various trol despite adequate medication research studies have shown that and follow ups. This is because 80-90 percent diabetic patients the primary pathology in type 2 may have remission of diabetes diabetics is not insulin deficiency post this surgery. but body's resistance to insulin. Remission is defined as normal In view of the rising demand blood sugar levels without for insulin in the country, there is requirement of medicines. a pressing need for the governInitially considered a side benment and the efit of weight Google is testing a loss procedure, regulator to bring the prices 'smart contact lens' now it has been down. The accepted that diathat can help newer insulin betes remission products and is a direct impact measure glucose analogues are of this surgery levels in tears. costlier than and not an after older ones and effect of weight out of reach for many patients. loss. In most of the patients, In some cases, even treatment blood sugar becomes normal with insulin does not help in within 3-7 days after the surgery, sugar control in many patients. even before any substantial Social media has seen a deluge weight loss begins. This surgery of diabetes afflicted men and impacts the intestinal hormones women expressing their angst called incretins, which are now and seeking remission as against believed to be responsible for management... heres where type 2 diabetes. metabolic surgery comes in. Metabolic surgery has been We now have the opportunity accepted by International to redirect the diabetes care from Diabetes Federation (IDF), just plain management to sus- American Society of Metabolic tainable remission. & Bariatric Surgery and Obesity Metabolic surgery which was Surgery Society of India. Now, started in 1950s primarily for this surgery can even be offered

Metabolic surgery which was started in 1950s primarily for weight loss in significantly obese people was seen to result in diabetes control in most of the patients
to non obese (>27.5 BMI) Asian diabetic patients, as mentioned in IDF position statement. The purpose of such surgery is not weight loss any more but diabetes control only. This change in approach has given benefit to millions of non-obese diabetic Indians. The results here have also become better with time. Surgeons like Francesco Rubino, Phil Schauer etc have demonstrated exceptional documented results. It is a matter of time before the tables are turned and 80 percent diabetic Indians will not only be controlled diabetic but also have freedom from daily injections or consuming tablets for sugar control. By 2030, India's diabetes numbers are expected to cross the 100 million mark according to a 2012 report by International Diabetes Federation. The economic burden due to diabetes in India is among the highest in the world. In the Middle East too, where I consult patients regularly, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased dramatically over the last three decades. (Mumbai-based Ramen Goel is one of India's seniormost metabolic and bariatric surgeons and a pioneer in diabetes remission through surgery)


February 15-21, 2014


What every cold and flu sufferer needs to know

Many people turn to over-thecounter medicines (OTC) for relief from their cold and flu symptoms. When illness strikes, treating your symptoms safely and responsibly is just as important as relief. During this cold and flu season, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, the maker of Tylenol, is educating consumers about the safe and appropriate use of medicines through its educational initiative Get Relief Responsibly. Many cold and flu medicines contain acetaminophen, a common pain reliever used to provide relief from their cold and flu symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and body pains. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol but it can also be found in more than 600 OTC and prescription medications such as NyQuil, Theraflu, Percocet and Vicodin. If you take multiple medicines at a time to treat various symptoms, it is important to be aware of the ingredients and to follow labels to prevent accidentally taking more than the recommended dose. Acetaminophen is safe when used as directed, but taking too much can harm your liver, says Edwin Kuffner, M.D., Vice President of Medical Affairs at McNeil Consumer Healthcare. Some people may accidentally take more than the total daily dose of acetaminophen because they do not realize they are taking multiple products containing acetaminophen, or because they may not read and follow the label. This cold and flu season, get relief responsibly with these tips: Always read and follow your medicine labels carefully. If youre taking more than one medicine, read and compare the labels. Never take more than one medicine that contains the same active ingredient at the same time. Never take more than the recommended dose, unless directed by your doctor. And dont take any medicine for longer than directed. If you're not getting effective relief, contact your doctor. Inform your doctor and pharmacist of your medical history and what medications you take. This will help your healthcare team ensure you're taking medicines that are appropriate for you. If you suspect an overdose, even if you dont have any symptoms, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away at 1-800-222-1222. Learn more. Visit the website for tools and resources about how to take medicines safely -- including an interactive medicine checker to find out which of you medicines contain acetaminophen, tips on how to read medicine labels and steps to keep medicines safely out of the reach of children. During cold and flu season, do yourself a favor. When seeking relief, first learn about the medications youre taking and be sure to take them responsibly.

uring cold and flu season, an ounce of prevention goes a long way. But despite best efforts, getting sick is sometimes unavoidable. This year, Americans will suffer from approximately one billion colds, and as many as one in five will get the flu.

hoosing a qualified, responsible, smart and kind babysitter or nanny can seem daunting. While all parents dream of a Mary Poppins falling into their laps, finding the perfect childcare provider usually requires a bit more legwork. Ensuring your child is in the right hands is something you should do well before a nanny cam gets a chance to reveal something is amiss. Unfortunately, many parents dont do their due diligence when it comes to vetting babysitters and nannies, says Darren Dupriest, President and CEO of Validity Screening Solutions, a leading provider of background checks for employers and parents hiring childcare providers.

How to choose a babysitter C

Let frozen food stay in microwave for safe eating

Kitchen tips for taking the stress out of cooking for a crowd

care providers. A tried and true candidate often beats a total shot in the dark Background Checks Even with stellar praise from references, a background check is a crucial step in the search. But not all background screening searches are the same. While information from Internet databases can be acquired cheaply and quickly, such websites can leave trusting parents with a false sense of security, as secondhand information can become outdated in as little as five days. A good caregiver screening will search criminal records to identify any felony or misdemeanor, criminal convictions or pending cases involving the candidate, as well as sex offender registries and driving records. It will also provide verifications of claimed past employment, education and certifications. For accurate, current information, opt for a comprehensive background screening service, such as Validity Screening Solutions, which conducts a live records search, going directly to the source of information. The importance of quality childcare cannot be overstated. Through references, an employment screening and a comprehensive interview, you can be more confident in your selection.

Here are some ways you can be more proactive and thorough in your hiring search: Interview A face-to-face interview is the time to get to know the candidate. Prepare a list of questions to ask, but be open to letting the conversation flow naturally. Remember, not all sitters and nannies will click with all children. So if possible, include your child in the interview process to get a better sense of how he or she interacts with the potential caretaker. References If you had the family car or leaky faucet fixed, you likely asked neighbors for references for top mechanics and plumbers. Dont neglect this important, personal outlet in the search for great child-

f you think frozen meals are ready to eat and just need to be reheated in microwaves, get alarmed. Rather, let the meal stand for the recommended time in the microwave before you start eating, shows new research. An investigation into a case where 44 people got food poisoning after eating frozen chicken-and-rice meals in 18 states in the US revealed that the outbreak of Salmonella bacteria - that caused food poisoning - was owing to "improperly" microwaving food. Most of the people who fell ill cooked frozen meal in a microwave but not all of them let the meal stand for the recommended time inside before they began eating, said a press release from Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Follow all directions when it comes to microwaving food - including letting food 'stand' after cooking, it added. Microwave standing time is part of the cooking process. Microwave cooking is a critical control point to ensure raw and uncooked ingredients reach a sufficient temperature to render them safe from microbial hazards, the report said. Manufacturers should provide step-bystep cooking instructions on frozen meals that account for variability in microwave wattage, it said.

nything to make entertaining easier is a welcome gift to a busy host or hostess. Whether youre a newer cook or a seasoned expert, everyone can use an ally in the kitchen, says Anne-Michele Harrington, brand director at PAM. With the avoidance of such kitchen snafus as burning a meal or making a dish thats stuck to the pan, the experts at PAM are offering some tips to ease the kitchen madness so typical of cooking for a crowd: Set rules. If you are the type of cook or baker who gets irked by having too many cooks in the kitchen, the holidays can be particularly upsetting -- when you may be getting feedback from parents, your in-laws and anyone else who happens to be standing around. Avoid this headache by keeping guests out of the kitchen entirely, or by assigning helpers specific tasks. Healthfully add a touch of flavor to your dishes and sweets by working with a good cooking spray, which is great for loaf pans, cookie sheets and Bundt pans, as well as for sauts and roasts.

Stick to what you know. The day you cook a big meal for an extended group of friends and family is not the day to stray too far outside your comfort zone. Save the experimentation for another time, or do a practice run in advance of the big day, says Harrington. Make cleanup a cinch by coating pans and utensils, such as knives and pastry cutters with a specially formulated, non-stick cooking spray first, such as PAM, which now offers cooking spray that leaves up to 99 percent less residue than margarine or bargain-brand alternatives. Opt for PAM Original, Butter and Baking sprays to save time during prep and clean up. While many people take great pride and joy in cooking and baking, far fewer relish the task of cleanup. Save time where it counts. Plan ahead. Get an early start on dishes and desserts that can keep well in the freezer. More kitchen prep and clean up tips can be found at When entertaining for a crowd, say so long to the hitches and glitches that tripped up your kitchen in the past.


February 15-21, 2014


Tobacco claims over 1 mn Indian lives annually

Couples turn to apps to bridge long distance relationship

t's no secret that long distance relationships aren't easy to maintain, but youngsters in India vouch for mobile apps that help them bridge the gap and keep them happy without burning a hole in their pockets. This Valentine's Day week, couples staying apart will depend heavily on free apps - such as Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and We Chat - to stay connected with their partners and make it special for them. "From sending messages, video calling to sharing photos - the apps help us in staying connected. It makes your partner feel that you are closer even when you are sitting far away. For me, apps made my courtship period easier as we were in two different cities," said 25-year-old Akshita Jain, a newly-married journalist. Delhi-based Shalini Jha is in a relationship with a Gujarat-based boy and she too relies on the apps to keep her love life intact. "We use Skype a lot because when we fight, we talk for seven-eight hours at a stretch and often we run out of balance (on our mobile phones); so we use Skype. Long conversations are easier and economical through Skype," said Jha who is in her mid-20s.

obacco products are the number one cause of cancer in India and the use of chewed tobacco products is directly linked to oral cancer, a report released Tuesday said. The World Lung Foundation report said more than one million Indians die prematurely from tobacco-related diseases each year. "Estimates from patients at our oral cancer ward indicate that 80 to 90 percent of preventable cancers of the neck, head and throat are tobacco related. The burden of oral cancers caused by chewing tobacco, as well as lung and other cancers

caused by smoking tobacco in 'bidis' and cigarettes, is enormous," said Pankaj Chaturvedi, cancer specialist at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. "Public health experts have been sounding the alarm on the astonishing increase in cancers caused by lifestyle factors, particularly tobacco use. Governments must urgently implement strong preventive policies like increased taxation and restrictions to access of unhealthy products; enforcement of bans on advertising and promotion of unhealthy products," said Nandita Murukutla, country director, World Lung Foundation.

Skype is a software application mainly used for video calling, while Viber is useful for international phone calls. Viber can be used on iPhone, IPad, Android smart phones and Blackberry as well as Nokia, Windows and Bada devices. "The latest mobile apps are advantageous for couples. Even when you are loaded with work, a smile icon sent on WhatsApp acts as a stress buster. Viber and We Chat help me maintain a beautiful relationship with my fiance who is in the UAE," said Delhi-based Priya Sood. Couple is another app that helps in bridging the gap in a long-distance relationship. It is a mobile app that provides intimate messaging service for couples for free.

Hairstyle risks you never dared to take

Kanye West designed sneakers on sale for 10 million pounds

A couch is the hub of your social life

Home decor essentials before you turn 30

Sport asymmetrical bob like Keira Knightley

ave you dared to flaunt unconventional hairstyles a la celebrities? Chop off your long locks, try out wigs or layer up your tresses like your favorite actor. offers a few daring hairstyle options tried by celebrities: * Shave your head or at least one side like Demi Moore. * Wear hair extensions. Singer Beyonce Knowles did it too. * Follow Anne Hathaway's style by growing your hair really long then chopping it off after sometime. * Sport an asymmetrical bob just like Keira Knightley. * Work some serious hair layers, the way singer Jennifer Lopez did to her locks. * Throw on a blue wig and sunglasses for a really incognito look in Katy Perry's style.

ome decor items are not just a way to beautify your abode. They also help to assess your age. Before you touch 30, it will be wise to keep a couch, candles that you burn and much more in your house. Here are a few items that should be placed in your nest by the time you are 30, reports * A real couch: A couch is the hub of your social life, where friends gather to talk and hangout. It's where you spend most of your alone time when you are awake. Buying a real couch is an investment and one that shouldn't be rushed into lightly. Couches should be stain-resistant and must fit the space. Couches shouldn't dominate but need to reflect your personality. * Candles that you actually burn:

Many people like to keep candles for years to decorate house. And even when they got covered with dust you didn't burn them. It's time to burn them. The thing about candles is you can replace them with other candles and they are cheap too. * Fresh flowers: They not only make your house beautiful but if you buy flowers your friends will assume someone brought them to you. * Matching towels: The thing about towels is that we only tend to replace them when we move. A new color scheme requires a couple of new towels. So, by the time you are 30, chances are you have two tan towels, two brown towels, two towels in four shades of green -none of them match and all of them have some life left in them. It's best to get rid of them.

pair of sneakers designed by rapper Kanye West is being sold for 10 million pounds. The Air Yeezy II Red October limited-edition sneakers, designed by the rapper in conjunction with Nike, is being sold on Ebay and the seller claims all profits will go to charity, reports West had successfully designed two lines in 2009 and 2012 but fell out with the sportswear brand Rapper Kanye West in Air last year over their Yeezy II Red October sneakers refusal to grant him royalties. The all-red hi-top design, which features red laces and a buckle across the front, was already set to go on sale and, just like his previous designs, it reportedly sold out within 11 minutes of being on sale at on Sunday. Pairs of the covered shoes soon began appearing on Ebay, with one listing rocketing to 10 million pounds, over 45,000 times more than its original retail price of 220 pounds. The item garnered attention from over 84 people who bid on the product in little over a 10-hour period after a user named b_toogood put the item on sale for 200 pounds. With six days to go before the listing ends, the price could rise even further.


February 15-21, 2014


Funny Bone by Nury Vittachi

ant a handy guide to the hottest sites on the internet? A list is provided below. But first let's start with a wordy introduction in traditional Serious Journalist style. The business world today is dominated by astonishingly valuable web companies, many of which are exciting, cutting-edge industries - although they don't actually do anything. Consider Instagram, recently introduced to me by my daughter. Take a snap of your iPad and this image-handling program will makes the picture low-res so that it looks like it was taken in the 1960s. You can then show it to your friends, saying: "Look! Here's a picture of my iPad which looks like it was taken in the 1960s! Woohoo!" That's all it does. The obvious question is: So what use is it? Important warning: NEVER ask that question. You will be permanently labelled "antediluvian" by everyone in the room aged 25 or younger. I have the following conversation with my offspring regularly. ME: "Why did you just take a photo of my 1960s photo of Grandma and Instagram it to look like a 1960s photograph?" THEM: "Dad, it's

Your handy guide to the web's most popular services

impossible to explain to someone of your age." I then drag my knuckles back to my cave to gnaw on dinosaur bones and howl at the moon. But as a service to readers, I recently spent quality time with young people to see how they incorporate the internet into their lives. What I learned I hereby put into easily digestible form as An Instant Guide to the Internet. Facebook: "I am on a diet. Like my status and if I get 100 likes I'll skip my morning snack." Twitter: "Am #onadiet but I am #reallyhungry. This #totallysucks." Wordpress: "Hi, blog-readers. Your humble host is #onadiet so I can't have my usual mid-morning snack. Never mind. Today, I will discuss my top ten favorite snacks." Facebook: "100 likes already? Thanks A LOT guys. This #totallysucks. Feeling #reallyhungry." Pinterest: "Ten Best Pictures of Cheesecakes I Found On the Internet." Twitter: "Am still #onadiet and have decided to go out for a walk to take my mind off being #reallyhungry." Amazon: "Judging by your previous

requests, we think you would love this new book: The World's 100 Greatest Dessert Recipes." Foursquare: "(Name) has just checked in to the Food Court at the Tak Kee Shopping Mall." YouTube: "Just uploaded this video which shows all the yummy food options at our local mall. Pretty neat, huh?" Flickr: "Distracting myself from feeling #reallyhungry by trying my hand at food photography. Bought this piece of cheesecake to photograph but not to eat!!!"

Instagram: "Here's a picture of a slice of cheesecake with a filter that looks like it was taken in the 1960s." Facebook: "OMG!!! Have you tried the new chocolate blueberry cheesecake at the mall? It is totally to die for!!!!" "One slice of cheesecake has 401 calories." Twitter: "Just been sacked by email!! Boss says I have no willpower!!! What makes him think that? Life #totallysucks." Linked-in: "Job wanted. Anything foodrelated considered."

Laughter is the Best Medicine

by Mahendra Shah
Mahendra Shah is an architect by education, entrepreneur by profession, artist and humorist, cartoonist and writer by hobby. He has been recording the plight of the immigrant Indians for the past many years in his cartoons. Hailing from Gujarat, he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


February 15-21, 2014


By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma

Stars Foretell: February 15-21, 2014
ARIES: You are likely to realise that interviewing is not an easy job. The company of family friends will keep you in a happy & relaxed mood. Improvement in finances is certain. You are likely to enjoy a pleasure trip that will rejuvenate your passions. Your enormous confidence would help in enjoying a healthy life. Small journey with your office colleagues will be interesting. There are chances of getting good amount from an older property of yours. Sticking to beliefs & faith, you can expect things in your favour. TAURUS: Lack of communication skills will force to suffer at workplace. Parental guidance in your decision would immensely help. Speculation coupled with some unexpected gains improves financial health. Romantic entanglement would add spice to your happiness. A very healthy week filled with happiness & vitality. Your boss may ask you for your company to a friends party. The plot you were looking for can be profitable from investment point of view. You are likely to make serious efforts to bring changes in behaviour. GEMINI: Auspicious week to start a new venture. A week when misunderstandings at family front are sorted out with ease. A new source of income will generate through influential contacts. Chances of your love life turning into life-long bond are high on the card. Pleasure trip would help in maintaining sound health in this week. Travel plan with a colleague might lead to a new relationship. It is better to try for your office accommodation as soon as possible. Involving yourself in different kind of activities would bring enjoyment. CANCER: Professional attitude at work brings success. Believe it or not someone in the family is watching you closely and considers you a role model. Better to ignore those who come for temporary loans to you in this week. Exciting week as your long pending wait for affirmation is going to materialize. Yoga and meditation would help in keeping in shape and mentally agile. Small picnic organized by your company is good to change your mood. Time to think about your investment plans, as investing residentially might be profitable. You maintain a distance from gossip & talking ill about others. LEO: Seniors colleagues are likely to lend a helping hand. An important development at personal front brings jubilation for entire family. Investment made in this week would enhance prosperity and financial security. Enjoying the company of partner in a lively restaurant would bring immense romantic pleasure. Blessings of a saintly person give peace of mind. Official journeys prove to be more fruitful for you. Your investment can be done on a cheap or smaller piece of land. You need to keep an eye on hidden enemies as they try to spread rumors about you. VIRGO: Hard work & dedication would win the trust of seniors at work. A happy time in the company of friends and relatives as they do many favours to you. An improvement in financial position would enable to make important purchases. The presence of love would make you feel life meaningful. Chances of recovering from physical ailment are high. Fly away with your dreams, new business horizons are ready to explore. Family can be helpful on acquiring your property or plot. Best period to explore new travel opportunities to take first-hand-experience. LIBRA:Mental clarity would remove past business confusions. Enjoying the company of close relatives will brighten your evening. You are likely to earn monetary profits through most unexpected sources. Love life brings some memorable moments that you could cherish rest of your life. Inexhaustible energy enables to participate in outdoor activities. A fun- filled holiday at an amusement and theme park with your family is there. Its time to invest in property and get most profitable method to maximize your bank balance. You strive to mould orthodox thinking to benefit you. SCORPIO: Travel undertaken for establishing new contacts and business expansion will be very fruitful. Spend some relaxed moments with family members. A sudden inflow of funds will take care of your bills and immediate expenses. Your flashing smile would work as the best antidote for romantic partners unhappiness. You attain a bloom in health on sharing happiness with others. Your official trip is must dont under estimate it; otherwise you will be in trouble. Investing overseas can provide you new business opportunities. Giving an ear to what others have to say about your actions would benefit you. SAGITTARIUS: Your artistic and creative ability would attract a lot of appreciation. Shopping with family members will be highly pleasurable and exciting. Monetary position is likely to improve on recovering of delayed payments. Sharing candyfloss and toffees with lover/beloved would bring unlimited joy. A cheerful state of mind would allow enjoying the perfect health. Enjoy traveling without going broke. Selling your plot might increase your bank balance. Paying heed to others suggestions would immensely benefit. CAPRICORN: A long pending decision gets finalized at professional front. You will be at the limelight in a social gathering provided you attend. Investment in antiques & jewelry brings monetary gains and improvement in financial position. Company of love partner would inspire to take initiatives in this week. Divine knowledge from a saintly person provides solace & comfort. An interesting cruise ship is next place for your vacation. Buyers will get attracted to your property as your property value is good. Turning thoughts towards love and fun would immensely benefit. AQUARIUS: Plans for new ventures get streamlined with the help of seniors. You will be the star of attraction of familys get-together in this week. Long pending arrears and dues will finally be recovered. Love works like a panacea as you find sanity. Meditation and yoga prove beneficial for spiritual as well as physical gains. Breathtaking beautiful site scenes are your lovers desire. If you wish to achieve a good deal in property then try at commercial basis. Your highly developed intuition would act as a guide to lead in a positive direction. PISCES: Female colleagues lend a helping hand in completing important assignments. Help from family members would take care of your needs. In this week investment concerning residence will be profitable. Love partner touches soul that would take imagination to unlimited heights. A very healthy week when your cheerfulness gives the desired tonic and confidence. Time to relax and enjoy your visit to a relatives place. Develop an attitude to be successful on your property investment plans. Changing attitude and prioritising things would help in managing everything.

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Annual Predictions: For those born in this week

15th February, 14 Ruled planet: Venus Ruled by no: 6 Traits in you: Your ruling planet Venus makes optimistic, ambitious, caring, aspiring, and determined. You are very social and love to make new friends and get into new relationships. You are a huge follower of intelligence and education. Health this year: Your health would not cause much worries for you this year. However, the health of your family member s may require extra care. Provide your parents with proper medication as they may fall sick often due to old age. You may start taking a balanced diet. You should stop consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes for the betterment of your health. Finance this year: You will be able to stabilize your financial condition by reaping profits from your past investments. You may also plan for new investments this year. You will find enough new opportunities to start up a new business that would yield money for you. You should invest in real estate or stock market for better returns. Career this year: You will be establishing yourself as a very efficient and important resource in your organization this year. Your performance will influence your peers, seniors and higher management. It is the best time to look out for a new job as it will help you grow both professionally and financially. Romance this year: You may get some good news from your spouse or partner later this week. This will make your relationship grow stronger. You may have to travel to distant places to spend time youre your partner and maintain a good relationship. Lucky month: September, December and April 16th February, 14 Ruled planet: Neptune Ruled by no: 7 Traits in you: As you are governed by planet Neptune, you are blessed with various positive characters. You are confident, decisive, generous, humorous, honest, modest and optimistic. You are not an admirer of arguments or silly fights. You should work on your nature of being selfish, pessimistic, and arrogant. Health this year: You will enjoy a better health this year as compared to last year. However, the health of an aged family member may deteriorate and that will make you bothered. You may end up spending lot of money for the health issues of your family members. Finance this year: Though you will be able to improve your financial status, you may end up spending a lot of money in buying luxury and comfort for yourself and your family. You may put your money in real estate for better returns. Career this year: Your interest and enthusiasm to perform will make you an extraordinary performer in your professional circuit. You will be respected and rewarded for your work. You need to take the leadership responsibility to cement your position in your organization. Romance this year: Your plans to go for holidays with your partner may not work because of huge work pressure and this may create disturbance in your marital life. You need to take care of the emotional requirements of your partner to lead a peaceful life this year. Lucky month: November, February and March 17th February, 14 Ruled planet: Saturn Ruled by no: 8 Traits in you: Your ruling planet Saturn makes you humble, honest, focused, practical, realistic and enthusiastic. You are blessed with enormous talent and imagination. Along with the positive characters in you, there are some negative aspects in your nature. You need to work on your nature of being envious, unreliable, and indiscipline. Health this year: Though you would not face any major health related issues, you should take extra care of your health. Do not take unwanted risk of putting your health in stake. Go for regular medical checkups. Finance this year: You may try your entrepreneurship skills this year and you will be successful unexpectedly. You will be able to get many projects, which you help you establish as a good businessperson. You should go for investments in real estate and stock market. Career this year: Your confidence will convert you into a winner. You will be capable enough to overcome any challenge you need to face. The chances of your promotion and transfer are high due to the organizational change. Romance this year: Your relationship with your spouse or partner will blossom this year. If you are not married, you may have to wait for few more years though you are eligible for marriage. Lucky month: November, February and April 18th February, 14 Ruled planet: Mars Ruled by no: 9 Traits in you: Your ruling planet Mars makes you strong, determined, courageous, enthusiastic, intelligent, ambitious, and motivated. You have a strong dislike towards fake people and fake emotions. You are a huge fan of truth and cleanliness. You need to work on your nature of showing dictatorship and being rude and stubborn at times. Health this year: You will enjoy a better health this year as compared to last year. However, the health of an aged family member may deteriorate and that will make you bothered. You may end up spending lot of money for the health issues of your family members. Finance this year: Your financial conditions will be very stagnant this year. As you will not earn much or spend much, you will lead a peaceful life in money matters. You may invest for future. Do not lend or borrow money from your friends or colleagues. Career this year: You will enjoy a good professional atmosphere this year. You will be appreciated by your seniors and higher management. This may bring you promotions and salary hike. You need to concentrate more on your work to get a better position in your profession. You may go for a job change this year. However, you should not decide anything hastily. Romance this year: Your relationship with your spouse or partner will blossom this year. If you are not married, you may have to wait for few more years though you are eligible for marriage. Lucky month: August, October and March 19th February, 14 Ruled planet: Sun Ruled by no: 1 Traits in you: Your ruling planet the Sun blesses you with a unique character. You are pretty confident, creative, intellectual, optimistic, and enthusiastic. You are gifted with an artistic perception. You are very much social and like to make new contacts wherever you go. However, you need to control your mood swings and selfishness. Health this year: You will enjoy a normal health this year. Though you will not have any major health issues, you need to take proper medication. You may practice yoga and meditation for better results. Finance this year: You will be among major financial gains this year. You may go for a real estate transaction later this year and this will bring you a lot of money to cherish. You may start up a new business. If you are already into business, you may plan for expanding its territory this year. Career this year: Professionally, you are a very smart and efficient worker. So you may need to clarify doubts and help you peers and juniors in their work. People in your professional circuit will seek your help at every crucial situation. You may get promoted as a result of your spectacular performance throughout the year. You may be assigned a new responsibility this year. You may go for a job change as well as there will be plenty of opportunities available. Romance this year: Your romantic relationship will reach new heights this year. You may get married this year, if you are unmarried yet. You need to take care of the emotional requirements of your partner to strengthen your relationship. Lucky month: September, December and May 20th February, 14 Ruled planet:Moon Ruled by no: 2 Traits in you: Your ruler, the Moon makes you a very friendly individual. You are simple, confident, realistic, sincere, and optimistic. You are very innovative and try to perform your work in a different and efficient way. You need to work hard on your characteristics of being jealous and insensitive at times. Health this year: You will enjoy a pretty good health this year. You need to take care of the health of your family members. You need to take extra care of your health if you are having some chronic diseases. You may go for domestic healthcare instead of allopathic medicines as it will give better results for your ailments and save your money as well. Finance this year: This year will see an increase in your earnings. However, you will end up spending a lot of money on your family. You will spend enough money to buy luxury and comforts and this will affect your savings. You may get into new partnerships to start new ventures towards the end of the year. Career this year: You will be very impressive in your professional circuit this year. However, you need to work smart and perform well to grow as a perfectionist. You should take quick decisions to excel in your field. You may have to help your ordinates to drive productivity. Romance this year: The emotional attachment with your spouse or partner may blossom this year with lot of love, care, and concern. If you are not married, then you may go for a romantic relationship. You will enjoy a very blissful time with your beloved. Lucky month: October, December and March 21st February, 14 Ruled planet: Jupiter Ruled by no: 3 Traits in you: Being ruled by Jupiter, you are courteous, courageous, decisive, ambitious, disciplined, and realistic. You are gifted with high imagination power, optimism, and enthusiasm. However, behaving restless and dominating may hamper your characteristics at times. You need to work on your personality to make yourself better as an individual. Health this year: You may undergo few minor health issues this year, which may bother you for a long time. You can go for yoga or meditation to restore your good health. You need to take required medication by consulting a doctor. Finance this year: As far as finance is concerned, you will be earning a lot of money. You will be assigned to new projects and those will be highly yielding for you. You will gain enough profits from your past investments. Your improved financial status may bring you lot of happiness and joy later this year. Career this year: You will be given more responsibility this year as you have proved yourself to be an efficient resource for your employer. You may expect a promotion or salary hike later this year. You should guide your ordinates to perform better and bring unexpected results for your organization. Romance this year: Your relationship with your partner may reach to new heights this year as your love, trust, care and concern will develop towards your beloved. You may get married towards the end of this year if you are yet to marry. Lucky month: July, November, March and May


February 15-21, 2014


Olympics of Meditation
of winning their goal. We have found that some children began at the age of three, four, or five years of age or older with every waking moment of their lives focused on winning the gold medal. They are not wishy-washy. They do not drift from one thing to another. They set a goal and they stick to it without wavering. They put all their attention into that one activity. They are focused on not just participation, but winning and being the best. For example, there is the humorous story of an athlete who came down with a fever. The doctor came to examine him and told him he had a high fever. The athlete asked the doctor, "How high is my fever?" The doctor said, "One hundred and one degrees." The athlete quickly replied, "Whats the world record?" Athletes are trained to only strive for the top scores, to break all records, and to be the best. For example, look at swimmers who broke records for gold medals. To get there, these swimmers focused their entire lives on swimming faster and faster. Think of how many times they had to go back and forth in the pool, timing themselves, and then speeding up again and again to break previous records. It takes total focus to train the body and mind to groove their muscles to perform accurately and quickly. The same commitment is required by divers. Think of how they have to perfect the art of jumping off a diving board, and doing a back flip, spinning two or three times, straightening out the body, and landing in the water at a perfectly vertical angle with little water splash. They have to be totally focused on this goal to be able to repeat it over and over until they have reached perfection. Look at runners. They have to be poised to take off at the starting signal and then escalate to top speeds to win the race. Think of how focused they have to be to do this again and again and again, each time beating previous world records. Look at volleyball players. For example, in 2008 the USA womens team was unbeatable in over 100 games! Their eyes, minds, and bodies were so focused on the incoming volleyball that they actually dove to the ground to get under the ball and punch it up with their fists to get it high enough to hit it over the net. Think of the focus to be able to dive fast enough to get under a ball wherever it is landing in the sand before the ball touches the sand. What incredible focus one needs to be able to do this no matter how hard or how fast the ball flies and to be in position wherever the ball lands! Look at gymnasts. Think of how sport. The amount of time they put in is rewarded by their body being able to do what the athlete wants it to do on command.

Discipline to Do What It Takes

One can have a goal and a passion for the goal and can also put in the time to be a winner. There is another important ingredient, though, to winning, and that is having the discipline to do what it takes to be the best. One can show up for practice for twelve hours a day, but it is the discipline of doing what is required during those hours that makes one a winner. For example, think of the Olympic sports heroes. It is not only the time they put in, but the discipline to do the tasks necessary within that time frame. They might have to do push-ups, pull-ups, run in place, or stretch. There may be many repetitive drills that are not as exciting as playing the game but are needed to hone their muscles and movements. Some sports require discipline when it comes to diet. Some sports require one to be light so these athletes have to eat fewer calories. Other sports require muscle bulk so those athletes have to eat certain foods, whether they like it or not. The stamina to run may require certain nutrients, which means the athlete also must watch his or her diet. It is not easy staying on any diet, whether it is to lose weight, gain weight, or watch ones blood sugar. It means that when that athlete goes out with his or her friends at a party, he or she may have to avoid certain foods. That takes tremendous discipline. Sports ban the use of certain substances, such as steroids or illegal drugs. Thus, some athletes who get caught are eliminated from the competition. It takes discipline for them to observe the restrictions on drugs even when their friends are offering drugs to them to be cool at parties. Coaches of these Olympic gold medal winners may have required them to observe a set schedule of exercise and rest. They may have to get a certain number of hours of sleep or rest each night, which also involves discipline, especially when others are out partying all night. There are certain exercise routines that may take hours to perform. The routines need to be followed exactly for maximum results. There is discipline involved in keeping to the time schedule for practice. Follow the careers of the Olympic winners and one finds them following a disciplined life to realize their dreams. (To be continued...)

By Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

uring the Olympics, competitions are held in many sports to find out who should earn the gold medal. For example, in the summer Olympics, people compete from all over the world for the gold medal in swimming, racing, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, hurdles, diving, relays, and many more. Everyone wants to go for the gold to show they are the best in the world. If we analyze what sets apart a gold medal winner from those who win the silver or bronze medals or who never even make the Olympics, we find there are certain qualities that make someone great. For example, there is the story of a football coach who sent a scout to recruit new players. The scout said, "What kind of players are you looking for?" The coach said, "Well, there are players that when you knock them down, they stay down." The scout said, "We dont want that kind of player." The coach agreed, "Absolutely not. Then, there are players that when you knock them down, they get up, but if you knock them down again, they stay down." The scout said, "We dont want those either." The coach replied, "Right. Then there are those if you knock them down, they get up, and you knock them down again and they get up, and you knock them down and they get up." The scout said, "That is the kind of player we want on the team, right?" The coach said, "Wrong. We do not want that player either. I want you to find the guy whos knocking everyone else down. Thats the guy we want!" There are certain traits that make an Olympic winner. By analyzing these traits, we can incorporate them into our own lives as we pursue excellence in any field, including spirituality.

There are certain traits that make an Olympic winner. By analyzing these traits, we can incorporate them into our own lives as we pursue excellence in any field, including spirituality.
high they do twists, turns, and flips in the air from uneven parallel bars, and then land squarely on the floor. Think of how they have to coordinate their timing, body speed, and body position to make their routine come together to achieve close to perfection! As one compares the performance of those who win the gold medal with those who do not, one sees a level of focus that permeates the athletes entire lives that helps them achieve the gold. Passion and drive are key ingredients in making a gold medal winner.

Time Commitment
Some people may have a goal and love a sport, but they fail to put in enough time to become good at it. The difference between an average athlete and a great one may rest in the time spent in perfecting the skill. Gold medal winners may put in more time to their sport than those who do not even make it to the Olympics. Lets look at the mechanics of this. For the body to perform at supersonic speeds or do twists, turns, and rotations while suspended in the air requires an incredible degree of synchronization of the body and mind. The brain has to use the senses to judge where the body is in space and to be able to direct the muscles of the body to perform accurately with split second timing. For this to happen, messages sent from the brain cells to the muscles of the body have to be sent quickly and automatically. This takes training and repetition. It is not just doing it once or twice that makes someone perfect. They have to repeat this hundreds and thousands of times until the body and brain can do the extraordinary feats automatically. Olympic winners put in the maximum possible time to perfect their sport. They are the first ones at the gym to practice, and they are the last ones to leave. They may be seen practicing even in the middle of the night. They practice on weekends. They practice on their holidays. They are consumed by the

Passion and Drive

Not only do gold medal winners have one hundred percent focus on the goal, but they are filled with passion and drive to achieve it. None of the gold medal winners are lackadaisical in their attitudes. They are not working in a bored, humdrum way for their gold. They all radiate passion. They are excited about what they are doing. They are pumped. They are full of energy and life. They have a passion for what they are doing. They wake up each day excited to perfect their skills.We can see this in many sports players who love what they are doing. They are excited about getting up to go to practice. They are so excited about it that for them it is not work; it is fun and enjoyment. The gold medal winners for swimming love to swim. The gold medal winners for diving love to dive. The gold medal winners for running love to run. The gold medal winners for volleyball love volleyball. Without that passion, how would they put in the time necessary to become good at their sport?

The first quality we find in these Olympic heroes is that they focus one hundred percent on the goal. When the Olympic champions are interviewed we find that their entire life is based on the ruling passion

February 15-21, 2014

February 15-21, 2014

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