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1920 Page 1 of 68


FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 - LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING Ame !me " N#$% 1900-2006-2 E&&e'"()e D*"e% January 31, 2006 D+,*"(# % This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. A--,#)e!% F !"! #$% &' () * +ssociate "eputy $hief D*"e A--,#)e!% 01,09,2006

P#."( / I .",+'"(# .% +mendments are num-ered consecutively -y title and calendar year. .ost -y document/ remove the entire document and replace it 0ith this amendment. etain this transmittal as the first pa1e2s3 of this document. The last amendment to this title 0as 1900-2006-1 to 190045ero4code. New Document Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 1920 71920 $ontents 2+mendment 1900-96-1, 06,18,19963 1920 2+mendment 1900-96-2, 06,18,19963 id41920-2009-2, 03,23,2009 66 .a1es 3 .a1es 21 .a1es 113 .a1es

D(/e."% 1920 : #ncorporates chan1es for consistency 0ith the plannin1 rule at Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, .art 219;.lannin1, <u-part +--&ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1 236 $F part 219, su-part +3 pu-lished in the Federal e1ister on January 9, 2009 2?0 F 10233 and eliminates all re@uirements for re1ional 1uides, 0hich 0ere 0ithdra0n as a result of &ovem-er 9, 2000 Federal e1ister notice 236 $F 219.393. #ncorporates parts of interim directive 1920-2009-2, 0hich issued >arch 23, 2009, as eAplained -elo0. + Federal e1ister notice of issuance of a1ency interim directives and re@uest for comment 0as pu-lished on the same day 2?0 F 1863?3.

WO AMENDMENT 1900-2006-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/31/2006 DURATION: T !" a#e$%#e$& !" effe'&!(e )$&!* ")+e,"e%e% o, ,e#o(e%-

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1920.1 : emoves authority direction and incorporates authority discussion 0ithin su-divisions of this code. 1920.11 : evises caption used in #" from B.rimary +uthoritiesC to B<tatutory +uthorities.C +dds cross-reference for statutory authorities. 1920.11a : 1920.11- : emoves authority discussion of statutes and re1ulations 2formerly issued in #"3. 1920.12 : evises caption used in #" from B'ther +pplica-le +uthoritiesC to B e1ulations.C emoves discussion of other applica-le authorities 2formerly issued in #"3. <ets forth re1ulatory authorities under Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, .art 219;.lannin1, <u-part +. . 1920.12a : 1920.12c : emoves discussion of other statutory authorities, !Aecutive orders, and re1ulations 2formerly issued in #"3. 1920.2 : #ncorporates t0o o-Dectives for sustainin1 multiple uses alon1 0ith maintainin1 or restorin1 the health of the land previously contained in interim directive 1920-2009-2 2formerly issued in #", para. 8 and 93 and removes 3 o-Dectives 2formerly issued in #", para. 1 to 33. 1920.3 : #ncorporates policy on conductin1 sustaina-ility evaluations, usin1 information pertainin1 to ecosystems, and usin1 information pertainin1 to social and economic systems, previously contained in interim directive 1920-2009-2. emoves policies related to 0orE plan, most current data, most cost-efficient method, national activity structure hand-ooE, plannin1 records, mana1ement revie0 system, and display of data 2formerly in parent teAt3. +dds at para1raph 2, policy on contri-utin1 to sustaina-ility 0ithin the a-ility and multiple-use o-Dectives of the Forest <ervice. +dds at para1raph 3, policy to use the current plan as startin1 point. +dds at para1raph 8, policy to use an adaptive plannin1 process. #ncorporates at para1raph 9, policy on location of plannin1 direction 2formerly in parent teAt at para1raph 63. #ncorporates at para1raph 6, policy on ho0 to carry-out chan1es in plannin1 direction 2formerly in parent teAt at para1raph 63. 1920.81 : #ncorporates reservation of authority to approve the schedule for revisin1 individual land mana1ement plans to the $hief, previously contained in interim directive 1920-2009-2 and in parent teAt at F<> 1922.08. 1920.82 : #ncorporates responsi-ility for "irector, !cosystem >ana1ement $oordination from interim directive 1920-2009-2. $han1es position title to "irector, !cosystem >ana1ement $oordination <taff, Fashin1ton 'ffice. +dds responsi-ilities for coordinatin1 &ational Forest <ystem input to the national strate1ic plan, stren1thenin1 relationship -et0een plans and strate1ic plans, and providin1 coordination assistance to the e1ions a-out environmental mana1ement systems 2!><3.

WO AMENDMENT 1900-2006-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/31/2006 DURATION: T !" a#e$%#e$& !" effe'&!(e )$&!* ")+e,"e%e% o, ,e#o(e%-

1920 Page 3 of 68


D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1921 : evises caption used in #" from B=and >ana1ement .lannin1 for 2008 .lannin1 uleC to B=and >ana1ement .lannin1 for 2009 .lannin1 ule.C emoves parent teAt caption of B e1ional .lannin1.C emoves all re1ional plannin1 direction under F<> 1921 2F<> 1921 F<> 1921.83 formerly in parent teAt. .rovides direction for the main topic areas of plannin1 under the 2009 plannin1 rule, includin1G land mana1ement plan 2F<> 1921.13, plan evaluation and revie0 2F<> 1921.23, plan amendment and revision 2F<> 1921.33, plan implementation 2F<> 1921.83, plan monitorin1 2F<> 1921.93, pu-lic participation and colla-oration 2F<> 1921.63, sustaina-ility 2F<> 1921.?3, the role of science 2F<> 1921.63 and environmental mana1ement systems 2F<> 1921.93. 1921.01 : emoves the authority cross-reference 2formerly issued in the #"3. 1921.02 : 1921.02e : emoves the o-solete o-Dective direction 2formerly issued in the #"3. 1921.03 : #ncorporates the policy direction that proDects or activities should not -e included in land mana1ement plans 2formerly issued in #" at F<> 1921.03-3. 1921.03a : emoves o-solete policy direction on environmental mana1ement systems 2formerly issued in the #"3. 1921.03c : 1921.03h : emoves the o-solete policy direction 2formerly issued in the #"3. 1921.08a : evises the caption from B"irector, !cosystem >ana1ement $oordination <taffC to B e1ional Forester.C emoves o-solete responsi-ility direction and sets forth responsi-ilities for e1ional Forester to include coordination, @uality control, and ensurin1 that the strate1ic plan is used as desired condition conteAt. !numerates para1raphs 1 -8, 0hich 0ere formerly issued in the #" at F<> 1921.08-, para1raphs 1, 2, 3 and 6. 1921.08- : evises the caption from B e1ional ForesterC to BForest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor.C emoves all direction formerly in #" on responsi-ility of e1ional Forester 2incorporates enumerated para1raphs 1, 2, 3 and 6 at F<> 1921.08a/ removes o-solete direction at enumerated para1raphs 8, 9 and ?3. <ets forth the responsi-ility for the unit <upervisor to -e the esponsi-le 'fficial for land mana1ement plannin1 2formerly issued in #" at F<> 1921.08c3. +dds authority to approve proDect-specific amendments that cannot -e dele1ated to the "istrict an1ers 2formerly issued in #" at F<> 1921.08c3 +dds that the <upervisor is responsi-le for continuously adaptin1 the plan to chan1in1 conditions 2formerly issued in #" at F<> 1921.08c, para. 33, and adds the responsi-ility for ensurin1 plan documents are prepared -y an interdisciplinary team from 36 $F 219.?2a3293.

WO AMENDMENT 1900-2006-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/31/2006 DURATION: T !" a#e$%#e$& !" effe'&!(e )$&!* ")+e,"e%e% o, ,e#o(e%-

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1921.08c : emoves the caption of BForest, Hrassland, .rairie, or 'ther $ompara-le +dministrative )nit <upervisorC and previous direction on responsi-ilities 2formerly issued in #"3. #ncorporates part of previous direction at F<> 1921.08- a-ove. emoves o-solete direction at enumerated para1raphs 1, 2, 8, 9, and 6 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.08d : emoves the caption of B esponsi-le 'fficialC and previous direction on responsi-ilities 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.08e : emoves the caption of B"istrict an1erC and previous direction on responsi-ilities for site-specific proDects and activities 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.06 : emoves the caption of B e@uirements for .lan "ocumentsC and removes all re@uirements 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.1 : evises the caption of BFhat is a .lanIC to B=and >ana1ement .lanC 2formerly issued in #"3. emoves the re@uirement that the unit plan layout shall consist of three interrelated parts of the plan model 2formerly issued in the #"3. <ets forth the 1uidance that the plan model is recommended for layout of the plan. 1921.11 : evises the caption of B e@uired $omponents of a .lanC to B.lan e@uirementsC and clarifies and incorporates direction for plan components re1ardin1 plan area, -ein1 realistic, and not repeatin1 eAistin1 direction, previously contained in #". 1921.12 : evises the caption B"esired $onditionsC to BJe1etation >ana1ement e@uirements from &ational Forest >ana1ement +ctC and removes direction on desired conditions 2formerly issued in #"3. >oves direction formerly in #" to F<K 1909.12, section 11.11 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. 1921.12a : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates tim-er mana1ement re@uirements under 36 Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, .art 219;.lannin1, <u-part +--&ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1 236 $F part 219, su-part +3 for carryin1 out tim-er proDects, previously contained in the #" at F<> 1921.1?a. >aEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.12- : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for plan components for meetin1 tim-er mana1ement re@uirements 2previously contained in the #" at F<> 1921.1?-, enumerated para1raph 13 and for special conditions 2previously contained in the #" at F<> 1921.1?h. >aEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.12c : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for identification of lands not suita-le for tim-er production, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.1?c. >aEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1921.12d : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for estimatin1 the follo0in1G lon1-term sustained-yield capacity 2=T<*$3, limitation on tim-er sold, eAceptions for limitations of tim-er sold, tim-er sale pro1ram eAceedin1 the lon1-term sustained-yield capacity, and tim-er mana1ement proDections, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.1?d and F<> 1921.1?1. >aEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.12e : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for maAimum si5e limits for evena1ed re1eneration harvest, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.1?e. >aEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.12f : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for culmination of mean annual increment 2$>+#3 of 1ro0th and even-a1ed re1eneration harvest and clarifies 0hen $>+# concept does not apply, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.1?f. >aEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.121 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements reasona-le assurance of ade@uate restocEin1 after tim-er harvest, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.1?i. >aEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.13 : evises the caption B'-DectivesC to B$onsideration of #ndividual esources,C removes previous direction 2formerly issued in #"3, and provides cross-reference to F<K 1909.12, section 13 for consideration of individual resources. >oves direction formerly in #" to F<K 1909.12, section 11.12 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. 1921.18 : emoves code and caption BHuidelinesC and all direction 2formerly in #"3. >oves direction formerly in #" to F<K 1909.12, section 11.13 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. 1921.19 : emoves code and caption B#dentification of +reas Henerally <uita-le for Jarious =and )sesC and all direction 2formerly in #"3. >oves direction formerly in #" to F<K 1909.12, section 11.18 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. 1921.16 : emoves code and caption B<pecial +reasC and all direction 2formerly in #"3. >oves direction formerly in #" to F<K 1909.12, section 11.19 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. 1921.1?-1921.1?i : emoves code and caption B&ational Forest >ana1ement +ct e@uirementsC and all direction 2formerly in #"3. >oves direction formerly in #" to F<> 1921.12 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1921.16 : emoves code and caption B!valuation and >onitorin1C and all direction 2formerly in #"3. >oves direction formerly in #" to F<> 1921.9, 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. 1921.19 : emoves code and caption B esource #nte1ration e@uirementsC and all o-solete direction 2formerly in #"3. 1921.2 : evises the caption BKo0 is a .lan !valuated and evie0edC to B.lan !valuation and evie0C 2formerly issued in #"3. emoves all direction 2formerly in #"3. emoves eAhi-it 01 2formerly in #"3 and incorporates it at F<K 1909.12, section 21. <ets forth re@uirements for plan evaluation and revie0. +dds direction at para1raph 1 that evaluations should -e commensurate to the level of risE. +dds direction at para1raph 2 that documents previously prepared may serve as a functional e@uivalent comprehensive evaluation report. #ncorporates direction at para1raph 3 a-out revie0 of evaluations, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.21, 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. #ncorporates direction at para1raph 8 a-out esponsi-le 'fficialLs discretion in the manner to notify the pu-lic of the availa-ility of evaluation reports, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.21, 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. #ncorporates direction at para1raph 9 a-out the use and development of relevant information, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.31-, 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. +dds at the last para1raph that the esponsi-le 'fficial documents the priorities for information collection in an Binformation needs report.C 1921.21 : emoves the code and caption B>ana1ement evie0C and direction 2formerly in #"3. emoves the use of the term Bmana1ement revie0C 2formerly in #"3. #ncorporates direction a-out revie0 of evaluations and the manner of pu-lic notice of the availa-ility of evaluation reports at F<> 1921.2. 1921.22 : emoves the code and caption B!valuation "ocumentationC and direction 2formerly in #"3. #ncorporates direction a-out evaluation documentation at F<K 1909.12, in sections 28.12 and 28.22. 1921.23 : emoves the code and caption B+ssessmentsC 2formerly in #"3. direction on assessments 2formerly in #"3. emoves o-solete

1921.3 : evises the caption BKo0 is a .lan +mended or evisedC to B.lan +mendment and evisionC 2formerly in #"3. emoves all direction 2formerly in #"3. emoves eAhi-it 01 2formerly in #"3. <ets forth re@uirements for plan evaluation and revie0. +dds direction at para1raph 1 that the esponsi-le 'fficial decides 0hether and ho0 to chan1e the plan. #ncorporates direction at para1raph 2 a-out issues or opportunities, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.31, 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. #ncorporates direction at para1raph 3 a-out method of pu-lic participation 0ill -e used, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.31a, 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es made for clarity. +dds direction at para1raph 8 and 9 a-out administrative corrections.

WO AMENDMENT 1900-2006-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/31/2006 DURATION: T !" a#e$%#e$& !" effe'&!(e )$&!* ")+e,"e%e% o, ,e#o(e%-

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1921.31 to 1921.39 : emoves codes and direction for need for chan1e, consideration of issues and opportunities, the use or development of relevant information, revie0 of issues and relevant information to determine the need for chan1e, pu-lic notice for initiatin1 development of a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision, amendin1 a land mana1ement plan, need for chan1e and plan amendment, amendment throu1h proDect decisions, revisin1 a plan, developin1 a ne0 plan, and administrative corrections and additions 2formerly in #"3 . !Acept for direction incorporated at F<> 1921.3, re0ords and incorporates direction formerly in the #" at F<K 1909.12, section 23. 1921.8 : evises the caption BKo0 is a .lan #mplementedC to B.lan #mplementationC 2formerly in #"3. <ets forth re@uirements for proDect consistency 0ith the plan and 0ith the &ational Forest >ana1ement +ct 19?6. emoves direction a-out plan monitorin1 pro1ram, annual monitorin1 0orE plan, and environmental mana1ement system 2formerly in #"3. #ncorporates direction a-out plan monitorin1 and annual monitorin1 0orE plans at F<> 1921.91. 1921.9 : evises the caption BKo0 is a .lan >onitoredC to B.lan >onitorin1C 2formerly in #"3. emoves all direction 2formerly in #"3. <ets forth re@uirements for plan monitorin1. +dds ne0 direction a-out the plan monitorin1 pro1ram that incorporates direction at para1raph 1 previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.91. 1921.91 : evises the caption B.lan >onitorin1 .ro1ramC to B.lan >onitorin1 .ro1ram "esi1nC 2formerly issued in #"3. <ets forth re@uirements for plan monitorin1 pro1ram desi1n that incorporates at para1raph 8 and 9, direction a-out monitorin1 1uide and annual monitorin1 0orE plan previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.8. 1921.6 : #ncorporates caption of B.u-lic .articipation and $olla-orationC 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.61 : #ncorporates caption of B.u-lic .articipationC 2formerly issued in #"3. emoves o-solete direction 2formerly issued in #"3. <ets forth direction on pu-lic participation. 1921.61a : emoves direction on lando0ners and communities 0ithin the landscapes 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.61- : emoves direction on privacy of solicited comments received 2formerly issued in #"3. #ncorporates direction on privacy at F<> 1921.68.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1921.62 : #ncorporates caption of B$olla-orationC 2formerly issued in #"3. direction 2formerly issued in #"3 and sets forth direction on colla-oration. emoves o-solete

1921.63 : evises the caption B.rovidin1 'pportunities for .articipationC 2formerly issued in #"3. emoves o-solete direction 2formerly issued in #"3 and provides cross-reference for pu-lic notification direction. 1921.63a : emoves direction on Federal, state, local and tri-al 1overnments 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.63- : emoves direction on +merican #ndian Tri-es and +lasEa &atives 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.63c : emoves direction on .rivate =ando0ners 2formerly issued in #"3. 1921.68 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and caption of B.rivacy of $omments eceivedC and sets forth re@uirements for maEin1 comments includin1 name and addresses of those 0ho commented part of the pu-lic record. #ncorporates direction on privacy, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.61-, and maEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.69 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and caption of B+vaila-ility of #nformationC and sets forth re@uirements for maEin1 information pu-licly availa-le. 1921.? : emoves o-solete introduction to sustaina-ility 2formerly issued in #"3. <ets forth ne0 introduction to sustaina-ility. 1921.?1 : evises the caption B<ustaina-ility !valuation 'vervie0C to B+ddressin1 <ustaina-ility in .lansC 2formerly in #"3. emoves o-solete direction 2formerly in #"3. emoved o-solete !Ahi-it 01 2formerly in #"3. <ets forth re@uirements for addressin1 inte1ration of three elements of social, economic, and ecolo1ical systems. 1921.?2 : evises the caption B"eterminin1 &eed for $han1eC to B<ocial and !conomic <ustaina-ilityC and removes o-solete direction 2formerly in #"3. <ets forth direction to identify and understand of social and economic systems. 1921.?2a : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements on addressin1 social and economic sustaina-ility in plans.

WO AMENDMENT 1900-2006-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/31/2006 DURATION: T !" a#e$%#e$& !" effe'&!(e )$&!* ")+e,"e%e% o, ,e#o(e%-

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1921.?2- : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements on evaluatin1 contri-utions to social and economic sustaina-ility. 1921.?2c : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements on evaluation of compliance 0ith le1al re@uirements for civil ri1hts and environmental Dustice. #ncorporates direction on civil ri1hts and environmental Dustice from #" at F<> 1921.?3- 0ith chan1es in 0ordin1 for clarity. 1921.?3 : evises the caption B<ocial and !conomic !valuationC to B!colo1ical !valuation of <ustaina-ilityC 2formerly issued in #"3. emoves o-solete direction in su-divisions of this code. #ncorporates direction on ecolo1ical evaluation, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.?8, 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.?3a : evises the caption B<ocial and !conomic "esired $onditionsC to B!cosystem "iversityC 2formerly issued in #"3. emoves o-solete direction on social and economic evaluation. #ncorporates direction on evaluation of ecosystem diversity includin1 ecosystem characteristics, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.?8a, and maEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.?3- : evises the caption B!valuation of $ompliance 0ith =e1al e@uirements for $ivil i1hts and !nvironmental JusticeC to B<pecies "iversityC 2formerly issued in #"3. emoves direction on civil ri1hts and environmental Dustice. #ncorporates direction on civil ri1hts and environmental Dustice at F<> 1921.?2c and maEes 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. #ncorporates direction on evaluation of ecosystem diversity, previously contained in #" at F<> 1921.?8-, 0ith 0ordin1 chan1es for clarity. 1921.?8 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and adds a cross-reference to consideration of plan options. 1921.?9 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and adds a cross-reference to trend analysis. 1921.?6 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and esta-lishes a caption for plan components for sustaina-ility. 1921.?6a : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for plan components for sustainin1 social and economic systems. 1921.?6- : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for plan components for sustainin1 ecosystem diversity.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1921.?6c : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for plan components for sustainin1 species diversity and criteria of self-sustainin1 populations of species. 1921.6 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for role of science. 1921.61 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements demonstratin1 that the -est availa-le science is taEen into account. 1921.62 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for evaluatin1 uncertainty in science and ho0 the uncertainties influence the plannin1 process. 1921.63 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for evaluatin1 risEs in plan components. 1921.68 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for documentin1 ho0 the -est availa-le science 0as taEen into account. 1921.69 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for revie0s of ho0 the -est availa-le science 0as taEen into account. 1921.9 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and sets forth re@uirements for esta-lishment of an environmental mana1ement system conformin1 to Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, .art 219;.lannin1, <u-part +--&ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1 2January 9, 2009 2?0 F 102333. 1922 : evises the caption for F<> 1922 from BForest .lannin1C to B(acEcountry and .rimitive +reas M eservedN. !sta-lishes a reserved code for -acEcountry and primitive areas for issuances of an interim directive or field supplementation. emoves previous direction under F<> 1922 and incorporates that direction at F<> 1926. 1923 : +dds re@uirement for unit <upervisors consider for recommendation as potential 0ilderness areas all lands possessin1 0ilderness characteristics durin1 plan development or revision. 1923.03 : +dds policy on 0hat areas must -e evaluated and considered for recommendation as potential 0ilderness areas durin1 plan development or revision.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1923.08 : emoves eAistin1 teAt and sets forth responsi-ility in eAhi-its for 0ilderness evaluation for three different scenariosG Forest <ervice study identified usin1 2009 plannin1 rule, Forest <ervice identified study usin1 1962 plannin1 rule, and le1islatively mandated study. "isplays responsi-ility for the $hief/ e1ional Forester/ and Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor. .rovides additional detail on type and timin1 of documentation. 1923.08a : emoves re@uired revie0 of preliminary administrative recommendations and maEes optional $hiefLs revie0 prior to pu-lishin1 the pu-lic notice commencin1 the 30-day o-Dection period 22009 plannin1 rule3 or applica-le &!.+ document 21962 plannin1 rule3. eplaces Benvironmental impact statementC 0ith Bapplica-le &!.+ document,C and in 1923.08c refers the reader to the !nvironmental .olicy and .rocedures Kand-ooE 2F<K 1909.193 to determine the applica-le &!.+ documentation. 1923.08- : $han1es and clarifies direction to -e consistent 0ith 2009 plannin1 rule. emoves eAistin1 teAt and sets forth responsi-ility re1ardin1 preliminary administrative recommendations. $han1es direction re1ardin1 the applica-le &!.+ document as descri-ed at 1923.08a. $larifies that the study report,applica-le &!.+ document and le1islative proposal for preliminary administrative recommendations under the 2009 plannin1 rule is for0arded to the $hief upon re@uest only. +dds preparation of transmittal letter if a study report is to -e for0arded from the <ecretary to the .resident and the $on1ress. 1923.08c : $larifies direction to -e consistent 0ith 2009 plannin1 rule. emoves eAistin1 teAt and sets forth responsi-ility to develop mana1ement direction for recommended 0ilderness or recommended 0ilderness study areas under the 1962 plannin1 rule. $han1es direction re1ardin1 the applica-le &!.+ document as descri-ed at 1923.08a. $larifies the role of the responsi-le administrative unit for a le1islatively mandated study. 1923.11 : $han1es caption from B.roposals esultin1 from Forest .lannin1C to B.roposals esultin1 from Filderness <tudies #ncorporated in =and >ana1ement .lans, includin1 =e1islatively >andated <tudies.C $larifies the re@uired components of land mana1ement plan approval documents that contain preliminary administrative recommendations. !dited for clarity. $han1es Benvironmental impact statementC to Bapplica-le &!.+ document.C +dds to enumerated para1raph 2 the $hiefLs role in determinin1 0hen to for0ard the preliminary administrative 0ilderness recommendations to the <ecretary and clarifies the information from the eAistin1 plannin1 record used to support these recommendations. 1923.12 : $han1es caption from B.roposals esultin1 from <pecial Filderness <tudies not incorporated in Forest .lansC to B.roposals esultin1 from Filderness <tudies not incorporated in =and >ana1ement .lans, #ncludin1 =e1islatively >andated <tudies.C >aEes minor chan1es in teAt to conform 0ith terminolo1y used in the 2009 plannin1 rule. $han1es reference to Bdraft environmental impact statement 2"!#<3C to Bapplica-le &!.+ document,C and refers the reader to F<K 1909.19 to determine the applica-le &!.+ documentation.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1928 : >aEes minor 0ordin1 chan1es to sho0 that the Forest <ervice recommends desi1nation of Fild and <cenic iver to the <ecretary, not the .resident. 1928.01 : >aEes minor chan1es to identify t0o provisions of the Fild and <cenic ivers +ct for identification of rivers for study. 1928.03 : +dds re@uirement to Bcomplete le1islatively mandated study or studies 0ithin the specified study period.C emoves the re@uirement to Bcomplete river studies as eApeditiously as possi-le.C +dds fleAi-ility if a systematic inventory of rivers has -een completed. efers to location of 1uidance for interim mana1ement in enumerated para1raph 8 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 62.93. 1928.08 : >aEes modifications similar to 1923.08. 1928.08a : emoves eAistin1 teAt and sets forth responsi-ility in eAhi-it for studies of rivers for three different scenariosG Forest <ervice identified usin1 2009 plannin1 rule, Forest <ervice identified study usin1 1962 plannin1 rule, and le1islatively mandated study. emoves re@uired revie0 of preliminary administrative recommendations and maEes optional $hiefLs revie0 prior to pu-lishin1 the pu-lic notice commencin1 the 30-day o-Dection period 22009 plannin1 rule3 or applica-le &!.+ document 21962 plannin1 rule3. eplaces Benvironmental impact statementC 0ith Bapplica-le &!.+ document,C and in 1928.08d refers the reader to the !nvironmental .olicy and .rocedures Kand-ooE 2F<K 1909.193 to determine the applica-le &!.+ documentation. 1928.08c : >aEes minor 0ord chan1es to para1raph 1, revises enumerated para1raph 2 to address le1islatively mandated and Forest <ervice identified study, and adds appropriate statutory or a1ency reference. emoves para1raph 3 and sets forth responsi-ility in eAhi-it for studies of rivers for three different scenariosG Forest <ervice identified usin1 2009 plannin1 rule, Forest <ervice identified study usin1 1962 plannin1 rule, and le1islatively mandated study. >aEes chan1es re1ardin1 the applica-le &!.+ documentation as descri-ed in 1928.08a. $onsistent 0ith 0ordin1 in 2009 plannin1 rule, adds responsi-ility to for0ard the tentative preliminary administrative recommendations for Forest <ervice #dentified <tudy under the 1962 plannin1 rule. $larifies that the study report,applica-le &!.+ document and le1islative proposal for preliminary administrative recommendations under 2009 plannin1 rule is for0arded upon re@uest of the $hief.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1928.08d : emoves para1raphs 1 throu1h 9 and sets forth responsi-ility in eAhi-it for studies of rivers for three different scenariosG Forest <ervice identified usin1 2009 plannin1 rule, Forest <ervice identified study usin1 1962 plannin1 rule, and le1islatively mandated study. >aEes chan1es re1ardin1 the applica-le &!.+ documentation as descri-ed in 1928.08a. $onsistent 0ith 0ordin1 in 2009 plannin1 rule, adds responsi-ility to develop mana1ement direction for eli1i-le or suita-le rivers under the 1962 plannin1 rule. 1928.1 : $han1es caption from B eportC to B evie0 and +pproval.C emoves direction a-out the detailed study report. #ncorporates previously direction contained at F<> 1928.2, that revie0 and approval of recommendations must meet the same re@uirements as those for land mana1ement plans. 1928.11 : +dds ne0 code and caption for B.roposals esultin1 from iver <tudies #ncorporated in =and >ana1ement .lans, #ncludin1 =e1islatively >andated <tudies.C +dds teAt on 0hat land mana1ement plan approval documents that maEe preliminary administrative recommendations for Fild and <cenic ivers must contain. evises direction for the same three scenarios as F<> 1928.08. 1928.12 : +dds ne0 code and caption for proposals resultin1 from river studies not incorporated in land mana1ement plans, includin1 le1islatively mandated studies. +dds enumerated para1raph 1 to eAplain the revie0 and approval process for Forest <ervice identified study conducted separately from the land mana1ement plannin1 process. +dds various responsi-ilities of the $hief for le1islatively mandated study. "irection parallels F<> 1923.12. 1928.22 : +dds section on mana1ement re@uirements for interim mana1ement of eli1i-le or suita-le rivers. <i1nificantly revises ori1inal F<K 1909.12, section 6.2 to clearly identify statutory protection afforded to le1islatively mandated studies, correct errors, add 1reater clarity, and maEe consistent 0ith the )<"+-)<"# Huidelines and F<> 2398. +lso reor1ani5es the presentation to sho0 similarity or differences -y classification in each topic area. 1928.23 : +dds section on 1uidance to -e included in land mana1ement plans to provide interim mana1ement of eli1i-le or suita-le rivers. 1929 : !sta-lishes a reserved code for mana1ement of inventoried roadless areas for issuances of an interim directive or field supplementation.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1926 : !sta-lishes a ne0 section for land mana1ement plannin1 usin1 plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000. )nder the su-divisions of this code, incorporates much of the direction previously contained in F<> 1922. +t F<> 1926, esta-lishes 1uidance as to 0hen the esponsi-le 'fficial may use the previous plannin1 re1ulations for plan revision or plan amendment. Throu1hout the section, updates the cross-references to reflect the 2009 plannin1 rule transition 0ordin1 and updates the 0ordin1 to reflect current usa1e. 1926.03 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates policy direction previously contained at F<> 1922.03. 1926.08 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code for responsi-ility for usin1 plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000. 1926.08a : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates e1ional Forester responsi-ility direction previously contained at F<> 1922.08a. 1926.08- : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates unit <upervisor responsi-ility direction previously contained at F<> 1922.08-, eAcept for responsi-ility to propose revisions. 1926.08- : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates unit <upervisor responsi-ility direction previously contained at F<> 1922.08-, eAcept for responsi-ility to propose revisions. 1926.1 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code for =and >ana1ement .lannin1 .rocess. 1926.11 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates plannin1 results direction previously contained at F<> 1922.11, eAcept for re@uirement to monitor validity of assumptions and coefficients at para1raph ?. 1926.12 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates -enchmarE analysis direction previously contained at F<> 1922.12. 1926.13 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates formulation of alternatives direction previously contained at F<> 1922.13. 1926.18 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates estimated effects of alternatives direction previously contained at F<> 1922.18.

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1926.19 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates Bresource inte1ration re@uirementsC previously contained at F<> 1922.19, eAcept as follo0s. +t para1raph 10, removes previous direction re1ardin1 mana1ement indicator species and replaces it 0ith re@uirement to meet 36 $F 219.182f3 and applica-le provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 re1ardin1 mana1ement indicator species. +t para1raph 18, removes direction re1ardin1 the &ational Fire >ana1ement +nalysis <ystem and adds the re@uirement to consider cost containment of fire suppression costs. +t para1raph 19, provides cross-references to the !ner1y .olicy +ct of 2009. +t para1raph 22, removes re@uirement to identify a@uifers and adds re@uirement to develop 1uidance to maintain surface resources associated 0ith 1round0ater. +t para1raph 23, adds ne0 direction to esta-lish 1uidance to protect 0ater @uality. +t para1raph 26, adds direction to provide 1uidance for 1eothermal leasin1 and development 0hen appropriate. 1926.2 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates Bland mana1ement plan contentC direction previously contained at F<> 1922.2. 1926.21 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates standards for land mana1ement plans previously contained at F<> 1922.21. 1926.3 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates Brevie0 and approval of land mana1ement planC direction previously contained at F<> 1922.3. 1926.31 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates internal revie0 direction previously contained at F<> 1922.31. 1926.31a : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates Bstandards for re1ional revie0C direction previously contained at F<> 1922.31a. 1926.31- : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates Binternal revie0 processC direction previously contained at F<> 1922.31-, and chan1es the re@uired revie0 to an optional revie0 -y the $hief of the plan and plan documentation if the plan maEes recommendations that ultimately re@uire con1ressional action. 1926.32 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates BeAternal revie0C direction previously contained at F<> 1922.32. 1926.8 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and caption for Bland mana1ement plan implementation.C

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D(/e."--C# "( +e!% 1926.81 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates Banalysis and evaluationC direction previously contained at F<> 1922.81, eAcept for previous para1raphs 3 and 8 re1ardin1 analysis no0 re@uired -y the Forest <ervice &ational !nvironmental .olicy +ct 2&!.+3 procedures at F<> 1990 and F<K 1909.19. 1926.9 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates BamendmentC direction previously contained at F<> 1922.9, eAcept for previous para1raph 3 re1ardin1 chan1es to implementation schedules. 1926.91 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates direction on chan1es to the land mana1ement plan that are not si1nificant, 0hich 0as previously contained at F<> 1922.91. 1926.92 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates direction on chan1es to the land mana1ement plan that are si1nificant, 0hich 0as previously contained at F<> 1922.92. 1926.6 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates BrevisionC direction previously contained at F<> 1922.6, eAcept that it has -een modified to include re@uirements of 36 $F 219.18. 1926.? : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates Bmonitorin1 and evaluationC direction previously contained at F<> 1922.?. 1926.?1 : !sta-lishes a ne0 code and incorporates Bmonitorin1 re@uirementsC direction previously contained at F<> 1922.?1.

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T*01e #& C# "e ". 1920.1 : +uthority.....................................................................................................................20 1920.11 : <tatutory +uthorities.............................................................................................20 1920.12 : e1ulations...........................................................................................................20 1920.2 : '-Dectives .................................................................................................................20 1920.3 : .olicy ........................................................................................................................20 1920.8 : esponsi-ility ...........................................................................................................22 1920.81 : $hief......................................................................................................................22 1920.82 : "irector, !cosystem >ana1ement $oordination <taff, Fashin1ton 'ffice ........22 1920.9 : "efinitions ................................................................................................................22 1921 2 LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING UNDER THE 2003 PLANNING RULE$$$$$22 1921.03 : .olicy ...................................................................................................................23 1921.08 : esponsi-ility.......................................................................................................23 1921.08a : e1ional Forester................................................................................................23 1921.08- : Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or 'ther $ompara-le +dministrative )nit <upervisor ....................................................................................................................................23 1921.1 : =and >ana1ement .lan .............................................................................................28 1921.11 : .lan e@uirements................................................................................................28 1921.12 : Je1etation >ana1ement e@uirements from &ational Forest >ana1ement +ct 29 1921.12a : Tim-er >ana1ement e@uirements....................................................................29 1921.12- : =and >ana1ement .lan $omponents.................................................................26 1921.12c : #dentification of =ands &ot <uita-le for Tim-er .roduction..............................26 1921.12d : !stimatin1 the Ouantity of Tim-er that may -e emoved ................................26 1921.12e : >aAimum <i5e =imits for !ven-+1ed e1eneration Karvest ...........................2? 1921.12f : $ulmination of >ean +nnual #ncrement of Hro0th and !ven-+1ed e1eneration Karvest ...............................................................................................26 1921.121 : .lan $omponents for estocEin1........................................................................29 1921.13 : $onsideration of #ndividual esources.................................................................29 1921.2 : .lan !valuation and evie0 ......................................................................................29 1921.3 : .lan +mendment and evision...................................................................................30 1921.8 : .lan #mplementation...................................................................................................31 1921.9 : .lan >onitorin1..........................................................................................................31 1921.91 : .lan >onitorin1 .ro1ram "esi1n.........................................................................32 1921.6 : .u-lic .articipation and $olla-oration.......................................................................32 1921.61 : .u-lic .articipation...............................................................................................32 1921.62 : $olla-oration.........................................................................................................33 1921.63 : .u-lic &otification................................................................................................33 1921.68 : .rivacy of $omments eceived............................................................................33 1921.69 : +vaila-ility of #nformation...................................................................................33 1921.? : <ustaina-ility..............................................................................................................38 1921.?1 : +ddressin1 <ustaina-ility in .lans .......................................................................38 1921.?2 : <ocial and !conomic <ustaina-ility......................................................................39

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1921.?2a : +ddressin1 <ocial and !conomic <ustaina-ility in .lans...................................39 1921.?2- : !valuatin1 $ontri-utions to <ocial and !conomic <ustaina-ility......................39 1921.?2c : !valuation of $ompliance 0ith =e1al e@uirements for $ivil i1hts and !nvironmental Justice................................................................................................36 1921.?3 : !colo1ical !valuation of <ustaina-ility................................................................36 1921.?3a : !cosystem "iversity............................................................................................3? 1921.?3- : <pecies "iversity................................................................................................3? 1921.?8 : .lan 'ption "evelopment.....................................................................................36 1921.?9 : Trend +nalysis......................................................................................................36 1921.?6 : .lan $omponents for <ustaina-ility ....................................................................36 1921.?6a : <ustainin1 <ocial and !conomic <ystems...........................................................36 1921.?6- : <ustainin1 !cosystem "iversity.........................................................................36 1921.?6c : <ustainin1 <pecies "iversity...............................................................................36 1921.6 : The ole of <cience....................................................................................................80 1921.61 : (est +vaila-le <cience.........................................................................................80 1921.62 : )ncertainty in <cience..........................................................................................80 1921.63 : isE in .lan $omponents......................................................................................81 1921.68 : "ocumentation......................................................................................................81 1921.69 : $onsideration and +pplication of <cience............................................................81 1921.9 : !nvironmental >ana1ement <ystem e@uirements for =and >ana1ement .lannin1 .......................................................................................................................................82 1922 2 4AC5COUNTR6 AND PRIMITIVE AREAS 7RESERVED8$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$92 192: 2 WILDERNESS EVALUATION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$92 1923.01 : +uthority...............................................................................................................83 1923.03 : .olicy....................................................................................................................83 1923.08 : esponsi-ility ......................................................................................................88 1923.08a : $hief....................................................................................................................88 1923.08c : Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or 'ther $ompara-le +dministrative )nit <upervisor ....................................................................................................................................8? 1923.1 : evie0 and +pproval ................................................................................................86 1923.11 : .roposals esultin1 from Filderness <tudies #ncorporated in =and >ana1ement .lans, #ncludin1 =e1islatively >andated <tudies ....................................................86 1923.12 : .roposals esultin1 from Filderness <tudies &ot #ncorporated in =and >ana1ement .lans, #ncludin1 =e1islatively >andated <tudies................................89 1929 2 WILD AND SCENIC RIVER EVALUATION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99 1928.01 : +uthority...............................................................................................................89 1928.03 : .olicy....................................................................................................................90 1928.08 : esponsi-ility.......................................................................................................90 1928.08a : $hief....................................................................................................................90 1928.08- : "eputy $hief, &ational Forest <ystem, Fashin1ton 'ffice...............................92 1928.08c : e1ional Forester................................................................................................92 1928.08d : Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or 'ther $ompara-le +dministrative )nit <upervisor ....................................................................................................................................98

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1928.1 : evie0 and +pproval.................................................................................................99 1928.11 : .roposals esultin1 from iver <tudies #ncorporated in =and >ana1ement .lans, #ncludin1 =e1islatively >andated <tudies.................................................................99 1928.12 : .roposals esultin1 from iver <tudies &ot #ncorporated in =and >ana1ement .lans, #ncludin1 =e1islatively >andated <tudies .....................................................96 1923 2 MANAGEMENT OF INVENTORIED ROADLESS AREAS 7RESERVED8$$$$$$$$3; 192< 2 LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING USING PLANNING REGULATIONS IN EFFECT 4EFORE NOVEM4ER 9, 2000$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3; 1926.03 : .olicy....................................................................................................................9? 1926.08 : esponsi-ility.......................................................................................................9? 1926.08a : e1ional Forester................................................................................................96 1926.08- : Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or 'ther +dministrative )nit <upervisor.................96 1926.1 : =and >ana1ement .lannin1 .rocess..........................................................................96 1926.11 : =and >ana1ement .lannin1 esults....................................................................96 1926.12 : (enchmarE +nalysis.............................................................................................99 1926.13 : Formulation of +lternatives..................................................................................99 1926.18 : !stimated !ffects of +lternatives.........................................................................99 1926.19 : esource #nte1ration e@uirements Fhen )sin1 .lannin1 e1ulations #n !ffect (efore &ovem-er 9, 2000..........................................................................................60 1926.2 : =and >ana1ement .lan $ontent.................................................................................62 1926.21 : <tandards for =and >ana1ement .lans................................................................63 1926.3 : evie0 and +pproval of =and >ana1ement .lans....................................................63 1926.31 : #nternal evie0.....................................................................................................63 1926.31a : <tandards for e1ional evie0...........................................................................63 1926.31- : #nternal evie0 .rocess .....................................................................................68 1926.32 : !Aternal evie0....................................................................................................68 1926.8 : =and >ana1ement .lan #mplementation....................................................................68 1926.81 : +nalysis and !valuation.......................................................................................68 1926.9 : +mendment.................................................................................................................69 1926.91 : $han1es to the =and >ana1ement .lan That are &ot <i1nificant........................66 1926.92 : $han1es to the =and >ana1ement .lan That are <i1nificant...............................66 1926.6 : evision......................................................................................................................6? 1926.? : >onitorin1 and !valuation.........................................................................................6? 1926.?1 : >onitorin1 e@uirements.....................................................................................66

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This chapter provides a process for developin1, amendin1, and revisin1 land mana1ement plans 2plans3 for the &ational Forest <ystem. 1920$1 2 A+"=#,("> 1920$11 2 S"*"+"#,> A+"=#,("(e. <ee F<> 1901 for a summary of the relevant acts and F<K 1909.12, chapter 90, for teAt of the Forest and an1eland ene0a-le esource .lannin1 +ct, the Filderness +ct of 1968, the !astern Filderness +ct, the Fild and <cenic ivers +ct, and the re1ulations for &ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1. 'ther applica-le authorities are discussed at F<> 1011. 1920-12 1 Reg)*a&!o$" )nder the authority of Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, .art 219;.lannin1, <u-part +; &ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1, pu-lished January 9, 2009 2?0 F 10233 plans may -e developed, amended, or revised under the 2009 plannin1 rule 2January 9, 2009 2?0 F 102333. )nder the 2009 plannin1 rule, some plan amendments or plan revisions may use provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 236 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. Those areG 1. .lan development, plan amendments, or plan revisions initiated -efore January 9, 2009 may continue usin1 the provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000. 2. .lan amendments initiated durin1 the transition period 236 $F 219.18 2-33 may continue usin1 the provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000. 1920$2 2 O0?e'"()e. '-Dectives of land mana1ement plannin1 are toG 1. <ustain the multiple uses of its rene0a-le resources in perpetuity 0hile maintainin1 the lon1-term productivity of the land consistent 0ith the >ultiple-)se <ustained-*ield +ct of 1960 236 $F 219.12-33. 2. Focus on maintainin1 or restorin1 the health of the land in order to provide a sustaina-le flo0 of uses, -enefits, products, services, and visitor opportunities 236 $F 219.12-33. 1920$: 2 P#1('> 2<ee F<> 1903 for 1eneral policy for plannin1 activities.3

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1. Fhen plans are developed or revised, esponsi-le 'fficials must evaluate social, economic, and ecolo1ical elements of sustaina-ility andG a. $onduct sustaina-ility evaluations 0ithin an area lar1e enou1h to consider -roadscale social, economic, and ecolo1ical factors and trends over lar1e landscapes. <election of the area included in these evaluations must -e 1uided -y the issues -ein1 addressed, the eAtent of relevant ecosystems and their composition, structure and function, the ran1es and ha-itats of individual species, or Eey social and economic patterns and processes. These landscapes may include several national forests and should consider non-&ational Forest <ystem 2&F<3 lands. !valuations for sustaina-ility must eAtend to this lar1er area of analysis to understand the environmental conteAt and opportunities and limitations for &F< lands to contri-ute to the sustaina-ility of social, economic, and ecolo1ical systems. -. )se information pertainin1 to ecosystem composition, structure, and function o-tained from sustaina-ility evaluations 0hen developin1 plan components to contri-ute to ecolo1ical sustaina-ility 2F<> 1921.? and F<K 1909.12, ch. 803. c. )se information pertainin1 to social and economic systems o-tained from sustaina-ility evaluations 0hen developin1 plan components to contri-ute to social and economic sustaina-ility 2F<> 1921.? and F<K 1909.12, ch. 803. 2. esponsi-le 'fficials should ensure plans contri-ute to sustaina-ility -y creatin1 a frame0orE to 1uide on-the-1round mana1ement of proDects and activities consistent 0ith the limits of a1ency authorities, the capa-ility of the plan area, and overall multiple-use o-Dectives. 3. esponsi-le 'fficials should use the current land mana1ement plan as a startin1 point and maEe improvements -ased on a need for chan1e. 8. esponsi-le 'fficials should use a continual evaluation and plannin1 process of addressin1 a fe0 important issues, testin1 the 1uidance on the 1round, and adaptin1 as necessary. 9. +ll <ervice-0ide direction necessary for plan development, plan amendment, or plan revision is contained in this chapter, or supplements or hand-ooEs thereto. 6. $han1es in <ervice-0ide plannin1 direction shall -e carried out as follo0sG a. $han1es in direction 1overnin1 revisin1 land mana1ement plans. >aEe chan1es in preparation and documentation re@uirements 0hen a land mana1ement plan is revised, unless other0ise specifically directed in a directive. Ko0ever, do not interrupt or redirect preparation and documentation activities -e1un prior to issuance of a ne0 plannin1 directive 2such as study of 0ilderness and 0ild and scenic river suita-ility3, unless the ne0 direction can -e carried out, in 0hole or in part, 0ith ease and efficiency and 0ithout disruptin1 esta-lished plannin1 schedules and activities.

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-. $han1es in all other plannin1 direction. >aEe chan1es in direction 1overnin1 land mana1ement plan implementation, amendment, monitorin1, and evaluation, upon issuance of a ne0 directive amendment. 1920$9 2 Re.-# .(0(1("> Heneral responsi-ilities for plannin1 are found in Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, section 219.2 236 $F 219.23 and F<> 1908. +dditional, specific responsi-ilities for unit-level land mana1ement plannin1 are found in F<> 1921.08 and F<> 1926.08. +dditional, specific responsi-ilities for potential 0ilderness recommendations and 0ild and scenic river system additions are found in F<> 1923.08 and 1928.08 respectively. 1920$91 2 C=(e& The $hief reserves the authority to approve the schedule for revisin1 individual land mana1ement plans. 1920$92 2 D(,e'"#,, E'#.>."em M* */eme " C##,!( *"(# S"*&&, W*.=( /"# O&&('e The "irector, !cosystem >ana1ement $oordination <taff, Fashin1ton 'ffice, assists the $hief, throu1h the "eputy $hief for the &ational Forest <ystem 2&F<3, in all land mana1ement plannin1 matters. +dditional responsi-ilities includeG 1. $oordinatin1 &F< input into the national strate1ic plan. 2. <tren1thenin1 the relationship -et0een land mana1ement plans and strate1ic plan 1oals, o-Dectives, strate1ies, and related performance measures that apply to mana1ement of the &F<. 3. .rovidin1 plannin1 and coordination assistance to the e1ions a-out land mana1ement plans, environmental mana1ement systems 2!><3, and the &ational !nvironmental .olicy +ct. 1920$3 2 De&( ("(# . <ee F<> 1909 for definitions that apply to land mana1ement plannin1. 1921 2 LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING UNDER THE 2003 PLANNING RULE The follo0in1 sections throu1h F<> 1921.63 provide 1uidance for plan development, plan amendment, or plan revision usin1 the provisions of Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, .art 219;.lannin1, <u-part +--&ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1 236 $F part 219, su-part +3 as pu-lished January 9, 2009 2?0 F 10233.

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<ee F<> 1926 for 1uidance for plan amendments or plan revisions that continue to use the provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 under 36 $F 219.18 236 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. <ee F<K 1909.12, chapter 90, for teAt of the re1ulations for &ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1. 1921$0: 2 P#1('> Henerally, site-specific proDect or activity decisions should not -e included in plans, plan amendments, or plan revisions. + plan amendment may occur contemporaneously 0ith approval of a proDect or activity 236 $F 219.62e32333. 1921$09 2 Re.-# .(0(1("> 1921$09* 2 Re/(# *1 F#,e."e, The e1ional Forester may decide to act as the esponsi-le 'fficial for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision 236 $F 219.22-32133 and any attendant &!.+ analysis. )pon completion of the plannin1 action, the Forest, Hrassland, .rairie or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor is assumed to -e the esponsi-le 'fficial for plan implementation and future amendment or revision unless indicated other0ise -y the e1ional Forester. #n addition to the responsi-ilities specified in F<> 1908 and 36 $F 219.2, each e1ional Forester shall ensureG 1. $oordination of plannin1 efforts amon1 adDoinin1 units and e1ions. 2. Ouality control of plannin1 efforts is maintained. 3. )se of BThe Forest <ervice <trate1ic .lanC as a conteAt for developin1 or refinin1 desired conditions. 8. $oordination -et0een the esponsi-le 'fficial and $hief on plannin1-related matters, 0hen appropriate. 1921$090 2 F#,e.", G,*..1* !, P,*(,(e, #, O"=e, C#m-*,*01e A!m( (.",*"()e U (" S+-e,)(.#, 1. The <upervisor of the &ational Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit is the esponsi-le 'fficial for developin1, amendin1, or revisin1 plans, eAcept 0hen the e1ional Forester, $hief, or <ecretary chooses to act as the esponsi-le 'fficial 236 $F 219.22-32133. 2. The authority for approvin1 proDect-specific amendments cannot -e dele1ated to "istrict an1ers.

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3. #n addition to esponsi-le 'fficial 236 $F part 2193 duties, the <upervisor of the &ational Forest, Hrassland, or .rairie or other compara-le administrative unit is responsi-le forG a. $ontinuously adaptin1 the plan to chan1in1 situations. -. !nsurin1 re@uired evaluation reports, plan, plan amendments, and plan revisions are prepared -y an interdisciplinary team 236 $F 219.?2a3293. 1921$1 2 L* ! M* */eme " P1* 2<ee 36 $F 219.?, and F<K 1909.12, sec. 11 for additional direction.3 + plan provides desired conditions, o-Dectives, and 1uidance for site-specific proDect and activity decisions 236 $F 219.32a33. )se the plan model for the layout of a plan. The plan model is in the technical 1uide BFoundations of Forest .lannin1C availa-le on the T#.< 2Technical Information for Plannin1 Site3 0e-site at httpG,,,T#.<. 1921$11 2 P1* Re@+(,eme ". 1. The esponsi-le 'fficial must ensure that plans include the re@uired plan components 2desired conditions, o-Dectives, 1uidelines, suita-ility of areas, and special areas 236 $F 219.?2a322333. 2. .lan components may apply to all or part of the plan area. 3. .lan components should -e realistic and achieva-le. They should reflect the anticipated -ud1et levels, staffin1, and capa-ility of the Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit for the plan period. a. Huidelines must -e realistic 0ith reasona-le -ud1et assumptions. -. '-Dectives should -e desi1ned 0ithin reasona-le -ud1et assumptions. c. "esired conditions may -e lon1-term aspirations and, therefore, may only -e achieva-le over many plan periods/ ho0ever, desired conditions should -e realistic. 8. .lan components should not repeat eAistin1 direction from directives, la0s, or re1ulations. >aEe a $ross-reference to such direction in the plan if needed to address issues or deficiencies in the plan identified -y the pu-lic.

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1921$12 2 Ve/e"*"(# M* */eme " Re@+(,eme ". &,#m N*"(# *1 F#,e." M* */eme " A'" 1921$12* 2 T(m0e, M* */eme " Re@+(,eme ". The minimum specific mana1ement re@uirements for proDects and activities that must -e met in carryin1 out proDects and activities for the &ational Forest <ystem 2&F<3 are set forth in this section. )nder 16 ).<.$. 1608 2132332!3, a esponsi-le 'fficial may authori5e site-specific proDects and activities to harvest tim-er on &F< lands only 0hereG 1. <oil, slope, or other 0atershed conditions 0ill not -e irreversi-ly dama1ed. 2. There is assurance that the lands can -e ade@uately restocEed 0ithin five years after final re1eneration harvest 2F<> 1921.1213. 3. <treams, stream-anEs, shorelines, laEes, 0etlands, and other -odies of 0ater are protected from detrimental chan1es in 0ater temperatures, -locEa1es of 0ater courses, and deposits of sediment 0here harvests are liEely to seriously and adversely affect 0ater conditions or fish ha-itat. 8. The harvestin1 system to -e used is not selected primarily -ecause it 0ill 1ive the 1reatest dollar return or the 1reatest unit output of tim-er. + esponsi-le 'fficial may authori5e proDects and activities on &F< lands usin1 cuttin1 methods, such as clearcuttin1, seed tree cuttin1, shelter0ood cuttin1, and other cuts desi1ned to re1enerate an even-a1ed stand of tim-er, only 0hereG 1. For clearcuttin1, it is the optimum method/ or 0here seed tree, shelter0ood, and other cuts are determined to -e appropriate to meetin1 the o-Dectives and re@uirements of the relevant plan 216 ).<.$. 1608 2132332F32i33. 2. The interdisciplinary revie0 has -een completed and the potential environmental, -iolo1ical, aesthetic, en1ineerin1, and economic impacts have -een assessed on each advertised sale area and the cuttin1 methods are consistent 0ith the multiple use of the 1eneral area 216 ).<.$. 1608 2132332F32ii33. 3. $ut -locEs, patches, or strips are shaped and -lended to the eAtent practica-le 0ith the natural terrain 216 ).<.$. 1608 2132332F32iii33. 8. $uts are carried out accordin1 to the maAimum si5e limit re@uirements for areas to -e cut durin1 one harvest operation 2F<> 1921.12e3.

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9. Tim-er cuts are carried out in a manner consistent 0ith the protection of soil, 0atershed, fish, 0ildlife, recreation, esthetic resources, cultural and historic resources, and the re1eneration of tim-er resources. 6. <tands of trees are harvested accordin1 to re@uirements for culmination of mean annual increment of 1ro0th 216 ).<.$. 1608 2m3/ F<> 1921.12f/ F<K 1909.12, ch. 603. 1921$120 2 L* ! M* */eme " P1* C#m-# e ". Fhile proDects and activities must comply 0ith F<> 1921.12a, land mana1ement plans need not repeat the mana1ement re@uirements at F<> 1921.12a. Ko0ever, 0hen esta-lishin1 plan components, the esponsi-le 'fficial shouldG 1. #nclude plan components for meetin1 tim-er mana1ement re@uirements 2F<> 1921.12a3, and 2. #dentify and provide for special conditions or situations that involve ha5ards to the various resources 216 ).<.$. 1608 2132232$33. <ee F<K 1909.12, section 11.3. 1921$12' 2 I!e "(&('*"(# #& L* !. N#" S+("*01e &#, T(m0e, P,#!+'"(# Fhen appropriate, the esponsi-le 'fficial shall revie0 lands 0ithin the plan area to identify their suita-ility for tim-er production. F<K 1909.12, chapter 60, provides detailed procedures to identify areas as not suita-le for tim-er production. <uch identification isG 1. Huidance for proDect and activity decisionmaEin1. 2. &ot a permanent land desi1nation 3. <u-Dect to chan1e throu1h plan amendment or plan revision. +pprove uses of specific areas throu1h proDect and activity decisionmaEin1. =ands identified as not suita-le for tim-er production in the plan document or plan set of documents must -e revie0ed at least every 10 years 216 ).<.$. 16083 and as other0ise needed to respond to chan1ed conditions in the plan area. 1921$12! 2 E."(m*"( / "=e Q+* "("> #& T(m0e, "=*" m*> 0e Rem#)e! The esponsi-le 'fficial must develop the follo0in1 estimates related to the tim-er mana1ement pro1ram if tim-er is an issue for plan development, plan amendment, or plan revision. <ee chapter 60 for details.

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1. !stimate of the lon1-term sustained-yield capacity. "urin1 plan development or plan revision and, as appropriate, for plan amendment, the esponsi-le 'fficial shall estimate the amount of tim-er that could -e removed annually in perpetuity on a sustained-yield -asis from Blands 1enerally suita-le for tim-er harvestC once these lands are in their desired condition. 2. =imitation on tim-er sold. !Acept as provided at para1raph 3 and 8 of this section, 0ithin any decade, the esponsi-le 'fficial must limit the @uantity of tim-er sold durin1 that decade from Blands 1enerally suita-le for tim-er harvestC to a @uantity e@ual to or less than that estimated as provided in para1raph 1 of this section 3. !Aceptions to limitations of tim-er sold. The esponsi-le 'fficial may sell tim-er from areas that are su-stantially dama1ed -y fire, 0ind, or other events, or 0here an imminent threat from insects or disease eAists. The esponsi-le 'fficial may either su-stitute such tim-er for tim-er that 0ould other0ise -e sold or, if not feasi-le, sell such tim-er over and a-ove the limit esta-lished accordin1 to para1raph 2 of this section 216 ).<.$. 16112-33. 8. Tim-er sale pro1ram eAceedin1 the lon1-term sustained-yield capacity. + Btim-er sale pro1ram @uantityC may -e planned to eAceed the estimated lon1-term sustained yield if such a planned sale of tim-er is consistent 0ith the multiple-use o-Dectives of the land mana1ement plan and meets the re@uirements in 16 ).<.$. 1611 and F<K 1909.12, section 63.9. 9. Tim-er mana1ement proDections. +s re@uired -y the &ational Forest >ana1ement +ct 216 ).<.$. 16082e3223, 16 ).<.$. 16082f3223, 16 ).<.$. 16113, a land mana1ement plan must provide tim-er mana1ement proDections 2F<K 1909.12,section 69.83. + plan amendment is not re@uired to maEe these proDections a1ree 0ith proDect and activities. + plan may -e administratively corrected to reflect updated proDections as provided at 36 $F 219.?2-3. 1921$12e 2 M*A(m+m S(Be L(m(". &#, E)e -A/e! Re/e e,*"(# H*,)e." esponsi-le 'fficials may esta-lish in supplements of these directives, maAimum si5e limits for areas to -e cut in one even-a1ed re1eneration harvest operation accordin1 to 1eo1raphic areas, forest types, or other suita-le classifications 216 ).<.$. 1608 2132332F32iv33. 1. =imits may not eAceed 80 acres 0ith the follo0in1 eAceptionsG a. <iAty acres for the "ou1las-fir forest type of $alifornia, 're1on, and Fashin1ton. -. !i1hty acres for the southern yello0 pine types of +la-ama, +rEansas, Heor1ia, Florida, =ouisiana, >ississippi, &orth $arolina, <outh $arolina, 'Elahoma, and TeAas. c. 'ne hundred acres for the hemlocE-<itEa spruce forest type of coastal +lasEa.

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2. !sta-lished maAimum si5e openin1s may -e eAceeded 0hen carryin1 out proDects and activities after appropriate pu-lic notice and opportunity to comment and after revie0 -y the officer one level a-ove the esponsi-le 'fficial. 3. >aAimum si5e openin1s do not apply to the si5e of areas harvested -ecause of catastrophes such as, -ut not limited to, fire, insect and disease attacE, or 0indstorm. 1921$12& 2 C+1m( *"(# #& Me* A Re/e e,*"(# H*,)e." +*1 I ',eme " #& G,#C"= * ! E)e -A/e!

(ased on the use of sound silvicultural practices, the $ulmination of >ean +nnual #ncrement 2$>+#3 re@uirements apply only to even-a1ed mana1ement at the time of re1eneration harvest on lands suited for tim-er production. #n addition, $>+# is not a consideration on lands not suited for timber production -ecause the type and fre@uency of harvests on these lands 0ill -e driven -y resource o-Dectives and desired conditions other than tim-er production. .rior to re1eneration harvest, stands of trees must have 1enerally reached $>+# of 1ro0th 2F<K 1909.12, ch. 60/ 16 ).<.$. 1608 2m32133. BHenerally reached culminationC is defined as the a1e at 0hich the stand achieves at least 99 percent of the cu-ic foot volume at culmination. #n summary, the culmination of mean annual increment of 1ro0th re@uirement does not apply toG 1. $uttin1 for eAperimental or research purposes. 2. &onre1eneration harvests, such as thinnin1 or other stand improvement measures. 3. >ana1ement of uneven-a1ed stands or to stands under uneven-a1ed silvicultural systems. 8. <alva1e or sanitation harvestin1 of tim-er stands. 9. Karvest to meet multiple-use o-Dectives other than tim-er production. + plan may identify additional cate1ories of activities that are eAceptions to the culmination of mean annual increment if necessary to meet resource o-Dectives such as 0ildlife ha-itat enhancement, visual enhancement, or riparian area improvement. !Aceptions to the culmination of mean annual increment re@uirement and the reasons for these eAceptions must -e specifically disclosed and documented durin1 the pu-lic colla-oration and participation process 0hen developin1, amendin1, or revisin1 plans. !Aceptions may also occur as a result of proDect-level analysis if decision-maEin1 includes appropriate pu-lic disclosure and opportunity to comment.

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1921$12/ 2 P1* C#m-# e ". &#, Re."#'D( / esponsi-le 'fficials may authori5e the harvestin1 of tim-er only 0hen there is reasona-le assurance the harvested lands can -e ade@uately restocEed 0ithin 9 years after final re1eneration harvest. Fhat restocEin1 level is determined to -e ade@uate may vary dependin1 on the o-Dectives and desired conditions for the plan area. Fhen esta-lishin1 plan components, the esponsi-le 'fficial shall provide 1uidance for Bade@uately restocEedC -ased on plan desired conditions and o-Dectives. The esponsi-le 'fficial should consider ecolo1ical restoration, enhancement of recreation use, fuels reduction, mana1ement of cultural,herita1e sites, ran1e, salva1e of dead or dyin1 trees, sanitation harvestin1, scenery improvement, tim-er production, 0ildlife ha-itat improvement, and other resource purposes. #n some instances, such as 0hen lands are harvested to create openin1s for fuel -reaEs and vistas or to prevent encroachin1 trees, it is ade@uate not to restocE. 1921$1: 2 C# .(!e,*"(# #& I !()(!+*1 Re.#+,'e. "irection on consideration of individual resources is found in F<K 1909.12, section 13. 1921$2 2 P1* E)*1+*"(# * ! Re)(eC 2<ee 36 $F 219.6 and F<K 1909.12, ch. 20.3 )se evaluation as a step in an adaptive mana1ement approach to assess the need to chan1e plan implementation, monitorin1, or plan components. !valuations should -e commensurate to the level of risE or -enefit associated 0ith the nature and level of eApected mana1ement activities in the plan area. "ocuments previously prepared for plan development, plan amendments, or plan revisions 2such as analysis of the mana1ement situation, and so on3 may serve as a functional e@uivalent Bcomprehensive evaluation reportC if they su-stantially address the re@uirements of 36 $F 219.62a3213. The esponsi-le 'fficial shall revie0 evaluations 236 $F 219.63, and determine the need to chan1e plan components or the monitorin1 pro1ram. (ase the need to chan1e on evaluations, pu-lic input, environmental mana1ement system 2!><3 information, and chan1es in conditions. The esponsi-le 'fficial has full discretion to determine 0hether a chan1e in the plan is timely and the nature of that chan1e 236 $F 219.?2a32833. The decision 0hether a plan needs to -e chan1ed is not su-Dect to o-Dection 236 $F 219.?2a32833.

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The esponsi-le 'fficial must involve the pu-lic in desi1nin1 the monitorin1 pro1ram and developin1 or updatin1 comprehensive evaluations 236 $F 219.92a33. The esponsi-le 'fficial has full discretion as to 0hether and ho0 to involve 1overnments, tri-es, a1encies and the pu-lic in annual monitorin1 236 $F 219.62-3. The esponsi-le 'fficial has full discretion to determine the manner in 0hich to notify the pu-lic of the availa-ility of evaluation reports. The esponsi-le 'fficial should 1enerally use availa-le information and may o-tain information relevant to the plannin1 process throu1h many sources and methods 236 $F 219.62a32132ii33. The esponsi-le 'fficial has the discretion to decide 0hat information is needed and the appropriate source and scale for the information. #n determinin1 0hether ne0 information is re@uired, the esponsi-le 'fficial should use a three-step processG 1. $learly frame the @uestion or issue -ein1 addressed in terms of the need for chan1e and proposal for chan1in1 the plan. 2. #dentify the indicators that 0ill -e used in the evaluation and ho0 information a-out these indicators 0ill -e useful to si1nificantly improvin1 the strate1ic decisions to esta-lish or chan1e plan components. 3. !sta-lish the rules for collectin1 data needed for the indicators such as the scope, scale, and precision. esponsi-le 'fficial documents the priorities for information collection in an Binformation needs assessment.C Huidance on information needs assessment is availa-le on the T#.< 2Technical #nformation for .lannin1 <ite3 0e-site at httpG,,,T#.<. 1921$: 2 P1* Ame !me " * ! Re)(.(# 2<ee 36 $F 219.6,-219.? and F<K 1909.12, ch. 20 for additional direction.3 The esponsi-le 'fficial determines 0hether and ho0 to chan1e the plan -ased on annual and comprehensive evaluations, chan1ed conditions, environmental mana1ement system 2!><3 information, or ne0 information 2 36 $F 219.? 2a3283/ sec. 283. #ssues or opportunities may arise 0hen the pu-lic comments on the need for chan1e and proposed plan amendment or revision are received. efer to F<> 1909 for the definitions of Bissue,C Bopportunity,C and Bneed for chan1eC used throu1hout F<> 1920. The esponsi-le 'fficial determines 0hat method 0ill -e used to provide for pu-lic participation a-out the need for chan1e issues and proposed plan revision or amendment. The esponsi-le 'fficial has the discretion to determine, at any time, 0hether to further consider an issue or opportunity in the amendment or revision process 236 $F 219.?2a32833. 2<ee F<K 1909.12, sec. 29.32a for more details on reasons for considerin1 an issue or opportunity further.3

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The list of administrative corrections and additions found at 36 $F 219.?2-3 may -e applied to plans developed or revised under the 1962 plannin1 rule of 36 $F part 219 durin1 the transition period 236 $F 219.183. #t is the responsi-ility of the esponsi-le 'fficial to determine the need for and method of pu-lic notification of administrative corrections. 1921$9 2 P1* Im-1eme "*"(# 2<ee 36 $F 219.6 and F<K 1909.12, ch. 20 for additional direction.3 <u-Dect to valid eAistin1 ri1hts, proDects and activities must -e consistent 0ith the plan 236 $F 219.6 2e33 and 216 ).<.$. 16082i33. Forest <ervice Kand-ooE 1909.12, section 29 provides further 1uidance on determinin1 0hether a proDect is consistent 0ith the plan. .roDects and activities to harvest tim-er must meet the re@uirements of the &ational Forest >ana1ement +ct. <ee F<> 1921.12 for discussion of these determinations. 1921$3 2 P1* M# ("#,( / 2<ee 36 $F 219.6/ F<> 1921.2/ F<> 1921.9/ and F<K 1909.12, section 12 for further direction.3 >onitorin1 must provide data and information to evaluate pro1ress to0ard meetin1 o-Dectives and desired conditions and to evaluate the need for chan1e. The plan monitorin1 pro1ram must identify Eey monitorin1 @uestions 2F<K 1909.12 sec. 12.13 and performance measures 236 $F 219.62-32132ii33 linEed to selected plan desired conditions, o-Dectives, or 1uidelines. The esponsi-le 'fficial shall involve the pu-lic in desi1nin1 the monitorin1 pro1ram 236 $F 219.92a33. The monitorin1 @uestions may -e ans0ered in the annual evaluation report, as appropriate, and the 9-year comprehensive evaluation report. >onitorin1 shouldG 1. (e purposeful and conducted to ans0er specific @uestions. 2. (e focused on the critical activities that affect achievement of the desired conditions. 3. TaEe into account the -est availa-le science 2F<> 1921.63 and esta-lished protocols 2F<> 19803. 8. <upport and reinforce adaptive mana1ement of the unit. 9. (e coordinated to the eAtent practica-le 0ith adDacent &ational Forest <ystem units, the e1ional 'ffice, and other 1overnment land mana1ement a1encies to maAimi5e efficiency.

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6. (e carried out in colla-oration 0ith others to share the 0orEload, 1ain eApertise of others, and -uild credi-ility and trust, as appropriate. ?. (e desi1ned to operate efficiently 0ithin current and eApected -ud1etary levels. 6. #nclude !>< monitorin1 for mana1in1 si1nificant environmental aspects, achievin1 !>< o-Dectives and tar1ets, and improvin1 environmental performance related to land mana1ement plan implementation. 1921$31 2 P1* M# ("#,( / P,#/,*m De.(/ #n desi1nin1 the plan monitorin1 pro1ram, the esponsi-le 'fficialG 1. <hould consider on1oin1 proDect and activity monitorin1. 2. <hould esta-lish and apply a screenin1 process 2F<K 1909.12, section 12.13 to ensure that only feasi-le and meanin1ful monitorin1 activities are conducted, and in a manner that is practical and afforda-le. 3. <hould store and mana1e monitorin1 data in corporate applications such as &atural esource #nformation <ystem 0henever the capa-ility eAists 8. <hould develop a multi-year monitorin1 1uide that descri-es protocols, data-ases, and a monitorin1 schedule 9. <hall develop an annual monitorin1 action or 0orE plan to identify the specific monitorin1 tasEs to -e accomplished and the -ud1et and personnel associated 0ith those tasEs. 1921$< 2 P+01(' P*,"('(-*"(# * ! C#11*0#,*"(# 1921$<1 2 P+01(' P*,"('(-*"(# 2<ee 36 $F 219.9/ F<> 1626, and F<K 1909.12, ch. 30 for additional direction.3 The esponsi-le 'fficial must ensure open and meanin1ful pu-lic participation 216 )<$ 1608d, 36 $F 219.93. .u-lic participation may involve a spectrum of activities ran1in1 from informin1 or notifyin1 the pu-lic a-out the plannin1 process, to 0orEin1 colla-oratively and cooperatively to share ideas and develop plan components. .u-lic participation in land mana1ement plannin1 must include opportunities for the interested pu-lic to 0orE colla-oratively 0ith the a1ency durin1 the plannin1 process. +s a minimum, the esponsi-le 'fficial shall involve the pu-lic in developin1 and updatin1 the comprehensive evaluation report, plan components, and monitorin1 pro1ram.

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The esponsi-le 'fficial has discretion to determine the methods and timin1 for pu-lic participation in the plannin1 process 0hile providin1 opportunities for Tri-al 1overnments, Federal, <tate and local 1overnment a1encies, and other interested or affected individuals or 1roups to participate. <ee F<> 1963 for re@uirements for consultation and coordination 0ith tri-al 1overnments. &F>+ re@uires pu-lic participation methods similar to those re@uired -y &!.+. .u-lic participation methods should -e consistent 0ith applica-le environmental mana1ement systems and &ational !nvironmental .olicy +ct processes. 1921$<2 2 C#11*0#,*"(# The esponsi-le 'fficial shall include colla-orative 0ays of 0orEin1 to1ether in addition to other pu-lic participation methods. The esponsi-le 'fficial should identify and notify potentially interested or affected parties as early in the process as possi-le and, as a minimum, provide opportunities to en1a1e in the comprehensive evaluation of the need-for-chan1es to the plan, development of the plan components, and desi1n of the monitorin1 pro1ram. + colla-orative approach to land mana1ement plannin1 0ill not 1uarantee that every issue 0ill -e fully resolved or that consensus 0ill -e reached amon1 all participants and staEeholders. The esponsi-le 'fficial may determine 0hen to move for0ard to complete the plannin1 tasE 0hile continuin1 to meet other pu-lic participation and notification re@uirements. 1921$<: 2 P+01(' N#"(&('*"(# 2<ee 36 $F 219.92-3 and F<K 1909.12, ch. 20 for additional direction.3 1921$<9 2 P,()*'> #& C#mme ". Re'e()e! esponsi-le 'fficials must include 0ritten comments received durin1 the plannin1 process, includin1 names and addresses of those 0ho commented, as part of the pu-lic record availa-le for pu-lic inspection. The esponsi-le 'fficial shall accept and consider comments su-mitted anonymously. 1921$<3 2 A)*(1*0(1("> #& I &#,m*"(# 2<ee 9 )<$ 992/ F<> 62?0, F<K 6209.13 for additional direction.3 The esponsi-le 'fficial, to the eAtent practica-le and le1ally allo0ed, should maEe information developed as part of the plannin1 process pu-licly availa-le. The esponsi-le 'fficial should encoura1e an open eAchan1e of ideas and information -et0een the a1ency and interested pu-lic throu1hout the plannin1 process. The esponsi-le 'fficial may 0ithhold draft documents or other information 0here consistent 0ith eAemptions under the Freedom of #nformation +ct 29 )<$ 9923. The esponsi-le 'fficial must 0ithhold documents su-Dect to the .rivacy +ct 29 ).<.$. 992a3 or other la0s prohi-itin1 the pu-lic disclosure of information.

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1921$; 2 S+."*( *0(1("> The overall 1oal of mana1in1 the &ational Forest <ystem 2&F<3 is to sustain the multiple uses of its rene0a-le resources in 0ays that -est meet the needs of the +merican people in perpetuity 0hile maintainin1 the lon1-term productivity of the land. This ena-les the &F< to provide sustaina-le systems and contri-ute to sustaina-le flo0s of uses, -enefits, products, services, and visitor opportunities. The concept of sustaina-ility inte1rates three interrelated and interdependent elementsG social, economic, and ecolo1ical. (y 0orEin1 0ith other Forest <ervice units, other a1encies, and communities, the esponsi-le 'fficial should develop a plan that identifies opportunities to contri-ute to the overall sustaina-ility of social, economic, and ecolo1ical systems. $ontri-utions to the sustaina-ility of these systems are limited -y a1ency authorities, -ud1et, and the capa-ility of the plan area 2Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, part 219, section 219.103. + plan should inte1rate the elements of sustaina-ility since social and economic conditions affect, and are affected -y, ecolo1ical conditions, and liEe0ise ecolo1ical conditions affect, and are affected -y, social and economic conditions. Fith a plan approval, the esponsi-le 'fficial should identify the &ational Forest or HrasslandLs contri-utions to sustaina-ility and should indicate 0hat to sustain, for 0hom, ho0, for ho0 lon1, and at 0hat cost for the present and the future. 1921$;1 2 A!!,e..( / S+."*( *0(1("> ( P1* . #n developin1, amendin1, or revisin1 a plan, the esponsi-le 'fficial shouldG 1. Frame sustaina-ility usin1 conditions or trends of social, economic, and ecolo1ical systems/ 2. !sta-lish plan components, especially desired conditions, in response to connections -et0een the &ational Forest <ystem lands and social, economic, and ecolo1ical systems/ 3. $olla-oratively identify the Eey opportunities, for sustainin1 social, economic, and ecolo1ical systems that the plan may address/ 8. +ddress these Eey considerations -y evaluatin1 ecolo1ical structures, compositions, and processes, and social and economic conditions, trends, and relationships 2see F<K 1909.12, ch. 803/ 9. #nte1rate the social, economic and ecolo1ical elements of sustaina-ility 2see F<K 1909.12, ch. 803.

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1921$;2 2 S#'(*1 * ! E'# #m(' S+."*( *0(1("> The overall 1oal related to social and economic elements of sustaina-ility is to contri-ute to sustainin1 social and economic systems that are affected -y Forest <ervice mana1ement 0ithin the plan area 236 $F 219.102a33. For effective evaluation, the esponsi-le 'fficial should identify and understand the social and economic systems related to the plan area. 1921$;2* 2 A!!,e..( / S#'(*1 * ! E'# #m(' S+."*( *0(1("> ( P1* . The esponsi-le 'fficial should colla-oratively develop plan components to 1ain -road and diverse perspectives a-out sustainin1 social and economic systems in the plan area 2see F<> 1921.63. #n addressin1 contri-utions to sustainin1 social and economic systems in the plan, the esponsi-le 'fficial shouldG 1. !sta-lish desired conditions that contri-ute to sustainin1 social and economic systems usin1 an interdisciplinary and colla-orative approach/ 2. !sta-lish plan o-Dectives, such as important roles and contri-utions the Forest <ervice can play, to achieve or maintain desired conditions/ and 3. !sta-lish performance measures to evaluate pro1ress in achievin1 desired conditions. 1921$;20 2 E)*1+*"( / C# ",(0+"(# . "# S#'(*1 * ! E'# #m(' S+."*( *0(1("> #n evaluatin1 contri-utions to sustainin1 social and economic systems, the esponsi-le 'fficial shouldG 1. For economic systems, consider the chan1in1 conditions and trends that affect relevant economic indicators such as employment, income, capital, housin1, and fiscal health for important economic units such as individuals, households, industries, communities, re1ions, state and local 1overnments, tri-es, and the nation. 2. For social systems, consider the chan1in1 conditions and trends that affect relevant social indicators such as health, safety, and @uality of lifestyle for important social units such as individuals, families, communities and the nation. 3. $onsider ho0 plan components contri-ute to sustainin1 social and economic systems. 8. $onsider the performance of the plan components in achievin1 desired conditions for sustainin1 social and economic systems.

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9. .eriodically determine 0hether the plan components, especially the desired conditions, for contri-utin1 to sustaina-le social and economic systems remain valid. 6. "etermine 0hether the evaluations indicate the need for chan1e in the plan. 1921$;2' 2 E)*1+*"(# #& C#m-1(* 'e C("= Le/*1 Re@+(,eme ". &#, C()(1 R(/=". * ! E )(,# me "*1 E+."('e The esponsi-le 'fficial shall ensure that civil ri1hts impacts are considered durin1 the land mana1ement plannin1 process in accordance 0ith "epartmental e1ulation 2">3 8300-8 and F<> 1?30.8. $onsider any civil ri1hts impacts and any disproportionate ne1ative impacts of plan approval to minority or lo0-income populations early in the plannin1 process and, if 0arranted, throu1hout the process and the land mana1ement plan itself. Further direction on civil ri1hts impact analyses is found at F<K 1?09.11, chapter 30. !nvironmental Dustice issues associated 0ith plan approval should -e eAamined as directed -y "epartmental e1ulation 9600-2 and $ouncil on !nvironmental Ouality pu-lication titled B!nvironmental Justice - Huidance )nder the &ational !nvironmental .olicy +ct,C located at httpG,,,nepa,re1s,eD,Dustice.pdf. 1921$;: 2 E'#1#/('*1 E)*1+*"(# #& S+."*( *0(1("> The overall 1oal of the ecolo1ical element of sustaina-ility is to provide a frame0orE to contri-ute to sustainin1 native ecolo1ical systems -y providin1 ecolo1ical conditions to support diversity of native plant and animal species in the plan area 236 $F 219.102-33. .lannin1 for ecolo1ical sustaina-ility is accomplished throu1h a hierarchical and iterative approach that analy5es and provides 1uidance for ecosystem diversity and species diversity. The intent of this hierarchical approach is to contri-ute to ecolo1ical conditions appropriate for -iolo1ical communities and species -y developin1 effective 1uidance for ecosystem diversity and supplementin1 it 0ith species-specific direction as needed, thus improvin1 plannin1 efficiency. >ana1ement for ecosystem diversity seeEs to provide, 0here feasi-le, for -iolo1ical communities, associated physical features, and natural distur-ance processes that are the desired components of native ecosystems. >ana1ement for species diversity, in conDunction 0ith mana1ement for ecosystem diversity, helps provide appropriate ecolo1ical conditions for federally-listed species, species-of-concern, and species-of-interest. The contri-ution of &ational Forests and Hrasslands to species diversity is limited -y factors -eyond the a1encies control such as le1al authorities, -ud1et, and the capa-ility of the land area.

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#n the evaluation of ecosystem and species diversity, more ri1orous analysis is appropriate 0here risEs to ecosystems and species 0ithin the authority and responsi-ility of the Forest <ervice are hi1h, or 0here potential mana1ement is compleA. =ess ri1orous analysis may -e used 0here risE and compleAity are lo0. The ecolo1ical evaluation is a determination of characteristics of ecolo1ical systems that are functionin1 in a 0ay that contri-utes to diversity over time, and those characteristics for 0hich adDustment may -e re@uired. The relative role that the Forest <ervice plays in contri-utin1 to ecolo1ical sustaina-ility, and opportunities for colla-orative efforts, should -e identified. 1921$;:* 2 E'#.>."em D()e,.("> !cosystem characteristics include the structure, composition, and processes of the -iolo1ical and physical resources in the plan area. The esponsi-le 'fficial shall select ecosystem characteristics that 0ill -e the focus of evaluation and plan components. #dentify ecosystem characteristics throu1h consideration of comprehensive evaluation reports, annual evaluation reports, -est availa-le science, colla-orative activities, and other means. The primary approach for evaluation of characteristics of ecosystem diversity is estimatin1 the ran1e of variation that eAisted under historic distur-ance re1imes and comparin1 that ran1e to current and proDected future conditions 2F<K 1909.12, sections. 83.13 to 83.193. 'ther approaches may -e used 0here the ran1e of variation cannot -e relia-ly estimated or does not provide an appropriate conteAt for mana1ement. The esponsi-le 'fficial uses evaluations 236 $F 219.63 to determine possi-le risEs to the sustaina-ility of ecosystem diversity over time, the potential contri-ution of &F< lands to ecosystem diversity of the lar1er landscape, and needed chan1e. 1921$;:0 2 S-e'(e. D()e,.("> Federally-listed species, species-of-concern, and species-of-interest shall -e identified for the species diversity evaluation. <pecies-of-concern are those species for 0hich the esponsi-le 'fficial determines that plan components may -e necessary to prevent listin1 under the !ndan1ered <pecies +ct. <pecies-of-interest are those species for 0hich the esponsi-le 'fficial determines that plan components may -e necessary or desira-le to achieve ecolo1ical or other multiple use o-Dectives 236 $F 219.163. <pecies-of-interest may include invasive species 0hich may -e identified for control purposes to achieve or restore desired conditions. The esponsi-le 'fficial should use procedures in F<K 1909.12, section 83 to identify specific federally-listed, species-of-concern, and species-of-interest in the plan area. Fhen identifyin1 these specific species, the esponsi-le 'fficial should consider plants and animals that could -e lista-le entities under the !ndan1ered <pecies +ct. <pecies 1roups or surro1ate species may -e used as an analytical tool to maEe analysis and development of plan components more efficient. #f identified, use surro1ate species solely for purposes of evaluation and analysis of species diversity. There is no population monitorin1 or

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inventory re@uirement for any identified surro1ate species. <ee F<K 1909.12, section 83, for considerations re1ardin1 species 1roupin1 and identifyin1 surro1ate species. The spatial scale for evaluation of species should reflect the scale at 0hich populations of the species operate. )sin1 a variety of information sources and focusin1 on federally-listed species, species-ofconcern, and species-of-interest, the esponsi-le 'fficial must 213 determine the contri-ution made to species diversity -y provisions for ecosystem diversity, and 223 identify those species for 0hich additional plan components are needed. (ased on the contri-ution of components for ecosystem diversity, development of additional plan components may not -e needed for some identified species. 1921$;9 2 P1* O-"(# De)e1#-me " For considerations of options, see F<K 1909.12, section 29. 1921$;3 2 T,e ! A *1>.(. For trend analysis re@uirements, see F<K 1909.12, section 28. 1921$;< 2 P1* C#m-# e ". &#, S+."*( *0(1("> 1921$;<* 2 S+."*( ( / S#'(*1 * ! E'# #m(' S>."em. The esponsi-le 'fficial must include plan components for contri-utin1 to social and economic sustaina-ility in the plan area. These components provide a frame0orE for contri-utions of the plan to the social and economic 0ell--ein1 of communities, re1ions, and the nation throu1h the provision for the uses, values, products, services, visitor opportunities, and other -enefits 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 823. 1921$;<0 2 S+."*( ( / E'#.>."em D()e,.("> )se the understandin1 derived from the analysis of ecosystem diversity and evaluation of the need for chan1e to the current plan to develop plan components that create a frame0orE to contri-ute to achievin1 desired conditions for the selected characteristics of ecosystem diversity. "esired conditions may include the maintenance or restoration of selected characteristics of ecosystem diversity. 1921$;<' 2 S+."*( ( / S-e'(e. D()e,.("> "evelopment of plan components for species diversity should considerG 1. The conditions that are liEely to result from the plan components for ecosystem diversity, ve1etative successional processes, distur-ance patterns/ and 2. The results of the species diversity evaluation.

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+dditional plan components may -e needed -ased on the difference -et0een the conditions provided -y the plan components for ecosystem diversity and species needs determined in the species diversity evaluation. The com-ined plan components for ecosystem diversity and species diversity must help provide appropriate ecolo1ical conditions for federally-listed species, species-of-concern, and species-of-interest. .lan components for federally-listed species must comply 0ith re@uirements and procedures of the !ndan1ered <pecies +ct and should, as appropriate, implement approved recovery plans and,or address threats identified in listin1 decisions. .lan components for species-of-concern should provide appropriate ecolo1ical conditions to help avoid the need to list the species under the !ndan1ered <pecies +ct. +ppropriate ecolo1ical conditions may include ha-itats that are an appropriate @uality, distri-ution, and a-undance to allo0 self-sustainin1 populations of the species to -e 0ell distri-uted and interactive, 0ithin the -ounds of the life history, distri-ution, and natural population fluctuations of the species 0ithin the capa-ility of the landscape and consistent 0ith multiple-use o-Dectives. + self-sustainin1 population is one that is sufficiently a-undant and has appropriate population characteristics to provide for its persistence over many 1enerations. The follo0in1 points descri-e appropriate considerations for plan components -ased on the portion of the ran1e of a species-of-concern that overlaps a plan area. Fhen a plan area encompassesG 1. The entire ran1e of a species, the plan components should contri-ute appropriate ecolo1ical conditions for the species throu1hout that ran1e. 2. 'ne or more naturally disDunct populations of a species, the plan should contri-ute appropriate ecolo1ical conditions that contri-ute to supportin1 each population over time. 3. 'nly a part of a population, the plan should contri-ute appropriate ecolo1ical conditions to support that population. Fhere environmental conditions needed to support a species-of-concern have -een si1nificantly altered on &F< lands so that it is technically infeasi-le to provide appropriate ecolo1ical conditions that 0ould contri-ute to supportin1 self-sustainin1 populations, the plan should contri-ute to the ecolo1ical conditions needed for self-sustainin1 populations to the de1ree practica-le. .lan components for species-of-interest also should -e -ased on the a-ove concepts to the de1ree determined appropriate -y the esponsi-le 'fficial. Ko0ever, if a plan component 0ill not contri-ute appropriate ecolo1ical conditions to maintain a desired or desira-le species-ofinterest, the esponsi-le 'fficial must document the rationale and multiple-use tradeoffs for this decision in the plan set of documents.

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1921$F 2 T=e R#1e #& S'(e 'e <cience refers to Eno0led1e, information, concepts, methods, and theories -ased on or1ani5ed systems of facts learned from study, o-servation, and eAperience. <cience is -rou1ht into the plannin1 process throu1h evaluations, other information 1atherin1, and syntheses. The application of science in plannin1 provides the esponsi-le 'fficial 0ith Eno0led1e, methods, and eApert revie0 in order to inform the plannin1 process. 1921$F1 2 4e." A)*(1*01e S'(e 'e The esponsi-le 'fficial shall demonstrate that the -est availa-le science 236 $F 219.113 is taEen into account durin1 the plannin1 process -y usin1 appropriate procedures includin1G 1. Timely and comprehensive 1atherin1 of peer-revie0ed and other @uality-controlled literature, studies, or reports related to the plannin1 issues. 2. +ssessin1 the information for pertinence -ased on o-Dectivity, utility, relevance, and inte1rity. 3. <ynthesi5in1 the pertinent information for application in the plannin1 process. 8. (ased on assumptions and professional Dud1ment, applyin1 the -est availa-le science synthesis to the plannin1 process, includin1 developin1 plan components and evaluatin1 plan outcomes. The level of effort should -e commensurate 0ith the compleAity of the plannin1 activity involved, the importance of the issues identified in the plannin1 process, and availa-ility of recent syntheses. $ost should -e considered in the decision of ho0 to apply the -est availa-le science in the plannin1 effort. 1921$F2 2 U 'e,"*( "> ( S'(e 'e (ecause understandin1 a-out social, economic, and ecolo1ical processes and conditions is evolvin1, the -est availa-le science may -e uncertain. <ources of uncertainty include incomplete or conflictin1 scientific information/ assumptions, interpretation, and eAtrapolation of information/ and predictions of future conditions or trends. <ome level of uncertainty 0ill persist relative to all plan components, even 0hen the esponsi-le 'fficial documents that -est availa-le science 0as appropriately identified, interpreted, and taEen into account. The esponsi-le 'fficial shall evaluate su-stantial uncertainty in the -est availa-le science -y 213 identifyin1 the sources of uncertainty and 223 assessin1 ho0 these uncertainties influence the plannin1 process. The evaluation of uncertainty should -e commensurate 0ith the sensitivity of plannin1 outcomes to these uncertainties.

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1921$F: 2 R(.D ( P1* C#m-# e ". There is risE inherent in plannin1 for systems as compleA as the &ational Forests <ystem 2F<> 19093. isE may arise from tradeoffs -et0een plan components or from unplanned natural or human distur-ances. (ased on scientifically-informed reasonin1 and Dud1ment, the esponsi-le 'fficial shall evaluate su-stantial risEs -y identifyin1 and assessin1G 1. The liEelihood that the desired condition and o-Dectives may not contri-ute to sustaina-ility. 2. The tradeoffs -et0een plan components for contri-utin1 to sustaina-ility. 3. Ko0 unplanned distur-ances may cause a departure from desired conditions or plan o-Dectives and the conse@uences of not meetin1 these. The distur-ances considered should -e reasona-ly foreseea-le, or ecolo1ically, socially or economically note0orthy. The evaluation of risE should -e commensurate 0ith the sensitivity of plannin1 outcomes to these risEs. isE associated 0ith the development of plan components should -e evaluated throu1hout the plannin1 process. 1921$F9 2 D#'+me "*"(# The esponsi-le 'fficial shall identify, maintain, and document for future indeAin1 the sources of scientific information 1athered and applied throu1hout the plannin1 process. #ndeAed documentation should -e sufficient to disclose ho0 and 0hat scientific information 1athered, assessed, synthesi5ed, and applied in the plannin1 process. The esponsi-le 'fficial shall disclose evaluations of su-stantial uncertainty and risE in the plan set of documents. The disclosure of uncertainty shall include the evidence for and controversy re1ardin1 Eey assumptions that influence plannin1 outcomes. The esponsi-le 'fficial shall document the process and results of the revie0 of the -est availa-le science applied durin1 the plannin1 process 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 813. 1921$F3 2 C# .(!e,*"(# * ! A--1('*"(# #& S'(e 'e Fhile the aim of research activities is to add to the -ody of scientific Eno0led1e, plannin1 dra0s from and applies this eAistin1 -ody of scientific Eno0led1e. To assure the plannin1 process properly accomplishes this, the esponsi-le 'fficial shall conduct timely and su-stantive revie0s of the -est availa-le science applied durin1 the plannin1 process. +t a minimum, the esponsi-le 'fficial shall assess the scientific credi-ility of theG

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1. >ethods selected and applied to evaluate plan components. 2. #nformation 1athered and applied for these evaluations. 3. <ynthesis, interpretation, and inferences dra0n from these evaluations. To esta-lish that the -est availa-le science 0as appropriately interpreted and taEen into account in the plannin1 process, the esponsi-le 'fficial should use revie0 procedures descri-ed in F<K 1909.12, section 81. The procedure chosen should -e commensurate 0ith the importance of the issues under consideration, and the level of scientific uncertainty and perceived risE. evie0s may -e undertaEen at any point durin1 the plannin1 process, -ut must -e completed -efore approval of the plan. 1921$9 2 E )(,# me "*1 M* */eme " S>."em Re@+(,eme ". &#, L* ! M* */eme " P1* ( / 2<ee 36 $F 219.9, F<> 1331, and F<K 1909.12, section 23 for additional direction.3 1. The esponsi-le 'fficial must esta-lish an environmental mana1ement system 2!><3 for each &ational Forest <ystem 2&F<3 unit developin1, revisin1, and amendin1 plans under 36 $F 219.9 and 36 $F 219.18 and include the scope of the unitPs activities, products, and services implementin1 the plan. 2. The !>< must conform to the consensus standard developed -y the #nternational 'r1ani5ation for <tandardi5ation 2#<'3 and adopted -y the +merican &ational <tandards #nstitute 2+&<#3 as B#<' 18001G !nvironmental >ana1ement <ystems ; <pecification 0ith Huidance for )seC 236 $F 219.93. 3. .lan development, amendments, or revisions under 36 $F 219 may -e approved once an !>< internal audit 2#<' 18001 28.9.933 and mana1ement revie0 2#<' 18001 28.633 are complete. 1922 2 4AC5COUNTR6 AND PRIMITIVE AREAS 7RESERVED8 192: 2 WILDERNESS EVALUATION $onsideration of 0ilderness suita-ility is inherent in land mana1ement plannin1. +lthou1h the .resident and the <ecretary may recommend that certain areas -e desi1nated as 0ilderness, $on1ress reserves the authority to actually desi1nate areas as 0ilderness. #n addition, the $on1ress may direct the study of specific areas and provide other 1uidance on 0ilderness evaluations throu1h specific 0ilderness le1islation.

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192:$01 2 A+"=#,("> <pecific authority for the study and desi1nation of 0ilderness is contained in the Filderness +ct of <eptem-er 3, 1968 216 ).<.$. 1131, .u-. =. 66-9??3 and the !astern Filderness +ct of January 3, 19?9 216 ).<.$. 1132, .u-. =. 93-6223. For 0ilderness study, see F<K 1909.19 to determine the applica-le &!.+ documentation. 192:$0: 2 P#1('> 1. +ny inventoried roadless area recommended for 0ilderness or desi1nated 0ilderness study is not availa-le for any use or activity that may reduce the 0ilderness potential of an area. +ctivities currently permitted may continue, pendin1 desi1nation, if the activities do not compromise 0ilderness values of the area. 2. )nless other0ise provided -y la0, all roadless, undeveloped areas that satisfy the definition of 0ilderness found in section 22c3 of the Filderness +ct of 1968 should -e evaluated and considered for recommendation as potential 0ilderness areas durin1 plan development or revision. #nventory criteria are listed in F<K 1909.12, chapter ?0. 3. The follo0in1 areas may -e evaluatedG a. &e0ly identified roadless, undeveloped areas and areas 213 previously identified in the Forest <ervice oadless +rea $onservation Final !nvironmental #mpact <tatement 2Jolume 2, &ovem-er 20003, 223 in a unit plan, or 233 in a land mana1ement plan, 0hich remain roadless and undeveloped and have not yet -een desi1nated as 0ilderness or for non0ilderness uses -y la0. -. +reas conti1uous to eAistin1 0ilderness, primitive areas, or administratively proposed 0ildernesses, re1ardless of a1ency Durisdiction for the 0ilderness or proposed 0ilderness. c. +reas that are conti1uous to roadless and undeveloped areas in other Federal o0nership that have identified 0ilderness potential. d. +reas desi1nated -y $on1ress for 0ilderness study, administrative proposals pendin1 -efore $on1ress, and other le1islative proposals pendin1 0hich have -een endorsed -y the .resident. For each area su-Dect to evaluation under para1raph 3, the determination of the si1nificant resource issues shall -e developed 0ith pu-lic participation and, at a minimum, considerG 1. The values of the area as 0ilderness.

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2. The values fore1one and effects on mana1ement of adDacent lands as a conse@uence of 0ilderness desi1nation. 3. Feasi-ility of mana1ement 2F<K 1909.12, sec. ?2.13 as 0ilderness, in respect to si5e, nonconformin1 use, land o0nership patterns, and eAistin1 contractual a1reements or statutory ri1hts. 8. .roAimity to other desi1nated 0ilderness and relative contri-ution to the &ational Filderness .reservation <ystem. 9. The anticipated lon1-term chan1es in plant and animal species diversity, includin1 the diversity of natural plant and animal communities of the plan area and the effects of such chan1es on the values for 0hich 0ilderness areas 0ere created. 192:$09 2 Re.-# .(0(1("> 192:$09* 2 C=(e& !Ahi-it 01 displays responsi-ilities that the $hief reserves 0hen an area is recommended for 0ilderness or $on1ress authori5es a 0ilderness study.

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1923. !a " E#$ibit 1 %$ief&s 'esponsibi(ities )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 2 , -(annin+ 'u(e1 1. >ay revie0 prior to pu-lishin1 the pu-lic notice commencin1 the 30-day o-Dection period 236 $F 219.92-32332iii33 for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision if the approval document 0ould maEe preliminary administrative recommendations 22F<K 1909.12, sec. 11.193.3. 2. evie0 the study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document and transmit to <ecretary of +1riculture for further consideration. 3. .repare le1islation and coordinate revie0 of the le1islative proposal 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et. )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 19.2 -(annin+ 'u(e2 1. >ay revie0 prior to printin1 the final !#< for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision if record of decision 0ould maEe preliminary administrative recommendations 2F<> 1926.31-3. 2. Transmit the final study report and,or le1islative environmental impact statement eAtracted from F!#< and record of decision to <ecretary of +1riculture for further consideration. 3. .repare le1islation and coordinate revie0 of the le1islative proposal 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et.

/e+is(ative(y 0andated Study 1. evie0 prior to printin1 the preliminary and final study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document. 2. Transmit final study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document to <ecretary of +1riculture for approval. 3. .repare le1islation and coordinate revie0 of the le1islative proposal 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et.

2009 plannin1 rule : )nder the authority of Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, part 219;.lannin1, su-part +--&ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1, pu-lished January 9, 2009 2?0 F 10233, plans may -e developed, amended, or revised under the 2009 plannin1 rule 2January 9, 2009 2?0 F 102333.

1962 plannin1 rule -- <ome plan amendments or plan revisions may use provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2<ee 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003.

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192:$090 2 Re/(# *1 F#,e."e, !Ahi-it 01 displays e1ional Forester responsi-ilities for an area recommended for 0ilderness or $on1ress authori5es a 0ilderness study.
1923. !b " E#$ibit 1 'e+iona( )orester 'esponsibi(ities )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 2 , -(annin+ 'u(e 1. For0ardin1 the tentative preliminary administrative recommendations to the $hief. 2. )pon re@uest of the $hief, revie0in1 and for0ardin1 the study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document supportin1 preliminary administrative recommendations of the plan, plan amendment, or plan revision. 3. )pon re@uest of the $hief, prepare a le1islative proposal 2F<K 1909.12, ch. ?03. )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 19.2 -(annin+ 'u(e 1. For0ardin1 the tentative preliminary administrative recommendations to the $hief. 2. >aEin1 preliminary administrative recommendations in record of decision. 3. +pprovin1 mana1ement direction for recommended 0ilderness or recommended 0ilderness study areas. 8. )pon re@uest of the $hief, preparin1 a le1islative proposal 2F<K 1909.12, ch. ?03. /e+is(ative(y 0andated Study 1. evie0in1 and for0ardin1 the preliminary and final 0ilderness study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document to the $hief for approval to print. 2. .reparin1 summary material for su-mission to the <ecretary. 3. .reparin1 a draft transmittal letter 2F<K 1909.12, sec. ?3.23.

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192:$09' 2 F#,e.", G,*..1* !, P,*(,(e, #, O"=e, C#m-*,*01e A!m( (.",*"()e U (" S+-e,)(.#, !Ahi-it 01 displays responsi-ilities of the Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor for the preparation of 0ilderness studies.
1923. !c " E#$ibit 1 )orest1 2rass(and1 -rairie1 or 3t$er %omparab(e 4dministrative *nit Supervisor 'esponsibi(ities )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 2 , -(annin+ 'u(e 1. $onduct necessary 0ilderness evaluations durin1 plan development, plan amendment, or plan revision. 2. >aEe preliminary administrative recommendations in plan approval document. 3. +pprove plan components for recommended 0ilderness or recommended 0ilderness study areas. 8. )pon re@uest of the $hief, prepare applica-le &!.+ document for recommended 0ilderness 2F<K 1909.193. )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 19.2 -(annin+ 'u(e 1. $onduct necessary 0ilderness evaluations durin1 plan development, plan amendment, or plan revision. 2. "evelop mana1ement direction for recommended 0ilderness or recommended 0ilderness study areas.

/e+is(ative(y 0andated Study 1. .repare study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document 2F<K 1909.193. 2. .rint and distri-ute the approved study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document for comment 2F<K 1909.12, sec. ?3.23. 3. .rint and distri-ute the approved study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document to the pu-lic 2F<K 1909.12, sec. ?3.23

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192:$1 2 Re)(eC * ! A--,#)*1 1923-11 2 P,#-#.*1. Re.+1"( / &,#m W(1!e, e.. S"+!(e. I '#,-#,*"e! ( L* ! M* */eme " P1* ., I '1+!( / Le/(.1*"()e1> M* !*"e! S"+!(e. 1. Forest <ervice #dentified <tudy )sin1 2009 .lannin1 ule. .rior to pu-lishin1 the pu-lic notice commencin1 the 30-day o-Dection period 236 $F 219.92-32332iii33 for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision, the esponsi-le 'fficial, throu1h the e1ional Forester, shall notify the $hief -y letter of tentative preliminary administrative recommendations for 0ilderness desi1nation of areas evaluated durin1 the land mana1ement plannin1 process. The land mana1ement plan approval document that maEes preliminary administrative recommendations for 0ilderness must contain the follo0in1 statementG 5$is recommendation is a pre(iminary administrative recommendation t$at wi(( receive furt$er review and possib(e modification by t$e %$ief of t$e )orest Service1 t$e Secretary of 4+ricu(ture1 and t$e -resident of t$e *nited States. 5$e %on+ress $as reserved t$e aut$ority to ma6e fina( decisions on wi(derness desi+nation. Fhen the $hief decides to for0ard preliminary administrative 0ilderness recommendations to the <ecretary, an applica-le &!.+ document shall accompany these recommendations. 2. Forest <ervice #dentified <tudy )sin1 1962 .lannin1 ule. .rior to printin1 the applica-le &!.+ document for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision, the e1ional Forester shall notify the $hief -y letter of the tentative preliminary administrative recommendations for 0ilderness desi1nation of areas evaluated durin1 land mana1ement plannin1 process. The plan approval document that maEes preliminary administrative recommendations for 0ilderness must contain the follo0in1 statementG 5$is recommendation is a pre(iminary administrative recommendation t$at wi(( receive furt$er review and possib(e modification by t$e %$ief of t$e )orest Service1 t$e Secretary of 4+ricu(ture1 and t$e -resident of t$e *nited States. 5$e %on+ress $as reserved t$e aut$ority to ma6e fina( decisions on wi(derness desi+nation. Fhen the $hief decides to for0ard preliminary administrative 0ilderness recommendations to the <ecretary, the study report and information from applica-le &!.+ document and plan approval document shall accompany these recommendations.

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3. =e1islatively >andated <tudy. The $hief shall coordinate inter1overnmental revie0, prepare any le1islation proposal, and coordinate revie0 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et prior to release of the final study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document. 192:$12 2 P,#-#.*1. Re.+1"( / &,#m W(1!e, e.. S"+!(e. N#" I '#,-#,*"e! ( L* ! M* */eme " P1* ., I '1+!( / Le/(.1*"()e1> M* !*"e! S"+!(e. For 0ilderness studies conducted separately from the land mana1ement plannin1 process, follo0 a1ency policy and procedures for implementin1 the &ational !nvironmental .olicy +ct 2&!.+3 2F<K 1909.193 to determine the applica-le &!.+ documentation. To meet the re@uirements of &!.+, the $ouncil on !nvironmental Ouality 2$!O3 re1ulations 280 $F 1906.83, F<> 19903, and F<K 1909.19, the study document may -e com-ined 0ith any applica-le &!.+ document. The Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor shall transmit the study documents for le1islatively mandated studies to the $hief, throu1h the e1ional Forester. Filderness studies conducted outside of the land mana1ement plannin1 process re@uire the same level of detail as for studies conducted in the land mana1ement plannin1 process 2F<K 1909.12, sec. ?83. 1929 2 WILD AND SCENIC RIVER EVALUATION $onsideration of potential 0ild and scenic rivers is an inherent part of the on1oin1 land mana1ement plannin1 process. + river study assesses the eli1i-ility of a river for inclusion in the &ational Fild and <cenic ivers <ystem 2&ational <ystem3 and evaluates the potential physical, -iolo1ical, economic, and social effects of addin1 the river to the &ational <ystem. <ee F<K 1909.12, chapter 60 for the river study process. The study forms the -asis for recommendations to the <ecretary and $on1ress and for le1islative action. 1929$01 2 A+"=#,("> The authority for study and desi1nation of 0ild and scenic rivers is the Fild and <cenic ivers +ct of 'cto-er 2, 1966 2act3, as amended 216 ).<.$. 12?1 et seq.3. The act has t0o provisions for identification of rivers for studyG 213 -y act of $on1ress under <ection 92a3 or 223 throu1h Federal a1ency plannin1 processes under <ection 92d3213. The )nited <tates "epartment of +1riculture and )nited <tates "epartment of the #nterior Huidelines for !li1i-ility, $lassification, and >ana1ement of iver +reas dated <eptem-er ?, 1962 2)<"+-)<"# Huidelines3, supplement the act and provide direction that is more specific. The act and )<"+)<"# Huidelines are included in F<K 1909.12, chapter 90. For river study, see F<K 1909.19 to determine the applica-le &!.+ documentation.

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1929$0: 2 P#1('> 1. $omplete le1islatively mandated study or studies 0ithin the specified study period. 2. #f a systematic inventory of Forest <ervice identified eli1i-le rivers or a comprehensive Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit suita-ility study has -een previously completed and documented, conduct additional assessment and study at the time of a proposed plan, plan amendment, or plan revision only if chan1ed circumstances 0arrant additional revie0 of eli1i-ility or if the esponsi-le 'fficial considers the river suita-ility study an issue. "ocument the process in the appropriate plan document. 3. $onduct studies in close cooperation 0ith affected Federal, <tate, and local a1encies, Tri-al 1overnments, lando0ners, and national and local pu-lics. #nclude a determination of possi-le <tate participation in the preservation and administration of the river if it is added to the &ational <ystem. 8. For rivers identified eli1i-le for study, mana1e until suita-ility is determined to protect the values for 0hich they mi1ht -e added to the &ational <ystem 2free-flo0, 0ater @uality, and outstandin1ly remarEa-le values3 -y statute for le1islatively mandated study, or -y eAistin1 Forest <ervice authorities for Forest <ervice identified study. efer to F<K 1909.12, sections 62.9 and 62.91 for specific mana1ement 1uidance for each of the river classifications. 1929$09 2 Re.-# .(0(1("> The <ecretary of +1riculture has desi1nated the Forest <ervice as the lead coordinatin1 a1ency for the "epartment of +1riculture in the studies of rivers that involve &ational Forest <ystem lands. 1929$09* 2 C=(e& !Ahi-it 01 displays responsi-ilities the $hief reserves 0hen a river is recommended as a Fild and <cenic iver or $on1ress authori5es a river for study.

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192!. !a " E#$ibit 1 %$ief&s 'esponsibi(ities for 'iver Studies on Nationa( )orest System /ands )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 2 , -(annin+ 'u(e3 1. >ay revie0 prior to pu-lishin1 the pu-lic notice commencin1 the 30-day o-Dection period 236 $F 219.92-32332iii33 for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision if the approval document 0ould maEe preliminary administrative recommendations 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 11.193. 2. evie0 the study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document and transmit to <ecretary of +1riculture for further consideration. 3. .repare le1islation and coordinate revie0 of the le1islative proposal 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et. )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 19.2 -(annin+ 'u(e ! 1. >ay revie0 prior to printin1 the final !#< for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision if record of decision 0ould maEe preliminary administrative recommendations 2F<> 1926.31-3. 2. Transmit the final study report and,or le1islative environmental impact statement eAtracted from !#< and record of decision to <ecretary of +1riculture for further consideration. 3. .repare le1islation and coordinate revie0 of the le1islative proposal 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et.

/e+is(ative(y 0andated Study 1. evie0 prior to printin1 the preliminary and final study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document. 2. Transmit the preliminary study report,applica-le &!.+ document for inter1overnmental revie0 as re@uired -y <ection 82-3 of the act. .rovide comments to the e1ion. 3. Transmit the final study report,applica-le &!.+ document to <ecretary of +1riculture for approval. 8. .repare le1islation and coordinate revie0 of the le1islative proposal 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et.

2009 plannin1 rule : )nder the authority of Title 36, $ode of Federal e1ulations, part 219;.lannin1, su-part +--&ational Forest <ystem =and >ana1ement .lannin1, pu-lished January 9, 2009 2?0 F 10233, plans may -e developed, amended, or revised under the 2009 plannin1 rule 2January 9, 2009 2?0 F 102333.

1962 plannin1 rule -- <ome plan amendments or plan revisions may use provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2see 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003.

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1929$090 2 De-+"> C=(e&, N*"(# *1 F#,e." S>."em, W*.=( /"# O&&('e The "eputy $hief, &ational Forest <ystem, Fashin1ton 'ffice, is responsi-le forG 1. "esi1natin1 the lead e1ion 0hen a le1islatively mandated study river involves more than one e1ion. 2. $oordinatin1 the "epartmental revie0 of other a1ency and <tate Fild and <cenic iver desi1nation proposals su-mitted pursuant to sections 92a3 and 22a32ii3 of the act. 1929$09' 2 Re/(# *1 F#,e."e, The e1ional Forester is responsi-le forG 1. "esi1natin1 the lead unit 0hen a le1islatively mandated or Forest <ervice identified study river involves more than one Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit or more than one e1ion. 2. #nvitin1 the concerned <tate2s3 to participate Dointly in a le1islatively mandated study 0here the "epartment of +1riculture is the lead a1ency 2section 92c3 of act3 and also 0here a Forest <ervice identified study river touch only a small part of &ational Forest <ystem lands 2refer to F<K 1909.12, sec. 63.33. !Ahi-it 01 displays additional responsi-ilities of the e1ional Forester 0hen a river is recommended as a 0ild and scenic river or $on1ress authori5es a river for study.

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192!. !c " E#$ibit 1 'e+iona( )orester 'esponsibi(ities for 'iver Studies on Nationa( )orest System /ands )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 2 , -(annin+ 'u(e 1. For0ard the tentative preliminary administrative recommendations to the $hief. 2. )pon re@uest of the $hief, revie0 and for0ard the study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document supportin1 preliminary administrative recommendations of the plan, plan amendment, or plan revision. 3. )pon re@uest of the $hief, prepare a le1islative proposal 2F<K 1909.12, ch. 603. )orest Service Identified Study *sin+ 19.2 -(annin+ 'u(e 1. "ecide 0hether to evaluate suita-ility for one or more eli1i-le rivers in the plannin1 process. 2. For0ard the tentative preliminary administrative recommendations to the $hief. 3. >aEe preliminary administrative recommendations in record of decision. 8. +pprove mana1ement direction for eli1i-le or suita-le rivers. 9. )pon re@uest of the $hief, prepare a le1islative proposal 2F<K 1909.12, ch. 603.

/e+is(ative(y 0andated Study 1. .rovide t0o copies of the preliminary and final study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document to $hief for approval to print. <u-mit 10 copies of approved and printed preliminary to $hief for inter1overnmental revie0. 2. .repare summary information document and draft transmittal letter from the .resident to the $on1ress 2F<K 1909.12, ch. 603.

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1929$09! 2 F#,e.", G,*..1* !, P,*(,(e, #, O"=e, C#m-*,*01e A!m( (.",*"()e U (" S+-e,)(.#, !Ahi-it 01 displays responsi-ility of the Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor for preparation of 0ild and scenic river studies.
1928.08d : !Ahi-it 01 Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or 'ther $ompara-le +dministrative )nit <upervisor esponsi-ilities for iver <tudies on &ational Forest <ystem =ands )orest Service7Identified Study *sin+ 2 , -(annin+ 'u(e 1. "ecide 0hether to evaluate suita-ility for one or more eli1i-le rivers in the plannin1 process. 2. $onduct any 0ild and scenic studies durin1 plan development, plan amendment, or plan revision. 3. >aEe preliminary administrative recommendations in plan approval document. 8. +pprove plan components for eli1i-le or suita-le rivers. 9. )pon re@uest of the $hief, prepare the applica-le &!.+ document for recommended 0ild and scenic rivers 2F<K 1909.193. )orest Service7Identified Study *sin+ 19.2 -(annin+ 'u(e 1. $onduct any 0ild and scenic studies durin1 plan development, plan amendment, or plan revision. 2. "evelop mana1ement direction for eli1i-le or suita-le rivers. /e+is(ative(y 0andated Study 1. .repare the study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document 2F<K 1909.193. 2. .rint and distri-ute the approved study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document for comment 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 68.23. 3. espond to inter1overnmental and pu-lic comments in the final study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document. 8. .rint and distri-ute the approved final study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document to the pu-lic 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 68.23.

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1929$1 2 Re)(eC * ! A--,#)*1 #nternal revie0 and approval of a Forest <ervice identified 0ild and scenic river recommendations shall meet the same re@uirements as those for land mana1ement plans 22F<K 1909.12, sec. 11.193.and 1926.33. 1929$11 2 P,#-#.*1. Re.+1"( / &,#m R()e, S"+!(e. I '#,-#,*"e! ( L* ! M* */eme " P1* ., I '1+!( / Le/(.1*"()e1> M* !*"e! S"+!(e. 1. Forest <ervice #dentified <tudy )sin1 2009 .lannin1 ule. .rior to pu-lishin1 the pu-lic notice commencin1 the 30-day o-Dection period 236 $F 219.92-32332iii33 for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision, the esponsi-le 'fficial, throu1h the e1ional Forester, shall notify the $hief -y letter of tentative preliminary administrative recommendations on rivers evaluated durin1 land mana1ement plannin1 process. =and mana1ement plan approval documents that maEe preliminary administrative recommendations for rivers must contain the follo0in1 statementG 5$is recommendation is a pre(iminary administrative recommendation t$at wi(( receive furt$er review and possib(e modification by t$e %$ief of t$e )orest Service1 Secretary of 4+ricu(ture1 and t$e -resident of t$e *nited States. 5$e %on+ress $as reserved t$e aut$ority to ma6e fina( decisions on desi+nation of rivers as part of t$e Nationa( 8i(d and Scenic 'ivers System. Fhen the $hief decides to for0ard preliminary administrative river recommendations to the <ecretary, an applica-le &!.+ document shall accompany these recommendations. 2. Forest <ervice #dentified <tudy )sin1 1962 .lannin1 ule. .rior to printin1 the applica-le &!.+ document for a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision, the e1ional Forester shall notify the $hief -y letter of the tentative preliminary administrative recommendations on rivers evaluated durin1 land mana1ement plannin1 process. The plan approval document that maEes preliminary administrative recommendations for rivers must contain the follo0in1 statementG 5$is recommendation is a pre(iminary administrative recommendation t$at wi(( receive furt$er review and possib(e modification by t$e %$ief of t$e )orest Service1 Secretary of 4+ricu(ture1 and t$e -resident of t$e *nited States. 5$e %on+ress $as reserved t$e aut$ority to ma6e fina( decisions on desi+nation of rivers as part of t$e Nationa( 8i(d and Scenic 'ivers System. Fhen the $hief decides to for0ard preliminary administrative river recommendations to the <ecretary, the study report and information from the applica-le &!.+ document and plan approval document shall accompany these recommendations.

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3. =e1islatively >andated <tudy. The $hief shall coordinate inter1overnmental revie0, prepare any le1islation proposal, and coordinate revie0 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et prior to release of the final study report,applica-le &!.+ document 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 68.23. 1929$12 2 P,#-#.*1. Re.+1"( / &,#m R()e, S"+!(e. N#" I '#,-#,*"e! ( L* ! M* */eme " P1* ., I '1+!( / Le/(.1*"()e1> M* !*"e! S"+!(e. 1. Forest <ervice #dentified <tudy. For river studies conducted separately from the land mana1ement plannin1 process, follo0 the a1ency policy and procedures for implementin1 the &ational !nvironmental .olicy +ct 2&!.+3 2F<K 1909.193 to determine the applica-le &!.+ document. To meet the re@uirements of &!.+, the $ouncil on !nvironmental Ouality 2$!O3 re1ulations 280 $F 1906.83, F<> 1990, and F<K 1909.19, the study document may -e com-ined 0ith any applica-le &!.+ document and meet the standard found in F<K 1909.12, section 63.2. .rior to printin1 the final com-ined study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document, the e1ional Forester shall notify the $hief -y letter of the tentative preliminary administrative recommendations. The applica-le &!.+ document should include the follo0in1 statementG 5$is recommendation is a pre(iminary administrative recommendation t$at wi(( receive furt$er review and possib(e modification by t$e %$ief of t$e )orest Service1 Secretary of 4+ricu(ture1 and t$e -resident of t$e *nited States. 5$e %on+ress $as reserved t$e aut$ority to ma6e fina( decisions on desi+nation of rivers as part of t$e Nationa( 8i(d and Scenic 'ivers System. Fhen the $hief decides to for0ard preliminary administrative river recommendations to the <ecretary, the study report,applica-le &!.+ document shall accompany these recommendations. 2. =e1islatively >andated <tudy. The Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor shall transmit throu1h the e1ional Forester the com-ined study report and applica-le &!.+ document to the $hief. The $hief shall coordinate inter1overnmental revie0, prepare any le1islation proposal, and coordinate revie0 0ith the <ecretary and 'ffice of >ana1ement and (ud1et prior to release of the final study report and,or applica-le &!.+ document 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 68.23.

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1923 2 MANAGEMENT OF INVENTORIED ROADLESS AREAS 7RESERVED8 192< 2 LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING USING PLANNING REGULATIONS IN EFFECT 4EFORE NOVEM4ER 9, 2000 This section provides 1uidance to carry out plan development, plan amendment, or plan revision usin1 the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000. <ee F<K 1909.19 to determine the applica-le &!.+ documentation. #n t0o situations, under 36 $F 219.18, esponsi-le 'fficials may continue to use the provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 236 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. 1. .lan development, plan amendments, or plan revisions initiated -efore January 9, 2009. 2. .lan amendments initiated durin1 the transition period. 192<$0: 2 P#1('> #n addition to complyin1 0ith the 1eneral policies and principles set forth in F<> 1920.3, the land mana1ement plannin1 process mustG 1. #nte1rate all resource pro1rams and supportin1 activities. 2. (ase resource inventories on sound samplin1 desi1ns usin1 common definitions and standards. 3. !stimate the 1oods and services, activities, and investments to -e implemented or produced -y decade and display these outputs for the identified Forest and an1eland ene0a-le esources .lannin1 +ct of 19?8 216 ).<.$. 1600 et seq.) time periods. 8. .repare a monitorin1 pro1ram that is responsive to identified issues and sufficient to meet le1al re@uirements for monitorin1 soil, 0ater, air, 0ildlife and fish, ve1etation, and other resources. 192<$09 2 Re.-# .(0(1("> Fhen esponsi-le 'fficials continue to use the provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000, the follo0in1 responsi-ilities are applica-le.

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192<$09* 2 Re/(# *1 F#,e."e, #n addition to the responsi-ilities specified in F<> 1908, it is the responsi-ility of the e1ional Forester toG 1. $oordinate plannin1 efforts -et0een Forests, Hrasslands, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit 0ithin and -et0een adDacent units and e1ions. 2. >aintain @uality control of land mana1ement plans -y ensurin1 that they meet the standards of F<> 1926.21. 3. !nsure land mana1ement plan monitorin1 re@uirements are consistent amon1 adDoinin1 units. 8. evie0, and approve as appropriate, any amendment that results in a si1nificant chan1e to a land mana1ement plan. 192<$090 2 F#,e.", G,*..1* !, P,*(,(e, #, O"=e, A!m( (.",*"()e U (" S+-e,)(.#, #n addition to the responsi-ilities specified in F<> 1908, it is the responsi-ility of the administrative unit <upervisor toG 1. .repare the draft and final land mana1ement plan and applica-le environmental analysis to meet the standards in F<> 1926.21 and 1926.31a. 2. !nsure that the interdisciplinary team inte1rates Eno0led1e of the physical, -iolo1ical, economic, and social sciences, and environmental desi1n in the plannin1 process. 3. $onduct plannin1 activities in a manner fully consistent 0ith the &ational !nvironmental .olicy +ct 2&!.+3, the $ouncil on !nvironmental Ouality 2$!O3 implementin1 re1ulations, the Forest <erviceLs environmental policies and procedures descri-ed in F<> 1990 and F<K 1909.19. 8. "evelop and approve amendments that result in a nonsi1nificant chan1e to the land mana1ement plan. 9. .repare amendments that result in a si1nificant chan1e to the land mana1ement plan and recommend them to the e1ional Forester for approval. 192<$1 2 L* ! M* */eme " P1* 192<$11 2 L* ! M* */eme " P1* ( / P,#'e.. ( / Re.+1".

>inimum results re@uired of land mana1ement plannin1 areG

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1. #dentification of maDor pu-lic issues, mana1ement concerns, and mana1ement opportunities. 2. "evelopment of a set of criteria to 1uide the formulation and evaluation of alternatives. 3. +nalysis of the mana1ement situation that determines -oth the need for and the opportunity to esta-lish or chan1e mana1ement direction. 8. Formulation of a set of alternatives that responds to the si1nificant issues. 9. !valuation of alternatives and identification of a preferred alternative to the eAtent re@uired -y &!.+, $!O re1ulations, and Forest <ervice environmental policies and procedures 2F<> 1990 and F<K 1909.193. 6. + land mana1ement plan that achieves the 18 principles descri-ed in section 219.1 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 236 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. ?. + monitorin1 pro1ram to evaluate pro1ress to0ard achievin1 the 1oals, o-Dectives, and desired future conditions of the plan. 192<$12 2 4e '=m*,D A *1>.(. The development of -enchmarEs is not limited -y Forest <ervice policy or -ud1et, discretionary constraints, or pro1ram and staffin1 re@uirements. (enchmarE analysis 0ill -e conducted in accordance 0ith section 219.122e3213 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2see 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. 192<$1: 2 F#,m+1*"(# #& A1"e, *"()e. Formulate alternatives to meet the re@uirements of sections 219.122f3 and 219.16 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2<ee 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. 192<$19 2 E."(m*"e! E&&e'". #& A1"e, *"()e. The analysis and comparison must -e sufficient to permit an informed selection of the preferred alternative as descri-ed a-ove.

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192<$13 2 Re.#+,'e I "e/,*"(# Re@+(,eme ". W=e U.( / P1* I E&&e'" 4e&#,e N#)em0e, 9, 2000

( / Re/+1*"(# .

e@uirements for inte1ratin1 individual resources includin1 desi1nated 0ilderness and other special areas into the land mana1ement plannin1 process are found in sections 219.18 throu1h 219.2? of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2see 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. The land mana1ement plannin1 process mustG 1. .rovide land mana1ement plan direction for desi1nated 0ilderness, 0ild and scenic rivers, national recreation areas, national trails, national monuments, national scenic areas, research natural areas, national mana1ement emphasis areas, and other identified special interest areas. 2. )se the recreation opportunity spectrum system to determine mana1ement of recreation settin1s, opportunities, and to provide a -road spectrum of eAperiences in response to user preference. 3. !stimate the silvicultural systems and practices to -e applied to lands suita-le for tim-er production. 8. .rovide for mana1ement of land suita-le for tim-er production for sa0tim-er-si5e crop trees unless eAceptions, such as pulp0ood crop trees, are provided for in the land mana1ement plan. +lso, provide for mana1ement of suita-le forest land to provide multiple products includin1, -ut not limited to, sa0lo1s, pulp0ood, poles, posts, and fuel0ood throu1h appropriate silvicultural practices to utili5e site productivity. 9. !stimate output levels for fuel0ood and other nonindustrial 0ood products that do not re@uire secondary processin1 0here sustained demand is anticipated. 6. .ermit a departure sale schedule to temporarily drop -elo0 the -ase tim-er sale schedule at or -eyond the end of the first decade. ?. >eet the intent of the culmination of mean annual increment 2$>+#3 re@uirement -y ensurin1 the total yield from stands at harvest a1e is e@ual to or 1reater than 99 percent of the volume production correspondin1 to $>+#. (ase $>+# on cu-ic measure and on the yield from re1eneration harvests and any additional yields resultin1 from intermediate harvests. 6. !stimate the annual net 1ro0th on lands suita-le for tim-er production for the fifth decade of the land mana1ement plan for at least the preferred alternative.

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9. )se cu-ic foot volume and harvest acres, -y harvest method, as a dual control in re1ulatin1 the amount of tim-er to -e offered and sold as specified -y the allo0a-le tim-er sale @uantity. (ase the control for treatment practices such as site preparation, reforestation, and precommercial thinnin1 on acrea1e measurements. 10. !nsure that the set of mana1ement indicator species meets the re@uirements of 36 $F 219.182f3 and the applica-le provisions of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2see 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. 11. !nsure that mana1ement prescriptions 0ill provide for ha-itat capa-ility to meet demand for mana1ement indicator species and provide access for recreational and commercial uses 0ith minimal distur-ance to species use of suita-le ha-itats. 12. !nsure that, consistent 0ith other resource mana1ement needs, mana1ement prescriptions 0ill provide for pest prevention activities to lessen host suscepti-ility to pest dama1e, increase host vi1or, or other0ise minimi5e pest impact -efore an out-reaE occurs. 13. !nsure the plan provides for the Einds, amounts, and distri-ution of ha-itat needed for recovery of threatened or endan1ered species and needed to maintain via-le, 0ell-distri-uted populations of all eAistin1 native and desired nonnative species. 18. .rovide plan direction for 0ildfire protection and prescri-ed fire use appropriate to efficient attainment of land mana1ement 1oals and o-Dectives. !Acept for plannin1 units 0ith lo0 historic lar1e fire occurrence or lo0 potential for si1nificant 0ildland fires, the esponsi-le 'fficial should consider plan 1uidance for cost containment of fire suppression costs 2F<K 1909.12, sec. 133. 19. #dentify the desired lando0nership pattern and develop 1uidance for lando0nership adDustments to include purchase, donations, eAchan1e, ri1ht-of-0ay ac@uisition, transfers, interchan1es, sales, and -oundary adDustments. Huidance for lando0nership adDustments should emphasi5e the follo0in1 o-DectivesG a. +c@uisition to meet identified resource mana1ement needs. -. +c@uisition contri-utin1 to consolidation that reduces administrative pro-lems and costs and further enhances pu-lic use. c. $onveyance of land -etter suited for non-federal o0nership. 16. .rovide access to ener1y and mineral resources in the most efficient manner and encoura1e industry proposals for resource development on &ational Forest <ystem lands, consistent 0ith the ri1hts that individuals or companies have ac@uired under the mineral leasin1 acts and minin1 la0s and consistent 0ith the o-Dective of the alternatives.

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1?. #dentify the specific access 1uidance and travel mana1ement options availa-le to meet the o-Dectives for each mana1ement prescription. "escri-e ho0 access 0ill -e provided and ho0 travel 0ill -e mana1ed. #nclude the forest transportation system and air and 0ater access. #nte1rate considerations of -iolo1ical, physical, social, and economic factors, and environmental desi1n criteria. =inE access and travel re@uirements and opportunities to the full spectrum of resource o-Dectives for each mana1ement area and alternative. 16. "evelop 1uidance for the development and maintenance of other physical support facilities re@uired to carry out mana1ement o-Dectives. 19. .rovide for consideration of transportation and utility corridor desi1nation and utili5ation. !ner1y ri1ht-of-0ay corridors on Federal land must -e desi1nated and incorporated into the land mana1ement plan in accordance 0ith the !ner1y .olicy +ct of 2009 2.u-lic =a0 109-96, section 3663. $oordinate activities -et0een e1ions and 0ith other Federal and <tate a1encies to desi1nate location, ali1nment, and associated use and occupancy standards for ri1htsof-0ay. 20. "etermine 0atershed condition class and include o-Dectives or prescriptions for improvin1 0atershed conditions 0hen necessary. 21. !nsure municipal 0atershed re@uirements 236 $F 291.93 are incorporated in land mana1ement plan standards and 1uidelines. 22. "evelop 1uidance to maintain surface resources associated 0ith 1round0ater resources. 23. !sta-lish plan 1uidance that 0ill -e used to protect 0ater @uality. 28. .rovide mana1ement direction to protect air @uality related values, includin1 visi-ility, in $lass # Federal areas as re@uired -y the $lean +ir +ct +mendments of 19?? and F<> 2120. 29. .lan for pest prevention and protection appropriate to attainment of land mana1ement 1oals and o-Dectives. 26. .rovide 1uidance for 1eothermal leasin1 and development for areas 0ith hi1h 1eothermal resource potential in accordance 0ith Title 30 )nited <tates $ode, section 8 as amended -y !ner1y .olicy +ct of 2009 2.u-lic =a0 109-96, section 2223. 192<$2 2 L* ! M* */eme " P1* C# "e " <ection 219.11 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2see 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003 esta-lishes minimum re@uirements for content of the land mana1ement plan.

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192<$21 2 S"* !*,!. &#, L* ! M* */eme " P1* . #n addition to the other re@uirements of this chapter, land mana1ement plans must meet the follo0in1 standardsG 1. esource information and other data are factual and accurate.

2. Huidance is ade@uate to 1uide formulation of individual resource pro1rams and schedules needed to implement the plan. 3. +ssumptions, analytical approaches, and data are consistently applied 0ithin the plan. 8. #nterdisciplinary plannin1 and resource coordination are evident. 9. + map delineatin1 mana1ement areas and displayin1 future corridors is included. 192<$: 2 Re)(eC * ! A--,#)*1 #& L* ! M* */eme " P1* . <ection 219.10 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2see 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003 esta-lishes 1eneral re@uirements for revie0 and approval of land mana1ement plans. 192<$:1 2 I "e, *1 Re)(eC The e1ional Forester revie0s land mana1ement plans a1ainst the standards in section 1926.21. 192<$:1* 2 S"* !*,!. &#, Re/(# *1 Re)(eC e1ional revie0 shall ensure thatG 1. !ach land mana1ement plan complies 0ith la0s, re1ulations, policy, and $hiefLs direction. 2. !ach land mana1ement plan is revie0ed a1ainst esources .lannin1 +ct tar1ets and related costs for the unit and the re1ion as a 0hole. 3. The analysis and comparative evaluation, documented in the applica-le &!.+ document, is ade@uate to permit an informed selection of the preferred alternative. 8. The completed land mana1ement plan and applica-le &!.+ document have received an interdisciplinary revie0.

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192<$:10 2 I "e, *1 Re)(eC P,#'e.. 1. Follo0in1 approval -y the e1ional Forester, the Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor prints the draft plan and accompanyin1 applica-le &!.+ document and maEes them availa-le for pu-lic revie0. 2. The e1ional Forester revie0s a summary of the pu-lic comment received on the draft, the response to the pu-lic comment, and the proposed final plan and applica-le &!.+ document. 3. The $hief may re@uire Fashin1ton 'ffice revie0 prior to printin1 of all final plans and their accompanyin1 applica-le &!.+ documents, if the plan maEes recommendations that 0ill ultimately re@uire con1ressional action. !Aamples of con1ressional action include additions to or deletions from the &ational Filderness .reservation <ystem, &ational Trails, &ational ecreation +reas, studies or chan1es to the &ational Fild and <cenic iver <ystem, and proposed adDustments in &ational Forest <ystem -oundaries. 'ther0ise, upon approval of final land mana1ement plan -y the e1ional Forester, the Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor may print and release the final documents unlessG a. The e1ion has specifically re@uested Fashin1ton 'ffice revie0. -. The $hief has specified Fashin1ton 'ffice revie0 -ecause of the de1ree or intensity of controversy, the eAtent of chan1es in the preferred or any other alternative, or if other circumstances 0arrant. 192<$:2 2 EA"e, *1 Re)(eC !Aternal revie0s durin1 the land mana1ement plannin1 process re@uire pu-lic participation and coordination 0ith other pu-lic plannin1 efforts. .rovide pu-lic participation at the earliest sta1es of the process. )se pu-lic participation to identify pu-lic issues durin1 the formal scopin1 process and durin1 revie0 of draft documents. .repare a pu-lic participation plan and maEe this plan a part of the plannin1 records alon1 0ith documented results of participation activities. "ocument results of coordination 0ith other Federal a1encies, Tri-al, <tate, and local 1overnments. 192<$9 2 L* ! M* */eme " P1* Im-1eme "*"(# 192<$91 2 A *1>.(. * ! E)*1+*"(# $onduct analysis and evaluation to esta-lish a rational -asis for maEin1 decisions on proposed proDects or activities. The analysis must provide the esponsi-le 'fficial 0ith relevant information necessary to maEe a decision to select or reDect proposed proDects or activities. The analysis and evaluation must -e sufficient to esta-lish a determination of consistency, comply

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0ith &ational !nvironmental .olicy +ct 2&!.+3 re@uirements, document findin1s, and provide a -asis for selectin1 actions to implement. The follo0in1 provides specific re@uirements for analysis and evaluationG 1. $onfirm and document that the proposed proDect or activity is consistent 0ith the mana1ement direction in the land mana1ement plan. #f an action cannot -e chan1ed to -e consistent, the action must -e reDected or the land mana1ement plan must -e amended as directed in F<> 1926.9. $onsistency determinations, includin1 specific re@uired findin1s, are descri-ed in F<K 1909.12, section 29. 2. &ormally, economic evaluations of proposed proDects or activities that yield or affect priced outputs should -e -ased on cost-efficiency analysis 2F<> 19?03. =and mana1ement plan information may -e used if the underlyin1 analysis 0as sufficiently site specific and if costs and output values have not chan1ed. <elect proDects or activities that are most efficient in follo0in1 land mana1ement plan direction. 3. $omplete environmental analysis -efore approvin1 proDects and activities 2F<> 1990 and F<K 1909.193. 192<$3 2 Ame !me " The need to amend a land mana1ement plan may arise from several sources, includin1 the follo0in1G 1. ecommendations of the Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit interdisciplinary team that are -ased on findin1s that result from monitorin1 and evaluatin1 implementation of the land mana1ement plan 2F<> 1926.?3. 2. Findin1s that eAistin1 or proposed permits, contracts, cooperative a1reements, and other instruments authori5in1 occupancy and use are not consistent 0ith the land mana1ement plan, -ut should -e approved. 3. $han1es necessitated -y resolution of administrative appeals. 8. $han1es in plan 1uidance needed to correct plannin1 errors. 9. $han1es in plan 1uidance necessitated -y chan1ed physical, social, or economic conditions. 6. "esired implementation of proDects or activities outside the scope of the land mana1ement plan. )pon receivin1 advice from the interdisciplinary team that the plan re@uires chan1e, the esponsi-le 'fficial shallG

WO AMENDMENT 1900-2006-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/31/2006 DURATION: T !" a#e$%#e$& !" effe'&!(e )$&!* ")+e,"e%e% o, ,e#o(e%-

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1. "etermine 0hether proposed chan1es to a land mana1ement plan are si1nificant or not si1nificant in accordance 0ith the re@uirements of sections 1926.91 and 1926.92. 2. "ocument the determination of 0hether the chan1e is si1nificant or not si1nificant in a decision document. 3. .rovide appropriate pu-lic notification of the decision prior to implementin1 the chan1es. Findin1s of the esponsi-le 'fficial re1ardin1 the consistency of proDects or activities and actions 0ith the land mana1ement plan and the determination of the si1nificance of an amendment are an inte1ral part of decisions. +s such, they are su-Dect to administrative revie0 under 36 $F 219.18. 192<$31 2 C=* /e. "# "=e L* ! M* */eme " P1* T=*" *,e N#" S(/ (&('* " $han1es to the land mana1ement plan that are not si1nificant can result fromG 1. +ctions that do not si1nificantly alter the multiple-use 1oals and o-Dectives for lon1term land and resource mana1ement. 2. +dDustments of mana1ement area -oundaries or mana1ement prescriptions resultin1 from further on-site analysis 0hen the adDustments do not cause si1nificant chan1es in the multiple-use 1oals and o-Dectives for lon1-term land and resource mana1ement. 3. >inor chan1es in standards and 1uidelines. 8. 'pportunities for additional proDects or activities that 0ill contri-ute to achievement of the mana1ement prescription. The Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor must prepare an amendment to the land mana1ement plan to accommodate a chan1e determined not to -e si1nificant. +ppropriate pu-lic notification is re@uired prior to implementation of the amendment. 192<$32 2 C=* /e. "# "=e L* ! M* */eme " P1* T=*" *,e S(/ (&('* " The follo0in1 eAamples indicate circumstances that may cause a si1nificant chan1e to a land mana1ement planG 1. $han1es that 0ould si1nificantly alter the lon1-term relationship -et0een levels of multiple-use 1oods and services ori1inally proDected 2see section 219.102e3 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2see 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 200033.

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2. $han1es that may have an important effect on the entire land mana1ement plan or affect land and resources throu1hout a lar1e portion of the plannin1 area durin1 the plannin1 period. Fhen a si1nificant chan1e needs to -e made to the land mana1ement plan, the Forest, Hrassland, .rairie, or other compara-le administrative unit <upervisor must prepare an amendment. "ocumentation of a si1nificant chan1e, includin1 the necessary analysis and evaluation should focus on the issues that have tri11ered the need for the chan1e. #n developin1 and o-tainin1 approval of the amendment for si1nificant chan1e to the land mana1ement plan, follo0 the same procedures as are re@uired for developin1 and approvin1 the land mana1ement plan. 2<ee sections 219.102f3 and 219.12 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 236 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 200033. 192<$< 2 Re)(.(# The &ational Forest >ana1ement +ct 2&F>+3 re@uires revision of land mana1ement plans at least every 19 years/ ho0ever, a plan may -e revised sooner if physical conditions or demands on the land and resources have chan1ed sufficiently to affect overall 1oals or uses for the entire unit. To revise a land mana1ement plan, plan revisions initiated after January 9, 2009 must conform to 36 $F 219, after o-tainin1 approval of the $hief to schedule a revision. .lan revisions previously initiated -efore January 9, 2009 may continue to follo0 procedures set forth in section 219.12 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2<ee 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. 192<$; 2 M# ("#,( / * ! E)*1+*"(# $onduct monitorin1 of the land mana1ement plan and of the individual proDects or activities to determine ho0 0ell o-Dectives have -een met and ho0 closely mana1ement standards and 1uidelines have -een applied. >onitorin1 and evaluation re@uirements for the land mana1ement plan are found at section 219.122E3 of the plannin1 re1ulations in effect -efore &ovem-er 9, 2000 2see 36 $F parts 200 to 299, revised as of July 1, 20003. 1. >onitorin1 of the land mana1ement plan is conducted at three levelsG a. #mplementation >onitorin1. #mplementation monitorin1 is desi1ned to determine if plans, prescriptions, proDects, and activities are implemented as desi1ned and in compliance 0ith land mana1ement plan o-Dectives, re@uirements, and standards and 1uidelines. !valuation of implementation monitorin1 may re@uire adDustment of prescriptions and tar1ets or chan1es in plan or proDect administration. -. !ffectiveness >onitorin1. !ffectiveness monitorin1 is desi1ned to determine if plans, prescriptions, proDects, and activities are effective in meetin1 mana1ement direction, o-Dectives, and the standards and 1uidelines. !valuation of the results of effectiveness monitorin1 is used to adDust land mana1ement plan o-Dectives, tar1ets,

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prescriptions, standards and 1uidelines, conservation practices, miti1ation measures, and other -est mana1ement practices and could result in chan1e to or amendment of the land mana1ement plan. c. Jalidation >onitorin1. Jalidation monitorin1 is desi1ned to ascertain 0hether the initial assumptions and coefficients used to develop the land mana1ement plan are correct or if there is a -etter 0ay to meet land mana1ement plannin1 re1ulations, policies, 1oals, and o-Dectives. !valuation of this type of monitorin1 can result in amendment of land mana1ement plans and may -e used to recommend chan1es in la0s, re1ulations, and policies that affect -oth the plan and proDect implementation. 192<$;1 2 M# ("#,( / Re@+(,eme ". 1. Focus monitorin1 on those activities thatG a. +ffect si1nificant mana1ement systems such as total silvicultural systems and other monitorin1 re@uirements. -. +re responsive to stated issues, concerns, and mana1ement opportunities. c. +ffect maDor components of the environment. 2. $oordinate monitorin1 efforts 0ith resource inventory needs to reduce duplication. 3. >onitor to ensure thatG a. The land mana1ement plan complies 0ith applica-le la0s and re1ulations. -. $umulative effects of proDect implementation do not eAceed standards or thresholds stated in the land mana1ement plan. c. .lanned miti1ation actions are implemented and maintained as desi1ned.

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