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CHANA DAL VADA ( PARIPPU VADA ) I am posting my first recipe. The eather is getting co!" "ay #y "ay.

This ee$en"s #&t the co!" ee$en" I as %ery

m&ch at home. I "on't !i$e to coo$ in the #rother(in(!a

eather ma"e me coo$ this

simp!e recipe Chana Va"a (Paripp& Va"a) for the e%ening snac$. I !earne" this recipe from my ho occasiona!!y coo$s mo&th atering "ishes. Chana Va"a can #e ma"e in "ifferent ays. )any a"" cocon&t to the Va"a. Recipe* +or t o

, Re" onion c&t into sma!! pieces - green chi!ies .tsp /inger .01tsp s eet c&min 1tsp Ci!antro A !itt!e of Hing Po "er

To /rin"*

. c&p of Chana Da! (2oa$e" for 1hrs) - Re" chi!ies 2a!t to taste

/rin" the Chana Da!3 Re" Chi!ies

ith 2a!t in a #!en"er or a foo" processor

itho&t a""ing

ater. Don't grin" them into a paste. /rin" them coarse!y. Remo%e the #atter in a %esse!. +ina!!y a"" the ingre"ients (Re" onions3 green chi!ies3 ginger3 s eet c&min3 ci!antro an" hing). )i4 them together. )a$e a ro&n" shape 15 min&tes. 2er%e ith Cocon&t ch&tney or sam#har or tomato sa&ce. ith yo&r han"s r&nning thro&gh the e"ges. Drop the %a"a into the oi!. Deep fry them in hot oi! &nti! they are go!"en #ro n. The ho!e recipe i!! ta$e a#o&t

How to make dhal vadai 2

Pulse the green chilies in a blender until they are coarsely ground. 1. Drain out the water completely from the soaked dal and pulse a couple of more times. 2. The dal should only be coarsely ground and it should NOT become a paste. 3. i! all the ingredients together" e!cept the oil.

#. $t this point you can ad%ust the taste according to your preference. &. 'eat oil in a hea(y bottomed pan. ). eanwhile" take small dumplings out of the dal mi!ture and flatten them in between your palms.

*. Drop the (ada into the hot oil and deep fry until it done.


ake sure to keep the heat between low, medium.

-. .f the heat is too high" the outer portions get cooked faster than the inner" and you/ll end up with either burnt (adas or semi,cooked (adas. 10. Once done" remo(e from oil and drain into paper towels. 11. 1er(e hot with coconut chutney or ketchup or %ust as is and en%oy2 Note: 1. 3hile flattening the dal mi!ture for deep frying" you can make it either (ery flat or lea(e it a little thick. 2. The flatter ones turn out crisp and the thicker ones would be a little soft. 3. 1o" its personal choice to make them flat or thick. #. Ingredients: 1 cup , chana dal" soaked in water for about 3 to # hours 142 , big onion" chopped finely 5omit this" if it is for a festi(al or god/s nei(edyam6 2 , green chilies" low spiced 142 tsp , red chili powder a pinch of hing 3 to # , curry lea(es" chopped finely 142 tbsp , grated coconut" fresh4fro7en 5optional6 1 tbsp , rice flour salt as per taste oil for deep frying

2oa$ chana "a! for 1(1.6 ho&rs. Drain the ater comp!ete!y7

Pat "ry the "raine" "a! ith a c!ean $itchen to e!. /rin" the "a! in mi4ie for a fe secon"s. P!ease note that that the "a! sho&!" #e cr&she" an" sho&!" not #e ma"e into a smooth paste.

A"" a!! the other ingre"ients3 e4cept oi!3 to the "a! an" com#ine it gent!y. )a$e sma!! #a!!s ith the "a! mi4.

Heat oi! in a "eep pan. )ean hi!e3 et yo&r han"s an" f!atten each #a!! ithin yo&r pa!ms. 8hen the oi! is hot eno&gh a"" the f!attene" "a! mi47

+ry the %a"as on !o (me"i&m heat3 ti!! it #ecomes crispy an" a "ar$ sha"e of #ro n. Drain the frie" %a"as on tiss&e paper7

Paripp& Va"a (Lenti! +ritters) A&thor* )aria 9ose Recipe type* 2nac$ Prep time* 1 ho&rs .5 mins Coo$ time* .5 mins Tota! time* 1 ho&rs 15 mins 2er%es* .5(.1 Ingre"ients Chana "a! (sp!it #enga! gram0$a"a!a paripp&) : 1 c&ps ;nion : . #ig3 fine!y choppe" /reen chi!!i : 1(-3 fine!y choppe" /inger : .(1 tsp3 fine!y choppe" +enne! see"s : < tsp (optiona!3 refer notes) C&rry !ea%es : -(= stems3 fine!y choppe" >ayam (asafeti"a) : ? tsp 2a!t ;i! Instr&ctions .. 2oa$ chana "a! in ater for 1 ho&rs. Drain the ater comp!ete!y. )a$e s&re that the ater is "rie" e!!3 pat "ry the "a! ith a c!ean $itchen to e!. 1. Cr&sh the soa$e" an" "raine" "a!3 @&st r&n it in mi4ie for a fe secon"s. )a$e s&re yo& "ont grin" it to a smooth paste. A"" a!! ingre"ients e4cept oi! to the cr&she" "a! an" gent!y mi4 it together. )a$e sma!! #a!!s ith the "a! mi4 (goose#erry siAe). -. Heat oi! for "eep frying pan on high f!ame. 8hen oi! is rea!!y hot3 re"&ce the f!ame to !o ( me"i&m an" a"" the %a"a. Before a""ing to the oi!3 @&st f!atten each #a!! in yo&r pa!m. 8et yo&r han"s #efore f!attening the "o&gh. It is #etter to f!atten the "o&gh @&st #efore a""ing to the oi!3 other ise it may #rea$. =. +ry ti!! the %a"as (fritters) #ecome go!"en #ro n or if yo& !i$e it e4tra crispy3 fry ti!! yo& get a "ar$er sha"e of #ro n. Drain e4cess oi! on a tiss&e paper. 2er%e hot. 6. Co& i!! get aro&n" 15(16 paripp& %a"as of sma!!(me"i&m siAe3 ith the a#o%e Dty. Notes It is #etter to ma$e sma!! siAe %a"a3 so that it gets coo$e" e!!. If yo& ant the a&thentic taste3 &se cocon&t oi!. It is important that the ater is "raine" e!!3 other ise the #atter may #ecome

r&nny an" yo& i!! not #e a#!e to shape it e!!. B&t if yo&r #atter t&rn o&t to #e r&nny3 "ont orry3 @&st "rop the #atter into the oi! &sing a spoon an" fry in the same metho". 8e a""e" fenne! see"s to ha!f the Dty3 as an e4periment. It gi%es a "ifferent taste. It's optiona! to a"" fenne! see"s3 may #e yo& can a!so try a""ing it to a sma!! Dty an" see hether yo& !i$e it. If yo& are &sing3 a"" it a!ong ith the onions an" st&ff. If yo& ant the %a"as to #e rea!!y crispy3 fry it ti!! it #ecomes a #it "ar$er sha"e of #ro n. In some p!aces3 they &se peas "a! for ma$ing this %a"a. 2o if yo& "ont get ho!" of chana "a!3 yo& can try it ith peas "a!. Co& can a!so ma$e this in a"%ance3 if yo& ant to ma$e it in #&!$. Coo$ the "a! an" cr&sh it an" $eep. Chop the %eggies. Refrigerate. Dont mi4 it together3 since the ater from onion can ma$e the #atter soggy. )i4 e%erything together @&st #efore frying. 1.1.E

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