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Cnce more leL us dlscuss Lhe AnLroposophlc phenomenon, !udlLh von Palle (!vP). noL because of her clalms
Lo be a genulne splrlLual researcher or her alleged sLlgmaLa and lnedla (nahrungsloslgkelL), whlch has never
been of speclal lnLeresL Lo us, buL because of Lhe wldespread bellef amongsL AnLhroposophlsLs ln Lhe
reallLy of lL. Agaln, we would llke here Lo conslder dlfferenL posslble lnLerpreLaLlons and polnL Lo Lhelr
lnherenL splrlLual consequences, whlch mlghL brlng new perspecLlves Lo Lhe reader's undersLandlng. We
Lake our deparLure ln !vP's book, uoJ wote t olcbt oofetstooJeo (AoJ lf ne noJ Not 8eeo kolseJ), co-
wrlLLen wlLh eLer 1radowsky (1). ln Lhls book we flnd among oLher lssues a dlscusslon of Lhe resurrecLlon
of ChrlsL, and ln parLlcular of Lhe resurrecLlon body. Some descrlpLlons we can follow wlLhouL any problem,
and Lhey are ln concordance wlLh 8udolf SLelner (8S). 1 presenLs Lhe mosL sysLemaLlc accounL. 1he
phanLom ls Lhe splrlLual physlcal body of man, whlch was creaLed by Lhe 1hrones on old SaLurn. 1hls body
wenL Lhrough Lhe lall of Man and became enLrapped ln maLLer (or maLerlallzed) by Luclfer and Ahrlman
lnLo Lhe maLerlal physlcal body of human lncarnaLlon - correspondlng Lo Lhe stotos cottoptlools of
Lheology. 1he lncarnaLlon of Lhe cosmlc l of ChrlsL ln !esus resLored Lhe phanLom fully Lo lLs orlglnal sLaLe,
Lhe stotos otlqloolls. 8uL noL only LhaL. ln Lhe acLual process of resurrecLlon Lhe phanLom was Lransformed
lnLo a new and lndlvldual condlLlon (p. 29) whlch we wlll here deslgnaLe Lhe resurrecLlon body. 1here was
and ls only one resurrecLlon body - LhaL of !esus ChrlsL - buL lL was soon afLer mulLlplled splrlLually, so LhaL
every human l has a chance Lo geL ln conLacL wlLh Lhe acLlve prlnclple of resurrecLlon ln ChrlsL. So much ls
clear, buL we dlsagree wlLh !vP and 1 as Lo whaL Lhls lasL process acLually enLalls. 1he Lerm used by !vP
and 1 ln mosL lnsLances ls oozlebeo - Lo aLLracL or be cloLhed ln. !vP elaboraLes on a drawlng by 8S on p.
184 and from Lhls represenLaLlon we musL presume LhaL Lhe meLaphor cloLhed ln" - llke puLLlng on a
manLel - ls adequaLe Lo her undersLandlng. 1 malnLalns on hls parL, LhaL a new member (Clled) ls added Lo
humanlLy, an lncorrupLlble body, p. 40. 1hese are all very subsLanLlal descrlpLlons of Lhe resurrecLlon body
of ChrlsL and lLs connecLlon Lo Lhe human l.
!vP and 1 Lhen of course clalm LhaL !vP Lo an excepLlonal degree has cloLhed herself or was cloLhed ln Lhe
resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL. 1hls happened sponLaneously and was noL Lhe wllled effecL of some devoLlonal
pracLlce or splrlLual Lralnlng on her parL. 1he lmmedlaLe consequences of Lhls unexpecLed slLuaLlon were
four new feaLures: 1) Lhe appearance of sLlgmaLa on her body, 2) a LoLal resLrlcLlon ln Lhe consumpLlon of
food and drlnk or lnedla, 3) an expanslon of Lhe physlcal senses lnLo supersenses, 4) passlng lnLo a sLaLe
beyond Lhe normal llmlLaLlons of Llme and space descrlbed as Llme Lravel wlLh sense lmpresslons
somewhaL comparable Lo normal physlcal sense lmpresslons. none of Lhese four condlLlons have been
sclenLlflcally valldaLed or examlned by ob[ecLlve sLandards. Pence Lhey are noL proven facLs, buL only bellef
sLrucLures and hearsay, and we can undersLand Lhe poslLlon of some commenLaLors, who refuse Lo dlscuss
serlously whaL ls noL verlfled and corroboraLed. 8uL slnce Lhese four feaLures have now become a general
bellef or an assumpLlon, Lhey have aL leasL an ldeaLlonal reallLy wlLh hlsLorlc effecLs LhaL have Lo be Laken
lnLo accounL, and also Lhese clalms as such consLlLuLe an lnLeresLlng phenomenon. 8ecause of Lhls, we shall
here conLlnue our dellberaLlons focuslng on one of Lhe feaLures, Lhe lnedla, whlch ls mosLly lgnored ln Lhe
debaLe, slnce lL ls perhaps Lhe mosL specLacular and lnexpllcable feaLure of Lhe four.
lnedla ls noL a new or unknown phenomenon. ln Lhe caLhollc church we flnd reporLs on salnLs who llved on
noLhlng buL Lhe LucharlsL for prolonged perlods of Llme, and also ln Lhe 8uddhlsL and PlndulsL LradlLlons
asceLlclsm verglng on or correspondlng Lo lnedla has been an old yoglc pracLlce daLlng back before Lhe blrLh
of ChrlsL. 1he mosL famous conLemporary examples are rahlad !anl and 8am 8ahadur 8om[on. We quoLe
from Wlklpedla:
ltobloJ Iool ls oo loJloo 8J yeots olJ soJbo, wbo bos clolmeJ to bove llveJ wltboot fooJ ooJ wotet fot tbe
lost 72 yeots. nls oblllty to llve wltboot fooJ ooJ wotet wos lovestlqoteJ by Joctots ot 5tetlloq nospltol,
AbmeJoboJ, Cojotot lo 200J ooJ 2010. 1be teseotcb teom tepotteJ tbot be JlJ oot coosome ooy fooJ ot
wotet Jotloq tbe testloq petloJs, oltbooqb tbey coolJ oot commeot oo bls clolm of bovloq beeo oble to
sotvlve lo tbls woy fot oboot 70 yeots. 1be stoJy coocloJeJ tbot ltobloJ Iool wos oble to sotvlve ooJet
obsetvotloo fot two weeks wltboot eltbet fooJ ot wotet, ooJ boJ posseJ oo otloe ot stool, wltb oo oeeJ
fot Jlolysls. lotetvlews wltb tbe teseotcbets speok of sttlct obsetvotloo ooJ telote tbot toooJ-tbe-clock
obsetvotloo wos eosoteJ by moltlple cc1v cometos. Iool wos tepotteJly sobjecteJ to moltlple meJlcol tests.
Iool's ooly cootoct wltb ooy fotm of flolJ wos Jotloq qotqlloq ooJ botbloq, ooJ tbe Joctots solJ tbey
meosoteJ tbe flolJ tbot Iool spot oot. 1be cose bos otttocteJ ctltlclsm, botb oftet tbe 200J tests ooJ oftet
tbe teceot 2010 tests. 5oool Jomotoko, pteslJeot of tbe loJloo kotlooollst Assoclotloo, ctltlclzeJ tbe 2010
expetlmeot fot ollowloq Iool to move oot of o cettolo cc1v cometo's flelJ of vlew, meet Jevotees ooJ leove
tbe seoleJ test toom to soobotbe. Jomotoko stoteJ tbot tbe teqolot qotqlloq ooJ botbloq octlvltles wete
oot sofflcleotly mooltoteJ, ooJ occoseJ Iool of bovloq boJ some "lofloeotlol ptotectots" wbo JeoleJ
Jomotoko petmlssloo to lospect tbe ptoject Jotloq lts opetotloo.
kom 8oboJot 8omjoo ls o yoooq Nepolese 8oJJblst mook wbo llves os oo oscetlc lo o temote oteo of Nepol.
kom 8oboJot 8omzoo oppeots to qo fot petloJs of tlme wltboot loqestloq eltbet fooJ ot wotet. Ooe socb
petloJ wos cbtoolcleJ by tbe ulscovety cboooel, lo wblcb, Jotloq 96 boots of fllmloq, be oeltbet moveJ, oot
ote ot Jtook ooytbloq.
As you can see, Lhere has been a rlgorous aLLempL Lo prove Lhe lnedla aL leasL ln Lhe case of rahlad !anl -
someLhlng noL even remoLely aLLempLed ln Lhe case of !vP. AnoLher relaLed lssue ls LhaL of breaLharlanlsm,
whlch has become more or less a modern ldeology. 1he ldea ls LhaL you can survlve on prana or llghL alone
wlLhouL food and waLer (or aL leasL on a very low lnLake of calorles). lor some lL ls a pragmaLlc vlew LhaL
leads Lo Lhls declslon, for oLhers lL ls a llfesLyle and phllosophy as for example propagaLed by !asmuheen
(born Lllen Creve), who accordlng Lo Wlklpedla make appearances aL new Age conferences worldwlde and
has hosLed splrlLual reLreaLs ln 1halland. 1hls has lead Lo Lhe deaLh by dehydraLlon of four of her followers.
Per own breaLhearlan ablllLles was LesLed llke Lhls (quoLe Wlklpedla):
wbeo tbe Aosttolloo televlsloo ptoqtomme 60 Mlootes cbolleoqeJ bet to Jemoosttote bow sbe coolJ llve
wltboot fooJ ooJ wotet, tbe sopetvlsloq meJlcol ptofessloool ut. 8etes weock foooJ tbot, oftet 48 boots,
Iosmobeeo JlsployeJ symptoms of ocote JebyJtotloo, sttess, ooJ blqb blooJ ptessote. Iosmobeeo clolmeJ
tbot tbls wos o tesolt of "polloteJ olt". Oo tbe tbltJ Joy, sbe wos moveJ to o moootoloslJe tetteot oboot 15
mlles ftom tbe clty, wbete sbe wos fllmeJ eojoyloq tbe ftesb olt ooJ soyloq sbe coolJ oow llve oo bopplly.
nowevet, os tbe fllmloq ptoqtesseJ, bet speecb sloweJ, bet poplls JlloteJ, ooJ sbe lost ovet o stooe (6 kq ot
14 lb) lo welqbt. Aftet foot Joys, sbe ockoowleJqeJ tbot sbe boJ lost welqbt, bot stoteJ tbot sbe felt floe.
ut. weock stoteJ. "oo ote oow polte JebyJtoteJ, ptobobly ovet 10X, qettloq op to 11X." 1be Joctot olso
ooooooceJ. "net polse ls oboot Jooble wbot lt wos wbeo sbe stotteJ. 1be tlsk lf sbe qoes ooy fottbet
ls klJoey follote." Iosmobeeo's cooJltloo cootlooeJ to Jetetlotote toplJly lo tbe cleotly JemoosttoteJ
cootext of ocote JebyJtotloo, Jesplte bet loslsteoce to tbe coottoty. ut. weock coocloJeJ tbot cootlooloq
tbe expetlmeot woolJ oltlmotely ptove fotol. 1be fllm ctew coocotteJ wltb tbls ossessmeot ooJ ceoseJ
Iosmobeeo ls pooteJ by tbe cottex Atcblves os soyloq, teqotJloq bow mocb sbe eots. "Ceoetolly oot mocb
ot oll. Moybe o few cops of teo ooJ o qloss of wotet, bot oow ooJ tbeo lf l feel o blt boteJ ooJ l woot some
flovot, tbeo l wlll bove o mootbfol of wbotevet lt ls l'm wootloq tbe flovot of. 5o lt mlqbt be o plece of
cbocolote ot lt mlqbt be o mootbfol of o cbeesecoke ot sometbloq llke tbot."
Iosmobeeo bos stoteJ tbot sbe bos llveJ oo opptoxlmotely J00 colotles pet Joy fot tbe lost footteeo yeots,
molotololoq foll beoltb tbtooqb sopplemeotloq o flolJ lotoke wltb "cosmlc pottlcles" ot mlcto-fooJ, wblcb
sbe Jesctlbes os ptooo. 5be bos stoteJ tbot sbe bos oot yet mosteteJ tbe oblllty to be flolJ-ftee fot mote
tboo sbott petloJs. 5be wos owotJeJ tbe 8eot 5pooo AwotJ by Aosttolloo 5keptlcs lo 2000 ("pteseoteJ to
tbe petpettotot of tbe most ptepostetoos plece of potoootmol ot pseoJoscleotlflc plffle"). 5be wos olso
owotJeJ tbe 2000 lq Nobel ltlze fot lltetotote fot bet book ltoolc Nootlsbmeot - llvloq oo llqbt, "wblcb
explolos tbot oltbooqb some people Jo eot fooJ, tbey Joo't evet teolly oeeJ to."
Iosmobeeo molotolos tbot some of bet bellefs ote boseJ oo tbe wtltloqs ooJ "mote
teceot cboooeleJ motetlol" of tbe cooot of 5t Cetmolo. 5be stotes tbot bet uNA expooJeJ ftom 2 to 12
sttooJs to toke op mote byJtoqeo. 1be extto sttooJs of uNA bove oot beeo JemoosttoteJ, ooJ wbeo
offeteJ 5J0,000 to ptove bet clolm wltb o blooJ test, sbe stoteJ tbot "yoo coooot vlew spltltool eoetqy
ooJet o mlctoscope." 5be clolms tbot socb o cbolleoqe ls o Jellbetote ottock oo bet bellefs, ooJ sbe tefoses
to oct os oo exomple of bet clolmeJ potoootmol otttlbotes.
We see here an lnablllLy Lo malnLaln compleLe lnedla, buL also a phenomenology maLchlng !vP ln Lhe
dlsplay of paranormal aLLrlbuLes, speclal access Lo esoLerlc lnformaLlon (here channellng) and a reference
Lo Lhe splrlLual naLure of her condlLlon. And we also see lllusLraLed Lhe severlLy of an aLLempL Lo pracLlce
lnedla, should lL be forced and unbalanced. 1hls makes Lhe condlLlon of !vP even more asLonlshlng lf lL ls
Lrue! Also, as menLloned by 1, ln Lhe case of !vP Lhe lnedla ls lnvolunLary and noL wllled. nuLrlLlon ls llke
polson Lo her we are Lold, and she geLs slck and shall probably dle lf she aLLempLs Lo Lake food or drlnk ln.
So Lhls ls qulLe a dlfferenL sLory, worLh ponderlng on. As sLaLed above, Lhe explanaLlon offered by !vP and
1 for her sudden and alleged lnedla lles ln her belng cloLhed ln Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL. ln facL Lhe
lnedla feaLure ls seen as a clear proof of Lhls condlLlon. !vP and 1 boLh refer Lo Lhe same quoLe by 8S (AC
131, 12.10.1911 - and noL 14.10 as sLaLed Lwlce ln Lhelr book, p. 30, 33):
wlt koooeo Jlese ueqeoetletooq lo eloet qewlsseo welse so ooffosseo, Jo elqeotllcb vom Aofooqe Jet
meoscbllcbeo otwlckelooq oo Jleses lbootom Jozo bestlmmt wot, oobetobtt zo blelbeo voo Jeo
motetlelleo 1elleo, Jle oos Jem Mloetol-, lfloozeo- oJet 1lettelcb vom Meoscbeo ols Nobtooqsmlttel
oofqeoommeo wetJeo. uobetobtt Jovoo sollte Jos lbootom blelbeo. s wot obet olcbt oobetobtt
qebllebeo. (5tooJotJ oqllsb ttooslotloo. At tbe beqlooloq of bomoo evolotloo lt wos loteoJeJ tbot tbe
lbootom sboolJ temolo ootoocbeJ by tbe motetlol elemeots tbot moo tokes fot bls oottltloo ftom tbe
oolmol, ploot, ooJ mloetol kloqJoms. 8ot lt JlJ oot temolo ootoocbeJ.)
1he phanLom was orlglnally noL meanL Lo become maLerlallzed, and lLs fall lnLo stotos cottoptlools was
caused by Lhe Luclferlc and Ahrlmanlc powers - so much ls clear. now Lhen - Lhe lnedla of !vP can only be
explalned from Lhe resLlLuLed phanLom wlLhln Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL, whlch does noL need
maLerlal food, say !vP and 1 ln unlson (p. 30, 33). Why, we ask? ln Lhe quoLe by 8S, he says absoluLely
noLhlng abouL lnedla wlLh humans ln lncarnaLlon or Lhe meanlng and funcLlon of Lhe resurrecLlon body of
ChrlsL. lL ls a qulLe unsubsLanLlaLed allegaLlon by !vP and 1 LhaL her lnedla can be explalned solely on Lhls
background. LaLer ln Lhe book (p. 43-43) 1 argues from 8S (CA 293, 23.8.1919) LhaL:
wos lst, lo eloem qtoeo 2osommeobooqe ooqesebeo, koltotqescblcbtllcb Jleses Cesetz voo Jet tboltooq
Jet oetqle oJet Jet ktoft? s lst Jos qtoe nloJetols, Jeo Meoscbeo obetboopt zo vetstebeo. 5obolJ moo
oomllcb melot, Jo olemols ktofte wltkllcb oeo qebllJet wetJeo, wltJ moo olcbt zo eloet tkeootols Jes
wobteo weseos Jes Meoscbeo qelooqeo koooeo. ueoo Jleses wobte weseo Jes Meoscbeo betobt qetoJe
Jotlo, Jo fottwobteoJ Jotcb lbo oeoe ktofte qebllJet wetJeo. AlletJloqs lo Jem 2osommeobooqe, lo Jem
wlt lo Jet welt lebeo, lst Jet Meoscb Jos elozlqe weseo, lo welcbem oeoe ktofte ooJ - wle wlt spotet oocb
boteo wetJeo - soqot oeoe 5toffe qebllJet wetJeo. (5tooJotJ oqllsb ttooslotloo. Now, cooslJeteJ btooJly
ooJ ftom tbe polot of vlew of tbe blstoty of clvlllzotloo, wbot ls tbls low of tbe coosetvotloo of eoetqy ot
fotce? lt ls tbe qteot stomblloq-block to ooy ooJetstooJloq of moo. lot os sooo os people tblok tbot fotces
coo oevet be cteoteJ oftesb, lt becomes lmposslble to ottlve ot koowleJqe of tbe ttoe beloq of moo. 1be
ttoe ootote of moo tests oo tbe foct tbot tbtooqb blm oew fotces ote cootlooolly comloq loto exlsteoce. lt ls
cettololy ttoe tbot, ooJet tbe cooJltloos lo wblcb we ote llvloq lo tbe wotlJ, moo ls tbe ooly beloq lo wbom
oew fotces ooJ eveo - os we sboll beot lotet - oew mottet ls beloq fotmeJ.)
Pere Lhe facL ls esLabllshed by 8S, LhaL a human belng can renew forces and maLLer from wlLhln hls splrlLual
naLure, buL as a general human prlnclple, funcLlonlng wlLhouL any speclal connecLlon Lo Lhe resurrecLlon
body of ChrlsL. ln lack of valld argumenLs boLh !vP and 1 [ump Lo concluslons, led on by Lhe sLlgmaLlzaLlon
and a fasclnaLlon wlLh Lhe whole ldea. AcLually, 1 Lhlnks Lhls lnedla ls a slgn of a new healLh (p. 30). And
!vP asks: Pow can Lhe body llve on wlLhouL earLhly food? WhaL does Lhe phanLom llve off? (Wle kann slch
der krper auch ohne lrdlsche nahrung erhalLen, wovon lebL nun das hanLom?, p. 33). 1hey can and wlll
only see one explanaLlon - lL ls a proof of Lhe lmmedlaLe presence of Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL ln !vP!
lf, and we say lf, Lhere ls a real sLaLe of lnedla here, we Lhlnk !vP's flrsL quesLlon ls relevanL, whlle Lhe
second ls unlnLelllglble, unless she sees her maLerlal physlcal body as ldenLlcal wlLh Lhe resLlLuLed phanLom.
8uL leL us explaln Lhe slmple shorL clrculL ln Lhese argumenLs.
We musL ask ourselves Lhls quesLlon: Why would a splrlLual physlcal body, Lhe resLlLuLed phanLom, have
Lhls funcLlon - susLalnlng Lhe corrupL maLerlallLy of Lhe old physlcal body? And why ln parLlcular should Lhe
resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL be used for Lhls purpose? 1he maLerlal physlcal body of !vP can uphold lLself by
slmply eaLlng Lhe food freely offered by LarLh. We can all agree, LhaL !vP ls as physlcal and maLerlal as
everyone else, and as she was back ln 2004. AcLually she welghs Lhe same, we hear. 1hls maLerlal body of
hers ls hence ln a stotos cottoptlools. She ls composed physlcally of Lhe same gross maLLer as all humans. lL
ls an absurd paradox Lo belleve, LhaL Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL can or should be used Lo uphold Lhe
corrupLed maLerlal body of an lncarnaLed human belng. SplrlL man ls an lmmaLerlal and compleLely splrlLual
sLaLe beyond Lhe phase of lncarnaLlon and Lhe cosmlc sLage of LarLh, and Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL
leads Lo Lhls sLaLe - noL Lo a sorL of splrlLual mummy" - a maLerlal body uslng Lhe resurrecLlon body of
ChrlsL Lo avold eaLlng.
lf !vP needs and wanLs Lo be allve - Lo be lncarnaLed ln a maLerlal body and noL [usL dle or dlsappear -
should she noL parLake ln Lhe laws of lncarnaLlon and karma and exchange wlLh Lhls earLhly dlmenslon
Lhrough a full meLabollsm? uld ChrlsL resLlLuLe and resurrecL Lhe phanLom of !esus ln order Lo make Lhls
feaL posslble for !vP? Pere we only need Lo quoLe anoLher passage from Lhe above lecLure by 8S. lL
becomes clear, LhaL Lhe absorpLlon of exLernal maLLer by eaLlng and drlnklng has a splrlLual lmporLance Lo
Lhe LarLh - suggesLlng, LhaL man should splrlLuallze Lhls meLabollsm, noL avold lL.
lf yoo wlll beot tbls lo mloJ tbeo yoo wlll botJly wooJet ot wbot l om oow qoloq to soy. wbeo moo JesceoJs
ftom tbe spltltool loto tbe pbyslcol wotlJ be tecelves bls pbyslcol boJy os o qotmeot. 8ot oototolly tbe boJy
tecelveJ os o cbllJ Jlffets ftom tbe boJy os we loy lt oslJe lo Jeotb, ot wbotevet oqe. 5ometbloq bos
boppeoeJ to tbe pbyslcol boJy. AoJ wbot bos boppeoeJ coolJ ooly come oboot becoose tbls boJy ls
petmeoteJ wltb fotces of spltlt ooJ sool. !"#$ &'()# &**$ +) )&( +,&( &-./&*0 &*0" )&(1 2,&( .0 (" 0&3$ +)
(#&-0'"#/ )4()#-&* /&(()# 560( &0 (,) &-./&*0 7"8 96( +) (#&-0'"#/ .( +.(, (,) ,)*: "' 0"/)(,.-; +,.<,
&-./&*0 ,&=) -"( ;"(8 0"/)(,.-; (,&( <&/) 7"+- '#"/ (,) 0:.#.(6&* +"#*7 .- "#7)# (" 6-.() .(0)*' +.(, (,)
:,30.<&* 9"73 "' /&- . >&- .0 (,60 (,) /)7.6/ '"# & <"-0(&-( 9)?7)+.-; "' (,) :,30.<&* 0)-0) +"#*7 93
(,) 06:)#0)-0.9*)1 @"6 <&- ./&;.-)$ &0 .( +)#)$ & '.-) #&.- '&**.-; <"-(.-6"60*3 '#"/ (,) 06:)#0)-0.9*) "-
(" (,) 0)-0) +"#*78 96( (,)0) 7#":0 +"6*7 #)/&.- A6.() 6-'#6.('6* '"# (,) )&#(, .' /&- 7.7 -"( &90"#9
(,)/ &-7 :&00 (,)/ "=)# (" (,) )&#(, (,#"6;, ,.0 "+- 9"731 1bese Jtops wblcb moo tecelves ot blttb ooJ
qlves op oqolo ot Jeotb, btloq oboot o cootloool ftoctlflcotloo of tbe eottb by sopetseoslble fotces, ooJ
tbtooqb tbese ftoctlfyloq sopetseoslble fotces tbe evolotloooty ptocess of tbe eottb ls molotoloeJ. wltboot
bomoo cotpses tbetefote, tbe eottb woolJ looq oqo bove become JeoJ.
Cur quesLlon ls perLlnenL, because Lhe cosmlc l ln !esus apparenLly dld noL prevenL Lhe physlcal body of
!esus from eaLlng and drlnklng (noL even alcohol ln wlne) whlle acLually Lransformlng all Lhe four bodles of
!esus and resLlLuLlng Lhe phanLom, whlle he was llvlng wlLh a full meLabollsm. 1hen why should LhaL now be
a speclal mark of Lhls process or resulL ln !vP? Why would Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL have Lhls pecullar
new feaLure - human lnedla? WhaL ls Lhe splrlLual polnL ln LhaL? 1he maLerlal physlcal body ls sLlll as
maLerlal as ever before, and Lhe phanLom was never lnLended Lo become maLerlal, and Lhe resurrecLlon
body ls Lhe foundaLlon for splrlL man ln a compleLely splrlLual sLaLe beyond lncarnaLlon - 2)*/ =)8 ,)63+"
2)* 1*,2'232*" 0)#/26$ /6= 30)6+" 2)* 6+" $#2*1'#+'28 #/" 1*/*= '2> 61 =)8 ,)63+" 2)* 1*,311*(2'6/
76"8 "6 2)* ,#$* 2)'/?@
A*2 3, $#B* 2)', (+*#1- C)* 1*,311*(2'6/ 76"8 69 D)1',2 =#, #/" ', /62 '/2*/"*" 961 $#?'(#+ "',0+#8 61
632=#1" ,)6=E
1here ls no need for Lhe splrlLual resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL Lo use lLs own forces Lo maLerlallze lLself ln an
lncarnaLed and corrupL physlcal body. 1he maLerlallzaLlon of Lhe physlcal body cannoL depend on Lhe
resurrecLlon body! All Lhe argumenLs of !vP and 1 are acLually clrcular. lf lL ls Lrue, LhaL Lhe maLerlallzaLlon
of Lhe physlcal body depends on Luclfer and Ahrlman, Lhen Lhe facL of !vP upholdlng her maLerlal, physlcal
body can only depend on Luclfer and Ahrlman, Loo. And so !vP and 1 are ascrlblng Lo Lhe resurrecLlon
body of ChrlsL someLhlng LhaL sLems from Lhe adversary powers. Cr else Lhey musL clalm, LhaL Lhe
resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL has now underLaken Lo do Lhe work of Lhe adversary powers for Lhem, slnce Lhe
whole and absurd polnL of all Lhls ls Lo keep !vP presenL ln maLerlal lncarnaLlon wlLhouL food and drlnk - as
maLerlal as ever before.
F32 '/ 9#(2 4 '9 2)* (+#'$, 69 :;< =*1* 213*> 2)*/ )*1 $#2*1'#+ 76"8 )#" 26 9#++ #0#12 #/" 231/ '/26 "3,2>
G3,2 +'B* 2)* 76"8 69 :*,3, D)1',2 "'"> =)*/ 2)* 1*,2'232'6/ 69 2)* 0)#/26$ =#, 9'/',)*" G3,2 7*961* <',
"*#2)E !usL ask yourself Lhls slmple quesLlon - whaL dlfference does lL make wheLher !vP opholds her body
by eaLlng - or lL ls upheld by Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL, as she clalms? Cn one hand - none. !vP ls sLlll
Lhere ln her body, corrupLed and maLerlal, welghlng Lhe same for everybody Lo see. Cn Lhe oLher hand -
everyLhlng. 8ecause lL ls uLLerly blasphemous, LhaL Lhe polnL of Lhe resurrecLlon of ChrlsL ls Lo secure Lhe
presence on LarLh of an ego ln bodlly lncarnaLlon pracLlclng lnedla. lL ls noL a ChrlsLlan splrlLual quallflcaLlon
of Lhe maLerlal physlcal body LhaL lL does noL eaL or drlnk aL all - on Lhe conLrary. lL ls a gross mlsLake, a
form of splrlLual maLerlallsm.
1hen we have all Lhe oLher conLemporary and hlsLorlc cases of lnedla, some of Lhem reporLed before Lhe
lncarnaLlon of ChrlsL, and many of Lhem from LradlLlons wlLh no dlrecL connecLlon Lo Lhe ChrlsL-belng. WhaL
abouL rahlad !anl, who has dared Lo leL hlmself be examlned and conLrolled ln a way LhaL !vP would never
allow? Pave Lhese cases anyLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL? ApparenLly noL. 1he ablllLy Lo
pracLlce lnedla seems Lo be common Lo all manklnd and lnherenL ln Lhe human organlsaLlon. 1 polnLed Lo
Lhe relevanL human faculLy, Lhe ablllLy Lo renew forces and maLLer from wlLhln, whlch breaLharlanlsm
explalns wlLh absorpLlon of prana. 1he only cruclal dlsLlncLlon here lles ln Lhe facL, LhaL Lhe condlLlon of !vP
ls noL wllled, buL qulLe lnvolunLary. She acLually cannoL eaL or drlnk, or else she wlll dle. 1here ls lndeed a
dlfference beLween noL havlng Lo eaL or drlnk, and noL belng able Lo eaL or drlnk.
1here are oLher characLerlsLlc feaLures ln Lhe case of !vP ln llne wlLh Lhls, whlch are accenLuaLed by 1 as
someLhlng admlrable. Slnce Lhe condlLlon ls noL lnLenLlonal and cannoL be changed, lL ls noL conLrolled by
!vP's l. lL ls noL a producL of a wllled and lnLended acLlvlLy ln her l (Lhls characLerlzes more or less all four
feaLures, by Lhe way). Pence noLhlng can be sald abouL Lhe work LhaL Lhe consclous l has done on lLs lower
bodles ln order Lo esLabllsh a bond of aLLracLlon (Anzlehungsband, 8S's expresslon) beLween Lhe
resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL and lLself. And ln all of !vP's producLlon any such descrlpLlon falls and Lhere are
also no Lrace of a speclflc, lndlvldual and splrlLual paLh, developmenL or lnlLlaLlon, whlch can be ascrlbed Lo
her personally. Per l seems raLher weak and bland. lL cannoL be deLecLed ln her wrlLlngs, malnly conslsLlng
of a pecullar mlx of AnLhroposophlcal comparlson and unmedlaLed lmagery. 1here ls no comprehenslble
blographlcal connecLlon or coherence leadlng Lo her presenL slLuaLlon, and lL was noL expecLed or
undersLood by her aL flrsL. 1hls ls of course surprlslng lf lnLerpreLed from a conLacL wlLh Lhe resurrecLlon
body of ChrlsL, slnce Lhe free, wllled and consclous conLacL wlLh lL by Lhe human l and a subsequenL moral
and splrlLual acLlon ls mandaLory for Lhe developmenL of a bond of aLLracLlon Lo lL. Where ls Lhe exlsLenLlal
sLruggle wlLh Lhe prlnclple of evll so closely relaLed Lo Lhe resurrecLlon? 1he only acLlve moral quallflcaLlon
and lnLegrlLy menLloned ln Lhls conLexL ls an unspeclfled compasslon (MlLleld, p. 33). And equally
nondescrlpL and unsubsLanLlaLed ls Lhe parLlal conLlnulLy of consclousness" beLween sleep and waklng
ascrlbed Lo !vP from early chlldhood (lm Schlafen elne gewlsse konLlnulLaL des 8ewussLselns ., p. 61). lL
seems Lhere ls an almosL chlldllke personallLy llvlng ln her dreams and Lhen came Lhe unexpecLed
sLlgmaLlzaLlon and Lransformed all four bodles LoLally (Alle vler Wesensglleder slnd durch dle SLlgmaLlsaLlon
vollkommen verwandelL, p. 43). 1haL means - noL Lhe l of !vP Lransformlng lLs Lhree lower bodles, buL an
exLerlor and auLonomous prlnclple Lransformlng all four bodles ln an unvolunLary condlLlonlng of !vP. lL ls a
phenomenologlcal descrlpLlon very close Lo possesslon. 1hls mlghL explaln !vP's curlous quesLlons
menLloned above: Pow can Lhe body llve on wlLhouL earLhly food? WhaL does Lhe phanLom llve off? (Wle
kann slch der krper auch ohne lrdlsche nahrung erhalLen, wovon lebL nun das hanLom?, p. 33). 1he
phanLom ls splrlLual - lL [usL ls or have belng. lL does noL llve off someLhlng else. 8uL evldenLly Lhe maLerlal
physlcal body and Lhe (resLlLuLed?) phanLom has become one and Lhe same Lhlng Lo !vP, and agaln she
does noL undersLand, LhaL a resurrecLlon body does noL show up ln a corrupLed maLerlal body! Also Lhere ls
Lhls seamless LranslLlon from Lhe normal bodlly senses Lhrough supersenses and Lo quasl-bodlly senslng
ouLslde Lhe llmlLaLlons of space and Llme, whlch melLs LogeLher wlLh Lhe splrlLual world ln !vP's experlence.
1hls suggesLs Lo us, LhaL all of Lhls ls noL a cloLhlng ln Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL - whaL LhaL mlghL
mean - buL an expanslon of Lhe eLherlc of !vP and her consclousness ln an unvolunLary fashlon. We have
analyzed Lhls dynamlc ln one of our earller essays (5cblsms lo cootempototy spltltoollty), where we
descrlbed Lhe effecLs of cerLaln Lechnlques of medlLaLlon, buL any sLaLe of possesslon would proceed along
slmllar llnes. When and how lL occurred wlLh !vP we cannoL say, buL her sysLem has been opened ln an
unbalanced way, convenlenLly descrlbed as conLlnulLy of consclousness and clalrvoyance Loday, so perhaps
lL was a gradual process, and Lhe evenL ln 2004 [usL a flnal shlfL.
1be molo polot ls tbot tbe boostloq of tbe etbetlc boJy ls otqoolzeJ ftom below ooJ opwotJs, vety ofteo
locloJloq tbe powets of sexoollty (kooJollol) ooJ lostloctool emotlooollty tbtooqb votloos ttoosfotmotloool
tecbolpoes. wltb tbe ptovokeJ etbetlc expoosloo yoo octoolly obtolo oo olteteJ stote of cooscloosoess
(sloce cooscloosoess ls seoteJ lo tbe etbetlc ooJ oot lo tbe pbyslcol btolo). oo mlqbt soy tbot pott of tbe
(lowet) etbetlc wblcb bos bltbetto temoloeJ oocooscloos, ls oow moJe cooscloos, ooJ sloce tbls ls o
Jltect cooscloosoess, oot meJloteJ ooJ loblblteJ by tbe pbyslcol btolo, yoo coo explolo botb tbe pecollot
Jltectoess of petceptloo ooJ owoteoess ooJ tbe coofloeoce coooecteJ wltb tbls stote, ofteo coocelveJ of
os o fotm of belqbteoeJ pteseoce. oo coo olso ooJetstooJ tbe moqoetlsm ooJ moqoetlc toJlotloo of
tbls (sob) bomoo otqoolzotloo.
lf we opply Aotbtoposopblcol koowleJqe to tbls cooJltloo, we teollze tbot by opetotlooollzloq tbe oototol
pbyslcol, etbetlc ooJ osttol polotlty sttoctote tbls woy, yoo wlll, wbeo yoo ote expooJloq cooscloosoess loto
tbe etbetlc bypossloq tbe coqoltlve system, loevltobly be Jtowloq lo tbe evll polotlty of loclfet-Abtlmoo -
Abtlmoo below lo tbe etbetlc, loclfet obove lo tbe osttol. oo move owoy ftom loJlvlJool tblokloq ooJ toto
to lostloctool petceptloo. As we koow, tbe (etbetlcolly boseJ) ptocess of ootmol tblokloq lo ooJ tbtooqb tbe
btolo (oeocottex) ls lo teollty o teflectloo of tbe blqbet tblokloq lo tbe etbetlc, tbe cosmlc tbooqbts, tbe
loqos, tbe cbtlst. lteclsely tbls otqoolzotloo of tbe etbetlc beoJ, wblcb ls olso coostltotlve of tbe bomoo l
(petsoool lJeotlty), ls sopptesseJ ooJ cltcomveoteJ lo 8oJJblst opeo mooltotloq meJltotloo! losteoJ of
cootoct wltb tbe blqbet loqos tbtooqb o bomoo l ooJ teosoo, cootoct ls sooqbt ooJ obtoloeJ wltb tbe two
otbet (evll) Jltectots of bomoo petceptloo ooJ lotelllqeoce lo tbe lowet etbetlc ooJ osttol boJles, tesoltloq lo
o tokeovet of tbe lotellectool ooJ meotol system by tbe Abtlmoolc-loclfetlc Joo, wtooqly coosttoeJ os
blqbet cooscloosoess. Apott ftom tbe obove-meotlooeJ Jltect pteseoce, tbls stote ls cbotoctetlzeJ by oo
lostloctlve ostote ooJ blqbly opptebeoslve (bot tlqlJ) lotellect cooseJ by Abtlmoolc possessloo of tbe etbetlc-
meotol boJy, ooJ o footostlc, lomlooos ooJ seemloqly wlse mloJ Joe to o loclfetlc eotbtollloq of tbe osttol
boJy. 1be bomoo l wltb lts otlqlool sttoctote of self ooJ fteeJom ls sobjoqoteJ. 1bls so-colleJ blqbet
cooscloosoess os stteomloq llqbt ls lo foct ootbloq bot lllosloo. lt ls koowleJqe wltboot ooy powet of
Jlffeteotlotloo ot ptoctlcol voloe - ooly wltb tbe koowleJqe of bow to teptoJoce ooJ tecooJltloo ltself lo
otbets. 1bls oltetootlve ooJetstooJloq tepteseots lo oot vlew o mote occotote spltltool plctote of wbot ls
petbops pbyslcolly moolfesteJ lo tbe speclflcolly cooJltlooeJ oeotoloqlcol potteto of meJltotloq mooks.
1he above dynamlc can easlly explaln Lhe descrlbed sense flxaLlon and sense expanslon of !vP, Lhe
supersenses, Lhe Llme Lravel (asLral Luclferlc enLhrallmenL), Lhe alleged clalrvoyance (knowlng peoples'
lnLenLlons and acLlons) and so forLh. lL cerLalnly flLs wlLh Lhe lack of conLrol and parLlclpaLlon from Lhe l and
Lhe pecullar lack of personal feellng, Lhlnklng and wllllng ln her condlLlon and producLlon. !vP seems on
some klnd of auLoplloL runnlng Lhe show for her and wlLh her. And no AnLhroposophlsL should serlously
quesLlon wheLher Luclfer and Ahrlman ln unlson have Lhe splrlLual and lnLellecLual powers Lo make up all
Lhe fanLasLlc lmages and ldeas, whlch we see ln !vP's presenLaLlons, and scramble lL wlLh AnLhroposophlcal
knowledge. Many have sensed Lhls underlylng and hldden reallLy, Lhe double agenda, as a mechanlc and
lnauLhenLlc quallLy - llke !vP ls compleLely lnsLrumenLal ln some aspecLs, buL cerLalnly personal and well-
meanlng ln oLhers. She ls Loyed wlLh, so Lo speak. She ls lnLo someLhlng over her head and carrled away by
devoLlonal fervor, sacred madness and lnLoxlcaLlon wlLh her own new lmporLance.
now, ls lL posslble or even feaslble Lo explaln lnedla from a sLaLe of possesslon? Why does 1 as an
AnLhroposophlcal auLhor acqualnLed wlLh all Lhe relevanL lnformaLlon noL conslder Lhls explanaLlon? 8uL of
course - he was looklng for whaL he found and saw ln !vP. 1he whole sysLem of lnLerpreLaLlon was ready
and Lhe unexplalnable blew hls mlnd away. 8uL cerLalnly we have heard of and wlLnessed fanLasLlc levels of
body conLrol, boLh volunLary and lnvolunLary, a gamuL, LhaL perhaps runs from possesslon Lo slddhl powers
- because, whaL ls acLually conLrolllng Lhe lnedla of saddhu rahlad !anl? WhaL ls Lhe splrlLual purpose of
LhaL? Anyway, we Lhlnk LhaL sLaLe can be achleved by a speclflc condlLlonlng and ls compleLely reallsLlc.
Why would lL noL be? 1he powers of Lhe human mlnd and Lhe splrlLual dlmenslon are lncredlble. And we
musL noL forgeL, LhaL Lhe adversary powers have followed human evoluLlon long before Lhe creaLlon of Lhe
human l on LarLh, and LhaL Lhey have a much hlgher masLery of Lhe causal level. lor lnsLance Lhe Archal,
who waLched over Lhe formaLlon of Lhe phanLom on old SaLurn and Look parL ln lL by lmbulng Lhe physlcal
predlsposlLlon of Lhe senses wlLh Lhe posslblllLy of belng used by Lhe l (p. 24) - LhaL ls, Lhe Archal used Lhe
human phanLom as a sense apparaLus (Lhe preformaLLed human eye could funcLlon as a camera for Lhem,
and Lhey used Lhe lmages obLalned from Lhls apparaLus). 1hey had Lhe overall funcLlon ln Lhelr deallngs
wlLh Lhe human phanLom Lo lmprlnL lL wlLh selfhood, and Lhe good Archal dld Lhls ln a selfless fashlon. 8uL
some of Lhese Archal Lurned away from Lhe laLher and became backward or adversary powers, Lhe Asuras.
now, because of Lhelr presence durlng Lhe formaLlon of Lhe physlcal phanLom, and due Lo Lhelr prlmary
polnL of aLLack ln Lhe human lnLellecLual soul (Lhe l-consclousness), and slnce Lhey are rlghL now evolvlng
downward from Lhe level of manas (splrlL self), breedlng sensual phanLasmagorla on humans ln Lhe asLral
dlmenslon - do you noL Lhlnk LhaL Lhese Archal-leveled splrlLs are fully capable of conLrolllng Lhe senses,
consclousness and body of a human belng, Lhrough Lhe double, aL leasL parLlally, lf LhaL person ls prone Lo
luclferlc llluslons? no doubL Lhey have a full blueprlnL of many funcLlons ln Lhe overall human make up.
1he Loplcal reason for menLlonlng Lhls posslblllLy ls Lhe facL LhaL Lhe sLlgmaLlzaLlon of !vP Look place ln 2004
some monLhs prlor Lo Lhe daLe of a speclflc LranslLlon ln Lhe collecLlve splrlLual human process. !vP sLarLed
a whole serles of dlsrupLlve evenLs, shaLLerlng Lhe AnLhroposophlcal movemenL, creaLlng dlvlslon and Lo a
cerLaln degree also dlslnLegraLlon ln Lhe Leachlngs of esoLerlc ChrlsLlanlLy lefL Lo us by 8S, wlLh all klnds of
fanLasLlc noLlons and new bellef sLrucLures. 1he waLermark of Lhls lmpacL ls surely Asurlc, slnce lL ls also
known Lo us, LhaL Lhe Asuras serve SoraL, Lhe chlef opponenL of Lhe ChrlsL-lmpulse - and Lhe splrlLual
maLerlallsm of Lhe Asuras, expressed by !vP as a maLerlallzaLlon of Lhe resurrecLlon body of ChrlsL, ls
noLhlng buL SoraLs mockery of ChrlsL! We know from 8S LhaL Lhe Lhlrd lmpacL of SoraL Look place ln 1998,
and ln our oplnlon one of Lhe cenLral feaLures of Lhls lmpulse was Lhe lnsLallaLlon and flnal acLlvaLlon of Lhe
Asuras as Lhe dlrecLlng evll prlnclple ln Lhe years 2004 Lo 2012. 1he flner Llme scale and explanaLlon for Lhls
assumpLlon ls presenLed ln our essay: Aftet 2012 - tbe tlme of tbe Asotos. We shall only menLlon here LhaL
we Lhlnk Lhere has been an ongolng process of Lhe ralslng of Lhe dead (or Lhe casL off human double
sLrucLures) slnce Lhe reappearance of Lhe LLherlc ChrlsL ln 1933 - an lmporLanL collecLlve and lndlvldual
aspecL of Lhls evenL, whlch has been more or less overlooked by men, because lL Lakes place ln Lhe span
and dlmenslon beLween Lhe l, Lhe ego, Lhe subconsclous, Lhe double and Lhe evll powers, buL whlch ls
anyhow exLremely perLlnenL Lo Lhe prlnclple of resurrecLlon and human conLacL wlLh Lhe resurrecLlon body
of ChrlsL. 1hls speclflc process uses Lhe maLrlx of Lhe descenL and resurrecLlon of ChrlsL, and lL reached Lhe
declslve LranslLlon beLween Lhe 6
and 7
lnLerlor layers of Lhe LarLh ln mld-2004 and hence Lhe realm of
Lhe Asuras. AL Lhe same Llme Lhe proLecLlve shleld beLween Lhe 6 upper layers and 3 lower layers were
broken. 1he years from 2004 Lo 2012 Lhen saw a speedlng up, formaLlon and formaLLlng of Lhe Lhree
prlnclples of evll, lnLenslfled by Lhe Asuras ln Lhree sLages from Lhe Luclferlc represenLaLlon Lo SoraL, so LhaL
Lhls unlfled evll agency was fully operaLlonal from 2013. Curlously enough - !vP ln Lhe same Llme of span
esLabllshed herself ln Lhe old esoLerlc cenLre of AnLhroposophy and flnally goL rld of her chlef opponenL
Lhere. We shall absLaln from a more Lhorough comparlson of muLual characLerlsLlcs of Asurlc acLlvlLy wlLh
Lhe producLlon of !vP and leave LhaL for now - excepL for once agaln polnLlng Lo Lhe pecullar facL, LhaL Lhe
leadlng ldenLlflcaLlon and esoLerlc orlenLaLlon ln Lhls purposeful process for !vP evldenLly was LdlLh Maryon
- a Lrall LhaL leads us Lo clrcles wlLh maglcal lnlLlaLlon as explalned elsewhere and ulLlmaLely Lo Lhe klnd of
acLlvlLy, whlch 8udolf SLelner connecLed wlLh Lhe Asuras.
Cur conLlnued lnLeresL ln Lhls maLLer can be explalned brlefly. We are noL surprlsed Lo see Lhls happenlng,
and do noL flnd lL specLacular. lL ls a necessary lndlvlduallzaLlon - and a response ln parLlcular Lo whaL we
have called Lhe exlsLenLlal deflclL ln lnsLlLuLlonallzed AnLhroposophy. 8ecause of Lhe opposlng quallLles of
human selfhood spannlng a scale from selfless creaLlve love Lo selflsh desLrucLlon and from auLhenLlclLy Lo
conformlLy - llke a double edged sword - Lhere ls a need for a confronLaLlon and an exlsLenLlal process,
whlch ls golng Lo eaL away Lhe egoLlsm and plaglarlsm. 1he Auras shall be an acld LesL on Lhe lnLegrlLy and
LruLh of Lhe l and paradoxlcally reflne lL splrlLually ln Lhe end. 8uL we need Lo proLesL agalnsL Lhe compleLe
perverslon of Lhe prlnclple of ChrlsLlan resurrecLlon puL forward by !vP and 1 - Lhe fasclnaLlon of cloLhlng
- Lhe phanLomlzaLlon of Lhe maLerlal body - Lhe sudden LransformaLlon of all four bodles from wlLhouL,
lnsLead of Lhe l Lransformlng Lhe Lhree lower bodles from wlLhln - Lhe exlsLenLlal farce of lL all!

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