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Guru :: is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom, and authority in a certain area, and who uses

it to guide others

A teacher is a mentor not a curriculum-happy tormentor ! A teacher is a guide ... a philosopher not a slave drivers metaphor ! A teacher is one who can learn for ever Not the one who 'teaches'...never A teacher is a friend and a guide Not from whom...our errors we hide A teacher is like a gardener not someone who acts like a judge. .and a reluctant pardoner !!!

Ideal Teacher
An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. The perfect teacher prefers to give positive motivation to his/her students. His/her comments are always constructive in nature. He/she serves as our friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good qualities one can posses. Such a teacher shapes the entire life of the students. f everyone in this world gets an ideal teacher, he/she won!t have to loo" bac" in his/her life ever. Qualities Of A Perfect Teacher Problem Solver Students have a tendency to assume that their teacher will come up with a solution for all their problems. This is the toughest test of a teacher#student relationship. Teachers are largely responsible to solve the problems of their pupils, without e$pecting anything in return. t is the main yardstic" of being an ideal teacher. Understands Student Psychology t is very important for a teacher to understand the psychology of his/her pupils. %very student is different from the other and will react differently to situations. All students cannot be equated and

therefore, need individual attention. An ideal teacher "nows where the students lac" and what their requirements are. He/she never fails to comprehend the needs of students and tries his/her level best to fulfill them. An Idol For Students An ideal teacher leaves a life#long impression on his/her students and impacts their mind in a positive way. She is a much valued asset, without whom one can!t imagine a life. n fact, perfect teachers are as important as our parents. &ot even a single day of our life will seem to be complete without them. They are the ones, whom the students can idolize and loo" up to. A Good Guide 'hildren of a certain age trust their teachers, even more than their parents. Therefore, it is the responsibility of an ideal teacher to guide the pupil li"e his/her own child. Such a teacher shows students the right path under all circumstances and never shies away from his/her duties. n fact, he/she is always there by the student!s side, at the time of need. A Motivator An ideal teacher never lets the limitations of his/her students restrict their vision. He/she constantly motivates them to reach ahead and broaden their horizon. A teacher should encourage and inspire his/her pupils to thin" beyond their confines and help them realize their talents as well as the need to pursue them with diligence.

Other qualities of a Good Teacher from our visitors Qualities for a good teacher: A good teacher should know their subject and make the lesson interesting A good teacher should be a good listener too A good teacher should give boundaries and be firm and fair A good teacher should be able to install confidence in their class A good teacher will be able to make their class feel at ease A good teacher will remain calm Cheryl/UK A great teacher has to be knowledgeable, confident, caring and sharing, fair to all students and well-organized too. Musaad/U.S. Minor Outlying Islands A good teacher should be a positive role model Nicole/Jamaica A Good eacher shall also be a perpetual !tudent and should be able to make learning a pleasent e"perience. #e should teach !tudents to face a crisis with a !$%&'. #e should be able to %nspire students to succes. Dr Keshav/India (ust be )ourself and tr) to level with the learners needs and )ours. #ave self confidence. Kedibone/South !rica A good teacher must be smart. #e*!he should wear clothes which are clean and acceptable b) the social standards. Mr Mbise Uless A good teacher should see him*herself as a steward. #e*!he should be read) to give account of his*her stewardship. And, is a resource person. Olanre"a#U/Nigeria A great teacher is the one who is alwa)s willing to help his*her students. he) are the ones that don+t stop teaching when the bell rings. he) reach out to students after class. he) know that some need e"tra attention or assistance, and the) don+t act like it+s not their job.

he) take that job seriousl) and know the) aren+t just emplo)ed to get students to be able to do higher math, but do well in life. he) realize that achievement isn+t just a good grade on a test, but a feeling of accomplishment with mastering a subject, the) are willing to work with a student for that feeling. Udit/India Qualities for a Good eacher: 'nthusiastic -nowledge of his subjects .nderstanding #elpful /ace instructor 0rganized Good communication skills 'fficient 1ommitted #ardworking nnah/Kenya -----------------------------------------------------------------A great teacher can+t be an)thing but G'2.%2' in whatever he*she does. $iri#a/India A good teacher is armed with a positive outlook on life and witnesses the moment when a student finall) grasps the essence of a new idea Samina/UK 3e kind and have a passion to teach the children %a&e nna 'i(a )/*hili&&ines 4hoever a teacher is, he is to remain a teacher who the learner relies on during hard times 5the ps)chological factor6 . his helps strengthening teacher-student relationship 5motivational factor6 leading to great results in the learning process. Mr. +edouane S DI/ lgeria Great teacher should utilize tools at hand to help accomplish tasks that seem wear). Give )our pupils inspiration to succeed. Ugret,( Ne#,avit/+ussia A teacher should be energetic, enthusiastic and e7uitable towards the students. #e should be creative and imaginative in arranging the different available means according to the needs of the pupils. +ainu/India QUALITIES OF A GOOD TEACHE Em!ath" 8ou have the abilit) to bond with )our students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. o communicate on their level. o be compassionate with them when the) are down and to celebrate with them when the) are up. #ositive $e%tal Attitude 8ou are able to think more on the positive and a little less on the negative. o keep a smile on )our face when things get tough. o see the bright side of things. o seek to find the positives in ever) negative situation. o be philosophical. O!e% to Cha%&e 8ou are able to acknowledge that the onl) real constant in life is change. 8ou know there is a place for tradition but there is also a place for new wa)s, new

ideas, new s)stems, and new approaches. 8ou don+t put obstacles in )our wa) b) being blinkered and are alwa)s open and willing to listen to others+ ideas. ole $odel 8ou are the window through which man) )oung people will see their future. 3e a fine role model.

%f )ou are a Stude%t Teacher go here to see our !tudent eacher !urvival Guide 9ideo Creative 8ou are able to motivate )our students b) using creative and inspirational methods of teaching. 8ou are different in )our approach and that makes )ou stand out from the crowd. #ence the reason wh) students enjo) )our classes and seek )ou out for new ideas. Se%se of Humour 8ou know that a great sense of humour reduces barriers and lightens the atmosphere especiall) during heav) periods. An abilit) to make )our students laugh will carr) )ou far and gain )ou more respect. %t also increases )our popularit). #rese%tatio% S'ills 8ou know that )our students are visual, auditor) or kinaesthetic learners. 8ou are adept at creating presentation st)les for all three. 8our bod) language is )our main communicator and )ou keep it positive at all times. &ike a great orator )ou are passionate when )ou speak. 3ut at the same time )ou know that discussion and not lecturing stimulates greater feedback. Calm%ess 8ou know that the aggression, negative attitudes and behaviours that )ou see in some of )our students have a root cause. 8ou know that the) are reall) scared )oung people who have come through some bad e"periences in life. his keeps )ou calm and in control of )ou, of them and the situation. 8ou are good at helping )our students de-stress. es!ectful 8ou know that no one is more important in the world than an)one else. 8ou know that ever)one has a place in the world. 8ou respect )our peers and )our students. #aving that respect for others gets )ou the respect back from others. I%s!iratio%al 8ou know that )ou can change a )oung person+s life b) helping them to realise their potential, helping them to grow, helping them to find their talents, skills and abilities. #assio% 8ou are passionate about what )ou do. eaching )oung people is )our true vocation in life. 8our purpose in life is to make a difference. (illi%& to Lear% 8ou are willing to learn from other teachers A2: )our students. Although knowledgeable in )our subject )ou know that )ou never stop learning

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