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BIOCHEMISTRY(AIPG) 9. 1. Acetyl CoA coverts to all exceptA. Glucose B. C. Fatty acids Cholesterol 10. Most LIPOGENIC carbohydrate A.

Fructose 2. Vitamin which deficiency leads to pyurvate and lactic acid is A. Thiamine B. C. Riboflavin Niacin 11. Denaturation of DNA A. Fragmentation of DNA molecules B. 3. All are genetic amino acid deficiency diseases except: A. Phenylketonuria B. C. Homocystinuria Galactosemia 12. Cereals are deficient in A. Vitamin C B. C. 4. What is the most sensitive indicator of cellular energy? A. ATP B. C. ADP Phosphocreatine 13. ATP are store house of? A. Energy B. C. Phosphate Protein Vitamin B Complex Iron C. Reversible separation of DNA Irreversible separation of DNA B. C. Glucose Ribose B. C. Gout is disorder of Pyrimidine metabolism Ketone metabolism A. Purine metabolism

D. Protein metabolis

D. Ketone bodies

D. Sucrose

D. Pyridoxine

D. Coagulation of DNA

D. Alkaptonuria

D. Calcium

D. AMP 5. Which of the following is not present in basal lamina A. Rhodopsin B. C. Entactin Laminin

D. Glucose 14. During phagocytes respiratory burst involves activation of A. Oxidases B. C. Hydrolase Peroxidase

D. Integrin 6. B. C. Sphingomyelinse deficiency is seen in

D. All A. Niemann pick disease Garber disease Tay sachs disease 15. FSH, LH, TSH acts through A. Cyclic AMP B. C. Cyclic GMP Both

D. Krabbes disease 7. B. C. Decreased BMR is seen in

D. None A. Obesity Hyperthyroidism Feeding B. C. 8. B. C. Somatomedin mediate Lipolysis Gluconeogenesis A. Chondritin sulfate deposition 17. ___ is not a transcription factors A. Insulin B. C. Estrogen Vitamin D 16. The Highest percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids are present in? A. Ground nut oil Palm oil Margarine

D. Exercise

D. Soya bean oil

D. Decreased rate of glucose uptake by cells

D. Glucocoticoid 18. Ist clinical sign of vitamin A deficiency is A. Night blindness B. C. Bitots spots Xerostomia

A. It is a tripeptide B. C. It converts Hb to met Hb It conjugates xenobiotics

D. It scavenges free radicals and superoxide ions 26. In molecular cloning Blue White screening is used for A. To screen for recombinant vectors B. To detect gene mutation To identify desired chromosomal DNA insert in plasmid vectors D. To detect host DNA in Situ 27. Amino acid which is used in transportation of ammonia and helps in urea synthesis is A. Arginine B. C. Glutamate Aspirtate

D. Conjunctival dryness

19. The reducing equivalent for fatty acid synthesis is derived from A. Glycolysis B. C. Krebs cycle Urea cycle


D. Pentose phosphate pathway 20. Compared to cows milk, mothers milk has abundance of A. Lactose B. C. Fat Protein

D. Glycin 28. Which of the following enzyme is stable at acidic pH? A. Pepsin B. C. Trypsin Chemotrypsim

D. All 21. Steroid hormone receptors have attachment site for all EXCEPT A. Steroid hormone B. C. Transcription repressors Hormone responsive element

D. Carboxypeptidase 29. Type of collage found in hyaline cartilage is A. Type I B. Type II Type III C.

D. Transcription activators 22. Insulin causes lipogenesis by all EXCEPT? A. Increasing acetyl CoA carboxylase activity B. C. Increase the transport of glucose into the cell Inhibit pyruvate dehydrogenase

D. Type IV 30. Protein purification and separation can be done by all EXCEPT A. Centrifugation B. C. Electrophoresis Densitometry

D. Decrease intracellular cAMP level 23. True about G protein coupled receptors is A. G protein bind to hormones on the cell surface B. C. All the three subunits alpha, beta & Gamma should bind to each other for G protein to act G proteins acts as inhibitory and excitatory because of difference in alpha sub unit D. G protein bound to GTP in resting stage 24. Thiamine deficiency causes decreased energy production because A. It is required for the process of transamination B. C. It is co factor in exudative reduction It is co - enzyme for transketolase in pentose B. C. phosphate pathway D. It is co enzyme for pyruvate dehydrogenase B. C.

D. Chromatography 31. All of the following processes are involved in the detection of mRNA expression EXCEPT A. Northern blot RT PCR Microarray

D. RNA sequencing 32. All of the following are the components of basement membrane EXCEPT A. Rhodopsin Laminin Entactin

D. Dystroglycan 25. All are true about glutathione EXCEPT

33. Which of the following is the most active form of calcium in the circulation? A. Ionized calcium B. C. Complexed with phosphate Complexed with oxalates B. C. 41. Which of the following participates in transamination reaction? A. Thiamine pyrophosphate Pyridoxal phosphate Cyanocobalamine

D. Bound to albumin 34. A small Ca2+ binding protein that modifies the activity of many enzymes and other proteins in response of changes of Ca2+ concentration is known as A. Cycline B. C. Calmodulin Collagen

D. Niacin 42. Regarding pentose phosphate pathway all of the following are true EXCEPT A. Occurs in the cytosol B. C. No ATP is produced in the cycle It is active in adipose tissue, liver, and gonads nonoxidative phase generates pyruvate 43. All of the following are precursor of adrenaline EXCEPT A. Noradrenalin B. C. Phenylalanine Isoprenaline

D. The oxidative phase generates NADPH and the

D. Kinesin 35. Which of the following has low glycemic index? A. Whole wheat bread B. C. Brown rice Ice cream

D. Potato 36. Keton bodies are utilized by all EXCEPT A. RBC B. C. Brain Heart

D. Dopamine 44. Intrinsic factor A. Is a polysaccharide B. C. Is a glycoprotein Helps in foliate absorption

D. Muscles 37. Which of the following is a good sources of saturated fatty acids A. Palm oil B. C. Sunflower oil Ground nut oil

D. Helps in blood coagulation 45. Which of the following is true about vitamin K ? A. Vitamin K1 is synthesized in intestine by microbial flora B. C. Vitamin K2 exists in plants Vitamin K is fat soluble and require bile for its absorption 38. All are good sources of n e poly unsaturated fatty acids EXCEPT A. Groundnut oil B. C. Mustard oil Corn oil 46. The most abundant protein present in body is A. Globulin B. C. Albumin Collagen D. Vitamin K absorbs because it is water soluble

D. Olive oil

D. Fish oil 39. Which of the following maskes hydrophobic to hydrophilic? A. Methylation B. C. Acetylation Glucuronidation

D. Hemoglobin 47. All of the following types of collagen EXCEPT one are present in cartilage A. 2 B. C. of ethanol to aldehyde is 48. All of the following are sarcolemmal proteins EXCEPT A. Syntrophin B. C. Dystrophin Dystrobrevin 4 6

D. Hydroxylation 40. The conversion

D. 9 mediated by A. Alcohol dehydrogenase B. C. Aldehyde dehydrogenase Xenthine oxidase

D. Catalase

D. Dysmorphin 57. All of the following procedure can be used to 49. High content of cholesterol is present in A. Coconut oil B. C. Egg yolk Hydrogenated fat B. C. detect the chromosomal mutation EXCEPT A. Single stranded length polymorphism Agarose gel electrophoresis Protein gradient electrophoresis

D. Ghee (unsaturated) 50. Fatty acids help in synthesis of all EXCEPT A. Glucose B. C. Cholesterol Ketone bodies

D. SPulse field gel electrophoresis 58. Vitamin B12 acts a coenzymes to which one of the following enzymes?Isocitrate dehydrogenase A. Isocitrate dehydrogenase B. C. Homocysteine methyl transferase Glycogen synthase

D. Fat 51. Increase in pyruvate and lactate is seen in which of the following deficiency? A. Thiamine B. C. Pyridoxine Niacin

D. G-6-P dehydrogenase 59. The ligand receptor complex dissociates in the endosome because; A. Of its large size B. C. The vesicle looses its clathrin coat Of the acidic pH of the vesicle

D. Vitamin C 52. Exrahepatic cholestasis is associated with A. Increased bilirubin in urine B. C. Increased urobilirubin in urine Increased bilirubin and increased urobilirubbin in serum D. Increased bilirubin in serum 53. Dark color urine and clay stool is seen in A. Obstructive jaundice B. C. Hemolytic jaundice Hepatocellular jaundice

D. Of the basic pH of the vesicle 60. The human plasma lipoprotein containing the highest percentage of triacylglycerol by weight is A. VLDL B. C. Chylomicrons Hdl

D. Ldl 61. The sigma (s) subunit of prokaryotic RNA polymerase A. Binds the antibiotic rifampicin B. C. 54. Which of the following is correct method for estimation of true serum creatinine? A. Jaffe reaction B. C. Kinetic jaffe reaction Enzyme immunoassay B. C. 55. For glucose estimation in blood the mode of transport from a primary health care center to laboratory is done by addition of A. Potassium oxalate + NaF B. C. Potassium oxalate + citrate EDTA 63. proteins are linear polymers of amino acids, they fold into compact structures. Sometimes these folded structure associate to form homo-or heterodimers. Which one of the following refers to this associated from? A. Denatured state 56. In all of the following RNA participates directly EXCEPT A. Post translational modification B. C. Post transcriptional modification DNA replication B. C. Molecular aggregation Precipitation 62. An affected male infant born to normal parent could be an example of all of the following except; A. mRNA tRNA rRNA Is inhibited by a=amanitin Specifically recognizes the promoter site

D. Severe dehydration

D. Is part of the core enzyme

D. Plasma gel filtration

D. snRNA

D. Sodium citrate

D. Quaternary structures

D. Splicing

64. The structural proteins are involed in maintaining the shape of cell or in the formation of matrices in the body. The shape of these point is A. Globular B. C. Fibrous Stretch of beads

72. Differential expression of same gene depending on parent of origin is referred to as: A. Genomic imprinting B. C. Mosaicism Anticipation

D. Non penetrance 73. Fluoride used in collection of blood samples for

D. Planar 65. Iron is present in all of the following except; A. Myoglobin B. C. Cytochrome Catalase B. C. glucose elimation, inhibits the enzyme A. Glucokinase Hexokinase Enolase

D. Pyruvate kinase 66. During phagocytosis, the metabolic process called respiratory burst involves the activation of; A. Oxidase B. C. Hydrolase Peroxidase

D. Glucose 6 phosphtase 74. Shine Dalgarno sequence in bacterial mRNA is near: A. AUG codon B. C. UAA codon AUG codon

D. Dehydrogenase 67. The cell component that is genetically continuous from one cell generation to the next is A. Nuclear membrane B. C. Golgi complex Central Bodies

D. UGA codon 75. A segment of Eukaryotic gene that is not represented in the mature mRNA is known as: A. Intron B. C. Exon Plasmid

D. Chromatin 68. Golgi bodies are responsible for: A. Synthesis of plypeptides B. C. Formation of glycoproteins only Modification and sorting of glycoproteins

D. TATA Box 76. An enzyme that makes a double stranded DNA copy form a single stranded RNA template molecule is known as: A. DNA polymerase B. C. RNA polymerase Reverse transcriptase

D. Lipid and steroid synthesis 69. Enzymes that move a molecular group from one molecule to another are known as: A. Ligases B. C. Oxidoreductases Transerases

D. Phosphokinase 77. The transmemebrane region of protein is likely to have: A. A stretch of hydrophilic amino acids B. C. A stretch of hydrophobic amino acids A disulphide loop acids 78. Which of the following group of proteins assist in the folding of other proteins: A. Proteases B. Proteosomes Templates C.

D. Dipeptidases 70. The amino acid residue having an imino side chain is: A. Lysine B. C. Histidine Tyrosine

D. Alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino

D. Proline 71. Vitamin A A. Is water soluble B. C. Deficiency causes impaired vision Maintains normal plasma of clotting factors

D. Chaperones 79. Which of the following is membrane bound enzyme that catalyses the formation of cyclic AMP from ATP: A. Tyrosine kinase

D. Is required for formation of clotting factors

B. C.

Polymerase ATP synthase

87. The code world of which proteins is also an initiation code for proteins: A. Leucine B. Isoleucine Methionine C.

D. Adenylate cyclase 80. To which of the following family of chemical mediators of inflammation, the lipoxins belong: A. Kinin system B. C. Cytokines Chemokines

D. Lysine 88. The main enzyme responsible for activation of Xenobiotics is: A. Cytochrome P 450 B. Glutathione S- transferase NADPH cytochrome P 450 C.

D. Arachidonic acid metabolites 81. The most abundant glycoproteins present in the basement membrane is A. Laminin B. C. Fibronectin Collagen type 4

D. Glucuronyl transferase 89. In oxidative phosphorylation, the ATP production and respiratory chain are linked by: A. Chemical methods B. Physical methods Chemiosmotic methods C.

D. Heparin sulphate 82. A person on fat free carbohydrate rich diet continues to grow obese, which of the following lipoproteins is likely to be elevated in his blood? A. Chylomicrons B. C. VLDL LDL

D. Confirmational changes 90. Substrate level phosphorylation is seen in the conversion of: A. Acetoaccatate to alpha ketoglutarate B. C. Succinyl CoA to succinate Fumarate to malate

D. HDL 83. Which of the following elements is known to influence the bodys ability to handle oxidative stress: A. Calcium B. C. Iron Potassium

D. Succinate to funarate 91. The nitrogen of the body is supplied by: A. Triacyl glycerol B. C. Proteins Glucose

D. Selenium 84. The most common condition of inherited

D. Lipids 92. Collagen is rich in: A. Glutamate and glycine B. C. Alanine and glycine Proline and glycine

blindness due to mitochondrial chromosomal anomaly is: A. Retinopathy of prematurity B. C. Lebers hereditary optic neuropathy Retinitis pigmentosa

D. Glutamate and proline SL NO 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8 REFERENCE

D. Retinal detachment 85. Enzymes concerned with the citric acid cycle are found in the: A. Nucleus B. C. Ribosomes Mitochondria


D. Non particulate cytoplasm 86. Which cell organelle contains DNA A. Mitochondrion B. C. Golgi body Endoplasmic reticulum

Ref: James 3/e p. 294 Ref: Satyanarayan 3/E, 307 Ref: Ganong 22/e p. 462 Ref: Ganong 22/e p. 382

D. Centriole

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


Ref: Harrison 17/e p. 2444 Ref: Harper 22/e p 193 Ref: Aynes 2/e p. 427 Ref: Lippincott 2/e 15 Harper 22/e 337

39 40 41 42 43 44


Ref: Harper 27/E p. 633-637 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 225, 95,96 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 247 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 177, 180 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 276, 455 Ref: Harper 27/E p 499-500 Ref: Harper 27/E p 495 Ref: Harper 27/E p 88 Ref: Harper 27/E p 561 Ref: Harper 27/E p 575 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 230 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 134 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 496-497 Ref: Harper 27/E p 290-292 Ref: Harper 27/E p 292

Harper 22/e 427 45 Park 19/e 481 46 47 Davidson 19/e 318 48 Harper 22/e 202 49 Park 19/e 500(vasu 6th ed pg no 365 )) Ref: Harper 26/e, p. 458 50 51 52 Ref: Harper 26/e, p. 458 Ref: Harper 26/e, p. 488 Ref: Harper 26/e, p. 629 53 54 55 56 Ref: Lippincotts 2/e, p. 286, 240241 Ref: Harper27 / e p. 485 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 561, 546 59 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 21-24 60 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 409-410 61 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 550-571 62 Ref: Guyton 8/e p. 870-81 63 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 482 64 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 482 65 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 191-192 66 Ref: lippincotts 2/e, p 314 67 Ref: Harper 27/E p. 123 68 C D A D A D B C C C 57 58

Ref: Harper 27/E p 152 Ref: Harper 27/E p 38 Ref: Harper 27/E p 24 Ref: Chetterjea Shindre, 6/E, P. 181 Ref: Chetterjea Shindre, 6/E, P. 19 Ref: Lippioncott, 3/E, P. 225, 230

Ref: Harper, 26/E, P. 356 Ref: Harper, 26/E, P. 34 Ref: Harper, 26/E, P. 38 Ref: Harpers, 25/E, P. 360 Ref: Robbins, 7/E, P. 60

Ref: Garlands Publishing Company, 1/E, P. 355 361

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92


Ref: Mathews, 3/E, P. 392 Ref: Harpers, 25/E, P. 29 Ref: Biochemistry by Devlin , 5/E, P. 1140, 1141 Ref: Robbins, 7/E, P. 186 Ref: Harper, 26/E, P. 137 Ref: Lippincotts Biochemistry, 2/E, P. 395 Ref: Harper, 26/E, P. 253 Ref: Harper, 25/E, P. 407 Ref: Harper, 26/E, P. 450 Ref: Harper, 26/E, P. 507 Ref: Ganong, 19/E, P. 41

Ref: Tencates 5/e p. 366, 368 Ref: Harper, 26/E, P. 211 Harrison 15/e 469 Harrison 15/e 1711, 405

Ref: Harper 25/e p. 230 Ref: Harper 26/e p.322, 323 Ref: Lehninger 2/e p. 898 Ref: Harper 25/e 780 Ref: Lippincott 2/e p 70 Ref: Harper 25/e 192, 185

Ref: Harper 25/e 696, 697

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