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Laying Foundations For A Better Life


Concentrated in an elongated belt formation alongside the Agro-Forestry Belt, they consists of component that need the
maximum possible protection from winds blowing over the terrain. The flora and fauna in this section is very delicate in
nature, and also is of the highest monetary value.

This belt serves the under-mentioned purpose in the project:

1. This belt consists of the most commercially valuable product of the project. They are also responsible for the
experimentation potential of this project in that all new species of flora and fauna to be introduced in the state
on experimental basis will be cultivated here.
2. All kinds of Indian and Foreign Fruits, Exotic Vegetables, Flowers and other varieties of Flora will be grown.
3. Free range fauna will be introduced in this belt to cater to the premium market segment of free range organically
raised poultry and smaller mammals as exotic food source.
4. Apiculture will be practiced.
5. With the passage of time, this part of the project will be developed into a vineyard as well.
6. Many more options are being suggested, and will be mentioned in the detailed project proposal.


Concentrated on major chunks of each existent units in alternate pattern, these parts of the project are the food crop
growing regions. Here, we will be growing superior varieties of different food grains, pulses and other crops using
organic methodology.

1. Staples
2. Corn and Maize
3. Oil bearing Crops
4. Protein Rich Crops
5. Sugarcane, and many others

The total production from this section is estimated at 5,000 MT of final edible product, which will be more than sufficient
for 12,000 Households per annum. That is more than the total food requirement of 600 villages (average village size
taken to be 200 households), which is 30 times more than the total number of villages involved in the project (i.e. 20

Once food security is addressed successfully, we can target the other components of the project, which will be setup for
trade purposes, and will be the Net Tradable Product of the Project (i.e., total outflow of goods out of the project to the
outside world and total inflow of currency into the project from the outside world.)


This will be one of the significant cash-inflow components of the project, in so much so as to be exclusively set up for
export to the outside world from the project end.

Various crops will be cultivated in this region, but mostly Pulses and other allied high-value crops. Every crop suitable to
the soil and weather conditions and fetching the maximum monetary realization in the market will be cultivated.

The crops of this sector will also feature various oil-bearing seeds, which will make it convenient and feasible to provide
raw materials for bio-diesel manufacturing plant in this project, which will be more than sufficient to address the captive
energy generation needs during times of emergency as well as for sale to the outside world.

Phone: +91.771.2236809
A-18, Meghdoot Business Centre, M G Road, Raipur

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