G322 'Key Media Concepts' EXAMINED UNIT (: Worth 50% of The As Marks)

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G322 'Key Media Concepts' EXAMINED UNIT (WORTH 50% OF THE

GO TO Moodle and go to the section labelled

Now click on 'Screenonline' Short films on camera use. Answer the following questions.

1. FILM TECHNIQUES SECTION-ANSWER THE FOLLOWING STUDENT TASK-ANSWER QUESTIONS ON EACH OF THE SECTIONS Watch each of the following sections and answer the questions below: Basic Camera Shots (1 minute) 1.What is a long shot(LS) and how/when/why is it used? Is a shot of the characters whole body and it is used to establish the character in his/her environment.

1. What is a medium shot(MS) and how/when/why is it used? A shot that only shows a character from the waist up. They are primarily used to show facial expressions and body gestures at a more personal angle. 2. What is a close up (CU) and how/when/why is it used? A close up is a shot of a charcters face.This shot is usually used to show the emotions of a charcter.

3. What is an extreme close up (ECU) and how/when/why is it used? An extreme close up is a shot that zooms in on particular features, which are usually on the actors face.to show emotions or reactions to events.

Camera Movements (1min, 31 secs) In what ways does a camera move and why? When would a tilt shot be used? What's the difference between a track and a zoom shot?

1. What does the camera do when it uses a PAN. How/when/why

does it do this? Moves from left to right. Or vise versa occasionally. This camera movement is usually following the character or characters or even the action as a whole.

2.What does the camera do when it uses a TILT. How/when/why

does it do this? The tilt camera movement is when the camera moves up and down in motion that is usually quite slow and gradual to reveal the character to us(the audience).It can be used as a form of surprising the audience.

3.What does the camera do when it uses a ZOOM. How/when/why

does it do this? When the camera moves towards or away from the action.The zoom can be used to replace a close up or a medium shot by gradually moving out or in from a specific point. 3b. What is the difference between a zoom in and a zoom out? A zoom in will start from a distance away and close in on a specific point whereas,a zoom out will do the opposite. 3c. What is a reverse zoom? Its the same as zooming out.

4.What does the camera do when it uses a TRACK/TRACKING

SHOT? How/when/why does it do this? The camera is mobile and moves along a track to follow a specific character or event.

5. What is the difference between a zoom and a track?

The difference between a zoom and a track is that a tracking shot is performed by a mobile camera whereas a zoom is done by a static camera. Camera Angles Look at how the angle of a camera affects our experience of a shot.


What is a straight on angle? How/when/why is it used?


What is a low angle shot? How/when/why is it used?


What is a High angle shot? How/when/why is it used?


What is a Birds Eye View? How/when/why is it used?

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