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I was boin anu iaiseu in Polanu until the age of 1S when my family peimanently moveu to the 0K. Since then I have
been faceu with countless oppoitunities anu suipiises; anu thanks to my ambition anu peisonal uiive, as well as
the suppoit of my family, I have been able to so fai succeeu in my enueavois.

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To uate the assignments incluue:
Statutoiy auuits of occupational pension schemes;
Statutoiy auuits of FCA iegulateu unueitakings;
Statutoiy auuits of limiteu companies in the uata & IT anu meuia & enteitainment sectois (cuiiently up to
planning stage);
The occasional accounts piepaiation (incluuing consoliuation of inteinational gioup) anu CT

All auuit files aie in papei foim, which iequiies stiong technical knowleuge anu familiaiity with auuit pioceuuies
to ensuie that my auuits aie conuucteu anu piesenteu auequately. I mostly woik fiom the fiim's office with no
auuit team, iepoiting uiiectly to the auuit paitnei.

0n all assignments I am iequiieu to:
Conuuct anu uocument my planning pioceuuies befoie piesenting foi appioval to paitnei;
Conuuct anu uocument all auuit pioceuuies anu communicate with client anu paitnei effectively
thioughout the piocess;
Piesent the file to paitnei foi RI ieview, having finaliseu all completion pioceuuies.

The only softwaie that I have occasionally been iequiieu to use was Excel, Sage Coipoiation Tax anu CCB Accounts

I completeu my tiaining towaius ICAEW ACA anu am cuiiently awaiting my full membeiship ceitificate with the

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I woikeu in the fiim's auuit uepaitment, piogiessing fiom auuit junioi thiough to auuit senioi. I often hau to
piepaie clients' accounts anu uiaft tax computations. The split between auuit anu accounts & tax was
appioximately 7u:Su.

Clients that I woikeu with mostly incluueu:
Piivately owneu companies;
Local chaiities;
Euucational establishments (connecteu with the 0niveisity of Cambiiuge);
Solicitois (foi Solicitois' Accounting Rules auuits);
0ccupational pension schemes.

The softwaie useu foi accounts anu auuit was Casewaie anu Excel, Alphatax was useu foi tax, mostly Sage anu
Quickbooks foi bookkeeping.

Ny woik incluueu:
All planning pioceuuies anu upuating clients' peimanent file infoimation;
Peifoiming the planneu anu agieeu auuit woik on all aieas of balance sheet anu piofit & loss account - this
mostly incluueu substantive pioceuuies but occasionally I woulu be testing contiols;
Finalising anu completing assignments, incluuing the uiafting of iepoits to be maue to client of auuit
finuings anu iecommenuations.
I woulu mostly iepoit to the auuit senioi oi the auuit managei. In the latei yeais I woulu also supeivise, assist anu,
when iequiieu, tiain the moie junioi membeis of staff.

Buiing my time heie, I completeu my AAT tiaining anu piogiesseu thiough the majoiity of my ICAEW ACA tiaining.

The majoiity of assignments weie completeu in teams; howevei, I completeu a numbei of jobs in theii entiiety by
myself. I mostly woikeu on clients' piemises togethei with theii accounts anu finance staff.

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The company is a family-iun unueitaking establisheu anu manageu by my long-teim paitnei, specializing in
supplies to the petio-chemical inuustiy in the Niuule East. W}N staiteu tiauing in }anuaiy 2u1S anu to uate
geneiateu ievenues of just ovei 27uk anu is still giowing.

Since incoipoiation I have assisteu W}N with:
Basic legal anu stiuctuie auvice;
Tax auvice anu compliance;
Bookkeeping, management iepoiting anu tax iepoiting;
Tiaining anu auvising management in commeicial anu legal aspects of iunning the company, this incluueu
ieciuitment uecisions anu potential inteinational joint ventuies;
Tiaining new staff with no ielevant expeiience to take ovei the bookkeeping anu auministiation aspects of
the company;
0ccasionally uealing with supplieis, customeis anu the company's bank anu exteinal accountant.

In uealing with W}N I have woikeu with Quickbooks anu a bespoke uatabase. We have iecently, with my help,
staiteu ueveloping a bookkeeping anu iepoiting mouule to integiate into the uatabase anu opeiations system.

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I passeu all papeis of the Piofessional Stage at fiist attempt by }anuaiy 2u1S. In }uly 2u1S I passeu both Technical
Integiation papeis of the Auvanceu Stage, with Case Stuuy following in Novembei 2u1S.

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Buiing this time I passeu all papeis in Levels S anu 4 on fiist attempt.

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English Lang & Lit B Nathematics B
Classical Civilisation B Accountancy A

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A Thiee subjects;
B Six subjects, incluuing English Language, English Liteiatuie anu Nathematics,
Science Bouble Awaiu;
C 0ne subject.

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Ny skills also incluue:
Fluent non-business Polish;
Full 0K uiiving license;
Bighly analytical anu with eye foi uetail;
uoou IT skills.

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I enjoy ieauing, mostly classics anu populai histoiy, anu cooking in my spaie time, especially baking (anything but
cupcakes). Although not a "spoity" peison, I love to swim anu uon't minu a fiienuly game of squash.

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