Bloom's Taxonomy

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1.1 Befining euucation ..................................................................................................................................... S
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2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Bomain: ........................................................................................ S
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2.2 Affective Bomain ......................................................................................................................................... 7
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8 L C C M ' S 1 A x C n C M ?
1.0 ln18CuuC1lCn:
1.1 uLllnlnC LuuCA1lCn
LducaLlon ls Lhe process of lmparLlng educaLlon and lnculcaLlng skllls and ablllLles
among Lhe dlsclples (eLrldes, A, & nodlne, 2003).
2.0 8LCCM'S 1AxCnCM?
8looms Laxonomy ls deflned as Lhe learnlng ob[ecLlves wlLhln Lhe domaln of
educaLlon. 8loom's Laxonomy ls colned afLer Lhe sclenLlsL who deflned Lhe Lerm
known as 8en[amln bloom. Pe devlsed Lhe Laxonomy whlle chalrlng a commlLLee.
1he bloom's Laxonomy deflnes Lhe ob[ecLlves Lhe educaLor seLs for Lhe sLudenLs and
ls Lermed as learnlng ob[ecLlves. 1he educaLlonal ob[ecLlves are dlvlded ln Lo Lhree
slgnlflcanL domalns LhaL are menLloned subsequenLly (lorehand, 2010)
1. CognlLlve
2. AffecLlve
3. sychomoLor
2.1 8LCCM'S 1AxCnCM? Cl CCCnl1lvL uCMAln:
2.1.1 knCWLLuCL
knowledge ln cognlLlve domaln of blooms Laxonomy ls deflned as Lhe reLenLlon of
formerly learned maLerlal. 1hls mlghL comprlse of recalllng a wlde range maLerlal,
from parLlcular facLs Lo sysLemlc Lheorles, Lhe demand from Lhe sLudenL ls Lo brlng
Lo mlnd Lhe appllcable lnformaLlon. knowledge characLerlzes Lhe lowesL level of
learnlng producLs ln Lhe cognlLlve domaln (Anderson & 8loom, 2003)

2.1.2 CCM8LPLnSlCn
Comprehenslon perLalns Lo Lhe
ablllLy Lo grasp Lhe meanlng of
Lhe maLerlal under dlscusslon.
1hls phenomenon ls descrlbed
by lnLerpreLlng maLerlal from
one form Lo anoLher llke words Lo numbers or by furLher explalnlng maLerlal or
summarlzlng, Lhls process develops even furLher by esLlmaLlng fuLure Lrends llke
predlcLlng ouLcomes or effecLs. So ln Lhe llghL of Lhe explanaLlon Lhese ouLcomes
goes beyond Lhe slmple reLenLlon of Lhe maLerlal and hlghllghLs Lhe lowesL level of
undersLandlng (8loom, LngelharL, lursL, Plll, & kraLhwohl, 1936).
undersLand facLs and prlnclples.
lnLerpreL verbal maLerlal, charLs, and graphs.
1ranslaLe verbal maLerlal Lo maLhemaLlcal formulas.
LsLlmaLe fuLure consequences lmplled by daLa.
!usLlfy meLhod and procedures.
2.1.3 ALlCA1lCn
AppllcaLlon ls Lhe ablllLy Lo uLlllze Lhe learned maLerlal ln an lnnovaLlve and concreLe
slLuaLlon. 1hls may lncorporaLe Lhe appllcaLlon of such Lhlngs as
Learnlng ouLcomes LhaL are ln appllcaLlon area necesslLaLe a hlgher level of
undersLandlng Lhan Lhose under comprehenslon.

Apply concepLs and prlnclples Lo new slLuaLlons.
Apply laws and Lheorles Lo pracLlcal slLuaLlons.
Solve maLhemaLlcal problems.
ConsLrucL charLs and graphs.
2.1.4 AnAL?SlS
Analysls slgnlfles Lo Lhe capablllLy Lo break down maLerlal lnLo lLs consLlLuenL or
parLs so LhaL lLs organlzaLlonal sLrucLure may be comprehended. 1hls may comprlse
of Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe parLs, analysls of Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween parLs, and
acknowledgmenL of Lhe organlzaLlonal prlnclples lnvolved. Learnlng consequences
here represenL a hlgher lnLellecLual level Lhan comprehenslon and appllcaLlon slnce
Lhey necesslLaLe an undersLandlng of boLh Lhe conLenL and Lhe sLrucLural form of Lhe
8ecognlze unsLaLed assumpLlons and loglcal fallacles ln reasonlng.
ulsLlngulsh beLween facLs and lnferences.
LvaluaLe Lhe relevancy of daLa. Analyze Lhe organlzaLlonal sLrucLure of a
2.1.4 S?n1PLSlS
8efers Lo Lhe capablllLy Lo puL parLs LogeLher Lo form a new whole. 1hls may
comprlse Lhe consLrucLlon of a unlque communlcaLlon (Lheme or speech), a plan of
operaLlons (research proposal), or a seL of absLracL relaLlons (scheme for classlfylng
lnformaLlon). Learnlng ouLcomes ln Lhls area sLress creaLlve behavlors, wlLh ma[or
emphasls on Lhe formulaLlon of new paLLerns of sLrucLures. lnLegraLe.
WrlLe a well-organlzed Lheme or glve a well-organlzed speech.
ropose a plan or creaLe a new work or wrlLlng, muslc, arL.
lnLegraLe learnlng from dlfferenL areas lnLo a plan Lo solve new problems
2.1.3 LvALuA1lCn
ls concerned wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo [udge Lhe value of maLerlal (sLaLemenL, novel,
poem, research reporL) for a glven purpose. 1he [udgmenLs are Lo be based on
deflnlLe crlLerla. 1hese may be lnLernal crlLerla (organlzaLlon) or exLernal crlLerla
(relevance Lo Lhe purpose), and Lhe sLudenL may deLermlne Lhe crlLerla or be glven
Lhem. Learnlng ouLcomes ln Lhls area are hlghesL ln Lhe cognlLlve hlerarchy because
Lhey conLaln elemenLs of all of Lhe oLher caLegorles, plus consclous value [udgmenLs
based on clearly deflned crlLerla.
1o !udge Lhe loglcal conslsLency
1o revlew Lhe adequacy of concluslons
1o assess Lhe value of a work by use of lnLernal crlLerla
1o evaluaLe Lhe value of a work by use of exLernal sLandards.
2.1.6 8LvlSLu vL8SlCn Cl 8LCCM'S 1AxCnCM?
ln 2001, 8loom's Laxonomy wenL Lhrough some modlflcaLlons, whlch are lllusLraLed
ln Lhe dlagram below. 1he changes comprlse of mlnor lmprovemenLs llke evaluaLe ls
degraded and synLhesls was promoLed up Lhe hlerarchy. Moreover, Lhe lnscrlpLlon
was converLed from noun Lo verb form Lo accenLuaLe Lhe acLlon-orlenLed domaln.

2.2 AllLC1lvL uCMAln
1hls domaln lncludes Lhe manner ln whlch we deal wlLh Lhlngs emoLlonally, such as
feellngs, values, appreclaLlon, enLhuslasms, moLlvaLlons, and aLLlLudes (kraLhwohl,

2.2.1 8LCLlvlnC PLnCMLnA:
Wllllngness Lo hear
SelecLed aLLenLlon.
LlsLen Lo oLhers wlLh respecL.
LlsLen for and remember Lhe name of newly lnLroduced people.
2.2.2 8LSCnulnC 1C PLnCMLnA:
AcLlve parLlclpaLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe learners.
ALLends and reacLs Lo a parLlcular phenomenon.
Learnlng ouLcomes may emphaslze compllance ln
! 8espondlng
! Wllllngness Lo respond
! SaLlsfacLlon ln respondlng (moLlvaLlon).
! arLlclpaLes ln class dlscusslons.
! Clves a presenLaLlon.
! CuesLlons new ldeals, concepLs, models, eLc. ln order Lo fully undersLand
! know Lhe safeLy rules and pracLlces Lhem.
2.2.3 vALulnC:
1he worLh or value a person aLLaches Lo a parLlcular ob[ecL, phenomenon, or
behavlor. 1hls ranges from slmple accepLance Lo Lhe more complex sLaLe of
commlLmenL. valulng ls based on Lhe lnLernallzaLlon of a seL of speclfled values,
whlle clues Lo Lhese values are expressed ln Lhe learner's overL behavlor and are
ofLen ldenLlflable.
uemonsLraLes bellef ln Lhe democraLlc process. ls senslLlve Lowards lndlvldual and
culLural dlfferences (value dlverslLy). Shows Lhe ablllLy Lo solve problems. roposes a
plan Lo soclal lmprovemenL and follows Lhrough wlLh commlLmenL. lnforms
managemenL on maLLers LhaL one feels sLrongly abouL.
2.2.4 C8CAnlZA1lCn:
Crganlzes values lnLo prlorlLles by conLrasLlng dlfferenL values, resolvlng confllcLs
beLween Lhem, and creaLlng a unlque value sysLem. 1he emphasls ls on comparlng,
relaLlng, and synLheslzlng values.
8ecognlzes Lhe need for balance beLween freedom and responslble behavlor.
AccepLs responslblllLy for one's behavlor. Lxplalns Lhe role of sysLemaLlc plannlng ln
solvlng problems. AccepLs professlonal eLhlcal sLandards. CreaLes a llfe plan ln
harmony wlLh ablllLles, lnLeresLs, and bellefs. rlorlLlzes Llme effecLlvely Lo meeL Lhe
needs of Lhe organlzaLlon, famlly, and self.
2.2.3 ln1L8nALlZlnC vALuLS (CPA8AC1L8lZA1lCn):
Pas a value sysLem LhaL conLrols Lhelr behavlor. 1he behavlor ls pervaslve,
conslsLenL, predlcLable, and mosL lmporLanLly, characLerlsLlc of Lhe learner.
lnsLrucLlonal ob[ecLlves are concerned wlLh Lhe sLudenL's general paLLerns of
ad[usLmenL (personal, soclal, emoLlonal).
Shows self-rellance when worklng lndependenLly. CooperaLe ln-group acLlvlLles
(dlsplays Leamwork). uses an ob[ecLlve approach ln problem solvlng. ulsplays a
professlonal commlLmenL Lo eLhlcal pracLlce on a dally basls. 8evlses [udgmenLs and
changes behavlor ln llghL of new evldence. values people for whaL Lhey are, noL how
Lhey look.
2.3 S?CPCMC1C8
1he hlerarchy menLloned bellow leads from Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe Lools and
maLerlals whlch are Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe manual skllls of Lhe occupaLlon
Lhrough several levels of Lhe sklll ln handllng and uslng Lhe Lools and maLerlals Lo
effecL deslrable work
ouLcomes and Lhe ablllLy Lo
plan a seL of work
operaLlons LhaL wlll resulL ln
achlevemenL of Lhe
deslrable resulL Lo Lhe
hlghesL level of aLLalnmenL
whlch lnvolves evaluaLlon of
Lhe ouLcomes and Lhe
plannlng of means for
lmprovemenL of Lhe
ouLcomes achleved (lerrls & Azlz, 2003).
2.3.1 L8CL1lCn
ercepLlon ls Lhe awareness or Lhe capablllLy Lo uLlllze sensory slgnals ln order Lo
gulde physlcal endeavors and also Lhe ablllLy Lo use sensory slgnals Lo gulde moLor
acLlvlLy. 1hls ranges from sensory sLlmulaLlon Lhrough cue selecLlon Lo LranslaLlon.
! ueLecLs non-verbal communlcaLlon cues.
! LsLlmaLe where a ball wlll land afLer lL ls Lhrown and Lhen movlng Lo Lhe
correcL locaLlon Lo caLch Lhe ball.
! Ad[usLs heaL of sLove Lo correcL LemperaLure by smell and LasLe of food.
! Ad[usLs Lhe helghL of Lhe forks on a forkllfL by comparlng where Lhe forks are
ln relaLlon Lo Lhe palleL.
2.3.2 SL1
! Readiness, a learner's readiness to act.
! Readiness to act.
! It includes mental, physical, and emotional sets.
! These three sets are dispositions that predetermine a person!s
response to different situations (sometimes called mindsets).
Knows and acts upon a sequence of steps in a manufacturing process.
Recognize ones abilities and limitations. Shows desire to learn a new process
NOTE: This subdivision of Psychomotor is closely related with the
"Responding to phenomena" subdivision of the Affective domain.
2.3.3 CuluLu 8LSCnSL
! The early stages in learning a complex skill that includes imitation and
trial and error.
! Adequacy of performance is achieved by practicing.
Performs mathematical examples of activity or demonstration and evidence to
be measured.
2.3.4 MLCPAnlSM
Mechanism can be explained as a basic level of expertise, the aptitude to
perform an intricate motor skill. This is the intermediate stage in learning a
complex skill. Learned responses have become consistent and the activities
can be performed with some certainty and competence.
Use a personal computer. Repair a leaking faucet. Drive a car.
2.3.3 CCMLLx CvL81 8LSCnSL
Complex movement patterns are involved in the skillful performance of motor
acts. Proficiency is designated by a
Accurate, and
Highly coordinated performance
The act of being proficient comprises of above factors and requires a
minimum level of energy. This category includes performing without
hesitation, and automatic performance. For example, players are often utter
sounds of satisfaction or expletives as soon as they hit a tennis ball or throw a
football, because they can tell by the feel of the act what the result will
2.3.6 AuA1A1lCn
Adaptation is the adjustable skills level, a pupil's capability to adjust motor
skills to fit a fresh condition.
Skills are well established and the individual can refashion movement patterns
to fit special requisites fundamentals.
Responds efficiently to unexpected experiences. Modifies instruction to meet
the needs of the learners. Perform a task with a machine that it was not
originally intended to do (machine is not damaged and there is no danger in
performing the new task).
2.3.6 C8lClnA1lCn
! Creative proficiency, a learner's ability to create new movement
! Creating new movement patterns to fit a particular situation or specific
problem. Learning outcomes emphasize creativity based upon highly
developed skills.
Constructs a new theory.
Develops a new and comprehensive training programming.
Creates a new gymnastic routine.
8loom's 1axonomy ls an lnnovaLlve model LhaL encompasses wlLhln lL self Lhe
flexlblllLy Lo revoluLlonlze Lhe educaLlonal currlculum. 1he model has been ln use
slnce lLs lncepLlon and many researchers applaud lLs appllcablllLy ln undersLandlng
and devlslng a currlculum LhaL propagaLes human lnLellecLual growLh. SLudylng and
researchlng on Lhe model has been an enllghLenlng experlence whlch allowed ln-
depLh undersLandlng and has lncreased Lhe baslc proflclencles Lhrough whlch one
can embark on an lnLellecLual [ourney of formulaLlng an ulLlmaLe currlculum LhaL
would asslsL growLh of aklsLan as a unlfled whole.

8l 8Ll CC8AP?
Anderson, L. W., & 8loom, 8. S. (2003). 5 87I'&'.: J'0 )*70&3&,K 8*7613&,K 7&+
722*223&," Longman.
8loom, 8. S., LngelharL, M. u., lursL, L. !., Plll, W. P., & kraLhwohl, u. 8. (1936).
L7I'&'.: 'J *+?6783'&7) 'MN*683>*2A O7&+M''P EA -',&383>* +'.73&" (19 ed.). new
?ork : uavld Mckay.
lerrls, 1. L., & Azlz, S. (2003). A psychomoLor skllls exLenslon Lo 8loom's Laxonomy of
educaLlon ob[ecLlves for englneerlng educaLlon. Q'68'07) +322*08783'& . naLlonal
Cheng kung unlverslLy 1alnan.
lorehand, M. (2010). 8loom's Laxonomy. Lmerglng perspecLlves on learnlng,
Leachlng, and Lechnology. 12. Ceorgla , uSA: unlverslLy of Ceorgla .
lreeze, 8. u., & kulkarnl, u. (2007). "knowledge managemenL capablllLy: deflnlng
knowledge asseLs.". R'?0&7) 'J %&'()*+,* .7&7,*.*&8 K ## (6), 94-109.
kraLhwohl, u. 8. (2002). A revlslon of 8loom's Laxonomy: An overvlew. . L1*'0: 3&8'
/076836* K 9# (4), 212-218.
eLrldes, A, L., & nodlne, 1. 8. (2003). knowledge ManagemenL ln LducaLlon:
ueflnlng Lhe Landscape.

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