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States Policies for Diasporas: A case of the Indian Diaspora

Introduction Migration natural, continuous, spatial phenomenon Modern Diaspora live outside but maintains economic and sentimental relations with motherland Globalization- Diaspora and economic and social development of many countries important

Diaspora & States Policies: National interest important for foreign policy- Diaspora engagement leads to flow of remittances, investments, knowledge transfers, political influences, outsource to domestic business, overcoming negative nation stereotypes through demonstrations of their capabilities abroad, interest groups and political actors Rationality: state acts as if balancing costs against benefits to arrive at action that maximizes its advantage

Indias Diaspora Policies: Overseas Indians = Indian Nationals Overseas(INO) + People of Indian Origin (PIO) INO= NRI( Indian Passport, duration of stay); PIO= descendants of emigrants (descent or birth); spread across globe, economic success State Policy: state sponsored celebrations, awards for expatriates, bureaucratic units dedicated for cause, external voting rights, bilateral arrangements on social security and pension transferability; external or extra territorial citizenship History: Imperial policies, INC demanded equal rights for Indian nationals, tough attitude towards ruthless colonies, independence can solve their problem, expatriate donated funded, published papers, generates political and public opinion for independence, after independence they were asked to integrate/loyal with host countries even in case of harsh treatment and all these changed with liberalization

New Diaspora Policies Post cold war period, multi polar world, priorities changed from global and ideological to regional and realistic, economy more open, emphasis on economic aspect rather than political, change in Diaspora profile- influential in economy, services, academics, politics, health sector, entrepreneurship etc, higher education, professional skilled and technological advancement resulting into huge salaries

NDA govt. launched PIO card, high level committee on Diaspora, PBD, MOIA (2004), UPA more innovative policies

Political Dimensions Overseas citizenship of India- PIO granted citizenship without political rights, Diaspora Knowledge Network (DKN), Know India Programme (KIP), Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children (SPDC), Bilateral Security Arrangements (BSA), Protection of emigrants against exploitation in Gulf, voting rights to NRIs has been considered ,ICWF(43 missions), labor agreement and MOUs with Gulf

Economic Dimensions Investment, technology, knowledge transfer, joint ventures, technology licensing arrangements, BOP, remittances, oil boom, special saving and investment schemes, NRE,NRO,FCNR a/c, less control, free capital flow, seed capital, banking and stock market, India millennium deposit scheme (2000), resurgent India bonds scheme (1998), FDI in IT and BPO sector

Conclusion Greater say due to financial strength, flow of tacit information, commercial and business ideas, technologies to India; loss of skilled people; nature of country of settlement, relationship between Indian govt. and diaspora, nature of Indian politics will decide foreign policy in that respect

Middle class NRI Professional and salaried class which doesnt have direct involvement in trade, commerce and industry; income consumption pattern, relation to state, market and civil society, aspire for good education, career, stereotypical thinking with social values, socio cultural capital,celebration of festivals and language,came out for better livelihood, DDLJ, K3G, English Vinglish, Mississippi Masala, Guru

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