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Head Office St. Paul/Phoenix Mauritius Tel No: 601- 000 !ax No: "#$0% 6&66#6'
(-)ail: c*a+intnet.)u / ,e- Site: htt.://c*a./o0.)u

Prequalification Document For Implementation of Telemetr ! Tele"ur#eillance Pro$ect for Di"trict Water %uppl &Nort'( IN)ITATION FOR PRE*UALIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR% OA+ No,- CWA./012.32 Pro$ect- Implementation of Telemetr ! Tele"ur#eillance Pro$ect for DW% &Nort'( Emplo er- Central Water Aut'orit Countr - 4AURITIU%

5anuar /016

Contract No, C/012.32 7 Prequalification of Contractor" for t'e Implementation of a Telemetr ! Tele"ur#eillance Pro$ect for Di"trict Water %uppl &Nort'( Pream8le to Prequalification Document 1, O#er#ie9 of 4auritiu" The 1e.u-lic of Mauritius is an island nation in the 2ndian Ocean a-out #000 3ilo)etres off the southeast coast of 4frica. The 1e.u-lic of Mauritius also incor.orates the island of 1odri/ues5 situated so)e 60 3ilo)etres to the east and is 10' 3) # in area5 the 4/ale/a island situated so)e 1000 3ilo)etres to the north of Mauritius and Saint 6randon situated so)e '$0 3ilo)etres to the north-east of Mauritius5 -oth *ith total area of 71.# 3) #. The area of the countr8 is #50'0 3) #9 its ca.ital is Port :ouis. Mauritius has a .o.ulation of a-out 15$ )illion5 co).risin/ )i/rant .eo.le5 a )a;orit8 of *ho) are of 4sian ori/in fro) the 2ndian Su-continent and <hina5 follo*ed -8 the .eo.le of 4frican descent and !ranco Mauritian. /, Central Water Aut'orit The <entral ,ater 4uthorit8 is a cor.orate -od8 esta-lished under the <,4 4ct 1=715 *ith su-se>uent a)end)ents and it -eca)e o.erational in 1=7$. 2t o.erates under the ae/is of the Ministr8 of (ner/8 and Pu-lic ?tilities and is the sole 4uthorit8 in Mauritius res.onsi-le for the treat)ent and distri-ution of .ota-le *ater to households5 /o0ern)ent -odies and -usiness co))unit85 a)on/ others5 *ith a 0ie* to fosterin/ econo)ic /ro*th and social de0elo.)ent in Mauritius. The <,4 is ad)inistered and controlled -8 a se0en )e)-er <entral ,ater 6oard "<,6% *hich is ex.ected to )eet at least once e0er8 )onth. The @eneral Man/er is res.onsi-le for the execution of the *ater .olic8 and the effecti0e )ana/e)ent of the da8 to da8 -usiness acti0ities of the 4uthorit8. 2, Pro$ect De"cription The <entral ,ater 4uthorit8 intends to i).le)ent a Tele)etr8 and Telesur0eillance Pro;ect for the Aistrict ,ater Su..l8 "A,S% North of Mauritius 2sland. This .ro;ect is to .ro0ide a real ti)e )onitorin/ status of the electro-)echanical controls / instru)ents of .u).in/ stations "-oreholes and surface .u).s%5 outlet of .ota-le *ater tan3s fro) *ater treat)ent .lants and *ater le0els in ser0ice reser0oirs and -oreholes5 the flo* and .ressure at nodal .oints in the distri-ution net*or3s and an8 other site of *or3s -8 )eans of a Su.er0isor8 <ontrol and Aata 4c>uisition "S<4A4% s8ste). This s8ste) *ill also .er)it the control of .u).s and stand-8 /enerators fro) a Secondar8 <ontrol <entre "S<<%. The A,S "North% co0ers the *ater distri-ution Bone for the districts of Pa).le)ousses and 1i0iCre du 1e).art of Mauritius 2sland. 2t is su..lied -8 :a NicoliCre Treat)ent ,ater Plant and $= -oreholes distri-uted o0er $ sites and ser0ice reser0oirs are -uilt on 1 sites.

Prequalification Document for Procurement of Wor:"

PART 1 7 Prequalification Proce;ure",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 Section 22. Pre>ualification Aata Sheet..........................................................................................#1 Section 222. Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents....................................................................# Section 2E. 4..lication !or)s......................................................................................................$ PART / 7 Wor:" Requirement",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<1 Section E. Sco.e of ,or3s............................................................................................................ $ PART 2 7 Co#enant of Inte=rit Form,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>?

PART 1 7 Prequalification Proce;ure"

%ection I, In"truction" to Applicant"

Ta8le of Clau"e"
4. @eneral........................................................................................................................................ 1. Sco.e of 4..lication.............................................................................................................6 #. Source of !unds....................................................................................................................6 $. Pu-lic (ntities 1elated to 6iddin/ Aocu)ents and to <hallen/e and 4..eal......................6 '. <orru.t and !raudulent Practices..........................................................................................6 . (li/i-le 4..licants................................................................................................................& 6. (li/i-ilit8............................................................................................................................10 6. <ontents of the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent..............................................................................10 7. Sections of Pre>ualification Aocu)ent..............................................................................10 &. <larification of Pre>ualification Aocu)ent and Pre-4..lication Meetin/.........................10 =. 4)end)ent of Pre>ualification Aocu)ent........................................................................11 <. Pre.aration of 4..lications......................................................................................................11 10. <ost of 4..lications.........................................................................................................1# 11. :an/ua/e of 4..lication...................................................................................................1# 1#. Aocu)ents <o).risin/ the 4..lication...........................................................................1# 1$. 4..lication Su-)ission !or)...........................................................................................1# 1'. Aocu)ents (sta-lishin/ the (li/i-ilit8 of the 4..licant..................................................1# 1 . Aocu)ents (sta-lishin/ the Dualifications of the 4..licant............................................1# 16. Si/nin/ of the 4..lication and Nu)-er of <o.ies............................................................1$ A. Su-)ission of 4..lications......................................................................................................1$ 17. Sealin/ and 2dentification of 4..lications........................................................................1$ 1&. Aeadline for Su-)ission of 4..lications..........................................................................1$ 1= :ate 4..lications................................................................................................................1' #0. O.enin/ of 4..lications....................................................................................................1' (. Procedures for (0aluation of 4..lications...............................................................................1' #1. <onfidentialit8...................................................................................................................1' ##. <larification of 4..lications..............................................................................................1' #$. 1es.onsi0eness of 4..lications........................................................................................1' #'. Mar/in of Preference.........................................................................................................1 # . Su--contractors..................................................................................................................1 !. (0aluation of 4..lications and Pre>ualification of 4..licants................................................1 #6. (0aluation of 4..lications................................................................................................1 #7. ().lo8erFs 1i/ht to 4cce.t or 1e;ect 4..lications..........................................................1& #&. Pre>ualification of 4..licants...........................................................................................1& #=. Notification of Pre>ualification.........................................................................................1& $0. 2n0itation for 6ids..............................................................................................................1& $1. <han/es in Dualifications of 4..licants...........................................................................1=

%ection I, In"truction" to Applicant"

A, @eneral

1, %cope of Application


2n connection *ith the 2n0itation for Pre>ualification1 indicated in Section 225 Pre>ualification Aata Sheet "PAS%5 the Pu-lic 6od8 also referred to herein as ().lo8er5 as defined in the PD%A issues this Pre>ualification Aocu)ent "GPre>ualification Aocu)entH% to .ros.ecti0e a..licants "G4..licantsH% interested in su-)ittin/ a..lications "G4..licationsH% for .re>ualification to -id for the ,or3s descri-ed in Section E5 Sco.e of ,or3s. 2n case the ,or3s are to -e -id as indi0idual contracts "i.e. the slice and .ac3a/e .rocedure%5 these are listed in the PAS. The .rocure)ent reference nu)-er for the O.en 4d0ertised Pre>ualification5 is .ro0ided in the PAS, ?nless other*ise stated in the PD%A this .rocure)ent shall -e financed -8 the Pu-lic 6od8Fs o*n -ud/etar8 allocation. The .u-lic entities related to these -iddin/ docu)ents are the Pu-lic 6od85 actin/ as .rocure)ent entit8 "().lo8er%5 the Procure)ent Polic8 Office5 in char/e of issuin/ Standard 6iddin/ Aocu)ents and res.onsi-le for an8 a)end)ent these )a8 re>uire5 the <entral Procure)ent 6oard in char/e of 0ettin/ 6iddin/ docu)ents5 recei0in/ and e0aluatin/ -ids in res.ect of )a;or contracts and the 2nde.endent 1e0ie* Panel5 set u. under the Pu-lic Procure)ent 4ct #006 "hereinafter referred to as the 4ct.% Sections '$5 '' and ' of the 4ct .ro0ide for <hallen/e and 1e0ie* )echanis). ?nsatisfied -idders shall follo* .rocedures .rescri-ed in 1e/ulations '&5 '= and 0 of the Pu-lic Procure)ent 1e/ulations #00& to challen/e .rocure)ent .roceedin/s and a*ard of .rocure)ent contracts or to file a..lication for re0ie* at the 2nde.endent 1e0ie* Panel. <hallen/es and 4..lications for 1e0ie* shall -e for*arded to the addresses indicated in t'e PD%, 2t is the .olic8 of the @o0ern)ent of the 1e.u-lic of Mauritius to re>uire Pu-lic 6odies5 as *ell as 6idders5 Su..liers5 and <ontractors and their a/ents "*hether declared or not%5 .ersonnel5 su-contractors5 su--consultants5 ser0ice .ro0iders and su..liers5 o-ser0e the hi/hest standard of ethics durin/ the .rocure)ent and execution of contracts#. 2n .ursuance of this .olic85 the @o0ern)ent of the

/, %ource of Fun;"


2, Pu8lic Entitie" $.1 Relate; to +i;;in= Document" an; to C'allen=e an; Appeal $.#

$.$ 6, Corrupt an; Frau;ulent Practice" '.1

The 2n0itation for Pre>ualification "2!P% .ro0ided infor)ation for .otential -idders to decide *hether to .artici.ate5 includin/ the essential ite)s listed in the Standard Pre>ualification Aocu)ent and also an8 i).ortant or s.ecialiBed .re>ualification re>uire)ents re>uested to >ualif8 for the .re>ualification. # 2n this context5 an8 action ta3en -8 a -idder5 su..lier5 contractor5 or an8 of its .ersonnel5 a/ents5 su--consultants5 su--contractors5 ser0ice .ro0iders5 su..liers and/or their e).lo8ees to influence the .rocure)ent .rocess or contract execution for undue ad0anta/e is i)

1e.u-lic of Mauritius: "a%defines5 for the .ur.oses of this .ro0ision5 the ter)s set forth -elo* as follo*s: "i% Gcorru.t .racticeH is the offerin/5 /i0in/5 recei0in/ or solicitin/5 directl8 or indirectl85 of an8thin/ of 0alue to influence i).ro.erl8 the actions of another .art829 Gfraudulent .racticeH is an8 act or o)ission5 includin/ a )isre.resentation5 that 3no*in/l8 or rec3lessl8 )isleads5 or atte).ts to )islead5 a .art8 to o-tain a financial or other -enefit or to a0oid an o-li/ation9 6


"iii% Gcollusi0e .racticeH is an arran/e)ent -et*een t*o or )ore .arties< desi/ned to achie0e an i) .ur.ose5 includin/ to influence i).ro.erl8 the actions of another .art89 "i0% Gcoerci0e .racticeH is i).airin/ or har)in/5 or threatenin/ to i).air or har)5 directl8 or indirectl85 an8 .art86 or the .ro.ert8 of the .art8 to influence i).ro.erl8 the actions of a .art89 "0% Go-structi0e .racticeH is "aa% deli-eratel8 destro8in/5 falsif8in/5 alterin/ or concealin/ of e0idence )aterial to the in0esti/ation or )a3in/ false state)ents to in0esti/ators in order to )ateriall8 i).ede the ().lo8erFs in0esti/ation into alle/ations of a corru.t5 fraudulent5 coerci0e or collusi0e .ractice9 and/or threatenin/5 harassin/ or inti)idatin/ an8 .art8 to .re0ent it fro) disclosin/ its 3no*led/e of )atters rele0ant to the in0esti/ation or fro) .ursuin/ the in0esti/ation5 or

"-% *ill re;ect a .ro.osal for .re>ualification if it deter)ines that the a..licant reco))ended for .re>ualification has5 directl8 or throu/h an a/ent5 en/a/ed in corru.t5 fraudulent5 collusi0e5 coerci0e or o-structi0e .ractices in the .re->ualification .rocess9 and

G4nother .art8H refers to a .u-lic official actin/ in relation to the .rocure)ent .rocess or contract execution. 2n this context5 G.u-lic officialH includes ().lo8erFs staff and e).lo8ees of other or/aniBations ta3in/ or re0ie*in/ .rocure)ent decisions. ' GPart8H refers to a .u-lic official9 the ter)s G-enefitH and Go-li/ationH relate to the .rocure)ent .rocess or contract execution9 and the Gact or o)issionH is intended to influence the .rocure)ent .rocess or contract execution. GPartiesH refers to .artici.ants in the .rocure)ent .rocess "includin/ .u-lic officials% atte).tin/ to esta-lish -id .rices at artificial5 nonco).etiti0e le0els. 6 GPart8H refers to a .artici.ant in the .rocure)ent .rocess or contract execution.

"c% *ill sanction a fir) or an indi0idual5 at an8 ti)e5 in accordance *ith .re0ailin/ le/islations5 includin/ -8 .u-licl8 declarin/ such fir) or indi0idual ineli/i-le5 for a stated .eriod of ti)e: "i% to -e a*arded a .u-lic contract9 and "ii% to -e a no)inated - su-contractor5 consultant5 )anufacturer or su..lier5 or ser0ice .ro0ider of an other*ise eli/i-le fir) -ein/ a*arded a .u-lic contract. '.# 4..licants and .u-lic officials shall also -e a*are of the .ro0isions stated in sections 1 and # of the Pu-lic Procure)ent 4ct *hich can -e consulted on the *e-site of the Procure)ent Polic8 Office "PPO%: 4..licants shall )eet the eli/i-ilit8 criteria as .er clause 6.1. !or the .ur.ose of a..l8in/ the eli/i-ilit8 criteria listed in this <lause and 65 references to the G4..licantH include all entities in0ol0ed or intended to -e in0ol0ed *ith the .ro.osed ,or3s "includin/ all .artners and an8 of their affiliates that directl8 or indirectl8 control5 or are controlled -8 or are under co))on control *ith the fir)%5 s.ecialiBed su--contractors5 consultants5 )anufacturers or su..liers "as )entioned in !or) (:2-1.# 4..licantFs Part8 2nfor)ation !or)%5 and the .ersonnel of each5 for an8 .art of the contract includin/ related ser0ices. 4n 4..licant )a8 -e a fir) that is a .ri0ate entit85 a /o0ern)ent-o*ned entit8Isu-;ect to 2T4 .= - or a co)-ination of such entities in the for) of a ;oint 0enture "GJEH% under an existin/ a/ree)ent or *ith the intent to enter into such an a/ree)ent su..orted -8 a letter of intent. 2n the case of a JE5 all )e)-ers shall -e ;ointl8 and se0erall8 lia-le for the execution of the <ontract in accordance *ith the <ontract ter)s. The JE shall no)inate an authoriBed re.resentati0e *ho shall ha0e the authorit8 to conduct all -usiness for and on -ehalf of an8 and all the )e)-ers of the JE durin/ the .re>ualification .rocess5 -iddin/ "in the e0ent the JE su-)its a -id% and durin/ contract execution "in the e0ent the JE is a*arded the <ontract%. ?nless s.ecified in the PD%5 there is no li)it on the nu)-er of )e)-ers in a JE. 4 fir) )a8 a..l8 for .re>ualification -oth indi0iduall85 and as .art of a ;oint 0enture5 or as a su--contractor. 2f .re>ualified5 it *ill not -e .er)itted to -id for the sa)e contract -oth as an indi0idual fir) and as a .art of the ;oint 0enture or as a su--contractor. Ho*e0er5 a fir) )a8 .artici.ate as a su--contractor in )ore than one -id5 -ut onl8 in that ca.acit8. 6ids su-)itted in 0iolation of this .rocedure *ill -e

<, Eli=i8le Applicant"




4 no)inated su--contractor5 consultant5 )anufacturer or su..lier5 or ser0ice .ro0ider "different na)es are used de.endin/ on the .articular -iddin/ docu)ent% is one *hich either has -een: "i% included -8 the -idder in its .re>ualification a..lication or -id -ecause it -rin/s s.ecific and critical ex.erience and 3no*-ho* that are accounted for in the e0aluation of the -idderFs .re->ualification a..lication or the -id9 or "ii% a..ointed -8 the ().lo8er.


re;ected. .' 4 fir) and an8 of its affiliates "that directl8 or indirectl8 control5 are controlled -8 or are under co))on control *ith that fir)% )a8 su-)it its a..lication for .re>ualification either indi0iduall85 as ;oint 0enture or as a su--contractor a)on/ the) for the sa)e contract. Ho*e0er5 if .re>ualified onl8 one .re>ualified a..licant *ill -e allo*ed to -id for the sa)e contract. 4ll -ids su-)itted in 0iolation of this .rocedure *ill -e re;ected. 4n 4..licant )a8 ha0e the nationalit8 of an8 countr85 su-;ect to the restrictions .ursuant to 2T4 6.1. 4n 4..licant shall -e dee)ed to ha0e the nationalit8 of a countr8 if the 4..licant is constituted5 incor.orated or re/istered in and o.erates in confor)it8 *ith the .ro0isions of the la*s of that countr85 as e0idenced -8 its articles of incor.oration "or e>ui0alent docu)ents of constitution or association% and its re/istration docu)ents5 as the case )a8 -e. This criterion also shall a..l8 to the deter)ination of the nationalit8 of .ro.osed s.ecialiBed su-contractors or su..liers for an8 .art of the <ontract includin/ related Ser0ices.

.6 4..licants shall not ha0e a conflict of interest. 4..licants shall -e considered to ha0e a conflict of interest5 if the8 .artici.ated as a consultant in the .re.aration of the desi/n or technical s.ecifications or ha0e -een hired or .ro.osed to -e hired -8 the ().lo8er as (n/ineer for contract i).le)entation of the *or3s that are the su-;ect of this .re>ualification. .7"a% 4n 4..licant that is under a declaration of ineli/i-ilit8 -8 the @o0ern)ent of Mauritius in accordance *ith a..lica-le la*s at the date of the deadline for -id su-)ission or thereafter5 shall -e dis>ualified. "-%4..lication a..earin/ on the ineli/i-ilit8 lists of 4frican Ae0elo.)ent 6an35 4sian Ae0elo.)ent 6an35 (uro.ean 6an3 for 1econstruction and Ae0elo.)ent5 2nter-4)erican Ae0elo.)ent 6an3 @rou. and ,orld 6an3 @rou. shall -e re;ected. :in3s for chec3in/ the ineli/i-ilit8 lists are a0aila-le on the PPOFs *e-site:

.& @o0ern)ent-o*ned enter.rises or institutions in the ().lo8erFs <ountr8 )a8 .artici.ate onl8 if the8 can esta-lish that the8 "i% are le/all8 and financiall8 autono)ous "ii% o.erate under co))ercial la*5 and "iii% are not de.endent a/encies of the ().lo8er. =

.= 4n 4..licant shall .ro0ide such e0idence of eli/i-ilit8 satisfactor8 to the ().lo8er5 as the ().lo8er shall reasona-l8 re>uest. >, Eli=i8ilit 6.1 !ir)s and indi0iduals )a8 -e ineli/i-le if the8 are nationals of ineli/i-le countries. The countries5 .ersons or entities are ineli/i-le if: "a% as a )atter of la* or official re/ulations5 Mauritius .rohi-its co))ercial relations *ith that countr85 or "-% -8 an act of co).liance *ith a decision of the ?nited Nations Securit8 <ouncil ta3en under <ha.ter E22 of the <harter of the ?nited Nations5 Mauritius .rohi-its an8 i).ort of /oods or contractin/ of *or3s or ser0ices fro) that countr85 or an8 .a8)ents to an8 countr85 .erson5 or entit8 in that countr8.

+, Content" of t'e Prequalification Document

?, %ection" of 7.1 This Pre>ualification Aocu)ent consists of .arts 1 and # *hich PrequalificaB co).rise all the sections indicated -elo*5 and *hich should -e read in tion Document con;unction *ith an8 4ddendu) issued in accordance *ith 2T4 =. P41T 1 Pre>ualification Procedures Section 2. Section 22. Section 222 Section 2E. 2nstructions to 4..licants "2T4% Pre>ualification Aata Sheet "PAS% Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents 4..lication !or)s

P41T # ,or3s 1e>uire)ents Section E.Sco.e of ,or3s 7.# ?nless o-tained directl8 fro) the ().lo8er5 the ().lo8er acce.ts no res.onsi-ilit8 for the co).leteness of the docu)ent5 res.onses to re>uests for clarification5 the )inutes of the .re-4..lication )eetin/ "if an8%5 or 4ddenda to the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent in accordance *ith 2T4 =. 2n case of an8 discre.ancies5 docu)ents issued directl8 -8 the ().lo8er shall .re0ail. 7.$ The 4..licant is ex.ected to exa)ine all instructions5 for)s5 and ter)s in the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent and to furnish *ith its 4..lication all infor)ation or docu)entation as is re>uired -8 the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent. C, Clarification &.1 of PrequaliB fication Document an; PreB 4 .ros.ecti0e 4..licant re>uirin/ an8 clarification of the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent shall contact the ().lo8er in *ritin/ at the ().lo8erFs address indicated in the PD%, The ().lo8er *ill res.ond in *ritin/ to an8 re>uest for clarification .ro0ided that such re>uest is recei0ed no later than fourteen "1'% da8s .rior to the deadline for 10

Application 4eetin=

su-)ission of the a..lications. The ().lo8er shall for*ard a co.8 of its res.onse to all .ros.ecti0e 4..licants *ho ha0e o-tained the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent directl8 fro) the ().lo8er5 includin/ a descri.tion of the in>uir8 -ut *ithout identif8in/ its source. 2f so indicated in the PD%5 the ().lo8er shall also .ro).tl8 .u-lish its res.onse at the *e- .a/e identified in the PD%. Should the ().lo8er dee) it necessar8 to a)end the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent as a result of a clarification5 it shall do so follo*in/ the .rocedure under 2T4 = and in accordance *ith the .ro0isions of 2T4 1&.#. &.# 2f indicated in the PD%5 the .ros.ecti0e 4..licantFs desi/nated re.resentati0e is in0ited at the 4..licantFs cost to attend a .re4..lication )eetin/ at the .lace5 date and ti)e )entioned in the PD%. Aurin/ this .re-4..lication )eetin/5 .ros.ecti0e 4..licants )a8 re>uest clarification of the .ro;ect re>uire)ent5 the criteria for >ualifications or an8 other as.ects of the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent. &.$ Minutes of the .re-4..lication )eetin/5 if a..lica-le5 includin/ the text of the >uestions as3ed -8 4..licants5 includin/ those durin/ the )eetin/ "*ithout identif8in/ the source% and the res.onses /i0en5 to/ether *ith an8 res.onses .re.ared after the )eetin/ *ill -e trans)itted .ro).tl8 to all .ros.ecti0e 4..licants *ho ha0e o-tained the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent. 4n8 )odification to the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent that )a8 -eco)e necessar8 as a result of the .re-4..lication )eetin/ shall -e )ade -8 the ().lo8er exclusi0el8 throu/h the use of an 4ddendu) .ursuant to 2T4 =. Nonattendance at the .re-4..lication )eetin/ *ill not -e a cause for dis>ualification of an 4..licant. 4t an8 ti)e .rior to the deadline for su-)ission of 4..lications5 the ().lo8er )a8 a)end the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent -8 issuin/ an 4ddendu). 4n8 4ddendu) issued shall -e .art of the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent and shall -e co))unicated in *ritin/ to all .ros.ecti0e 4..licants *ho ha0e o-tained the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent fro) the ().lo8er. The ().lo8er shall .ro).tl8 .u-lish the 4ddendu) at the ().lo8erFs *e- .a/e and Pu-lic Procure)ent Portal identified in the PD%.

3, Amen;ment of =.1 PrequalificaB tion Document =.#

=.$ To /i0e .ros.ecti0e 4..licants reasona-le ti)e to ta3e an 4ddendu) into account in .re.arin/ their 4..lications5 the ().lo8er )a85 at its discretion5 extend the deadline for the su-)ission of 4..lications in accordance *ith 2T4 1&.#.

C, Preparation of Application"
10, Co"t of Application" 10.1 The 4..licant shall -ear all costs associated *ith the .re.aration and su-)ission of its 4..lication. The ().lo8er *ill in no case -e 11

res.onsi-le or lia-le for those costs5 re/ardless of the conduct or outco)e of the .re>ualification .rocess. 11, Lan=ua=e of Application 11.1 The 4..lication as *ell as all corres.ondence and docu)ents relatin/ to the .re>ualification exchan/ed -8 the 4..licant and the ().lo8er5 shall -e *ritten in (n/lish, Su..ortin/ docu)ents and .rinted literature that are .art of the 4..lication )a8 -e in another lan/ua/e5 .ro0ided the8 are acco).anied -8 an accurate translation in (n/lish lan/ua/eA in *hich case5 for .ur.oses of inter.retation of the 4..lication5 the translation shall /o0ern. 11.# Not*ithstandin/ the a-o0e5 docu)ents in !rench su-)itted *ith the -id )a8 -e acce.ted *ithout translation. 1/, Document" Compri"in= t'e Application 1#.1 The 4..lication shall co).rise the follo*in/: "a% "-% "c% "d% 4..lication Su-)ission !or)5 in accordance *ith 2T4 1$.19 docu)entar8 e0idence esta-lishin/ the 4..licantFs eli/i-ilit85 in accordance *ith 2T4 1'.19 docu)entar8 e0idence esta-lishin/ the >ualifications5 in accordance *ith 2T4 1 9 and 4..licantFs

an8 other docu)ent re>uired as s.ecified in the PD%.

1#.# The 4..licant shall furnish infor)ation on co))issions and /ratuities5 if an85 .aid or to -e .aid to a/ents or an8 other .art8 relatin/ to this 4..lication 12, Application %u8mi""ion Form 16, Document" E"ta8li"'in= t'e Eli=i8ilit of t'e Applicant 1<, Document" E"ta8li"'in= t'e *ualification" of t'e Applicant 1$.1 The 4..licant shall co).lete an 4..lication Su-)ission !or) as .ro0ided in Section 2E5 4..lication !or)s. This !or) )ust -e co).leted *ithout an8 alteration to its for)at. 1'.1 To esta-lish its eli/i-ilit8 in accordance *ith 2T4 5 the 4..licant shall co).lete the eli/i-ilit8 declarations in the 4..lication Su-)ission !or) and !or)s (:2 "eli/i-ilit8% 1.1 and 1.#5 included in Section 2E "4..lication !or)s%.

1 .1 To esta-lish its >ualifications to .erfor) the contract"s% in accordance *ith Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 the 4..licant shall .ro0ide the infor)ation re>uested in the corres.ondin/ 2nfor)ation Sheets included in Section 2E5 4..lication !or)s. 1 .# ,here0er an 4..lication !or) re>uires an 4..licant to state a )onetar8 a)ount5 4..licants should indicate the ?SA e>ui0alent usin/ the rate of exchan/e deter)ined as follo*s: !or construction turno0er or financial data re>uired for each 8ear 1#

(xchan/e rate .re0ailin/ on the last da8 of the res.ecti0e calendar 8ear "in *hich the a)ounts for that 8ear is to -e con0erted% *as ori/inall8 esta-lished. Ealue of sin/le contract - (xchan/e rate .re0ailin/ on the date of the contract. (xchan/e rates shall -e ta3en fro) the .u-licl8 a0aila-le source identified in the PD%. 4n8 error in deter)inin/ the exchan/e rates in the 4..lication )a8 -e corrected -8 the ().lo8er. 1>, %i=nin= of t'e Application an; Num8er of Copie" 16.1 The 4..licant shall .re.are one ori/inal of the docu)ents co).risin/ the 4..lication as descri-ed in 2T4 1# and clearl8 )ar3 it GO12@2N4:H. The ori/inal of the 4..lication shall -e t8.ed or *ritten in indeli-le in3 and shall -e si/ned -8 a .erson dul8 authoriBed to si/n on -ehalf of the 4..licant. 2n case the 4..licant is a JE5 the 4..lication shall -e si/ned -8 an authoriBed re.resentati0e of the JE on -ehalf of the JE so as to -e le/all8 -indin/ on all the )e)-ers as e0idenced -8 a .o*er of attorne8 si/ned -8 their le/all8 authoriBed si/natories. 16.# The 4..licant shall su-)it co.ies of the si/ned ori/inal 4..lication5 in the nu)-er s.ecified in the PD%A and clearl8 )ar3 the) G<OPKH. 2n the e0ent of an8 discre.anc8 -et*een the ori/inal and the co.ies5 the ori/inal shall .re0ail.

D, %u8mi""ion of Application"
1?, %ealin= an; I;entification of Application" 17.1 The 4..licant shall enclose the ori/inal and the co.ies of the 4..lication in a sealed en0elo.e that shall: "a% "-% "c% -ear the na)e and address of the 4..licant9 -e addressed to the ().lo8er5 in accordance *ith 2T4 1&.19 and -ear the s.ecific identification of this .re>ualification .rocess indicated in the PAS 1.1.

17.# The ().lo8er *ill acce.t no res.onsi-ilit8 for not .rocessin/ an8 en0elo.e that *as not identified as re>uired in 2T4 17.1 a-o0e. 1C, Dea;line for %u8mi""ion of Application" 1&.1 4..licants )a8 either su-)it their 4..lications -8 )ail5 courier or -8 hand. 4..lications shall -e recei0ed -8 the ().lo8er at the address and no later than the deadline indicated in the PD%, ,hen so s.ecified in the PD%A 4..licants ha0e the o.tion of su-)ittin/ their 4..lications electronicall85 in accordance *ith electronic a..lication su-)ission .rocedures s.ecified in the PD%,


1&.# The ().lo8er )a85 at its discretion5 extend the deadline for the su-)ission of 4..lications -8 a)endin/ the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent in accordance *ith 2T4 =5 in *hich case all ri/hts and o-li/ations of the ().lo8er and the 4..licants su-;ect to the .re0ious deadline shall thereafter -e su-;ect to the deadline as extended. 13 Late Application" /0, Openin= of Application" 1=.1 The ().lo8er reser0es the ri/ht to acce.t a..lications recei0ed after the deadline for su-)ission of a..lications5 unless other*ise s.ecified in the PD%. #0.1 The ().lo8er shall o.en all 4..lications at the date5 ti)e and .lace s.ecified in the PD%. :ate 4..lications shall -e treated in accordance *ith 2T4 1=.1. #0.# 4..lications su-)itted electronicall8 "if .er)itted .ursuant to 2T4 1&.1% shall -e o.ened in accordance *ith the .rocedures s.ecified in the PD%, #0.$ The ().lo8er shall .re.are a record of the o.enin/ of 4..lications to include5 as a )ini)u)5 the na)e of the 4..licants. 4 co.8 of the record shall -e distri-uted to all 4..licants.

E, Proce;ure" for E#aluation of Application"

/1, Confi;entialB it #1.1 2nfor)ation relatin/ to the 4..lications5 their e0aluation and result shall not -e disclosed to 4..licants or an8 other .ersons not officiall8 concerned *ith the .re>ualification .rocess until the notification of .re>ualification results is )ade to all 4..licants in accordance *ith 2T4 #=. #1.# !ro) the deadline for su-)ission of 4..lications to the ti)e of notification of the results of the .re>ualification in accordance *ith 2T4 #=5 an8 4..licant that *ishes to contact the ().lo8er on an8 )atter related to the .re>ualification .rocess "exce.t as s.ecified in #1.1 a-o0e%5 )a8 do so onl8 in *ritin/. //, Clarification of Application" ##.1 To assist in the e0aluation of 4..lications5 the ().lo8er )a85 at its discretion5 as3 an 4..licant for a clarification "includin/ )issin/ docu)ents% of its 4..lication5 to -e su-)itted *ithin a stated reasona-le .eriod of ti)e. 4n8 re>uest for clarification fro) the ().lo8er and all clarifications fro) the 4..licant shall -e in *ritin/. ##.# 2f an 4..licant does not .ro0ide clarifications and/or docu)ents re>uested -8 the date and ti)e set in the ().lo8erFs re>uest for clarification5 its 4..lication shall -e e0aluated -ased on the infor)ation and docu)ents a0aila-le at the ti)e of e0aluation of the 4..lication. /2, Re"pon"i#eB #$.1 The ().lo8er )a8 re;ect an8 4..lication *hich is not res.onsi0e to the 1'

ne"" of Application"

re>uire)ents of the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent. 2n case the infor)ation furnished -8 the 4..licant is inco).lete or other*ise re>uires clarification as .er 2T4 ##.15 and the 4..licant fails to .ro0ide satisfactor8 clarification and/or )issin/ infor)ation5 it )a8 result in dis>ualification of the 4..licant. #'.1 ?nless other*ise s.ecified in the PD%A a Mar/in of Preference shall not a..l8 in the -iddin/ .rocess resultin/ fro) this .re>ualification. # .1 ?nless other*ise stated in the PD%A the ().lo8er does not intend to execute an8 s.ecific ele)ents of the ,or3s -8 su--contractors selected in ad0ance -8 the ().lo8er, # .# The ().lo8er )a8 decide to .er)it su-contractin/ for certain s.ecialiBed *or3s as indicated in Section 222 '.#5 (x.erience. The ().lo8er )a8 do so at its o*n initiati0e or at the re>uest of the 4..licants durin/ the .re>ualification .rocess "if ;ustified%. ,hen su-contractin/ is .er)itted -8 the ().lo8er5 the s.ecialiBed su-contractors ex.erience shall -e considered for e0aluation. Section 222 descri-es the >ualification criteria for su--contractors. # .$ 4..licants )a8 .ro.ose su-contractin/ to the .ercenta/e of the total 0alue of the contract or the 0olu)e of *or3s )entioned in the PD% and as further descri-ed in 2T4 #6.#.

/6, 4ar=in of Preference /<, %u8BcontracB tor"

F, E#aluation of Application" an; Prequalification of Applicant"

/>, E#aluation of Application" #6.1 The ().lo8er shall use the factors5 )ethods5 criteria5 and re>uire)ents defined in Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 to e0aluate the >ualifications of the 4..licants5 and no other )ethods5 criteria5 or re>uire)ents shall -e used. The ().lo8er reser0es the ri/ht to *ai0e )inor de0iations fro) the >ualification criteria if the8 do not )ateriall8 affect the technical ca.a-ilit8 and financial resources of an 4..licant to .erfor) the contract. #6.# 4..licants .lannin/ to su-contract )ore than 10L of total 0olu)e of *or3 shall s.ecif85 in the 4..lication Su-)ission !or)5 the acti0it8 "ies% or .arts of the *or3s to -e su-contracted alon/ *ith co).lete details of the su--contractors and their >ualification and ex.erience. The su--contractors .ro.osed shall -e full8 >ualified for their *or3 .ro.osed5 and )eet the s.ecified criteria in Section 2225 failin/ *hich such su-contractors *ill not -e .er)itted to .artici.ate. The >ualification and ex.erience of su--contractors .ro.osed -8 the 4..licant under 2T4 # .$ *ill not -e considered for e0aluation of the 4..licant. The 4..licant on its o*n "*ithout ta3in/ into account the >ualification and ex.erience of the su--contractor% should )eet the .re>ualification criteria. 1

#6.$ 2n case of )ulti.le contracts5 4..licants should indicate in their 4..lications the indi0idual contract or co)-ination of contracts in *hich the8 are interested. The ().lo8er shall .re>ualif8 each 4..licant for the )axi)u) co)-ination of contracts for *hich the 4..licant has there-8 indicated its interest and for *hich the 4..licant )eets the a//re/ate re>uire)ents. The Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents are )entioned in Section 222. Ho*e0er5 *ith res.ect to the s.ecific ex.erience under ite) '.# "a% of Section 2225 the ().lo8er *ill select an8 one or )ore of the o.tions as identified -elo*: N is the )ini)u) nu)-er of contracts E is the )ini)u) 0alue of a sin/le contract &a( Prequalification for one Contract: O.tion 1: "i% N contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E9 Or O.tion #: "i% N contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E5 Or "ii% :ess than or e>ual to N contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E5 -ut *ith total 0alue of all contracts e>ual or )ore than N x E9 &8( Prequalification for multiple Contract" O.tion 1: "i% Mini)u) re>uire)ents for co)-ined contract"s% shall -e the a//re/ate re>uire)ents for each contract for *hich the a..licant has a..lied for as follo*s5 and N15N#5N$5 etc. shall -e different contracts: :ot 1: N1 contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E19 :ot #: N# contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E#9 :ot $: N$ contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E$9 ----etc. Or O.tion #: "i% Mini)u) re>uire)ents for co)-ined contract"s% shall -e the a//re/ate re>uire)ents for each contract for *hich the a..licant has a..lied for as follo*s5 and N15N#5N$5 etc. shall -e different contracts:


:ot 1: N1 contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E19 :ot #: N# contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E#9 :ot $: N$ contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E$9 ----etc5 Or "ii% :ot 1: N1 contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E19 or nu)-er of contracts less than or e>ual to N15 each of )ini)u) 0alue E15 -ut *ith total 0alue of all contracts e>ual or )ore than N1 x E1 :ot #: N# contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E#9 or nu)-er of contracts less than or e>ual to N#5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E#5 -ut *ith total 0alue of all contracts e>ual or )ore than N# x E# :ot $: N$ contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E$9 or nu)-er of contracts less than or e>ual to N$5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E$5 -ut *ith total 0alue of all contracts e>ual or )ore than N$ x E$ ----etc. Or O.tion $: "i% Mini)u) re>uire)ents for co)-ined contract"s% shall -e the a//re/ate re>uire)ents for each contract for *hich the a..licant has a..lied for as follo*s5 and N15N#5N$5 etc. shall -e different contracts: :ot 1: N1 contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E19 :ot #: N# contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E#9 :ot $: N$ contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E$9 ----etc5 Or "ii% :ot 1: N1 contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E19 or nu)-er of contracts less than or e>ual to N15 each of )ini)u) 0alue E15 -ut *ith total 0alue of all contracts e>ual or )ore than N1 x E1 :ot #: N# contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E#9 or nu)-er of contracts less than or e>ual to N#5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E#5 -ut *ith total 0alue of all contracts e>ual or )ore than N# x E# :ot $: N$ contracts5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E$9 17

or nu)-er of contracts less than or e>ual to N$5 each of )ini)u) 0alue E$5 -ut *ith total 0alue of all contracts e>ual or )ore than N$ x E$ ----etc5 Or "iii% Su-;ect to co).liance as .er "ii% a-o0e *ith res.ect to )ini)u) 0alue of sin/le contract for each lot5 total nu)-er of contracts is e>ual or less than N1 M N# M N$ M---ut the total 0alue of all such contracts is e>ual or )ore than N1 x E1 M N# x E# M N$ x E$ M---. #6.' Onl8 the >ualifications of the 4..licant shall -e considered. 2n .articular5 the >ualifications of a .arent or other affiliated co).an8 that is not .art8 to the 4..licant under a JE in accordance *ith 2T4 .# "or .artici.atin/ as a su--contractor as .er 2T4 # .#% shall not -e considered. /?, Emplo erD" Ri='t to Accept or Re$ect Application" /C, PrequalificaB tion of Applicant" #7.1 The ().lo8er reser0es the ri/ht to acce.t or re;ect an8 4..lication5 and to annul the .re>ualification .rocess and re;ect all 4..lications at an8 ti)e5 *ithout there-8 incurrin/ an8 lia-ilit8 to the 4..licants.

#&.1 4ll 4..licants *hoFs 4..lications su-stantiall8 )eet or exceed the s.ecified >ualification re>uire)ents *ill -e .re>ualified -8 the ().lo8er. #&.# 4n 4..licant )a8 -e Gconditionall8 .re>ualified5H that is5 >ualified su-;ect to the 4..licant su-)ittin/ or correctin/ certain s.ecified non)aterial docu)ents or deficiencies to the satisfaction of the ().lo8er. #&.$ 4..licants that are conditionall8 .re>ualified *ill -e so infor)ed alon/ *ith the state)ent of the condition"s% *hich )ust -e )et to the satisfaction of the ().lo8er -efore or at the ti)e of su-)ittin/ their -ids.

/3, Notification of PrequalificaB tion

#=.1 The ().lo8er shall notif8 all 4..licants in *ritin/ of the na)es of those 4..licants *ho ha0e -een .re>ualified or conditionall8 .re>ualified. 2n addition5 those 4..licants *ho ha0e -een dis>ualified *ill -e infor)ed se.aratel8. #=.# 4..licants that ha0e not -een .re>ualified )a8 *rite to the ().lo8er to re>uest5 in *ritin/5 the /rounds on *hich the8 *ere dis>ualified.

20, In#itation for +i;"

$0.1 Pro).tl8 after the notification of the results of the .re>ualification5 the ().lo8er shall in0ite -ids fro) all the 4..licants that ha0e -een 1&

.re>ualified or conditionall8 .re>ualified. $0.# 6idders )a8 -e re>uired to .ro0ide a 6id Securit8 or a 6id-Securin/ Aeclaration acce.ta-le to the ().lo8er in the for) and an a)ount to -e s.ecified in the 6iddin/ Aocu)ents5 and the successful 6idder shall -e re>uired to .ro0ide a Perfor)ance Securit8 as s.ecified in the 6iddin/ Aocu)ents. 21, C'an=e" in *ualification" of Applicant" $1.1 4n8 chan/e in the structure or for)ation of an 4..licant after -ein/ .re>ualified in accordance *ith 2T4 #& and in0ited to -id "includin/5 in the case of a JE5 an8 chan/e in the structure or for)ation of an8 )e)-er thereto% shall -e su-;ect to the *ritten a..ro0al of the ().lo8er .rior to the deadline for su-)ission of -ids. Such a..ro0al shall -e denied if "i% a .re>ualified a..licant .ro.oses to associate *ith a dis>ualified a..licant or in case of a dis>ualified ;oint 0enture5 an8 of its )e)-ers9 "ii% as a conse>uence of the chan/e5 the 4..licant no lon/er su-stantiall8 )eets the >ualification criteria set forth in Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents9 or "iii% in the o.inion of the ().lo8er5 the chan/e )a8 result in a su-stantial reduction in co).etition. 4n8 such chan/e should -e su-)itted to the ().lo8er not later than fourteen "1'% da8s after the date of the 2n0itation for 6ids.


%ection II, Prequalification Data %'eet

A, @eneral
ITA 1,1 The identification of the 2n0itation for Pre>ualification is: Implementation of Telemetr ! Tele"ur#eillance Pro$ect for DW% &Nort'( The ().lo8er is: Central Water Aut'orit O46 na)e and nu)-er are: B Implementation of Telemetr ! Tele"ur#eillance Pro$ect for DW% &Nort'( ! CWA.C/012.32 ITA /,1 ITA 2,2 The na)e of the Pro;ect is: Implementation of Telemetr ! Tele"ur#eillance Pro$ect for DW% &Nort'( "a% The address to file challen/e in res.ect of this .rocure)ent is: T'e @eneral 4ana=er Central Water Aut'orit %tBPaul.P'oeniE 4auritiu" Tel- &/20( >01 <000 FaE No,- &/20( >3> ?111 "-% The address to file a..lication for re0ie* is: In;epen;ent Re#ie9 PanelA 3t' FloorA Win= +A Emmanuel Anquetil +uil;in=A Pope Henne"" %treetA Port Loui" Tel- &/20( /01 23/1 ITA <,/ Maxi)u) nu)-er of )e)-ers in the JE shall -e: not limite;

+, Content" of t'e Prequalification Document


!or clarification purpo"e"A the ().lo8erNs address is: T'e @eneral 4ana=er 4ttention: 4r D, @un=a;een P,E &4!E( or 4r 4, 4un=ra 7 E,E &Elect( 4ddress: Ro al Roa;A %t Paul <it8- P'oeniE <ountr8: 4auritiu" Tele.hone: &/20( >01 <000 !acsi)ile nu)-er: &/20( >3> ?111

ITA C,1 ! 3,/ ITA C,/

,e- .a/es: 'ttp-..c9a,=o#,mu ! 'ttp-..ppo,=o#,mu Pre-4..lication Meetin/ *ill -e held: No

C, Preparation of Application"
ITA 1/,1 &;( The 4..licant shall su-)it *ith its 4..lication5 the follo*in/ additional docu)ents: T'e Au;ite; Account" for t'e la"t fi#e &<( ear" a" file; at t'e Re=i"trar of companie" a" applica8le The source for deter)inin/ exchan/e rates is: N.A 2n addition to the ori/inal5 the nu)-er of co.ies to -e su-)itted *ith the 4..lication is: T9o &/( Note- A cop on CD RO4 of t'e complete Prequalification Document" Fori=inalG 9it' "can of t'e "i=ne; pa=e",

ITA 1<,/ ITA 1>,/

D, %u8mi""ion of Application"
ITA 1C,1 T'e ;ea;line for Application "u8mi""ion i"Aate: /C Fe8ruar /016 Ti)e: Upto 12,00 'r" &Local Time( at late"t 4..licants "'all not ha0e the o.tion of su-)ittin/ their 4..lications electronicall8. !or application "u8mi""ion purpo"e" onl A the ().lo8erNs address is: T'e @eneral 4ana=er

Central Water Aut'orit A Hea; Office 4ddress: Ro al Roa;A %t Paul <it8: P'oeniE <ountr8: 4auritiu" Tele.hone: &/20( >01 <000 !acsi)ile nu)-er: &/20( >C> >/>6 ITA 13,1 ITA /0,1 :ate 4..lications *ill -e returned uno.ened to the 4..licants. The o.enin/ of the 4..lications shall -e at: Aate: /C Fe8ruar /016 Ti)e: 12,0< 'r" &Local Time( 4ddress: Central Water Aut'orit +i; Openin= RoomA @roun; Floor &Ne9 +uil;in=(A Hea; OfficeA %t Paul . P'oeniE 4AURITIU% ITA /0,/ 2f electronic su-)ission of 4..lications shall -e .er)itted5 electronic 4..lication o.enin/ .rocedures are: Not Applica8le

E, Proce;ure" for E#aluation of Application"

ITA /6, 4 Mar/in of Preference for e).lo8)ent of local )an.o*er shall -e a..lica-le as follo*s: "a% !or 2nternational 6iddin/

4 -idder5 incor.orated in the 1e.u-lic of Mauritius and e).lo8in/ local )an.o*er for &0 L or )ore of the total )an-da8s de.lo8ed for the execution of a ,or3s contract5 shall -e eli/i-le for a .reference of 1 L. "-% "i% !or National 6iddin/ 4 local S)all and Mediu) (nter.rise5 ha0in/ an annual turno0er not exceedin/ 1s 0)illion or a ;oint 0enture consistin/ of local S)all and Mediu) (nter.rises ha0in/ an

a//re/ate annual turno0er not exceedin/ 1s 0 )illion and e).lo8in/ local )an.o*er for &0 L or )ore of the total )anda8s de.lo8ed for the execution of a ,or3s contract5 shall -e eli/i-le for a Mar/in of Preference of #0 L. "ii% 4n8 -idder incor.orated in the 1e.u-lic of Mauritius not satisf8in/ all the conditions )entioned in "a% a-o0e -ut e).lo8in/ local )an.o*er for &0 L or )ore of the total )anda8s de.lo8ed for the execution of a ,or3s contract5 shall -e eli/i-le for a Mar/in of Preference of 10 L.

Note- :ocal )an.o*er shall )ean e).lo8ees on the .a8roll of the <ontractor as *ell as those for su-contractors executin/ *or3s on the site. ITA /<,1 ITA /<,2 4t this ti)e the ().lo8er ;oe" not inten; to execute certain s.ecific .arts of the ,or3s -8 su--contractors selected in ad0ance. Maxi)u) .ercenta/e of su-contractin/ .er)itted is 10H of the total 0alue of the contract. 4..licants .lannin/ to su-contract )ore than 10L of total 0olu)e of *or3s shall s.ecif85 in the 4..lication Su-)ission !or)5 the acti0it8 "ies% or .arts of the *or3s to -e su-contracted alon/ *ith co).lete details of the su--contractors and their >ualification and ex.erience. The >ualification and ex.erience of the su-contractors )ust )eet the )ini)u) criteria for the rele0ant *or3s to -e su-contracted failin/ *hich such su--contractors *ill not -e .er)itted to .artici.ate. Su--contractorsF >ualification and ex.erience *ill not -e considered for e0aluation of the 4..licant. The 4..licant on its o*n "*ithout ta3in/ into account the >ualification and ex.erience of the su--contractor% should )eet the .re>ualification criteria.

%ection III, *ualification Criteria an; Requirement"

This Section contains all the )ethods5 criteria5 and re>uire)ents that the ().lo8er shall use to e0aluate 4..lications. The infor)ation to -e .ro0ided in relation to each re>uire)ent and the definitions of the corres.ondin/ ter)s are included in the res.ecti0e 4..lication !or)s.

1, Eli=i8ilit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/? /, Hi"torical Contract NonBPerformance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/? 2, Financial %ituation an; Performance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/3 6, EEperience,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21

Eligibility and Qualification Criteria No. Subject Requirement Single Entity

Compliance Requirements Joint Venture e!isting or intended" #ll $arties Eac% &ember 'ne &ember Combined Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A N/A

Documentation Submission Requirements Forms ELI 1.1 and 1. ! with attachments A$$lication %u&mission Form A$$lication %u&mission Form Forms ELI 1.1 and 1. ! with attachments Forms ELI 1.1 and 1. ! with attachments

(. Eligibility
1.1 1. Nationality Conflict of )nterest Nationality in accordance with ITA 5.5 No con"licts o" interest in accordance with ITA 5.# Not ha(in) &een declared ineli)i&le &y the *e$u&lic o" Mauritius as descri&ed in ITA 5.+. Meet conditions o" ITA 5.-. Not ha(in) &een e.cluded as a result o" $rohi&ition in Mauritian laws or o""icial re)ulations a)ainst commercial relations with the A$$licant/s country! or &y an act o" com$liance with 0N %ecurity 1ouncil resolution! in accordance with ITA #.1. Non2$er"ormance o" a contract+ did not Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement


Country Eligibility


1., 1.5

*o+ernment ',ned Entity -nited Nations Resolution or &auritian .a,

Must meet requirement Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement Must meet requirement


/. 0istorical Contract Non1$erformance


0istory of Non1 $erforming Contracts

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirements

Must meet requirement-


Form 13N2

Non .erfor)ance5 as decided -8 the ().lo8er5 shall include all contracts *here "a% non .erfor)ance *as not challen/ed -8 the contractor5 includin/ throu/h


Eligibility and Qualification Criteria No. Subject Requirement occur as a result o" contractor/s de"ault since (st January /223. Not under sus$ension &ased on e.ecution o" a 4id %ecurin) 5eclaration $ursuant to ITA 5.16. A$$licant/s "inancial $osition and $ros$ecti(e lon) term $ro"ita&ility still sound accordin) to criteria esta&lished in '.1 &elow and assumin) that all $endin) liti)ation will &e resol(ed a)ainst the A$$licant. Single Entity

Compliance Requirements Joint Venture e!isting or intended" #ll $arties Eac% &ember 'ne &ember Combined

Documentation Submission Requirements

Suspension 4ased on E!ecution of 4id Securing Declaration by t%e Employer $ending .itigation

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement


A$$lication %u&mission Form Form 13N


Must meet requirement


Must meet requirement



.itigation 0istory

No consistent history o" court/ar&itral award decisions a)ainst the A$$licant7 since (st

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement


Form 13N

referral to the dis.ute resolution )echanis) under the res.ecti0e contract5 and "-% contracts that *ere so challen/ed -ut full8 settled a/ainst the contractor. Non .erfor)ance shall not include contracts *here ().lo8ers decision *as o0erruled -8 the dis.ute resolution )echanis). Non .erfor)ance )ust -e -ased on all infor)ation on full8 settled dis.utes or liti/ation5 i.e. dis.ute or liti/ation that has -een resol0ed in accordance *ith the dis.ute resolution )echanis) under the res.ecti0e contract and *here all a..eal instances a0aila-le to the a..licant ha0e -een exhausted. & This re>uire)ent also a..lies to contracts executed -8 the 4..licant as JE )e)-er.


Eligibility and Qualification Criteria No. Subject Requirement January /225. Single Entity

Compliance Requirements Joint Venture e!isting or intended" #ll $arties Eac% &ember 'ne &ember Combined

Documentation Submission Requirements

3. 6inancial Situation and $erformance

'.1 6inancial Capabilities(2
8i9 The A$$licant shall demonstrate that it has access to! or has a(aila&le! liquid assets! unencum&ered real assets! lines o" credit! and other "inancial means 8inde$endent o" any contractual ad(ance $ayment9 su""icient to meet the construction cash "low requirements estimated as E-R 2.7 &illion or equi(alent to &-R /2 &illion "or the su&:ect contract8s9 net o" the A$$licants other commitments

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement



Form FIN '.1! with attachments

8ii9 The A$$licant shall also demonstrate! to the satis"action o" the Em$loyer! that it has adequate sources o"

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement



The 4..licant shall .ro0ide accurate infor)ation on the related 4..lication !or) a-out an8 liti/ation or ar-itration resultin/ fro) contracts co).leted or on/oin/ under its execution o0er the last fi0e 8ears. 4 consistent histor8 of a*ards a/ainst the 4..licant or an8 )e)-er of a ;oint 0enture )a8 result in failure of the a..lication. 10 :ocal -idders *ho are not re>uired to file 4udited 4ccounts should su-)it co.ies of !inancial State)ents filed at the 1e/istrar of <o).anies .rior to deadline set for the su-)ission of -ids.


Eligibility and Qualification Criteria No. Subject Requirement "inance to meet the cash "low requirements on wor;s currently in $ro)ress and "or "uture contract commitments. 8iii9 The audited &alance sheets or! i" not required &y the laws o" the A$$licant/s country! other "inancial statements acce$ta&le to the Em$loyer! "or the last fi+e 7"8 i.e /229 up to /2(/" years shall &e su&mitted and must demonstrate the current soundness o" the A$$licant/s "inancial $osition and indicate its $ros$ecti(e lon)2 term $ro"ita&ility. Single Entity

Compliance Requirements Joint Venture e!isting or intended" #ll $arties Eac% &ember 'ne &ember Combined

Documentation Submission Requirements

Must meet requirement


Must meet requirement



#+erage #nnual Construction :urno+er

Minimum a(era)e annual construction turno(er o" E-R / &illion or equi(alent to &-R 92 &illion calculated as total

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement

Must meet 72; fifty percent" o" the requirement

Lead <artner must meet <7; se+enty1fi+e percent" o" the requirement.

Form FIN '.


Eligibility and Qualification Criteria No. Subject Requirement certi"ied $ayments recei(ed "or contracts in $ro)ress and/or com$leted within the last fi+e 7" years! di(ided &y fi+e 7" years. Single Entity

Compliance Requirements Joint Venture e!isting or intended" #ll $arties Eac% &ember 'ne &ember Combined

Documentation Submission Requirements

=. E!perience
,.1 8a9 *eneral Construction E!perience E.$erience under construction contracts in the role o" $rime contractor! => mem&er! su&2 contractor! or mana)ement contractor "or at least t%e last ten (2" years8 starting (st January /223. Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement N/A Form E?< ,.1

,. 8a9

Specific Construction > Contract &anagement E!perience

8i9 A minimum num&er o" similar11 contracts s$eci"ied &elow that ha(e

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement1,



Form E?< ,. 8a9


The si)ilarit8 shall -e -ased on the .h8sical siBe5 co).lexit85 )ethods/technolo/8 and/or other characteristics descri-ed in Section E5 Sco.e of ,or3s. Su))ation of nu)-er of s)all 0alue contracts "less than the 0alue s.ecified under re>uire)ent% to )eet the o0erall re>uire)ent *ill not -e acce.ted.


Eligibility and Qualification Criteria No. Subject Requirement &een satis"actorily and su&stantially1 com$leted as a $rime contractor! :oint (enture mem&er1'! mana)ement contractor or su&2 contractorError@ *e"erence source not "ound &etween (st January /223 and a$$lication su&mission deadline@ 8i9 , nos. contracts! each o" minimum (alue o" E-R 3<78222 or equi(alent to &-R (7 &illion! o" similar nature and com$le.ity each with a minimum o" /7 R:- or / nos. contracts with 56 *T0 or 1 no. contract with 56 *T0 $lus nos. contracts! each with 5 nos. *T0A For the a&o(e and any other contracts Single Entity

Compliance Requirements Joint Venture e!isting or intended" #ll $arties Eac% &ember 'ne &ember Combined

Documentation Submission Requirements

,. 8&9
1# 1$

Must meet requirements

Must meet requirements


Lead <artner must ha(e

Form E?< ,. 8&9

Su-stantial co).letion shall -e -ased on &0L or )ore *or3s co).leted under the contract. !or contracts under *hich the 4..licant .artici.ated as a ;oint 0enture )e)-er or su--contractor5 onl8 the 4..licantFs share5 -8 0alue5 shall -e considered to )eet this re>uire)ent.


Eligibility and Qualification Criteria No. Subject Requirement com$leted and under im$lementation as $rime contractor! :oint (enture mem&er! mana)ement contractor or su&2 contractorError@ *e"erence source not "ound &etween (st January /223 and a$$lication su&mission deadline! a minimum construction e.$erience in the "ollowin) ;ey acti(ities success"ully com$leted15 in the im$lementation o" Telemetry B Telesur(eillance <ro:ect with a %1A5A %ystem in the $ota&le water sector. Single Entity

Compliance Requirements Joint Venture e!isting or intended" #ll $arties Eac% &ember 'ne &ember Combined com$leted a minimum o" / nos. SC#D# contracts o" similar nature &ased on *S& ? *$RS transmission system and com$le.ity! each with a minimum o" 5 *T0 or 1 no. contract with 56 *T0.

Documentation Submission Requirements


2n the case of JE5 the 0alue of contracts co).leted -8 its )e)-ers shall not -e a//re/ated to deter)ine *hether the re>uire)ent of the )ini)u) 0alue of a sin/le contract has -een )et. 2nstead5 each contract .erfor)ed -8 each )e)-er shall satisf8 the )ini)u) 0alue of a sin/le contract as re>uired for sin/le entit8. 2n deter)inin/ *hether the JE )eets the re>uire)ent of total nu)-er of contracts5 onl8 the nu)-er of contracts co).leted -8 all )e)-ers each of 0alue e>ual or )ore than the )ini)u) 0alue re>uired shall -e a//re/ated. 1 Eolu)e5 nu)-er or rate of .roduction of an8 3e8 acti0it8 can -e de)onstrated in one or )ore contracts co)-ined if executed durin/ sa)e ti)e .eriod. The rate of .roduction shall -e the annual .roduction rate for the 3e8 construction acti0it8 "or acti0ities%. !or the rate of .roduction5 either the a0era/e durin/ the entire .eriod or in an8 one or )ore 8ears durin/ the .eriod should -e s.ecified.



%ection I), Application Form"

Ta8le of Form"
Application %u8mi""ion Form,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2? Applicant Information Form,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23 ApplicantI" Part Information Form,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60 Hi"torical Contract NonBPerformanceA Pen;in= Liti=ation an; Liti=ation Hi"tor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61 Financial %ituation an; Performance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62 A#era=e Annual Con"truction Turno#er,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6< @eneral Con"truction EEperience,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6> Con"truction EEperience in Je Acti#itie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63


Application %u8mi""ion Form

Aate:OOOOO OA+ No, an; title- C/012.32 7 Implementation of Telemetr ! Tele"ur#eillance Pro$ect for DW% &Nort'( To: The @eneral Mana/er <entral ,ater 4uthorit8 1o8al 1oad5 St Paul / Phoenix Mauritius

,e5 the undersi/ned5 a..l8 to -e .re>ualified for the referenced O46 and declare that: "a% ,e ha0e exa)ined and ha0e no reser0ations to the Pre>ualification Aocu)ent5 includin/ 4ddendu)"s% No"s%5 issued in accordance *ith 2nstructions to 4..licants "2T4% =: [insert the number and issuing date of each addendum]. ,e ha0e no conflict of interest in accordance *ith 2T4 .69 ,e )eet the eli/i-ilit8 re>uire)ents as stated 2T4 .15 *e ha0e not -een sus.ended -8 the ().lo8er -ased on execution of a 6id Securin/ Aeclaration in accordance *ith 2T4 .109 ,e5 in accordance *ith 2T4 # .#5 .lan to su-contract the follo*in/ 3e8 acti0ities and/or .arts of the *or3s: [Insert any of the key activities identified in Section III- 4.2(a) or (b) hich the !mp"oyer has permitted under the #re$ua"ification document and hich the %pp"icant intends to subcontract a"ong ith comp"ete detai"s of the sub-contractors& their $ua"ification and e'perience] "e% ,e declare that the follo*in/ co))issions5 /ratuities5 or fees ha0e -een .aid or are to -e .aid *ith res.ect to the .re>ualification .rocess5 the corres.ondin/ -iddin/ .rocess or execution of the <ontract:

"-% "c% "d%

Na)e of 1eci.ient [insert fu"" name for each occurrence]

4ddress [insert street( number(city(country]

1eason [indicate reason]

4)ount [specify amount currency& va"ue& e'change rate and )S* e$uiva"ent]






[If no payments are made or promised& add the fo""o ing statement+ ,-o commissions or gratuities have been or are to be paid by us to agents or any third party re"ating to this %pp"ication] "f% ,e understand that 8ou )a8 cancel the .re>ualification .rocess at an8 ti)e and that 8ou are neither -ound to acce.t an8 4..lication that 8ou )a8 recei0e nor to in0ite the .re>ualified 4..licants to -id for the contract su-;ect of this .re>ualification .rocess5 *ithout incurrin/ an8 lia-ilit8 to the 4..licants5 in accordance *ith 2T4 #7.1. 4ll infor)ation5 state)ents and descri.tion contained in the 4..lication are in all res.ect true5 correct and co).lete to the -est of our 3no*led/e and -elief.


Si/nature: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Na)e: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... 2n the ca.acit8 of: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. Aul8 authoriBed to si/n the 4..lication for and on -ehalf of: 4..licantFs Na)e: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. "full na)e of 4..licant or the na)e of JE% 4ddress: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. Aated on: OO..O.OO..O.. da8 of OOOOOOOO.

Q!or a ;oint 0enture5 either all )e)-ers shall si/n or onl8 the authoriBed re.resentati0e5 in *hich case the .o*er of attorne8 to si/n on -ehalf of all )e)-ers shall -e attachedR


Form ELI B1,1

Applicant Information Form

Aate: [insert day& month& yearR O46 No. and title: [insert .%/ number and tit"e] Pa/e [insert page number] of [insert tota" number] .a/es 4..licantNs na)e [insert fu"" name] 2n case of Joint Eenture "JE%5 na)e of each )e)-er: [insert fu"" name of each member in 01] 4..licantNs actual or intended countr8 of re/istration: [indicate country of 2onstitution] 4..licantNs actual or intended 8ear of incor.oration: [indicate year of 2onstitution] 4..licantNs le/al address Qin countr8 of re/istrationR: [insert street( number( to n or city( country] 4..licantNs authoriBed re.resentati0e infor)ation Na)e: [insert fu"" name] 4ddress: [insert street( number( to n or city( country] Tele.hone/!ax nu)-ers: [insert te"ephone(fa' numbers& inc"uding country and city codes] (-)ail address: [indicate e-mai" address] 1. 4ttached are co.ies of ori/inal docu)ents of 4rticles of 2ncor.oration "or e>ui0alent docu)ents of constitution or association%5 and/or docu)ents of re/istration of the le/al entit8 na)ed a-o0e5 in accordance *ith 2T4 . . 2n case of JE5 letter of intent to for) JE or JE a/ree)ent5 in accordance *ith 2T4 .#. 2n case of @o0ern)ent-o*ned enter.rise or institution5 in accordance *ith 2T4 .= docu)ents esta-lishin/: :e/al and financial autono)8 O.eration under co))ercial la* (sta-lishin/ that the 4..licant is not de.endent a/enc8 of the ().lo8er

#. 2ncluded are the or/aniBational chart5 a list of 6oard of Airectors5 and the -eneficial o*nershi.. $=

Form ELI B1,/

ApplicantI" Part Information Form

[3he fo""o ing form is additiona" to 4orm !5I 6 7.7.& and sha"" be comp"eted to provide information re"ating to each 01 member (in case the %pp"icant is a 01) as e"" as any Specia"i8ed Sub-contractor proposed to be used by the %pp"icant for any part of the 2ontract resu"ting from this pre$ua"ification] Aate: [insert day& month& year] O46 No. and title: [insert .%/ number and tit"e] Pa/e [insert page number] of [insert tota" number] .a/es 4..licant na)e: [insert fu"" name] 4..licantNs Part8 na)e: [insert fu"" name of %pp"icant9s #arty] 4..licantNs Part8 countr8 of re/istration:

[indicate country of registration]

4..licant Part8Ns 8ear of constitution:

[indicate year of constitution]

4..licant Part8Ns le/al address in countr8 of constitution:

[insert street( number( to n or city( country]

4..licant Part8Ns authoriBed re.resentati0e infor)ation Na)e: [insert fu"" name] 4ddress: [insert street( number( to n or city( country] Tele.hone/!ax nu)-ers: [insert te"ephone(fa' numbers& inc"uding country and city codes] (-)ail address: [indicate e-mai" address] 1. 4ttached are co.ies of ori/inal docu)ents of

4rticles of 2ncor.oration "or e>ui0alent docu)ents of constitution or association%5 and/or re/istration

docu)ents of the le/al entit8 na)ed a-o0e5 in accordance *ith 2T4 . .

2n case of a @o0ern)ent-o*ned enter.rise or institution5 docu)ents esta-lishin/ le/al and financial

autono)85 o.eration in accordance *ith co))ercial la*5 and a-sence of de.endent status5 in accordance *ith 2T4 .=. #. 2ncluded are the or/aniBational chart5 a list of 6oard of Airectors5 and the -eneficial o*nershi..


Form CON 7 /

Hi"torical Contract NonBPerformanceA Pen;in= Liti=ation an; Liti=ation Hi"tor

[3he fo""o ing tab"e sha"" be fi""ed in for the %pp"icant and for each member of a 0oint 1enture] 4..licantFs Na)e: [insert fu"" name] Aate: [insert day& month& year] Joint Eenture Part8 Na)e:[insert fu"" name] O46 No. and title: [insert .%/ number and tit"e] Pa/e [insert page number] of [insert tota" number] .a/es Non-Perfor)ed <ontracts in accordance *ith Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents <ontract non-.erfor)ance did not occur since 1st Januar8 [insert year] s.ecified in Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 Su--!actor #.1. <ontract"s% not .erfor)ed since 1st Januar8 [insert year] s.ecified in Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 re>uire)ent #.1 Year NonB performe; portion of contract Contract I;entification Total Contract Amount &current #alueA currenc A eEc'an=e rate an; EUR equi#alent( [insert amount]

[insert year]

[insert amount <ontract 2dentification: [indicate comp"ete contract and percentage] name( number& and any other identification] Na)e of ().lo8er: [insert fu"" name] 4ddress of ().lo8er: [insert street(city(country] 1eason"s% for non .erfor)ance: [indicate main reason(s)]

Pendin/ :iti/ation5 in accordance *ith Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents No .endin/ liti/ation in accordance *ith Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 Su--!actor #.#. Pendin/ liti/ation in accordance *ith Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 Su-!actor #.# as indicated -elo*.


Year of ;i"pute

Amount in ;i"pute &currenc (

Contract I;entification

Total Contract Amount &currenc (A EUR Equi#alent &eEc'an=e rate(

[insert year]

[insert amount]

<ontract 2dentification: Qindicate co).lete contract na)e5 nu)-er5 and an8 other identificationR Na)e of ().lo8er: [insert fu"" name] 4ddress of ().lo8er: [insert street(city(country] Matter in dis.ute: [indicate main issues in dispute] Part8 *ho initiated the dis.ute: [indicate ,!mp"oyer: or ,2ontractor:] Status of dis.ute: [Indicate if it is being treated by the %d;udicator& under %rbitration or being dea"t ith by the

[insert amount]

0udiciary] No .endin/ liti/ation in accordance *ith Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 Su--!actor #.#. Pendin/ liti/ation in accordance *ith Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 Su--!actor #.# as indicated -elo*.
Year of a9ar; Outcome a" percenta=e of Net Wort' Contract I;entification Total Contract Amount &currenc (A EUR Equi#alent &eEc'an=e rate(

[insert year]

[insert percentage]

<ontract 2dentification: Qindicate co).lete contract na)e5 nu)-er5 and an8 other identificationR Na)e of ().lo8er: [insert fu"" name] 4ddress of ().lo8er: [insert street(city(country] Matter in dis.ute: [indicate main issues in dispute] Part8 *ho initiated the dis.ute: [indicate ,!mp"oyer: or ,2ontractor:] Status of dis.ute: [Indicate if it is being treated by the %d;udicator& under %rbitration or being dea"t ith by the 0udiciary] '#

[insert amount]

Form FIN 7 2,1

Financial %ituation an; Performance

[ 3he fo""o

ing tab"e sha"" be fi""ed in for the %pp"icant and for each member of a 0oint 1enture] Aate: [insert day& month& and year] 4..licantFs Part8 Na)e+[insert fu"" name] O46 No. and title: [insert .%/ number and tit"e] Pa/e [insert page number] of [insert tota" number] .a/es

4..licantFs Na)e: [insert fu"" name]

1, Financial ;ata T pe of Financial information in &currenc (

Hi"toric information for pre#iou" <[insert number] years& [insert in ords] &amount in currenc A currenc A eEc'an=e rateKA EUR equi#alent( Kear 1 Kear # Kear $ Kear' Kear

State)ent of !inancial Position "2nfor)ation fro) 6alance Sheet% Total 4ssets "T4% Total :ia-ilities "T:% Total (>uit8/Net ,orth "N,% <urrent 4ssets "<4% <urrent :ia-ilities "<:% ,or3in/ <a.ital ",<% 2nfor)ation fro) 2nco)e State)ent Total 1e0enue "T1% Profits 6efore Taxes "P6T% <ash !lo* 2nfor)ation <ash !lo* fro) O.eratin/ 4cti0ities S 1efer 2T4 1 for the exchan/e rate '$

/, %ource" of Finance
[ 3he fo""o


ing tab"e sha"" be fi""ed in for the %pp"icant and a"" parties combined in case of a 0oint

S.ecif8 sources of finance to )eet the cash flo* re>uire)ents on *or3s currentl8 in .ro/ress and for future contract co))it)ents.
No. 1 Source of finance #mount E-R equi+alent"


2, Financial ;ocument" The 4..licant and its .arties shall .ro0ide co.ies of financial state)ents for [number] 8ears .ursuant Section 2225 Dualifications <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 Su--factor $.1. The financial state)ents shall: "a% reflect the financial situation of the 4..licant or in case of JE )e)-er 5 and not an affiliated entit8 "such as .arent co).an8 or /rou. )e)-er%. "-% -e inde.endentl8 audited or certified in accordance *ith local le/islation. "c% -e co).lete5 includin/ all notes to the financial state)ents. "d% corres.ond to accountin/ .eriods alread8 co).leted and audited. 4ttached are co.ies of financial state)ents16 for the [number] 8ears re>uired a-o0e9 and co).l8in/ *ith the re>uire)ents


2f the )ost recent set of financial state)ents is for a .eriod earlier than 1# )onths fro) the date of a..lication5 the reason for this should -e ;ustified.


Form FIN B 2,/

A#era=e Annual Con"truction Turno#er

[3he fo""o ing tab"e sha"" be fi""ed in for the %pp"icant and for each member of a 0oint 1enture] 4..licantNs/Joint Eenture Me)-erNs Na)e: [insert fu"" name] Aate: [insert day& month& year] 4..licantNs Part8 Na)e: [insert fu"" name] O46 No. and title: [insert .%/ number and tit"e] Pa/e [insert page number] of [insert tota" number] .a/es
Pro;ect na)e "a% "-% <lient <lientFs contact .erson <ontract Price M?1 On/oin// <o).leted Pa8)ent recei0ed "M?1% "8r% "8r% "8r%

4nnual Turno0er [3he se"ected app"icant may be re$uired& at post $ua"ification assessment to submit& ithin seven days& ritten evidence for each of the "isted pro;ects certified by his c"ient or by a professiona" (!ngineer& %rchitect or =uantity Surveyor) having orked on those pro;ects stating inter a"ia that the pro;ect as e'ecuted by the said contractor in its capacity as prime contractor. /idders shou"d be prepared to submit these documents if so re$uested.]. Annual turno#er ;ata &con"truction onl ( Year [indicate ca"endar year] Amount -Currency [insert amount and indicate currency] EEc'an=e rateK EUR equi#alent

40era/e 4nnual <onstruction Turno0er SS S 1efer 2T4 1 for date and source of exchan/e rate. SS Total (?1 e>ui0alent for all 8ears di0ided -8 the total nu)-er of 8ears. See Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 <lause $.#. '

Form ELP B 6,1

@eneral Con"truction EEperience

[3he fo""o ing tab"e sha"" be fi""ed in for the %pp"icant and in the case of a 01 %pp"icant& each >ember] 4..licantNs/Joint Eenture Me)-erNs Na)e: [insert fu"" name] Aate: [insert day& month& year] 4..licant JE Part8 Na)e: [insert fu"" name] O46 No. and title: [insert .%/ number] Pa/e [insert page number] of [insert tota" number] .a/es [Identify contracts that demonstrate continuous construction ork over the past [number] years pursuant to Section III& =ua"ification 2riteria and ?e$uirements& Sub-4actor 4.7.5ist contracts chrono"ogica""y& according to their commencement (starting) dates.] %tartin= Year En;in= Year Contract I;entification Role of Applicant [insert A#rime 2ontractor: or ,01 >ember: or ASub-contractor: or A>anagement 2ontractor:] [insert A#rime 2ontractor: or ,01 >ember: or ASub-contractor: or A>anagement 2ontractor:] [insert A#rime 2ontractor: or ,01 >ember: or ASub-contractor: or A>anagement 2ontractor:]

[indicate [indicate <ontract na)e: [insert fu"" name] year] year] 6rief Aescri.tion of the ,or3s .erfor)ed -8 the 4..licant: [describe orks performed brief"y] 4)ount of contract: [insert amount in currency& mention currency used& e'change rate and )S* e$uiva"ent@] Na)e of ().lo8er: [indicate fu"" name] 4ddress: [indicate street(number(to n or city(country] <ontract na)e: [insert fu"" name] 6rief Aescri.tion of the ,or3s .erfor)ed -8 the 4..licant: [describe orks performed brief"y] 4)ount of contract: [insert amount in currency& mention currency used& e'change rate and )S* e$uiva"ent@] Na)e of ().lo8er: [indicate fu"" name] 4ddress: [indicate street(number(to n or city(country] <ontract na)e: [insert fu"" name] 6rief Aescri.tion of the ,or3s .erfor)ed -8 the 4..licant: [describe orks performed brief"y] 4)ount of contract: [insert amount in currency& mention currency used& e'change rate and )S* e$uiva"ent@] Na)e of ().lo8er: [indicate fu"" name] 4ddress: [indicate street(number(to n or city(country] S 1efer 2T4 1 for date and source of exchan/e rate. '6

Form ELP B 6,/&a(

%pecific Con"truction an; Contract 4ana=ement EEperience

[3he fo""o ing tab"e sha"" be fi""ed in for contracts performed by the %pp"icant& each member of a 0oint 1enture& and Specia"i8ed Sub-contractors] 4..licantNs/Joint Eenture Me)-erNs Na)e: [insert fu"" name] Aate: [insert day& month& year] JE Part8 Na)e: [insert fu"" name] O46 No. and title: [insert .%/ number and tit"e] Pa/e [insert page number] of [insert tota" number] .a/es %imilar Contract No, [insert number] of [insert number of simi"ar contracts re$uired] <ontract 2dentification 4*ard date <o).letion date 1ole in <ontract [check the appropriate bo'] Total <ontract 4)ount Information

[insert contract name and number& if app"icab"e] [insert day& month& year& i.e.& 7B 0une& 2C7B] [insert day& month& year& i.e.& CD .ctober& 2C7E] Pri)e <ontractor Me)-er in JE Mana/e)ent <ontractor Su-contractor

[insert tota" contract amount in "oca" currency]

(?1 [insert !'change rate and tota" contract amount in !)? e$uiva"ent]@

[insert a 2f )e)-er in a JE or su--contractor5 percentage s.ecif8 .artici.ation in total amount] <ontract a)ount ().lo8erNs Na)e: 4ddress: Tele.hone/fax nu)-er (-)ail:

[insert tota" [insert e'change rate and tota" contract amount contract amount in !)? in "oca" e$uiva"ent]@ currency]

[insert fu"" name] [indicate street ( number ( to n or city ( country] [insert te"ephone(fa' numbers& inc"uding country and city area codes] [insert e-mai" address& if avai"ab"e]

S 1efer 2T4 1 for date and source of exchan/e rate.


Form ELP B 6,/&a( &cont,(

%pecific Con"truction an; Contract 4ana=ement EEperience &cont,(

%imilar Contract No, Information [insert number] of [insert number of simi"ar contracts re$uired] Aescri.tion of the si)ilarit8 in accordance *ith Su--!actor '.#"a% of Section 222: 1. 4)ount [insert amount in "oca" currency& e'change rate& !)? in ords and in 4igures] #. Ph8sical siBe of re>uired *or3s [insert physica" si8e of items] ite)s $. <o).lexit8 [insert description of comp"e'ity] '. Methods/Technolo/8 [insert specific aspects of the methods(techno"ogy invo"ved in the contract] . <onstruction rate for 3e8 [insert rates and items] acti0ities 6. Other <haracteristics [insert other characteristics as described in Section 1& Scope of Forks]


Form ELP B 6,/&8(

Con"truction EEperience in Je Acti#itie"

4..licantNs Na)e: [insert fu"" name] Aate: [insert day& month& year] 4..licantNs Part8 Na)e: [insert fu"" name] Su--contractorNs Na)e17 "as .er 2T4 # .# and # .$%: [insert fu"" name] O46 No. and title: [insert .%/ number and tit"e] Pa/e [insert page number] of [insert tota" number] .a/es 4ll Su--contractors for 3e8 acti0ities )ust co).lete the infor)ation in this for) as .er 2T4 # .# and # .$ and Section 2225 Dualification <riteria and 1e>uire)ents5 <lause '.#. 1. Te8 4cti0it8 No. One: [insert brief description of the %ctivity& emphasi8ing its specificity] Total Duantit8 of 4cti0it8 under the contract: PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Information <ontract 2dentification 4*ard date <o).letion date 1ole in <ontract [check the appropriate bo'] [insert contract name and number& if app"icab"e] [insert day& month& year& i.e.& 7B 0une& 2C7B] [insert day& month& year& i.e.& CD .ctober& 2C7E]

Pri)e <ontractor

Me)-er in JE

Mana/e)ent Su-<ontractor contractor

Total <ontract 4)ount Duantit8 "Eolu)e5 nu)-er or rate of .roduction5 as a..lica-le% .erfor)ed under the contract .er 8ear or .art of the 8ear [Insert e'tent of participation indicating actua" $uantity of key activity successfu""y comp"eted in the ro"e performed] Kear 1 Kear # Kear $ Kear '

(?1 [insert e'change rate [insert tota" contract amount and tota" contract amount in contract currency(ies)] in !)? e$uiva"ent] Total >uantit8 in Percenta/e 4ctual the contract .artici.ation Duantit8 "i% "ii% Perfor)ed "i% x "ii%


2f a..lica-le


().lo8erFs Na)e:

[insert fu"" name]

4ddress: Tele.hone/fax nu)-er (-)ail:

[indicate street ( number ( to n or city ( country] [insert te"ephone(fa' numbers& inc"uding country and city area codes] [insert e-mai" address& if avai"ab"e]

#. 4cti0it8 No. T*o $. OOOOOOO

Aescri.tion of the 3e8 acti0ities in accordance *ith Su--!actor '.#"-% of Section 222: [insert response to in$uiry indicated in "eft co"umn]

PART / 7 Wor:" Requirement"

%ection ), %cope of Wor:"

1, De"cription of t'e Wor:",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<< /, Con"truction Perio;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,><


1, De"cription of t'e Wor:"



De"cription of t'e Wor:"

1, Pro$ect conteEt The <entral ,ater 4uthorit8 "<,4%5 *hich is res.onsi-le for the su..l8 and distri-ution of drin3in/ *ater in Mauritius5 re>uires the i).le)entation of a co).rehensi0e Tele)etr8 and Telesur0eillance s8ste) in the for) of a S<4A4 "Su.er0isor8 <ontrol 4nd Aata 4c>uisition s8ste)% to co0er the Aistrict ,ater Su..l8 "A,S% North of the island as sho*n on the )a. attached hereto. The .ur.ose of this Pro;ect is to .ro0ide the real-ti)e )onitorin/ status of the electro )echanical controls/instru)ents of .u).in/ stations "-orehole and surface .u).s%5 outlets of clean *ater tan3s fro) *ater treat)ent .lants and *ater le0els in ser0ice reser0oirs5 the flo* and .ressures at the nodal .oints in the distri-ution net*or3 and an8 other sites of *or3s -8 )eans of a S<4A4 s8ste). This s8ste) *ill also .er)it the control of .u).s fro) re)ote centres. The s8ste) *ill -e easil8 extenda-le to acco))odate ne* sites "1T?% in the future. /, Pro$ect %ummar Aata are sent fro) each 1T? to the A,S "North% su--office "Secondar8 <ontrol <entre%. !ro) the S<< "North% located at Pa).le)ousses5 data are trans)itted to <,4 Head office "St Paul% and to MU( office North ")aintenance U o.eration centers%. So)e of the re)ote stations "1S% ha0e a concentrator function -ecause of their functional relationshi. *ith other 1S or their strate/ic .osition for the trans)ission.


TELE4ETRY AND TELE%UR)EILLANCE PRO5ECT FOR DW% &NORTH( @eneral Arc'itecture of Tran"mi""ion % "tem
@ro" caillouE Pierrefon;" P% La8our;onnai" +eau +oi" +H +Mar; Paille" TP 4ontMe ;u fil +ert'au; )alentina

La 4arie TP








Out of %cope Re"er#oir P% . 8ore'ole 4!E %OUTH Re"er#oir N P% Treatment plant Ra;io lin: I%DN.Frame Rela CC %t Paul Concentration or %CC



I4PLE4ENTATION OF TELE4ETRY AND TELE%UR)EILLANCE PRO5ECT FOR DW% &NORTH( The .reli)inar8 esti)ates of 1T? and data of the Pro;ect are su))ariBed in the follo*in/ Ta-les: Vone A,S North Nu)-er of RTU $= %ER)ICE RE%ER)OIR DATA De"i=nation ,ater inflo* 0olu)e )eterin/ ")$% ,ater outflo* 0olu)e )eterin/ ")$% ,ater inflo* 0alue ")$/h% ,ater outflo* 0alue ")$/h% ,ater le0el ")% Eer8 Hi/h ,ater :e0el Eer8 :o* ,ater :e0el <(6 Su..l8 fault8 A< source fault Aata trans)ission s8ste) fault 1esidual <hlorine )easure)ent PH )easure)ent <hlorine lea3a/e 2ntrusion alar) Motorised 0al0e .ositions O.en/<lose "!uture% Motorised 0al0e Orders O.en/<lose "!uture% Motorised 0al0e !ault "!uture% Input t pe 2).ulse 2).ulse 4nalo/ 4nalo/ 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O 4nalo/ 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Di"patc' to DW% 4!E HO E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Di"patc' from DW% 4!E



I4PLE4ENTATION OF TELE4ETRY AND TELE%UR)EILLANCE PRO5ECT FOR DW% &NORTH( 6oreholes and surface .u).in/ Stations Aata De"i=nation ,ater outflo* 0olu)e )eterin/ ")$% ,ater outflo* 0alue ")$/h% 6orehole *ater le0el ")% 6orehole :o* ,ater :e0el 6orehole Eer8 :o* ,ater :e0el 2nflo* :o* Pressure "for Surface .u).s% Outflo* Too Hi/h Pressure Pu). O.eration Mode "Manual/4uto :ocal/ 4uto 1e)ote% Pu). Start 1e)ote Order "!orced Start% Pu). Sto. 1e)ote Order "!orced Sto.% !orced <ontrol 1eset Order "1eturn to 1e)ote 4uto% Protection 1eset Order Pu). On Pu). fault Aiesel /enerator On Aiesel /enerator Not a0aila-le "Manual Mode. !ail to Start. !ault% !uel Tan3 :o* :e0el <(6 Su..l8 fault8 A< source fault Aata trans)ission s8ste) fault <hlorination s8ste) fault <hlorine lea3a/e 2ntrusion alar) Input t pe 2).ulse 4nalo/ 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Di"patc' to DW% 4!E HO E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Di"patc' from DW% 4!E



TREAT4ENT PLANT% DATA De"i=nation 1a* *ater inflo* 0alue ")$/h% ,ater outflo* 0alue ")$/h% Pota-le *ater reser0oir le0el ")% <(6 Su..l8 fault8 A< source fault Aata trans)ission s8ste) fault <hlorine )easure)ent PH )easure)ent 2ntrusion alar) "includin/ Pressure !ilter Plant% Input t pe 4nalo/ 4nalo/ 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O Ai/ital 2/O 4nalo/ 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O 6# Di"patc' to DW% 4!E HO E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Di"patc' from DW% 4!E


TELE4ETRY AND TELE%UR)EILLANCE PRO5ECT FOR DW% &NORTH( The .reli)inar8 and >uantities of data for Aistrict ,ater Su..l8 to -e treated -8 the Tele)etr8 U Telesur0eillance S8ste) ha0e -een esti)ated as follo*s:
%ite name DW%B Port Loui" Total DW%B NORTH Total DW%B EA%T Total DW% 4A) UPPER Total DW% 4A) LOWER Total DW%B %OUTH T8.e Dt8 of Structures 2).ulse 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O 0 0 0 0 0 1021 T8.e Dt8 of Structures 2).ulse 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O 0 0 0 0 0 T8.e Dt8 of Structures 2).ulse 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O 0 0 0 0 0 T8.e Dt8 of Structures 2).ulse 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O 0 0 0 0 0 T8.e Dt8 of Structures 2).ulse 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O T8.e Dt8 of Structures 2).ulse 4nalo/ Ai/ital 2/O 0 $= $= 7& & 70# 0 # # ' $0 $6 0 1= $& = 1 # #& 0 1 0 $ & 0 +ore'ole %urface Pump Re"er#oir Treatment Plant TOTAL


Total Total ;i"patc'e; to t'e > DW%


/, Con"truction Perio;
The total ti)e for co).letion of this Pro;ect *ill -e a-out fourteen "1'% )onths includin/ detailed sur0e8s5 desi/ns5 .rocure)ent U )anufacture5 trans.ortation5 site *or3s and tests.


PART 2 7 Co#enant of Inte=rit Form





The @eneral Mana/er <entral ,ater 4uthorit8 Head Office St Paul/Phoenix M4?12T2?S Sir5 ,e here-8 declare and co0enant that neither *e nor an8one5 includin/ an8 of our directors5 e).lo8ees or a/ent5 actin/ on our -ehalf *ith our authorit8 or *ith our 3no*led/e or consent5 or facilitated -8 us5 has en/a/ed or *ill en/a/e5 in an8 Prohi-ited Practice "as defined -elo*% in connection *ith the tenderin/ .rocedure or in the execution of the <ontract C /012.32 B Implementation of Telemetr an; Tele"ur#eillance Pro$ect for DW% &Nort'( and co0enant to so infor) 8ou if an8 instance of an8 such Prohi-ited Practice shall co)e to the attention of an8 .erson in our or/aniBation ha0in/ the res.onsi-ilit8 for ensurin/ *ith this <o0enant. ,e shall for the duration of the tender .rocess and if *e are successful in our tender5 for the duration of the contract a..oint and )aintain in office an officer Mr/Mrs/Miss OOOOOO..5 *ho shall -e a .erson reasona-l8 satisfactor8 to 8ou and to *ho) 8ou shall ha0e full and i))ediate access5 ha0in/ the dut8 and the necessar8 .o*ers5 to ensure co).liance *ith this <o0enant. 2f "i% *e ha0e -een5 or an8 such director5 e).lo8ee or a/ent actin/ as aforesaid has -een con0icted in an8 court of an8 offence in0ol0in/ a Prohi-ited Practice in connection *ith an8 tenderin/ .rocedure or .ro0ision of *or3s5 /oods ser0ices durin/ the fi0e " % 8ears i))ediatel8 .recedin/ the date of this <o0enant5 or "ii% an8 such director5 e).lo8ee or a/ent has -een dis)issed or has resi/ned fro) an8 e).lo8)ent on the /rounds of -ein/ i).licated in an8 Prohi-ited Practice5 *e shall /i0e details of that con0iction5 dis)issal or resi/nation -elo*5 to/ether *ith details of the )easures that *e ha0e ta3en5 or shall ta3e5 to ensure that neither this co).an8 nor an8 of our directors5 e).lo8ees or a/ents co))its an8 Prohi-ited Practice in connection *ith the contract. "Give detai"s if necessary% 2n the e0ent that *e are a*arded the <ontract5*e /rant the Pro;ect O*ner5 the (uro.ean 2n0est)ent 6an3"(26% and auditors a..ointed -8 either of the)5as *ell as an8 authorit8 ha0in/ co).etence under (uro.ean ?nion la*5 the ri/ht of ins.ection of our records. ,e acce.t to .reser0e these records /enerall8 in accordance *ith a..lica-le la* -ut in an8 case for at least six 8ears fro) the date of su-stantial .erfor)ance of the <ontract. Aated this OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOda8 of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Si/natureOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.OOO. 2n the ca.acit8 ofOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dul8 authoriBed to si/n this Form of Co#enant of Inte=rit for and on -ehalf of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......... 4ddress:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO





!or the .ur.ose of this <o0enant5 GCorrupt PracticeH )eans the offerin/5 /i0in/ or .ro)isin/ of an8 i) ad0anta/e to influence the action of a Pu-lic Official5 or the threatenin/ of in;ur8 to his .erson5 e).lo8)ent5 .ro.ert85 ri/hts or re.utation5 in connection *ith an8 .rocure)ent .rocedure or in the execution of an8 contract in order that an8 .erson )a8 o-tain or retain -usiness i).ro.erl8 or o-tain an8 other i) ad0anta/e in the conduct of -usiness. GFraudulent PracticeH )eans a dishonest state)ent or act of conceal)ent *hich is intended to5 or tends to5 influence i).ro.erl8 the .rocure)ent .rocess or the execution of a contract to the detri)ent of the Pro;ect O*ner5 or is desi/ned to esta-lish tender .rices at non-co).etiti0e le0els and to de.ri0e the Pro;ect O*ner of the -enefits of fair and o.en co).etition5 and includes collusi0e .ractices "*hether -efore or after tender su-)ission% a)on/ tenderers or -et*een a tenderer and a consultant or a re.resentati0e of the Pro;ect O*ner. GProject OwnerH )eans the .erson desi/nated as such in the tender docu)ents or the contract. GPublic OfficialH )eans an8 .erson holdin/ a le/islati0e5 ad)inistrati0e5 )ana/erial5 .olitical or ;udicial .ost in an8 countr85 or exercisin/ an8 .u-lic function in a an8 countr89 or a director or e).lo8ee of a .u-lic authorit8 or of a le/al .erson controlled -8 a .u-lic authorit8 of an8 countr89 or a director or official of a .u-lic international or/anisation. GProhibited PracticeH )eans an act that is a <orru.t Practice or a !raudulent Practice.


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