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YR 12 Media

AFL Activity


AFL Evaluating Peer Work

Name Molly Simpson

AS Print Level Descriptors Level awarded

YR 12 Media
Activity 1

AFL Activity


Use the mark scheme below and work in pairs to grade the 4 example pieces of work. You must try and place the work into the correct level. Wherever possible you should use a best fit model, this means that you take an overall view rather than harshly penalising for one fault. Use the space provided to give specific examples and write a summary comment at the bottom of the page. MGN
Minimal Level 1 10 23 marks Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate Basic Level 2 2435 marks Proficiency Level 3 3647 marks Excellence Level 4 4860 marks X The creator has used the image on their front cover as their CVI. Her eyes will draw in readers. The contents page uses boosts in order to split up text and images. The double page spread also uses CVI again. It also uses smaller images to ensure there is not any negative space. X The creator has used a variety of shot distances. The creator has used a mid shot on the magazine cover. On the contents page, the creator has also used mid shots again of a variety of people. This keeps readers interested. Lastly, the double page spread also consists of mid shots. X The creator has taken images of people in order to ensure their magazine features artists from the genre they are trying to achieve. The front cover image identifies who is mainly included in the magazine. Using other images of people on the contents page allows readers to identify that the magazine does not only include information on the artist on the front cover. The images on the double page spread tell readers whom the article is about. X The creator has considered mise-en-scene throughout. The setting of the image on the cover is effective because its basic therefore goes well with her colour scheme. The models outfit is black and her lipstick is red which goes with her colour

Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate

Shooting material appropriate to the task set

Selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media

AFL Activity

scheme. Her figure is appropriate because it fits the whole page, avoiding negative space. The lighting is natural which is effective because it brings out the models features, drawing the readers in. Her body language suggests she is reaching out to readers. Images on the contents page are effective. A variety of colour on the images makes them stand out against each other. The colours also go well with the colour scheme. Their figures are appealing because all of the images look welcoming and confident. The lighting varies. Some images are clearer than others which are unfortunate e.g. The middle black and white image is not as clear as the others. Objects such as the guitar in the last image on the contents page are effective as it highlights the magazine is based on music. The settings of the images are pretty basic which go well with the theme of the magazine. The double page spread images are effective because they have used natural lighting. They ensure the artist(s) are clear. The figures of the images fill the first page of the double page spread, ensuring that there is no negative space. The colours on the images are white, which compliments the page well.

Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing

X The creator has edited the image on the double page spread lighter to ensure her features come up clearer. The images on the double page spread have been edited. The 1st and 3rd photo have been made black and white to create a contrast with the other images. The images have clearly been airbrushed because the models look flawless in an obvious way. The images have been cropped in order to fit well on the page. The images on the double

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media

AFL Activity
page spread have also been airbrushed and cropped in order to fit on the page. The use of black and white has been used to contrast with the coloured images.


Accurately using language and register

Appropriately integrating illustration and text Showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size

Using ICT appropriately for the task set

X The language used in this magazine is both formal and informal. This ensures it hits a wider target audience, as many audiences will appeal to this language. X The illustration has been used effectively to provide an organised layout. They do not overlap. X The magazine supplies a variety of mastheads, headlines and fillers for a consistent and organised layout. X The magazine uses mastheads and headlines in a large font to get their top stories across. It uses smaller text to ensure important information is still shown. X The creator has clearly researched magazines well as this looks like a professional magazine. They have researched well-known artists to ensure their magazine looks real.

Summary Comment I believe this magazine is level 4 because they have paid attention to detail and ensured that their magazine is full of information, images, shapes, colour etc. To keep readers busy. The colour scheme is effective as its simplistic and appealing. To improve, the creator could give us more of a hint of what genre their magazine is. The images are presented well in order to fill negative space and the models are appealing.

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media

AFL Activity


Minimal Level 1 10 23 marks Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate Basic Level 2 2435 marks X The creator has taken mid shots to ensure every model is shown clearly throughout. The creator has used one image on their front cover to create a CVI. On their contents page, they have used three images to spread out on the page. Using just two images on the double page spread is not effective because they are small and are difficult to see. X - The images taken are only using mid/ long shots. It is difficult to see the models on many of them which is negative because they should draw the readers in. X - The majority of the images taken on the magazine are effective as the models are dressed and look like they fit the genre of the magazine. However, some are not dressed appropriately therefore do not fit the idealised stereotype of the magazine. X - The image on the double page spread is effective. The colours are effective because they go with the colourful Proficiency Level 3 3647 marks Excellence Level 4 4860 marks

Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate

Shooting material appropriate to the task set

Selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media

AFL Activity
background. The image fits the whole page. Natural lighting is used to ensure we can see the models features. The setting of the image goes well with the genre of the magazine. The images on the contents page are average. The colours are dissatisfying because they do not go with the colour scheme. 2/3 images are not effective because the models are not wearing outfits that go with the genre of the magazine. The setting where the images were taken is not effective because they are irrelevant to the magazine. The double page spread images are average. The lighting and setting allows readers to view the images clearly


Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing Accurately using language and register

X - The creator has stretched images, which do not look professional, and some images have been cropped to fit on the page. X The magazine language is mainly too informal. It is not appealing. X -The text overlaps or underlays some of the images which is difficult to see. The creator has not worked around them. X -The layout of the contents page is

Appropriately integrating illustration and text

Showing understanding of

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media
conventions of layout and page design basic. It is easily viewed. The contents page is also basic however they have not put a lot of thought to how it can be aesthetically pleasing. The double page spread is negative. It is complicated and unorganised. The writing is not in neat columns.

AFL Activity


Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size

Using ICT appropriately for the task set

X - They have used font sizes to ensure there is no negative space. The use of text size highlights the order of importance the writing goes in e.g. GHR is obviously the title therefore they want readers to recognise this. Unfortunately, the headline on the double page spread needs to be bigger to ensure it is an important part of the page. The graffiti-like font goes well with the genre of the magazine. X - The creator has added many techniques to hit a specific grade such as colour, fonts, images, layout etc.

Summary Comment Overall, this magazine needs improving. I believe it is a level 2 maximum. Although they have highlighted the amount of techniques they have used and achieved, it is too unorganised and over the top. The creator is attempting to achieve something too over exaggerated. As a reader, the magazine is not aesthetically pleasing and the creator needs to take that into consideration.

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media
Minimal Level 1 10 23 marks Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate

AFL Activity


Basic Level 2 2435 marks

Proficiency Level 3 3647 marks X - They have used a variety of frames however not good enough shots to hit level 4.

Excellence Level 4 4860 marks

X - The creator has provided a variety of shot distances however sometimes not appropriate such as on the contents page. The long shots on this page are difficult to see. X - The models chosen do not fit well with the genre of the magazine. My first impression on them is that they are too hip-hop. X - The colour of the clothing used on the models does not fit well with the colour theme of the magazine. The main model fits the front cover well as there is no negative space however the models on the contents page leave a lot of negative space on the page. The lighting used on the model on the front cover and double page spread works because it brings out the models features however the images on the contents page have shadows and cannot be viewed easily. The camera in the male models hand is not relevant to the magazine. The outfits used fit more of a hip-hop genre. X - A shadow on the

Shooting material appropriate to the task set

Selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting


AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media
photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing front cover has been edited in however looks unprofessional. The image on the cover looks lightened than all the others.

AFL Activity


Accurately using language and register

X - The magazine uses both formal and informal language. These appeals to a wider range of audiences. It fits with the genre. X - The text mainly does not overlap however there are some small details which could be changed in the layout in order to ensure a better level of work e.g. On the contents page, the Editors Note banner overlaps the writing below, making it difficult to read. X - The layout is effective however it could be improved to ensure a better grade. X - The creator has used a variety of font sizes to ensure there is no negative space and also to highlight the most important things. However the magazine looks too busy. There is no variety in fonts. X - The creator has used a basic amount of software to get the look created.

Appropriately integrating illustration and text

Showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design

Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size

Using ICT appropriately for the task set

Summary Comment I feel that this magazine is of level 2 standard. This is because they have not been creative enough to achieve a better grade and also they have no achieved a professional look. It is at GCSE standard because it looks like it has been created on publisher and they have not taken full advantage of what Photoshop has to offer.

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media
Minimal Level 1 10 23 marks Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate Shooting material appropriate to the task set

AFL Activity


Basic Level 2 2435 marks X - The images have been framed to fill the pages. X - Basic shot distances have been taken.

Proficiency Level 3 3647 marks

Excellence Level 4 4860 marks

X- The models do not fit the genre of the magazine. Their clothing and objects do not achieve the look the creator has tried to create. X The colours of the magazine contrast well together. However, the colours of the clothing do not compliment the colour scheme but they are simplistic. The figures on the front cover and contents work well because they will the page leaving no negative space. However, the use of images on the double page spread is not effective or appealing because they have been stretched to fit in the negative space. The lighting is very light so the images are easy to see. The setting on the double page spread on the main model emphasises that the magazine could be quite personal to the made up model. X - The images have been basically edited. They have been lightened. One image on the

Selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting

Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media
cropping and resizing

AFL Activity
double page spread has been placed in black and white, which does not go with the overall theme. X The language used is both formal and informal. This goes well with the genre as it appeals to a wider audience this way. X The layout on the front cover and double page spread is average- its basic and seems that is has not been considered effectively. The double page spread layout is poor. The columns appear complicated and difficult to read. X - The layout could be improved to look more creative and appealing. X - The creator has considered font sizes in order to achieve a look of importance. Some text could be made larger to ensure there is no negative space. The use of ICT is basic on this magazine. They have not taken ICT applications to a great advantage.


Accurately using language and register

Appropriately integrating illustration and text

Showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size

Using ICT appropriately for the task set

Summary Comment Overall, I believe this magazine is a strong level 2. This is because they have not considered many things about their chosen genre therefore nothing on the magazine relates to it e.g. Costume, models etc. The use of ICT has been poor. It looks as if it was created on publisher. For a high grade, this student should have taken full advantage of ICT.

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media

AFL Activity


Task 2 Now using the skills youve acquired in task 1, evaluate your own work and then two pieces of work from classmates. Use the space provided to give specific examples and write a summary comment at the bottom of the page. Magazine title: Underground (Alex Rhodes Magazine)
Minimal Level 1 10 23 marks Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate Basic Level 2 2435 marks Proficiency Level 3 3647 marks X - The shots have been framed professionally and organised. Excellence Level 4 4860 marks

X - Shot distances are mainly taken mid shot so the student needs to take a variety of shots to ensure a better grade. X - The models fit the genre of the magazine appropriately. The outfits worn also highlight the genre. X - The colour theme of the magazine is simplistic therefore the colour of the images compliments the magazine well. The figures of the models fit the magazine well. They ensure there is no negative space. However, the model on the double page spread needs improving because the image is stretched. The lighting is bright to ensure we can see the images clear. Setting is effective because it compliments the colour scheme. X - The image on the front cover has been cropped because two of the

Shooting material appropriate to the task set

Selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting

Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media
presentation, including cropping and resizing

AFL Activity
models faces have been cut off. The image on the contents page has been resized to fit appropriately. The image on the double page spread has been stretched to fit in the negative space.


Accurately using language and register

Appropriately integrating illustration and text

X The student has used both formal and informal language to ensure a wider target audience. X The text has been integrated appropriately to fit on the magazine professionally and organised. X Text on the double page spread has been laid out effectively. The student has used columns on the contents page and double page spread. The article page columns need to be improved. X The student has showed a variety of font sizes to ensure it highlights importance. More fonts need to be produced. X The student has taken an average advantage of the application Photoshop to ensure they good the look they wanted. The student has used the magic wand tool especially to get rid of the background behind his models.

Showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design

Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size

Using ICT appropriately for the task set

Summary Comment: I believe this student has achieved a level 2/3. This is because I believe he has achieved an appealing indie styled magazine. He has considered mise en scene and researched effectively to achieve this look. To improve, this student should pay more attention to the way text is set out.

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media

AFL Activity


Magazine title: X Magazine (My Own Magazine)

Minimal Level 1 10 23 marks Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate X I have only achieved a mid shot in my images so I need to improve in this area. X I believe I have shot material appropriate for my magazine and its genre. X My colour scheme compliments the models makeup. The figure of my model needs to fit the negative space on my front cover. I think my lighting is effective because it brings out all of my models features, making her look flawless. X I believe I have manipulated my images effectively by using the quick selection tool, crop and the magic wand tool on Photoshop. X The language register I have chosen is a mix between formal and informal. I think this is effective because it appeals to a wider target audience. X I have integrated text on my magazine so its easy to read and is visually appealing. X My double page spread layout has been laid out to ensure when it is Basic Level 2 2435 marks Proficiency Level 3 3647 marks X I believe I have framed shots effectively to suit the genre of my magazine. Excellence Level 4 4860 marks

Shooting material appropriate to the task set

Selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting

Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing Accurately using language and register

Appropriately integrating illustration and text

Showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media

AFL Activity
printed the crease will not disrupt the text or image. Everything has been laid out clearly.


Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size

Using ICT appropriately for the task set

X I have used a variety of fonts to fit the genre of my magazine. I have used a variety in font sizes to highlight the texts importance. X I have researched effectively and used many tools on and Photoshop to achieve a Pop look.

Summary Comment

Overall I think I have achieved a level 2. This is because I have attempted to use a variety of tools on Photoshop to achieve this look. I need to consider other images and fonts in order to achieve a better grade overall. I also need to use more columns on my double page spread.

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media

AFL Activity


Magazine title: Infuse (Michelle Knights Magazine)

Minimal Level 1 10 23 marks Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate Basic Level 2 2435 marks Proficiency Level 3 3647 marks X The shots taken are framed well however the 1st image on the contents page is irrelevant. Excellence Level 4 4860 marks

Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate

X - Mid shot is used throughout therefore has not produced a variety of shot distances. X - The shots taken are appropriate because they fit the simplistic layout. X - The colour theme is aesthetically pleasing. The images fit the pages well. The lighting on the model is natural. X - The images have been cropped to fit well on the page and reduce negative space. The student has used the magic wand tool in Photoshop to get rid of the background on the front cover image. X The student has used mainly formal language with a slight informal language in the interview on the double page spread. X The text has been laid out successfully to ensure there is no overlapping. X The layout is professional and organised. X The student Ollie Dennis is big has made texts

Shooting material appropriate to the task set Selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting

Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing

Accurately using language and register

Appropriately integrating illustration and text

Showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

YR 12 Media
and text size

AFL Activity
bigger to highlight its importance. The font for the magazine title is edgy and unique. X This student has used basic Photoshop tools.


Using ICT appropriately for the task set

Summary Comment

I believe this student has achieved a level 3. This is because I really like their genre, layout and overall idea. To improve, reconsider the model used. They do not fit the genre she is trying to achieve.

AS Print

Level Descriptors

Level awarded

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