Minutes English Department Meeting August 31, 2009, Havening III Meeting

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English Department Meeting

August 31, 2009, Havening III

Meeting convened at 3:30 p.m.

In attendance: Butterfield, Canon, Cashion, Crank, Crutchfield,

Dansereau, Eschenbaum, Finders, Friesen, Gappa, Graham, Gray,
Handke, Hart, Hogan, Jessee, Jett, Kopp, Lan, Scholze, Stuart, Thoune,

Chair’s Report (Crutchfield):

University News and Initiatives
• Kopp now has ½ time reassignment as WE/WIMP Coordinator in
the new CATL program.
• Deb Hoskins is the new Inclusive Excellence Coordinator for CATL
with ½ time reassignment.
• Collective Bargaining has been granted with more information to
• Look for grant-writing workshops and sabbatical presentations
this fall.
• UW-L 100 (centennial celebration) will commence with one week
of major activities in October, around Homecoming.
• H1N1 information:
o Be flexible with your attendance policy and in assignments
(in terms of dealing with students who are ill).
o If students or instructors are sick, notify Sue or Diana
• Furloughs:
o Go to HR Web site for further information
o There are four system-wide days: 11/27, 1/15, 3/15, and
o You must choose two more days—or 16 more hours—which
may be taken in four-hour increments, but may not be
taken on “instructional days.”
o You cannot be on campus during these furlough days.
o If you plan on taking time off in September, let Susan know
ASAP. If not, then you need to have a plan by the October
o This process will be repeated in the spring.
• Peg, with other faculty, has created a Secondary Education
program, reducing the old major by 15 credit hours.
o The English Department would have to indicate that it is
interested in taking over both the courses in English and
education in the major for the major to be housed in
o The program should be ready in one year.
• Advising no longer depends on SNAP reports. All advising
information is now located in People Soft.
• Carla is looking for someone else to teach Environmental
Literature in the future. Interested faculty should contact Carla
and she will arrange for a meeting in the near future.
• The Literature Emphasis check sheet has been revised. Copies of
the new version are available in the front office.
• No overrides in 200-level literature courses.
• Textbook rental—Sue is trying to work through the bookstore
rental issues.
• There are five students in the dual-degree China Program. Haixia
has ¼ reassigned time to work with this program.
• Spring schedule confirmations—see Susan if you need to make
• Writing Center has not moved from 304 CWH, but will be moving
to the 2nd floor of Murphy Library beginning in November.
• All-purpose fund—bring money to Diana or Susan will be asking
for money in November. This fund was approved last spring.
Expected donations are: $5 IAS, $10 Assistant Professors, $15
Associate Professors, $20 Professors.
• Executive Committee will review our departmental bylaws
relating to merit categories and policies for distribution. Ruthann
Benson has asked that departments consider their polices in light
of the guidelines for eligibility for Recruitment and Retention
Fund awards.
• Three search for 2009-2010: Romantic Poetry, Professional
Writing, and Modernism (British). Faculty should be prepared to
attend potlucks.
• Department technology day is Wednesday, September 16, 3:45
p.m. with Brant Mayer who will lead us through the equipment
and software.
• Melissa French is our new tech intern. She will be maintaining
our Web sites.

New Business
• The Department needs an ad hoc APR Committee in preparation
for our review. Susan will go to the committees for volunteers.
• Peg, Lalita, and Ryan will make revisions to the Department’s
mission statement based on discussions during the Havening.

• Virginia moves that we accept the revisions to the 110
Assessment Plan. Natalie seconded. Bradley abstained. The
motion was passed.
• Sharon Jessee moves that we accept the changes made to the
200-level Assessment Instrument. Lalita seconded. Bradley
abstained. The motion was passed.

Meeting adjourned at 4:20.

Minutes compiled by Darci Thoune

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