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Pro & Contra Hydropower

Advantages renewable resource fuel saver flexible to meet load efficient reliable and durable low operating and maintenance costs proven technology no atmospheric polution

Pro & Contra Hydropower


high initial cost of Facilities precipitation dependent changes in stream flows inundation of land and wildlife habitat loss or modification of fish habitat fish entrainment and passage restriction changes in reservoir and stream water quality

Know how transfer by german firms

Some of the world`s premier supplier of hydro generation equipment and services are german companies.

From turnkey power plants to financial services, from project development to engineering and design, from a comprehensive line of products to life cycle services you find competitive solutions.

Portfolio of competence and capabilities

Complete equipment, installation and services for hydropower plants Francis, Pelton, Kaplan, bulb turbines, pump-turbines, standard and custom Storage pumps, radial, semi-axial and axial-flow pumps Generators and motor-generators Frequency converters, protection systems, switchyards for all voltages, transformers

Portfolio of competence and capabilities

Power plant automation, control centers for hydropower plants and cascades, including plant management and diagnostic systems Consulting, engineering, erection and commissioning System/plant assessments Service, modernization and rehabilitation of existing hydropower plants

Some examples of sucsess of german hydropower activities worldwide

(Ruhrgebiet, Germany)

1 synchronous machine with 190 MVA, automatic sequence control, 1 electro hydraulic turbine govenor, 1 Francis pump turbine with 153 MW


Pumped storage plant Goldisthal


installed capacity of 1060 MW Pump turbines Rated capacity, turbine operation 4 x 269 MW Rated discharge, turbine operation 4 x 101 m3/s Rated gross head 301.65 m Effective reservoir volume Upper reservoir 12 x 106 m3; Lower reservoir 12 x 106 m3 Rated capacity, pump operation 4 x 259 MW Rated flow, pump operation 4 x 79 m3/s Rated lift 307 m Pressure tunnels, D/L 2 no. 6.2/920 m Tailrace tunnels, D/L 2 no. 8.2/380 m

Xing (Brasil) 6 synchronous machines with 555 MVA 6 excitation systems 6 units of Francis turbines with 502 MW Lubuge (China) 4 synchronous machines with 172 MVA 4 excitation systems 15,75 kV generator main leads

Hohenwarte II
Pumped storage power plant, (Germany)

Control technology:
Central operating and monitoring system process information system automation system communication bus system coupling of peripheral systems, via serial remote bus equipped with modern control technology record and edit process data control and regulate the pumped storage units and peripheral plants monitor and report operate and observe data archiving and retrieving Quelle: Power: 320 MW

Upper Distrato (Greece)

Head: Discharge: Power: Starting: 488 m 514 l/sek 2014 kW 2002

Belihul Oya (Sri Lanka)

Head : Discharge : Power : Starting : 165 m 1600 l/sek 2130 kW 2002


Hydropower plant Mhnebogen


Recreation of an old hydropower location early contact to other interests in this location (water services and fishing) ecological plannings securing fish migration power 320 kW / 800.000 1.000.000 kWh/a


Innovative engineering for smallest hydropower plants

Archimedean screw Power: 50 kW

Stem Pressure Machine especially great for low falling heights at small rivers and Channels (example:150 kW)

Zuppinger Waterwheel Power: 40 kW


Tidal power plant

Power: 350 kW

Wave Dragon
Weight : 21.750 t Power: 4.000 kW Turbine efficiency: 91% Head: 3 m




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