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Volume XVI, Issue 9

Winter 2012
1oh|nq 5te: to
Re-|moq|ne Co|uory
Jason Smith, Ministry Assistant
This past fall, Calvary has had
amazing opportunities to grow
as a community of faith. We
have been blessed to share
moment s of f el l owshi p,
advocacy, and worship as we
re-imagined our future together.
We ordained our own Rachel
Johnson as a minister of the
Gospel; we shared stories of
commitment at Stewardship
potluck house meetings; we
hosted a successful yard sale to
support the Shalom Scholarship
Fund; we gathered for a
fabulous congregational retreat;
we hosted a forum on food
j ust i ce, and cont r i but ed
Thanksgiving baskets to families
in need. Your participation and
i nvol vement hel ped bui l d
Calvary into a more vibrant and
thriving congregation and your
prayers have strengthened our
community. Take a look inside
the Caller and share with us as
we explore our future together!
a. Calvary children sing the Spanish
song Yo Me Alegr/I Was Glad during
morning worship, November 11; b.
Cheryl and Natalie prepare our children
to sing in worship, November 11;
c. Myra, Lauren, Andi, and Shanna pick
apples at the Distillery Lane Ciderworks
along with other Calvary young adults,
October 14. d. Christian, Maya, Trey,
and Rachel make fairy houses at
Camp Fraser, October 27.
e. Rev. Rachel Johnson receives a
patchwork stole made by her mother
after her ordination ceremony during
worship, October 7; f. Rachel, Ruthie,
and Pastor Leah color at Camp Fraser,
October 26
f. c.

Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
From Our o:tor
Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Senior Pastor

Then, the church council met for a day of retreat
to talk about these proposed structures. There
was a spirit of cooperation and optimism about the
future of our church, and we left the meeting
feeling very good about a proposed trial structure.

After the retreat, church leadership got together to
look closely at how we might take the next steps,
and it is the feeling of some that a trial structure
implementation is not legally or fiscally safe for us,
given our complicated constitution and by-laws.

Church moderator, Soren Dayton, has asked a
small group of people to meet over the next few
months to make a structure proposal on which we
can vote to change our constitution altogether
sometime next year.

So, we are moving forward on changing our
structure, but not in the way I had hoped. I agree
that its important to protect the church from legal
or financial risk; my hope was, however, that the
process could move forward more quickly. I guess
this is just life in the institution we call church!

Another part of the reimagining we have done
together this fall is the work of stewardship. Id like
to recognize those who have led the church in
reimagining our commitment this year: Michelle
Harris-Love, chair, Mike Lloyd, Jason Smith, Andi
Sullivan, Marcela Estrada, Kirsten Hancock, and
Paul Rosstead. October 28 was commitment
Sunday, and I hope all of you have had an
opportunity to submit your commitment cards.

We had great opportunities this fall to meet in
each others homes and various other places and
to talk about what stewardship and commitment
means to us. God is doing good work here; the life
and existence of Calvary Baptist Church is
important. We are called to be stewards of that
life, to give and support Gods work in this place.

Well be moving into the months ahead trying to
continue reimagining what our life together can
look like. I have to warn you that this will not
always be comfortable. I want to encourage you to
keep up your courage and your energy for the
task at hand. Calvary , God has all of us here for a
reason we need to move forward into our future
together to find out what that might be.

Looking forward to walking with you,
Dear Calvary,

Weve been moving here
at Calvary, doing new
things, trying to re-
imagine church in new
and unusual ways.

This fall, weve begun a
season of re-imagining
our life together here at
Calvary. Weve finished a
five year vision plan and
are now tasked with the
d i f f i c u l t j o b o f
discernmenttrying to see where God will take us
and how we need to position ourselves to be used
most effectively in this time and place. Over the
past quarter we took several important steps to
re-imagine. Here are a few:

In July, at our quarterly business meeting, we
voted to secede from the Southern Baptist
Convention. It was heartening to see so many of
you at the business meeting, engaged in the
action we were taking. Thanks. As you know,
there was some publicity around this action,
including a couple of items in the Washington

Another sizable place I had wanted to start looking
at reimagining our life together was through our
church structure. As you know, our structure, as
laid out by the constitution, is very substantial and
is not serving us well these days. I feel that taking
a close look at how we might streamline our
governing structure to allow our involvement with
church to be less oppressive is critical toward
moving into the future God has for us.

To this end, Rich Havard, our intern who was here
over the summer, did an extensive study on this
issue. He interviewed many of you; read and
compiled resources on the issue of structure; he
called and talked with churches who have done
and are doing what we hoped to do. Rich wrote a
great report summarizing our challenges and
opportunities, and proposing suggestions for us.

With the resource of this report, I worked with
church leadership and staff to come up with two
proposed alternative structures that we might
consider trying for a year or two to see if they
actually accomplish what we hope with regard to
streamlining the work of the church.

Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
Mu:|c roqrom:
Dr. Cheryl Branham, Director of Music
Choir Retreat: What a Great Day!
On Saturday, October 27, Calvarys Sanctuary Choir met for three hours of singing at
Camp Fraser, as part of the Autumn Leaves church wide retreat. What a fantastic
day with these dedicated singers and our guests! All eleven of our members were
there, and they contributed delicious snacks for the day. Thanks to Jason Smith and
Trey Sullivan for joining us, and to all our guest singers, including Pastor Amy as well
as Pastor Ruth who was visiting from El Salvador. As we sang, other Calvary folks
enjoyed hiking and other activitiesthey commented on the beauty of our singing as
they listened from afar, like an enchanted forest! It was a beautiful day under the
leavesthanks to all!

2012 Sing Messiah!
Pull out that old score from high school chorus, or borrow one at the door, and join us
Friday evening, December 7, at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Soup Supper is available
downstairs in Kendall beginning at 6:00 p.m., and Sanctuary doors open at 7:00 p.m.
for seating. Once again well enjoy caroling to warm-up our voices, then well sing Part 1, the Nativity, from
Handels Messiah. Calvary Chamber Orchestra and our own soloists are featured. Dont miss it! Check out
the gift tree in the narthex while you are here.

Christmas Festival Choir
Love to sing but cant make that weekly commitment to Sanctuary Choir? No problemFestival Choir is for
you! Join us for five Sunday afternoon rehearsals beginning November 11, 1:15 3:00 p.m. in the Music
Suite. Well sing a variety of Christmas anthems in worship on December 16. We want YOU to sing with us,
so consider yourself cordially invitedall are welcome! Contact Cheryl for info,

Calvary Childrens Choir
Music for Kids is back in action this season, every Sunday afternoon in Music Suite, 12:30 1:00 p.m. All
children, toddlers through 5th Grade (and beyond!) are welcomewe really appreciate all the terrific parents
who participate with us each week, too. Our kids did a super job singing in worship on November 11. Well
keep on going so we are ready to sing again on Sunday, December 9parents and teachers, please help our
children to arrive in the Sanctuary, looking spiffy and ready to sing at 10:30 a.m. that day. Beginning that day,
Music for Kids will take a break through the holidays, resuming on January 6. Bravo, Calvary Childrens Choir,
and thank you for adding so much to our worship. Parents and teachers, plan ahead now and mark your 2013
calendar: our next singing dates in worship are Palm Sunday, March 24, and Anniversary Sunday, June 2.
We need every child in Music for Kids each Sunday to prepare for these important dates. Thanks again for
your support!

Looking for a Great Gift Idea?
As you know, our Calvary Concert Choir and many talented guests presented a magnificent 150th Gala
Anniversary Concert on Friday evening, June 1. We heard the world-premiere of a new piece written by
Joshua Coyne, and several colleagues from the Friday Morning Music Club joined us to create a special
chamber orchestra. Now you can enjoy this wonderful music again and again! CDs are available for a
donation of $10 to Music at Calvary. Be sure to take one home to enjoy, and share a few with friends and
family! Thanks for supporting Music at Calvary.

Friday Morning Music Club
This season, 2012-13, is our second year in partnership with FMMC. Join us Fridays at noon in the Chapel for
free concerts presented by FMMC members from around the DC area. No concerts on November 23,
December 21 or 28 for holidays. Calvary is proud to be the home of FMMC, now in their 126th season.
Co||er Auo||ob|e by mo||
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Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
Letter: ond 5no:hot:
Dear Calvary,

Many thanks to my friends at Calvary Baptist for
your cards, your calls, your visits, and your
prayers during my hospitalization. I returned home
on the fifth day and am fully recovered.
Sincerely, Jenny Goon
Ruthie, Mayra,
Rachel, Isaiah, and
Christian show their
artwork at Camp
Fraser, Saturday,
October 27.
Dear Amy and Congregation,

I wanted to thank you for your hospitality to
Passport staff and campers this summer. We
appreciate your willingness to partner with us to
provide our ministry to churches in the area. Our
campers, chaperones, and staff are marked and
changed by the time spent at your campus. Thank
you for the extra effort you made to make this
possible for us and the church groups.

Peace, Scott Ford
Operations Coordinator

Dear Amy,

Thank you for your many visits as friend and
pastor and for a perfect sermon. Mom [Dee] would
not forgive us if we did not thank the wonderful
staff at Calvary including Paul, Edgar (for his
visits), Jason, Leah, Rich, Cheryl (for her visits),
Natalie and Dwayne (for singing), Betty (helping
with refreshments), Nancy, and all the others who
visited and sang when she was ill.

Thank you!

Your family in Christ, The Robbins children
and family (Brenda, Jack, Gary, and Brooke)
To our many friends who have faithfully supported
the Baptist World Alliance with annual gifts, I send
my personal thanks as well on behalf of those
who have benefitted from your generosity over the
years. Thank you for your sacrifices for the global
Baptist family. We are grateful.

Sincerely, Dr. Neville Callam
General Secretary, Baptist World Alliance
Calvary Youth work
on a Sunday school
chart comparing the
early Church with the
present Church,
Sunday, October 17.
David, Dee Dee, Luk
and the youth group
make brownies and
cookies for the
Calvary Womens
Shelter, Sunday,
September 23.
Brian McLaren talks
about interfaith
dialogue at Calvary,
September 13.
Amy, Kathleen,
Isaiah, Julie, Andi,
Trey, and Sam relax
at the Autumn
Leaves retreat at
Camp Fraser,
Friday, October 26.
Retreat goers roast
marshmallows and
enjoy smores and
campfire songs at
Camp Fraser, Friday,
October 26.

Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
Dear Calvary Family,

We have pulled off our third successful yard sale.
Thanks to everyone who contributed great items
to sell and supplies, and thanks to all volunteers
who helped sell items and pack up at the end. A
special thanks goes to those who helped with a
bear of a set up. We had proceeds of $2000 go to
the Shalom Scholarship Fund and we were able to
reach our goal of $10,000 for this fund.
Thanks, Gretchen White
Pastor Amy welcomes
retreat goers to Camp
Fraser and discusses
Calvarys season of
Saturday, October 27.
Letter: ond 5no:hot:
Members present
their 2013 financial
commitments and
attach leaves with
their names to the
Re-imagine tree,
Sunday, October 28.
Andi, Rachel, and
Kathleen assemble
colorful magazine
pieces for the Re-
imagine Calvary tree
art project, Saturday,
October 27.
Paul and Jason,

Thank you so much for helping City Year while we
were at Calvary this week. You were both ready to
lend a hand whenever we needed anything, and I
am so grateful for your hospitality and kindness. I
appreciate how accommodating you were and
your willingness to help. I am so glad we were at
Calvary for the conference!
Best, Jane Horstmann
Curriculum and Learning Manager, City Year
Cheryl leads the choir
in an outdoor
rehearsal at the
Autumn Leaves
retreat at Camp
Fraser, Saturday,
October 27.
Jason, Pastor Amy, and
Pastor Edgar welcome
Rev. Ruth Orantes,
pastor of Shekina
Baptist Church in El
Salvador, to Calvary,
Sunday, October 28.
Dear Amy,

Thank you so much for being a gracious host for
our [City Year] corps this week. A number of them
remarked how inspired they were after hearing
about how inclusive Calvary is. Your staff was
incredibly kind and accommodating and our corps
was able to learn so much in two days. We
appreciate you contributing to the success of our
corps as they go on to lead our citys youth.
Thank you, Jeff Franco
Executive Director, City Year
Calvary children call
on the congregation to
donate canned food to
the Johenning Center
Thanksgiving project
for families in need,
Sunday, November 4.
Dear friends at Calvary,

We have heard a little about the tremendous
damages of the hurricane Sandy in NJ and NY;
we do not have much news here, but we are
thinking and praying for you, that the Lord protects
you and keeps you safe. Please keep in contact
with us, we love you think about you always.

In Jesus Love,
Heber and Lidia E. Romero
Missionary family in Cuba

Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
Mission Board Immigration Efforts, 2013
Liubov Russell, Mission Board

Immigration reform is a topic dear to the hearts of many at
Calvary. Calvary's emigration Reform Working Group has
visited the U.S. Congress twice in 2012 and met with
Congressman Danny K. Davis (D-IL) and his Chief of Staff. In
2013, the group is planning to continue their advocacy efforts
directed at members of Congress, and will continue to raise
awareness in attempts to change the legal procedures and to
improve the working conditions for millions of immigrants to
the United States. Please be in touch with Liubov Russell,
Carol Blythe, Pastor Edgar, and Jason Smith for more
Udote on the A|||once of ot|:t:
Carol Blythe, President, Alliance of Baptist

To keep faith with our organizing covenant Alliance of
Baptists are committed to pursuing justice with and for
those who are oppressed. As part of that commitment,
this last spring, the Alliance of Baptists endorsed the
Faithful Budget campaign which encourages Congress
to consider the poor and voiceless in making decision
on the federal budget. You can read more at To see other statements
adopted at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Alliance of
Baptists go to:

The model the Alliance of Baptists follows for mission
work is to partner with people doing ministry and
mission. As a result, Alliance of Baptists have partnerships with organizations or churches in Cuba,
Zimbabwe, El Salvador as well as other places in the US and around the world. Our partners are often groups
who were kicked out of local Baptist organizations because they ordained women or because they worked
ecumenically. You can read more about mission partners at:

Calvary Baptist benefits by cooperating through the Alliance of Baptists in ministry and mission with other
progressive Baptist churches committed to inclusivity, partnership in mission, women in ministry, and social
justice. In 2013, the Alliance will roll out a new web site with a social media component (AllianceConnect) so
individuals and congregations separated by geography can more easily communicate with each other
people will be able to share ideas for worship or curriculum resources and all from a progressive Baptist
perspective. Plan now to attend the Alliance Convocation and Annual Meeting April 5-7, 2013 and learn more
about AllianceConnect!

With a new structure adopted a couple of years ago, the Alliance provides space for grass-roots groups to
organize into communities. Calvary members could sound a call for a community on an issue or project and
work with other Alliance congregations and members who share that passion. Read more at:

Calvary can continue to impact the Alliance with our financial support, of course, but more importantly working
in partnership with other different kinds of Baptists both in the US and around the world, we can raise our
clear voice to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and the calling of God to all people to repentance and
faith, reconciliation and hope, social and economic justice.

Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
Annual Business Meeting

Plan now to attend the Annual Business Meeting
on Sunday, January 27, 2013. As announced by
the Board of Trustees at the October 28, 2012
Quarterly Business Meeting, they will recommend a
withdrawal of additional funds from the endowment
to support the future growth and life of the church.

Board of Trustees Update
Kenneth Butler, Chairman, Board of Trustees

"In accordance with Standing Resolution 56,
paragraph 3c, the Board of Trustees announced
at the October quarterly business meeting that
they will be recommending a withdrawal of
additional funds from the Endowment to support
the future growth and life of the church. The exact
amount will be determined when the Budget for
2013 is finalized and presented for approval at the
Annual Business Meeting in January 2013."
Support the 2013 Budget
Kenneth Butler, Chairman, Board of Trustees

At the Calvary Baptist Church Annual Business
Meeting on January 27, 2013, you will be asked to
vote on the 2013 budget AND approve an
additional draw from the churchs Endowment
accounts. What does this really mean, an
additional draw from the churchs Endowment?
Under our Constitution we are granted the right to
draw down up to 5% of our endowment to support
our churchs mission. The additional draw above
and beyond that amount is what you will be voting
on at the Annual Business Meeting. The Trustees
strongly recommend that you support this motion!

Without this additional draw we will have to
severely curtail our mission in downtown
Washington and to the greater Washington area.
Significant program cuts and staff reduction will be
necessary and the resources may not be there to
provide even basic maintenance to our building
infrastructure. Many of you have heard about my
concern about the level of drawdown we have
been making to the Endowment and that for the
long term interests of Calvary we need to reduce
that amount to at least the 5% draw level. To that
end, the Trustees at its meeting on October 14,
2012, unanimously supported a balanced budget
that would keep the Endowment draw level slightly
below the projected total draw for 2012.

I believe that this year is only the calm before the
storm. Major budget decisions are going to have
to be made before the end of 2013 that will put our
Church and our budget on a long term glide path
to fiscal health. Again, we urge the congregation
to support the 2013 budget and the additional
draw from the Endowment that will be necessary
to support Calvarys mission.
Congratulations to Rev. Lynn Bergfalk
On Sunday, November 11, Wisconsin Avenue
Baptist Church honored the 40th anniversary of
Pastor Lynns Ordination to the Christian Ministry.
We celebrate with Wisconsin Avenue this
milestone of ministry and are grateful for Rev.
Bergfalks leadership at Calvary.
The Womens Missionary
Society needs your Sheets!
Claudia Moore, Member, WMS

The Womens Missionary Society for Calvary
chooses a White Cross/Church World Service
project each year to support needs in developing
countries. This year we have been asked to make
bandages for hospital patients in the Congo. To do
this we need your old, worn sheets. Since we will
be tearing them into 3 inch strips, we can work
around the holes. Strips are joined together and
rolled into a 10 yard length. Softer sheets make
softer bandages. We can use contours and pillow
cases too. Sheets may be left in the office but
marked for WMS.

Many food containers now carry the Boxtops for
Education squares which can be cut out to help
schools in need. Please put these squares into an
envelope and in the WMS mailbox and we will see
that they have a good home.

Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
A native North Carolinian and ordained Baptist minister, Rev. Dr. Ridgeway
Addison, M.Div., Ph.D., has worn a number of hats since arriving in the
Washington, D.C. area in 1999. Currently living in Takoma Park, MD,
Ridgeway was extremely excited when a recent job change this past summer
allowed him time to begin visiting Calvary Baptist Church over the summer
and ultimately to join this faith community as a full member this fall. Having
spent the last four academic years serving Georgetowns Law and Medical
schools as the Universitys first full-time Protestant Chaplain, Ridgeway
began a new faculty role as Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing and
Health Studies. Besides allowing him the chance to bring his doctoral training
and pastoral experience to bear in his classroom work teaching theology,
spirituality and ethics to both undergraduate and graduate students,
Ridgeway was provided the opportunity he has not had in the last 22 years: to share worship, dialogue,
fellowship, service and fun with a congregation that he was not vocationally called to shepherd. He is so
thankful for the hospitality and creativity he has experienced thus far within Calvary Baptist churchs spiritual
family. Ridgeway is a recently re-committed long-distance runner and long time tennis player and ultimate
Frisbee enthusiast and always open to his moon-walk technique. Whos up for a challenge?
New Member 5ot||qht|
Sunday School Membership Series: To Be a Member Means
Rev. Leah Grundset Davis, Associate Pastor for Congregational Life

For six weeks during Sunday school well cover some topics about church membership. Why does Calvary
even have membership? What does it mean to become a member? What does it mean to be Baptist? Why do
we commit our time and gifts in this place? Join us as we ponder some of the roots of church and look at what
it means for us to be followers of Jesus at Calvary in 2013. Contact Pastor Leah with any questions.

January 6: To be a member means coming to faith in Jesus Christ
January 13: To be a member means baptism
January 20: To be a member means seeking Gods direction and pursuing a personal life of faith
January 27: To be a member means I give of my money to support the vision
February 3: To be a member means we practice inclusivity and diversity (and its not always easy)
February 10: To be a member means we practice service as discipleship
Gods Will is Our Mission
Rev. Edgar Palacios, Associate Pastor of Christian Education

The year 2012 is coming to a close and 2013 is right at the door. Time passes swiftly
and leaves its marks on our lives. Time is an excellent teacher. We gain wisdom from
the passing of time and use its lessons to pave our way into the future. As followers of
Jesus, one criterion is constant: Gods will. But what is Gods will? God's will is for all
human beings to have life and have it abundantly. God wants us to live in peace as
brothers and sisters and without abuse. Gods peace is lived out when people are gov-
erned by equitable laws for the economy, society, environment, and politics. Gods will
is the Churchs mission

In considering the steps we have taken as a congregation, we can affirm that according to our understanding
of mission and possibilities, we have tried to live out Gods will. We have created opportunities for service to
the poor, ministries for just causes, and touched families with Gods love through our testimony. We feel a
sense of satisfaction and joy when we see others experience Gods grace and mercy. But we also feel a
sense of failure in meeting the demands of this world and sharing consolation and reconciliation.

The future is uncertain, and we do not control it, but with hope and faith we walk forward. Starting off with our
congregational gifts given to us by God, understanding the social context in which we are located, and using
our imagination to better utilize our human and material resources through organization, step by step with hu-
mility and trembling, we achieve Gods will. Through Jesus, we want to create a new people, a new family,
and a new church recreated by God through the Holy Spirit.

D|rect Deb|t Auo||ob|e
If you would like to set up a regular automatic payment, contact Paul Rosstead in the Church Office.
Contributions can still be made online using your credit card by visiting the Calvary website,, or if you pay your bills online, consider instructing your bank to make a regular payment
Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
M|::|on ond Chr|:t|on ducot|on oord:
Carol Blythe, Chair, Mission Board
Autumn Mission & Christian Education programs include the ongoing English as a Second Language &
Conversation Partners program (speak to Myra Houser). Downtown Social Club began meeting again in
September this program for patients from St. Elizabeths Hospital meets the first and third Thursday each
month speak to Carol Blythe if you are interested in volunteering. The Womens Missionary Society also
began meeting in September after a summer break. Washington Interfaith Network Calvary will help sign up
DC voters as WIN voters later this fall -- Please speak to Yolanda Appiah-Kubi for more information.

Shalom Scholarship as announced at the October quarterly meeting, the yard sale put us over the top of
our goal for 2012 we have raised over $10,000! Thanks to all who donated. Special Thanks to Roberto
Reyes & his team who prepared another wonderful meal for our Shalom Dinner in September and Special
Thanks to Gretchen White who coordinate the Yard Sale in October. In addition, thanks to Courtney Rice who
raised additional money for the yard sale by infusing us all with her passion for C.A. Earlier in the year Susan
Sevier coordinated the concert on Good Friday which raised funds for this scholarship. These folks, along
with many of you, have made it possible for our Shalom Scholars to continue their education in 2013.

Forum on Food for All! was held on Sunday, October 21 after church. Rick Goodman, Jessica Lynd and Myra
Houser provided an informative program. Rick challenged us to think of doing justice to eradicate poverty as
one way to solve problems of hunger. Jessica shared an amazing program on her research on genetically
engineered food and how that has affected hunger issues internationally. Myra shared important information
on current advocacy campaigns by Bread for the World. We also were pleased to hear from Katie Harvey
about the good work she is doing with local gardens for KidPower.

Opportunities for Giving: We will be collecting food for Thanksgiving Baskets through November 18 for the
Johenning Center, a community center in SE DC operated by DCBC. Please bring your non-perishable gifts
to the boxes in the Church Office before November 18. In addition, we will have an Alternative Giving Tree
during November and December. You can bring gifts for homeless men at Christ House, homeless women at
Calvary Womens Shelter, homeless children at S.O.M.E. and children at our sister church, Shalom Baptist
this Christmas season. We will have suggestions available following worship beginning November 4. Or we
will do the shopping for you if you wish to donate cash! You can then share an ornament or nice card (made
by our youth) with a friend or family as your gift to them during this Christmas season.

At the October Quarterly meeting, we also announced to the congregation that the boards have approved
guidelines for a post-graduate mentorship program for Shalom scholars. The group from the 2011 mission trip
felt it would be wise to complement the Shalom Scholarship program with some kind of mentorship or post-
graduate fellowship program to deepen the experience of the existing students in a way that would help them
find meaningful employment following college and hopefully the ability to giveback to the scholarship
program. This will be initially funded from part of the Kunkel mission gift. We have named this mentorship
program, the Amparo Lopez Palacio and Edgar Palacios Bermudez Mentorship Program in grateful
appreciation for the many ways Amparo and Edgar shared the love of God with the people of El Salvador and
in gratitude for the many ways they have taught us here at Calvary Baptist Church how to love our God and
love our neighbor as ourselves. For as often as you have done it unto the least of these, my sisters and
brothers, you have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40

Looking ahead -- on February 2, 2013, Calvary will sponsor a Future Fair. This will be a gathering where high
school students can learn about apprenticeship programs, trade schools and other alternatives to college.
Edith Miller Scholarship Committee will be meeting soon to decide on applications for the 2013 spring

Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
1 Hanging of the Green
2 Advent 1: Give More
7 Messiah Sing Along
9 Advent 2: Spend Less
16 Advent 3: Worship Fully
Festival Choir in worship
23 Advent 4: Love All
Latino Christmas Dinner
24 Christmas Eve Worship
25 Christmas Day, Offices Closed
through January 2
6 Epiphany of the Lord
13 First Sunday after Epiphany
20 Second Sunday after Epiphany
21 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Inauguration Day, public
ceremonies, Offices Closed
27 Third Sunday after Epiphany
Annual Business Meeting, 50
Year and new members

3 Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
10 Transfiguration Sunday
Chinese New Year Parade
13 Ash Wednesday
Lenten Lunch 1
17 First Sunday In Lent
18 Presidents Day, Offices Closed
20 Lenten Lunch 2
24 Second Sunday in Lent
27 Lenten Lunch 3

3 Third Sunday in Lent
6 Lenten Lunch 4
10 Fourth Sunday in Lent
Daylight Savings Time Ends
13 Lenten Lunch 5
17 Fifth Sunday in Lent
20 Lenten Lunch 7
24 Palm Sunday
28 Maundy Thursday
31 Easter
On the Co|uory Co|endor
For current information and additional details regarding Calvary programs and events, visit Calvarys website, or Calvarys facebook page for our Google Calendar. Offices refers to the Church Offices.
1 Jos Gonzlez
Ray Toense
2 Luke Thomas-
4 Kevin Culbertson
5 Cheryl Branham
Mary Burton
Emilia Lopez-Arias
6 Roger Wray
8 Kay Anderson
Keyon Cannon
Maha Hassan
Randy Jeter
9 Carrie Davis
10 Josephine Samuel
11 Sarah Leismer
13 Tom Vanaskie
14 Tiffany Cain
16 Wyatt Harvey
17 Patrick Cline Slater
19 Deborah Hoxie
20 Ruziel Angdisen
Bich Nguyen
22 Marilyn Edwards
Angela Shrader
23 Hope Britt
Nancy Garabito
Brian Nielsen
24 Edwin Reyes
25 Denise Davenport
Sabrina Jawed
Joyce Topper
26 Wally Shipp
27 Diana Culbertson
28 Erwin-Luis Eusebio
Ye Mon Min
Charles Pritchard
29 Jos Guandique

3 Dwayne Pinkney
4 Bryon Jolley
Chuck Russell
7 Raimundo Barreto
8 Julie LaFave
Barbara Stone
9 Amanda Butler
Doris Vermilya
13 Thit Htoo
Al Nielsen
14 Mark Marshall
16 Rohan Thomas
17 Zung Zung Lagwi
Dorothy Shipp
18 Helen Jenkins
Cynthia Sunde
20 Virginia Foster
Laura Lee
Leigh Mayfield
23 Dorothy Lohse
Benjamin Rogers
25 Gwendolyn
Lung Lung Lagwi
Dorothy Robson
Phillip Rynes
William Sammons
Vivian Varner
27 Chase Butler
28 Rosa Arakelian
Roberto Reyes
29 Doris Hugus
30 Wetein Hassan
Quinton Dennard
31 Lorraine Harris

1 Mine Thang
Susan Wood
2 Jessie Blaine
Lyla Fitzgerald
Mayra Rivas
James Thein
3 John Alves
4 Thidar Myint
5 Adam Hoffer
6 Delida Girn
8 Kim Humphrey
9 Maya Harvey
Isaura Martinez
Connell Wise
10 Karla Fahey
Nancy McKenney
Dante Vsquez-
v|nter |rthdoy:
11 DiDi Maran
Sorda Tejada
13 Earl Drescher
Eddie Lin
Danyelle Robinson
Gloria Sain
Shunda Saunders
14 Al Jeter
Truman Robinson
15 Ronald Chin
Helon Drescher
Keevin Lewis
16 Roger Chin
17 Amanda Boxer
18 Jamie Mills
20 Amy Butler
Therese Crowther
22 Caio Cesar Silva
23 Vivian Nielsen
24 Ben Bergfalk
Susana Gomz
Jos Guandique
Bao Nguyen
25 Chris Copeland
Rena Mary Jirack
26 Susan Sevier
Michael Slater
Elizabeth St. Clair
28 Demy Angdisen
Morgan Caruthers

Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
Winter 2012 Calvary Caller
Aduent Con:|rocy, 2OI2
Rev. Leah Grundset Davis, Associate Pastor for Congregational Life

Advent Theme: We all want our Christmas to be a lot of things. Full
of joy. Memories. Happiness. Above all, we want it to be about
Jesus. What we dont want is stress. Or debt. Or feeling like we
missed the moment. Advent Conspiracy is a movement
designed to help us all slow down and experience a Christmas
worth remembering. But doing this means doing things a little
differently. A little creatively.
Sundays, November 11-December 9 Festival Choir Rehearsals
Join us as we learn music to sing in worship on December 16.
Rehearsals 1:15-3 p.m. in the Music Suite. Contact: Cheryl.
Sunday, November 25 All-Church Advent Wreath Making in the
Chapel at 9:45a.m. (reservation required to make a wreath, all
are welcome to join us for breakfast!). Contact: Pastor Leah
Saturday, December 1 Hanging of the Green. Come decorate
Calvary for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Meet in the Sanctuary and well decorate from 1-5 p.m.
Contact: Cheryl
Sunday, December 2-Sunday December 23 Sunday School Series, Advent Conspiracy. 9:45 a.m. in the
Library. Contact: Pastor Leah
Sunday, December 2 First Sunday of Advent: The Sunday of Hope. Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully.
Worship, 11a.m. in the Sanctuary.
Friday, December 7 Messiah Sing and Church Dinner. Soup supper at 6 p.m. in Kendall hall followed by a
Messiah Sing in the Sanctuary at 7:30 p.m. Well also have our Angel Tree, where you can buy alternative
gifts and support many local ministries. Contact: Cheryl
Sunday, December 9 Second Sunday of Advent: The Sunday of Peace. Advent Conspiracy: Give More.
Worship, 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
Sunday, December 16 Third Sunday of Advent: The Sunday of Joy. Advent Conspiracy: Spend Less.
Festival Choir, Children and Youth in worship. 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
Sunday, December 23 Fourth Sunday of Advent: The Sunday of Love. Advent Conspiracy: Love All.
Sunday, December 23 Latino Fellowship Christmas Party and Worship, 6 p.m. in the Chapel. Contact:
Pastor Edgar
Monday, December 24 Christmas Eve. Worship at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary, Reception with cookies and
cider before and after in Woodward Hall. Want to participate in the live nativity? Contact: Jason
Tuesday, December 25. Christmas Day. God with us has come!
Sunday, December 30 First Sunday of Christmas. Doing Christmas Differently: Our Stories. Worship at 11
a.m. in the Sanctuary.

R e v . D r . A m y K . B u t l e r , S e n i o r P a s t o r
H a r o l d L . R i t c h i e , E d i t o r E m e r i t u s
P a u l R o s s t e a d , C h u r c h A d m i n i s t r a t o r
J a s o n S m i t h , M i n i s t r y A s s i s t a n t
2 0 2 - 3 4 7 - 8 3 5 5 ; F a x : 2 0 2 - 3 4 7 - 6 3 6 0
w w w . c a l v a r y d c . o r g
P u b l i s h e d Q u a r t e r l y
P O S T M A S T E R :
S e n d a d d r e s s c h a n g e s t o
T h e C a l v a r y C a l l e r
C a l v a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h & C o n g r e g a t i o n
7 5 5 8 t h S t r e e t , N W ,
W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 1
C a l v a r y C a l l e r
W i n t e r 2 0 1 2
C a l v a r y
B a p t i s t
C h u r c h
N O N R O F | 1
A U 1 O
U . 5 . O 5 1 A C A | D
v A 5 H | N C 1 O N , D C
R M | 1 N o . 2 4 s 2

In grateful response to God's love, I/we would like to make the following commitment of my/our time, abilities, and
resources in Christ's work through Calvary Baptist Church:

Pledge Amount: $ ___________ $ ___________ $___________
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(This commitment will continue until changed by notification to the Church Treasurer.)
I/we would appreciate monthly weekly no offering envelopes.
I/we would like to set up an automatic credit card charge direct debit.

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