Spring Caller 2011

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Volume XV, ssue 3

Spring 2011
Spring 2011 holds some exciting opportunities for Calvary's Youth Group. This past February, we had an
amazing time of fun and fellowship on our youth ski trip to Liberty Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania. We also
spent time in Sunday school talking about integrity and discussing our shared values as a youth group
community within Calvary. We crafted a "Covenant of Behavior and each youth designed the frame of their

Youth Group time after worship continues this spring and we look forward to the following opportunities
away from Calvary:

Mission Madness, Fredericksburg, VA, April 1"3. At Mission Madness, we'll join youth groups from various
churches in Fredericksburg for special mission projects.

Youth Retreat at Camp Fraser, May 6"7: We'll take a weekend to volunteer at Camp Fraser and help with
any maintenance projects. We'll also take advantage of the outdoors and play games and spend time in
spiritual reflection.

For more information about youth events or if you would like to serve as a volunteer in Calvary's youth
ministry, contact Jason Smith at jsmith@calvarydc.org.
xc|t|nq 5r|nq for Co|uory Vouth
Jason Smith
A 1|me to vee
Join us for worship during Lent starting Wednesday, March 9,
Ash Wednesday. We'll be spending these weeks lamenting
the state of our world, the condition of our hearts, the pain that
we carryas we reflect on the passion of Jesus. Build a
Lenten practice in your own life by praying a daily prayer with
our Stations of the Cross artwork in the sanctuary, and be
sure to join us for Holy Week activities!

March 9 Ash Wednesday, services at noon and 6:30 p.m.
with imposition of Ashes
March 13 First Sunday in Lent, A Lament: I'm Broken
(Daylight Savings Time, spring forward 1 hour)
March 20 Second Sunday in Lent, A Lament: I'm Desperate
March 27 Third Sunday in Lent, A Lament: I'm a Victim
April 3 Fourth Sunday in Lent, A Lament: I'm Sinful
April 10 Fifth Sunday in Lent, A Lament: I'm Scared
April 17 Palm Sunday Worship, 11 a.m.
April 21 Maundy Thursday
Soup Supper at 6:30 p.m., service at 7:30 p.m.
April 22 Good Friday
7:30 p.m. Good Friday Concert and Reception
April 24 Easter Sunday Worship, 11 a.m.

Spring 2011 Calvary Caller
From Our o:tor
The Second Annual Yard Sale sponsored by the Mission Board will be held April 710,
2011, and your help is needed! We are collecting items for sale now and need your
help to make this a successful Yard Sale. Donations of any new or gently used items
for the sale (except no clothes or shoes) are needed now and can be dropped off in
Kendall Hall 5. Proceeds from the sale will help support Camp Fraser. f you have
questions or suggestions, contact Gretchen White.
They say it was St.
Francis of Assisi
who started the
religious practice
of praying the
Stations of the
Cross, so when we
use Stations of the
Cross in worship
during the season
of Lent we won't be
inventing anything
new. Rather, we'll be falling in line behind
thousands of years of believers who have
prayed the stations to reflect on Christ's

Praying the stations started with the tradition
of religious pilgrimages, trips to holy places as a
way of feeling closer to God. This practice gained
popularity as Christianity spread further and
further from holy sites like Jerusalem, and it's still
a practice devoutly followed by many today. The
Stations of the Cross was an attempt to replicate
the idea of pilgrimage, only in one place.

The practice of praying the Stations of the Cross
is done anytime during the church year, but usually
you'll hear about it during Lent as a spiritual
discipline for remembering Jesus' suffering and
death. And. there's no special prescription for
exactly how to do them. They are in gardens,
around cities, in cathedrals. They are modern and
ancient, fixed and portable, thousands of years old
and electronic. The number of the stations also
varies, but traditionally they progressively tell the
story of Jesus' last few days.

Here at Calvary we're creating our own seven
stations of the cross, to be displayed around our
sanctuary during the season of Lent. Each week
during the season we'll focus on a different part of
Jesus' story, each piece informing our theme, A
Time to Weep. Bill Fahey built the stations out of
reclaimed wood; they will sit in our sanctuary
window sills. Caroline Armijo led Calvary members
in creating the art on the pieces, each reflecting a
different aspect of grief.

While not all of us feel quite as holy as the
ancient mystics and saints who invented the
Stations of the Cross, there's no doubt that all of us
have experienced grief, weeping, pain in this human
life we lead. As we revisit Jesus' darkest hours
perhaps we will touch some of the pain we each
carry. And by focusing on the Stations of the Cross
each Sunday maybe we'll have new eyes with which
to see how it is our faith carries us through the
weeping as it did our Savior.

Read up online on the Stations of the Cross if
you'd like to know more, and sometime during Lent
plan to visit our sanctuary during some quiet time
and follow the stations to pray and connect with
o:ter L|||e:

Easter Lilies displayed in
the sanctuary will help make
our Easter worship services
very beautiful. These plants
may be ordered in memory
or honor of the person(s) of
your choice. Our Easter
worship bulletin will include
a listing of the donors and
the persons being honored.
Lilies can be ordered ($10
each) at www.calvarydc.org
or by calling the church
office on or before Monday,
ApriI 18.

Spring 2011 Calvary Caller
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Co||er Auo||ob|e by mo||
Do you have access to email? Would you like to receive the Caller as soon as it is available, in color and
save paper and postage at the same time? For more information send an email to prosstead@calvarydc.org.
1hy k|nqdom Come
Rev. Edgar Palacios
GeneraI approach
We have started a new year, and new challenges come to us in the way of
discipleship. As Calvary Baptist Church, we are the people of God, called to present
the world with the God of the apostles and prophets, through the message and
practice of the liberating gospel of Jesus Christ. The world continues with its ethical
contradictions, and in this world of needs and interests, the daily life is shown
loaded with violence and destruction. Thus, our children and youth grow in an
environment that changes the values; now the respect for life and dignity is not of
greatest importance, the most important thing is to have an insatiable desire for
material things. n this dimension the categories such as the world for all, the land for all, water for everyone
and we are all brothers have been lost. This is the adult world, the world of the economic and political
systems, the world of the powerful. n the Spirit of Jesus Christ, as a Church we have a choice: God's world, a
world of love, justice and integrity. t is an impossible world for those without faith in God. For us, however, it
is a necessary and possible world that will require us to follow Christ and obey the mission entrusted to us. t
is in this picture that we see Christian education as education for the Kingdom of God, namely, education for
life, for liberation, justice and peace

Calvary, as part of God's people, is a church with a mission, as well as being teacher and servant. t develops
various ministries, all directed towards the same end: the project of Jesus, the kingdom of God.

Signs of the Kingdom over the next three months
As signs of the Kingdom of God, the Christian education of our church will continue its ministry with the
children and youth. With the collaboration of parents and teachers we will offer the children a Christ"centered
education, in obedience to God, in the love to our neighbors and in the respect and care for nature. n our
Sunday Bible School disciplines of prayer and reading, study and meditation of Scripture will be taught, all in
an atmosphere of security and companionship. Also we will continue to effectively teach the Gospel of Jesus
Christ in the youth and adult classes.

Working together the Boards of Missions and Christian Education will have the following activities:
1. On March 20, we will have a Prayer for Peace worship service, in which we will remember the
anonymous martyrs who died for peace in the world.
2. On March 23, the Holistic Health Project will begin. This project is ecumenical in nature, as is done with
the collaboration of the Alliance of Baptists, and Festival Church. t is a project that teaches and
challenges participants to have a healthy lifestyle. t will be held Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
This year the program is offered to women and men. We will have child care.

We are a multi"racial and multi"ethnic church and the process of integration is a blessing to all. To continue in
this process of creative and innovative ways, the Mission, Deacons and Christian Education Boards will come
together with the objective to get to know each other better, in a cheerful atmosphere of camaraderie.

We want Calvary to be a living prayer every day and that its prayer be "Thy kingdom come."

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Spring 2011 Calvary Caller
Time flies when you're having
fun! This February marks The
Theatre Lab's 5th anniversary in
our Calvary home. We want to
celebrate the occasion by offering
special opportunities for Calvary
Members to see our shows and
take our classes.

The Theatre Lab is pleased to announce our first
Calvary Night! The Creating a Musical Role class'
production of the musical Rags runs April 14"22; the
April 20 performance will be Calvary Night. Calvary
members receive free admission by calling our office
and reserving tickets.

We are now registering for spring and summer
programs. Calvary members receive the same 10%
discount on classes offered to Theatre Lab
members. Early Spring acting classes for beginners
and pros begin March 7.

Spring Break Drama Camp for kids ages 6"12 will be
April 18"22. Parents can choose to enroll their child
for the whole week or just certain days. Summer
camp for kids ages 5"13 begins June 20 and runs in
two"week sessions until August 26. Teens ages 13"
19 are invited to apply and audition for the summer
conservatory programs, the Acting nstitute for Teens
and the Musical Theatre nstitute for Teens. Before
and aftercare is available for all youth programs. For
more information, visit theatrelab.org or call
ortner 5ot||qht:
1heotre Lob
Jeff Scott
Dear Pastor Amy,
could not have found a better place to worship and
be in the service of our Lord these past 23 years
than at Calvary Baptist Church. have developed
some lasting friendships and experienced so very
much love and fellowship with Christians from all
parts of the world and different walks of life at
Calvary. We have shared and encouraged each
other in good times, in bad times... sad and happy
times, and through it all God has continued to
shower us with his matchless blessings. Many years
ago, a small group of inspired people built this great
institution of worship and service to the community,
and now, some 150 years later, we are the
recipients of willing hearts who didn't hesitate to pick
up this mantle of servitude that God had invested in
his people.

Calvary, permit me to thank you for your
perseverance, and for permitting me to be a
recipient of your love and generosity.
Sincerely in Christ,
Harold Ritchie
We'd like to thank everyone for all the love and
support through our major life event this past year.
We were so very happy to welcome Wyatt into our
family and into our chosen family at Calvary. The
meals, cards, visits, and hugs have made this time
of great change for us all the more joyful. t is hard
for us living so far from our family in New Orleans
but our loved ones at
Calvary make living in DC
feel like home.

Thank you.
Katie, Ryan, Maya
and Wyatt Harvey
5oc|o| vorh o:toro| |ntern. vhot doe: :he do!
For those of you who have not had the privilege to meet, my name is Morgan Caruthers and 'm
Calvary's Social Work Pastoral ntern until August 2011. am in the third year of my dual master
degrees at Baylor University and George W. Truett Theological Seminary. will graduate with my
Master of Social Work (MSW) in May 2011 and return to Waco, TX to finish my Master of Divinity
(MDiv), and graduate in May of 2012. am an intern for my MSW and MDiv mentoring.

have the opportunity of working under the umbrella of missions here at Calvary on several key
projects: evaluate mission interest and intention, help facilitate a possible ecumenical intentional
Continued on page 5

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Spring 2011 Calvary Caller
Fun ond 1oqetherne::
Amy Dale
Much fun was had by all at Calvary's History of Love in February! The Calvary
Chamber Singers blessed us with love songs by Sondheim and Rogers and
Hammerstein. Also that night there was a silent auction of 30+ items. Between acts
there was live (and active) bidding on a couple of highly prized items. (Long story
short, call Sarah Leismer about going on a week long beach vacation with her. The
rental property has space for family, friends, and unwanted guests.)

Two days later, on Sunday afternoon, we had our 50 Year Member and New
Member luncheon. This luncheon is my favorite church event of the year. Hands
down. Favorite. The reason is that we
celebrate the individuals who have written our past history and
will write our future history. A church, after all, is made up of

Both events allowed us to enjoy each other's company in the
present in the moment while acknowledging the need to
take care of our future. We raised $3,000 at the History of
Love event. And we publicly recognized our new members and
celebrated their contribution to our church.

thank God for each one of you.
community, participate as liaison for the Washington nterfaith Network. To understand how each of these is
lived out through my internship, 'd like to share with you my current involvement with them and possibilities
through May.

n order to evaluate the congregation's interest and intent around missions at Calvary, have created a
survey tool that will be administered at an all church gathering before May. Once receive the completed
surveys will analyze the results to produce findings and offer recommendations on those findings. n addition
to the survey , along with five of Calvary's members, are participating in individual meetings to learn about
church members' passions and interests in life and how that can be translated into missions at Calvary. From
the individual meetings will observe the results of those meetings and produce the findings in such a way to
reveal themes and possible recommendations. All of the findings from the surveys and individual meetings
will be kept anonymous in the presentation of the findings and the recommendations made to the missions
board and pastoral staff. You also will be able to learn of these findings on Calvary's community blog.

"What in the world is an ecumenical intentional community, you ask? To break it down in definition one could
say it is a multi"denomination group of people who purposefully commit to sharing life together in close
geographical proximity to each other around a mission or vision. That still is ambiguous and leaves space for
debate over what that means. That's the fun part for my role as facilitator. am walking alongside Calvary and
Woodside United Methodist Church in Silver Spring, MD to see if there is energy in their congregations
around having people come together to explore Christian community from a Christian tradition perspective,
what that means today, and how it is being lived out in a movement known as New Monasticism. Then the
church members who are interested in living in intentional community will see how that could happen at the
parsonage at Woodside United Methodist Church. Resources that are helpful when understanding
conversations around New Monasticism are School of Conversion(s): 12 Marks of New Monasticism by Rutba
House and www.newmonasticism.org.

Washington nterfaith Network (WN) is an affiliate of ndustrial Areas Foundation (AF) and is a broad"based,
Continued on page 8
5oc|o| vorh o:toro| |ntern (Continued from page 4)

Mu:|c ond Art:
. . . D|:couer|nq ond u:|nq our creot|ue q|ft: |n the :eru|ce ond wor:h| of Cod
Mu:|c Deortment
March 5 and 6, Embracing Our Creative Gifts: On Saturday afternoon, March 5, we
welcome the West Shore Trio as they perform in another of our Calvary Presents
concerts in the Calvary Chapel. Pianist Jay DeWire has performed at Calvary before, but
this time he brings along his colleagues on violin and cello for music of Beethoven and
Tchaikovsky. Jay always adds fascinating commentary, so save the day and keep an eye
out for more information. This is a great opportunity for music fans of all ages!
Then on Sunday, March 6, we will remember our friend, Sallie Tupitza, as we celebrate
the creativity in all of us. Be sure to join us for worship this Transfiguration Sunday and
enjoy special contributions in the visual and musical arts from several members of the
Calvary community.

Lenten Worship: f you have been worshipping at Calvary in recent years, you know that several elements
change in worship during the Lenten season. You won't hear "Alleluia" during Lent, so when Easter Day rolls
around we'll celebrate with the return of "Alleluia" in our liturgical script. That means the Gospel acclamation
and Doxology change, but by now these replacements are familiar to us. Also, at the end of worship each
Sunday, we will strive to exit the Sanctuary in silence, without any musical postlude. Join us for worship
during the season of Lent, beginning on Sunday, March 13, and be aware of these and other changes. Allow
these reminders to influence the way you observe Lent, that unique time when we reflect and confess and
quiet the noise of our lives, if only for a little while.

PaIm Sunday: Calvary's Children's Choir will help lead in worship on Palm Sunday, April 17. Parents and
teachers, please help us to prepare well! Make sure all our Calvary Kids join us each Sunday after worship in
Music for Kids, 12:30 " 1:00 p.m. in the Music Suite. On Palm Sunday, dress your best and arrive early in the
Sanctuary, 10:30 a.m., for rehearsal. t will be a great day of worship as we look toward Easter Day!

HoIy Week at CaIvary, Maundy Thursday Worship and Good Friday Concert: Holy Week is always a
special time at Calvary. Be sure to join us on Maundy Thursday, April 21, for supper at 6:30 p.m. and worship
in the Chapel at 7:30 p.m.. Then be sure to come back to the Sanctuary on Good Friday night, April 22 at
7:30 p.m., for our 5th annual Good Friday Concert. Once again, this benefit concert will be an opportunity to
make a donation to the Shalom Scholarship Fund. Enjoy great singing with chamber orchestra, and celebrate
a great partnership with our friends in the Shalom Church in El Salvador. Be sure to bring friends and family
to this very special event, now a Calvary tradition.

Easter FestivaI Choir: Love to sing but can't make the weekly commitment? Festival Choir is for you! Once
again this Easter season, we invite anyone and everyone to join us for Festival Choir""it's a short term
commitment and a great time of singing. Five weeks of Wednesday evening rehearsals begin on March 23
and wrap up on April 20, 7:30 " 9:30 p.m. in the Music Suite. Come sing with us for Easter, and be sure to
bring a friend!

Matt DaIey Performs: You've enjoyed Matt's playing each Sunday, but now we have the chance to hear him
in concert with orchestra! Come out to hear some great music and to offer Matt your support, Monday
evening, April 25, 8:00 p.m. at Clarice Smith Center, UMD in College Park. Break a leg, Matt!

May 14: Save the Date for another Calvary Presents Concert!
Calvary's own bass"baritone section leader and soloist, Rameen Chaharbaghi, will perform in recital on
Saturday afternoon, May 14, accompanied by Cheryl Branham on the piano. This is another great opportunity
for music fans of all ages, so keep an eye out for more details to come.

Happy 149th Birthday, CaIvary! Sunday, June 5, is the day""we blow out 149 candles on Calvary's birthday
cake AND we kick off our year of celebration as we work our way to the big 1"5"0 in June 2012. Join us for
worship, lunch, and a fantastic walking tour just to get the 150th year started right!
Spring 2011 Calvary Caller

Spring 2011 Calvary Caller
Commun|ty Outreoch
. . . reoch|nq out to the c|ty ond the wor|d w|th the Cood New: of le:u: Chr|:t
Chr|:t|on ducot|on ond M|::|on oord:
The Mission Board and the Board of Christian Education continue to work together on multiple efforts. The
Boards met in February to set goals for 2011.
The Holistic Health Program will meet again during March and April. Join the group for meditation, educa-
tion and exercise. The group is open to everyone (men and women) and meets on Wednesday evenings
from 7 p.m"9 p.m. Childcare is provided.
The Boards will hold the second annual Yard Sale to benefit Camp Fraser on April 7"9. We are collecting
items now. f you would like to donate or volunteer, please contact Gretchen White.
Efforts to support the Shalom scholarship continue. The fund presently sponsors education for 10 students
in El Salvador. We are committed to raising $10,000 this year and we need everyone's help! A trip to El Sal-
vador is planned for October and participants will learn more about the scholarship program and the ongo-
ing challenges for our friends in El Salvador.
On Sunday, March 20, please join us for the annual Prayer for Peace service at Calvary in the chapel at
6:00 p.m.
Calvary members are invited to attend Ecumenical Advocacy Days in Crystal City, March 25"28. The topic
for this year's conference is Development, Security and Economic Justice: What's Gender Got to Do with
t? Scholarships are available. See www.advocacydays.org for more information.
Board members continue to explore ways that Calvary will be involved with the Washington nterfaith Net-
work (WN). f you are interested in learning more, please contact Morgan Caruthers
The Alliance of Baptists will hold its annual convocation April 29"May 1 in Louisville, Ky. Members interested
in attending the Convocation are encouraged to contact Carol Blythe. She is exploring group bus rates to
Com Fro:er Udote
For the past year the Camp Fraser Task Force has been diligently planning for the future stewardship of
Camp Fraser, Calvary's camp property and retreat center in Great Falls, Virginia. With the vision of Camp
Fraser becoming a vibrant and self"sustaining entity of Calvary's ministry, the Task Force researched
numerous options to enhance Camp Fraser's legacy of being a place where children, families, and adults
experience God's creation. The Task Force recommended to and received approval from Calvary's
leadership to establish a non"profit organization for the management and administration of Camp Fraser and
programming at the camp. Ownership of the camp would remain with Calvary and the governing board of the
new non"profit would be comprised of Calvary members and community members.

With a non"profit organization designation, Camp Fraser will be best positioned for sustainability and to meet
the diverse needs of its visitors. An interim camp administrator, Annie Sharp, was hired in January. One of
Annie's roles is to be the face of Camp Fraser in the Virginia communities.

f you are interested in adding your passion and energy to the future of Camp Fraser, we need you! We have
a new, separate, web address for the camp and need web designers, photographers and writers. We need
folks with an interest in communications and marketing to assist in spreading the word about the many ways
Camp Fraser can serve the youth and families. Please share your interest with the
Pastoral staff or a member of the Task Force; Ken Butler, Chuck Andreatta, Zack
Miller, Paul Rosstead and Nancy Renfrow.

nterim Camp Administrator, Annemarie 'Annie' Sharp began her work on February 1.
She has worked most recently for the Boy Scouts of America as District Supervisor.
Originally from ndiana, she has worked at the ndiana University in various positions
related to development, stewardship and advancement. She brings many skills and
talents to the position of Camp Administrator.

2OII Off|c|ory
Terms ending January 2012
Moderator: Amy Dale
Vice Moderator: Chuck Andreatta
Church CIerk: Claudia Moore
Nominating Committee: Rick Goodman, Katie Harvey
Nancy Renfrow, John Taylor
CounciI of Churches of Greater Washington: Leah Grundset
DCBC Executive Board: Doris Vermilya
Downtown CIuster: Laura Canfield & Gretchen White (alt)
CounciI At"Large
Terms ending Jan 2012
Soren Dayton
Amparo Palacios"Lopez
Terms ending Jan 2013
Tanya Coble
Annette Martinez
Terms ending Jan 2012
Caroline Armijo (Vice Chair)
Amanda Butler (Secretary)
Paul Lansing
Victor Tupitza (a)
Terms ending Jan 2013
Phil Renfrow (Chair)
Eugenia Reyes
Francisco Pereira Jr
Ken Butler
Terms ending 2012
Rachel Johnson (Co"Chair)
Corina Lopez
Pat Neighbarger
Ernie Williams
Ben Mann (Co"Chair)
Terms ending Jan 2013:
Ashley Dalton
Jose Nelson Duran
Kathie Lansing
Jose Nunez
Sandra Nunez
Lorena Pereira
Roberto Reyes
Harold Ritchie
Jodi Smith (Co"Chair)
Mayra Rivas
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Christian Education:
Terms ending Jan 2012
Alice Bartlett
Sam Greene
Terms ending Jan 2013
Laura Lee (Chair)
Anabel Cruz
Mike Overby
Danyelle Robinson
Terms ending Jan 2012
Salima Appiah"Kubi (a)
Julie Greene
Josh Keller
Jessica Lynd
Courtney Rice
Susan Sevier
Terms ending Jan 2013
Carol Blythe (Chair)
Luibov Russell
Gretchen White
Francisco Pereira Sr
multi"racial, multi"faith, strictly non"partisan, District"wide citizen's power organization rooted in local
congregations and associations. You can learn more about WN by visiting their website, www.windc"iaf.org
or calling 202.518.0815. My role as Calvary's congregational liaison for WN is to use the individual meetings,
mentioned above with the evaluation of mission interest, to see what members are passionate about seeing
changes in DC. My goal is to connect them with other Calvary members and WN members who have the
same passion who will then be connected with WN to help us use their skills of organizing and resources to
see how change in the District can take place around said passion.

To say love what do would be an understatement. get to hear the life stories and passions of Calvary
members and figure out how they can apply those passions to missions at Calvary, through intentional
community, or Washington nterfaith Network. These are the main projects 'm working on while 'm here.

Hopefully have provided you all with insight to how these projects are being lived out in my internship. f
there is something mentioned that sparked your interest or you would like to talk with me more about please
don't hesitate to e"mail me, MCaruthers@CalvaryDC.Org, or call me at Church. hope to get to know you all
better over the course of my internship.
Morgan Caruthers,
Social Work Pastoral ntern
5oc|o| vorh o:toro| |ntern (Continued from page 5)
Spring 2011 Calvary Caller

out a
testimony of
Jesus Christ
that might
Becky and
Vaughn are
natives of Georgia and moved to DC from Athens in
the summer of 2010. Carter is a sophomore at
School Without Walls High School and is a gifted
soccer player. Becky, a former teacher, has worked
in the substance abuse field for over 25 years and is
now the CEO at State Associations of Addiction
Services. As the daughter of two Seminary
graduates, she's been a "Baptist member" for
almost 50 years (3 churches!) Both Becky and
Carter have participated in many Calvary events
and Carter is an active member of the youth group.
They look forward to growing in Christ and getting
more involved with their new
family at Calvary.

John DuffeII came forward
Sunday, February 27 to join by
experience. John recently moved
here from Seattle, Washington to
be closer to his girlfriend and
Calvary member, Salima Appiah"
Kubi. John and Salima met in
Malawi in Southeast Africa
where they were both
volunteering for more than two years. John was
raised in the Catholic church, but says Calvary feels
like home to him. John is currently preparing to
apply to nursing schools in the DC area, hoping to
Jos GonzIez hails from El
Salvador and is a baker by
trade. He is the proud parent
of two sons who live in El
Salvador. Jos believes with
great conviction that God calls
on us to serve the needy in
our community. He has
recently become a follower of
Jesus and is currently taking membership classes in
preparation for baptism on Easter Sunday.
Additionally, Jos has been baking the bread we
use during communion. He feels welcome at
Calvary and challenged to grow in Jesus Christ and
to carry out the work of the Lord.

SteIIa Mary Joseph joins
Calvary by experience having
attended church all of her life.
She is from ndia and moved
to Washington, DC only a
short while ago to work
alongside her husband in the
Calvary neighborhood. She
and her husband have one
son who is a student at Duke
Ellington School for the Arts. Stella is an active
member of her Sunday school class and looks
forward to meeting more of her Calvary family.

Kim Najung is from South
Korea and graduated from the
University of Seoul with a
degree in foreign languages.
She is trilingual and speaks
English, Spanish, and her native
Korean. Currently, she works in
the nternational Monetary
Fund's South Korea Office here
in DC. Kim has two sisters who reside with her
parents in South Korea. She is becoming a member
of Calvary based on experience and is very excited
about her new family of faith. Kim hopes to learn
more about the Lord, to grow in discipleship and live
ve|come New Member:
2OII u:|ne:: Meet|nq:
The Church Council has set the following dates
for this year's Business Meetings in 2011, and for
the Annual Business Meeting in January 2012.
7:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 4
7:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 27
(ce Cream Social at 6:00 p.m.)
1:00 p.m., Sunday, October 23
1:00 p.m., Sunday, January 22, 2012
Conqreqot|ono| Deue|oment
. . . Oortun|t|e: to :tudy, qrow, connect ond ||ue out Cod': |nu|tot|on |n your ||fe
Spring 2011 Calvary Caller

Conqreqot|ono| Deue|oment
. . . Oortun|t|e: to :tudy, qrow, connect ond ||ue out Cod': |nu|tot|on |n your ||fe
1 Osmond Cain
Leah Grundset
2 Matthew Daley
Holleyanne McDaniel
Brenda Perlera
Annie Sharp
4 Laura Canfield
Arlene Hudson
5 Bill Tatham
Henry Wray
7 Kelly Taylor
Becky Vaughn
10 Michael Fahey
Sarah rvine
Allison Lee"Villanueva
Pat Neighbarger
Marion Ritchie
14 Hank Altman
Annette Orabona
15 Bobbie Michael
17 Ken Carr
19 Ashley Coates
Matthew Hoffer
20 Rameen Chaharbaghi
23 Hayden Butler
Ryan Harvey
24 Wanda Gilson
25 Lynnette Lee"Villanueva
26 Katie Thomas"Canfield
27 Susan Jean Cornwell
Mike Overby
28 David Mein
Caroline Armijo
Grace Lipman
Jos Nuez"Santamaria
31 Sandra Eusebio
Nia Rogers

1 Ted Hughes
3 John Salazar
4 Annie Curd
8 Betty Mein
Sandra Pereira"Nuez
9 Ronnie Scott
11 Martha Peck
13 Sarah Livingston
14 Howard Ammerman
Mayra Durn
Ko Nyi
Kathy Wray
15 Jerry Gilson
Virginia Teller
16 Ken Butler
17 Stella Joseph
19 Deacon Robinson
Beth Sorrell
20 Luk Lagwi
21 Anna Xochitl Settels"Palacios
23 Laura Beth Blythe"Goodman
John Dehnel
Yu Mon Min
24 Henry Armijo
Gordon Harris
Harry F. S. Ng
25 Cristian Durn
Allyson Wisdom Vamplew
26 Russell Harrison
Doris Shaw
30 Anabel Cruz"Montesano

3 Sadie Healy
Theodore Kyin Oo
Harold Ritchie
Chelsea Thomas
4 Andrea Mae Angdisen
Andrew wanik
5 Aung Myint
Sandra Chang
Lorena Pereira"Decorado
Ben Mann
William Michael
12 Hka Tawm Maran
14 Lucy Armijo
15 James W. Ammerman
20 Jocelyn Lopez"Arias
23 David Grise
25 Jacquelyn Ballew
26 Van Rin
27 Gene Goon
29 Bill Harris
John Thayer
Carol Thomason
30 Tina Angdisen
Tin Hlaing
31 Liliana Guandique
George Lucas

5 Kimberly Sisk
Rosie Stafford
Fredy Tejada
6 Bill Michael
7 Gene Shipp
8 Katie Harvey
9 Najung Kim
10 Ellen Sulerzyski
11 Hannah Butler
13 James Goon
14 Allyson Robinson
Ernie Williams
18 Angelica Angdisen
Lizzie Bebber
Burl Whitmer
19 Samuel Butler
Terry Hlaing
20 Brian Toense
21 Christina Abbasi (Mein)
22 Molly Carr
23 Cathy Cooper
25 Julia Nelson
Judy Russell
30 Paul Rosstead
5r|nq |rthdoy:
Spring 2011 Calvary Caller

Conqreqot|ono| Deue|oment
. . . Oortun|t|e: to :tudy, qrow, connect ond ||ue out Cod': |nu|tot|on |n your ||fe
Co|uory 5e|ected
Join us Thursday, April 7, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
for a tree planting day!

Calvary has been selected by the National Cherry
Blossom Festival and Casey Trees to receive free
trees. We'll be planting flowering Japanese cherry
blossom trees (like the ones near the Jefferson
Memorial) and other trees around the church on 8th
and H Streets. We need volunteers to dig, plant, and
water. We'll be serving lunch, and the Casey Trees
Foundation will be providing expertise in how to plant
and care for the trees. Come ready to make Calvary
green and beautiful!

For more information, contact Caroline Armijo at
caroline.armijo@gmail.com or Amanda Butler at
abutler@gmail.com or 202.834.0414.
sO Veor ond New Member Ce|ebrot|on
Sunday, February 13, we celebrated the longevity, freshness and vibrancy of our congregation as we
recognized those members that joined fifty years ago and those that joined this past year at a special
luncheon following worship.

Fifty year members included, Sandra Auman, Jewell Brown, Mary Burton, Gail Der, Earl Drescher, Sr, Karla
Fahey, Virginia Gooden, Charlotte Hogan, Allan Hughes, Claudia Moore, Doris Vermilya, Gretchen White, and
Hugh White.

New members included; Yolanda Appiah"Kubi, Raimundo and Elia, Caio, Cesar, Silva Barreto, Allen and
Ashley Dalton, Meara Dietrick, Marcela Estrada, Aaron Frederick, Elisabeth Frost, Susana Gomz, Jos and
Liliana Guandique, DaMarcus Hart, Jason and Myra Smith, Jay and Leigh Mayfield, Ed and Amy Meier, Jos
and Sandra Pereira"Nuez, Edwin Reyes, Alejandra Rodriguez, Eugene Saupp, Ronnie Scott, Kim Sisk and
Ellen Sulerzyski, Ruth Speyer, Harold and Barbara Stone, and James and Ci Ci Thein.
Spring 2011 Calvary Caller

R e v . D r . A m y K . B u t l e r , S e n i o r P a s t o r
H a r o l d L . R i t c h i e , E d i t o r E m e r i t u s
P a u l R o s s t e a d , C h u r c h A d m i n i s t r a t o r
2 0 2 " 3 4 7 " 8 3 5 5 ; F a x : 2 0 2 " 3 4 7 " 6 3 6 0
w w w . c a l v a r y d c . o r g
P u b l i s h e d M o n t h l y
P O S T M A S T E R :
S e n d a d d r e s s c h a n g e s t o
T h e C a l v a r y C a l l e r
C a l v a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h & C o n g r e g a t i o n
7 5 5 8 t h S t r e e t , N W ,
W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 1
C a l v a r y C a l l e r
S p r i n g 2 0 1 1
C a l v a r y
B a p t i s t
C h u r c h
N O N R O F | 1
A U 1 O
U . 5 . O 5 1 A C A | D
v A 5 H | N C 1 O N , D C
R M | 1 N o . 2 4 s 2
Spring 2011 Calvary Caller

Co|uory F|nonc|o|: o: of December 1I
Actual Budgeted Actual
2010 2010 2009
Pledges & Gifts: $355,652 $393,500 $338,825
Other ncome: 439,190 525,226 486,456
Transferred from
Endowment: 310,243 333,974 342,699

Total ncome: $1,105,085 $1,252,700 $1,167,980
Expenses: $1,105,085 $1,252,700 $1,167,980

Surplus/(Deficit) $0 $0 $0

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D|rect Deb|t Auo||ob|e

There is now another option to make regular gifts
to support the ministries of CalvaryDirect Debit.
f you would like to set up a regular automatic
payment, contact Paul Rosstead in the Church
Office. Contributions can still be made online using
your credit card by visiting the Calvary website,
www.calvarydc.org, or if you pay your bills online,
consider instructing your bank to make a weekly,
monthly or quarterly payment to Calvary Baptist
.( /(+!)0 %! 1!2

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