Reservoir Dogs

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This film shows Quentin
Taiantino's unique style making
him the '!"#$ &'()*+'$&,) '+-
(&)!!,.+/ "( $0+ 1223#4 (0.N, 0.B).
5+#+/6"&/ 7"8# is baseu aiounu a
uaytime iobbeiy, which tuins into
a bloou bath; wheie innocent
civilians, cops anu the gang
committing the ciime weie eithei
killeu oi huit. We uon't know
what's happeneu until Ni. White
anu Ni. Pink talk about what
happeneu. All the membeis
involveu in the ciime weie given
fake names (names of colouis) in
oiuei to hiue theii ieal iuentity by
the guy in chaige '}oe Cabot'.

The film opens in a typical
Ameiican uinnei weie the 'uogs'
aie having a casual conveisation,
manly bantei, wheie the use of foul
language which seems as though
this is always how thy talk to one
anothei. Aftei leaving the uinei the
films go fiom being this casual
conveisation with no ieal meaning iight into the action wheie Ni. 0iange is in
the back of a cai bleeuing to ueath whilst Ni. White is iacing the cai thiough the
stieet whilst giving Ni. 0iange moial suppoit that eveiything is going to be ok.
Being woiiieu that Ni.
0iange is going to uie he
tells him his ieal name,
not knowing that he is
talking to a unueicovei

Fiom the time they get
to the olu waiehouse
things go along in a
iatei slow pace, even
though we as the
auuience know that they
aie iunning fiom
Figuie 1 - Film Postei
Figuie 2 - Ni. White anu Ni. Pink aiguing ovei the situation
they aie in
something, '9+ #++ $0+ :*'8)+; </&!+ &' (),#0:,<.#4 (Ebeit, 1992) anu they aie
angiy at one anothei anu getting a little aggiessive because Ni. Pink thinks that
theii iobbeiy was a set up; whilst Ni. 0iange (the unueicovei cop) lays theii in a
puuule of his own bloou. As they aie aiguing we iealise that a iobbeiy took
place anu Biamonus have been stolen.

Latei Ni. blonue joins them in the waiehouse; anu ieveals that he has an officei
in his tiuck. The stoiy unfolus slowly in the waiehouse weie the 'uogs' come anu
go, anu the officei is kept hostage, when Ni. Blonue is alone with the office he
ueciues that he is going to toituie him, slicing his face, cutting off his eai, soaking
him in caiacole, anu as he was about to buin him to ueath he was shot seveial
times by Ni. 0iange. This was suipiising because we haun't seen him move foi
ages thinking he is ueau oi passeu out. Whilst he toituiing the office he has
music on, the sounutiack is calm anu it shows that killing is noimal to him anu
he feels no emotion to what he's uoing.

The tension builus up in the final climax wheie the uogs ieally tuin against one
anothei anu they aie no longei a team. }oe has iealiseu that Ni. White is an
unueicovei cop, with an aigument iaising against the issue leauing to them all
shooting each othei.
5+#+/6"&/ 7"8# =0,# +,/'+; &$#+)( , /+>*$,$&"' ,# , 6&")+'$ >&<$*/+4 (Bafliuason,
2uuu). The film is tolu is possibly the best way because the stoiy slowly unfolus
cieating suspense, being mainly shot in this waiehouse emphasizes on the
piessuie because they aie in this stanustill waiting to iun anu not being able to
the iesulteu to all the 'uogs' being killeu, eithei by a cop oi one anothei.

Figuie S - Enu Climax, wheie the thiee uogs shoot one anothei

0.N - Rotten Tomatoes Review (0.B.), Reseivoii Bogs, At:
Accesseu on 14u22u14

Ebeit Rogei, (1992), Reseivoii Bogs, At:
Accesseu on 14u22u14

Bafliuason Almai, (2uuu), Reseivoii Bogs (1992), At:
Accesseu on 14u22u14


Figuie 1, Film Postei, Reseivoii Bogs, At:
Accesseu on 14u22u14

Figuie 2, Ni. White anu Ni. Pink aiguing ovei the situation they aie in, (Film
Still), Reseivoii Bogs, (1992), Biiecteu by Quentin Taination, At:
Accesseu on 14u22u14

Figuie S - Enu Climax, wheie the thiee uogs shoot one anothei, (Film Still),
Reseivoii Bogs, (1992), Biiecteu by Quentin Taination, At:
Accesseu on 14u22u14

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