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3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; V6.7.

0 (2004-06) Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications Technical Report (Release !

3GPP TR 21.905


The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Or anisational Partners and shall not be implemented. This !pecification is provided for future development wor" within 3GPP only. The Or anisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this !pecification. !pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Or anisational Partners# Publications Offices.



3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

GSM, UMTS, Vocabulary

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3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

,o) !) #
1ontents....................................................................................................................................................3 3oreword...................................................................................................................................................4 5 !cope......................................................................................................................................................4 * /eferences..............................................................................................................................................4 3 Terms and definitions.............................................................................................................................6
+78................................................................................................................................................................................6 ....................................................................................................................................................................................6 0...................................................................................................................................................................................9 1...................................................................................................................................................................................: ;.................................................................................................................................................................................5+ 2.................................................................................................................................................................................5+ 3..................................................................................................................................................................................55 G.................................................................................................................................................................................55 <.................................................................................................................................................................................5* %..................................................................................................................................................................................5* =..................................................................................................................................................................................5, $.................................................................................................................................................................................5, >.................................................................................................................................................................................5, M................................................................................................................................................................................54 &.................................................................................................................................................................................56 O.................................................................................................................................................................................59 P..................................................................................................................................................................................5: ?.................................................................................................................................................................................58 /.................................................................................................................................................................................*+ !..................................................................................................................................................................................** T.................................................................................................................................................................................*4 @.................................................................................................................................................................................*6 A.................................................................................................................................................................................*9 B................................................................................................................................................................................*: C.................................................................................................................................................................................*: D.................................................................................................................................................................................*: E.................................................................................................................................................................................*:

, .bbreviations.......................................................................................................................................*:
+78..............................................................................................................................................................................*: ..................................................................................................................................................................................*: 0.................................................................................................................................................................................3+ 1.................................................................................................................................................................................3+ ;.................................................................................................................................................................................3* 2.................................................................................................................................................................................33 3..................................................................................................................................................................................3, G.................................................................................................................................................................................34 <.................................................................................................................................................................................34 %..................................................................................................................................................................................34 =..................................................................................................................................................................................39 $.................................................................................................................................................................................39 >.................................................................................................................................................................................39 M................................................................................................................................................................................3: &.................................................................................................................................................................................38 O.................................................................................................................................................................................,+ P..................................................................................................................................................................................,5 ?.................................................................................................................................................................................,* /.................................................................................................................................................................................,* !..................................................................................................................................................................................,3 T.................................................................................................................................................................................,4 @.................................................................................................................................................................................,9 A.................................................................................................................................................................................,9



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B................................................................................................................................................................................,: C.................................................................................................................................................................................,: D.................................................................................................................................................................................,: E.................................................................................................................................................................................,:

4 2Fuations..............................................................................................................................................,8 Annex A (informative): C an!e i"tor#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%&




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

This Technical !pecification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor" within the T!G and may chan e followin formal T!G approval. !hould the T!G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re7released by the T!G with an identifyin chan e of release date and an increase in version number as followsG Aersion '.y.( whereG ' the first di itG 5 presented to T!G for informationH * presented to T!G for approvalH 3 or reater indicates T!G approved document under chan e control. y the second di it is incremented for all chan es of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- correctionsupdates- etc. ( the third di it is incremented when editorial only chan es have been incorporated in the document.

7 7 7

To ensure that editors use terminolo y that is consistent across specifications. To provide a reader with convenient reference for technical terms that are used across multiple documents. To prevent inconsistent use of terminolo y across documents.

The purpose of this report is to identify specialist technical terms used within the 3GPP project for the purposes of specifyin service reFuirements. The motivations for this areG

This document is a collection of terms- definitions and abbreviations related to the baseline documents definin 3GPP objectives and systems framewor". This document provides a tool for further wor" on 3GPP technical documentation and facilitates their understandin . The terms- definitions and abbreviations as iven in this document are either imported from e'istin documentation (2T!%- %T@ or elsewhere) or newly created by 3GPP e'perts whenever the need for precise vocabulary was identified.

7 7 7

/eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or non7specific. 3or a specific reference- subseFuent revisions do not apply. 3or a non7specific reference- the latest version applies. %n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin a G!M document)- a non7specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document . Aoid T! *4.88+G KTechnical !pecification Group (T!G) /.&H Aocabulary K.

The followin documents contain provisions which- throu h reference in this te't- constitute provisions of the present document.




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LThe Path towards @MT! 7 Technolo ies for the %nformation !ocietyM N /eport O*- @MT! 3orum.


T!r5# a)" "!4%)% %o)#

'$() te* no+o!# Smart Car,: . !mart 1ard operatin at 5.:A P 5+Q and 3A P 5+Q. '$() te* no+o!# Termina+: . terminal operatin the !mart 1ard 7 Terminal interface at 5.:A P 5+Q and 3A P 5+Q. &G-- Generi* U"er -rofi+e (GU-): The 3GPP Generic @ser Profile is the collection of user related data which affects the way in which an individual user e'periences services and which may be accessed in a standardised manner. &G-- "#"tem: the telecommunication system standardised by the 3GPP consistin of a core networ" and a radio access networ" that may be either G2/.& or @T/.&- or both. &G-- S#"tem *ore net.or/: refers in this specification to an evolved G!M core networ" infrastructure. &G-- S#"tem *overa!e: see covera e area. &G-- S#"tem IC Car,: .n %1 card (or #smartcard#) of defined electromechanical specification which contains at least one @!%M. &G-- S#"tem mo0i+e termination: part of the 3GPP !ystem Mobile !tation which provides functions specific to the mana ement of the radio interface (@m). &G--12LAN Inter.or/in!: @sed to enerically refer to interwor"in between the 3GPP system and the B>.& family of standards. &) te* no+o!# Smart Car,: . !mart 1ard operatin at 3AP 5+Q and 4A P 5+Q. &) te* no+o!# Termina+: . terminal operatin the !mart 1ard 7 Terminal interface at 3A7P 5+Q and 4A P 5+Q.

A3G0 mo,e: mode of operation of the M! when connected to the 1ore &etwor" via G2/.& and the . andRor Gb interfaces. A**e4ta0+e Ce++: . cell that the @2 may camp on to ma"e emer ency calls. %t must satisfy certain conditions. A**e"" *on,ition": . set of security attributes associated with a file. A**e"" ,e+a#: The value of elapsed time between an access reFuest and a successful access (sourceG %T@7T C.5,+). A**e"" Strat5m S6U (Servi*e 6ata Unit): @nit of data transferred over the access stratum !.P (!ervice .ccess Point) in the 1ore &etwor" or in the @ser 2Fuipment. A**e"" 4roto*o+: . defined set of procedures that is adopted at an interface at a specified reference point between a user and a networ" to enable the user to employ the services andRor facilities of that networ" (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). A**o5ntin!: The process of apportionin char es between the <ome 2nvironment- !ervin &etwor" and @ser. A**5ra*#: . performance criterion that describes the de ree of correctness with which a function is performed. (The function may or may not be performed with the desired speed.) (sourceG %T@7T %.34+). A*tive *omm5ni*ation: a @2 is in active communication when it has a 1! connection established. 3or P! active communication is defined by the e'istence of one or more .ctivated P;P conte'ts. 2ither one or both of the mentioned active communications may occur in the @2. A*tive Set: !et of radio lin"s simultaneously involved in a specific communication service between an @2 and a @T/.& access point. A,7a*ent C anne+ Lea/a!e Ratio (ACLR) G The ratio of the avera e power centered on the assi ned channel



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freFuency to the avera e power centered on an adjacent channel freFuency. %n both cases the avera e power is measured with a filter that has /oot /aised 1osine (//1) filter response with roll7off S +.** and a bandwidth eFual to the chip rate. Air Interfa*e U"er Rate: The user rate between Mobile Termination and %B3. 3or T services it is the ma'imum possible .%@/ not includin paddin . 3or &T services it is the ma'imum possible .%@/. ALCA-: Generic name for the transport si nallin protocols used to set7up and tear7down transport bearers. A++o.a0+e -LMN: . P>M& which is not in the list of forbidden P>M& in the @2. A44+et: . small pro ram that is intended not to be run on its own- but rather to be embedded inside another application A44+i*ationG an application is a service enabler deployed by service providers- manufacturers or users. %ndividual applications will often be enablers for a wide ran e of services. (@MT! 3orum report O*) I3J A44+i*ation" 3 C+ient": These are services- which are desi ned usin service capability features. A44+i*ation 6e,i*ate, Fi+e (A6F): an application ;3 is the entry point to an application on the @%11. A44+i*ation Interfa*e: !tandardised %nterface used by applicationRclients to access service capability features. A44+i*ation 4roto*o+: The set of procedures reFuired by the application. ASCI Generic name to identify the services AG1!- A0! and eM>PP. A5t enti*ation: . property by which the correct identity of an entity or party is established with a reFuired assurance. The party bein authenticated could be a user- subscriber- home environment or servin networ". Avai+a0+e -LMN: . P>M& where the @2 has found a cell that satisfies certain conditions. Avera!e The thermal power as measured throu h a root raised cosine filter with roll7off S +.** and a bandwidth eFual to the chip rate of the radio access mode. The period of measurement shall be one power control roup (timeslot) unless otherwise stated.

Ba"e Station: . base station is a networ" element in radio access networ" responsible for radio transmission and reception in one or more cells to or from the user eFuipment. . base station can have an inte rated antenna or be connected to an antenna by feeder cables. %n @T/.& it terminates the % ub interface towards the /&1. %n G2/.& it terminates the .bis interface towards the 0!1. Ba"e+ine *a4a0i+itie": 1apabilities that are reFuired for a service7less @2 to operate within a networ". The baseline capabilities for a @2 include the capabilities to search for- synchronise with and re ister (with authentication) to a networ". The ne otiation of the @2 and the networ" capabilities- as well as the maintenance and termination of the re istration are also part of the reFuired baseline capabilities. Ba"e Station Contro++er: This eFuipment in the 0!! is in char e of controllin the use and the inte rity of the radio resources. Ba"e Station S50"#"tem: 2ither a full networ" or only the access part of a G2/.& offerin the allocation- release and mana ement of specific radio resources to establish means of connection between an M! and the G2/.&. . 0ase !tation !ubsystem is responsible for the resources and transmissionRreception in a set of cells. Ba"e+ine Im4+ementation Ca4a0i+itie": !et of %mplementation capabilities- in each technical domain- reFuired to enable a @2 to support the reFuired 0aseline capabilities. Ba"i* OR 0asic Optimal /outein Ba"i* te+e*omm5ni*ation "ervi*e: This term is used as a common reference to both bearer services and teleservices. Bearer: . information transmission path of defined capacity- delay and bit error rate- etc. Bearer *a4a0i+it#: . transmission function which the @2 reFuests to the networ". Bearer in,e4en,ent 4roto*o+G (@%11) Mechanism by which the M2 provides the (@)!%M applications on the @%11



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with access to the data bearers supported by the M2 and the networ". Bearer "ervi*e: . type of telecommunication service that provides the capability of transmission of si nals between access points. Be"t effort 8oS: The lowest of all ?o! traffic classes. %f the uaranteed ?o! cannot be delivered- the bearer networ" delivers the ?o! which can also be called best effort ?o!. Be"t effort "ervi*e: . service model which provides minimal performance uarantees- allowin an unspecified variance in the measured performance criteria. Bi++in!: . function whereby 1;/s enerated by the char in function are transformed into bills reFuirin payment. Broa,*a"t: . value of the service attribute Kcommunication confi urationK- which denotes unidirectional distribution to all users (sourceG %T@7T %.553). B#te *o,e: (@%11) . hardware machine independent representation of a primitive computer operation that serves as an instruction to a software pro ram called an interpreter or a virtual machine that simulates the hypothetical computerTs central processin unit. code enerated by a =ava compiler and e'ecuted by the =ava interpreter.

Ca0+e9 Conne*tor9 an, Com0iner Lo""e" (Tran"mitter) (,B): The combined losses of all transmission system components between the transmitter output and the antenna input (all losses in positive d0 values). Ca0+e9 Conne*tor9 an, S4+itter Lo""e" (Re*eiver) (,B): The combined losses of all transmission system components between the receivin antenna output and the receiver input. CAC (Conne*tion A,mi""ion Contro+): . set of measures ta"en by the networ" to balance between the ?o! reFuirements of new connections reFuest and the current networ" utilisation without affectin the rade of service of e'istin Ralready established connections. Ca++: a lo ical association between several users (this could be connection oriented or connection less). C ar!in! 6ata Re*or, (C6R): . formatted collection of information about a char eable event (e. . time of call set7 up- duration of the call- amount of data transferred- etc) for use in billin and accountin . 3or each party to be char ed for parts of or all char es of a char eable event a separate 1;/ shall be enerated- i.e more than one 1;/ may be enerated for a sin le char eable event- e. . because of its lon duration- or because more than one char ed party is to be char ed. Cam4e, on a *e++: The @2 is in idle mode and has completed the cell selectionRreselection process and has chosen a cell. The @2 monitors system information and (in most cases) pa in information. &ote that the services may be limited- and that the P>M& may not be aware of the e'istence of the @2 within the chosen cell. Ca4a0i+it# C+a"": . piece of information which indicates eneral 3GPP !ystem mobile station characteristics (e. . supported radio interfaces-...) for the interest of the networ". Car, "e""ion: . lin" between the card and the e'ternal world startin with the .T/ and endin with a subseFuent reset or a deactivation of the card. CBS 6R: *#*+e: The time interval between successive readin s of 0M1 messa es. Ce++: /adio networ" object that can be uniFuely identified by a @ser 2Fuipment from a (cell) identification that is broadcasted over a eo raphical area from one @T/.& .ccess Point. . 1ell is either 3;; or T;; mode. Ce++ Ra,io Net.or/ Tem4orar# I,entifier (C1RNTI): The 17/&T% is a @2 identifier allocated by a controllin /&1 and it is uniFue within one cell controlled by the allocatin 1/&1. 17/&T% can be reallocated when a @2 accesses a new cell with the cell update procedure. Ce++5+ar Text te+e4 one Mo,em (CTM): . modulation and codin method intended for transmission of te't in voice channels for the application of real time te't conversation. C ar!ea0+e Event: .n activity utilisin telecommunications networ" infrastructure and related services for user to user communication (e. . a sin le call- a data communication session or a short messa e)- or for user to networ" communication (e. . service profile administration)- or for inter7networ" communication (e. . transferrin callssi nallin - or short messa es)- or for mobility (e. . roamin or inter7system handover)- which the networ" operator



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wants to char e for. The cost of a char eable event may cover the cost of sendin - transportin - delivery and stora e. The cost of call related si nallin may also be included. C ar!e, -art#: . user involved in a char eable event who has to pay parts or the whole char es of the char eable event- or a third party payin the char es caused by one or all users involved in the char eable event- or a networ" operator. C ar!in!: . function whereby information related to a char eable event is formatted and transferred in order to ma"e it possible to determine usa e for which the char ed party may be billed. Ci4 er /e#: . code used in conjunction with a security al orithm to encode and decode user andRor si nallin data. C+o"e, !ro54: . roup with a pre7defined set of members. Only defined members may participate in a closed roup. Co,e, Com4o"ite Tran"4ort C anne+: . data stream resultin from encodin and multiple'in of one or several transport channels. Common C anne+: . 1hannel not dedicated to a specific @2. Confi,entia+it#: The avoidance of disclosure of information without the permission of its owner. Conne*te, Mo,e: 1onnected mode is the state of @ser 2Fuipment switched on and an //1 connection established. Conne*tion: . communication channel between two or more end7points (e. . terminal- server etc.). Conne*tion mo,e: The type of association between two points as reFuired by the bearer service for the transfer of information. . bearer service is either connection7oriented or connectionless. %n a connection oriented mode- a lo ical association called connection needs to be established between the source and the destination entities before information can be e'chan ed between them. 1onnection oriented bearer services lifetime is the period of time between the establishment and the release of the connection. %n a connectionless mode- no connection is established beforehand between the source and the destination entitiesH the source and destination networ" addresses need to be specified in each messa e. Transferred information cannot be uaranteed of ordered delivery. 1onnectionless bearer services lifetime is reduced to the transport of one messa e. Conne*tion+e"" (for a 0earer "ervi*e): %n a connectionless bearer- no connection is established beforehand between the source and the destination entities H the source and destination networ" addresses need to be specified in each messa e. Transferred information cannot be uaranteed of ordered delivery. 1onnectionless bearer services lifetime is reduced to the transport of one messa e. Conne*tion+e"" "ervi*e: . service which allows the transfer of information amon service users without the need for end7to7end call establishment procedures (sourceG %T@7T %.553). Contro+ * anne+: . lo ical channel that carries system control information. Contro++in! RNC: . role an /&1 can ta"e with respect to a specific set of @T/.& access points. There is only one 1ontrollin /&1 for any @T/.& access point. The 1ontrollin /&1 has the overall control of the lo ical resources of its @T/.& access point#s. Conver"ationa+ "ervi*e: .n interactive service which provides for bi7directional communication by means of real7 time (no store7and7forward) end7to7end information transfer from user to user (sourceG %T@7T %.553). Core net.or/: .n architectural term relatin to the part of 3GPP !ystem which is independent of the connection technolo y of the terminal (e radio- wired). Core Net.or/ O4erator: Operator that offers core networ" services. Cor4orate *o,e: 1ode which when combined with the networ" and !P codes refers to a uniFue 1orporate. The code is provided in the G%;* file on the (@)!%M (see .nne' ..5.) and is correspondin ly stored on the M2. Cor4orate *o,e !ro54 combination of the 1orporate code and the associated !P and networ" codes. Cor4orate 4er"ona+i"ation: .llows a corporate customer to personalise M2s that he provides for his employees or customers use so that they can only be used with the company#s own (@)!%Ms. Covera!e area (of a mo0i+e *e++5+ar "#"tem): .n area where mobile cellular services are provided by that mobile cellular system to the level reFuired of that system. Covera!e area: .rea over which a 3GPP !ystem service is provided with the service probability above a certain




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threshold. C5rrent ,ire*tor#: The latest M3 or ;3 selected on the @%11. C5rrent EF: The latest 23 selected. C5rrent "ervin! *e++: This is the cell on which the M! is camped.

6ata fie+,: Obsolete term for 2lementary 3ile. 6ata O07e*t: %nformation coded as T>A objects- i.e. consistin of a Ta - a >en th and a Aalue part. 6e,i*ate, C anne+: . channel dedicated to a specific @2. 6e14er"ona+i"ation: %s the process of deactivatin the personalisation so that the M2 ceases to carry out the verification chec"s. 6e,i*ate, Fi+e (6F): . file containin access conditions and- optionally- 2lementary 3iles (23s) or other ;edicated 3iles (;3s). 6e+ivere, 8oS: .ctual ?o! parameter values with which the content was delivered over the lifetime of a ?o! session. 6eman, "ervi*e: . type of telecommunication service in which the communication path is established almost immediately- in response to a user reFuest effected by means of user7networ" si nallin (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). 6e4en,a0i+it#: . performance criterion that describes the de ree of certainty (or surety) with which a function is performed re ardless of speed or accuracy- but within a iven observational interval (sourceG %T@7T %.34+). 6e"tination 5"er: 2ntity to which calls to the General Pac"et /adio !ervice (GP/!) are directed. 6ire*tor#: General term for the M3 or a ;3 on the @%11. 6ire*tor# N5m0er: . strin consistin of one or more of the characters from the set U+- 5- *- 3- ,- 4- 6- 9- :- 8- V- Oa- b- cW associated with a nature of address indicator and number plan indicator. Bhen usin the public MM% for the control of supplementary services however- V and O cannot be part of any !1 or !% field. &OT2 5G &o such restriction on the !1 and !% fields e'ists when usin other (e. . menu7driven) MM% for the control of supplementary services. &OT2 *G Bhen usin the public MM%- certain limitations on the use of one and two di it directory numbers may apply. The use of other MM% can remove these restrictions. &OT2 3G This definition is not intended to reFuire the support of all these characters in the MM% itself. 6i"tri05tion "ervi*e: !ervice characterised by the unidirectional flow of information from a iven point in the networ" to other (multiple) locations (sourceG %T@7T %.553). 6omain: The hi hest7level roup of physical entities. /eference points are defined between domains. 6onor net.or/: The subscription networ" from which a number is ported in the portin process. This may or may not be the number ran e owner networ". 6o.n+in/: @nidirectional radio lin" for the transmission of si nals from a @T/.& access point to a @2. .lso in eneral the direction from &etwor" to @2. 6rift RNS: The role an /&! can ta"e with respect to a specific connection between a @2 and @T/.&. .n /&! that supports the !ervin /&! with radio resources when the connection between the @T/.& and the @ser 2Fuipment need to use cell(s) controlled by this /&! is referred to as ;rift /&!.

Enter4ri"e S#"tem": %nformation !ystems that are used in the telecommunication or anisation but are not directly or




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

essentially related to the telecommunications aspects (1all 1entre#s- 3raud ;etection and Prevention !ystems%nvoicin etc). E+ement Mana!er: Provides a pac"a e of end7user functions for mana ement of a set of closely related types of networ" elements. These functions can be divided into two main cate ories. E+ement Mana!ement F5n*tion": !et of functions for mana ement of networ" elements on an individual basis. These are basically the same functions as supported by the correspondin local terminals. E+ementar# Fi+e (EF): . file containin access conditions and data and no other files on the @%11. E""entia+ UE Re;5irement (Con,itiona+): /eFuirement which has to be implemented under certain !ervice conditions. e. . .M/ codec in @2 which supports speech service E""entia+ UE Re;5irement (Un*on,itiona+): /eFuirement which has to be implemented in any 3G @2 in order to e'ist in and communicate with 3G networ" (e. . 1hiprate of 3.:,Mcps). Ex4+i*it 6iver"it# Gain (,B): The effective ain achieved usin diversity techniFues. Extra S6U ,e+iver# 4ro0a0i+it#: The ratio of total (unreFuested) e'tra service data units (!;@s) to total service data units received by a destination user in a specified sample (sourceG %T@7T C.5,+). &OT2G the term Kuser information unitK has been replaced by the term Kservice data unitK.

Fi+e: . named and hierarchically7classified data set on the @%11. Fi+e i,entifier (FI6): The *7byte name of a file or a directory on the @%11. Fixe, Net.or/ U"er Rate: The user rate between %B3 and the fi'ed networ". FC (F+o. Contro+): . set of mechanisms used to prevent the networ" from becomin overloaded by re ulatin the input rate transmissions. F+exi0+e La#er One (FLO) G G2/.& feature that allows the channel codin of the layer one to be confi ured at call setup. Frame.or/: . framewor" defines a set of .pplication Pro rammin %nterface (.P%) classes for developin applications and for providin system services to those applications. F5n*tiona+ !ro54: . set of functions that may be performed by a sin le eFuipment (sourceG %T@7T %.55*).

Geo!ra4 i*a+ ro5tin!: The conversion of the P;@Ts eo raphical area definition- which specifies the area in which the P;@ will be broadcast- into an eFuivalent radio covera e map. GERAN Ra,io Net.or/ Tem4orar# I,entifier (G1RNTI): G7/&T% is an M! identifier which is allocated by the !ervin 0!1 and is uniFue within this !0!1. %t is allocated for all M!s havin an //1 connection. The G7/&T% is always reallocated when the !ervin 0!1 for the //1 connection is chan ed and deallocated when the //1 connection is released. The G7/&T% is also used at />1RM.1 durin contention resolution. G-RS MS: .n M! capable of GP/! services is a GP/! M!$ Gro54: . set of members allowed to participate in the roup call service. The roup is defined by a set of rules that identifies a collection of members implicitly or e'plicitly. These rules may associate members for the purpose of participatin in a roup call- or may associate members who do not participate in data transfer but do participate in mana ement- security- control- or accountin for the roup. Gro54 *a++: The relationship that e'ists between the members of a roup for the purpose of transferrin data. More than one roup call may e'ist in a roup. . roup call establishes an active roup. Gro54 *a++ initiator: . member (or third party) authorised to initiate a roup call. More than one member may initiate roup calls.




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Gro54 *a++ 4arti*i4ant: . member of a roup participatin in a particular roup call at a iven time. Gro54 *a++ "erver: . lo ical entity that provides the roup call service to the members. Gro54 *a++ "ervi*e: . PTM service in which a relationship e'ists between participants of the roup- and in which a sin le data unit transmitted by a source participant is received by multiple destination participantsH it is a one7inmany7out service. Gro54 *ontro++er: The member (or third party) responsible for the roup creation and membership control. GSM3E6GE Ra,io A**e"" Net.or/: G2/.& is a conceptual term identifyin that part of the networ" which consists of 0!1s and 0T!s between .RGb or %u and @m interfaces. GSM BSS: refers in this specification to the G!MRGP/! access networ". GSM *ore net.or/: refers in this specification to the G!M &!! and GP/! bac"bone infrastructure. GSM *overa!e: an area where mobile cellular services are provided in accordance with G!M standards GSM "e""ion: That part of the card session dedicated to the G!M operation. G5arantee, "ervi*e: . service model which provides hi hly reliable performance- with little or no variance in the measured performance criteria.

<an,off Gain3Lo"" (,B): This is the ainRloss factor (X or 7) brou ht by handoff to maintain specified reliability at the cell boundary. <an,over: The transfer of a userTs connection from one radio channel to another (can be the same or different cell). <an,over: The process in which the radio access networ" chan es the radio transmitters or radio access mode or radio system used to provide the bearer services- while maintainin a defined bearer service ?o!. <ar, <an,over: <ard handover is a cate ory of handover procedures where all the old radio lin"s in the @2 are abandoned before the new radio lin"s are established. <E1)AS-: <ome 2nvironment Aalue .dded !ervice Provider. This is a A.!P that has an a reement with the <ome 2nvironment to provide services. The <ome 2nvironment provides services to the user in a mana ed way- possibly by collaboratin with <27A.!Ps- but this is transparent to the user. The same service could be provided by more than one <27A.!P and each <27A.!P can provide more than one service. <ome Environment: responsible for overall provision and control of the Personal !ervice 2nvironment of its subscribers. <ome -LMN: P>M& where the Mobile 1ountry 1ode (M11) and Mobile &etwor" 1ode (M&1) of the P>M& identity are the same as the M11 and M&1 of the %M!%.

IC Car,: . card holdin an %nte rated 1ircuit containin subscriber- end user- authentication andRor application data for one or more applications. IC *ar, SIM: Obsolete term for %;75 !%M. ICS 4roforma: . document- in the form of a Fuestionnaire- which when completed for an implementation or system becomes an %1!. I61=== SIM: . @%11 havin the form on an %;7+++ card (see %!O 9:5675 I*,J) that contains a !%M application. I61' SIM: . @%11 havin the format of an %;75 card (see %!O 9:5675 I*,J) that contains a !%M. I,+e mo,e: The state of @2 switched on but which does not have any established //1 connection. Im4+ementation *a4a0i+it#: . capability that relates to a particular technical domain. 2'amplesG a spreadin factor of 5*: (in the domain of the physical layer)H the .4 al orithmH a 6, bit "ey len th (in the domain of security)H a




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power output of *5 d0m (in the domain of transmitter performance)H support of .M/ 1odec (in the domain of the 1odec)H support of 1<A5 (in the domain of the @!%M). Im4+ementation Conforman*e Statement (ICS): . statement made by the supplier of an implementation or system claimed to conform to a iven specification- statin which capabilities have been implemented. The %1! can ta"e several formsG protocol %1!- profile %1!- profile specific %1!- information object %1!- etc. Information 6ata Rate: /ate of the user information- which must be transmitted over the .ir %nterface. 3or e'ampleoutput rate of the voice codec. Initia+ 4a!in! information: This information indicates if the @2 needs to continue to read more pa in information and eventually receive a pa e messa e. Initia+ 4a!in! o**a"ion: The pa in occasion the @2 uses as startin point for its pa in ;/C cycle. Inte!rit#: (in the conte't of security) The avoidance of unauthorised modification of information. Inter1*e++ an,over: . handover between different cells. .n inter7cell handover reFuires networ" connections to be altered. Inter -LMN an,over: <andover between different P>M&s- ie havin different M117M&1. Inter "#"tem an,over: <andover between networ"s usin different radiosystems - e. . @MT! N G!M. Intera*tive "ervi*e: . service which provides the means for bi7directional e'chan e of information between users. %nteractive services are divided into three classes of servicesG conversational services- messa in services and retrieval services (sourceG %T@7T %.553). Interfa*e: The common boundary between two associated systems (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). Internationa+ Mo0i+e Station E;5i4ment I,entit# (IMEI): .n K%nternational Mobile !tation 2Fuipment %dentityK is a uniFue number which shall be allocated to each individual mobile station eFuipment in the P>M& and shall be unconditionally implemented by the M! manufacturer. Internationa+ mo0i+e 5"er n5m0er (IMUN): The %nternational Mobile @ser &umber is a diallable number allocated to a 3GPP !ystem user. Interferen*e Si!na+ Co,e (ISC-): Given only interference power is received- the avera e power of the received si nal after despreadin and combinin . Inter4reter: . software pro ram that simulates a hypothetical computer by performin the operations defined by the instructions of this computer.(see also #byte code# and #virtual machine#). Inter.or/in! 2LAN (I12LAN)G . B>.& that interwor"s with a 3GPP system. Intra1*e++ an,over: . handover within one sector or between different sectors of the same cell. .n intra7cell handover does not reFuire networ" connections to be altered. Intra -LMN an,over: <andover within the same networ"- ie havin the same M117M&1 re ardless of radio access system. &oteG this includes the case of @MT! YZG!M handover where M117M&1 are the same in both cases.

I-1Conne*tivit# A**e"" Net.or/ (I-1CAN): The collection of networ" entities and interfaces that provides the underlyin %P transport connectivity between the @2 and the %M! entities $ .n e'ample of an K%P71onnectivity .ccess &etwor"K is GP/!. I-1Conne*tivit# A**e"" Net.or/ 0earer (I-1CAN 0earer): The data communications bearer provided by the %P7 1onnectivity .ccess &etwor". Bhen usin GP/!- the %P71onnectivity .ccess &etwor" bearers are provided by P;P 1onte'ts. IR- Information Mo,e+: .n %/P %nformation Model consists of an %/P %nformation !ervice and a &etwor" /esource Model (see below for definitions of %/P %nformation !ervice and &etwor" /esource Model). IR- Information Servi*e: .n %/P %nformation !ervice describes the information flow and support objects for a certain functional area- e. . the alarm information service in the fault mana ement area. .s an e'ample of support objects- for the .larm %/P there is the alarm record and alarm list.




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IR- So+5tion Set: .n %/P !olution !et is a mappin of the %/P %nformation !ervice to one of several technolo ies (1O/0.R%;>- !&MPR!M%- 1M%PRG;MO- etc.). .n %/P %nformation !ervice can be mapped to several different %/P !olution !ets. ;ifferent technolo y selections may be done for different %/Ps. Inter S#"tem C an!eG a chan e of radio access between different radio access technolo ies such as G!M and @MT!. IMS SIM (ISIM): .n application residin on the @%11 that provides access to %P Multimedia !ervices. I5: %nterconnection point between an /&1 or a 0!1 and a 3G 1ore &etwor". %t is also considered as a reference point. I51f+ex: /outin functionality for intra domain connection of /.& nodes to multiple 1& nodes. I5 mo,eG mode of operation of the M! when connected to the 1ore &etwor" via G2/.& or @T/.& and the %u interface. I50: %nterface between an /&1 and a &ode 0. I5r: . lo ical interface between two /&1. Bhilst lo ically representin a point to point lin" between /&1- the physical realisation may not be a point to point lin".


>e# 4air: $ey pairs are matchin private and public "eys. %f a bloc" of data is encrypted usin the private "ey- the public "ey from the pair can be used to decrypt it. The private "ey is never divul ed to any other party- but the public "ey is available- e. . in a certificate.

Lo*a+ Servi*e: !ervices- which are provided by current roamed to networ" that are not <2 services. The same service can be provided by a networ" as a local service to inbound roamers and as a <2 service to the subscribers of this networ". Lo*a+i"e, Servi*e Area (LSA): . >!. is an operator7defined roup of cells- for which specific access conditions apply. This may correspond to an area in which the 1ore &etwor" offers specific services. . >!. may be defined within a P>M& or lobally. Therefore- a >!. may offer a non7conti uous radio covera e. Lo*ation Re!i"tration (LR): The @2 re isters its presence in a re istration area- for instance re ularly or when enterin a new re istration area. Lo!i*a+ C anne+: . lo ical channel is an information stream dedicated to the transfer of a specific type of information over the radio interface. >o ical 1hannels are provided on top of the M.1 layer. Lo!i*a+ C anne+ (@%11)G . commandRresponse communication conte't multiple'ed on the physical channel between the M2 and the @%11. Lo!i*a+ Mo,e+: . >o ical Model defines an abstract view of a networ" or networ" element by means of information objects representin networ" element- a re ations of networ" elements- the topolo ical relationship between the elements- endpoints of connections (termination points)- and transport entities (such as connections) that transport information between two or more termination points. The information objects defined in the >o ical Model are used- amon others- by connection mana ement functions. %n this way a physical implementation independent mana ement is achieved. Lo!i*a+ O?M: >o ical O[M is the si nallin associated with the control of lo ical resources (channels- cells-) owned by the /&1 but physically implemented in the &ode 0. The /&1 controls these lo ical resources. . number of O[M procedures physically implemented in &ode 0 impact on the lo ical resources and therefore reFuire an information e'chan e between /&1 and &ode 0. .ll messa es needed to support this information e'chan e are classified as >o ical O[M formin an inte ral part of &0.P. LSA ex*+5"ive a**e"" *e++: . @2 may only camp on this cell if the cell belon s to the >!.s to which the user has




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subscribed. &evertheless- if no other cells are available- the @2 of non7>!. users may ori inate emer ency calls from this cell. LSA on+# a**e"": Bhen >!. only access applies to the user- the @2 can only access cells that belon to the >!.s to which the user has subscribed. Outside the covera e area of the subscribed >!.s- the @2 may camp on other cells and limited services apply. LSA 4referentia+ a**e"" *e++: . >!. preferential access cell is a cell which is part of the >!.. @2s of users that have subscribed to a >!. of a >!.7preferential7access cell have hi her priority to resources than non7>!. users in the same cell.

Ma*ro *e++": KMacro cellsK are outdoor cells with a lar e cell radius. Ma*ro ,iver"it# an,over: KMacro diversityK is a operation state in which a @ser 2Fuipment simultaneously has radio lin"s with two or more @T/.& access points for the sole aim of improvin Fuality of the radio connection or providin seamless. Mana!ement Infra"tr5*t5re: The collection of systems (computers and telecommunications) a 3GPP !ystem Or anisation has in order to mana e a 3GPP !ystem. Man,ator# UE Re;5irement: /e ulatory reFuirement which is applicable to 3G @2s. %t is determined by each countryRre ion and beyond the scope of 3GPP specification (e. . spurious emission in @$). Ma"ter Fi+e (MF): The root directory of the file system hierarchy on the @%11. Maxim5m o5t45t 3or @2- this is a measure of the ma'imum power supported by the @2 (i.e. the actual power as would be measured assumin no measurement error) (T! *4.5+5). 3or 3;; 0!- the mean power level per carrier of the base station measured at the antenna connector in a specified reference condition (T! *4.5+,). 3or T;; 0! this refers to the measure of power when avera ed over the transmit timeslot at the ma'imum power settin (T! *4.5+4). Maxim5m 4o""i0+e AIUR: The hi hest possible .%@/ that the multiple T1<R3 can provide- e. . * T1<R3 usin T1<R38.6 provides a ma'imum possible .%@/ of 58-* "bitRs. Maxim5m Tran"mitter -er Traffi* C anne+ (,Bm): The ma'imum power at the transmitter output for a sin le traffic channel. Mean 0it rate: . measure of throu hput. The avera e (mean) bit rate available to the user for the iven period of time (sourceG %T@7T %.*5+). Mean tran"it ,e+a#: The avera e transit delay e'perienced by a (typically) lar e sample of P;@s within the same service cate ory. Me,i5m A**e"" Contro+: . sub7layer of radio interface layer * providin unac"nowled ed data transfer service on lo ical channels and access to transport channels. Me""a!in! "ervi*e: .n interactive service which offers user7to7user communication between individual users via stora e units with store7and7forward- mailbo' andRor messa e handlin - (e. .- information editin - processin and conversion) functions (sourceG %T@7T %.553). MExE C+a""mar/: . M2'2 classmar" identifies a cate ory of M2'2 @2 supportin M2'2 functionality with a minimum level of processin - memory- display- and interactive capabilities. !everal M2'2 classmar"s may be defined to differentiate between the functionalities offered by different M2'2 @2s. . M2'2 application or applet defined as bein of a specific M2'2 1lassmar" indicates that it is supportable by a M2'2 @2 of that 1lassmar". MExE exe*5ta0+e: .n e'ecutable is an applet- application- or e'ecutable content- which conforms to the M2'2 specification and may e'ecute on the M2. MExE "erver: . node supportin M2'2 services in the M2'2 service environment. MExE "ervi*e: a service enhanced (or made possible) by M2'2 technolo y. MExE "ervi*e environment: ;ependin on the confi uration of the P>M&- the operator may be able to offer support to M2'2 services in various ways. 2'amples of possible sources are from traditional G!M nodes- %& nodes- operator7



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specific nodes- operator franchised nodes and services provider nodes- to ether with access to nodes e'ternal (i.e. vendor7specific) to the P>M& dependin on the nature of the M2'2 service. These nodes are considered to constitute the M2'2 service environment. The M2'2 service environment shall support direct M2'2 @2 to M2'2 @2 interaction of M2'2 services. MExE "ervi*e 4rovi,er: an or anisation which delivers M2'2 services to the subscriber. This is normally the P>M& operator- but could be an or anisation with M2'2 responsibility (which may have been dele ated by the P>M& operator). MExE SIM: . (@)!%M application that is capable of storin a security certificate that is accessible usin standard mechanisms. MExE "50"*ri0er: The owner of a subscription who has entered into an a reement with a M2'2 service provider for M2'2 services. Mi*ro *e++": KMicro cellsK are small cells. Minim5m tran"mit The minimum controlled output power of the T;; 0! is when the power control settin is set to a minimum value. Thei si when the power control indicates a miminum transmit output power is reFuired (T! *4.5+4). Mo0i+e eva+5ate, an,over: Mobile evaluated handover (M2<O) is a type of handover tri ered by an evaluation made in the mobile. The mobile evaluates the necessity of handover based on the measured radio environment and based on criteria defined by the networ". Bhen the evaluation meets the hand7off criteria the necessary information is sent from the mobile to the networ". The networ" then decides on the necessity of the handover based on the reported evaluation result and other conditions- e. . uplin" radio environment andRor availability of networ" resources- the networ" may then e'ecute the handover. Mo0i+e n5m0er 4orta0i+it#: The ability for a mobile subscriber to chan e subscription networ" within the same country whilst retainin their ori inal M!%!;&(s). Mo0i+e termination: the mobile termination is the component of the mobile station which supports functions specific to mana ement of the radio interface (@m). Mo0i+it#: The ability for the user to communicate whilst movin independent of location. Mo0i+it# Mana!ement: . relation between the mobile station and the @T/.& that is used to set7up- maintain and release the various physical channels. M5+ti mo,e termina+: @2 that can obtain service from at least one @T/. radio access mode- and one or more different systems such as G!M bands or possibly other radio systems such %MT7*+++ family members. M5+ti*a"t "ervi*e: . unidirectional PTM service in which a messa e is transmitted from a sin le source entity to all subscribers currently located within a eo raphical area. The messa e contains a roup identifier indicatin whether the messa e is of interest to all subscribers or to only the subset of subscribers belon in to a specific multicast roup. M5+ti4oint: . value of the service attribute Kcommunication confi urationK- which denotes that the communication involves more than two networ" terminations (sourceG %T@7T %.553). M5+time,ia "ervi*e: !ervices that handle several types of media such as audio and video in a synchronised way from the user#s point of view. . multimedia service may involve multiple parties- multiple connections- and the addition or deletion of resources and users within a sin le communication session.

Name: . name is an alpha numeric label used for identification of end users and may be portable. Ne!otiate, 8oS: %n response to a ?o! reFuest- the networ" shall ne otiate each ?o! attribute to a level that is in accordance with the available networ" resources. .fter ?o! ne otiation- the bearer networ" shall always attempt to provide adeFuate resources to support all of the ne otiated ?o! profiles. Net.or/ *o,e: M11 and M&1. Net.or/ *o,e !ro54: !ame as networ" code.




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Net.or/ *onne*tion: .n association established by a networ" layer between two users for the transfer of data- which provides e'plicit identification of a set of networ" data transmissions and a reement concernin the services to be provided by the set (sourceG %T@7T C.*53 R %!O7%21 :3,:). Net.or/ E+ement: . discrete telecommunications entity which can be mana ed over a specific interface e. . the /&1. Net.or/ Mana!er: Provides a pac"a e of end7user functions with the responsibility for the mana ement of a networ"- mainly as supported by the 2M(s) but it may also involve direct access to the networ" elements. .ll communication with the networ" is based on open and well standardi(ed interfaces supportin mana ement of multi7 vendor and multi7technolo y networ" elements. Net.or/ o4erator: !ee P>M& operator. Net.or/ 4er"ona+i"ation: .llows the networ" operator to personalise a M2 so that it can only be used with that particular networ" operator#s (@)!%Ms. Net.or/ Re"o5r*e Mo,e+: . protocol independent model describin mana ed objects representin networ" resources- e. . an /&1 or &ode0. Net.or/ "ervi*e ,ata 5nit (NS6U): . unit of data passed between the user and the GP/! networ" across a &etwor" !ervice .ccess Point (&!.P). Net.or/ "50"et *o,e: di its 6 and 9 of the %M!%. Net.or/ "50"et *o,e !ro54: 1ombination of a networ" subset code and the associated networ" code. Net.or/ "50"et 4er"ona+i"ation: . refinement of networ" personalisation- which allows networ" operators to limit the usa e of a M2 to a subset of (@)!%Ms Net.or/ termination: . functional roup on the networ" side of a user7networ" interface (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). No,e B: . lo ical node responsible for radio transmission R reception in one or more cells toRfrom the @ser 2Fuipment. Terminates the %ub interface towards the /&1. Noma,i* O4eratin! Mo,e: Mode of operation where the terminal is transportable but bein operated while stationary and may in addition reFuire user co7operation (e. . close to open spaces- antenna setup...). Nomina+ Maxim5m O5t45t This is the nominal power defined by the @2 power class. Non1A**e"" Strat5m: Protocols between @2 and the core networ" that are not terminated in the @T/.&. Norma+ GSM o4eration: /elatin to eneral- 1<A related- G!M security related and subscription related procedures. Norma+ mo,e of o4eration: The mode of operation into which the M2 would have one if it had no personalisation chec"s to process. NT66: &arrow T;; N the 5.*: Mcps chip rate @T/.7T;; option N5m0er: . strin of decimal di its that uniFuely indicates the public networ" termination point. The number contains the information necessary to route the call to this termination point. . number can be in a format determined nationally or in an international format. The international format is "nown as the %nternational Public Telecommunication &umber which includes the country code and subseFuent di its- but not the international prefi'. N5m0er 4orta0i+it#: Bhere the provision of diallable numbers is independent of home environment andRor servin networ". N5m0er ran!e o.ner net.or/: The networ" to which the number ran e containin the ported number has been allocated.

Off1Line * ar!in!: . char in process where char in information does not affect- in real time- the service rendered. On1Line C ar!in!G . char in process where char in information can affect- in real time- the service rendered and




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therefore directly interacts with the sessionRservice control. One Sto4 Bi++in!: One bill for all char es incurred usin the 3GPP !ystem. O4en !ro54: . roup that does not have a pre7defined set of members. .ny user may participate in an open roup. O4en Servi*e Ar* ite*t5re: 1oncept for introducin a vendor independent means for introduction of new services. O4eration" S#"tem: This abbreviation indicates a eneric mana ement system- independent of its location level within the mana ement hierarchy. O4tiona+ UE Re;5irement: .ny other reFuirements than mandatory @2 reFuirement- essential @2 reFuirement (conditional)- essential @2 reFuirement (unconditional). %t is totally up to individual manufacturer to decide whether it should be implemented or not (e. . &etwor" initiated MM connection establishment). Ori!inatin! net.or/: The networ" where the callin party is located. Ort o!ona+ C anne+ Noi"e Sim5+ator a mechanism used to simulate the users or control si nals on the other ortho onal channels of a downlin" OSA Interfa*e: !tandardised %nterface used by applicationRclients to access service capability features.

-a*/et: .n information unit identified by a label at layer 3 of the O!% reference model (sourceG %T@7T %.553). . networ" protocol data unit (&P;@). -a*/et ,ata 4roto*o+ (-6-): .ny protocol which transmits data as discrete units "nown as pac"ets- e. .- %P- or C.*4. -a*/et tran"fer mo,e: .lso "nown as pac"et mode. . transfer mode in which the transmission and switchin functions are achieved by pac"et oriented techniFues- so as to dynamically share networ" transmission and switchin resources between a multiplicity of connections (sourceG %T@7T %.553). -a,,in!: One or more bits appended to a messa e in order to cause the messa e to contain the reFuired number of bits or bytes. -a!in!: The act of see"in a @ser 2Fuipment. -a!in! 6R: *#*+e: The individual time interval between monitorin Pa in Occasion for a specific @2 -a!in! B+o*/ -erio,i*it# (-B-): The period of the occurrence of Pa in 0loc"s. (3or 3;;- P0P S 5). -a!in! Me""a!e Re*eivin! O**a"ion: The frame where the @2 receives actual pa in messa e. -a!in! o**a"ion: The frame where the @2 monitors in 3;; or the pa in bloc"- which consists of several frames- for T;;. 3or Pa in 0loc"s- the value of Pa in Occasion is eFual to the first frame of the Pa in 0loc". -ea/ 0it rate: . measure of throu hput. The ma'imum bit rate offered to the user for a iven time period (to be defined) for the transfer of a bursty si nal (sourceG %T@7T %.*5+). (The ma'imum user information transfer rate achievable by a user for a sin le service data unit transfer.) -erforman*e: The ability to trac" service and resource usa e levels and to provide feedbac" on the responsiveness and reliability of the networ". -er"ona+ Servi*e Environment: contains personalised information definin how subscribed services are provided and presented towards the user. 2ach subscriber of the <ome 2nvironment has her own Personal !ervice 2nvironment. The Personal !ervice 2nvironment is defined in terms of one or more @ser Profiles. -er"ona+i"ation: The process of storin information in the M2 and activatin the procedures which verify this information a ainst the correspondin information stored in applications on the (@)!%M whenever the M2 is powered up or when a @%11 containin networ" access applications (!%M- @!%M- etc.) is inserted- in order to limit the applications with which the M2 will operate. -er"ona+i"ation entit#: &etwor"- networ" subset- !P- 1orporate or (@)!%M to which the M2 is personalised - one0oo/: . dataset of personal or entity attributes. The simplest form is a set of name7subscriber phone number pairs as supported by G!M (@)!%Ms.




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- #"i*a+ * anne+ ,ata "tream: %n the uplin"- a data stream that is transmitted on one physical channel. %n the downlin"- a data stream that is transmitted on one physical channel in each cell of the active set. - #"i*a+ C anne+: %n 3;; mode- a physical channel is defined by code- freFuency and- in the uplin"- relative phase (%R?). %n T;; mode- a physical channel is defined by code- freFuency- and time7slot. -i*o *e++": KPico cellsK are cells- mainly indoor cells- with a radius typically less than 4+ metres. -IC< Monitorin! O**a"ion: The time instance where the @2 monitors P%1< within Pa in Occasion. -LMN Area: The P>M& area is the eo raphical area in which a P>M& provides communication services accordin to the specifications to mobile users. %n the P>M& area- the mobile user can set up calls to a user of a terminatin networ". The terminatin networ" may be a fi'ed networ"- the same P>M&- another P>M& or other types of P>M&. Terminatin networ" users can also set up calls to the P>M&. The P>M& area is allocated to a P>M&. %t is determined by the service and networ" provider in accordance with any provisions laid down under national law. %n eneral the P>M& area is restricted to one country. %t can also be determined differently- dependin on the different telecommunication services- or type of M!. %f there are several P>M&s in one country- their P>M& areas may overlap. %n border areas- the P>M& areas of different countries may overlap. .dministrations will have to ta"e precautions to ensure that cross border covera e is minimised in adjacent countries unless otherwise a reed. -LMN O4erator: Public >and Mobile &etwor" operator. The entity which offers telecommunications services over an air interface.. -+5!1in SIM: . physical form factor of !%M (see %;7+++ !%M). 4oint1to1m5+ti4oint "ervi*e: . service type in which data is sent to Mall service subscribers or a pre7defined subset of all subscribersM within an area defined by the !ervice /eFuester. -oint1to14oint: . value of the service attribute Kcommunication confi urationK- which denotes that the communication involves only two networ" terminations. -oint1to14oint "ervi*e: . service type in which data is sent from a sin le networ" termination to another networ" termination. -orte, n5m0er: . M!%!;& that has under one the portin process. -orte, "50"*ri0er: The subscriber of a ported number. -ortin! 4ro*e"": . description of the transfer of a number between networ" operators. *ontro+ ,#nami* ran!e: The difference between the ma'imum and the minimum total transmit output power for a specified reference condition (T! *4.5+,). -re,i*tive "ervi*e: . service model which provides reliable performance- but allowin a specified variance in the measured performance criteria. -re4a# 0i++in! G 0illin arran ement between customer and operatorRservice provider where the customer deposits an amount of money in advance- which is subseFuently used to pay for service usa e. -o"t4a# 0i++in!G 0illin arran ement between customer and operatorRservice provider where the customer periodically receives a bill for service usa e in the past period. -roa*tive SIM: . !%M- which is capable of issuin commands to the Terminal. Part of !%M .pplication Tool"it. -roto*o+: . formal set of procedures that are adopted to ensure communication between two or more functions within the within the same layer of a hierarchy of functions (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). -roto*o+ ,ata 5nit: %n the reference model for O!%- a unit of data specified in an (&)7protocol layer and consistin of (&)7protocol control information and possibly (&)7user data (sourceG %T@7T C.*++ R %!O7%21 9,8:75). -50+i* +an, mo0i+e net.or/: . telecommunications networ" providin mobile cellular services.

8oS 4rofi+e: a ?o! profile comprises a number of ?o! parameters. . ?o! profile is associated with each ?o! session. The ?o! profile defines the performance e'pectations placed on the bearer networ".




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8oS "e""ion: >ifetime of P;P conte't. The period between the openin and closin of a networ" connection whose characteristics are defined by a ?o! profile. Multiple ?o! sessions may e'ist- each with a different ?o! profile. 85a+it# of Servi*e: The collective effect of service performances which determine the de ree of satisfaction of a user of a service. %t is characterised by the combined aspects of performance factors applicable to all services- such asH 7 7 7 7 7 service operability performanceH service accessibility performanceH service retainability performanceH service inte rity performanceH and other factors specific to each service.

Ra,io a**e"" 0earer: The service that the access stratum provides to the non7access stratum for transfer of user data between @ser 2Fuipment and 1&. Ra,io A**e"" Mo,e: Mode of the cell- 3;; or T;;. RAN " arin!: Two or more 1& operators share the same /.&- i.e. a /.& node (/&1 or 0!1) is connected to multiple 1& nodes (!G!&s and M!1RA>/s) belon in to different 1& operators. Ra,io A**e"" Net.or/ A44+i*ation -art: /adio &etwor" !i nallin over the %u. Ra,io A**e"" Net.or/ O4erator: Operator that offers radio access to one or more core networ" operators. Ra,io A**e"" Te* no+o!#: @T/.- G2/.& etc. Ra,io Bearer: The service provided by the >ayer * for transfer of user data between @ser 2Fuipment and @T/.&. Ra,io frame: . radio frame is a numbered time interval of 5+ ms duration used for data transmission on the radio physical channel. . radio frame is divided into 54 time slots of +.666 ms duration. The unit of data that is mapped to a radio frame (5+ ms time interval) may also be referred to as radio frame. Ra,io interfa*e: The Kradio interfaceK is the tetherless interface between @ser 2Fuipment and a @T/.& access point. This term encompasses all the functionality reFuired to maintain such interfaces. Ra,io +in/: . Kradio lin"K is a lo ical association between sin le @ser 2Fuipment and a sin le @T/.& access point. %ts physical realisation comprises one or more radio bearer transmissions. Ra,io +in/ a,,ition: The procedure where a new radio lin" is added to the active set. Ra,io Lin/ Contro+: . sublayer of radio interface layer * providin transparent- unac"nowled ed and ac"nowled ed data transfer service. Ra,io +in/ remova+: The procedure where a radio lin" is removed from the active set. Ra,io Lin/ Set: . set of one or more /adio >in"s that has a common eneration of Transmit Power 1ontrol (TP1) commands in the ;> Ra,io Net.or/ Contro++er: This eFuipment in the /&! is in char e of controllin the use and the inte rity of the radio resources. Ra,io Net.or/ S50"#"tem A44+i*ation -art: /adio &etwor" !i nallin over the %ur. Ra,io Net.or/ S50"#"tem: 2ither a full networ" or only the access part of a @T/.& offerin the allocation and the release of specific radio resources to establish means of connection in between an @2 and the @T/.&. . /adio &etwor" !ubsystem is responsible for the resources and transmissionRreception in a set of cells. Ra,io Net.or/ Tem4orar# I,entifier: . /adio &etwor" Temporary %dentifier is a eneric term of an identifier for a @2 when an //1 connection e'ists. 3ollowin types of /&T% are definedG 1ell /&T% (17/&T%)- !ervin /&1 /&T% (!7/&T%)- @T/.& /&T% (@7/&T%) and G2/.& /&T% (G7/&T%). Ra,io Re"o5r*e Contro+: . sublayer of radio interface >ayer 3 e'istin in the control plane only which provides




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information transfer service to the non7access stratum. //1 is responsible for controllin the confi uration of radio interface >ayers 5 and *. Ra,io "#"tem: the selected *nd or 3rd eneration radio access technolo y- e @T/.& or G2/.&. Rate, O5t45t 3or 3;; 0!- rated output power is the mean power level per carrier that the manufacturer has decared to be available at the antenna connector. 3or T;; 0! rated output power is the mean power level per carrier over an active timeslot that the manufacturer has declared to be available at the antenna connector. Rea+ time: Time- typically in number of seconds- to perform the on7line mechanism used for fraud control and cost control. Re*eive, Si!na+ Co,e Given only si nal power is received- the avera e power of the received si nal after despreadin and combinin . Re*eiver Antenna Gain (,Bi): The ma'imum ain of the receiver antenna in the hori(ontal plane (specified as d0 relative to an isotropic radiator). Re*eiver Noi"e Fi!5re (,B): /eceiver noise fi ure is the noise fi ure of the receivin system referenced to the receiver input. Re*eiver Sen"itivit# (,Bm): This is the si nal level needed at the receiver input that just satisfies the reFuired 2bR (&oX%o). Re*i4ient net.or/: The networ" which receives the number in the portin process. This networ" becomes the subscription networ" when the portin process is complete. Re*or,: . strin of bytes within an 23 handled as a sin le entity. Re*or, n5m0er: The number- which identifies a record within an 23. Re*or, 4ointer: The pointer- which addresses one record in an 23. Referen*e *onfi!5ration: . combination of functional roups and reference points that shows possible networ" arran ements (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). Referen*e 4oint: . conceptual point at the conjunction of two non7overlappin functional roups (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). Re!iona++# -rovi,e, Servi*e: . service entitlement to only certain eo raphical part(s) of a P>M&- as controlled by the networ" operator. Re!i"tration: This is the process of campin on a cell of the P>M& and doin any necessary >/s. Re!i"tere, -LMN (R-LMN): This is the P>M& on which the @2 has performed a location re istration successfully. Re!i"tration Area: . (&.!) re istration area is an area in which the @2 may roam without a need to perform location re istration- which is a &.! procedure. Re+a#: Terminal devices capable of O;M. relay communications. Re+a#3See, Gate.a#: /elay or !eed that communicates with the @T/.&- in either T;; or 3;; mode. Re+a#+in/: /elaylin" is a communications lin" between two O;M. relay nodes. Re+ea"e @@: . particular version of the 3GPP !ystem standards produced by the 3GPP project. .lsoG /elease ,/elease 4- /elease 6 etc.. Re4eater: . KrepeaterK is a radio transceiver used to e'tend the transmission of a base station beyond its normal ran e. Re;5e"te, 8oS: a ?o! profile is reFuested at the be innin of a ?o! session. ?o! modification reFuests are also possible durin the lifetime of a ?o! session. Re;5ire, E03(NoAIo) (,B): The ratio between the received ener y per information bit to the total effective noise and interference power density needed to satisfy the Fuality objectives. Re"i,5a+ error rate: . parameter describin service accuracy. The freFuency of lost !;@s- and of corrupted or duplicated networ" !;@s delivered at the user7networ" interface.




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Retrieva+ "ervi*e: .n interactive service which provides the capability of accessin information stored in data base centres. The information will be sent to the user on demand only. The information is retrieved on an individual basisi.e.- the time at which an information seFuence is to start is under the control of the user (source %T@7T %.553). Roamin!: The ability for a user to function in a servin networ" different from the home networ". The servin networ" could be a shared networ" operated by two or more networ" operator. Root ,ire*tor#: Obsolete term for Master 3ile. Root Re+a#: O;M. relay node where communications ori inate or terminate. RRC Conne*tion: . point7to7point bi7directional connection between //1 peer entities on the @2 and the @T/.& sides- respectively. .n @2 has either (ero or one //1 connection.

S6U error 4ro0a0i+it#: The ratio of total incorrect service data units (!;@s) to total successfully transferred service data units plus incorrect service data units in a specified sample (sourceG %T@7T C.5,+). &OT2G the source document term Kuser information unitK has been replaced by the term Kservice data unitK.

S6U +o"" 4ro0a0i+it#: The ratio of total lost service data units (!;@s) to total transmitted service data units in a specified sample (sourceG %T@7T C.5,+). &OT2G the source document term Kuser information unitK has been replaced by the term Kservice data unitK.

S6U mi",e+iver# 4ro0a0i+it#: The ratio of total misdelivered service data units (!;@s) to total service data units transferred between a specified source and destination user in a specified sample (sourceG %T@7T C.5,+). &OT2G the source document term Kuser information unitK has been replaced by the term Kservice data unitK.

S6U tran"fer ,e+a#: The value of elapsed time between the start of transfer and successful transfer of a specified service data unit (!;@) (sourceG %T@7T C.5,+). &OT2G the source document term Kuser information unitK has been replaced by the term Kservice data unitK.

S6U tran"fer rate: The total number of successfully transferred service data units (!;@s) in a transfer sample divided by the inputRoutput time for that sample. The inputRoutput time is the lar er of the input time or the output time for the sample (sourceG %T@7T C.5,+). &OT2G the source document term Kuser information unitK has been replaced by the term Kservice data unitK.

Seam+e"" an,over: K!eamless handoverK is a handover without perceptible interruption of the radio connection. Se*tor: . KsectorK is a sub7area of a cell. .ll sectors within one cell are served by the same base station. . radio lin" within a sector can be identified by a sin le lo ical identification belon in to that sector. Se*5re, -a*/et: The information flow on top of which the level of reFuired security has been applied. .n .pplication Messa e is transformed with respect to a chosen Transport >ayer and chosen level of security into one or more !ecured Pac"ets. Se*5rit#: The ability to prevent fraud as well as the protection of information availability- inte rity and confidentiality. See,: ;eployed O;M. relay node with or without a displayR"eypad. Se+e*te, -LMN: This is the P>M& that has been selected by the non7access stratum- either manually or automatically. Servi*e: a component of the portfolio of choices offered by service providers to a user- a functionality offered to a user. Servi*e1+e"" UE: . @2 that has only the 0aseline capabilities. Servi*e A**e"" -oint: . conceptual point where a protocol layer offers access to its services to upper layer. Servi*e Area: The !ervice .rea is defined in the same way as the !ervice .rea accordin to %T@7T /ecommendation ?.5++5 I,J. %n contrast to the P>M& area it is not based on the covera e of a P>M&. %nstead it is based on the area in




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

which a fi'ed networ" user can call a mobile user without "nowin his location. The !ervice .rea can therefore chan e when the si nallin system is bein e'tended- for e'ample. Servi*e attri05te: . specified characteristic of a telecommunication service (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). &OT2G the value(s) assi ned to one or more service attributes may be used to distin uish that telecommunications service from others.

Servi*e 0it rate: The bit rate that is available to a user for the transfer of user information (sourceG %T@7T %.553). Servi*e Ca4a0i+itie": 0earers defined by parameters- andRor mechanisms needed to realise services. These are within networ"s and under networ" control. Servi*e Ca4a0i+it# Feat5re: 3unctionality offered by service capabilities that are accessible via the standardised application interface Servi*e Ca4a0i+it# Server: &etwor" functionality providin open interfaces towards the functionality offered by 3GPP !ystem service capabilities. Servi*e *ate!or# or "ervi*e *+a"": . service offered to the users described by a set of performance parameters and their specified values- limits or ran es. The set of parameters provides a comprehensive description of the service capability. Servi*e Contro+: The ability of the user- home environment or servin environment to determine what a particular service does- for a specific invocation of that service- within the limitations of that service. Servi*e 6ata Unit (S6U): %n the reference model for O!%- an amount of information whose identity is preserved when transferred between peer (&X5)7layer entities and which is not interpreted by the supportin (&)7layer entities (sourceG %T@7T C.*++ R %!O7%21 9,8:75). Servi*e ,e+a#: The time elapsed from the invocation of the service reFuest- to the correspondin service reFuest indication at the !ervice /eceiver- indicatin the arrival of application data. Servi*e Ena0+er G a capability which may be used- either by itself or in conjunction with other service enablers- to provide a service to the end user. Servi*e Exe*5tion Environment: . platform on which an application or pro ramme is authorised to perform a number of functionalitiesH e'amples of service e'ecution environments are the user eFuipment- inte rated circuit card and a networ" platform or any other server. Servi*e Feat5re: 3unctionality that a 3GPP !ystem shall offer to enable provision of services. !ervices- are made up of different service features. Servi*e Im4+ementation Ca4a0i+itie": !et of implementation capabilities- in each technical domain- reFuired to enable a @2 to support a set of @2 !ervice 1apabilities. Servi*e mo,e+: . eneral characterisation of services based upon a ?o! paradi m- without specifyin the actual performance tar ets. Servi*e -rovi,er: . !ervice Provider is either a networ" operator or an other entity that provides services to a subscriber (e. . a MA&O) Servi*e re*eiver: The entity which receives the service reFuest indication primitive- containin the !;@. Servi*e re+ation" i4: The association between two or more entities en a ed in the provision of services. Servi*e re;5e"t: This is defined as bein one invocation of the service throu h a service reFuest primitive. Servi*e re;5e"ter: The entity which reFuests the initiation of a GP/! operation- throu h a service reFuest. Servi*e S4e*ifi* Entitie": 2ntities dedicated to the provisionin of a iven (set of) service(s). The fact that they are implemented or not in a iven P>M& should have limited impact on all the other entities of the P>M&. Servi*e "50"*ri0er: 2ntity which subscribes to the General Pac"et /adio !ervice (GP/!) service. Servi*e" (of a mo0i+e *e++5+ar "#"tem): The set of unctions that the mobile cellular system can ma"e available to the user. Servin! BSS: . role a 0!! can ta"e with respect to a specific connection between an M! and G2/.&. There is one




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

!ervin 0!! for each M! that has a connection to G2/.&. The !ervin 0!! is in char e of the //1 connection between an M! and the G2/.&. The !ervin 0!! terminates the %u for this connection. Servin! Net.or/: The servin networ" provides the user with access to the services of home environment. Servin! RNS: . role an /&! can ta"e with respect to a specific connection between an @2 and @T/.&. There is one !ervin /&! for each @2 that has a connection to @T/.&. The !ervin /&! is in char e of the //1 connection between a @2 and the @T/.&. The !ervin /&! terminates the %u for this connection. Sett+ement: Payment of amounts resultin from the accountin process. S are, C anne+: . radio resource (transport channel or physical channel) that can be shared dynamically between several @2s. S are, Net.or/: Bhen two or more networ" operator sharin networ" elements. S ort Fi+e I,entifier (SFI): . 47bit abbreviated name for a file in a directory on the @%11. S ort time: Time- typically in number of minutes- to perform the off7line mechanism used for accountin . Si!na++in!: The e'chan e of information specifically concerned with the establishment and control of connectionsand with mana ement- in a telecommunications networ" (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). Si!na++in! *onne*tion: .n ac"nowled ed7mode lin" between the user eFuipment and the core networ" to transfer hi her layer information between the entities in the non7access stratum $ Si!na++in! +in/: Provides an ac"nowled ed7mode lin" layer to transfer the @27@T/.& si nallin messa es as well as @2 7 1ore &etwor" si nallin messa es (usin the si nallin connection. SIM a44+i*ation too+/it 4ro*e,5re": The portion of the communication protocol between the M2 and the @%11 that enables applications on the @%11 to send commands to the M2. SIM *o,e: 1ode which when combined with the networ" and &! codes refers to a uniFue !%M. The code is provided by the di its : to 54 of the %M!% (U)SIM *o,e !ro54: 1ombination of the (@)!%M code and the associated networ" subset and networ" codes (it is eFuivalent to the %M!%). (U)SIM 4er"ona+i"ation: 2nables a user to personalise a M2 so that it may only be used with particular (@)!%M(s). Sim5+taneo5" 5"e of "ervi*e": The concurrent use of a circuit7mode service (voice or data) and pac"et7mode services (GP/!) by a sin le mobile station. Soft <an,over: !oft handover is a cate ory of handover procedures where the radio lin"s are added and abandoned in such manner that the @2 always "eeps at least one radio lin" to the @T/.&. S- *o,e: code which when combined with the networ" code refers to a uniFue !P. The code is provided in the G%;5 file on the !%M (see .nne' ..5.) and is correspondin ly stored on the M2. S- *o,e !ro54: 1ombination of the !P code and the associated networ" code. S- 4er"ona+i"ation: .llows the service provider to personalise a M2 so that it can only be used with that particular service provider#s (@)!%Ms. S4ee,: . performance criterion that describes the time interval reFuired to perform a function or the rate at which the function is performed. (The function may or may not be performed with the desired accuracy.) (sourceG %T@7T %.34+). SRNC Ra,io Net.or/ Tem4orar# I,entifier (S1RNTI): !7/&T% is @2 identifier which is allocated by the !ervin /&1 and uniFue within this !/&1. %t is allocated for all @2s havin a //1 connection. !7/&T% is reallocated always when the !ervin /&1 for the //1 connection is chan ed and deallocated when the //1 connection is released. SRNS Re+o*ation: The chan e of %u instance and transfer of the !/&! role to another /&!. Strat5m: Groupin of protocols related to one aspect of the services provided by one or several domains. S50 Net.or/ Mana!ement F5n*tion": !et of functions that are related to a networ" model for a set of networ" elements constitutin a clearly defined sub7networ"- which may include relations between the networ" elements. This model enables additional functions on the sub7networ" level (typically in the areas of networ" topolo y presentation-




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alarm correlation- service impact analysis and circuit provisionin ). S50"*ri0e, 8oS: The networ" will not rant a ?o! reater than the subscribed. The ?o! profile subscription parameters are held in the <>/. .n end user may have several ?o! subscriptions. 3or security and the prevention of dama e to the networ"- the end user cannot directly modify the ?o! subscription profile data.

S50"*ri0er: . !ubscriber is an entity (associated with one or more users) that is en a ed in a !ubscription with a service provider. The subscriber is allowed to subscribe and unsubscribe services- to re ister a user or a list of users authorised to enjoy these services- and also to set the limits relative to the use that associated users ma"e of these services.
S50"*ri4tion: . subscription describes the commercial relationship between the subscriber and the service provider. S50"*ri4tion Mana!ement (S5M): set of capabilities that allow Operators- !ervice Providers- and indirectly subscribers- to provision- control- monitor the !ubscription Profile. S5ita0+e Ce++: This is a cell on which an @2 may camp. %t must satisfy certain conditions. S544+ementar# "ervi*e: . service which modifies or supplements a basic telecommunication service. 1onseFuentlyit cannot be offered to a user as a standalone service. %t must be offered to ether with or in association with a basic telecommunication service. The same supplementary service may be common to a number of basic telecommunication services. S#"tem Area: The !ystem .rea is defined as the roup of P>M& areas accessible by M!s. %nterwor"in of several P>M&s and interwor"in between P>M&s and fi'ed networ"(s) permit public land mobile communication services at international level.

Te+ea*tion "ervi*e: . type of telecommunication service that uses short messa es- reFuirin a low transmission ratebetween the user and the networ" (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). Te+e*omm5ni*ation "ervi*e: Bhat is offered by a P>M& operator or service provider to its customers in order to satisfy a specific telecommunication reFuirement. (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). Telecommunication services are divided into two broad familiesG bearer services and teleservices (sourceG %T@7T %.*5+). Te+e"ervi*e: %s a type of telecommunication service that provides the complete capability- includin terminal eFuipment functions- for communication between users accordin to standardised protocols and transmission capabilities established by a reement between operators. Termina+: . device into which a @%11 can be inserted and which is capable of providin access to 3GPP !ystem services to users- either alone or in conjunction with a @%11. Termina+ e;5i4ment: 2Fuipment that provides the functions necessary for the operation of the access protocols by the user. . functional roup on the user side of a user7networ" interface (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). Te"t environment: . Ktest environmentK is the combination of a test propa ation environment and a deployment scenario- which to ether describe the parameters necessary to perform a detailed analysis of a radio transmission technolo y. Text *onver"ation: /eal time transfer of te't between users in at least two locations. Text Te+e4 on#: .n audiovisual conversation service providin bi7directional real time transfer of te't and optionally audio between users in two locations. .udio may be transmitted alternatin with te't or simultaneously with te't. (!ource %T@7T 3.9+3) T ro5! 45t: . parameter describin service speed. The number of data bits successfully transferred in one direction between specified reference points per unit time (sourceG %T@7T %.553). Too+/it a44+et: .n application on the @%11 that enerates proactive commands to the M2. Tota+ Conver"ationG .n audiovisual conversation service providin bi7directional symmetric real7time transfer of motion video- te't and voice between users in two or more locations. (source %T@7T 3.9+3) Tota+ ,#nami* ran!e: The difference between the ma'imum and the minimum total transmit output power for a specified reference condition (T!*4.5+,).




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

Traffi* * anne+: . Ktraffic channelK is a lo ical channel which carries user information. Tran"it ,e+a#: . parameter describin service speed. The time difference between the instant at which the first bit of a protocol data unit (P;@) crosses one desi nated boundary (reference point)- and the instant at which the last bit of the P;@ crosses a second desi nated boundary (sourceG %T@7T %.553). Tran"mi""ion Time Interva+: Transmission Time %nterval is defined as the inter7arrival time of Transport 0loc" !etsi.e. the time it shall ta"e to transmit a Transport 0loc" !et. Tran"mitter Antenna Gain (,Bi): The ma'imum ain of the transmitter antenna in the hori(ontal plane (specified as d0 relative to an isotropic radiator. Tran"4ort B+o*/: Transport 0loc" is defined as the basic data unit e'chan ed between >5 and M.1. .n eFuivalent term for Transport 0loc" is LM.1 P;@M. Tran"4ort B+o*/ Set: Transport 0loc" !et is defined as a set of Transport 0loc"s that is e'chan ed between >5 and M.1 at the same time instance usin the same transport channel. .n eFuivalent term for Transport 0loc" !et is LM.1 P;@ !etM. Tran"4ort B+o*/ Set SiBe: Transport 0loc" !et !i(e is defined as the number of bits in a Transport 0loc" !et. Tran"4ort B+o*/ SiBe: Transport 0loc" !i(e is defined as the si(e (number of bits) of a Transport 0loc". Tran"4ort * anne+: The channels offered by the physical layer to >ayer * for data transport between peer >5 entities are denoted as Transport 1hannels. ;ifferent types of transport channels are defined by how and with which characteristics data is transferred on the physical layer- e. . whether usin dedicated or common physical channels. Tran"4ort Format: . Transport 3ormat is defined as a format offered by >5 to M.1 for the delivery of a Transport 0loc" !et durin a Transmission Time %nterval on a Transport 1hannel. The Transport 3ormat constitutes of two parts N one dynamic part and one semi7static part. Tran"4ort Format Com0ination: . Transport 3ormat 1ombination is defined as the combination of currently valid Transport 3ormats on all Transport 1hannels of an @2- i.e. containin one Transport 3ormat from each Transport 1hannel. Tran"4ort Format Com0ination Set: . Transport 3ormat 1ombination !et is defined as a set of Transport 3ormat 1ombinations to be used by an @2. Tran"4ort Format Com0ination In,i*ator (TFCI): . Transport 3ormat 1ombination %ndicator is a representation of the current Transport 3ormat 1ombination. Tran"4ort Format I,entifi*ation (TFI in UTRAN9 TFIN in GERAN): . label for a specific Transport 3ormat within a Transport 3ormat !et. Tran"4ort Format Set: . set of Transport 3ormats. 3or e'ample- a variable rate ;1< has a Transport 3ormat !et (one Transport 3ormat for each rate)- whereas a fi'ed rate ;1< has a sin le Transport 3ormat.

UE Servi*e Ca4a0i+itie": 1apabilities that can be used either sin ly or in combination to deliver services to the user. The characteristic of @2 !ervice 1apabilities is that their lo ical function can be defined in a way that is independent of the implementation of the 3GPP !ystem (althou h all @2 !ervice 1apabilities are of course constrained by the implementation of the 3GPP !ystem). 2'amplesG a data bearer of 5,, "bpsH a hi h Fuality speech teleserviceH an %P teleserviceH a capability to forward a speech call. UICC: a physically secure device- an %1 card (or #smart card#)- that can be inserted and removed from the terminal eFuipment. %t may contain one or more applications. One of the applications may be a @!%M. Univer"a+ S50"*ri0er I,entit# Mo,5+e (USIM): .n application residin on the @%11 used for accessin services provided by mobile networ"s- which the application is able to re ister on with the appropriate security. Univer"a+ Terre"tria+ Ra,io A**e"" Net.or/ (UTRAN): @T/.& is a conceptual term identifyin that part of the networ" which consists of /&1s and &ode 0s between %u and @u interfaces. U"a!e -arameter Contro+ (U-C): !et of actions ta"en by the networ" to monitor and control the offered traffic and the validity of the connection with respect to the traffic contract ne otiated between the user and the networ".




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

U4+in/: .n Kuplin"K is a unidirectional radio lin" for the transmission of si nals from a @2 to a base station- from a Mobile !tation to a mobile base station or from a mobile base station to a base station. URA 54,atin!: @/. updatin is a family of procedures that updates the @T/.& re istration area of a @2 when a //1 connection e'ists and the position of the @2 is "nown on @/. level in the @T/.&. U"er: .n entity- not part of the 3GPP !ystem - which uses 3GPP !ystem services. 2'ampleG a person usin a 3GPP !ystem mobile station as a portable telephone. U"er1net.or/ interfa*e: The interface between the terminal eFuipment and a networ" termination at which interface the access protocols apply (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). U"er15"er 4roto*o+: . protocol that is adopted between two or more users in order to ensure communication between them (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). U"er a**e"" or 5"er net.or/ a**e"": The means by which a user is connected to a telecommunication networ" in order to use the services andRor facilities of that networ" (sourceG %T@7T %.55*). U"er E;5i4ment: . device allowin a user access to networ" services. 3or the purpose of 3GPP specifications the interface between the @2 and the networ" is the radio interface. . @ser 2Fuipment can be subdivided into a number of domains- the domains bein separated by reference points. 1urrently defined domains are the @!%M and M2 ;omains. The M2 ;omain can further be subdivided into several components showin the connectivity between multiple functional roups. These roups can be implemented in one or more hardware devices. .n e'ample of such a connectivity is the T2 N MT interface. 3urther- an occurrence of a @ser 2Fuipment is an M! for G!M as defined in G!M T! +,.+*. U"er Interfa*e -rofi+e: 1ontains information to present the personalised user interface within the capabilities of the terminal and servin networ". U"er Servi*e" -rofi+e: 1ontains identification of subscriber services- their status and reference to service preferences. UTRA Ra,io a**e"" mo,e: the selected @T/. radio access mode ie @T/.73;;H@T/.7T;;. UTRA1NT66: Time ;ivision ;uple' @T/. access mode 5.*: Mcps option UTRA1T66: Time ;ivision ;uple' @T/. /adio access mode (%ncludes @T/.7&T;; and @T/.7BT;;) UTRA12T66G Time ;ivision ;uple' @T/. access mode 3.:, Mcps option UTRAN a**e"" 4oint: . conceptual point within the @T/.& performin radio transmission and reception. . @T/.& access point is associated with one specific cell- i.e. there e'ists one @T/.& access point for each cell. %t is the @T/.&7side end point of a radio lin". UTRAN Re!i"tration Area: The @T/.& /e istration .rea is an area covered by a number of cells. The @/. is only internally "nown in the @T/.&. UTRAN Ra,io Net.or/ Tem4orar# I,entifier: The @7/&T% is a uniFue @2 identifier that consists of two parts- an !/&1 identifier and a 17/&T%. @7/&T% is allocated to an @2 havin a //1 connection. %t identifies the @2 within @T/.& and is used as an @2 identifier in cell update- @/. update- //1 connection reestablishment and (@T/.& ori inated) pa in messa es and associated responses on the radio interface. U"er -rofi+e: %s the set of information necessary to provide a user with a consistent- personalised service environmentirrespective of the userTs location or the terminal used (within the limitations of the terminal and the servin networ"). U5: The /adio interface between @T/.& and the @ser 2Fuipment.

)a+5e A,,e, Servi*e -rovi,er: Provides services other than basic telecommunications service for which additional char es may be incurred. )aria0+e 0it rate "ervi*e: . type of telecommunication service characterised by a service bit rate specified by statistically e'pressed parameters which allow the bit rate to vary within defined limits (sourceG %T@7T %.553). )irt5a+ <ome Environment: . concept for personal service environment portability across networ" boundaries and between terminals.




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

)irt5a+ Ma* ine: . software pro ram that simulates a hypothetical computer central processin unit. The pro rams e'ecuted by a virtual machine are represented as byte codes- which are primitive operations for this hypothetical computer. )i"ite, -LMN of ome *o5ntr#: This is a P>M&- different from the home P>M&- where the M11 part of the P>M& identity is the same as the M11 of the %M!%.

2T66G Bide T;; N the 3.:, Mcps chip rate @T/.7T;; option. 2LAN UE: 2LAN U"er E;5i4ment: N a @2 (eFuipped with @%11 card includin (@)!%M) utili(ed by a subscriber capable of accessin a B>.& networ". . B>.& @2 may include entities whose confi uration- operation and software environment are not under the e'clusive control of the 3GPP system operator- such as a laptop computer or P;. with a B>.& card- @%11 card reader and suitable software applications.




*G 3G 3GPP :7P!$

(bbr!B%a %o)#
*nd Generation 3rd Generation Third Generation Partnership Project :7state Phase !hift $eyin

.7!GB .3 .3: .4R5 .4R* .4RC .: ..> ..>* ..>4 .0 .1 .ccess !i nallin Gateway .uthentication al orithm .3 . sin le al orithm performin the functions of .3 and .: 2ncryption al orithm .4R5 2ncryption al orithm .4R* 2ncryption al orithm .4R+79 1ipherin "ey eneratin al orithm .: .TM .daptation >ayer .TM .daptation >ayer type * .TM .daptation >ayer type 4 .ccess 0urst .ccess 1lass (1+ to 154) .ccess 1ondition




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

.11 .12>P .11< .1%/ .1$ .1> .1>/ .1M .1Mma' .1! .1@ .;1 .;1< .;3 .;M .;& .;P1M .2 .21 .23 .2!. .31 .G1< .i .% .%1< .%; .%@/ .$ .$. .$% .>1.P .>!% .>B .M .M3 .M/ .M/7B0 .& .&P .o1 .o11 .o1% .P .P;@ .P% .P& ./31& ./P ./? .// .! .!1 .!1% .!2 .!&.5 .T command .TM .T/ .TT (fla )

.pplication 1onte't .uthentication 1entre .utomatic 1on estion 1ontrol .l ebraic 1ode 2'cited >inear Prediction .ssociated 1ontrol 1hannel .djacent 1hannel %nterference /atio .c"nowled ement .P& 1ontrol >ist .djacent 1hannel >ea"a e Power /atio .ccumulated 1all Meter .ddress 1omplete Messa e .1M (.ccumulated 1all Meter) ma'imal value .djacent 1hannel !electivity .ntenna 1ombinin @nit .dministration 1entre .nalo ue to ;i ital 1onverter .ssociated ;edicated 1<annel .pplication ;edicated 3ile .ccess condition to an 23 which is under the control of the authority which creates this file .bbreviated ;iallin &umbers .daptive ;ifferential Pulse 1ode Modulation .pplication 2ntity .coustic 2cho 1ontrol .dditional 2lementary 3unctions .TM 2nd !ystem .ddress .utomatic 3reFuency 1ontrol .ccess Grant 1<annel .ction indicator .cFuisition %ndicator .cFuisition %ndicator 1hannel .pplication %;entifier .ir %nterface @ser /ate .nonymity $ey .uthentication and $ey . reement .symmetric $ey %nde' .ccess >in" 1ontrol .pplication Protocol .pplication >evel !ubscriber %dentity .>Bays .c"nowled ed Mode .uthentication Mana ement 3ield .daptive Multi /ate .daptive Multi /ate Bide 0and .ccess &etwor" .ccess &etwor" Provider .dvice of 1har e .dvice of 1har e 1har in .dvice of 1har e %nformation .ccess preamble .pplication Protocol ;ata @nit .pplication Pro rammin %nterface .ccess Point &ame .bsolute /adio 3reFuency 1hannel &umber .ddress /esolution Protocol .utomatic /epeat /e?uest .ccess /ule /eference .ccess !tratum .ccess !ervice 1lass .dvanced !peech 1all %tems .pplication !ervice 2lement .bstract !ynta' &otation One .Ttention 1ommand .synchronous Transfer Mode .nswer To /eset .ttach




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

.@ .u1 .@T(<) .@T& .BG&

.ccess @nit .uthentication 1entre .uthentication .uthentication to"en .dditive Bhite Gaussian &oise

07%!;& 0. 0.%1 0.O1 011 011< 01; 013 0132 01< 01%2 0;& 02/ 03% 0G 0GT 0% 0%1 0%17/oam 0%; 0>2/ 0m 0M1 0& 0O 0O1 0O%1 0O%17e'<1 0P!$ 0! 0!G 0!1 0!%1 0!%17&12>> 0!! 0!!.P 0!!GP 0!!M.P 0!!OM.P 0T3; 0T! 0A1 0A1% 0BT 0roadband %!;& 011< .llocation 0arrin of .ll %ncomin 1alls 0arrin of .ll Out oin 1alls 0ase Transceiver !tation (0T!) 1olour 1ode 0roadcast 1ontrol 1hannel 0inary 1oded ;ecimal 0ase station 1ontrol 3unction 0roadcast 1ontrol 3unctional 2ntity 0roadcast 1hannel 0earer 1apability %nformation 2lement 0arred ;iallin &umber 0it 2rror /atio 0asic 2ncodin /ules (of .!&.5) 0ad 3rame %ndication 0order Gateway 0loc" Guard Time all 0arrin of %ncomin call 0aseline %mplementation 1apabilities 0arrin of %ncomin 1alls when /oamin outside the home P>M& country 0indin %dentity 0loc" 2rror /atio 3ull7rate traffic channel 0roadcastRMulticast 1ontrol 0it &umber all 0arrin of Out oin call 0ell Operatin 1ompany 0arrin of Out oin %nternational 1alls 0arrin of Out oin %nternational 1alls e'cept those directed to the <ome P>M& 1ountry 0inary Phase !hift $eyin 0ase !tation 0asic !ervice ( roup) 0earer !ervice 0asic !ervice Group 0ase !tation 1ontroller 0ase transceiver !tation %dentity 1ode 0!%1 of an adjacent cell 0ase !tation !ubsystem 0ase !tation !ubsystem .pplication Part 0ase !tation !ubsystem GP/! Protocol 0ase !tation !ubsystem Mana ement .pplication Part 0ase !tation !ubsystem Operation and Maintenance .pplication Part 0lind Transport 3ormat ;etection 0ase Transceiver !tation 0!! GP/! Protocol Airtual 1onnection 0!! GP/! Protocol Airtual 1onnection %dentifier 0loc" Baitin Time

1 17 17.P;@ 17/&T% 17TP;@ 1onditional 1ontrol7 1ommand .P;@ 1ell /adio &etwor" Temporary %dentity 1ommand TP;@




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

1. 1.. 1.; 1.% 1.M2> 1.P 10 101 101< 10M% 10/ 10! 11 11RPP 110! 111< 113 11< 11% 11%TT 11$ 11M 11P 11P1< 1ct 11Tr1< 1; 1;. 1;1< 1;M. 1;/ 1;@/ 12; 12%/ 12&; 12PT 13 130 13& 13&/c 13&/y 13@ 1G% 1<.P 1<P 1<A 1% 1%M 1%/ 1$ 1$!& 1>. 1>%

1apacity .llocation 1ell .llocation 1ertification .uthority 1apacity .llocation .c"nowled ement 1ard .cceptance ;evice 1har e .dvice %nformation 1ustomised .pplication for Mobile networ" 2nhanced >o ic 1.M2> .pplication Part 1ell 0roadcast 1ell 0roadcast 1entre 1ipher 0loc" 1hainin 1ell 0roadcast 1<annel 1ell 0roadcast Messa e %dentifier 1onstant 0it /ate 1ell 0roadcast !ervice 1all 1ontrol 1ountry 1ode 1rypto raphic 1hec"sum 1omposite 1apabilityRPreference Profiles 1ompletion of 1alls to 0usy !ubscriber 1ommon 1ontrol 1hannel 1all 1ontrol 3unction 1ontrol 1hannel 1apability R 1onfi uration %dentifier 1omit\ 1onsultatif %nternational T\l\ raphiFue et T\l\phoniFue (The %nternational Tele raph and Telephone 1onsultative 1ommittee) 1orporate 1ontrol $ey 1ertificate 1onfi uration Messa e 1urrent 1all Meter 1apabilityR1onfi uration Parameter 1ommon 1ontrol Physical 1hannel 1ircuit 1oded 1omposite Transport 1hannel 1apacity ;eallocation 1ollision ;etection 1apacity ;eallocation .c"nowled ement 1ontrol7plane ;edicated 1<annel 1ode ;ivision Multiple .ccess 1har in ;ata /ecord 1har eable ;@/ation called station identifier 1entral 2Fuipment %dentity /e ister end of char e point 1onf\rence des administrations 2urop\ennes des Postes et Telecommunications 1onversion 3acility all 1all 3orwardin services 1all 3orwardin on mobile subscriber 0usy 1onnection 3rame &umber 1all 3orwardin on mobile subscriber &ot /eachable 1all 3orwardin on &o /eply 1all 3orwardin @nconditional 1ommon Gateway %nterface 1ell Global %dentifier 1hallen e <andsha"e .uthentication Protocol 1<ar in Point 1ard <older Aerification information 1ell %dentity 1@G inde' 1ommon %nformation Model 1arrier to %nterference /atio 1ipher $ey 1ipherin $ey !eFuence &umber 1>.ss 1allin >ine %dentity




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

1>%P 1>%/ 1>$ 1M 1M; 1M%P 1M%!2 1MM 1& 1&.P 1&G 1&> 1&T/ 1>&P 1>&! 1O>% 1O>P 1O>/ 1OM 1O&&.1$ 1O&! 1O/0. 1P7.dmin 1P7TP 1P011< 1P%1< 1P1< 1P1! 1P! 1P@ 1R/ 1/1 1/2 1/&1 1!7GB 1! 1!13 1!; 1!2 1!P;& 1T 1T1< 1T;M. 1T31 1TM 1T/ 1T! 1@G 1B 1B% 1BT

1allin >ine %dentification Presentation 1allin >ine %dentification /estriction 1loc" 1onnection Mana ement 1ommand 1ommon Mana ement %nformation Protocol 1ommon Mana ement %nformation !ervice 1hannel Mode Modify 1ore &etwor" 1omfort &oise 1allin &ame Presentation 1allin Tone 1o7operative &etwor" >ist 1ounter 1onnectionless networ" protocol 1onnectionless networ" service 1Onnected >ine %dentity 1Onnected >ine identification Presentation 1Onnected >ine identification /estriction 1OMplete 1onnect .c"nowled ement 1onnection7oriented networ" service 1ommon Object /eFuest 0ro"er .rchitecture 1ertificate Present (in the M2'2 !%M)7.dministrator 1ertificate Present (in the M2'2 !%M)7Third Party 1OMP.1T Pac"et 011< 1ommon Pilot 1hannel 1ommon Pac"et 1hannel 1ommon Part 1onver ence !ublayer 1ommon Part !ublayer 1entral Processin @nit 1ommandR/esponse field bit 1yclic /edundancy 1hec" 1all /ee7establishment procedure 1ontrollin /adio &etwor" 1ontroller 1ircuit !witched Gateway 1ircuit !witched 1odin !cheme 1all !erver 1ontrol 3unction 1ircuit !witched ;ata 1amel !ervice 2nvironment 1ircuit !witched Public ;ata &etwor" 1all Transfer supplementary service 1hannel Tester 1hannel Type 1ommon Traffic 1hannel 1ode Time ;ivision Multiple .ccess 1alculated Transport 3ormat 1ombination 1ellular Te't telephone Modem 1ommon Technical /e ulation 1ordless Telephony !ystem 1losed @ser Group 1all Baitin 1ontinuous Bave (unmodulated si nal) 1haracter Baitin %nte er 1haracter Baitin Time

;.1 ;.; ;.M ;0 ;i ital to .nalo 1onverter ;estination .;ress ;21T .uthentication Module ;ummy 0urst




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

;1 ;1. ;11< ;12 ;13 ;1< ;1$ ;1& ;1! ;1!5:++ ;;% ;21T ;2T ;2! ;3 ;<1P ;<O diff7serv ;%!1 ;> ;>1% ;>; ;m ;M/ ;MT3 ;& ;&%1 ;&! ;O ;P ;P11< ;P1< ;P;1< ;/.1 ;/&1 ;/&! ;/C ;!71;M. ;!1< ;!2 ;!% ;!!5 ;T.P ;T1< ;T2 ;TM3 ;TC

;edicated 1ontrol (!.P) ;ynamic 1hannel .llocation ;edicated 1ontrol 1hannel ;ata 1ircuit terminatin 2Fuipment ;ata 1ommunication 3unction ;edicated 1hannel ;epersonalisation 1ontrol $ey ;ata 1ommunication &etwor" ;ata 1odin !cheme ;i ital 1ellular &etwor" at 5:++M<( ;irect ;ial %n ;i ital 2nhanced 1ordless Telecommunications ;etach ;ata 2ncryption !tandard ;edicated 3ile ;ynamic <ost 1onfi uration Protocol ;iversity <andover ;ifferentiated services ;isconnect ;ata >ayer ;ownlin" (3orward >in") ;ata >in" 1onnection %dentifier ;ata >in" ;iscriminator 1ontrol channel (%!;& terminolo y applied to mobile service) ;i ital Mobile /adio ;istributed Mana ement Tas" 3orce ;estination &etwor" ;ata &etwor" %dentifier ;irectory &ame !ervice ;ata Object ;ialR;ialled Pulse ;edicated Physical 1ontrol 1hannel ;edicated Physical 1hannel ;edicated Physical ;ata 1hannel ;ynamic /esource .llocation 1ontrol ;rift /adio &etwor" 1ontroller ;rift /&! ;iscontinuous /eception ;irect7!eFuence 1ode ;ivision Multiple .ccess ;ownlin" !hared 1hannel ;ata !witchin 2'chan e ;i ital !peech %nterpolation ;i ital !ubscriber !i nallin &o5 ;irect Transfer .pplication Part ;edicated Traffic 1hannel ;ata Terminal 2Fuipment ;ual Tone Multiple 3reFuency ;iscontinuous Transmission

27GG!& 27<>/ 2. 20!G 210 211 21M 2cR&o 21!; 21T 21T/. 2nhanced GG!& 2nhanced <>/ 2'ternal .larms 2lementary 0asic !ervice Group 2lectronic 1ode7boo" 2mer ency 1all 1ode 2lliptic 1urve 1rypto raphy 2rror 1orrection Mode (facsimile) /atio of ener y per modulatin bit to the noise spectral density 2nhanced 1!; 2'plicit 1all Transfer supplementary service 2uropean 1ommittee of Telecommunications /e ulatory .ffairs




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

2;1 2;G2 22> 23 23/ 23! 2GP/! 2%/ 2%/P 2> 23 2M 2M1 eM>PP 2MM% 2P1 2P11< 2P/OM 2/P 2// 2T&! 2T/ 2T! 2T!% etu

2rror ;etection 1ode byte 2nhanced ;ata rates for G!M 2volution 2lectric 2cho >oss 2lementary 3ile (on the @%11) 2nhanced 3ull /ate 2rror free seconds 2nhanced GP/! 2Fuipment %dentity 1entre 2Fuipment %dentity /e ister 2Fuivalent %sotropic /adiated Power 2cho >oss 2lementary 3ile 2lement Mana er 2lectroMa netic 1ompatibility enhanced Multi7>evel Precedence and Pre7emption 2lectrical Man Machine %nterface 2nhanced Power 1ontrol 2nhanced Power 1ontrol 1hannel 2rasable Pro rammable /ead Only Memory 2ar /eference Point 2Fuivalent /adiated Power 2rror 2uropean Telecommunications &umberin !pace 2T!% Technical /eport 2uropean Telecommunication !tandard 2uropean Telecommunications !tandards %nstitute elementary time unit

3. 3.1 3.11< 3.11<R3 3.11<R< 3.1< 3.@!1< 3.C 30 30% 311< 31% 31P 31! 3;; 3;M 3;M. 3;& 3;/ 321 32/ 33! 3< 3>O 3M 3& 3&@/ 3P 3P>M& 3/ 3T.M ftn 3ull .llocation 3a' .daptor 3inal .ssembly 1ode 3ast .ssociated 1ontrol 1<annel 3ast .ssociated 1ontrol 1hannelR3ull rate 3ast .ssociated 1ontrol 1hannelR<alf rate 3orward .ccess 1hannel 3ast @plin" !i nallin 1hannel 3acsimile 3reFuency correction 0urst 3eedbac" %nformation 3reFuency 1orrection 1<annel 3ile 1ontrol %nformation 3ile 1ontrol Parameter 3rame 1hec" !eFuence 3reFuency ;ivision ;uple' 3reFuency ;ivision Multiple' 3reFuency ;ivision Multiple .ccess 3i'ed ;iallin &umber 3alse transmit format ;etection /atio 3orward 2rror 1orrection 3rame 2rasure /ate- 3rame 2rror /ate 3or 3urther !tudy 3reFuency <oppin 3le'ible >ayer One 3ault Mana ement 3rame &umber 3i'ed &etwor" @ser /ate 3rame Protocol 3orbidden P>M& 3ull /ate 3ile Transfer .ccess and Mana ement forwarded7to number




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

G7/&T% G1 G1/ G2/.& GG!& G%;5 G%;* GM>1 GMM GM!1 GM!$ GP GP. GP/! G/. G!. G!%M G!M G!& GT GTP GTP7@ GTT G@P G2/.& /adio &etwor" Temporary %dentity General 1ontrol (!.P) Group 1all /e ister G!M 2;G2 /adio .ccess &etwor" Gateway GP/! !upport &ode Group %dentifier (level 5) Group %dentifier (level *) Gateway Mobile >ocation 1entre GP/! Mobility Mana ement Gateway M!1 Gaussian Minimum !hift $eyin Guard Period G!M P>M& .rea General Pac"et /adio !ervice G2/.& /e istration .rea G!M !ystem .rea G!M !ervice %dentity Module Global !ystem for Mobile communications GP/! !upport &odes Global Title GP/! Tunnelin Protocol GP/! Tunnellin Protocol for @ser Plane Global Te't Telephony 3GPP Generic @ser Profile

<71!13 <.&;O <1! <;>1 <2 <27A.!P <3 <3& <<O <>1 <>/ <& <O <O>; <P>M& <P! <P@ </ <// <!1!; <!& <!! <TTP <TTP! <@ <ome 1!13 <andover <ierarchical 1ell !tructure <i h >evel ;ata >in" 1ontrol <ome 2nvironment <ome 2nvironment Aalue .dded !ervice Provider <uman 3actors <yper3rame &umber <ard <andover <i h >ayer 1ompatibility <ome >ocation /e ister <ome &etwor" <andover 1all hold <ome Public >and Mobile &etwor" <andover Path !witchin <and Portable @nit <alf /ate <andover /esource /eservation <i h !peed 1ircuit !witched ;ata <oppin !eFuence &umber <ome !ubscriber !erver <yper Te't Transfer Protocol <yper Te't Transfer Protocol !ecure (https is httpR5.5 over !!>- i.e. port ,,3) <ome @nits

%70loc" %72T! %RO % %. %.M %nformation 0loc" %nterim 2uropean Telecommunications !tandard %nputROutput %nformation frames (/>P) %ncomin .ccess (closed user roup !!) %nitial .ddress Messa e



3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

%1 %1(pref) %10 %11 %11%; %1GB %1% %1M %1MP %1T %; %;> %;& %;&&! %2 %21 %2; %2% %2%;> %2T3 %3 %3; %3! %3!1 %3!; %<O!! %%OP %$ %M %M. %M2% %MG% %MP% %MP@ %M! %M!% %MT7*+++ %M@& %& %&.P %&3 %P %P71.& %P7M %Pv, %Pv6 %/ %/P %!1 %!1P %!;& %!%M %!O %!P %!@P %T1 %T@ %@% %@T %B3 %7B>.&

%nte rated 1ircuit %nterloc" 1ode (1@G !!) %nterloc" 1ode of the preferential 1@G %ncomin 1alls 0arred (within the 1@G) %nte rated 1ircuit 1ard %nte rated 1ircuit 1ard %;entification %ncomin 1all Gateway %ncomin 1all %nformation %n71all Modification %nternet 1ontrol Messa e Protocol %ncomin 1all Timer %dentifier %nterface ;efinition >an ua e %nte rated ;i ital &etwor" %ntra ;omain &.! &ode !elector %nformation 2lement %nternational 2lectrotechnical 1ommission %nformation 2lement ;ata %nformation 2lement %dentifier %nformation 2lement %dentifier ;ata >en th %nternet 2n ineerin Tas" 3orce %nfrastructure %nterface ;evice %nformation 3ield !i(es %nformation 3ield !i(e for the @%11 %nformation 3ield !i(e for the Terminal %nternet <osted Octet !tream !ervice %nternet %nter7O/0 Protocol %nte rity "ey %ntermodulation %P Multimedia %nverse Multiple'in on .TM %nternational Mobile 2Fuipment %dentity %nternational mobile roup identity %P Multimedia Private %dentity %P Multimedia P@blic identity %P Multimedia !ubsystem %nternational Mobile !ubscriber %dentity %nternational Mobile Telecommunications *+++ %nternational Mobile @ser &umber %ntelli ent &etwor" %nterro atin &ode %ntelli ent &etwor" .pplication Part %&3ormation field %nternet Protocol %P71onnectivity .ccess &etwor" %P Multicast %nternet Protocol Aersion , %nternet Protocol Aersion 6 %nfrared %nte ration /eference Point %nternational !witchin 1entre %nterference !i nal 1ode Power %nte rated !ervices ;i ital &etwor" %M !ervices %dentity Module %nternational Or anisation for !tandardisation %nternet !ervice Provider %!;& @ser Part %nformation Transfer 1apability %nternational Telecommunication @nion %nternational @!%M %dentifier %mplementation @nder Test %nterBor"in 3unction %nterwor"in B>.&




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

%BM!1 %B@

%nterBor"in M!1 %nter Bor"in @nit

=./ file =1/2 =; =&;% =P =P2G =T.P% =AM =ava .rchive 3ile =ava 1ard] /un Time 2nvironment =oint ;etection =ava &amin ;irectory %nterface =oint Predistortion =oint Photo raphic 2'perts Group =ava Telephony .pplication Pro rammin %nterface =ava] Airtual Machine

" $ "bps $c $i $!% "sps Bindows si(e 1onstraint len th of the convolutional code @!%M %ndividual "ey "ilo7bits per second 1ipherin "ey %ndividual subscriber authentication "ey $ey !et %dentifier "ilo7symbols per second

>5 >* >*M> >*/ >*/ 0OP >*/ 1OP >3 >. >.1 >.% >.& >.P0 >.P;m >.T. >.@ >1; >1& >1P >1! >1!1 >1!! >2 >2& >% >>1 >m >M!% >M@ >& >&; >&! >P>M& >ayer 5 (physical layer) >ayer * (data lin" layer) >ayer * Mana ement >in" >ayer * /elay >*/ 0it Orientated Protocol >*/ 1haracter Orientated Protocol >ayer 3 (networ" layer) >ocation .rea >in" .ccess 1ontrol >ocation .rea 1ode >ocation .rea %dentity >ocal .rea &etwor" >in" .ccess Protocol 0alanced >in" .ccess Protocol on the ;m channel >ocal .ccess and Transport .rea >ocation .rea @pdate >ow 1onstrained ;elay >ocal 1ommunication &etwor" >in" 1ontrol Protocol >ocation !ervices >1! 1lient >1! !erver >ocal 2'chan e >2& th >an ua e %ndication >en th %ndicator >ine %dentity >o ical >in" 1ontrol >ow >ayer 1ompatibility Traffic channel with capacity lower than a 0m >ocal Mobile !tation %dentity >ocation Measurement @nit >o ical &ame >ast &umber ;ialled >*TP &etwor" !erver >ocal P>M&




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

>/ >!. >!0 >!T/ >T2 >TE >@ >A

>ocation /e ister >ocation /e istration >ocalised !ervice .rea >east !i nificant 0it >istener !ideTone /atin >ocal Terminal 2mulator >ocal Time Eone >ocal @nits >ocation @pdate >en th and Aalue

M M M. M.1 M.17. M.17% M.1& M.3 M.< M.<O M.% M.%O M.P M11 M1% M1M> Mcps M1! M1@ M; M;> M;! M2 M23 M2<O M2/ M2'2 M3 MG13 MG1P MGT MGB M<2G M<! M%0 M%1 M%M M%P M%P! M>1 MM MM2 MM% M&1 Mandatory Mandatory Mobile .llocation Multiple .ccess Medium .ccess 1ontrol (protocol layerin conte't) Messa e authentication code (encryption conte't) M.1 used for authentication and "ey a reement (T!G T BG3 conte't) M.1 used for data inte rity of si nallin messa es (T!G T BG3 conte't) Mobile .llocation 1hannel &umber Mobile .dditional 3unction Mobile .ccess <untin supplementary service Mobile .ssisted <andover Mobile .llocation %nde' Mobile .llocation %nde' Offset Mobile .pplication Part Mobile 1ountry 1ode Malicious 1all %dentification supplementary service Multi71lass Multi7>in" PPP Me a7chips per second Modulation and 1odin !cheme Media 1ontrol @nit Mediation ;evice (mobile) Mana ement (entity) 7 ;ata >in" (layer) Multimedia ;istribution !ervice Maintenance 2ntity Mobile 2Fuipment Maintenance 2ntity 3unction Mobile evaluated handover Messa e 2rror /atio Mobile 2'ecution 2nvironment Master 3ile Multi3rame Media Gateway 1ontrol 3unction Media Gateway 1ontrol Part Mobile Global Title Media GateBay Multimedia and <ypermedia %nformation 1odin 2'pert Group Messa e <andlin !ystem Mana ement %nformation 0ase Mobile %nterface 1ontroller Mana ement %nformation Model Mobile %P Million %nstructions Per !econd Mobile >ocation 1entre Man Machine Mobility Mana ement Multimedia Mobile Mana ement 2ntity Man Machine %nterface Mobile &etwor" 1ode




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

M&P MO MO7>/ MO7!M! MO<O MO! Mo@ MP MP2G MP< MPTD M/3 M/P M! M!0 M!1 M!1M M!1@ M!2 M!%; M!%& M!%!;& M!P M!/& MT MT7>/ MT7!M! MTM MTP MTP370 MT@ M@ M@% M@M! MA&O

Mobile &umber Portability Mobile Ori inated Mobile Ori inatin >ocation /eFuest Mobile Ori inated !hort Messa e !ervice Mobile Ori inated <andover Mean Opinion !core Memorandum of @nderstandin Multi7lin" PPP Movin Pictures 2'perts Group (mobile) Mana ement (entity) 7 P<ysical (layer) IprimitiveJ MultiParTD Media /esource 3unction Mouth /eference Point Mobile !tation Most !i nificant 0it Mobile !witchin 1entre Mobile !tation 1lass Mar" Mobile !tation 1ontrol @nit M2'2 !ervice 2nvironment Mobile !tation %dentifier Mobile !tation %dentification &umber Mobile !ubscriber %!;& &umber Multiple !ubscriber Profile Mobile !tation /oamin &umber Mobile Terminated Mobile Termination Mobile Terminatin >ocation /eFuest Mobile Terminated !hort Messa e !ervice Mobile7To7Mobile (call) Messa e Transfer Part Messa e Transfer Part level 3 Ma'imum Transfer @nit Mar" @p Mobile @ser %dentifier Multi @ser Mobile !tation Mobile Airtual &etwor" Operator

&.11 &.; &.% &.! &0.P &0 &12>> &0.P &0%& &11 &1< &1$ &1P &;1 &;@0 &2 &23 &2<O &2T &2A &3 &%7>/ &%1 &%TE &etwor" .ssisted 1ell 1han e &ode .ddress byte &etwor" .ccess %dentifier &on7.ccess !tratum &ode 0 .pplication Part &ormal 0urst &ei hbourin (of current servin ) 1ell &ode 0 .pplication Part . parameter in the hoppin seFuence &etwor" (P>M&) 1olour 1ode &otification 1<annel &etwor" 1ontrol $ey &etwor" 1ontrol Protocol &ational ;estination 1ode &etwor" ;etermined @ser 0usy &etwor" 2lement &etwor" 2lement 3unction &etwor" evaluated handover &2Twor" &orme 2uropeenne de T\l\communications &2Aer &etwor" 3unction &etwor" %nduced >ocation /eFuest &etwor" %ndependent 1loc"in &etwor" %dentity and Time Eone




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

&M &M1 &M/ &MO &M! &M!% &&% &O &P &P. &P% &/% &/M &/T &!.P &!.P% &!1$ &!;@ &!! &t &T &T..0 &T;; &@. &@% &@P &B

&etwor" Mana er &etwor" Mana ement 1entre &etwor" Measurement /esults &etwor" Mode of Operation &etwor" Mana ement !ubsystem &ational Mobile !tation %dentifier &etwor"7&ode %nterface &etwor" Operator &etwor" Performance &umberin Plan .rea &umberin Plan %dentifier &etwor" /esource %dentifier &etwor" /esource Model &on7/eal Time &etwor" !ervice .ccess Point &etwor" !ervice .ccess Point %dentifier &etwor" !ubset 1ontrol $ey &etwor" service data unit &etwor" !ub !ystem &otification (!.P) &etwor" Termination &on Transparent &ew Type .pproval .dvisory 0oard &arrow7band Time ;ivision ;uple'in &etwor" @ser .ccess &ational @ser R @!%M %dentifier &etwor" @ser %dentification &ational @ser Part (!!9) &etwor"

O O[M O. O.1!@ O10 O111< O13 O1% O1&! O1T O; O;0 O;11< O;1< O>/ O;M. O;T1< O%; O3M OM1 OM> OP>M& O/ O/.1< O/>13 O! O!. O!% O!% /M O!P O!PG%<O!! OT. Optional Operations [ Maintenance Out oin .ccess (1@G !!) Off7.ir71all7!et7@p Out oin 1alls 0arred within the 1@G O;M. 1ommon 1ontrol 1hannel Open 1ard 3ramewor" Out oin 1all %nformation Ortho onal 1hannel &oise !imulator Out oin 1all Timer Optional for operators to implement for their aim Operator ;etermined 0arrin O;M. ;edicated 1ontrol 1hannel O;M. ;edicated 1hannel Overall >oudness /atin Opportunity ;riven Multiple .ccess O;M. ;edicated Traffic 1hannel Object %dentifier Operational 3eature Monitor Operation and Maintenance 1entre Operations and Maintenance >in" Operator 1ontrolled P>M& (!elector >ist) Optimal /outein O;M. /andom .ccess 1<annel Optimal /outein for >ate 1all 3orwardin Operations !ystem Open !ervice .ccess Open !ystem %nterconnection O!% /eference Model Octet !tream Protocol Octet !tream Protocol for %nternet <osted Octet !tream !ervice




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !


One Time Password Ortho onal Aariable !preadin 3actor

P711P1< P71P%< P7TM!% P.0C P.11< P.; P.G1< P.P P./ P0%; P011< P0P P0C P1 P10 P111 P111< P11< P1;2 P1G P1< P1$ P1M P1M1%. P1P1< P1! P1@ P; P;1P P;1< P;< P;& P;P P;!1< P;T1< P;@ PG P< P<3 P<% P<! P<D Phy1< P% P%1< P%1! P%; P%& P%CT P$1! P> P>M& PM; P& Primary 1ommon 1ontrol Physical 1hannel Primary 1ommon Pilot 1hannel Pac"et TM!% Private .utomatic 0ranch eCchan e Pac"et .ssociated 1ontrol 1hannel Pac"et .ssemberR;isassembler Pac"et .ccess Grant 1hannel Password .uthentication Protocol Pea" to .vera e /atio Phone0oo" %;entifier Pac"et 0roadcast 1ontrol 1hannel Pa in 0loc" Periodicity Private 0ranch eCchan e Power 1ontrol Personal 1omputer Protocol 1ontrol 0yte Parallel 1oncatenated 1onvolutional 1ode Pac"et 1ommon 1ontrol 1hannel Pa in 1ontrol 1hannel Pea" 1ode ;omain 2rror Project 1o7ordination Group Pa in 1hannel Personalisation 1ontrol $ey Pulse 1ode Modulation Personal 1omputer Memory 1ard %nternational .ssociation Physical 1ommon Pac"et 1hannel Personal 1ommunication !ystem Pac"et 1ontrol @nit Protocol ;iscriminator Public ;ata Pac"et ;ata 1onver ence Protocol Pac"et ;ata 1hannel Plesiochronous ;i ital <ierarchy Public ;ata &etwor" Pac"et ;ata &etwor" Pac"et ;ata Protocol Physical ;ownlin" !hared 1hannel Pac"et ;ata Traffic 1hannel Protocol ;ata @nit Processin Gain Pac"et <andler P<ysical (layer) Pac"et <andler 3unction Pac"et <andler %nterface Personal <andyphone !ystem Physical layer Physical 1hannel Pa e %ndicator Presentation %ndicator Pa e %ndicator 1hannel Protocol %mplementation 1onformance !tatement Pac"et %dentification Personal %dentification &umber Protocol %mplementation eCtra information for Testin Public7$ey 1rypto raphy !tandards Preferred >an ua es Public >and Mobile &etwor" Physical Media ;ependent Pseudo &oise




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

P&2 P&P PO% Po/ POT! PP PP1< PP2 PP3 PPM PPP PP! P/.1< Pref 1@G P! P!1 P!1< P!2 P!P;& P!T& PT11< PTM PTM7G PTM7M PTP P@ P@1T P@$ P@!1< PA1 PB

Pr\sentation des &ormes 2urop\ennes Private &umberin Plan Point Of %nterconnection (with P!T&) Proof of /eceipt Plain Old Telephony !ervice Point7to7Point Pac"et Pa in 1hannel Primative Procedure 2ntity Pa in Proceed 3la Parts Per Million Point7to7Point Protocol Protocol and Parameter !elect (response to the .T/) Physical /andom .ccess 1hannel Pac"et /andom .ccess 1hannel Preferential 1@G Pac"et !witched >ocation Probability Primary !ynchronisation 1ode Physical !hared 1hannel Personal !ervice 2nvironment Pac"et !witched Public ;ata &etwor" Public !witched Telephone &etwor" Pac"et Timin advance 1ontrol 1hannel Point7to7Multipoint PTM Group 1all PTM Multicast Point to point Payload @nit Price per @nit 1urrency Table P%& @nbloc"in $ey Physical @plin" !hared 1hannel Permanent Airtual 1ircuit Pass Bord

?. ?.3 ?o! ?P!$ ? (%nterface) 7 .dapter ? 7 .dapter 3unction ?uality of !ervice ?uadrature (?uaternary) Phase !hift $eyin

/ /7.P;@ /70loc" /7!GB /7TP;@ /88 /. /.0 /.1 /.1< /.;%@! /.% /.& /.&.P /.&; /.T /.@ Aalue of /eduction of the M! transmitted /3 power relative to the ma'imum allowed output power of the hi hest power class of M! (.) /esponse .P;@ /eceive7ready 0loc" /oamin !i nallin Gateway /esponse TP;@ /elease 5888 /outin .rea /andom mode reFuest information field /adio .ccess 0earer /andom .ccess 0urst /outin .rea 1ode /andom .ccess 1hannel /emote .uthentication ;ial %n @ser !ervice /outin .rea %dentity /adio .ccess &etwor" /adio .ccess &etwor" .pplication Part /.&;om number (used for authentication) /adio .ccess Technolo y /outin .rea @pdate




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

/0 /02/ /;3 /;% /21 /2= /2> /el7, /el74 /2? /2! /3 /31 /31< /32 /3& /3@ /> />1 />1P />P />/ />! /M! /&1 /&! /&!.P /&T.0>2 /&T% /P>M& /PO. // //1 //M /!. /!1P /!2 /!> /!!% /!T /!AP /!E% /T /T2 /TP /@ /B0 /C /C>2A /C?@.>

/adio 0earer /esidual 0it 2rror /atio /esource ;escription 3ormat /estricted ;i ital %nformation /21ommendation /2=ect(ion) /2>ease /elease , /elease 4 /2?uest user /2!ponse 6,7bit si ned /2!ponse that is the output of the function f* in a 3G .$. /adio 3reFuency /eFuest 3or 1omments /adio 3reFuency 1hannel /adio 3reFuency 1<annel /outin 3unctional %dentity /educed T;M. 3rame &umber /eserved for 3uture @se /adio >in" /adio >in" 1ontrol /adio >in" 1ontrol Protocol /adio >in" Protocol /eceiver >oudness /atin /adio >in" !et /oot Mean !Fuare (value) /adio &etwor" 1ontroller /adio &etwor" !ubsystem /adio &etwor" !ubsystem .pplication Part Table of 5*: inte ers in the hoppin seFuence /adio &etwor" Temporary %dentity /e istered Public >and Mobile &etwor" /eco nised Private Operatin . ency /adio /esources /adio /esource 1ontrol /adio /esource Mana ement .l orithm invented by /ivest- .dleman and !hamir /eceived !i nal 1ode Power /adio !ystem 2ntity /adio !i nallin >in" /eceived !i nal !tren th %ndicator /eset /esource /eserAation Protocol /e ional !ubscription Eone %dentity /eal Time /emote Terminal 2mulator /eal Time Protocol /esource @nit /esolution 0andwidth /eceive /eceived si nal level /eceived !i nal ?uality

!70loc" !711P1< !71P%1< !71!13 !7/&T% !..> !.0M !.11< !upervisory 0loc" !econdary 1ommon 1ontrol Physical 1hannel !econdary 1ommon Pilot 1hannel !ervin 1!13 !/&1 /adio &etwor" Temporary %dentity !i nallin .TM .daptation >ayer !et .synchronous 0alanced Mode !low .ssociated 1ontrol 1hannel




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

!.11<R1, !.11<R1: !.11<RT !.11<RT3 !.11<RT< !.; !.P !.P% !./ !.T !0 !0!1 !0!! !1 !11< !11P !13 !1< !1% !1& !1P !1TP !;11< !;< !;> !;& !;P !;T !;@ !2 !23 !3 !3< !3% !3& !G!& !<11< !% !%1 !%; !%M !%P !%/ !>. !>PP !>/ !>TM !M !M;! !M2 !MG !M% !M>1 !M! !M!710 !M!7PP !M!7!1

!low .ssociated 1ontrol 1<annelR!;11<R, !low .ssociated 1ontrol 1<annelR!;11<R: !low .ssociated 1ontrol 1<annelRTraffic channel !low .ssociated 1ontrol 1<annelRTraffic channel 3ull rate !low .ssociated 1ontrol 1<annelRTraffic channel <alf rate !ource .;dress !ervice .ccess Point !ervice .ccess Point %dentifier !e mentation and /eassembly !%M .pplication Tool"it !ynchroni(ation 0urst !ervin 0ase !tation 1ontroller !ervin 0ase !tation !ubsystem !ervice 1entre (used for !M!) !ervice 1ode !ynchronisation 1ontrol 1hannel !i nallin 1onnection 1ontrol Part !ervice 1ontrol 3unction (%& conte't)- !ervice 1apability 3eature (A<2RO!. conte't) !ynchronisation 1hannel !ubscriber 1ontrolled %nput !ub71hannel &umber !ervice 1ontrol Point ! 1ommon Transport Protocol 1<21$ B%T< w 3 !tand7.lone ;edicated 1ontrol 1hannel !ynchronous ;i ital <ierarchy !pecification ;escription >an ua e !ervice ;iallin &umber !ervice ;iscovery Protocol (0luetooth related) !ession ;escription Protocol !;> ;evelopment Tool !ervice ;ata @nit !ecurity 2nvironment !endin 2ntity !upport 2ntity !upport 2ntity 3unction !preadin 3actor !low 3reFuency <oppin !hort 23 %dentifier !ystem 3rame &umber !ervin GP/! !upport &ode !hared 1hannel 1ontrol 1hannel !creenin %ndicator !ervice %nterwor"in !upplementary %nformation (!%.S!upplemenatary %nformation .) !ervice %mplementation 1apabilities !%lence ;escriptor G!M !ubscriber %dentity Module !ession %nitiated Protocol !i nal7to7%nterference /atio !ervice >evel . reement !ubscriber >1! Privacy Profile !end >oudness /atin !i nallin >in" Test Messa e !ession Mana ement !hort Messa e !witched Multime abit ;ata !ervice !hort Messa e 2ntity !pecial Mobile Group !tructure of Mana ement %nformation (/31 5544) !ervin Mobile >ocation 1entre !hort Messa e !ervice !M! 1ell 0roadcast !hort Messa e !erviceRPoint7to7Point !hort Messa e !ervice 7 !ervice 1entre




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

!mt !& !&;1P !&MP !&/ !O. !o>!. !P !P1 !P1$ !P% !?& !/0 !/2! !/&1 !/&! !! !!9 !!1 !!1OP !!13 !!137&&% !!1! !!;T !!2 !!3 !!& !!!./ !T1 !TM/ !TP !TT; S5M !A1 !A& !B !B5R!B*

!hort messa e terminal !erial &umber !ervin &etwor" !ubscriber &umber !ub7&etwor" ;ependent 1onver ence Protocol !imple &etwor" Mana ement Protocol !erial &umbe/ !uppress Out oin .ccess (1@G !!) !upport of >ocalised !ervice .rea !witchin Point !ervice Provider !i nallin Point 1ode !uppress Preferential 1@G !ervice Provider 1ontrol $ey !ecurity Parameters %ndication !eFuence number !i nallin /adio 0earer !i ned /2!ponse (authentication value returned by the !%M or by the @!%M in *G .$.) !ervin /adio &etwor" 1ontroller !ervin /&! !upplementary !ervice !ystem !imulator !i nallin !ystem &o. 9 !econdary !ynchronisation 1ode !upplementary !ervice 1ontrol strin !ervice !pecific 1onnection Oriented Protocol !ervice !pecific 1o7ordination 3unction !ervice !pecific 1oordination 3unction N &etwor" &ode %nterface !ervice !pecific 1onver ence !ublayer !ite !election ;iversity Transmission !ervice !pecific 2ntities !ervice !witchin 3unction !ub7!ystem &umber !ervice !pecific !e mentation and /e7assembly sublayer !i nallin Transport 1onverter !ideTone Mas"in /atin !i nallin Transfer Point !pace Time Transmit ;iversity !ubscription Mana ement !witched virtual circuit !oftware Aersion &umber !tatus Bord !oftware !tatus Bord 5R!tatus Bord *

T7!GB T T. T.1 T.3 T./ T0 T03 T0/ T1 T1< T1<R3 Transport !i nallin Gateway Timer Transparent Type only Terminal .daptation Timin .dvance Type .pproval 1ode Terminal .daptation 3unction Tool"it .pplication /eference Transport 0loc" Temporary 0loc" 3low Technical 0asis for /e ulation Transaction 1apabilities Trans1oder Transmission 1onver ence Traffic 1hannel . full rate T1<



3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

T1<R3*-, T1<R3,-: T1<R38-6 T1<R3! T1<R< T1<R<*-, T1<R<,-: T1<R<! T17T/ T1% T1P T;71;M. T;; T;M. T;oc T2 T28 Tei T2%; T3 T3. T31 T31% T31! T3% T3%& T3P T3! T3T T% T>>% T>! T>A TM TM3 TM& TM!% T& TO TO. TO& TP TP1 TP;@ T/ T/.@ Tr1< T/C T! T!1 T!;% T!G T!T; TT1& TT% T@P TA TC TCPB/

. full rate data T1< (^*-,"bitRs) . full rate date T1< (,-:"bitRs) . full rate data T1< (8-6"bitRs) . full rate !peech T1< . half rate T1< . half rate data T1< (^*-,"bitRs) . half rate data T1< (,-:"bitRs) . half rate !peech T1< Technical 1ommittee Technical /eport Transceiver 1ontrol %nterface Transmission 1ontrol Protocol Time ;ivision71ode ;ivision Multiple .ccess Time ;ivision ;uple' Time ;ivision Multiple .ccess Temporary ;ocument Terminal 2Fuipment Terminal 2Fuipment 8 (2T!% sub7technical committee) Terminal endpoint identifier Tunnel 2nd Point %dentifier Transport 3ormat Trans3er .llowed Transport 3ormat 1ombination Transport 3ormat 1ombination %ndicator Transport 3ormat 1ombination !et Transport 3ormat %ndicator Temporary 3low %dentity Transport 3ormat %&dicator Trans3er Prohibited Transport 3ormat !et Traffic 3low Template Transaction %dentifier Temporary >o ical >in" %dentity Transport >ayer !ecurity Ta >en th Aalue Telecom Mana ement Telecom Mana ement 3orum Telecom Mana ement &etwor" Temporary Mobile !ubscriber %dentity Termination &ode Timeslot &umber Telecom Operations Map Time of .rrival Type Of &umber Third Party Transmit Power 1ontrol Transfer Protocol ;ata @nit Technical /eport Transcoder and /ate .dapter @nit Transport 1hannel Transceiver Technical !pecification Teleservice Time !lot Trainin !eFuence 1ode Transceiver !peech [ ;ata %nterface Technical !pecification Group Time !witched Transmit ;iversity Tree and Tabular 1ombined &otation Transmission Timin %nterval Telephone @ser Part (!!9) Type and Aalue Transmit Transmit PoBe/H T' power level in the M!_TCPB/_/2?@2!T and M!_TCPB/_1O&3 parameters




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

@7/&T% @./31& @./3& @./T @1!* @;; @;% @;P @;@0 @;1< @2 @2/ @% @%. @%1 @> @M @M> @M! @M!1 @MT! @&% @P @P1M% @P; @PT @/. @/.& @/0 @/% @/> @!.T @!0 @!1 @!1< @!3 @!%M @!!; @T @T/. @T/.& @@% @@! @T/.& /adio &etwor" Temporary %dentity @T/. .bsolute /adio 3reFuency 1hannel &umber @T/. .bsolute /adio 3reFuency &umber @niversal .synchronous /eceiver and Transmitter @niversal 1haracter !et * @nconstrained ;elay ;ata @nrestricted ;i ital %nformation @ser ;ata ram Protocol @ser ;etermined @ser 0usy @ser7plane ;edicated 1<annel @ser 2Fuipment @ser 2Fuipment with O;M. relay operation enabled @ser %nterface @nnumbered %nformation (3rame) 3G %nte rity .l orithm @nion %nternationale des 1hemins de 3er @plin" (/everse >in") @nac"nowled ed Mode @nified Modellin >an ua e @ser Mobility !erver @MT! Mobile !ervices !witchin 1entre @niversal Mobile Telecommunications !ystem @ser7&etwor" %nterface @ser Plane @niform P1M %nterface (537bit) @p to date @niversal Personal Telecommunication @ser /e istration .rea @T/.& /e istration .rea @MT! /adio .ccess &etwor" @ser /adio 0earer @niform /esource %dentifier @niform /esource >ocator @!%M .pplication Tool"it @niversal !erial 0us @2 !ervice 1apabilities @plin" !hared 1hannel @plin" !tate 3la @niversal !ubscriber %dentity Module @nstructured !upplementary !ervice ;ata @niversal Time @niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess @niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess &etwor" @ser7to7@ser %nformation @u !tratum @ser7to7@ser !i nallin

A A. A.; A.P A.!P A0/ A0! A1 AG1! Aalue only Aoice .ctivity factor Aoice .ctivity ;etection Aideote' .ccess Point Aalue .dded !ervice Provider Aariable 0it /ate Aoice 0roadcast !ervice Airtual 1ircuit Aoice Group 1all !ervice




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

A<2 A>/ AM!1 Ao%P AP>M& AP& A!1 A(!;) ATC host

Airtual <ome 2nvironment Aisitor >ocation /e ister Aisited M!1 Aoice Over %P Aisited Public >and Mobile &etwor" Airtual Private &etwor" Aideote' !ervice 1entre !end state variable The components dedicated to Aideote' service

B.2 B.P B02M B1;M. B;P BG B%M B%& B>.& B>.& @2 BP. B! B!P BT. BT.% BT;; BT>! BTP BTC BBT BBB Bireless .pplication 2nvironment Bireless .pplication Protocol Beb 0ased 2nterprise Mana ement Bideband 1ode ;ivision Multiple .ccess Bireless ;ata ram Protocol Bor"in Group Bireless %dentity Module Bireless %ntelli ent &etwor" Bireless >ocal .rea &etwor" B>.& @ser 2Fuipment Bron Password .ttempts (counter) Bor" !tation Bireless !ession Protocol Bireless Telephony .pplications Bireless Telephony .pplications %nterface Bideband Time ;ivision ;uple'in Bireless Transport >ayer !ecurity Bireless Transaction Protocol Baitin Time eCtenstion Bor" Baitin Time Borld Bide Beb

C%; CM.1 CM> C/2! eCchan e %;entifier e'Cpected Messa e .uthentication 1ode (calculated by the @!%M application in 3G .$.) eCtensible Mar"up >an ua e 2Cpected user /2!ponse


E1 Eone 1ode




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

-Cua %o)#




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

CPICH _ E c I or

T'! ra %o o4 '! r!c!%B!" !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& o4 '! ,P9,8 o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y a '! +o"!D6 (SS) a) !))a co))!c or.

DPCH _ Ec Ior

(B!ra3! !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or 7P,8.

T'! ra %o o4 '! ra)#5% !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& o4 '! 7P,8 o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y a '! +o"!D6 a) !))a co))!c or.

DPCCH _ Ec Ior DPDCH _ Ec Ior

Ec I or

T'! ra %o o4 '! ra)#5% !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& o4 '! 7P,,8 o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y a '! +o"! 6 a) !))a co))!c or.

T'! ra %o o4 '! ra)#5% !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& o4 '! 7P7,8 o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y a '! +o"! 6 a) !))a co))!c or.

(B!ra3! !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%&. T'! ra %o o4 '! aB!ra3! ra)#5% !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or "%44!r!) 4%!l"# or &'y#%cal c'a))!l# o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y. *r!Cu!)cy o4 u)2a) !" #%3)al T'! o al r!c!%B!" &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y, %)clu"%)3 #%3)al a)" %) !r4!r!)c!, a# 5!a#ur!" a '! U- a) !))a co))!c or. T'! &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y o4 '! a"Eac!) 4r!Cu!)cy c'a))!l a# 5!a#ur!" a '! U- a) !))a co))!c or. T'! &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y o4 a ba)" l%5% !" 2'% ! )o%#! #ourc! (#%5ula %)3 %) !r4!r!)c! 4ro5 c!ll#, 2'%c' ar! )o "!4%)!" %) a !# &roc!"ur!) a# 5!a#ur!" a '! U- a) !))a co))!c or.T'! &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y o4 a ba)" l%5% !" 2'% ! )o%#! #ourc! (#%5ula %)3 %) !r4!r!)c! 4ro5 o '!r c!ll#) a# 5!a#ur!" a '! U- a) !))a co))!c or. T'! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y o4 '! *or2ar" "o2) l%)F a '! ba#! # a %o)+o"!D6 a) !))a co))!c or. T'! r!c!%B!" &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y o4 '! "o2) l%)F a# 5!a#ur!" a '! U- a) !))a co))!c or. U)2a) !" #%3)al &o2!r l!B!l.

Io I oac

I oc

I or
C I or

I ouw


(B!ra3! !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or '! <,+S.




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

OCNS _ Ec Ior

T'! ra %o o4 '! aB!ra3! ra)#5% !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or '! <,+S o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y.


(B!ra3!G !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or P-,,P,8.

T'! ra %o o4 '! r!c!%B!" P-,,P,8 !)!r3y &!r c'%& o '! o al r!c!%B!" &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y a '! U- a) !))a co))!c or.


T'! ra %o o4 '! aB!ra3!G ra)#5% !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or '! P-,,P,8 o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y.


(B!ra3!G !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or P-,P9,8.

PICH D Ec I or

(B!ra3!G !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or P9,8.

T'! ra %o o4 '! r!c!%B!" !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& o4 '! P9,8 o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y a '! +o"! 6 (SS) a) !))a co))!c or.

T'! ra %o o4 '! r!c!%B!" P,,P,8 !)!r3y &!r c'%& o '! o al r!c!%B!" &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y a '! U- a) !))a co))!c or.

PCCPCH _ Ec I or

T'! ra %o o4 '! aB!ra3! ra)#5% !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or '! P,,P,8 o '! o al ra)#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y.


T'! ra %o o4 '! #u5 7P,8D-0 4or o)! #!rB%c! %) ca#! o4 5ul %co"! o '! o al ra5#5% &o2!r #&!c ral "!)#% y o4 '! "o2)l%)F a '! 6S a) !))a co))!c or.


(B!ra3! !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or S-,,P,8.

(B!ra3!G !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or S-,P9,8.


(B!ra3!G !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or S,8.




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !


(B!ra3! !)!r3y &!r P+ c'%& 4or S,,P,8.

V&oteG .vera in period for ener yRpower of discontinuously transmitted channels should be defined.




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

())!0 ( (%)4or5a %B!). ,'a)3! '%# ory




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

TSG SA. SA /oc$ SP-07 SP-0I 0I12000 SP-09 SP-09 SP-10 SP-10 SP-11 SP-11 SP-12 SP-12 SP-12 SP-000209 SP-0003I0 SP-0003I1 SP-000659 SP-000659 SP-01003I SP-01003I SP-010256 SP-010256 SP-01025I

SA# /oc S1-000369 S1-000477 S1-000627 S1-000731 S1-000736 S1-010233 S1-010234 S1-010366 S1-0105I2 S1-010537

Spec 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905

0R 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 00I 009 010

Rev Rel R99 R99 R4 R!l-4 1 R!l-4 R!l-4 R!l-4 R!l-4 R!l-4 R!l-5

0at Subject10omment 6 7 7 6 6 7 6 * * 7 (&&roB!" a S(H07 a# B!r#%o) 3.0.0 +!2 (bbr!B%a %o)# a)" 7!4%)% %o)# 4or R99, la)3ua3! al%3)5!) a)" !"% or%al c'a)3!# M,, corr!c %o) o4 ,R001 %5&l!5!) a %o)J !"% or%al u&"a !. +!2 (bbr!B%a %o)# a)" 7!4%)% %o)# 4or R99 ,'a)3! o4 +a5! o4 M-09) ro"uc!# (S,9 "!4%)% %o) 9)clu#%o) o4 GSM 01.04 B 7.0.0 acro)y5# a)" abbr!B%a %o)# %) '! Bocabulary -"% or%al c'a)3!# a)" )!2 "!4%)% %o)# 9)clu#%o) o4 co55o)ly u#!" "!4%)% %o) co) a%)!" %) 23.122 ,orr!c %o)# o '! Bocabulary r!Cu!# !" by R(+-4 ,R o 21.905 o) 7!4%)% %o)# %) 22.101 #ub#cr%& %o) a)" #!rB%c! &roB%"!r (""% %o) o4 "!4%)% %o) o4 S!rB%c! ProB%"!r a)" Sub#cr%& %o). Mo"%4%ca %o) o4 "!4%)% %o) o4 Sub#cr%b!r ,R o 21.905B5.0.0 (R!l-5) o) (l%3)5!) o4 "!4%)% %o)# r!Cu!# !" by R(+ 4 ,R o 21.905 B!r#%o) 5.0.0 +o5!)cla ur! 4or GTT 7!4%) %o) o4 $ocal S!rB%c!# ,R o 21.905. )!2 "!4%)% %o) o4 '! !r5 K#!rB%c!K ,R 21.905 R!l. 5 9) ro"uc %o) o4 )!2 abbr!B%a %o)# "!r%B!" o4 '! a&&roBal o4 3GPP TS 23.236 ,R 21.905 R!l.5 6 9) ro"uc %o) o4 '! "!4%)% %o)# o4 L&r!-&ayM a)" L&o# -&ayM b%ll%)3 ,R o 21.905. R!&lac!5!) o4 '! !r5 UMTS 2% ' 3GPP #y# !5 ,R o 21.905. 5%##%)3 abbr!B%a %o)# ,R o 21.905. )!2 "!4%)% %o) o4 '! !r5 Ka&&l%ca %o)K ,R o 21905. "!4%)% %o)# o4 o)l%)! a)" o44l%)! c'ar3%)3 ,R o 21.905. 95&roB!" "!4%)% %o) o4 '! !r5 La&&l%ca %o)M ,R o 21.905 5.3.0 - r!5oBal o4 ob#ol! ! r!4!r!)c! (""% %o) o4 G-R(+ "!4%)% %o)# a)" abbr!B%a %o)# (""% %o) o4 5%##%)3 GSM1GPRS abbr!B%a %o)# ,R o 21.905 "!4%)% %o)# 4ro5 TR 22.951 -)'a)c!5!) o4 '! "!4%)% %o) o4 '! KSub#cr%b!rK U&"a ! o 3GPP TR 21.905, Vocabulary 4or 3GPP S&!c%4%ca %o)# ,R o 21.905 o %) ro"uc! >$(+ !r5%)olo3y ,R o) -) % %!# o4 '! 5ob%l! #y# !5 (""% %o) o4 '! "!4%)% %o) a)" acro)y5 o4 3GPP G!)!r%c U#!r Pro4%l! ,orr!c %o) o4 acro)y5# %) TR21.905




3.0.0 3.1.0 3.1.1 3.1.1 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.1.0 4.1.0 4.2.0 4.2.0 4.3.0

3.1.0 3.1.1 3.2.0 4.0.0 4.1.0 4.1.0 (S,9 ,<RR-, T

4.2.0 Vocabulary 4.2.0 Vocabulary 4.3.0 Vocabulary 4.3.0 Vocabulary 5.0.0 Vocabulary

SP-13 SP-13 SP-14 SP-15 SP-15 SP-15 SP-15 SP-15 SP-15 SP-15 SP-15 SP-16 SP-17 SP-17 SP-17 SP-17 SP-1I SP-1I SP-19 SP-20 SP-20

SP-010430 SP-010431 SP-010671 SP-020046 SP-020063 SP-020046 SP-020046 SP-020046 SP-020046 SP-020046 SP-020046 SP-020243 SP-020596 SP-020596 SP-020555 SP-020555 SP-020654 SP-020666 SP-030012 SP-030247 SP-030240

S1-010649 S1-010I3I S1-011276 S1-020393 S1-020431 S1-020452 S1-020526 S1-020527 S1-02052I S1-020617 S1-020620 S1-020973

21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905

013 016 021 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 03I 039 040 041 042 043 044 046 047 050 1 1 1

R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-5 R!l-6 R!l-6 R!l-6 R!l-6 R!l-6 R!l-6 R!l-6

6 6 * 6 6 6 * 6 6 6 6 * * * 6 * 7 6 ( 6 (

5.0.0 5.0.0 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.3.0 5.4.0 5.4.0 5.4.0 5.4.0 6.0.0 6.0.0 6.1.0 6.2.0 6.2.0

5.1.0 Vocabulary 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.4.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 6.0.0 6.0.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.2.0 6.3.0 6.3.0 GTT 9MS T-9 PSS-T-9 T-9 T-9 T-9 T-9 T-9 Vocab T-9 T-9 T-9 T-9 T-96 >$(+ <(M-(R GUP T-94

S1-021762 S1-021715 S1-022223 S1-022264 S1-03023I S1-030391 S1-030576

21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905




3GPP TR "#$%&' V $($& ("&&)*& !

SP-21 SP-22 SP-22 SP-23 SP-23

SP-030456 SP-030694 SP-030694 SP-0400I7

S1-030971 S1-031145 S1-031311 S1-040115

21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905 21.905

052 053 054 055 056 -

R!l-6 R!l-6 R!l-6 R!l-6 R!l-6

( * * 6 *

,orr!c %o) o4 '! 7!4%) %o) o4 ,7R T!r5%)olo3y a"" %o)# 4or 9P-,(+ a)" 9P-,(+ b!ar!r Mo"%4%!" ba#! # a %o) "!4%)% %o)

6.3.0 6.4.0 6.4.0

6.4.0 6.5.0

<(M-,8 T-96

6.5.0 Vocabulary

SP-040107 S5-042112

SP-24 SP-24

SP-0402I6 S1-040507 SP-040476 -

21.905 21.905

057 05I

R!l-6 R!l-6

* *

(cro)y5# 4or '! *l!0%bl! $ay!r 6.5.0 6.6.0 *$<G-R <)! ("" Sub#cr%& %o) Ma)a3!5!) 6.5.0 6.6.0 SuM (SuM) 7!4%)% %o) a)" (bbr!B%a %o) o S(1K# 21.905 - (l%3) 2% ' S(5K# 32.14011, 32.171121... N 3GPP >orF Pla) (>9 (cro)y5) 9)clu#%o) o4 (+P abbr!B%a %o) a# 6.6.0 6.7.0 Vocabulary r!Cu!# !" by S(3 TR 21.905 (""% %o) >$(+ U6.6.0 6.7.0 >$(+ "!4%)% %o) a)" cla##!# o4 !Cu%&5!) a)" abbr!B%a %o)


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