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USPS #024-718 February, 2014 Vol. 7 Issue 1
and EMT Thoughts
Emergency workers attempt to clear vehicles from a 26-car
accident at mile post 375 on I-90 on Jan. 16. At the time of
the accident there was blowing snow and 45 to 60 mile per
hour winds causing white out blizzard conditions. See another
photo and story inside. Photo submitted by Lynn DeYoung,
Minnehaha County Emergency Management Director.
PO Box 218 Snyder, NE 68664-0218
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Federal Signal Outdoor Warning Siren Sales
Butch Hoffman......................................402-380-9799
Hur st Jaw s of Li f e Demo Resc ue Tool Cl ear anc e
E-Dr aul i c Bat t er y Tool s 10,000 PSI Hydr aul i c 5,000 PSI Hydr aul i c
Demonstration Tools Available At Special 2013 Pricing
I mmedi at e Del i ver y Avai l abl e Fi r st Come - Fi r st Ser ved!
2 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014
Please send all corrections to:
South Dakota Fireghters Association
P.O. Box 626
Pierre, SD 57501
NOTE: Please include the label with the
incorrect address found on the front page of
this newspaper.
Thank You!
Publication of Blaze Publications Inc.
Jeff Gargano ......................................................................... Publisher/Editor
Sue Reimers ......................................................Advertising Design Manager
Jen Jensen ............................................................................. Page Designer
Brenda Zimple ............................................................................. Type Setter
South Dakota Fireghter (USPS 024-718), is published monthly by Blaze
Publications, Inc., 512 Sumner Ave., Humboldt, IA 50548. Periodicals Post-
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Send address changes to South Dakota Fireghter, PO Box 626, Pierre, SD 57501
Deedra Gesinger
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P.O. Box 122, Humboldt, IA 50548
Advertising Rate Card available upon request.
We welcome your views, opinions, news tips and questions.
Letters to the editor must be accompanied by a name and daytime
telephone number, and may be edited for space.
P.O. BOX 626, PIERRE, SD 57501
Yankton Fireghters Respond to House Fire with Meth Lab
Yankton reghters responded to a meth lab re on Jan. 3. Photo by Nathan Johnson,
Yankton Press and Dakotan.
By Nathan Johnson
Police: No More Arrests Expected

Although investigation into a Friday house re is ongoing, a Yankton
Police Department ofcial does not believe there will be more arrests.
According to Lt. Todd Brandt, items related to a suspected meth lab
found in the home will be sent off for testing.
On Friday afternoon, a house re was reported at a residence in
the 500 block of East Eighth Street. Police later reported that Laray
Slate, 25, Yankton, was arrested Friday on a parole hold and for the
unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession
of substances with high potential for abuse as a felony. Authorities
found components of a one-pot meth lab inside the home. Also known
as shake and bake meth, one-pot meth can be produced in a two-liter
soda bottle. Unstable ingredients are placed in the bottle and, when it
is shaken, it produces meth or an explosion.
Brandt said that, in the last year and a half, the police department has
encountered approximately ve cases where one-pot meth labs were
located and dismantled. Its troubling to have that amount in that
short of time, he stated. They are extremely volatile and dangerous,
and people dont realize what they can actually do as a result of that
kind of manufacturing.
The incident from last week bears resemblance to one that occurred
in the 1200 block of Ferdig Avenue in October. In that case, evidence
of a re was discovered and a one-pot lab was removed from the home.
Brandt would not conrm whether any arrests had been made in con-
nection with that incident. He said one-pot meth production should
be a source of concern for the community. If anyone has information
on people who they believe are doing this, they need to come forward
with that information due to the risk to not only the people doing it but
also the general public, Brandt stated.
Safety Alert Jan. 2, 2014
Preliminary Guidance from
The Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
(PHMSA) is issuing this safety
alert to notify the general public,
emergency responders and ship-
pers and carriers that recent derail-
ments and resulting res indicate
that the type of crude oil being
transported from the Bakken
region may be more ammable
than traditional heavy crude oil.
Based upon preliminary in-
spections conducted after recent
rail derailments in North Da-
kota, Alabama and Lac-Megantic,
Quebec involving Bakken crude
oil, PHMSA is reinforcing the
requirement to properly test,
characterize, classify, and where
appropriate sufciently degasify
hazardous materials prior to and
during transportation. This advi-
sory is a follow-up to the PHMSA
and Federal Railroad Administra-
tion (FRA) joint safety advisory
published Nov. 20, 2013 [78 FR
69745]. As stated in the Novem-
ber Safety Advisory, it is impera-
tive that offerors properly classify
and describe hazardous materials
being offered for transportation.
49 CFR 173.22. As part of this
process, offerors must ensure that
all potential hazards of the materi-
als are properly characterized.
Proper characterization will
identify properties that could
affect the integrity of the packag-
ing or present additional hazards,
such as corrosivity, sulfur content,
and dissolved gas content. These
characteristics may also affect
classication. PHMSA stresses
to offerors the importance of
appropriate classification and
packing group (PG) assignment
of crude oil shipments, whether
the shipment is in a cargo tank,
rail tank car or other mode of
transportation. Emergency re-
sponders should remember that
light sweet crude oil, such as that
coming from the Bakken region,
is typically assigned a packing
group I or II. The PGs mean that
the materials ashpoint is below
73 degrees Fahrenheit and, for
packing group I materials, the
boiling point is below 95 degrees
Fahrenheit. This means the ma-
terials pose signicant re risk if
released from the package in an
As part of ongoing investigative
efforts, PHMSA and FRA initi-
ated Operation Classication,
a compliance initiative involving
unannounced inspections and
testing of crude oil samples to
verify that offerors of the materi-
als have been properly classied
and describe the hazardous ma-
terials. Preliminary testing has
focused on the classication and
packing group assignments that
have been selected and certied
by offerors of crude oil. These
tests measure some of the inher-
ent chemical properties of the
crude oil collected. Nonetheless,
the agencies have found it neces-
sary to expand the scope of their
testing to measure other factors
that would affect the proper char-
acterization and classication of
the materials. PHMSA expects to
have nal test results in the near
future for the gas content, corro-
sivity, toxicity, ammability and
certain other characteristics of the
Bakken crude oil, which should
more clearly inform the proper
characterization of the material.
Operation Classication will
be an ongoing effort, and PHMSA
will continue to collect samples
and measure the characteristics
of Bakken crude as well as oil
from other locations. Based on
initial eld observations, PHMSA
expanded the scope of lab testing
to include other factors that af-
fect proper characterization and
classication such as Reid Vapor
Pressure, corrosivity, hydrogen
sulde content and composition/
concentration of the entrained
gases in the material. The results
of this expanded testing will
further inform shippers and car-
riers about how to ensure that
the materials are known and are
properly described, classified,
and characterized when being
shipped. In addition, understand-
ing any unique hazards of the
materials will enable offerors, car-
riers, rst responders, as well as
PHMSA and FRA to identify any
appropriate mitigating measures
that need to be taken to ensure
the continued safe transportation
of these materials.
PHMSA will share the results
of these additional tests with
interested parties as they become
available. PHMSA also reminds
offerors that the hazardous materi-
als regulations require offerors of
hazardous materials to properly
classify and describe the hazard-
ous materials being offered for
transportation. 49 CFR 173.22.
Accordingly, offerors should not
delay completing their own tests
while PHMSA collects additional
For additional information
regarding this safety alert, please
contact Rick Raksnis, PHMSA
Field Services Division, (202)
366-4455 or E-mail: Richard. For general
information and assistance re-
garding the safe transport of
hazardous materials, contact
PHMSAs Information Center at
1-800-467-4922 or
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
April 3-5, 2014 Aberdeen
S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er 3
Action Fire Photos Needed!
Please send them to
along with information to explain the photo.
A 26-vehicle pile up on I-90 during extreme weather
conditions required a coordinated effort on Jan. 16.
Four patients were transported to hospitals in Sioux
Falls. Photo submitted by Lynn DeYoung, Director,
Minnehaha County Emergency Management.
At approximately 12:15 p.m.
on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014, the
McCook County Search and
Rescue and the McCook County
Ambulance were dispatched to a
multi vehicle accident at Mile Post
375 on Interstate 90. Initial reports
indicated at least 10 vehicles in-
volved. At the time of the incident,
the weather conditions were snow
blowing at 45 to 60 mph causing
white out blizzard conditions.
Upon dispatch the McCook
County Ambulance requested
Mutual Aid from Humboldt Fire
and Ambulance. Due to weather
conditions it took a considerable
amount of time for rst respond-
ers from both McCook County
and Humboldt to arrive on scene.
When rst responders arrived on
scene, they discovered a multi
vehicle crash with 22 passenger
vehicles and four semi trucks
During this time the South Da-
kota Highway Patrol, Humboldt
Fire and Minnehaha County
Emergency Management coordi-
nated efforts to close the interstate
to any additional trafc. McCook
County EMS and the Humboldt
ambulance assessed the condition
of the patients involved within
the event. Four patients were
transported to hospitals in Sioux
Falls with the assistance of Rural
Metro Ambulance.
Clean up of the incident in-
cluded the assistance of seven tow
trucks from three different com-
Multi Vehicle Accident
panies from the Sioux Falls area.
Highway Patrol, rst responders
and emergency management
held several face-to-face situa-
tion reports during the incident
to prioritize efforts. The interstate
remained closed until approxi-
mately 6 p.m.
A separate accident on I-29 at
the Tea exit included 12 vehicles.
Both accidents were caused by
extreme weather events.
Lessons learned.
The South Dakota digital radio
system works well to commu-
nicate during events like this.
Multiple agencies were able to
communicate on several different
talk groups.
Mutual aid agreements worked
well during this event. Many areas
in South Dakota have shortages of
resources. Planning and exercis-
ing with your mutual aid partners
pays off in incidents such as mass
causality events.
Extreme weather required rst
responders to take several breaks
during the event to warm up.
Paying attention to responders is
critical to incident success.
Three different tow truck com-
panies responded to the incident.
They worked well and integrated
into the response of the incident in
a safe and effective manner.
Lynn DeYoung
South Dakota Fire SERVICE Scholarship programAPPLICATION
The South Dakota Firefighters Association, South Dakota Firefighters Association Auxiliary and the Dear
Old Timers Organization (DOT) are offering two $1000 scholarships to two high school student to assist in
their higher education.

Scholarship money will be awarded second semester, freshman year.

Required Information:
Name of Applicant:
Mailing Address:
City, State:
Jobs held in last year:
Fathers Name:
Mothers Name:
Number of family members and ages:
College you plan to attend:
Field of study:
Plans for the future:
Name of sponsoring fire department or sponsoring SD auxiliary member or sponsoring Dear Old Timer:

Eligibility Requirements:
1. A Son or daughter of any member (living, deceased or retired) of a fire department in South
Dakota or an active member of a junior fire department in South Dakota.
2. A high school senior or student entering their first semester of college.
3. The applicant must be sponsored by a fire department that has 100% membership in the SD
Firefighters Association for the current year.
4. The applicant may also be sponsored by a member of the SD Firefighters Auxiliary, a local fire
department auxiliary or a member of the Dear Old Timers.
5. The scholarship may be used at a South Dakota college, or Post Secondary institution (Vo-Tech),
but may be used in the field of fire science outside of South Dakota.
6. Applications must be received by March 1, 2014 to be considered.

Required Attachments:
1. Photo required if awarded a scholarship.
2. Transcript of grades (up to first semester if a senior)
3. Four total letters of recommendations; one from the sponsoring fire department, and the others
from a business person, teacher, clergy or one from a SD auxiliary member or Dear Old Timer.
4. List of school/community activities and awards.
5. 250 word essay on your personnel goals, how this scholarship will benefit your education and the
affects that the fire service has had on your life.

Mail the complete application to:
South Dakota Firefighters Assn.
PO Box 626
Pierre, SD 57501

If the sponsoring fire department does not have 100% membership at the time of
application, the application will not be considered.
Application must be received by March 1, 2014
Public Fire Education
Planning A Five-
step Process
Current re departments use many terms for educational re and
injury prevention programs. Programs differ in size and approach, but
the goals are the same: Change the behavior of the public so that there
are fewer dangerous situations, res and injuries.
This U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) publication, Public Fire
Education Planning, presents a ve-step planning process for develop-
ing and implementing successful re and life safety public education
programs. Planning is the process that ensures that program strategies
and initiatives really address the community problems, whether its
identifying the re and injury risks in the community, developing and
implementing a program, or evaluating the results. This guide takes
you through that planning process.
A successful program follows a ve-step process:
1. Conduct a community analysis.
2. Develop community partnerships.
3. Create an intervention strategy.
4. Implement the strategy.
5. Evaluate the results.
The temptation to just get something implemented is hard to resist.
Unfortunately, this is a trap. Yes, its easy to schedule some presenta-
tions at a school; pass out brochures, stickers and plastic helmets; and
do some media interviews. But do those presentations address the
communitys worst re or injury problems? Do the solutions being
promoted really work? Is the appropriate target audience even being
reached? Are community groups working together? Is the program
being implemented in the best way?
A ready, re, aim approach will not hit the target. It can give the
impression that the department is out there educating the public, but
it may achieve little else. Successfully reducing res and preventable
injuries involves effective community planning. Notable public educa-
tion programs around the country always prove this to be true.
This guide recognizes that re prevention is now an important part of
the larger goal of preventing injuries and unsafe situations. Fire depart-
ments often provide Emergency Medical Services, and preventing injury,
illness and other unsafe acts is part of the mission of saving lives.
(Source: USFA publication FA-219, Public Fire Education Plan-
ning A Five Step Process, June 2008. To download a copy of this
publication, follow this link:
4 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014
of a team or they were recruited.
Either way, though, volunteer
reghters deserve recognition.
Our reghters are heroes,
Merriman said. Whether its
responding to a re call, medi-
cal emergency, car accident, or a
search and rescue mission, they
are our sense of security in times
of trouble. We owe them our
thanks, gratitude and support.
The rst volunteer reghting
crews which research suggests
was around 6 A.D. in ancient
Rome were perhaps mostly x-
ated on stopping res once they
started. Nowadays, firefighters
spend much time educating their
community on fire prevention,
and what to do in case of a re.
The best thing we as reght-
ers can hear is silence. No alarms,
no pagers, just silence. That
means folks are doing their job to
prevent res, are being safe on the
roads and are helping to avoid a
major incident in our community,
Deadwood Chief Glover said.
While much of the public per-
ception on reghting is actual
blaze battling, Glover points out
that theres more to being part of
a re department than just ght-
ing fire or assisting in vehicle
accidents. Fire departments need
behind the scenes help, too, he
From helping at the commu-
nity chili feed to fixing equip-
ment, any help can be a blessing,
Glover said. Deadwood Volunteer
Fireghters host an annual chili
feed and an annual pancake feed,
to help educate the community
on re prevention, and stress the
importance of having working
smoke detectors in your home
which can literally be the dif-
ference in life and death during a
The Deadwood Volunteer Fire
Departments doors are continu-
ously open for new members. The
rst step in becoming a volunteer
reghter is to contact the Dead-
wood Fire Hall at 578-1212 and
determine when the next course
Do your community a favor
this holiday season by giving the
gift of volunteering, Glover said.
By Lee Harstad,
Deadwood Fire Department
New reghters sought to join
This December marks 26 years
since the Syndicate Block Fire
ravaged a historical portion of
Deadwoods Main Street. 100-
year old buildings were aame in
December 1987 as residents and
city ofcials watched in dismay.
Deadwood Volunteer Fireghters
battled the Syndicate Block blaze
in near-zero temperatures, doing
their best to keep the re from
spreading to the rest of downtown.
Deadwoods Volunteer Fireghters make a difference
This wasnt Deadwoods rst
match with re, as the citys di-
ary is marked with various blazes
since the towns inception, such as
a re on Sept. 27, 1879 that started
on Sherman Street and nearly
wiped out the still-young city of
Deadwood. Large re events as
of late include the 2002 Grizzly
Gulch Fire, which etched its mark
on Deadwoods landscape and is
still relatively fresh in the mind of
residents and visitors.
Regardless of the timeline of
these res, one constant remains:
the need for volunteer reghters
to step up and protect their com-
munity. When large events strike,
a strong base of volunteers can be
the difference in saving structures
or watching them burn to the
ground. In South Dakota, there are
some 7,900 volunteer reghters,
and 97 percent of re departments
in the state are run and staffed
by volunteers. Deadwood has 35
reghters on its roll, yet the need
for help is ever present.
You can never have enough
volunteers. With various work
schedules and comfort levels,
volunteers are in high demand,
said Bill Glover, Deadwood Vol-
unteer Fire Department Chief,
adding that at its peak, the Dead-
wood Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment had 52 members, which
was immediately following the
Grizzly Gulch Fire. After major
incidents such as that, a spike in
interest is seen.
Volunteer reghting may not
be as glorious, exciting or dan-
gerous as what you see portrayed
on your living room TV or on the
big screen, but it is certainly an
extremely important community
service. From vehicle accidents
and forest res to lift assists and
major structure res, volunteer
reghters are called upon to
rescue, extinguish and assist on
a daily basis. Its a commitment,
one that comes with plenty of
In order to be safe in dan-
gerous situations, volunteer
firefighters must complete an
extensive training course and
pass a variety of written and
practical tests. Deadwoods
Volunteer Fireghters, to start,
must undergo some 180 hours
of training, from classroom ses-
sions to hands-on sessions. This
initial training covers a broad
base of reghting know-how,
including live re training and
vehicle extrication, and requires
volunteer firefighters to pass
state-mandated tests. After that,
plenty of courses are offered for
further education and training in
the re suppression eld. Much
of the training needed by volun-
teers is required in full-time re-
ghting ranks too. Deadwood
reghters also have monthly
business meetings and training
sessions, and additional train-
ing is required on an as-needed
Despite the training hours and
testing, volunteers are passion-
ate about helping their commu-
nity. Paul Merriman, the South
Dakota State Fire Marshal, said
reasons vary as to why reght-
ers volunteer, ranging from the
willingness to help people and
serve their communities, a fam-
ily tradition, an interest in public
safety as a career eld, to be part
Deadwood Volunteer reghters and junior reghters
prepare to serve food during the departments annual free
pancake feed. From left: Courtne Rakow, Rylan Rakow, Bob
Nelson, Sr., Ken Allen and Greg Wagner. Photo and article
submitted by Lee Harstad.
Deadwood Volunteer
reghters take part in live
re training at Western
Dakota Technical Institute.
Colman Volunteer Fire and Rescue to Hold
Chuck Rentschler Bene t
to 1 a.m. enter-
tainment will be
provided by RAT
PAC from Elkton,
SD. Admission
is $8 for 12 yrs.
and up, 11 and
under are free.
The Gun & Purse
Raffle drawings
will be held dur-
ing the dance at
The rst prize
gun rafe item is
a Remington 700
CDL SF 300WSM 24 Fluted, walnut stock, stain-
less steel nish. Second prize gun rafe item is a
CX-USA Wingshooter DLX 12 ga. 28 over/under,
walnut stock, black chrome. Gun rafe tickets are
$10 each or three for $25.
First prize purse rafe item is a Coach Leather
Brooke Hobo F17165 White. Second prize purse
rafe item is locally made and is a black leather with
red and white fabric. Purse rafe tickets are $5 each
or ve for $20.
All proceeds will be presented to Chuck and his
family to help offset the cost for travel and medical
Please join us to help support our fellow EMT/
reghter on 2-22-14. If you are unable to attend and
wish to purchase rafe tickets, you can contact Bill
Hawkins at 605-530-6422, or any Colman reghter
you know.
Remember, rafe prizes will be drawn the night
of the benet. Donations will be gratefully accepted
at Colman Volunteer Fire and Rescue, P.O. Box 179,
Colman, SD, 57017.
In early July 2013, our fellow EMT and Fireghter,
Chuck Rentschler, was diagnosed with Multiple My-
eloma after evaluation for severe back pain showed a
growth on his spine through MRI. The growth caused
ve of his vertebrae to deteriorate, causing the severe
pain. Multiple Myeloma is essentially blood cancer
that starts in the plasma cells of the bone marrow. It
has treatment options, but is not curable. Chuck will
need to be on some form of treatment indenitely
throughout his life.
Treatment was started immediately with radiation
ve days a week for four weeks to shrink the growth,
and also chemotherapy injections twice weekly, in
addition to daily oral chemo. The chemotherapy will
continue. The next step was a bone marrow transplant
at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Chuck started this
process in November 2013 at Mayo. When his white
blood cell count was at the desired level, his stem
cells were harvested by running his blood through a
machine that removes the stem cells while returning
the blood back into his body.
Chuck and his wife were able to come home for a
few days at Thanksgiving after the stem cell retrieval,
and then went back to Mayo for high dose chemo-
therapy to kill off the remaining cancer cells. This
process also destroys his acquired antibodies and
immunities. The stem cell transplant has so far gone
well and will require monthly trips back to Mayo for
a while.
Chuck has been an EMT/reghter with Colman
Volunteer Fire and Rescue for many years. Prior to
his move to rural Colman, he was an EMT/reghter
with the Egan Volunteer Fire Dept a few miles to the
Our department is holding a Rocky Mountain Oys-
ter and Pork Sandwich Feed with a Gun and Purse
Rafe at the Colman Fire Hall on Main Street, Sat-
urday, Feb. 22, 2014 starting at 5 p.m. From 9 p.m.
S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er 5
Ray Andy Anderson
U.S. Fire Administration
Fireghter Fatality
The following area U.S. Fire Administration Fireghter Fatality
Notications of reghters who have died from across the United
States. The South Dakota Fire Service extends its thoughts to the
family and friends of these reghters.
Terry Richard Dick Guss, Sr., 72, South Zanesville, OH,
died Dec. 15, 2013. Fireghter Guss was a 20+ year member of
the South Zanesville Fire Department. After returning to the station
from working a residential re call, Fireghter Guss slipped and
fell from the running board of an engine striking his head on the
apparatus bay oor. According to reports, Guss was transported
to the hospital alert and in little pain. While at the hospital Guss
condition worsened and he was transferred to ICU then underwent
surgery to address pressure on the brain from bleeding. In spite of
best efforts from fellow rst responders and medical personnel at
the hospital, Fireghter Guss succumbed to his injuries passing
away on Sunday, Dec. 15. call.
Jeff Little, 50, Waycross, GA, died Dec. 15, 2013. Lieutenant
Little was a 25+ year member of the Waycross Fire Department.
Crews were performing overhaul operations on a residential struc-
ture re when the ceiling collapsed trapping Lieutenant Little.
Rescue efforts were immediately initiated and Little was transported
to the Mayo Clinic of Waycross where he succumbed to injuries
sustained in the collapse. According to re department ofcials, the
re has been ruled intentionally set and Lieutenant Littles death
is being investigated as a homicide.
Joshua T. Smith, 25, LaCrosse, VA, died Dec. 14, 2013. Fire-
ghter Smith had been a member of the LaCrosse Volunteer Fire
Department less than a year. While responding to the re station
for an alarm, Fireghter Smith was killed from injuries sustained
when the privately owned vehicle he was operating left the roadway
and crashed. Investigation of the fatal accident continues by local
and state authorities.
Jon F. Schondelmayer, 44, Cary, NC, died Dec. 18, 2013.
Fireghter Schondelmayer was a 19-year member of the Swift
Creek Rural Fire Department. On the morning of Dec. 18, 2013,
Fireghter Schondelmayer was working with Swift Creek Fire De-
partment as a reghter when he began to feel ill. He communicated
to his crew at approximately 1130hrs that he was going to go home
to get some medicine and return to the station. His crew became
concerned when he left and called him on his cell phone to check to
see how he was doing. At the same time, a Swift Creek reghter
was sent to his residence. While on the telephone, Schondelmayer
communicated that he did not feel well and needed assistance.
When the other Swift Creek reghter arrived at the residence, he
found Fireghter Schondelmayer unresponsive. Schondelmayers
fellow responder began rendering medical aid and contacted his
company at Swift Creek for assistance. Emergency responders
worked for 50 minutes to try to revive Fireghter Schondelmayer
but he passed away from a nature and cause of injury still to be
determined and reported. Fireghter Schondelmayer was also a Fire
Captain with the Cary Fire Department, NC, and had just come off
of a busy shift with Cary that included several emergency response
runs before beginning duty that day with the Swift Creek Rural
Fire Department.
Jeffrey Lee Fields, 51, Youngsville, NC, died Dec. 25, 2013.
Assistant Fire Chief Fields was a 21-year member of the Youngs-
ville Volunteer Fire Department. Within 24 hours of responding to
a motor vehicle accident on Dec. 12, Chief Fields suffered a heart
attack. Fields remained in the hospital and underwent heart bypass
surgery on Dec. 17, returning home on the 23rd where he passed
away on Dec. 25th, 2013.
Cosmo Paris, 59, Cliffside Park, NJ, died Jan. 8, 2014. Fire-
ghter Paris was a 15-year member of the Cliffside Park Fire De-
partment. Fireghter Paris responded to an activated alarm which
created a hazard in the building necessitating re ofcials to order
a stand-by at the location for a re watch. The re watch duty ex-
tended 16 hours in sub-freezing temperatures. A short time after the
re watch concluded, Paris suffered a heart attack while operating
a motor vehicle. Fireghter Paris was discovered by police, then
treated and transported to the hospital where he succumbed to his
James Doc Delbert Brooks, 62, Largo, MD, died Jan. 15,
2014. Fireghter/EMT Brooks was a 20-year member of the Prince
Georges Fire/EMS Department of Largo, MD. While winterizing
boats and a station at the Fort Washington Marina in preparation
for record low temperatures forecasted for the following day,
Fireghter Brooks began to experience difculty breathing and
called 911. Fireghters and paramedics arrived to nd Brooks in
cardiac arrest and immediately began pre-hospital care. He was
transported to a nearby medical facility and subsequently relocated
to Medstar at Washington Hospital Center in critical condition
where he succumbed to his injury on Jan. 15th, 2014.
Letter From a Fireghter
Ray Andy Earl Anderson, 88,
Sioux Falls, SD, formerly of Win-
ner, SD, began his sentimental
journey with the Lord on Wednes-
day, Dec. 25, 2013, at Southridge
Healthcare in Sioux Falls.
Ray was born April 3, 1925, at
Ravinia, SD, to Nels and Chris-
tine (Thompson) Anderson. He
was the oldest of 14 children. He
attended Ravinia High School
until the age of 17 when he was
needed in the elds to help with
harvest. He enlisted in the US
Navy in 1943. During WWII,
because of his small size, he was
given the position of a tail gunner.
While in the Navy, he acquired
the nickname of Andy. He was
honorably discharged in 1946.
He married Georgine Geor-
gie Kisely on Sept. 19, 1946, in
Eagle Grove, IA. They moved to
Mitchell, SD, where he worked
for a dry cleaner and a gas station.
Being a person who enjoyed using
his hands, Andy enrolled in watch
repair school in Denver, CO, and
received his diploma for watch
repair. He moved to Parkston, SD,
to start a jewelry business with
his brother-in-law. Andy decided
he wanted to own his own store,
so he moved the family to Tripp,
SD. He then had an opportunity
to purchase the Parkston Jewelry
Store from his brother-in-law, so
the family moved back there and
established Andys Jewelry in
1951. Andy was looking for an
opportunity to grow his jewelry
business and took a trip with his
family to Colorado to explore
buying another store. On the way
home, they drove through Winner,
SD. The next day Andy called
Mrs. Allers, the owner of a jew-
elry store in Winner, for a business
offer. In February 1963, Andy
and his family moved to Winner,
SD. In 1965, a re damaged the
jewelry store and he relocated the
business down the street. In 1966,
Andy purchased the only other
jewelry store in Winner from Joe
Flora and relocated to 3rd and
Main where it remained until the
business closed. Andy and Geor-
gie worked together in the jewelry
business until April 1967 when
their son-in-law, Steve, joined
in doing watch repair work with
Andy. In 1999 Steve and Joan Da-
vis purchased Andys Jewelry and
Andy semi-retired. Andy contin-
ued to own and operate Anderson
U-Stor-It and eventually sold to
his two daughters and sons-in-law.
In July 2008 Andy and Georgie
moved to Sioux Falls to be closer
to their doctors. Georgie passed
away on March 14, 2010.
Andy was a volunteer reman
for both the Parkston and Winner
Fire Departments and served as
fire chief for both (Winner for
15 years). He enjoyed bowling
and sponsoring both a mens and
womens league. He was an avid
golfer, walker, hunter, and blood
donor. He was an active member
of the Chamber of Commerce
receiving many awards, VFW,
Elks Lodge, American Legion,
Christ Lutheran Church usher,
and a proud member of Rotary
International and served as their
sergeant-at-arms for several years.
Happy to have shared his life
are his four children Joan (Steve)
Davis, Winner, SD; David (Jean)
Anderson, Casper, WY; Lin-
da (Dave) Klein, Pierre, SD;
and Derry (Sheila) Anderson,
Sioux Falls, SD. His eight grand-
children: Steven (Cora) Davis,
Cordell (Melissa) Davis, Delvet
(Mitch) Anderson; Samantha
(Bill) Capshaw, David Anderson,
Jr.; Kimberly (Doug) Klein-
Smith, Nicole Klein, and Kara
(Troy) Mohn; fourteen great
grandchildren; four brothers: Niel
(Wanda) Anderson, Delmont, SD;
Jack (Norma) Anderson, Mt. Ver-
non, SD; Jim (Jeanne) Anderson,
Mitchell, SD; and Winkie (Judy)
Anderson, Glendale, AZ; ve sis-
ters: Anita Engel, Sioux Falls, SD;
Eileen Ayres, Kalispel, MT; Lois
Burt, Ft. Worth, TX; Joyce (Dick)
Richardson, Sioux Falls, SD; and
Jeanne Gavette, Sioux Falls, SD;
and many nieces and nephews.
He is preceded in death by his
wife of 63 years, Georgine; his
parents; and four sisters: Naomi
McEntaffer; Betty Anderson,
Ardis Anderson, and Karen Kit-
Funeral services were held on
Saturday, Jan. 4, 2014, at Christ
Lutheran Church in Winner.
Burial was in the Lakeview Cem-
etery, Lake Andes. Memorials are
being collected by the family and
will be donated to the Winner
Fire Department in Andys honor
and can be mailed to 4930 South
Western Avenue, Suite 200, Sioux
Falls, SD 57108.
At the business meeting in Belle Fourche during
the 2013 state re school, discussion was brought up
by me on behalf of several reghters concerning
the change in dates for re school. Many questioned
the boards decision to change the date without the
vote of the paying membership on an issue as drastic
as changing the date of school to be two months
This was not anything against Aberdeen but more
of a membership issue. There is nothing in the by-
laws requiring re school to be the same time in
June each year, but consideration should have been
given to the reghters whether to change dates or
not, especially when the school had been voted for
Aberdeen school in June 2014 and Pierre in 2015,
both of which have different dates than normal.
Sioux Falls school will be held a week early in
2016 but that change was voted on at the business
meeting by the members.
After discussion on the oor and concerns ex-
pressed, it was suggested that I introduce a by-law
change limiting the board on what issues they could
vote on or just setting a permanent date for re
school. After a lot of thought and input I decided
not to introduce that by-law change but rather I
hope the message was relayed to the board that the
members want to voice their opinion on major is-
sues by way of a vote. It has been suggested to me
that electronic voting for the departments with 100
percent membership be considered regarding issues
that might require immediate attention during the
A suggestion to conduct another survey of the
reghters was also discussed at Belle Fourche,
and one was implemented by email to the registered
members who attended 2013 school. Those that
lled one out would like to see what the thoughts
I believe the minutes to the meeting have not been
printed in the newsletter as required when using tax
dollars, but they are available the SVFFA website.
The Aberdeen Fire School class list is out, check
it out in the last newsletter or online and get regis-
Larry Nickles,
To place your personal or departmental
classied ads here:
Call 515-604-6400 or email them to
FOR SALE: 1999 F800 Diesel/automatic,
1250 top mount pump, 1000 poly tank/E-One
aluminum body. Excellent condition/available
approximately 90 days. Contact Mike at
712-830-0031 or put
1999 Ford/E-One in subject line. TFN
6 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014
Denny Gorton,
So why dont we imagine a
better, greater, grander re
service? One where there are
no reghter deaths, training
is perfect, and all things are
good. We can get there if we just
imagine what it would be like.
Glenn Sealey,
Vice President
Id like to remind you that
the scholarship applications
will be due March 1. If you
have a high school senior that
is eligible to apply, please get
these into Deedra as soon as
Ofcer Directory
Term Exp. 6/30/2014
PO BOX 1884
Rapid City SD 57709
394-5367 Work
484-0806 Cell
343-3295 Home

Term Exp. 6/30/2015
PO BOX 174
Colome SD 57528
842-2819 Home
840-2250 Cell

819 N Harney Ct
Pierre SD 57501
224-6372 Home

13676 Neck Yoke Rd
Rapid City SD 57701
341-2209 Home
388-7406 Work
390-2782 Cell

PO BOX 122
Colton SD 57018
446-3249 Home
446-3265 Work
360-8827 Cell

Term Exp. 6/30/2014
P.O. Box 606
Viborg, SD 57070
605-326-5072 Home
605-940-1087 Cell
Term Exp. 6/30/2017
Mellette SD 57461
887-3523 Home
887-3471 Work
380-2535 Cell

Term Exp. 6/30/2014
1156 Iowa Ave NE
Huron SD 57350
Term Exp. 6/30/2015
PO BOX 599
Lemmon SD 57638
374-5868 Home
222-9702 Cell

Term Exp. 6/30/2015
4525 Dolphin Ln
Rapid City SD 57701
348-4395 Home
390-7752 Cell
348-4395 Fax

Term Exp. 6/30/2016
345 West 8th Street
Winner, SD 57580
605-842-0468 Home
605-840-1884 Cell

Term Exp. 6/30/2016
Platte SD 57369
605-337-9629 Home
605-680-2637 Cell
Leadership people believe in several theories. One of those theories is
called Five Powers. The Five Powers are: The Power of Imagination; The
Power of Voice; The Power of Change; The Power of Commitment; and
The Power of Team Work. I want to visit about each one. This month, The
Power of Imagination.
Have you ever thought about how our world would be different if
someone hadnt imagined something different? Someone who said there
has got to be a better way. We can do better than this. What started out as a
way for scientists to talk to each other has become the internet? Someone
said what would happen if we did this so everyone could talk to anyone.
We wouldnt have Google, Bing, world information at our ngertips,
Facebook (ok maybe thats not so good) and thousands of others.
So why dont we imagine a better,
greater, grander re service? One where
there are no reghter deaths, training
is perfect, and all things are good. We
can get there if we just imagine what it
would be like. All we have to do is to say,
There is a better way. Truly put our
minds into making the re service better
in some small way, and we will get there.
Take ve minutes and imagine what you
can do to make your re department bet-
ter. It may be small but it may just make
a huge difference and start something
Ok, Im on my soap box now. We pay a lot of lip service to decreasing
the number of reghters who die in the line of duty but dont do much. I
recently received an email from a person in the wildland re community
who had checked the number of wildland reghters killed and the time
of day they died. Guess when they died? Between the hours of 8 AM and
6 PM. According to his gures, not one died between 6 PM and 8 AM. So
why do we continue to put reghters at risk at 3 PM? I dont know! We
tell people we dont ght wildland res at night because it is too dangerous.
Too dangerous! What about 3 PM? We have fact, gures, proof it is more
dangerous at 3 PM than another time. But we still do it. Why? Imagine if
someone said no way not on my watch.
In the past month there has been a urry of emails, letters and info about
the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and how it may affect volunteer re
departments. Many of you contacted our congressional delegation and
they heard you. In this paper there are articles on a very recent IRS ruling
that should exclude VFDs. However, we still need to watch and be sure
the nal regulations exempt us for all future years. Thank you for your
efforts, your voice is powerful.
The SDFA Board has been looking at a number of changes, some on
the website, some on benets, different issues. We will be letting all the
members know of any changes in the coming months. Keep a watch in
the paper for more info and some may require you to vote at re school.
The Board has just met with the Brown County Fire Chiefs for Fire
School in April. They have so many things ready to go it should go without
a hitch. Great classes, instructors and all the usual activities. The registra-
tion should be online very soon. The SDFA Board hopes to have some
webpage changes done, so some
things may look a little different, but
the important items are there.
A quick reminder that the legisla-
ture is in session and if you have any
questions on bills or something you
feel needs to be discussed, contact
any SDFA Board member, Steve
Willard and well see what we can
do to help.
With that, Ill close for now, remem-
ber, be safe and train hard.
Denny Gorton,
Survey Results
After the 2013 Belle Fourche Fire School the SDFA Board sent
an email survey to those who attend re school.
We have compiled the results and they are on our South Dakota
Fireghters Assn. webpage at
Please take some time and read through the responses. We have not
edited them for content; they are as we received them. I think you
will nd some answers surprising and some as you might expect.
No matter what the responses were, they did help the Board.
Thank you to those who took the time to respond.
Denny Gorton, President
Greetings Fellow Fireghters,
Well I hope you all have had a
good New Year so far. This year
seems to be ying by like all the
rest and I couldnt believe it was
time for another article for the pa-
per. Time ies when youre having
fun they say...
Well I see the SDFA dues notices
are out. Please take time to update
your rosters and return with your
dues as soon as you can. I know
Deedra appreciates receiving them
and it saves the Association time
and money by not having to send
a second notice.
Id like to remind you that the
scholarship applications will be
due March 1. If you have a high
school senior that is eligible to ap-
ply, please get these into Deedra
as soon as possible. I apologize for
the notice not being in last months
paper, the application is available
online at the SDFA website www. Please send the
completed form to: South Dakota
Fireghters Association, P.O. Box
626, Pierre, SD 57501.
With your cooperation the com-
mittee should be able to decide
and award the scholarships at Fire
School in Aberdeen in April.
Well thats about all I have for
this month. Please continue to send
your pictures and articles for the
South Dakota Fireghter. I hear
many good comments from around
the State about whats going on in
the South Dakota Fire service.
Take care and please be safe in
everything you do.
Glenn Sealey,
Vice President
Ron Hines,
Central District
Dont forget state school in
Aberdeen April 3, 4 and 5. Lets
train to make ourselves and
others better prepared.
2014 is sure shaping up to be a good year. Sure hope we have seen the
last of the Polar Vortex. As we wait for the warmer weather, lets think
about training.
Central District will be hosting their annual school Feb. 22 in Wessing-
ton Springs. Look around for a certied class to set in on a class or two.
Dont forget state school in Aberdeen April 3, 4 and 5. Lets train to make
ourselves and others better prepared.
Have a back-to-basics night at the station. Knock some of the rust off and
help out the younger members. Heck, maybe show them a few things, and
they might show us a thing or two. We are never too old to keep learning.
Make sure and check the Fire Marshals web page for training oppor-
tunities and check them out on Face Book.
Stay safe and I hope all can make it to Aberdeen.
Ron Hines, Central District Director
Jack Diez,
Badlands District Director
The Brown County Chiefs have
worked hard to bring you a good
school with good classes and
instructors. Lets give them a
chance and see what happens.
By now everyone should have plans on attending re school in
Aberdeen. I know the time of year is a little unusual but Charlie Kludt
said it will be 65 and sunny all week. The Brown County Chiefs have
worked hard to bring you a good school with good classes and instruc-
tors. Lets give them a chance and see what happens.
In our district we recently lost two outstanding men from the re
service. The rst was Steve Frank from Bonesteel, who passed away
while on an EMS call in November. Steve was a very caring and giv-
ing man who has left a void in Gregory County and South Dakota. He
volunteered countless hours to re and EMS but made time to be a
loving and devoted man to his wife, Kristal and daughter Micaela.
The second was Ray (Andy) Anderson, a retired reghter from
Winner, who passed on Christmas Day at the age of 88. He served
as our chief for 15 years. When a young man decides to join the re
service there are a few of the older reghters that will take the time
to guide them and help them fulll their calling. To me and a lot of
men from Winner, that man was Gunner Anderson.
If you pray, please take a minute and talk to God about these two
men and thank him for the gift of these two men and the others that
have passed before them. RIP brothers.
Jack Diez, Badlands District Director
S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er 7
Rodney Veldhuizen, Chaplain
So in that line I would like to offer
the Ten Commandments of a Rolling
Code. Now I claim no originality in
this, as you see every year I am tasked
with leading a memorial service for the
Yankton Department and I hate to do the
same thing over and over again, even the
Chaplain can get bored that way, so I
search for quotes and thoughts, and this
one seems appropriate for a New Year.
Charlie Kludt,
Southeast District Director
No matter where you are, people
recognize the reghting symbol.
Little kids are the greatest. If youve
ever done something at a school
pertaining to the re department, you
know what I mean. From that moment
on, they associate you with the re
department. If they see you somewhere
else, Hey, youre a reghter!
Paul Merriman,
State Fire Marshal
Thank you SD Society of Fire
Instructors Board Members for your
efforts, thank you Bill and Bonnie
DeBondt for your continued work with
the Red Book Fund, and a special
thanks to all in attendance for your
commitment to improve re education
in South Dakota, it truly does not work
without you.
Social Aspects of Fireghting
There are few occupations that
create an instant topic of discussion
like that of reghting. And lets
face it, most of us wear something
that displays the fact that you are a
reghter, EMT, or spouse of one.
The moment someone walks
in with a shirt or coat that has the
Maltese cross on it, you start to
check out where they are from.
Whether they are from somewhere
nearby, or across the country,
it makes for an easy discussion
I was in Wisconsin a few years
ago at a local establishment with
my brothers, when I walked past
a fellow with a professional re-
ghters union insignia on the back
of his coat. All it took was a quick,
Excuse me, what Union are you
from? and the handshakes and
conversations took off. He was
from a department in the New
York City area. The guys standing
with him were from departments
in Ohio and Wisconsin.
When I told them I was from
South Dakota and on the union
there in Sioux Falls, they all
brought up the Zip Feed Mill
debacle a few months before.
And commonly mistaken with the
Sioux name, they asked about the
big plane crash many years ago.
Then they remembered it was
Sioux City.
No matter where you are, people
recognize the reghting symbol.
Little kids are the greatest. If
youve ever done something at a
school pertaining to the re de-
partment, you know what I mean.
From that moment on, they associ-
ate you with the re department.
If they see you somewhere else,
Hey, youre a reghter!
Ive been in places far from
home and had random little kids
with their parents see the cross
on my coat and say, Hes a re-
The important thing to remem-
ber is, whether youre doing re-
ghting duties, or just out in the
public, people will associate you
with reghting. How we behave,
present ourselves, and treat other
people will reect not merely on
ourselves, but firefighting as a
whole. People look at us and look
up to us.
So, if you are going to display
the patch, treat it with the honor
and respect it deserves, for all of
State Fire School is in Aberdeen,
April 3-5. The Aberdeen Fire,
Brown County Fire Chiefs and
Aberdeen Convention and Visitors
Bureau have been planning and
getting things ready for the last
couple of years. Registration will
be open soon. Check the listing
online or in this paper.
If your department has paid full
membership, State School registra-
tion cost will be less expensive.
Check with your department or the
SDFA website to see if you qualify.
The SDFA Board and SE District
will be selecting scholarship re-
cipients to attend State Fire School,
once again. Last year, members
from Aurora and Spencer received
the funding. Watch for letters and
check for messages in the coming
weeks. If your department hasnt
been to a State School for a few
years and is interested in sending
some members, drop your district
representative a note at the contact
information listed in the paper.
There will be an election for the
SDFA President position. If you
have someone interested or ques-
tions about the position, contact
Denny Gorton or LeRoy Koop-
man for an informative discussion
of duties. Candidates submitting
nomination or intent prior to State
School will be listed in the paper.
SE District School is at Tea the
end of April. Class listings will be
out soon. Check the training list-
ings on the Fire Marshals website
for other opportunities. Remem-
ber, you can go to any district for
classes. If you see a district school
with a class youre interested in,
get signed up.
Be Safe,
Charlie Kludt,
SE District
Happy New Year to one and
all! I sometimes wonder what to
say when it comes to this column
and there are so many trite and
over used lines that could be used.
But as this is the beginning of a
new year, and I am praying one in
which we will have no line of duty
deaths, or injuries (so maybe I am
dreaming but come on a guy has
to have a dream).
So in that line I would like to
offer the Ten Commandments of
a Rolling Code. Now I claim no
originality in this, as you see every
year I am tasked with leading a
memorial service for the Yankton
Department and I hate to do the
same thing over and over again,
even the Chaplain can get bored
that way, so I search for quotes
and thoughts, and this one seems
appropriate for a New Year.
The ten commandments
of rolling code
1. Thou shalt treat thy pumper as
though it were your rstborn child.
2. Blow thy siren and shine thy
light with great vigor enroute.
3. Know where thou goest at all
4. Be certain all those in atten-
dance are afxed prior to venturing
5. Thou shalt arriveth shiny side
6. Be ever so humble when thy
mic is keyed.
7. Thou shalt not leave thy sta-
tion til thy door is openeth.
8. Thou shalt not closeth thy bay
door too soon.
9. Thou shalt closeth all com-
partment doors when thou art done.
10. Thou shalt never chastise
thy driver for making a wrong turn
when it results in a return to the
So South Dakota firefighters,
I hope my Ten Commandments
have given you a slight chuckle
and maybe even a gentle reminder
to be safe in this coming year. In
this coming year it is my prayer
that you will all respond and
return safely, and that God will
protect not only you when you are
responding but your entire family,
each and every day.
Rodney Veldhuizen,
SD Fire Instructors
Conference 2014
The 2014 South Dakota Society
of Fire Instructors Conference
was held on Jan. 11-12, in Pierre.
Conference attendance was excel-
lent this year as 120 re instruc-
tors from around the state attended
the conference to sharpen their
skills as educators.
The featured presenter was Dr.
Richard Gasaway. Chief Gasaway
founded Situational Awareness
Matters! a consulting and teaching
organization dedicated to improv-
ing how individuals, teams and
organizations make decisions in
stressful environments. Dr. Gas-
away presented to the conference
multiple topics: Flawed Situation-
al Awareness the stealth killer of
reghters, Training for Failure
Understanding why some rst
responder training must change,
and Fireghter Safety Mistakes
and best practices.
The SD Society of Fire Instruc-
tors gave special recognition and
lifetime honorary membership to
past board member and long time
re instructor Leroy Aasen. In ad-
dition, the Board also recognized
long standing Board President and
member Tom Slowey for his many
years of dedicated service. Mike
Erickson was the 2014 recipient of
the SD Fire Instructor of the Year
Award. Congratulations to these
individuals for their accomplishments, the
awards are well deserved.
Thank you SD Society of Fire Instruc-
tors Board Members for your efforts, thank
you Bill and Bonnie DeBondt for your
continued work with the Red Book Fund,
and a special thanks to all in attendance for
your commitment to improve re educa-
tion in South Dakota, it truly does not work
without you.
Wishing everyone and their families a
happy and safe new year.
State Fire Marshal Staff
Glenda Marks, Doug Hinkle,
Jason DallaGrana, Steve Harford,
Paul Coon, Cliff Dahl, Paul Merriman
SD Fire Instructor Board President Todd
Lowe presenting award to Tom Slowey.
Todd Lowe
presenting award
to Leroy Aasen.
Deputy Fire Marshal Steve Harford
presenting award for instructor of
the year to Mike Erickson.
8 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014
2014 Fire School Schedule
Thursday, April 3
10:00 a.m. Vendors can begin to set up
2:00 p.m. - Evolutions
3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - Registration open
3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Trade Show Open
5:00 p.m. Instructor Meeting
5:30 p.m. Evening Meal
7:00 p.m. Opening Ceremonies
7:30 p.m. Key Note Address by John Salka
8:00 p.m. Memorial Service
Friday, April 4
7:00 a.m. Registration Opens
7:00 a.m. Trade Show Open
8:00 a.m. -12:00 Classes
12:00 1:00 p.m. - Lunch
1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. - Classes
5:15 6:00 p.m. Business Meeting
6:30 7:30 p.m. Dear Old Timers
Hosted by the SD Fireghter Benet
8:00 p.m. - SD Fireghter Benet Concert (Ramada Inn
Convention Center)
Saturday, April 5
** Trade Show Not Open On Saturday
7:00 a.m. Registration opens
1100 1400 - Voting Occurs
8:00 a.m. 12:00 - Classes
11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. -- Elections
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Classes
1715 - Business Meeting (2nd half) / Closing Ceremonies
Best Western Ramkota 605-229-4040
Ramada 605-225-3600
AmericInn Lodge & Suites 605-225-4565
Hampton Inn & Suites 605-262-2600
Holiday Inn Express 605-725-4000
Super 8 - East 605-229-5005
Super 8 - North 605-226-2288
Super 8 West 605-225-1711
Comfort Inn 605-226-0097
White House Inn 605-225-5000
Towne Place Suites 605-725-3500
Its hard to believe but 2014 State Fire School is about 60 days away. We have been working with the
Fire Marshals ofce and the State Fireghters board nalizing plans and getting ready for everyone to
come to Aberdeen April 3
, 4
and 5
In this issue of the South Dakota Fireghter you will nd a class list with full descriptions, re school
schedule and bios on featured instructors John Salka, Rhett Flietz and Willie Wines Jr. There is also an
Aberdeen hotel listing if you havent made room reservations. Registration is opening on Feb. 1
so take
a look at the classes listed and get registered before the class that you want lls up.
This years re school will be held at the Aberdeen Recreational and Cultural Center at 223 3
Ave SE,
across the street Aberdeen Fire and Rescue Station #1. Most re school activities will be held here with
the exception of a few classes (busing will be provided) and the Dear Old Timers banquet. The DOTs
will be at the Ramada Inn & Convention Center, followed by the SD Fireghter Benets event featuring
entertainment by singer/songwriter Paul Cummings.
Activities will start Thursday afternoon with the trade show and registration desk open from 3:006:00
p.m. At 5:30 we will start serving a meal that you dont want to miss. Opening Ceremonies, a keynote ad-
dress by John Salka and the Memorial Service and will start at 7:00 p.m.
Links for registration and other re school information can be found at both and . You can also follow the SD Fireghters Association Facebook page www.
Hope to see you in Aberdeen April 3
, 4
and 5
The Brown County Fire School Committee
Rhett Fleitz
Rhett is a Lt. with the Roa-
noke Fire-EMS Department in
Roanoke, VA. He has served
there since 1999. Prior to that
he was a volunteer with the
Midlothian VFD in Chester-
eld, VA. Rhett runs one of the
most popular re service blogs
The Fire Critic (http://FireCritic.
com). He has been involved
with many organizations includ-
ing IAFF Local 1132, National
Fireghters Endowment, and the
National Fallen Fireghters
Rhett travels to many re
service events across the U.S.
He speaks often with Captain
Wines on Motivating Fire-
ghters, Social Media in the
Fire Service, Professional
Wellness, and Improving Mo-
rale. Rhett lives in Roanoke
County with his wife, Becky,
and two children, Preston and
Willie Wines Jr.
Willie is a Captain with the
Roanoke Fire-EMS Depart-
ment in Roanoke, VA. He has
served there since 1990. Prior
to that he served as a volun-
teer firefighter. Willie runs (http://Iron- He has been
involved with the National
Fireghters Endowment and
National Fallen Fireghters
Willie speaks to reghters
regularly along with Rhett
Fleitz on topics such as Moti-
vating Fireghters, Improving
Morale, Social Media in the
Fire Service, and Professional
Wellness. Willie lives in Roa-
noke County with his wife,
Donna. He has two daughters
and two grandsons.
John J. Salka, Jr.
Battalion Chief (ret) FDNY
John Salka retired from the FDNY
as a battalion commander in 2012
after 33 years with the department.
Chief Salka worked in some of the
most active units in the FDNY includ-
ing rescue, squad, ladder and engine
companies. In addition to his eld
assignments, Chief Salka instructed
at the FDNY re academy in several
capacities including the Probationary
Fireghters School, the Captains De-
velopment Program and the Battalion
Chiefs Command Course.
Outside the FDNY Chief Salka operates Fire Command Training,
a training and consulting company based in NY. He is the author of
three books, First In, Last Out - Leadership Lessons From the New
York Fire Department, The Engine Company and Five Alarm
Leadership. He writes a monthly column in Firehouse magazine
titled, The Fire Scene and is a frequent blogger on Firehouse.
He can be reached at
Friday, April 4, 2014
8:30-10 a.m. Pheasant Canteen Tour
8:30-10 a.m. Dacotah Prairie Museum Interactive Tour
10:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m. - Grassland Hutterite Colony Tour.
*Lunch will be served
10:15-11:45 a.m. Ben Victor Sculpture Studio Tour
10:15-11:45 a.m. Brown County Dispatch Center Tour
10:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Four Brushes Paint your own
Pottery Studio. *This will have a shortened lunch break
11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Lunch Break
1:30 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Dakota Carding Tour (subject to change)
1:30-3:15 p.m. Brown County Dispatch Center Tour
3:30-4:30 p.m. Beginning Knitting
3:30-4:30 p.m. Dacotah Prairie Museum Interactive Tour
Saturday, April 4, 2014
Luncheon at Max and Ermas Restaurant at 11 a.m.
Deputy Chief Larry Nickles
Evolution Committee
Just a reminder to South Da-
kota Fireghters that hose evo-
lutions is taking a year off and
will not be held at
the 2014 state fire
school in Aberdeen.
The evolution com-
mittee announced in
Belle Fourche at the
business meeting that
the chance of winter
weather conditions
at the early spring re
school could pose a
safety issue especial-
ly during the practice
period that would oc-
cur in late March.
The commi t t ee
and the board have
worked hard to keep
evolutions safe and
injury free while at
the same time making it a fun and
learning activity. Evolutions will
continue at state school in Pierre
in 2015, but at a slightly later date
as decided by the state board. We
will keep you posted.
The class lists for Aberdeen
2014 are out so get your reg-
istrations in now and support
Aberdeen area reghters.
2014 Evolution Update
S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er 9
401-404 - Basic Fire Pump
Operations - Chris Noeldner
- This pump operations class
is for reghters will all levels
of experience on re apparatus
pumps. This class covers pump
principles, electronic governor
controls, pressure relief valves and
priming pumps. Basic re ground
hydraulic calculations, friction
loss and affects, re streams and
water supplies, and driver safety
and responsibilities. During the
hands on portion of the class stu-
dents will have the opportunity to
pump a re apparatus under re
ground situations. Fireghters will
be able to recognize and safely
control potentially dangerous
situations such as a ruptured or
kinked hose just by watching the
gauges and listening to the pump
and engine.
405-408 - Forcible Entry
Adam Frick - Forcible entry and
through the lock have become
a lost art. Too many reghters
revert to a size 13 boot when
faced with a tough forcible entry
challenge. Waiting for a locksmith
shouldnt be our only tool in the
toolbox on some of the lesser
emergency type calls we go on.
Not having a plan will set us up
for failure at the door before we
can even get in and make the
problem go away. Learn forcible
entry techniques using the hands
on simulator, and learn how to
attack the lock for minimal dam-
age for the homeowner. This no
nonsense class will be hands-on
only with no classroom and have
you making quick work of your
next locked door. NFPA compli-
ant PPE including safety glasses
and hearing protection is required.
SCBA is not required, but students
may bring packs to use during
simulation if they wish.
801 & 802 - Grain Entrap-
ment Rescue - Instructors with
the South Dakota Wheat Growers
Safety Department will introduce
the Grain Elevator and Processing
Society Information and SATRA
training video along with the
South Dakota Wheat Growers
training course. The class will re-
view the hazards of owing grain,
victim survivability, how to access
and free a victim, how to enter a
bin safely, pre-planning at grain
facilities, hands on evolution and
demo of the rescue tube and what
if you dont have a rescue tube?
The class will involve basic ropes
and knots, so refresh your skills
prior to the class.
803 & 804 - Critical Aspects
of Size-up: Building Construc-
tion, Fire Conditions, Risk vs.
Benet Denny Hansen - As a
rst arriving ofcer or reghter
at the scene of a structure re, crit-
ical questions must be answered;
- what is the construction and
layout of the building
- where and how much re do I
- where is the re headed next
- what are my resources
- where do I deploy my re-
sources to mitigate the situation
This class is designed to pro-
vide both career and volunteers
with detailed instruction on ini-
tial scene size-up of building
construction, reading smoke and
reading the risk. Exercises and
examples given during the class
will improve your effectiveness as
a rst-arriving ofcer or reghter
and provide you with an excellent
opportunity to enhance your rapid
decision making skills.
805 & 806 - Fireblast Live
Burn Trainer Aberdeen Fire
& Rescue Staff - The Fireblast
Live Burn trailer provides the
opportunity for new and experi-
enced students to gain valuable
training in several areas of basic
reghting. This trailer provides
various props with smoke, heat,
and live re that simulates what
reghters will encounter relating
to interior structure reghting.
These props include kitchen res,
bedroom fires, basement fires,
rollovers, horizontal and vertical
ventilation operations. Students
will begin with a short classroom
presentation then hands-on for the
remainder of the class. Students
will apply the tasks of stretching
hoselines, re streams, re attack,
ground ladders, ventilation, and
forcible entry. All objectives and
tasks will be in compliance with
NFPA. All tasks will be completed
in full PPE and SCBA. Students
should also bring their South
Dakota certified blue cards
so completed practical tasks
can be signed off. Prerequisites:
Participants must be 18 years of
age, good health, and currently
enrolled in a South Dakota sanc-
tioned certied reghter class
or in good standing as a certied
South Dakota firefighter. Par-
ticipants should have received
training to meet the minimum
job performance requirements of
Fire Fighter I relating to NFPA
1001. Participants will be required
to sign a liability waiver at the
beginning of class. Equipment
Requirements: Students must
bring complete NFPA compliant
structural firefighting personal
protective equipment and SCBA.
It is recommended that the student
also bring one additional SCBA
** Please note that no facial
hair shall interfere with the SCBA
mask seal. Class limit: 24
807 & 808 - Social Media +
Generational Diversity = Fire
Service Today Rhett Fleitz
The Fire Critic - This class
focuses on why Fire/EMS de-
partments need to embrace social
media use; Including the benets
of social media such as increasing
awareness of programs, creat-
ing conversation, making your
department available for contact
and questions, and obtaining feed-
back. Some of the benets include
using social media for recruit-
ment, retention, re prevention
and education, training, events,
news, notifying media, emergency
notications, recalls, information,
etc. The class addresses why some
departments and chiefs have not
used social media and I attempt
to educate them on why some of
these reasons do not make sense.
The class will also focus on bridg-
ing the generational gap in social
media usage and non-social media
usage. Examples are given of de-
partments who have excelled in
using social media. The class also
discusses the subject of negative
social media affects on re depart-
ments. This topic often discusses
myths of social media within the
re service. Participants will learn
basic, intermediate, and advance
uses of social media.
809 & 810 - Positive Pressure
Attack/Theory to Application
Chip Everett The goal of this
course is to provide students with
an update on current re research
allowing for a better understand-
ing of ventilation on the modern
reground. Students will learn
the theory and application of posi-
tive pressure attack in a classroom
811 & 812 - Leading From
the Front Jim Sideras - This
will involve 3 subclasses. The rst
will be a 2-hour overall leadership
presentation stressing leadership
on at the Chief level and also how
to handle organizational crisis
management (not emergency
scene management). The second
part will be 3 hours of Organiza-
tional Execution or Getting Stuff
Done. It will discuss how to nar-
row the focus and concentrate on
getting things done. The third part
will be the Four Traits of Great
Leaders, which will examine the
four things leaders need to help
transform their organizations.
813 (Friday Only) & 814
(Saturday Only) - John Salka
Chief Salka will be giving two
separate 8-hour classes on Friday
and Saturday. He will talk about
several different topics including:
-Fireground Search; Criti-
cal Dos & Dont For Effective
Search Operations Just what set
of skills does a reghter need to
conduct an effective, rapid and
safe search and rescue operation.
This set of 10 critical skills are the
ingredients for a successful search
at your next structural re include
an effective size-up, SCBA abili-
ties, tool selection, team make-up,
communications and much more.
Next time you are ordered into
a burning building to conduct a
search, will you be ready?
-Training Your Fireghters to
Get Out Alive - This program out-
lines a short list of skills and abili-
ties that every interior structural
firefighter should develop and
maintain to stay out of trouble and
another set to get out of trouble.
Issues such as staying low, stay-
ing calm and staying oriented are
-Five Alarm Leadership This
is a dynamic program that is de-
signed to energize and motivate
the people in your department to
perform and excel in everything
they do. This program outlines
many of the common situations
that fire departments and fire
companies nd themselves in and
presents suggestions and solutions
to those situations.
-Fireground Responsibility -
In this program Chief Salka takes
a critical look at the line-of-duty
death of a reghter and the many
contributing factors that played a
role in the event. Using the report
issued by NIOSH after their in-
vestigation, each of the factors,
events and decisions related to
this re are examined to discover
if anything could have been done
differently with more positive
815 & 816 - Behavior In-
dicators of Active Shooters
Gregory Vecchi & Aberdeen
Police Department staff - This
presentation will cover known
behavioral indicators relating to
active shooters in the US in an
effort to understand their motiva-
tions. The indicators and motiva-
tions will be used as a basis to
discuss threat assessment in terms
of developing prediction, preemp-
tion, and mitigation techniques,
tactics, and procedures that can
be implemented by organizations.
1601 I have arrived on
scene what now? Command &
Control for the Incident Com-
mander Travis Thom - In this
two-day class the student will go
through scenarios with the class
and in small groups. The class is
taking what you have learned in
all of your ICS classes and putting
common sense to them.
The class will start with small
incidents working on creating
habit on developing clear inci-
dent objectives, sound tactics and
learning the difference between
Strategy, Tactic and Task. We
will also work through common
incident mistakes and why they
happen. By the end of day two
each student will have developed
a eld IAP and worked in a com-
mand role. The incidents will
move from common EMS calls
to the rst in command ofcer on
a large scale incident.
On completion of the class the
student will have a better under-
standing of not only ICS but also
have more condence in the re
ground decisions he/she makes.
Prerequisite: NIMS 100, 200.
Target Audience: Any emergency
responder that would be command
of incident
1602 - Early Recognition
of Weapons of Mass Destruc-
tion/Mass Effect in Hazmat
Incidents Mike Becker - This
Signet North America Early Rec-
ognition of HAZMAT as Weapons
of Mass Destruction/Mass Effect
course combines our popular
HAZMAT Awareness course
with timely applications of these
and other materials as WMD/
WME. This course is designed
for First Responders to provide an
educational foundation regarding
the awareness of, safety issues
regarding, and basic containment/
connement methods to control
the various types of hazardous
materials that responders deal
with on a day-to-day basis. Ad-
ditionally, First Responders will
be introduced to Weapons of
Mass Destruction/Mass Effect at
the Technician Level training as
dened by the NFPA 472 standard.
The emphasis of the course is to
provide the student with a strong
base knowledge in areas of special
concern in the event of a WMD
terrorism incident.
1603 - ICS 400 Todd
Mann - This course is intended to
serve as a vehicle to share proven
incident management strategies
and practices as well as to en-
hance teamwork and coordination
among all response agencies
ofcers directly responsible for
emergency response to a WMD/
terrorism incident or other Inci-
dent of National Signicance.
1604 - ARFF for Rural De-
partments ARFF Specialists -
Imagine an aircraft ying through
your airspace and crashing in your
community. Are you prepared to
handle the devastation associated
with an incident of this nature?
This class is designed to give a
basic strategic and tactical lesson
to help in mitigating this emer-
gency. Class will consist of both
classroom and hands-on training
using the latest in aircraft simula-
tor technology. Full PPE, SCBA,
and one spare bottle are required.
1605 - Basic Fire Investiga-
tion- Cliff Dahl - This class will
introduce the students to evi-
dence recognition, preservation,
collection and processing along
with an in-depth discussion of
advanced origin and cause. Live
burns will be conducted prior to
the class in a variety of one-cell
rooms. Patterns and evidence
from these burns will be exam-
ined by the students during the
hands on portion of the class to
determine point of origin and re
The students may want to con-
sider having coveralls or PPE for
the hands-on portion of the class.
This will occur on the 2
1606 - Large Area Search
& V.E.S. Buck Burdick - This
class will cover the roles and re-
sponsibilities of the re company
assigned search during a working
structure re. We will discuss, in
depth, the tactics and decisions
that the search team will need
to make. These will include:
ICS, accountability, size up, tool
selection, re behavior, victim
location and survivability, access
and egress considerations, search
techniques, and tactical decision
We will also discuss the tech-
niques and considerations for the
implementation for V.E.S. (Vent
Enter Search). If your department
is unfamiliar with this technique,
it will be a great opportunity to
learn this fast and efcient skill.
This class is designed for any-
one that may be called upon to
perform a primary search. It is de-
signed for the Company Ofcer
and Senior/Junior Fire Fighters. It
will include a Hands- on portion.
Full structural PPE and SCBA
will be needed.
1607 - Essentials of Fire-
ghting Mike Eliason - Stu-
dents seeking some of the South
Dakota Certified Firefighter
Classes may obtain several of the
mandatory classes required for
becoming a Certied Fireghter
and/or participate in some of the
other basic classes that will be
conducted. This is a good op-
portunity for your new recruits
to get introduced to the skills
required for firefighting and
have their State Fire Marshals
Ofce blue cards partially signed
off. Classroom instruction will
cover Safety, Personal Protec-
tive Equipment (PPE), Self-
Contained Breathing Apparatus
(SCBA), Fire Behavior, Ladders,
and Ventilation. There will also
be a smoke house with associ-
ated re ground skills conducted
for those students completing the
classroom segments. 30 students
total. Students are required to
bring their full NFPA compliant
PPE and SCBA to participate in
the hands-on training portions of
this class.
10 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014
Fire/Arson and Ex-
plosion Investigation
Curri cul um: The
First Responders
Role in Fire/ Arson
First responders
are responsible for
protecting lives and
property from re
and other potential
harm. In fullling this
responsibility, these
personnel are often in the best
position to document informa-
tion that may assist investigators
who may be called to the scene
of a re or explosion. These
individuals have the unique
opportunity to view the scene
shortly after the event and can
take actions that can be of criti-
cal importance to the investiga-
Listed below are guidelines to
assist rst responders in obtain-
ing information that is important
to investigators for conducting
successful preliminary and fol-
low-up investigations.
Establishing a working rela-
tionship with local re investi-
gators. Preparation before an in-
cident is critical to ensuring that
the response and investigation
run smoothly and systematical-
ly. First responders should reach
out to re investigators and law
enforcement personnel in their
jurisdiction and meet with them
to develop a plan. This can help
to ensure that a positive work-
ing relationship and sharing of
information consistently occurs
at all scenes, which can prove
instrumental in identifying po-
tential criminal activities.
Training of rst responders
in evidence recognition, docu-
mentation and preservation.
Every re and explosion scene
should be treated as a crime
scene until the re investiga-
tor has determined otherwise.
There are four key steps that
rst responders can take to as-
sist in the investigative process:
observation, recognition, pres-
ervation and notication. Ob-
servation means noting condi-
tions and circumstances at the
scene. Documented information
by rst responders with regard
to re behavior, conditions in
Fire Arson First
the area/room of origin, victims
found, witness behaviors, rescu-
er actions and contact informa-
tion for witnesses can be a tre-
mendous help to investigators.
Recognition means realizing
what items and areas may be of
evidentiary value. Preservation
means practicing suppression
and overhaul techniques that
minimize damage to the scene.
These include:
Using fog patterns instead of
straight streams to avoid scatter-
ing potential evidence.
Avoiding excessive overhaul
that may damage evidence or
obscure re patterns.
Refraining from moving
switches or plugs located on
utilities and appliances.
Limiting the use of gaso-
line- and diesel-powered tools
and equipment to minimize evi-
dence contamination issues.
An adequate, secure perimeter
should be established around
the scene. Personnel should be
posted to prevent unauthorized
access by people who may alter
or destroy potential evidence.
These areas include burned/
damaged areas, trash recepta-
cles where accelerant containers
may have been deposited, debris
elds, and points of ingress and
egress where shoe prints, tire
impressions, ngerprints and
trace evidence may remain.
Notication means informing
the Incident Commander and
investigators of anything ob-
served in the course of carrying
out on-scene operations. First
responders should notify re
investigators in any situation
where there is a question con-
cerning the origin and cause of
the incident or things just dont
add up. Ensure that any person-
nel with rsthand observations
and knowledge speak with re
investigators to relay what they
observed, heard or documented
before leaving the scene. This
rsthand knowledge can play a
key role in scene reconstruction,
determination of causation and
assignment of responsibility.
Additional information on
the rst responders role in re
investigation can be obtained
from the How First Respond-
ers Impact the Fire Investiga-
tion online training module
at A DVD
training program is also avail-
able from the International As-
sociation of Arson Investigators
(IAAI). Copies of the DVD can
be obtained by contacting IAAI
headquarters via www.rearson.
By Jay Esperance,
Division Director SD Wildland Fire Division
You left the GPS in the truck and you need to know how much hose
to order or how big the re is. Follow these steps.
There are generally two types of pacing, namely single and double
pacing. Single pacing is counting every single step you take, while
double pacing counts only on right or left footsteps:
Measure off a known distance. Forestry uses chains (66 feet),
reghters think in links of hose (100 feet), hunters think in yards.
Figure out whether you want to calculate your pacing in single or
double steps. Double steps have the advantage of being half the number
of steps to count.
Count the steps for that distance; try it several times until you have
the same number each time.
Land measurement is measured on a at surface plane projected
to the ground. So the steeper the ground the more half steps you will
have to take to make up for slope. This comes with practice.
Now to gure acreage from your new found pacing skills:
If your area (re) is fairly rectangular in shape, pace one side then
turn a corner and pace the connecting side. Take those two distances
and multiply them by each other and then divide that total by 43,560
(you might want to write this in your IRPG).
Here is an example:
1,127 feet by 2,874 feet
2,874 x 1,127 = 3,208,569 sq. feet / 43,560 = 73.65 acres
10 chains by 10 chains = 43,560 sq. feet or 1 acre, a good reason to
pace off in chains
Where did the acre measurement come from? An acre originally, was
the amount of land that could be plowed by a team of oxen in a day.
What Do I Do When My GPS Batteries Go Dead
The Art of Calculating Distance and Area by Pacing
S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er 11
Thought this was a prime
example of reghter inge-
nuity and teamwork. This
photo was taken by Captain
Roy Kottwitz of the Pied-
mont Fire Department while
working on the Incendiary
Creek Fire in Idaho this last
summer. We arrived at base-
camp and wanted to listen to
some music before turning
in for the evening. We were
unable to tune in any kind of
radio stations so we decided
to hook up an iPod instead.
Unfortunately, the iPod was in desperate need of a charge. We had all seen at one point or
another adds in magazines for clamshell charger adapters however no one on the crew had
such an adapter. So as I mentioned earlier, with a bit of teamwork, some random parts, a
bit of wire and some good old fashioned reghter ingenuity, we were able to devise a way
to charge the iPod. The real signicance here wasnt the fact that we were able to charge
the iPod, but rather that we worked as a team to overcome a seemingly impossible chal-
lenge together. And come on, its pretty funny, too. To all my fellow Wildland Fireghters,
get rested, stay sharp, and we hope to see you out there this upcoming wildland season!
Focus on Your Heart Health
This February and All Year
By the National Volunteer Fire Council
First responders are used to being there when others need them.
Through res, medical emergencies, natural disasters, and other inci-
dents, reghters and EMTs are the ones community members count
on to protect them in any kind of emergency. Yet these same rst
responders often neglect to take care of their own health and safety.
Year after year, heart attack is the leading cause of line-of-duty death,
and countless rst responders struggle with medical issues such as
hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease.
Fire and emergency medical services personnel are not alone in their
risk of heart disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, about 600,000 people die of heart disease every year, mak-
ing heart disease the leading cause of death for both men and women.
What makes the re service unique is the intense pressures and high
intensity nature of the job. A 2007 study published in the New England
Journal of Medicine found that emergency reghting duties were
associated with a risk of death from coronary heart disease that was
markedly higher than the risk associated with nonemergency duties.
Fire suppression had the highest risk.
This is probably not surprising to most rst responders. What is
surprising is that there are still so many reghters and EMS personnel
who are not taking proactive measures to reduce their risks of heart
attack and heart disease. First responders must be ready at a moments
notice to battle very demanding emergencies. Emergency response
personnel must be physically and mentally prepared for the job at hand.
February is American Heart Month, an annual event that is designed
to renew the nations commitment to ghting heart disease and increase
public awareness of how to prevent this deadly illness. While heart
health should always be a priority, American Heart Month creates an
opportunity to reafrm and re-energize our commitment to a leading
healthy lifestyle.
While getting and staying healthy takes some work, help is available.
For emergency services personnel, the NVFC Heart-Healthy Fireghter
Program offers resources for individuals and departments to focus
on their health. These include tools to start and expand a department
health and wellness program, tness demonstrations, healthy recipes,
health assessment tools, success stories, training webinars, the Health
and Wellness Advocate Workshop, smoking cessation resources, and
more. In addition, the interactive Fired Up for Fitness Challenge mo-
tivates rst responders to get active by providing incentive rewards
for meeting tness goals. Find all of these tools and more at www.
There are many simple steps you can take to begin on the path to
heart health. These include:
Aim for a healthy weight. It is important for a long, vigorous life.
Excess weight and obesity cause many preventable deaths.
Get moving. Make a commitment to be more physically active.
Aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most, preferably
all, days of the week.
Eat for heart-health. Choose a diet that is low in saturated fat,
trans fat, and cholesterol. Be sure to include whole grains, vegetables,
and fruits.
Know your numbers. Ask your doctor to check your blood pres-
sure, cholesterol (total, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), and blood glucose.
Work with your doctor to improve any numbers that are not normal.
If you smoke, try to quit. People who smoke are up to six times
more likely to suffer a heart attack than non-smokers.
Be proactive in your health and work to prevent avoidable illness
and tragedy. With so many people who depend on you your family,
your department, and your community you cannot afford to put off
taking care of yourself. Find more steps, tips, and resources for becom-
ing heart healthy on the Heart-Healthy Fireghter website at www.
Upcoming Events
Feb. 22, 2014: Colman Vol-
unteer Fire Departments Annual
Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed, 5
p.m.-1 a.m. at the Colman Fire
Hall with all proceeds donated
to Fireghter Chuck Rentschler
to assist with travel and medi-
cal expenses associated with his
battle with cancer. Admission $8
for those 12 and up (11 and under
free). The menu includes: nuts,
beef sandwich, beans, chips and
juice. Entertainment by Rat Pac
from Elkton, SD from 9 p.m.-1
a.m. (21 years and older after 9
p.m. for the dance) There will be a
gun rafe drawing at midnight for
the following items: Remington
700 CDL SF 300WSM 24 uted,
walnut stock, stainless steel nish;
and a CZ-USA Wingshooter DLX
12 Ga. 28 over/under, walnut
stock, black chrome. Rafe tick-
ets are $10 each or three for $25
for the ries. There will also be a
rafe for the ladies for a couple
of purses. Tickets are $5 each or
ve for $20. Contact Bill Hawkins
at 605-530-6422 or any Colman
reghter for tickets.
Feb. 28, March 1 and 2,
2014: EMT Refresher Course, 8
a.m.-5 p.m., cost $60 (early bird
discount: $50 if paid by 3 p.m.
Feb. 14). Register
corporate-education-center or call
800-544-8765 or 605-718-2410,
Western Dakota Tech, Rapid City.
March 1, 2014: CPR Recerti-
cation Class, 6-9 p.m., cost $20.
education-center or call 800-544-
8765 or 605-718-2410, Western
Dakota Tech, Rapid City.
April 3, 4 and 5, 2014: State
Fire School, Aberdeen.
Colome Volunteer
Fire Department
Holds Elections
TheColomeVolunteer FireDepartment helditselections
of officersonDec. 23, 2013. Thefollowingaretheresults
of theelection.
GlennSealeyre-electedFireChief; JohnHofeldt re-elected
First Assistant Chief; WayneHofeldt re-electedSecond
Assistant Chief; Matt Boliere-electedSecretary/Treasurer;
andMatt Vobr wasre-electedTrainingOfficer.
Sioux Falls Fire Rescue units
about 6:45 p.m. Wednesday began
ghting a re in the ceiling of the
third floor of the River Terrace
Apartments at 500 E. 12
St., near
downtown Sioux Falls.
North Battalion Captain Randy
Farland said firefighters evacu-
ated residents from the three-story
building, but no injuries were as-
sociated with the re.
There were still a lot of people
in the building when we got here,
he said.
The re started at the east end of
the three-story building and began
to slowly spread when it got into
insulation, according to Farland.
By about 7:30 p.m., reghters
primarily were pulling insulation
to ensure ame was not smoldering
Were probably going to be
here a while, Farland said.
The Red Cross was contacted
to assist residents forced from the
building. Farland said the residents
probably will not be able to get
back in the building.
The main reason is because up
on the third oor we are pulling up
a lot of ceiling and removing the
insulation up there, he said. We
had to cut the power to the whole
building because of the electrical
arcing in the attic, and it will be a
while before they are able to turn
the electricity back on.
He said the amount of damage
was undetermined, and re inves-
tigators Christmas evening had not
yet begun to seek the cause of the
Tyler Wedekind, 23, lives on
the third oor of the River Terrace
Apartments building, directly
across from where the re started.
Wedekind was returning from
outside the apartment after a smoke
break and smelled smoke as he was
going up the elevator.
As soon as he got inside his
apartment, the re alarms sounded.
His neighbor across the hall came
out and asked him whether he
knew why the re alarm was on.
He wasnt sure where the smoke
was coming from.
I asked him if he had a re in
his apartment, and he said, No, but
theres been a lot of heat coming
from the ceiling and I heard a lot
of popping noises, he said.
Wedekind then grabbed his son
and girlfriend and evacuated the
Kerry Stoops, 54, had just n-
ished Christmas dinner with his
family and a friend when the re
alarm rang out through his apart-
All of a sudden the re depart-
ment showed up and told everyone
they had to leave because theres
re, he said.
Stoops celebrated Christmas on
Tuesday, so the re didnt dampen
his holiday.
But it definitely makes for
chaos for tomorrow, he said.
(Argus Leader, Sioux Falls,
Dec. 26, 2013; written by Peter
Harriman and Mark Walker, staff
Residents ee apartment building re
Departments battle dairy
barn blaze
Waubay and Webster remen spent about 90 minutes putting out a
re at a dairy barn on the north side of Bitter Lake Dec. 23.
The call came in at 6:50 a.m. that there was a re at the Chuck Gai-
kowski dairy farm. Nine units from both departments arrived at the
scene where they were able to contain the blaze to the west side of the
sizeable barn.
The re apparently started in a shack over a manure pit and spread
to the barns exterior.
No damage estimates were available but the blaze did destroy the
manure shack, a pump, skid steer loader and some round bales as well
as doing structural damage to part of the barn building and the electri-
cal wiring.
No one was reported injured in the incident. Firemen said the cows
were in the building at the time of the re and extinguishing the blaze
was difcult due to thick smoke and subzero temperatures.
(Reporter and Farmer, Webster, Dec. 30, 2013; written by George
Thompson, staff writer.)
12 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014
Eric Van Dusen,
If you have not heard, the
a ssociation has had a name
change to better support all
persons that want to be involved
and are passionate about EMS.
The processes have been started
through the state to make the
name change ofcial to the South
Dakota Emergency Medical
Services Association.
EMT Thoughts
February, 2014
Presi dent :
Tom Li nes
PO Box 134, Garretson, SD 57030
Home: 605.594.3716 Work:
Cell: 605.940.3516
Vi ce Presi dent :
Barb Thal er
204 N. Mundt Ave.,
Hartford, SD 57033
Home: 605.528.6363
Cell: 605.321.2708
Secret ar y:
Li nda Georgeson
704 Judson Ave., Hurley, SD 57036
Home: 605.238.5247 Cell: 605.661.6357
District II
Treasurer: Amy Marsh
9001 N. Kiwanis Ave.,
Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Home: 605.334.3414
Work: 605.328.6668
Fax: 605.328.6671
Trai ni ng Of cer:
Chad Ski l es
820 N. Dakota St.,
Canton, SD 57013
Home: 605.764.2716
Cell: 605.366.6930
Pol i t i cal Commi t t ee:
T.J. Sanborn
Sioux Falls, SD
Presi dent : Mark Law
PO Box 487, Clear Lake, SD 57226- 0487
Cell: 605.880.1467
Vi ce Presi dent : Bi l l Ri se
224 E. 5th Ave., Milbank, SD 57252
Home: 605.432.5741
Work: 605.360.7611
Treasurer: Kat hy Faber
PO Box 66, Carthage, SD 57323
District I
Secret ar y: Kri s Magerko
PO Box 84, Carthage, SD 57323
Home: 605.772.2265
Cell: 605.579.0165
Trai ni ng Of cer: Jeremy Robert son
410 7th Street SE,
Watertown, SD 57201
Home: 605- 753- 5935; Cell: 605- 520- 8863
Presi dent :
Doug Gl over
1212 S. Main Ave.,
Mitchell, SD 57301
Home: 605.996.1857
Work: 605.995.8445
Cell: 605.770.6345
Vi ce Presi dent :
Ri ck Ni l es
39610 230th St., Woonsocket, SD 57385
Home: 605.796.4806
District III
Secret ar y: Si na Gl over
1212 S. Main Ave., Mitchell, SD
57301 Home: 605.996.1857
Cell: 605.770.6344
Treasurer: Cher yl Cl ark
818 Rosebud, Gregory, SD 57533
Home: 605.830.0131
Trai ni ng Of cer: Mark Ni ckl es
613 E. 17th St., Yankton, SD 57078
Home: 605.661.9565
Presi dent : Eri c Van Dusen
Center for Pre- hospital Care
Sanford Health,
1305 W. 18th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57117
Work: 605.328.6391
Cell: 605.848.3219
Fax: 605.328.6321
Vi ce Presi dent : Gar y Lembcke
105 S. Cardinal, Brandon, SD 57005
Home: 605.582.6163
Work: 605.582.4024
Cell: 605.366.5817
Secret ar y: Jenni f er Munson
41047 108th Street, Hecla, SD 57446
Cell: 701.678.4329
Treasurer: Margaret Kui pers
7117 W. 56th St. #62,
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Cell: 605.357.0727
Trai ni ng Of cer/ NAEMT:
Kat her yn Bent on
PO Box 557, Chamberlain, SD
57325 Home: 605.234.6750
Cell: 605.680.0085
EMS Li ai son:
Mari l yn Rut z
SD DPS, 118 W. Capitol Ave.,
Pierre, SD 57501
Work: 605.773.4031
Fax: 605.773.6631
Hi st ori an:
Nancy Kl under
4749 E. Elmwood Dr.,
Black Hawk, SD 57718
Chapl ai n: Kat hy Chesney
Legi sl at i ve Chai rman:
Maynard Konechne
PO Box 326, Kimball, SD 57355
Another year in the books, I
hope that everyone had a great
holiday season and safe travels.
2014 will start off as yet another
historical year for EMS for the
state of South Dakota with great
opportunities coming.
If you have not heard, the a s-
sociation has had a name change
to better support all persons that
want to be involved and are pas-
sionate about EMS. The processes
have been started through the state
to make the name change ofcial
to the South Dakota Emergency
Medical Services Association.
This will not only support EMTs,
but first responders, nursing,
military, and industrial safety
personnel. We want full involve-
ment from all components that
truly reect EMS in our state.
The SDEMSA sponsored a
statewide, on-line EMT course
following the trial course that
was held in Faulkton last year.
The class was a great success and
will allow for a non-traditional
class to help support the needs of
new EMTs that may not have the
schedule to complete a traditional
course. We will be anxious to see
how the statewide course may
change the future of EMT classes
in our state. Thank you to all those
helping provide education to these
upcoming EMTs.
Mission Lifeline: South Dakota
will be coming to a close for the
grant in 2014 with the year 3
education ending early spring.
Please contact your instructors to
ensure your communities get the
nal year of training before the
grant ends. We still have room to
improve our process and patient
care to meet what the grant had
intended for our state. About the
time this grant runs out we are
on the verge of another generous
opportunity from the Helmsley
foundation. The processes are in
place to allow ambulances and
emergency departments a me-
chanical CPR device to put to use
along with an education piece.
Over the last year there has
been a group of dedicated per-
sons working in conjunction
with the department of health
and state EMS ofce to form an
EMS directors group. This group
held several meetings at the state
EMS conference in Rapid City
with great support from around
the state. The group has been in
discussion of forming the South
Dakota Ambulance Association
in the near future. The need of the
individual EMT is different than
the needs of an ambulance service
and service directors/presidents.
The goal is to support the needs of
service directors with information
and guidance insuring the surviv-
ability of services in the years to
Anyone who reads this can
agree with me that all things
change and EMS is no excep-
tion to that rule. EMTs dont do
exactly the same thing they did
ve years ago, let alone 30 years
ago, and there are more changes
in our future. No matter how long
you have been in this business our
main focus is about what is best
for the patient, not necessarily
what is best for us. Some of the
changes you may see in the next
several years you may not agree
with and hate the idea of because
it affects you; however, is it the
best for the patient is what you
need to consider.
Till next time all I ask is keep up
the great care, be safe, stay warm,
and make good decisions.
Eric Van Dusen,
Gary Lembcke,
Vice President
Maynard is also coordinating EMS
Day at the Legislature, which will be
Feb. 10 at the Capitol. This is a day
in which we can spend some time
with the members of the legislature
and tell our story.
Once again it is time for the leg-
islature to be back in session and
the Joint Council of Fire Service
Organizations has contracted with
Steve Willard to be our lobbyist
for this session. The SDEMSA
is a member of the Joint Council
and Maynard Konechne will once
again be working closely with
Steve to keep us up to date on
any issues that pertain to EMS in
South Dakota.
Maynard is also coordinating
EMS Day at the Legislature,
which will be Feb. 10 at the
Capitol. This is a day in which
we can spend some time with the
members of the legislature and
tell our story. If available there
will be a photo with Governor
Daugaard in the afternoon. In the
evening we host an evening meal
at the Ramkota, inviting not only
the members but also the staff to
enjoy an evening with us. Please
make plans to attend if you are
available; its great to have a good
representation at this event.
This is the time of year when
many districts and services are
hosting refresher courses. Be sure
to check your certication card to
see if you are due for recertifying.
Even if its not your time to recer-
tify now is a good time to take in
some training. You will want to
check out the training section to
see what is available in your area.
A couple of weeks ago a few
of us were chatting at the station
after a call and we started talking
about getting the word out about
different fundraisers, trainings and
so on to our peers from around the
area. One of the guys created an
open forum on Facebook- South
Dakota Fire/EMS Bulletin Board.
If you have something going on
at your department or station and
you would like to let others know
be sure to post it on there.
As always it is a pleasure that
you all allow me to serve as the
Vice President of this organiza-
tion. If there is anything that I,
or any member of the Executive
Council, can do for you please do
not hesitate to contact one of us.
Until next time, Be Safe and
Have Fun!
Gary Lembcke,
V ice President
Monday, Feb. 10
Partnering With American Heart Association
Spend the day at the Capitol.
Picture with the Governor in the p.m. if available.
Social at the Ramkota-Lake Francis Room, 5:30-8 p.m.
Plan now to attend and have the opportunity to visit with your
local representatives in the Legislature.
Any questions call Maynard Konechne at (605)-730-0462 .
S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er 13
Presi dent : Scot t Larson
PO Box 105, Highmore, SD 57345
Home: 605.852.2588
Vi ce Presi dent : Edna Dal e
23740 US Hwy. 14,
Midland, SD 57552
Home: 605.843.2159
Secret ar y: Bri an Ri ng
PO Box 502, Onida, SD 57564
Home: 605.258.2607
District V
Treasurer: Carol St ol l ey
704 N. Taylor Ave., Pierre, SD 57501
Home: 605.224.1758
Cell: 605.280.7334
Trai ni ng Of cer: Todd Yeat on
PO Box 492
Highmore, SD 57345
Home: 605.852.3154
Cell: 605.871.9128
Presi dent : Andrew (Andy) Bi nder
222 State St., Spearsh, SD 57782
Home: 605.645.4013
Work: 605.642.8810
Cell: 605.645.4013
Vi ce Presi dent : Mat t Thompson
1980 County Rd #9,
Rapid City, SD 57701
Cell: 605.484.6644
Secret ar y: El i zabet h Verhey
715 E. Colorado Blvd.,
Spearsh, SD 57783
Work: 605.642.8810
District VI
Treasurer: St eve Kl ock
228 Berry Blvd.,
Rapid City, SD 57702
Home: 605.721.8807
Trai ni ng Of cer: Margaret Farrel l
238 N. 3rd, Custer, SD 57730
Home: 605.673.2014
Pol i t i cal Commi t t ee: Mi ke St ef f en
12292 Plateau Loop,
Whitewood, SD 57793
Home: 605.591.9918
Presi dent : Gar y Tommeraason
617 2nd Ave. W., Mobridge, SD 57601
Cell: 605.595.4670
Vi ce Presi dent : Chuck Hanson
PO Box 316, Selby, SD 57472
Home: 605.649.7032
Cell: 605.848.1382
Secret ar y: Jenny Larson
711 7th Ave. W,
Mobridge, SD 57601
Home: 605.230.0722
Treasurer: Pat t y Pudwi l l
30812 108th St.,
Herreld, SD 57632
District VII
Co- Trai ni ng Of cer 1: Donovan Gl erup
724 4th Ave. W.,
Mobridge, SD 57601
Work: 605.854.8138
Cell: 605.848.2269
Co- Trai ni ng Of cer 2: Kat el ynn Roesl er
1416 3rd Ave. W.,
Mobridge, SD 57601
Cell: 605.848.2345
Pol i t i cal Commi t t ee &
EMSC Represent at i ve
Hayl ey Ni ckel s
220 6th St. E.,
Mobridge, SD 57601
Cell: 605.854.5823
Presi dent : Chuck Bel l
1018 10th Ave. NE,
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Home: 605.252.2073
Cell: 605.380.2809
Vi ce Presi dent : Kei t h Shari sky
1118 5th Ave. SW,
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Cell: 605.715.9270
District IV
Secret ar y: Ci ndy Bost rom
34 Oddin Ave,
New Efngton, SD 57255
Home: 605.637.5339
Cell: 605.268.1186
Treasurer: St acy N. Pet erson
36892 133rd Ave,
Mina, SD 57451
Cell: 605.216.3677
Trai ni ng Of cer:
February, 2014
Greetings from the EMS ofce!
By the time you receive this
issue the 2014 Legislature will
have been in session for almost
a month. Our SDEMSA po-
litical representative, Maynard
Konechne, will keep us informed
of any bills introduced that may
affect EMS. EMS Day at the Leg-
islature is scheduled for Monday,
Feb. 10. Last year 23 people at-
tended. This year it would be great
if even more of you would be able
to attend. Please consider coming
to see your state government in
action. It is a great opportunity to
meet your legislators and show
them how important EMS is to
South Dakota.
There will be committee meet-
ings in the morning, Democratic
caucus at noon and session starts
at 2 p.m. The EMS Directors
Group will meet at 3 p.m.all
ambulance directors please join
us! That evening, from 5:30 p.m.
to 8 p.m., there will be a Pizza
and Ice Cream social for our leg-
islators hosted by SDEMSA and
AHA. Please come for a day and
evening of learning, socializing,
conversation & fun.
Starting in February, EMS
Leadership Academy classes
will be offered on the following
dates: Level II: Feb. 27-28 in
Sioux Falls; Level III: March 1-2
in Sioux Falls; Level III: July
17-18 in Sioux Falls; Level IV:
July 19-20 in Sioux Falls. If you
have taken Level I please consider
completing these classes through
Level IV. They cover many topics
pertinent to ambulance services
trying to survive in todays world.
Get registered today!
May 18-24, 2014, is Emergency
Medical Services Week. Its not
too early to start planning. It will
be great to see all of the different
ideas that you come up with to
recognize your service and your
crew and to promote EMS within
your community.
If you have any questions
please do not hesitate to call or
email our ofce. We appreciate
your questions and thoughts. Be
safe and take care of each other!
OEMS Staff: Bob Hardwick,
Central Emergency Medical
Specialist; Brad Janecke, Edu-
cational & Professional Stan-
dards Coordinator;
Al Johnson, Western Emer-
gency Medical Specialist;
Rob Keys, Eastern Emergency
Medical Specialist & State
Data Manager;
Marilyn Rutz, Director
Sunday, J une 28, 1964-Sunday, November 24, 2013
Deidra Lyn (Doll) Rahn passed away on Nov. 24, 2013, at Sanfo rd Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD, after ght-
ing a courageous 11-month battle with cancer. She was 49 years young.
Deidra was born June 28, 1964, in Minneapolis to Patricia and Ansel Doll. She grew up in Appleton, MN,
where she was active in cheerleading, acting, and singing. She attended college at the University of Minne-
sota, Morris, receiving a degree in Social Sciences. While attending college Deidra worked in a local group
home and joined the Morris unit of the US Army National Guard. She served as a eld medic and earned a
commission of 2nd Lieutenant. She was honorably discharged in 1988.
While attending UMM, Deidra also met the love of her life, Christopher Rahn. They were married on July
25, 1987 at the United Methodist Church of Appleton. They were blessed with three sons and a daughter, and
opened their home to a second daughter.
Deidra was a very people oriented individual with a great sense of humor and positive attitude. She was
dedicated to helping others. She began her professional life working with adults with special needs. Thereafter
for several years she ran an in-home daycare. After moving to Centerville, SD, she worked for Lutheran Social
Services in Beresford, SD, providing counseling and supervision to at-risk young women. Most recently,
Deidra worked for the state of South Dakota as a Social Services Specialist. She provided care and services
to the elderly and special needs population of Union County, SD. She also dedicated herself to serving others
by being an active member of the Centerville Community Ambulance Service for 12 years as secretary and
captain. She was actively pursuing her Paramedic education, and was just concluding the year-long training,
when she was diagnosed with cancer.
She was an avid long distance runner and ran her rst ofcial marathon after turning 40. Following that
were seven more marathons and two ultra-marathons. She enjoyed hunting with her family, especially pheas-
ants and mule deer in the Missouri River hills of central South Dakota. She enjoyed gardening and had the
ability to grow anything.
Deidra is survived by her husband, Christopher of Centerville; three sons, Chris (Allie) of Sioux Falls,
Joshua and Ethan, both of Centerville; two daughters, Clarissa of Centerville and Tessa Slechta of Sioux Falls;
one grandson, Owen Louis Rahn of Sioux Falls; her parents, Ansel, of Appleton and Patricia of Edina; three
brothers, Michael (Liesl) of Montevideo, Mathew of Morris, and Mark (Margie Roberts) of Appleton; one
sister, Amy (Donny Wohlers) of Morris; her grandmother, Josephine Otis of Duluth; mother-in-law, Marilynn
Rahn of Sioux Falls; two brothers-in-law, Rick (Ann) Rahn of Sioux Falls and Jeff (Laurie) Rahn of Sioux
Falls; sister-in-law, Lisa Rahn of Centerville, and; several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her grandfathers, Ben Doll, William Schultz, and Paul Otis; grandmother
Bernadine Doll; and father-in-law The Reverend Donald Rahn, Jr..
A memorial service was held on Nov. 27, 2013, in Centerville, SD. Deidras remains will be laid to rest at
her favorite spot in Spearsh Canyon, SD, above the Roughlock Falls, on her 50th birthday.
EMT Refresher
Districts 4 and 7 will co-host
an EMT refresher that will cover
transition material.
Dates: Feb. 28, March 1 and 2
Feb. 28 - 12 noon to 9 p.m .
March 1 and 2 - 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Notable change....this refresher
will be teleconferenced to Mo-
bridge, Webster, Britton, Redeld,
Bowdle, Faulkton.
This is dependent on how many
sign up at\or for each site noted.
The reason is, no motel rooms
left in Aberdeen due to State B
wrestling tourney.
Registrations can be sent to:
Nancy Larson, 604 North 2nd
Street, Groton, SD 57445. Cost
is $75.
Questions, please call Vickie
Schrenk at 622-5162.
Action Photos Needed!
Please send them to
along with information to explain the photo.
14 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014
EMT Thoughts
February, 2014
l hope everyone had a nlce Pollday Season. 1he March deadllne for n8LM1 ls fasL approachlng along
wlLh Lhe Su daLe. lease look over Lhe llsL and mark your calendars for Lhe daLes you need. lf you have
any Lralnlng needs please flll free Lo conLacL me or any of Lhe ulsLrlcL 1ralnlng Cfflcers.
kaLheryn C. 8enLon
SLaLe 1ralnlng Cfflcer
D|str|ct II:
C|ass Date |ace Contact Name
rep/Medlcal Assess./ MeeLlng leb. 13 LM Chad Sklles
Medlcal/8ehavloral /MeeLlng March 13 LM Chad Sklles
Cardlac /MeeLlng Aprll 19 LM Chad Sklles
Alrway/ MeeLlng May 17 LM Chad Sklles
lamlly lcnlc !uly 19 18A Chad Sklles
Annual 8anqueL Aug. 16 18A Chad Sklles
C8/MeeLlng SepL. 20 LM Chad Sklles
1rauma/MeeLlng nov. 13 LM Chad Sklles
MeeLlng CcLober 23 Conference slLe Chad Sklles
Pollday arLy uec. 20 18A Chad Sklles
D|str|ct III:
C|ass Date |ace Contact Name
L uaLe pendlng Chamberlaln LMSC
edlaLrlc Medlcal Lmergencles leb. 4 ?ankLon CounLy LMS Mark nlckles
24 Pour 8efresher MlLchell llreflghLers
leb. 7-9 MlLchell MlLchell4166[
Alrway LlfLlng & Movlng le. 10 Cayvllle llre Mark nlckles
LlfLlng & Movlng Amb. CrlenLaLlon leb. 11 ?ankLon Search &
Mark nlckles
LM1 8efresher leb. 21-24 ?ankLon CounLy LMS Mark nlckles
C8/Cardlac MonlLorlng March 4 ?ankLon CounLy LMS Mark nlckles
ALS March 6-7 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
8urns March 10 ?ankLon lS #2 Mark nlckles
ACLS 8enewal March 19 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
LM1 1ranslLlon 8efresher March 21-23 Chamberlaln kaLheryn 8enLon
CommunlcaLlon/uocumenLaLlon Aprll 8 ?ankLon Search &
Mark nlckles
LvCC Aprll 14 volln llre Mark nlckles
ALS rovlder Aprll 16-17 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
ACLS 8enewal Aprll 18 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
ACLS rovlder Aprll 21-22 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
8ehab for llreflghLers May 12 ?ankLon lS # 2 Mark nlckles
ACLS 8enewal May 16 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
ClSM CommunlcaLlons & uocumenLaLlon May 19 LesLervllle llre Mark nlckles
ACLS rovlder May 20-21 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
ALS rovlder May 22-23 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
C8 C?n !une 9 Cayvllle llre Mark nlckles
C8/ALu 8evlew !une 10 ?ankLon S&8 Mark nlckles
CommunlcaLlon uocumenLaLlon !uly 14 ?ankLon lS #2 Mark nlckles
AssessmenLs/C8/ALu 8evlew` !uly 21 LesLervllle llre Mark nlckles
ACLS 8enewal AugusL 3 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
ClSM /CommunlcaLlons & uocumenLaLlon AugusL 11 volln llre Mark nlckles
AlLered MenLal SLaLus AugusL 12 ?ankLon S&8 Mark nlckles
ACLS rovlder AugusL 18-19 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
ACLS 8enewal SepL. 2 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
8leedlng and Shock ManagemenL SepL. 8 ?ankLon lS #2 Mark nlckles
C8C?n & LvCC SepL. 13 LesLervllle llre Mark nlckles
ACLS rovlder SepL. 16-17 Avera avlllon Mark nlckles
ALu/C8 8evlew/CerlaLrlcs CcLober 13 Cayvllle llre Mark nlckles
Alrway CcLober 14 ?ankLon S&8 Mark nlckles
AlLered MenLal SLaLus nov. 10 ?ankLon lS #2 Mark nlckles
CerlaLrlcs/8ehab of llreflghLers nov. 17 LesLervllle llre Mark nlckles
AMS & Medlcal AssessmenLs uec. 8 volln llre Mark nlckles
1rauma AssessmenL uec. 9 ?ankLon S&8 Mark nlckles
D|str|ct IV:
C|ass Date |ace Contact Name
LM1 8efresher leb. 28-March 2 Avera SL. Luke's vlckle Schrenk

D|str|ct V:
C|ass Date |ace Contact Name
MonLhly Lralnlng 2
Monday lerre ScoLL Larsen
MonLhly 1ralnlng 3
Wednesday Plghmore ScoLL Larsen
MonLhly Lralnlng LasL 1uesday Cnlda ScoLL Larsen
D|str|ct VI:
C|ass Date |ace Contact Name
Lay 8escuer llrsL Ald C8/ALu leb. 2 Spearflsh Andy 8lnder
Advanced LM1 Course leb. 4-uec. 6 PoL Sprlngs !ackl Conlon 603-743-3631
LMS 8efresher Week leb 3-8 Spearflsh Andy 8lnder
LMS 8efresher Course leb. 28-March 2 WesLern uakoLa MargareL larrell
Lay 8escuer llrsL Ald C8/ALu March 4 Spearflsh Andy 8lnder
LMS 8efresher Week March 10-13 Spearflsh Andy 8lnder
Lay 8escuer llrsL Ald C8/ALu Aprll 1 Spearflsh Andy 8lnder
Lay 8escuer llrsL Ald C8/ALu May 6 Spearflsh Andy 8lnder
Lay 8escuer llrsL Ald C8/ALu !une 3 Spearflsh Andy 8lnder
Lay 8escuer llrsL Ald C8/ALu !uly 1 Spearflsh Andy 8lnder
D|str|ct VII:
C|ass Date |ace Contact Name
LM1 Course leb. 17 - !une 12 Mobrldge 8eglonal kaLelynn 8oesler
Pere ls Lhe conLacL lnfo for Lralnlng:
ulsLrlcL l: J eremy Robertson
410 7th St SE
Watertown SD 57201

District II: Chad Skiles
820 N. Dakota St.
Canton, SD 57013
(605) 764-2716 (home)
(605) 366-6930 (cell)

District III: Mark Nickles
613 E 17th St
Yankton, SD 57078
(605) 661-9565 (home)

District IV: Currently looking for

District V: vlckle Schrenk

District VI: Margaret Farrell
238 N 3rd
Custer, SD 57730
(605) 673-2014 (home)

District VII: Donovan Glerup
724 4th Ave W
Mobridge, SD 57601
(605) 854-8138 (work)
(605) 848-2269 (cell)

Katelynn Roesler
1416 3rd Ave W
Mobridge, SD 57601
(605) 848-2345 (cell)

In addition to those associated with the SDEMTA the f
Sanford LMS

Andrew (Andy) Binder
222 State St.
Spearfish, SD 57782
(605) 645-4013 (home)
(605) 642-8810 (work)
(605) 645-4013 (cell)
following have submitted training info:
S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er 15
Yankton Firefighters re-
sponded to a cabin re at the
Robins Roost campground
three miles southwest of
Yankton on the Nebraska
side of the Missouri River
about 11:30 p.m. on Jan. 4.
The owner had been thawing
plastic pipes due to sub zero
temperatures in a crawl space
with a heat lamp, which is be-
lieved to be the cause. Entry
efforts were hampered until
the power could be cut by the
power company. The floor
had to be mostly removed as
the re traveled the length
of the crawl space making it
difcult to get to hot spots.
The log cabin was valued at
approximately $25,000. By
Deputy Chief Larry Nickles.
on ICS:
for Each
The Fireghters Support Foun-
dations (FSF) newest training
program is now available. ICS:
Rightsizing for Each Event ad-
dress the misconceptions sur-
rounding the Incident Command
System (ICS) its too big, too
complicated, too cumbersome,
unnecessary, and so on. It dem-
onstrates the practicality, advan-
tages, and necessity of ICS at
almost every scene and event,
from the smallest to the largest.
The training shows how ICS
can scale to any size and demon-
strates the benets to all respond-
ing personnel of so doing. The
program consists of a 40-minute
video presentation and an accom-
panying 34-slide PowerPoint. The
presenter is emergency manage-
ment trainer August Vernon.
The program is free to all
members of public safety and
emergency management agen-
cies. Go to to
download your copy.
About the Fireghters Sup-
port Foundation: The Fire-
ghters Support Foundation is a
501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprot
organization dedicated to as-
sisting firefighters, emergency
management, EMS, and Search
and Rescue personnel perform
their jobs effectively and safely.
A portion of funds also go to aid
underfunded agencies and assist
families of fallen reghters.
(Published Date: 01.13.2014)
16 T el l t hem yo u saw i t i n t he S o ut h D ak o t a Fi r ef i ght er S O U T H D A K O T A F I R EF I G H T ER , F EB R UA R Y 2014

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