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#inan"e $ist
No 1 2 & ) % 1 7 4 0 1$ 11 12 1& 1) 1% 11 17 14 10 2$ 21 22 2& 2) 2% 21 27 24 20 &$ &1 &2 && &) &% &1 &7 &4 &0 )$ )1 )2 )& )) !roje"t title Working capital and ratio analysis at Modern Collections pvt ltd., Budget and budgetary control syste at !PC"# 'inancial analysis at B(M" Working capital anage ent at Med *eic+ , study on -inancial analysis o- ./'C bank ./'C standard li-e Per-or ance analysis o- gro2t+ oriented inco e -und 2it+ special re-erence to .SBC asset anage ent 3ndia pvt ltd , report on aug enting asset liability anage ent practices at Canara bank Working capital anage ent at & 3ndia li ited, Bangalore Working capital anage ent a case study o- t+e kerala electrical and allied engineering co. li ited, coc+in ,n analysis o- NP, in co ercial banks 2it+ special re-erence to /+analaks+ i bank li ited , co parative study on invest s+ield li-e o- 3C3C3 2it+ ot+er insurance co panies , study on risks, opportunities and +edging process in co odities arket 2it+ re-erence to *ey ount Co odities Pvt "td , Study 5n 6+e ,nalysis 5- *isk ,nd *eturn 6o2ards Mutual 'und Sc+e es# 3n 'orutne ,dvisory Services, Business Partner 5- *eliance Money ,nalysis o- 2orking capital anage ent o- !arnataka soaps 7 detergents li ited, Bangalore 3nventory control and its anage ent at !S7/" , Study 5n 6+e 3 pact 5- "abour Wel-are Measures in *ubco 8roup "ending loans and advances ,position o- various advances proble -aced by SBM bank. 'inancial assistance by !S'C to s all and ediu enterprises ,n analysis o- t+e per-or ance o- t+e golden +arvest sc+e e 9a study conducted -or 6anis+:; 6+e title o- t+e study is <loans and recoveries< at B+arat cooperative bank 9Mu bai; li ited. 'inancial analysis o- page apparels M'6 pvt ltd, Bangalore Mobilisation o- -unds in insurance industry 2it+ re-erence to ./'C standard li-e. 'inancial aspects and its operations 2it+ re-erence to *+ino *esins pvt. "td , co parative study on t+e credit para eters used -or lending +ousing -inance in ./'C 2it+ ot+er a>or players in t+e industry , report on esti ation o- 2orking capital re:uire ent 9prepared on be+al- o- Cru? in-or ation syste 9p; ltd; (valuation o- -inancial per-or ance o- 'air ate c+e icals private li ited 3nvestors prospective to2ards utual -und sc+e e at 'ranklin 6e pleton global -unds , study on credit anage ent 9a study conducted at ,bu /+abi co ercial bank; Custo er Satis-action 6o2ards @7! Bank Wit+ Special *e-rence 6o @a ia Aadee Sopore Branc+ Working capital anage ent to2ards MS* otors pvt ltd Budgeting and budgetary control B syste s 7 procedures#, a study ade at B("B Bangalore 'inancial analysisBa case study o- Sout+ern Po2er (:uip ent Co pany "i ited, Bangalore. Cost analysis in 2ock+ardt +ospital Ca study o- 2orking capital anage ent# in bank o- 3ndia 'inancial ratio analysis o- 6ravancore ce ents ltd. 96C";, !ottaya 'inancial analysisBa case study o- Spec "td Credit anage ent< at , anat+ coBoperative bank Wel-are a enities to bank e ployees. 9a study conducted at Canara bank, ..5, Bangalore; , study report o- ratio analysis#, at Bala>i enterprises , Study on 8eo>it 'inancial Services "td , study on c+anging business pro-ile o- !arnataka state -inancial corporation , study on credit anage ent o- state bank o- 6ravancore 'inancial state ent analysis -or e--ective -inancial control a pro>ect study conducted at Mysore Sales Pg 117 1$% 121 1)& 00 02 0$ 1)2 110 11 01 40 00 Spl N B B B B B 3c-ai B B B B B

1$$ B 1$1 02 1$$ 47 41 01 12% 1) 0% 1$$ 120 7% 0) 40 1$$ 7$ 1&$ 7& 01 74 1) 12% 41 47 112 71 0) 12% 0& 04 B B

B B B = B B B B B B B B B B = B B Bvb B

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3nternational "i ited at +ireBpurc+ase division 9MS3"; )% )1 )7 )4 )0 %$ %1 %2 %& %) %% %1 %7 %4 %0 1$ 11 12 1& 1) 1% 11 17 14 10 7$ 71 72 7& 7) 7% 71 77 74 70 4$ 41 42 4& 4) 4% 41 47 44 40 0$ 01 Mergers and ac:uisition o- banking industry 2it+ speci-ic re-erence to Bank o- Madura "td Per-or ance o- utual -unds under t+e global environ ent , case study conducted in ./'C 'inancial per-or ance o- Sudars+an 6eleco 3nvest ent options -or investors in utual -unds -or !otak 'inancial per-or ance analysis o- t+e Drban coBoperative bank ltd. @aipur Cstudy on car -unding# conducted 2it+ re-erence to ,pee>ay -inance 3nventory control 7 anage ent at SS,9Sri Sri ,yurveda; Study t+e gro2t+ o- =i>aya bank 7 evaluate t+e -inancial per-or ance o- =i>aya bank 6+e anage ent o- non per-or ing assets in t+e Canara bankEs loan port-olio Working capital anage ent o- Blue star Working Capital Manage ent in S,3 ,8*5 3N/DS6*3(S 'inancial per-or ance analysis# o- .industan lever li ited Budgeting process and control syste at .industan aeronautics li ited at engine division ,n organiFational study o- 3C/S securities and 2orking pattern o- various broking -ir s and co parative analysis o- 3C/S securities ltd. Wit+ ot+er broking -ir s , Study on Custo er (?pectation and Perception 2it+ re-erence to 3ndian ,irlines Study o- 3C3C3 / 9online s+are trading; de aterialiFation in 3C3C3 capital ltd. Working capital o- !S*6C Study o- 2orking capital anage ent at Parisons 'oods Pvt "i ited , study on ratio analysis o- B(M" Working capital anage ent at B+arat+ (lectronics "td 9B("; 6o kno2 t+e sources o- -unds and applications o- -unds and to allocate t+e available resources properly at 3ng =ysya ,nalysis o- ergers and ac:uisitions a ong banks, 2it+ speci-ic re-erence to bank o- Madura ltd., 3C3C3 ltd. ,nd 3C3C3 bank ltd 'oreign invest ent decision in 3ndia and t+e e--ect o- t+e +ike in '/3 ceiling on t+e teleco unication sector 6o t+e study t+e causes and ove ents o- NP,Gs in !S'C , Study 5n Working Capital Manage ent ,nd *atio ,nalysis# 5- Mcdo2ellEs 7 Co pany "td !erala *oad2ays "tdHCalicut 'inancial per-or ance o- ,. S. *. ,ssociates , study 7 analysis on 2orking capital anage ent at !arnataka po2er corporation li ited 9kpcl; 3nventory anage ent 7 its control at !arnataka Soap ,nd /etergent "td , study on 'inancial State ent ,nalysis at @ubliant 5rganosys "td Bu Business "oans 'or 6rade 9B"6; port-olio at 3N8 =ysya Bank "td. , study on t+e -inancial per-or ance o- S+ree 6+yagara>a CoB5perative Bank "i ited , study o- personal seg ent advances< in State Bank 5- Mysore 'unds -lo2 anage ent at !.S.'.C 'inancial Per-or ance and (valuation o- !S7/" , study on ratio analysis< adopted by /ruk S+erig Construction Co pany, B+utan *atio analysis o- -inancial per-or ance o- !arnataka soaps 7 detergents li ited 6+e role o- national bank ltd in e?port and i port o- Banglades+E or national bank li ited, /+aka , study 3nventory Manage ent at B+arat+ (art+ Movers "i ited Need -or -inancial state ent analysis o- a Co puter .ard2are 3ndustry ,n analysis o- t+e -inancial state ent o- Corporation Bank 'inancial state ents, pro-it and loss account and t+e balance s+eet o- t+e co pany 6itan , Study 5n 6+e 'inancial State ent Wit+ Special *e-erence 6o Man>us+ree (?trusions "i ited, Bangalore Working capital anage ent o- /SC" , study on !aypee (lectronics 7 ,ssociate Private "i ited , study on Midcaps and its i pact on N3'6I Market 6+e study on 2orking capital in S M /yec+e "i ited 71 4$ 1$$ 4$ 0$ 42 12& 41 7$ 0% 1$4 12$ 4) %0 117 1& 7$ 1% 1$) 7% %% 1$% %1 70 4$ %$ 17 11% 1$$ 1$$ 4$ 1$2 117 1)7 12% 42 12$ 0) 0$ 11) 1$0 0$ 11% 71 7$ %% 40 B B B B N = B B = B B B = B = M.k B B



B v

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02 0& 0) 0% 01 07 04 00 1$$ 1$1 1$2 1$& 1$) 1$% 1$1 1$7 1$4 1$0 11$ 111 112 11& 11) 11% 111 117 114 110 12$ 121 122 12& 12) 12% 121 127 124 120 1&$ 1&1 1&2 1&& 1&) 1&% 1&1 1&7 , study conducted -or "ords ,pparels Private "i ited on 2orking capital anage ent and ratio analysis 'inancial planning and solutions 2it+ li-e insurance 2it+ carried out to 3C3C3 "i-e insurance co pany "td (?port and i port -inance, banking procedure and analysis o- =i>aya BankEs per-or ance , study on custo er port-olio -or Mutual 'unds 92it+ special re-erence to 3C3C3 Bank "td; , study on custo er satis-action to2ards =aib+av (?ports , study conducted -or .8S apparels private li ited on 2orking capital anage ent and ratio analysis Ci pact o- arket volatility on debt -unds invest ent# a study conducted at Standard C+artered 3nventory Manage ent 7 control at *W' *atio analisys, ,lla+abad Bank 6o bring about t+e i portance o- tec+nical analysis in t+e speculation activities and to study t+e arket ove ent t+roug+ t+e *S3. , study on 2orking capital anage ent and ratio analysis o- ,BB "6/. 9business area unit, Peenya; 'inancial state ents analysis o- CMetal Co ps 93; Private "i ited. , study on risk anage ent syste in Banking 3ndustry92it+ respect to 3ndian banks at Bangalore; 3nventory anage entJ to reac+ a level o- rs.1% crores by -inancial year end -or entire co pany, to +ave average inventory o- rs.22 crores o- .oney2ell solutions Credit risk anage ent a study conducted at Canara Bank Pro>ect apprisal -or getting a -inancial aid -ro !S'C 9prepared on be+al- o- cru? in-or ation syste s 9p; ltd bangalore; , co parative study o- +ousing loan sc+e es o- various +ousing -inance institutes -or 3C1C3 +o e -inance "td , Study 5n /ocu entation o- (?port (ver S+ine 8ranites co pany pvt ltd. , pro>ect report on Ccredit appraisal anage ent# a case study o- Canara bank 'inancial state ents are indicators o- pro-itability and -inancial state ent o- Milco Pvt "td Pro>ect -inancing and nonBper-or ing assets anage ent at MP'C, B+opal Co parative Study 5- 6+e Wealt+ Manage ent Structure 5- Banks 7 ,nalysis 5- 6+e Wealt+ Manage ent Marketplace at .SBC , Study 5n 6+e 'inancial ,nalysis 5- ,cknit !nitting "i ited 'inancial analysis o- B+arat+ (art+ Movers "i ited 6+o son Corporation 93nternational Private "i ited; Bangalore , study on i pact o- ergers and ac:uisitions in t+e capital arket at Coc+in Stock (?c+ange "td , study on -inancial aspects o- t+e 6+iruvalla (ast CoB5perative Bank "td. 'inancial Per-or ance 5- 6+e State Bank 5- Mysore Pertaining 6o Personal "oans , -easibility study on +ypot+ecation -inancing o- car loans 92it+ special re-erence to 3ng =ysya Bank; Co ercial banking, Dnited Bank o- 3ndia, banking credit K an overvie2 Study on t+e ratio analysis and interpretation o- Mysore Steel suppliers Study 5n "abour Wel-are Measures# Wit+ *e-erence 6o C!S/"# 6+e pro>ect report on -inancial analysis o- Blue Star li ited 'inancial state ent analysis o- C!arnataka silk arketing board# ,nalyFing t+e per-or ance o- ,nand Poly ers Pvt "td , study on Cinventory anage ent at 3ndo , erican .ybrid Seeds 93ndia; Pvt "td Co parative analysis o- -inancial state ents o- !arnataka Po2er 6rans ission Corporation "i ited 6+e Study 5n Stratigies Dsed 3n /erivative Market ,t !otak Securitiies 'inancial per-or ance o- t+e 1&1 Bank o- 3ndia pertaining to various sc+e e o- loans 'inancial per-or ance o- Mysore Steel Suppliers Per-or ance o- selected in-or ation tec+nology scripEs 2it+ re-erence to early days o- DP, 9united progressive alliance; govern ent 9during @uly Nove ber 2$$); 'inancial ,nalysis 5- 6+e Co ptrollers 5--ice CoB5perative Bank "td# ,6 6+e Co ptrollers 5--ice CoB 5perative Bank "td 'inancial state ent analysis at @7! bank Working capital anage ent in Ba ul 6+e study o- *atio ,nalysis o- *ourkela steel plant 6rend analysis o- auto obile industry actively traded stock on BS( 2it+ special re-erence to united 1)7 7$ 1)% 11% 7$ 1)% 111 4% %% 0& 0% 17% 1% 47 07 44 1$1 17 114 B 4$ 7$ 3-i 111 B 111 4$ 7% 7$ 01 %$ 1$7 1$1 112 1$% 1$$ 47 111 42 40 11$ %$ 117 12) 07 121 114 02 0$ B = = B B B

3c-ai B B B B B

= = B B B B B B B

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progressive ,llance 8overn ent 2$$)Lduring @uly to Nove berM Study on port-olio anage ent o- t+e investors o- 6ata etaliks li ited , Study on Working Capital Manage ent at Mic+igan *ubber 93ndia; "td /etailed analysis o- service coBoperative bank and ,nalysing t+e proble o- increase in t+e overdues at .osdurg Service CoB5perative Bank , Study 5n 'inancial *atio ,nalysis 5- Western 3ndia Ply2oods "td Brand ,2areness 5- ,irtel Mobile Connection# ,t C3 pulse 6ouc+# Marat+a+alli Bangalore , Study on Brand pre-erences and co parative analysis o- di--erent brand o- ready to eat products 2it+ re-erence to M6* -oods li ited , study on t+e per-or ance and -inancial progress o- utual -unds 2it+ special re-erence to ,BNB,M*5 Current Scenario o- /erivatives 3n 3ndian Market 2it+ special re-erence to 3ndia 3n-oline , study on t+e assess ent o- per-or ance budgeting in , anat+ coBoperative bank ltd

1&4 1&0 1)$ 1)1 1)2 1)& 1)) 1)% 1)1 1)7 1)4 1)0 1%$ 1%1 1%2 1%& 1%) 1%% 1%1 1%7 1%4 1%0 11$ 111 112 11& 11) 11% 111 117 114 110 17$ 171 172 17& 17) 17% 171 177 174 170 14$ 141 142

1% 1%

1$ 1$$ B 11$ 4% B 4$ 47 14 0) = 7% 1)$ N 1$$ = %$ 1% 0$ 0$ %4 1$$ %% 7$ 0$ 7$ 4$ 7% 1$ 1$$ 14 4) 1& 11$ 1$$ 1$0 11$ 0% 14 1$) 0$ 7% 4$ 11$ 4$ 0% B

<(?port Procedure -ollo2ed by *as+ i Silk 'abrics -or Silk<.

, Study on -inancial per-or ance at ,bsolute 3n-o6ec+ private "i ited, Bangalore , Study o- 3nvestor Pre-erence 6o2ards 'uture and 5ptioins o- 3ndia in-oline Co "td , Study 5n 6er "oans 'or 3ndustrial Sectors 5- Corporation Bank 3nventory Manage ent ,nalysis# ,t .industan ,eronautics "i ited 3nventory anage ent and control # at Bi al ,uto ,gency , Study 5n *isk *eturn ,nalysis 5- 3nsurance Product ,t ./'C C+ubb 8eneral 3nsurance Co pany "td Bangalore Custo er Satis-action ,-ter Sales ,nd Service Provided By Silicon .onda 6+e study o- t+e retailers e?pectations -ro 6,6, S6((" 96ubes 7 Pipes /iv.; , pro>ect report on e?porters credit 9conducted on be+al- o- state bank o- 3ndia, co ercial branc+, Bangalore; , study o- C-inancial per-or ance o- t+e Dnited Bank 5- 3ndia pertaining to various sc+e e o- loans# (?port Procedure -ollo2ed by *as+ i Silk 'abrics -or Silk C,ssess ent o- Custo er Satis-action 6o2ards Sout+ 3ndian Bank# 9Ies2ant+pur Branc+; , report on 2orking capital anage ent at 'orbes Ca pbell !nit2ear *atio analysis conducted on be+al- o- +otel industrialistEs coBoperative bank ltd , study on Cinsurance as an invest ent# conducted on be+al- o- 3ng vysya "i-e 3nsurance 'i?ed asset accounting at !arnataka state road transport corporation , study o- 2orking capital anage ent o- !.S.*.6.C. NonBPer-or ing ,ssets 3n 3ndian Co ercial Banks 6+e 3nventory Manage ent and Control 5- ,rya =aidya Sala !ottakkal Working capital anage ent in !S7/" Working capital anage ent analysis , case study o- Bangalore diary ilk union li ited Bangalore Working capital anage ent in Bangalore electricity supply co pany li ited , analytical study on Ce--ectiveness o- cost control# 2it+ special re-erence to !S7/ " (valuation o- t+e 3nventory Manage ent syste at Wock+ardt .ospital and .eart 3nstitute 3nventory anage ent and i port cost calculation# carried out in S!' 3ndia li ited , Study on Wear li-e Perception o- Custo ers ,--ecting Custo er Satis-action in t+e case o- Slurry Pu ps Manu-actured and Supplied by MHs.McNally Bangalore 3ndustries "td, 3nventory control tec+ni:ues 9using abc,eo:,ved; Conducted on be+al- o- 8oetF 3ndia ltd, yela+anka Working capital anage ent in "76 K !o atsu "td 'inancial state ent analysis using ratio analysis !arnataka State CoB 5perative ,pe? Bank (valuation o- 'inancial Per-or ance< o- ,. C. M. 3N/DS6*3(S Private "i ited ,nuvart++ ,pparels Pvt. "td. Working capital anage ent 3n Besco , study on costing syste in ascertaining 7 analysis o- cost 2it+ re-erence to Sri Sri ,yurveda Co parative co onBsiFe -inancial analysis to deter ine t+e coBrelation bet2een s+are arket price 7 earning capacity o- t+e 'MC8 co panies C'inancial per-or ance# ,t absolute 3n-otec+ private li ited Bangalore

B Mk

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14& 14) 14% 141 147 144 140 10$ 101 102 10& 10) 10% 101 107 104 100 2$$ 2$1 2$2 2$& 2$) 2$% 2$1 2$7 2$4 2$0 21$ 211 212 21& 21) 21% 211 217 214 210 22$ 221 222 22& 22) 22% 221 227 224 220 2&$ , Study 5n C'inancial .ealt+ 5- Iuken 3ndia "i ited, Bangalore /e aterialiFation o- S+ares# in BgS( 'inancials "i ited, subsidiary o- Bangalore stock e?c+ange *atio analysis in B,MD" , pro>ect report on t+e <(?port Procedure -ollo2ed by !is+an 3nternational -or Silk<. 'inancial state ent analysis B 6,'( Working Capital Manage ent K !M' 'inancial analysis at Po2er 8rid Corporation 5- 3ndia "td , report on activity based costing -or !,* obiles ltd Working Capital Manage ent o- Bostik li ited ,n overall organiFational study at State Cooperative ,pe? Bank "td 6+e Study 5- Working Capital Manage ent 3n ,l-red .erbert "td Study on -inancial analysis and planning at !PC" Prateek ,ppareals pvt ltd 3nventory anage ent and control at S.,.3 (NP5*6 .5DS( (--ectiveness o- cost control 2it+ special re-erence to ! S7/" NonBper-or ing assets o- public sector banks 92it+ re-erence to t+e State Bank 5- Mysore; ,nalysis o- Working Capital Manage ent o- ,DM, 3ndia "td 'inancial analysis o- !eltron Co ponents Co ple? "i ited *ole o- 'inancial 3nstitution in 'inancing S all Scale 3ndustries 9SS3; K , Study at t+e Nila bur CoB operative Drban Bank "td ,nalysis o- ratios K a study conducted -or ,.C.M. industries ,n insig+t into t+e -inancial per-or ance o- Movers 93ndia; Private "td Custo er satis-action to2ards State Bank o- Mysore , study o- 2orking capital anage ent o- B+arat+ (art+ Movers "td. Bangalore Working capital anage ent 2it+ special re-erence to t+e Surlin Solutions Pvt "i ited 'inancing o- co ercial ve+icle K trucks 9Sri *a 3nvest ent; C(--iciency o- 6ele Marketing activities and its viabilities#. By ,BN ,M*5 Oenit+ (?ports "i ited -or Silk , Study 5n 6+e 3nnovations 3n *etail "ending Wit+ *e-erence 6o =i>aya Bank 9@ayanagar &rd Block Branc+;# 6+e *ai Sa+eb *ek+c+and Mo+ota Spg 7 W=8 Mills "i ited Structure o- utual -unds as an invest ent avenue and t+e per-or ance o- -ive debt -unds o- standard c+artered utual -und , study o- credit appraisal syste o- 3ng =ysya Bank ltd ,nalysis o- -inancial per-or ance o- 3C3C3 bank li ited *atio ,nalysis o- .industan "ever "td Study 5- ,ssociated Ce ent Co panies "i ited on t+e basis o- *atio analysis 9,CC; .oney2ell tec+nology solutions lab 9.6S"; , study o- ratio analysis o- t+e -inancial state ents o- !S7/" ,n e--ective study o- -inancial anage ent in-or ation syste o- /"6 pvt. ltd , study on 'ore? risk anage ent t+roug+ -or2ard erc+ant contracts ,nalysis o- t+e -inancial state ent o- Ds+a Martin "i ited t+roug+ ratio analysis 3nventory Manage ent Syste and Control 3n B,MD" .ousing 'inance as a eans o- increasing t+e Pro-itability o- "3C o- 3ndia , Study 5n 'ore? *isk Manage ent# at *ey out 9P; "td ,nalysis o- NonBPer-or ing assets in 6+e .anu ant+nagar CoBoperative bank "ending practices in banking sector at Dnion Bank 5- 3ndia , study on 'inancial State ent ,nalysis at Peenya 'ine Co p Pvt "td Standard c+artered bank, Bangalore Market potential and Brand ,2areness -or .onda ,ctiva in Bangalore city Motor industries co pany ltd 9Mico; 4) 4$ 1$$ 1$$ 11) 1$7 7$ 11$ 14 44 11 74 1$ 1% 47 1&$ 77 41 0$ 44 12& 41 1$) 11$ 7& 1$ 1$$ 0$ 1$0 1)2 47 11) 1$$ 111 0$ 7) 4& 7& 1$1 72 4& 1$$ 02 4% 44 %$ 1$2 114 B B


= B B B B B

N =

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2&1 2&2 2&& 2&) 2&% 2&1 2&7 2&4 2&0 2)$ 2)1 2)2 2)& 2)) , study o- t+e arket potentiality o- ,,, siFe batteries 3nventory Manage ent in !S*6C , Study on 'inancial ,nalysis. on be+al- o- !P6C" 'inancial state ent analysis conducted on be+al- o- t+e 'ederal Bank "td , study on nonBper-or ing assets 2it+ special re-erence to ./'C Bank "td , Study on t+e 'inancial Per-or ance o- ,lla+abad Bank. Syste atic invest ent planE on be+al- o- C+ola andala /istribution Service li ited , study on Mutual -unds as a gro2t+ ./'C "td Co parative study o- gro2t+ oriented balanced -unds o- various co panies 2it+ re-erence to 3N8 =ISI, utual -und , study on arket intelligence o- event anage ent co panies in Bangalore -or S+rus+ti ,ds 6+e Study o- *ecruit ent and its (--ectiveness at P6a> *esidencyE. 'inancial Per-or ance *elated to 3C3C3 Prudential insurance sc+e e (?c+ange *ate Mec+anis s in 'oreign (?c+ange Manage ent# Conducted on be+al- o- =i>aya bank, Bangalore 'inancial state ent analysis in 5M S,3 otors on t+e basis o- various tec+ni:ues 4$ 01 01 71 1$$ 1$% 0$ 1$$ 1$$ 0$ 12& 41 7$ B N N B


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3ndustry 1 2 & ) % 1 7 4 0 1$ 11 12 1& 1) 1% 11 17 14 10 2$ 21 22 2& 2) 2% 21 27 24 20 &$ &1 &2 && &) &% &1 &7 &4 &0 )$ )1 )2 )& )) )% 'oreign e?c+ange practices 7 +edging tools used by so-t2are industry , Co parative ,nalysis o- Balanced 'und Sc+e e o- Mutual 'und ,n analytical study on t+e volatility o- securities traded on BS( sense? ,nalysis o- 'oreign Currency 'unding 5ption , study on t+e security analysis -or selecting t+e appropriate security t+roug+ analyFing econo y and industry , study on de at and online trading in secondary arket ,nalytical study o- /erivatives , study on 3 pact o- NP,Es 5n Pro-itability 7 "i:uidity 3n Banking 3ndustry Non per-or ing assets Perception on utual -unds in Bangalore 6o establis+ and carry on business o- banking in any part o- 3ndia or outside 3ndia. *ole o- -inancial institutions in -inancing SS3S Study on t+e role o- -inancial institutions in providing +ousing loans to iddle inco e group in Bangalore city Budgeting , study o- deposit obiliFation 2it+ re-erence to nationaliFed banks 3ndian capital arket , study on -oreign e?c+ange -unding option Currency correlation and variability as +edging tool an analytical study o- t+eir relations+ip PreBbanking develop ent so-t2are analysis and operations credentials 3 pact o- in-lation and 8/P on stock arket returns in 3ndia CoBoperative banks 7 t+eir 2orking capital 6+e 'inancial Per-or ance (valuation 3nstru ent =olatility analysis o- p+ar aceutical scripEs /e atJ online trading 7 its sa-ety 'unda ental 7 'inancial ,nalysis 5- 'und Manage ent Brand "oyalty o- Cigarette S okers in Bangalore Study on t+e rule o- -inancial institution in providing +ousing rule to iddle inco e groups 6rend ,nalysis o- P+ar aceutical 2it+ re-erence to B.S.( 9Bo bay Stock (?c+ange; /uring @ulyB Nove ber 2$$% 3 pact o- electronic advertising on purc+asing decision , study o- deposit obiliFation 2it+ re-erence to Nationalised banks Sensitivity analysis o- stocks in in-or ation tec+nology, ce ent and auto obile sectors Current scenario o- derivatives arket in 3ndia /eveloping and easuring t+e /eveloping and easuring t+e per-or ance o- port-olio based on risk and return ,n analytical study on 3 pact o- '/3 in 3ndustrial /evelop ent in 3ndia Creating o- an application regarding 2ealt+ anage ent ,nalysis o- investorEs perception about idBcap invest ent and idBcap sector , study on option strategies in derivative arket , *esearc+ 5n CStrategies -or retaining e ployees in call centers# *isk Manage ent Wit+ 'inancial /erivatives Port-olio ,nalysis 5- Banking Sectors Study o- -inancial planning a ong 36 pro-essionals in Bangalore 6ec+nical ,nalysis o- BS( 36 sector inde? and investorEs perspective to2ards 36 stocks Cr and 'oreign banks 1$1 7& 11% 41 12$ 1$ 0$ 1% 7% 12 1$) 1$) %0 4) 1$7 %$ 74 17 74 )$ 4$ 1) 0& 74 7$ 4$ 1$ 1$ %$ 7& 1$7 12$ 1$ 4$ 1$2 11$ 1$ 1% 4% 7% 4% 1$ 4$ 74 B B B B



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