Diy Friday: May The 4Th Be With You and With Shoes

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14 by Scruffy DIY Friday Tag : D!c"u#ag!$ DIY$ DIY Friday$ H!!% $ S&"! $ S'ar War

This is the first of many DIY posts we hope to do. In honor of May 4th, Star Wars Day, heres a fun decoupa e shoe tutoria! that shows how you too can sport your own pair of Star Wars hee!s or f!ats.

Star Wars DIY: Decoupage Shoes


Shoes Ma a#ine$%omics Mod &od e 'cry!ic Sea!er &aint (rush Scissors )ptiona! Supp!ies"

Step 1:

*u!er *a#or *i++on ,-... !ue

Se!ect your shoes. /se a pair of e0istin shoes, or +uy a new pair, to decoupa e. Decoupa e a pair of hee!s to spice up your e1enin wardro+e, or decoupa e a pair of f!ats to ha1e a coo! pair of shoes to wear a!! the time2 The options are end!ess.

Se!ect your paper materia!. You can use current or 1inta e comics, ma a#ines, etc. It a!! depends on the !oo3 youre oin for 4 do you want a !ot of co!or5 (!ac3 and white5 6i1e action or cartoon art5 Its a!! up to you and your persona! sty!e.

(uy your decoupa e supp!ies. Mod &od e is the 3ey essentia! too! in decoupa e. It acts as your !ue and your sea!ant2 '!so essentia! is a pair of scissors and a paint +rush or foam +rush. )ptiona! supp!ies are a ru!er and ra#or, ri++on 7or crysta!s if you want your shoes to spar3!e28, !ue, and a separate acry!ic sea!er. Whi!e Mod &od e is a sea!ant, its +est to use an acry!ic sea!er as we!! to ma3e sure your pro9ect is proper!y protected.

Step 2: There are a coup!e different ways you can app!y the paper materia! to your shoes. You can simp!y cut out the ima es you !i3e and paste them on and o1er!ap the ima es as needed. This creates a nice co!!a e effect. Your paper mi ht crin3!e and +unch in some p!aces as you app!y, +ut thats o3ay, its part of the !oo3.

If you want to a1oid any +unchin $crin3!in , you can try the method I use. )nce I se!ected an ima e I wanted to paste on the shoes, I cut it out and then used a ra#or and a ru!er to s!ice the ima es into strips. Then I carefu!!y app!ied these strips to the shoes. Wor3in with sma!!er pieces, !i3e the strips, pre1ents wrin3!in and +unchin , and a!!ows the piece to conform to the contours of the shoe.

Step 3: )nce you ha1e finished mod pod in the ima es to the shoes, ta3e time to app!y another coat or two of mod pod e o1er the entire thin to ma3e sure e1erythin is proper!y pasted. )nce this has dried 7 i1e it at !east :. minutes, if not a few hours8, you can app!y the acry!ic sea!ant if you so choose. You cou!d a!so +uy !itter spray and !i ht!y spray the shoes to spar3!e them up2

Step 4:

;ow your shoes our decoupa ed2 't this point youre finished, un!ess you decide to add detai!s !i3e ri++on or crysta!s. I added a thin ri++on to my shoes to create a c!ean !oo3 on the ed es of my decoupa e desi n usin ,-... !ue.

Step 5: Dependin on how detai!ed you are ma3in your shoes, this pro9ect can ta3e 9ust a few hours to comp!ete, or up to ha!f a day2 It too3 me appro0. <= hours to comp!ete these particu!ar shoes from start to finish.

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