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Road Design and Signage

Table of Contents

1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objective 1.3 Scope of Work 1.4 Design Guidelines 1.5 Conceptual Design for Road 1.6 Road Classification and Design Standards 1.7 Road Design for ATMA Project 1.8 Lab Testing 1.8.1 Sieving Procedure Simple Dry Sieving Wet Sieving Fine Soils Compaction Test California Bearing Ratio Marshall Test 1.9 Road Design 1.9.1 Proposed Road Layout 1.9.2 Access Control of Road 1.9.3 General Summary - Geometric Design Criteria 1.10 Parking Slots 1.11 Pavement Design 1.11.1 Definition and Function of Each Layer 1.11.2 Materials 1.11.3 Material Requirements

1.11.4 Road Design Properties 1.11.5 Pavement Design Calculations 1.12 Level of Service 1.13 Turning Radius 1.14 Pedestrian Walkway 1.15 Kerb 1.16 Road Signage 1.17 Road Marking 1.18 Road Lighting 1.19 Facilities - Aprigate Barrier

1.1 INTRODUCTION Setia Jaya Holdings has been engaged by Inovative Bijak Sdn. Bhd. as the client to provide consulting engineering services for civil works including ROAD AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT WORKS for PROJECT DEVELOPMENT OF ANGKATAN TENTERA MALAYSIA (ATMA) COLLEGE. The purposed area is located in Bukit Kiara and covered an approximate area of hectares. The proposed development will consist of two buildings which is IT-Library block and M.Marine block.

1.2 OBJECTIVE To study and proposed traffic flow system Design the road geometry by following the requirement of Arahan Teknik JKR, Putrajaya Council and REAM ( A Guide On Geometric Design Of Roads )

1.3 SCOPE OF WORK Geometric Design - The geometric design will follow the requirement laid down in Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 8/86 ( A Guide to Geometric Design of Roads). Pavement Design - All pavement will designed in accordance with Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 5/85 (Manual on Pavement Design). The design life base year as well as the cumulative equivalent standard axles designed is written on the pavement plan. Traffic Control Devices / Roadside Furniture - Adequate traffic control devices and road side furniture such as directional and traffic signs, lane and pavement marking etc. provided in the design accordance with Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2A and 2D/85 (Manual on Traffic Control Devised Standard Traffic Signs and Manual on Traffic Control Devices Road Marking and Delineation).

Parking Design Setia Jaya Holdings is appointed to locate strategic parking for this project. It is to ensure parking facilities staffs and visitors are in good conditions. Students are not allowed to ride their own vehicles.

1.4 DESIGN GUIDELINES A Guide on Geometric Design of Roads (Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 8/86) Manual on Pavement Design (Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 5/85) A Guide to the Design of At-Grade Intersections (Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 11/87) A Guide to the Design at Interchanges (Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 12/87) Manual on Traffic Control Devices Road Marking and Delineation (Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2D/85) Manual on Traffic Control Devised Standard Traffic Signs (Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2A/85)

1.5 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FOR ROAD ATMA Project site location is covers Shah Alam, Bukit Kiara, Puchong and Serdang. This shows that the private property covers a huge area. However, a specific location is determined and decided at the Serdang region, specifically at Taman Equine. The area of project covers 33000 m2. This project covers designing for acceleration lane, deceleration lane and internal road. The internal road will be connected to the main road using access road. For the internal road, we have proposed to have two lanes with one way direction. JKR specification will be used as a guideline in designing these roads because this is the requirement from local authorities like JKR, Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya and REAM. The main objective of using JKR method because in Malaysia until now, this is the best specification we have, although this is also a requirement given by JKR. All the procedure to design road, traffic light, type of signboard and speed breaker we can found here.

At the main entrance of access road we proposed to have acceleration lane and deceleration lane. The objectives of having these are below; Acceleration lane - to vehicle users increase their vehicle speed before entering the internal road. This may help them reduce their lost time and also for the safety factor. Besides that this lane also can reduce traffic jam at the main road. Deceleration lane - to vehicle users decrease their vehicles speed before entering access road. This may help them reduce risk of accident and will increase the safety factor.

At the corner before entering the internal road, we proposed to install a signboard to remind vehicle users they are at the corner and reduce their car speed. At the intersection and roundabout, we proposed to have stopping line while at the building corner and before the pedestrian crossings, the humps has been designed to slow down the vehicles

1.6 ROAD CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGN STANDARDS Based on A Guide on Geometric Design, Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 8/86 The geometric designs of all roads need to be standardized of the following reasons: To provide a uniformity the design of road according to their performance requirements. To provide a consistent, safe and reliable road facilities for movement of traffic. To provide a guide for less subjective decisions on road design.

1) Road Category (Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 8/86 JKR) Local street : The local street system is the basic road network within a neighbourhood and serves primarily to offer direct access to abutting land. They are links to the collector road and thus serve short trip lengths. Through traffic should be discouraged.

2) Application of Design Standard for Roads Standard U2 Provides low geometric design standards for two way flow for rural or urban access. They serve local traffic of low commercial traffic volumes only and usually speed of 50kph. Minor roads and local streets.


Road concept: One way road system (2 lanes) Systematic, consistent of traffic flow Can reduce traffic friction due to vehicles passing side-by-side. Can reduce traffic congestion Easier for vehicles to stop by for pick-up / drop-off Easier for pedestrians crossing the road More practically and users friendly

Road Design It is designed as 2 lanes road with one way system Design standard : U2, Travelling speed : 40 kph, condition type II Traffic volume : less than 150 vehicles The total width is 2.75 m (two way lane system) Road Shoulders: Paved shoulder width is 1.5 m for design standard U2 for area Type II.


Because we choose the type area is type II, width for shoulder for U2 is 1.50 m. the shoulder may be replaced by sidewalk. Sidewalks (Pedestrian walkway) A desirable width of 1.5 m for the walkway Surface of the walkway must be suitable for all weather conditions

Sidewalk: 1.5m

Kerb: 0.45m

Lane Width: 2.75m


Access to Outside Road The access road is connected to the existing main road. The standard is based on the JKR Arahan Teknik.

Control at Entrance We will design a barrier at the entrance (aprigate). This is safety issue for the internal system. The width at the entrance is sufficient for 2 lines of cars to stop by waiting for the security check.


1.8.1 Sieving Procedure Simple Dry Sieving Dry sieving is the simplest of all methods of particle size analysis. The apparatus used, the test procedure and the method of calculation are described here in some detail because they are relevant to all other sieving methods.

According to the British Standard, dry sieving maybe carried out only on materials for which this procedure gives the same results as the wet-sieving procedure. This means that it is applicable only to clean granular materials, which usually implies clean sandy or gravelly soils that is, soils containing negligible amounts of particles of silt or clay size. If in doubt about the validity of the dry-sieving method, the wet-sieving procedure should be followed instead. If particles of medium gravel size or larger are present in significant amounts, the initial size of the sample required may be such that riffling is necessary at some stage to reduce the sample to a manageable for fine sieving. Wet Sieving-Fine Soils If a soil contains silt or clay or both even in small quantities, it is necessary to carry out a wet sieving procedure in order to measure the proportion of fine material present. Even when dry, fine particles of silt and clay can adhere to sand-size particles and cannot be separated by dry sieving even is prolonged. Washing is the only practicable means of ensuring complete separation of fines for a reliable assessment of their percentage. If clays is present, or if there is evidence of particles sticking together, the material should be immersed in a dispersant solution before washing. Compaction Test (Proctor Test) The tests described in this section are include in BS 1377:1975 as standard tests for the determination of the moisture-density relationship of soils. This test is still often referred to as Proctor Test and sometimes as the moisture-density relationship test. It gives the dry density-moisture content relationship for soil compacted in five layers in the same mould as used in the ordinary compaction test using 27 blows per layer with a 4.5 kg rammer falling 450 mm. the total compactive energy applied is 4.5 times greater than in the ordinary test. From the density-moisture curve the optimum moisture content and the maximum dry density for this heavier degree of compaction can be determined. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) The California bearing ratio test, usually abbreviated to CBR test, is a penetration test on purpose developed by the California State Highway Department for the evaluation of subgrade strengths. The test is performed by applying an increasing load to cause a plunger of standard size to penetrate a specimen of soil at standard rate, after the soil has been compacted and soaked. In this way, a graph of the applied load versus penetration is obtained and the bearing ratio is calculated. The results of the test can be used for design either of roads and of flexible pavement. Although the results cannot be accurately related to any of the fundamental properties governing soil strength, CBR test appears more flexible and easy to be carried out than many other penetration test in fact, this test can be performed on nearly all soils ranging from clay to fine gravel. Marshall Test The most widely used method of bituminous mix design is the Marshall method Developed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers. Stability and flow, together with Density, voids and percentage of voids filled with binder are determined at varying binder contents to determine an 'optimum' for stability, durability, Flexibility, fatigue resistance, etc. The mechanism of failure in the Marshall Test apparatus is complex but it is essentially a type of unconfined compression test. This being so, it can only have Limited correlation with deformation in a pavement where the material is Confined by the tire, the base and the surrounding surfacing. Wheel tracking Tests have shown that resistance to plastic flow increases with reducing binder Content whereas Marshall Stability has an optimum, below which stability Decreases. Improvement on the assessment based on stability is possible by considering flow and most agencies (e.g. Asphalt Institute, Singapore LTA) set Minima for stability and specified range for flow for various purposes (roads, Airports, etc.). In addition to binder content, stability and flow are also dependent on type of Binder, grading of aggregate, the particle shape, geological nature of parent rock (most importantly, porosity), degree of compaction, etc. Temperature is also a Factor but, for the test, it is standardized at 60 oc.

1.9 ROAD DESIGN 1.9.1 Proposed Road Layout




1.9.2 Access Control of Road Access control for Urban area (U2) Local Street is No control of access


1.9.3 General Summary-Geometric Design Criteria For Roads In Urban



1.10 PARKING SLOTS Based on Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2D/85 Population Equivalent (PE) and Parking provided.

M. Marine Building Cars Motorcycles 27 26

Nearby IT-Library building 159 -

Parking Slot for ATMA 2.5m x 5.5m for Car Parking 1.0m x 1.5m for motorcycle parking Parking slot design in 90o maximize quantity Quantity of parking slot is sufficient All around M.Marine building on-street parking

Parking Spaces Material Interlocking paster non heavy duty Allow infiltration Avoid flooding after heavy raining Aesthetic Decrease the heat reflected





1.11.1 Definition and Function of Each Layer

1) Subgrade The uppermost part of the soil, natural or imported, supporting the load transmitted from the overlying layers.

2) Subbase Course The layer(s) of the specified material built up to the required designed thickness immediately overlaying the subgrade. It serves as an aid to disperse the load from the base course before transmitting it to the subgrade. (This layer may be absent in some designs.) 3) Base Courses The layer(s) of specified material built up to the required designed thickness normally overlying the subbase course. This layer plays a prominent role in the support and dispersion of the traffic loads.

4) Surface Course All the bound layer(s) within the pavement i.e. wearing course, intermediate course and binder course are. embodied under this general terminology. This layer(s) forms an impermeable and flexible lining of high elastic modulus.

5) Binder Course The bound layer(s) overlying the base course. Apart from supporting and dispersing the traffic load, it also resists shear.

6) Wearing Course The topmost layer of the surface course. It is in direct contact with the traffic and consequently, it must resist abrasion and prevent skidding.

1.11.2 Materials

1. SUBBASE COURSE General Sand gravel and laterite are amongst the various types of subbase course materials. When these materials do not have the required quality, cement stabilization of these materials or crushed aggregate is to be used. From an economic point of view, locally available materials such as sand, gravel, laterite, etc. should be utilized for subbase course materials. Locally available materials, such as sand, gravel, soft rocks, laterite etc should be utilized for subbase course materials, from an economic point of view. When these materials do not meet the required standard, stabilization with cement should be considered. When a suitable and economic natural material is not available crushed aggregates (crusher run) are commonly used. For the subgrade, we were using the crashed rock for the design refers to the table 4.1.


2. BASE COURSE According to the JKR guide line, base course shall be selected materials such as crushed stones and sand, or a combination of these materials. It may be stabilized with cement, bitumen or lime. In the AASHO road test results, it was found that stabilized base courses especially bituminous stabilized base gave the best performance with respect to strength and durability. Therefore bituminous treated base course are recommended to be used whenever suitable. Three types of base courses are specified here. They are crushed aggregates, cement stabilized and bitumen stabilized base courses. For the layer, we were choosing the crushed aggregates for our design.


3. BINDER COURSE AND WEARING COURSE According to the JKR pavement design, hot-mixed bituminous mixtures shall be used for binder course and wearing course. The compositions of these mixtures shall be designed based

on the Standard Marshall Test procedure. Care must be taken in the selection of materials, gradation and bitumen content so as to obtain a mix with the desirable stability, durability, and sufficient skid resistance (in case of wearing course) as well as good workability. Bituminous mixtures consist of a well graded mixture of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and filler, bound together with bitumen. Their stability derives both from the interlocking of the well-graded aggregates and from the cohesion provided by the bitumen binder. They are suitable for surfacing heavily trafficked roads in hot climate and for use where an impermeable surfacing is required.

1.11.3 Material Requirements 1. Coarse Aggregates Coarse aggregates shall be material substantially retained on 2.4mm sieve opening and shall be crushed rock or crushed gravel and free from foreign materials. Coarse aggregate shall conform to the following requirements

2. Fine Aggregates Fine aggregates shall be material passing a 2.4 mm sieve opening. It shall be clean natural sand or screenings or a mixture thereof. Screenings shall be produced by crushing stone and or gravel conforming to the quality requirements for coarse aggregate.Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, durable and free from clay, mud and other foreign materials.

3. Mineral Filler Mineral Filler shall be Portland cement and shall conform to the following grading requirements:


4. Bitumen Bitumen shall be straight-run bitumen (petroleum bitumen)' and shall conform to the following requirements:


1.11.4 Road Design Properties No 1 Conditions Road category JKR 05 Carriageway width Shoulder width Values/Properties : One way, two lanes : 2.7 m : 1.5 m (table 10)

Wearing and binder course Base course Sub base

: Asphalt Concrete and Dense Bituminous Macadam : Bituminous Material : Sand

Design Period, x

: 10 years

Initial daily traffic volume, : 150 (table 11) ADT

Percent of commercial vehicle, : 10% Pc

Annual growth rate, r

: 10%

Equivalence factor, e

: 1.2 (table 12)

Sub grade CBR

: 5%

Type of pavement

: FLAT Terrain




1.11.5 Pavement Design Calculations

1. Initial annual commercial traffic for one direction, Vo Vo = ADT x 0.5 x 365 x Pc/100 = 150 x 0.5 x 365 x 10/100 = 2738

Vo: Initial annual commercial traffic for one direction

ADT: Average Daily Traffic Pc: Percentage of Daily traffic

2. Total numbers of commercial vehicles for 1 direction Vc = Vo [ (1+r)x 1 ] r =2738[ (1+0.1)10 1] 0.1 = 4.36 x 104

Vc: The total number of commercial vehicles for x years Vo: Initial annual commercial traffic for one direction r:Annual growth rate x:Design period

3. Total equivalent Standard Axles (ESA) ESA = Vc x e = 4.36 x 104 x 1.2 = 52320

ESA: Total equivalent standard axles Vc Total number of commercial vehicles for x years e: Equivalence factor (table 12)

4. Maximum hourly traffic volume for one direction T = 100/(100+Pc) = 0.999 c=IxRxT = 1000 x 0.7 x 0.999 = 699 veh/hr

c:Maximum hourly traffic volume for one direction I: Ideal hourly capacity (table 13) R: Roadway factor (table 14) T: Traffic reduction factor (table 15) Pc: Percent of commercial vehicle

5. Traffic capacity for one direction is 10% of the maximum hourly capacity, c C = 10 x 699 = 10 x 699 = 6990 veh/hr/lane

C: One way daily traffic capacity

6. Total daily traffic capacity for one direction at the end of the design period (10 years) Vx= V1 ( 1 + r )x 2 = 150 ( 1 + 0.1)10 2 = 195 veh/day/lane

Vx: The total daily traffic capacity for one direction at the end of the design period V1: Initially daily traffic volume for one direction r: Annual growth rate x: Design period

7. From the nomograph, a. For ESA = 5.23 x 104, the required flexible pavement thickness, TA = 14 cm. b. The thickness of the flexible pavement:


: The thickness of the flexible pavement : Structural coefficient of each layer (table 5.12) : Thickness of each layer (table 5.13)

Calculation TA; 1st trial: Let D1 = 10 cm D2 = 10 cm D3 = 10 cm TA = a1D1 + a2D2 + a3D3 = 1.0 ( 10 ) + 0.8 ( 10 ) + 0.23 ( 10 ) = 20.3 > TA = 14 Therefore, surfaces of pavement: Surface course (Wearing and binder course) Base course Crusher Run Sub base course - Sand 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm OK!

Note that for the surface course, the wearing and binder course will have the same depth, making them 5cm depth each.




Component Wearing and Binder Course

Type of Layer Asphalt Concrete Dense Macadam


Coefficient 1.00 0.80

Bituminous Type 1: Stability > 400kg Unconfined

Base Course

Cement Stabilized

Compressive strength (7 days) 40 40kg/cm2


Mechanically Stabilized aggregate Sand, laterite etc. Subbase Crushed aggregate Cement stabilized CBR CBR CBR 20% 30% 60% 0.23 0.25 0.28 crushed CBR 80% 0.32


Type of Layer Wearing Course Binder Course Bituminous Base Course Wet Mix Cement treated Subbase Course Granular Cement treated

Minimum thickness 4cm 5cm 5cm 10cm 10cm 10cm 15cm



5 cm 5 cm 10 cm


10 cm


1.12 LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) In a road design, level of service determines the condition of traffic occurred at the location. This helps the engineers to forecast the flow of traffic hence, helping to plan the traffic control of the location. Thus, for this project, the LOS for the road is LOS E, which means it is: An unstable flow. Yet lower operating speeds and perhaps stoppages of momentary duration. Volumes are at or near capacity congestion and intolerable delay.

1.13 TURNING RADIUS For U2 type of road we are using turning radius 12.8 m so that it can be safely used by Single unit Truck, Passenger Car, and lower type of vehichles.


1.14 PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY For ATMA building it should be provided walkway for pedestrian(student).The pedestrian walkaway should provide safety and easy acces for the pedestrian to arrive safely. For the safety matters, walkaway can be placed adjacent to the kerbs and raised above the pavement. Theoretically, a strip of a minimum width 1.0m must be provided between walkway and travelled way. A desirable width is 2.0m. Thus for this project, 1.5 m is used.


1.15 KERB For this project, barrier Kerbs is use for drainage control, pavement edge delineation. Asthetics, delineation of pedestrian walkways and to assist in the orderly developments of roadside. In this project we are using precast concrete kerbs Type B2 because easy to install and save cost. Barrier kerbs also is designed to inhibit or discourage vehicles from leaving the road. For kerbs type B2 design speed not exceed 70 kph.


1.16 ROAD SIGNAGE Standard traffic signs are used to warn and alert road user about the road conditions. Reflective materials are used as well to increase alert and during night. Signage used for showing directions, stop, prohibited left/right, speed limit, no entry, road prohibition, parking sign and road warning. Guided by Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2A/85


1.17 ROAD MARKING Based on Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2D/85 To regulatory traffic or to warn or guide road users. Should be uniform in design

Material Road pavements may be marked by one or more of the following materials:a) Paint b) Thermoplastics c) Preformed tapes

a) Paint Only road line paints conforming to M.S. 164:1973, tested and approved by SIRIM shall be used. Paint is best used in situations and on roads where the markings are not subjected to heavy traffic wear.

b) Thermoplastic Thermoplastics used shall be of the hot-applied thermoplastic material is applied hot-applied thermoplastics material conforming to B.S 3262 or the equivalence. This material is applied hot and sets on laying. All road centre lines shall be in thermoplastics.

c) Preformed tapes Markings in this material take the form of plastic sheet attached to the carriageway surface by means of an adhesive. The markings must be patterned or embossed.

Thus, for this project, thermoplastic material will be used to execute the road marking works.Following the key parameter of Societal, Legal and Culture, these reflective materials are helpful in maintaining alert of the drivers.

Centre Line Centre line on a 2 way urban street having 2 lanes shall be a broken white line and 100mm wide. For the more busy city streets a continuous white line, 100mm wide, may be used where it is desirable to discourage crossing of the line.

Stop Line This shall be unbroken line 300 mm wide. They shall extend across the traffic lanes approaching traffic signals or at the stop sign. It indicates the point behind which vehicles must stop when required. At BERHENTI sign. It indicates the point behind which vehicles must stop when required. At BERHENTI signs where visibilty is restricted, the drivers line of sight, the need for a pedestrian crossing and the clearance from traffic in the intersecting roadway should be considered when positioning the BERHENTI line.

BERHENTI lines shall generally be either parallel to the line of the intersecting roadway, or at right angles to vehicles approaching the line. They shall ordinarily be place 1.2 m in advance of and parallel to the nearest crosswalk line. In the absence of a marked crosswalk, the stop line should be placed not more than 10m or less than 1.2 m for the nearest edge of intersecting roadway. If a stop line line is used in conjunction with a BERHENTI signs, it should be placed in line with the stop line. However, if a BERHENTI sign cannot be located exactly where vehicles are expected to stop, the BERHENTI sign line should be places at te stopping point.

Give way line Should be placed not more than 10 m nor less than 1.2 m from the nearest edge of intersecting roadway. The width of these lines to be 200 mm and marked in a gap/stroke ratio of 300 mm gap 300 mm strip.


Pedestrian Road Crossing Pedestrian crossing (Zebra) Markings is for the pedestrian to cross the street safely. It placed in suitable location so that it can easily acces by pedestrian to use it. Pedestrian road crossing is also for pedestrian safety to cross the street, and not randomly crossing the road. This shall consist of a series strips of 600 mm wide. The width of the crosswalk should be from 1.8 to 3.6 m. In this project we are using pedestrian crossing Type A.


Arrow Arrows are used to ensure the correct lane usage at approaches to intersections, exit ramps and other control points. If any lane on the approach to an intersection is to be designated by means of arrows, at least three arrows should be placed in that lane to increase the probabilty

os recognition. A spacing of 15 to 30 m should be used between repeater arrows according to the size of the arrows, larger arrows being used for higher speed road.


1.18 ROAD LIGHTING Lighting may improve the safety of the road and the ease and comfort of operation there on. Lighting of rural highways maybe desirable but the need is much less than on roads in urban areas. They are seldom justified except on critical portions such as interchanges, intersections, railroad grade crossing, narrow or long bridges, tunnels and areas where roadside interference is a factor. Where lighting is being considerable savings can be affected through design and installation of necessary conduits under the pavements and kerbs as part of the initial construction and should be considered. Gap between lamp post to another is about > 100 m and height for each lamp post is 3 10 m. In this project we are proposing solar street lighting. Solar street lighting has already been usede in Malaysia, various stretches along the Federal Roads in Rawang, Puncak Alam and Sabak Bernam in Selangor and Rhu Kubur in Terengganu, Malaysia.

Solar Street lighting advantage No lengthy road closure during installation Relocation is easy when roads are widen/redesign Does not require road patching work Lights up automatically when it is dark - no timer needed No electricity bills.

By using solar street lighting there many aspect we can save the cost, plus is also environment friendly, which achieving the key parameters of cost, and sustainable and environment.


1.19 FACILITIES - APRIGATE BARRIER Barrier is needed to control the traffic of the road in the project area. A proper security-based barrier is essential to install at the main gate of the area in order to increase the security level of safety of the building area. Hence, Aprigate will be installed at the main gate. Other than that, these are the benefits of aprigate: Security Long lasting Reasonable price It can move horizontally and vertically Low maintenance



Table Of Content
2.1 Introduction 2.2 On Site Detention 2.3 Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) 2.4 Design Calculation ARI 2.5 Catchment Area and Runoff Coefficient 2.6 Flow Value of Water Into the Drainage 2.7 Porous Pavement Design 2.8 Wet Pond 2.8.1 Pond Removal Efficiency 2.8.2 Pond Area Ratio For Targeted Pollutant Removal Efficiency 2.8.3 Pond Sizing 2.9 Drainage Calculations 2.10 Box Culvert

2.1 INTRODUCTION i. Criteria that need to be considered when designing for drainage Minor and major system Drainage system of 10 years ARI for minor system and 50 years ARI for major system Sizes of culvert Peak runoff Design for the elevation of the drainage system Gross Pollutant Traps (GPT)


Local Authority

The design guidelines manuals for the design of drainage system must meet the requirement design from; Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Department of Environment(DOE)


Guideline for design water supply

MaSMA (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam) or Urban Stormwater Management Manual

2.2 ON-SITE DETENTION The detention concept is most often employed in urban stormwater drainage systems to limit the peak outflow rate for a specific range of flood frequencies to that which existed from the same catchment before development. The primary function of detention facilities is to reduce peak discharge by the temporary storage and gradual release of stormwater runoff by way

of an outlet control structure or other release mechanism. Detention facility can reduce the peak and volume of runoff from a given catchment (Figure 1) which can reduce the frequency and extent of downstream flooding. Detention facilities have been used to reduce the costs of large stormwater drainage systems by reducing the size required for such systems in downstream areas.

Post Development Uncontrolled Runoff Pre-Development Uncontrolled Runoff Post-Development Controlled Runoff by Detention




2.3 GROSS POLLUTANT TRAP (GPT) Gross pollutant traps (GPTs) remove litter, debris and coarse sediment from stormwater. Gross Pollutant Traps may be used as the pretreatment for flow into a pond or wetland to confine the area of deposition of coarse sediments. sediments. This facilitates the eventual removal of finer

Traps may also be used to keep coarse sediment out of ponds, protecting the

vegetation at the head of the pond from the smothering effects of sediment. Traps may also be used to remove coarse sediment before the flow enters an infiltration device or filtration device, which would otherwise clog up prematurely.

Most GPTs will also provide some reduction in other pollutants. For example, trapping of coarse sediment may also provide:

removal of particulate nutrients; trace metal removal; oil and grease removal; reduction in bacteria; and Reduction in dissolved oxygen demanding substances.




2.4 DESIGN CALCULATION ARI Table: Fitting constant for IDF curve Empirical Equation for different location in Malaysia for high ARIs between 10 and 100 years and storm duration from 5 to 72 Hours. State No Station ID Station Name Constant Selangor 2 2917001 STOR JPS Puchong 69.650 K 0.151 0.233 0.880

IDF Curve Equation: i = T/(d + ) i = Average rainfall intensity (mm/hr) T = Average recurrence Interval d= Storm duration (hours) , , , and = Fitting constant dependent on the rain gauge location (Table 2.B1 in appendix 2.B)

1. Minor System, ARI = 10 years d = 30 minutes = 0.5 hour i = T/(d+) = 69.65(100.151) (0.5 + 0.223)0.880 = 131.18 mm/hr

2. Major System, ARI = 100 years i = T/(d+) = 69.65(1000.151) (0.5 + 0.223)0.880 = 185.72 mm/hr




Station ID

Station Name

Constant K 0.151 0.233 0.880



STOR JPS Puchong


ARI = 10 years to = 7min td = 6 min tc = to+td = 13 min = 0.216 hour = d

1. Marine Building Area = 4689.69 m2 i = T/(d+) = 69.65(100.151) (0.216 + 0.223)0.880 = 203.5 mm/hr

Hence, Runoff Coefficient, C = 0.88 Q1 = CiA/360 = (0.88)(203.5)(4689.69)/3600 = 0.2333 m3/s

2. IT and Library Building Area = 5763.75 m2 i = 203.5 mm/hr C = 0.88 Q2 = CiA/360 = (0.88)(203.5)(5763.75)/3600 = 0.2867 m3/s

Total, Q = Q1 + Q2 = 0.2333 m3/s + 0.2867 m3/s = 0.52 m3/s

2.6 FLOW VALUE OF WATER INTO THE DRAINAGE To construct U-drain. For major drain, which is line drain.

Calculation, ARI = 100 years, Area = 33000 m2 to = 15min td = 4min tc = to + td = 19 min = 0.316 hour = d

i = T/(d+) = 69.65(1000.151) (0.316 + 0.223)0.880 = 240.5 mm/hr Hence, Runoff Coefficient, C = 0.90 Q = CiA/360 = (0.90)(240.5)(3.3)/360 = 2 m3/s

2.7 POROUS PAVEMENT DESIGN Finding Qpeak and Qavg for Pre and post development area, tc(min)=30 tcs(min)=15

Equation, ln5I30= a + b ln t + c(ln(t))2 + d(ln(t))3 (From Equation 13.2)

For ARI 2 years, a =5.3255 b = 0.1806 c = -0.1322 d = 0.0047

For t = 30 mins ln2I30 = 5.3225 + 0.1806 ln(30) + -0.1332 (ln(30))2 + 0.0047 (ln(30))3 = 5.3255 + 0.6143 -1.5293 + 0.1849 = 4.59537


= 99.02 mm/hr

I P30

= Pd/ d (From equation 13.4) = 99.0249 x 0.5 = 49.5125 mm

For t = 60 mins ln2I30 = 5.3225 + 0.1806 ln60 + -0.1332 (ln(60))2 + 0.047 (ln(60))3 = 5.3225 + 0.7394 2.2162 + 0.3226 = 4.17137


= 64.8044 mm/hr

I P60

= Pd / d = 64.8044 x 1 = 64.8044 mm

From equation 13,3 Pd = P30 FD(P60 P30) FD = 0 For 30 minutes P30 = 49.5125 0(64.8044 49.512) = 49.5125mm

I30 = 99.0249

Thus, Development Area Imprevious Area C A (m2) Previous Area CA I (mm/hr) Q (I/s)

A (m2)

Predevelopment Postdevelopment






290.45 = Qpeak







664.51 = Qavg

Total catchment area = 33000 m2

From the calculation, Qpost > Qpre All drain will flow out to nearest detention pond which 500m from site location. As recommendation, due higher Q post development compare to Q pre development. We need to construct Wet pond to reduce flow rate during heavy drain.

2.8 WET POND The purpose of wet ponds is to ensure the water quality discharge to existing pond achieving the requirements and to avoid large amount of water discharge to the outside drain systems in a peak storm event or become a detention pond. Wet pond also function to slower the flow before discharge to the existing detention pond in nearby. Instead become a recreational pond and landscape for this project, this wet pond can trap sediment and pollutant. The best plant for this wet land is Nymphea Rubra. For ponds river banks, we can use Fimbristylis Glabulosa and Typa Angustifolia. Plants such as Axonopus Compessus and Cynodon Dactylon also can be use. This plant can help to reduce flow and acts as infiltration systems. For water quality control, upstreams GPT install to protect from excessive sediment.

2.8.1 Pond removal efficiency DCIA = 50% (directly connected Impervious area) MAR = 3000mm (Mean Annual Rainfall) Pollutant removal for sediment = 65% Pollutant removal for SS = 50% Pollutant removal for TP = 50%

2.8.2 Pond area ratio for targeted pollutant removal efficiency: Sediment: (chart 35.A1) 65% removal correspondents to area ratio Ap / Ac of 0.6 % SS: (chart 35.A2) 40% removal correspondents to area ratio Ap / Ac of 0.5 % TP: (chart 35.A2) 40% removal correspondents to area ratio Ap / Ac of 0.5 % Therefore the largest ratio of 0.65 is used.

2.8.3 Pond Sizing Total Catchment Area = 33000 m2 = 33000 ha > 2 ha The predominant soil type is categorised as Type F. (wet clay) MSMA Chap The required pond area = 0.06 km x 0.65/100 = 0.4 hectares Depth = 2m The required pond = 0.4 ha x 2.0 m = 0.8 = 8000 m Pond configuration = selected pond configuration = 3:1 So the pond design area is 105 m x 35 m 115 m x 38m x2m = 8740 m 8740 m > 8000 m ok


Invert level: Final discharge IL = Invert Level existing drainage (IL47) Sample calculation: IL1= Road level depth of drain = 51 0.3m = 50.7m IL2 = IL1 Length of IL1 to IL2 / Gradient = 50.7 - 18m/ 600 = 50.67m IL3 = IL2 Length of IL2 to IL3 / Gradient = 52.37 6.2m/ 600 = 52.36m IL4 = IL3 Length of IL3 to IL4 / Gradient = 50.67 8.5m/ 600 = 50.66m IL5 = IL4 Length of IL4 to IL5 / Gradient = 50.66 4.3m/ 600 = 50.65m IL6 = IL5 Length of IL5 to IL6 / Gradient = 50.65 19m/ 600 = 50.63m IL7 = IL6 Length of IL6 to IL7 / Gradient = 50.63 66.8m/ 600 = 50.52m IL8 = IL7 Length of IL7 to IL8 / Gradient = 50.52 19.5m/ 600 = 50.48m IL9 = IL8 Length of IL8 to IL9 / Gradient = 50.48 13.2m/ 600 = 50.46m IL10 = IL9 Length of IL9 to IL10 / Gradient

= 50.46 4.5m/ 600 = 50.45m IL11 = IL10 Length of IL10 to IL11 / Gradient = 50.45 32.5m/ 600 = 50.39m IL12 = IL11 Length of IL11 to IL12 / Gradient = 50.39 16.1m/ 600 = 50.36m IL13 = IL12 Length of IL12 to IL13 / Gradient = 50.36 16.1m/ 600 = 50.33m IL14 = IL13 Length of IL13 to IL14 / Gradient = 50.33 2.15m/ 600 = 50.332m IL15 = IL14 Length of IL14 to IL15 / Gradient = 50.33 8.0m/ 600 = 50.316m IL16 = IL15 Length of IL15 to IL16 / Gradient = 50.316 4.2m/ 600 = 50.309m IL17 = IL16 Length of IL16 to IL17 / Gradient = 50.309 40.4m/ 600 = 50.242m IL18 = IL17 Length of IL17 to IL18 / Gradient = 50.242 3.2m/ 600 = 50.237m IL19 = IL18 Length of IL18 to IL19 / Gradient = 50.237 3.45m/ 600 = 50.231m IL20 = IL19 Length of IL19 to IL20 / Gradient = 50.231 7.90m/ 600 = 50.218m IL21 = IL1 Length of IL1 to IL21 / Gradient

= 50.218 31m/ 600 = 50.166m IL22 = IL21 Length of IL21 to IL22 / Gradient = 50.166 7m/ 600 = 50.155m IL23 = IL22 Length of IL22 to IL23 / Gradient = 50.155 4.5m/ 600 = 50.148m IL24 = IL22 Length of IL22 to IL23 / Gradient = 50.148 4.5m/ 600 = 50.141m IL24 = IL23 Length of IL23 to IL24 / Gradient = 50.141 28m/ 600 = 50.094m IL25 = IL24 Length of IL24 to IL25 / Gradient = 50.094 3m/ 600 = 50.089m IL31 = IL20 Length of IL20 to IL31 / Gradient = 50.089 33.2m/ 600 = 50.034m IL41 = IL31 Length of IL31 to IL41 / Gradient = 50.034 9.0m/ 600 = 50.019m IL30 = IL41 Length of IL41 to IL30 / Gradient = 50.019 53.4m/ 600 = 49.930m IL32 = IL30 Length of IL30 to IL32 / Gradient = 49.930 19.2m/ 600 = 49.915m IL34 = IL32 Length of IL32 to IL34 / Gradient = 49.915 18.0m/ 600 = 49.885m IL35 = IL34 Length of IL34 to IL35 / Gradient

= 49.885 46.5m/ 600 = 49.808m IL36 = IL35 Length of IL35 to IL36 / Gradient = 49.808 26.1m/ 600 = 49.765m

2.9 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 1. For Marine, IT and Library With solid or granted cover, maximum depth = 1.2m Concrete vertical

Minor ARI (10 years) = CIA/360 = (0.88 x 203.5 x( 0.4690 + 0.5764 ))/360 =0.52 m3/s Mannings n for concrete = 0.015 Drain longitudinal slope : 0.4% Width, B Side slope,Z : 0.9 m :0

As Q = V x A, Where, V= 1/n(So1/2R2/3) A= (B +2D) = 0.90D P=(B +2D(1+Z2) =0.90 +2D

Hence, Depth, D(m) 0.4 Area, A(m2) Perimeter, P (m) Hydraulic Radius, R (m) 0.21 Velocity (m/s) Flow rate (m3/s) 0.53




Therefore, Allowing freeboard = 50mm Required depth minimum = 0.4m Provided dimension of lined drain : Width = 0.9m Depth = 0.4m Velocity= 1.49 m/s Discharge = 0.53 m2/s Checks flow velocity for line drain =1.34 m/s Ok! (0.6< V< 2m/s)

0.9 m

Freeboard:50 mm

0.4 m


2. For other area covered With solid or granted cover, maximum depth = 1.2m Concrete vertical

Minor ARI (10 years) = CIA/360 = (0.88 x 240.5 x 3.3)/360 = 2.2 m3/s Mannings n for concrete = 0.015 Assuming : Drain longitudinal slope : 0.4% Width, B Side slope,Z : 1.2 m :0

As Flow rate, Q = V x A, Where, V= 1/n(So1/2R2/3) A= (B +2D) = 1.2D P=(B +2D(1+Z2) =1.2 +2D

Hence, Depth, D(m) Area, A(m2) Perimeter, P (m) Hydraulic Radius, R (m) Velocity (m/s) Flow rate (m3/s)





Therefore, Allowing freeboard = 50mm Required depth minimum = 0.8m Provided dimension of lined drain : Width = 1.2m Depth = 0.8m Velocity= 2 m/s Discharge = 2 m2/s Checks flow velocity for line drain = 2 m/s Ok! (0.6< V< 2m/s)

1.2 m Freeboard: 50 mm

0.8 m


2.10 BOX CULVERT The primary propose of culvert is to convey water under a roadway. Precast concrete box culverts are one of the most versatile and cost effective pre-cast concrete products on the market today, meeting and exceeding the needs of a multitude of fast paced construction projects. Flexibility in design and ease of placement lead to cost savings across the board. The uses for pre-cast concrete box culverts are endless. They can be used for underpasses, service tunnels, subways, outfalls, bridges, stream culverts, material handling, utility storage, chimneys, vertical storage, watertight holding tanks and more. The strength of pre-cast concrete gradually increases over time. Other materials can deteriorate, experience greater creep and stress relaxation, lose strength and/or deflect over time. The load carrying capacity of pre-cast concrete is derived from its own structural qualities and does not rely on the strength or quality of the surrounding backfill materials. Because pre-cast concrete products are produced in a controlled environment, they exhibit high quality and uniformity. Factors affecting quality typically found on a job site - temperature, improper curing, poor craftsmanship and material quality - are nearly eliminated in a plant environment. Pre-cast concrete products produced in a quality controlled environment and installed with high quality sealants offer a superior solution to water tightness requirements. Standard watertight sealants are specially formulated to adhere to pre-cast concrete, making watertight multiple seam pre-cast concrete box culverts possible. Pre-cast concrete box culverts are manufactured well in advance of installation, they are ready for transportation to the job site at a moment's notice. They are quickly installed in a matter of hours using a crane and a small crew. Backfilling can begin immediately rather than waiting several days or more for cast-in-place concrete to gain proper strength. Once backfilled, road construction can begin, greatly reducing the deviation of any associated lanes and congestion in the surrounding communities. Pre-cast concrete is nontoxic, environmentally safe and made from all natural materials, making it an ideal material for use below grade or for the conveyance of water. Concrete has no proven ill effects on groundwater and surface water quality helping to preserve our natural water resources.

6.10.1 Design Calculation for Box Culvert Properties of box culvert is calculated using Mannings Formula where: Qcp = 1.49 x A x R2/3 x S1/2 n Qcp n A R P V S = discharge capacity = Mannings Coefficient = 0.013 = area of the box culvert section = hydraulic radius of culver = A/P = wetted parameter of culvert section = velocity of flow = slope or gradient of box culvert

A = 0.8 x 1.2 = 0.96m P = 0.8+1.2+0.8+1.2 = 4m Qcp = 1.49 x A x R2/3 x S1/2 n Qcp = 1.49 x 0.96 x (0.24)2/3 x (1/200)1/2 0.015 = 2.604 m3/s V = Q/A =2.604/0.96 = 2.713 m3/s (>0.9 m/s & <3.05 m/s)

1200 mm

800 mm


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