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MB 0048 Operation Research (Book ID:B1631) Q1. a. What do you mean by linear programming problem?

Explain the steps Involved in linear programming problem formulation? Ans: A linear program (LP) is a minimization problem where we are asked to minimize a given linear function subject to one or more linear inequality constraints. The linear function is also called as an Objective function. Steps in linear programming problems are as follow: Study the given situation to find the key decisions to be made. Identify the variables involved and designated them by symbols Xj(j=1,2....) State the feasible alternatives which generally are : Xj>_0, for all j Identify the constraints in the problem and express them as linear inequalities or equations, LHS of which are linear functions of the decision variables. Identify the objective function and express it as a linear function of the decision variables. Q2. a. Discuss the methodology of Operations Research. Ans: The basic dominant characteristic feature of Operation Research (OR) is that it employs mathematical representations or models to analyse problems. This distinct approach represents adaptation of the scientific methodology used by the physical sciences. The scientific method translated a given problem into a mathematical representation which is solved and retransformed into the original context. Steps as follows: 1. Problem Definition: The most important step in the OR approach of problem solving is to define the problem. One needs to ensure that problem is defined properly because this problem statement will indicate the following three major aspects: Description of the goal or the objective of the study. Identification of the decision alternative to the system.

Recognition of the limitations, restrictions, and requirements of the system. 2. Construction: First need to identify &select appropriate model which specifies quantitative expressions for the objective and the constraints of the problem in terms of its decision variables. 3. Solution: Solution is a model implies determination of a specific set of decision variables that would yield an optimum solution. 4. Validation: It is important to test the validity of model by comparing its performance with some past data available from the actual system. This model is based on careful examination of past data; the comparison should always reveal favourable results. Validation methods are not appropriate for non-existent systems because data will not be available for comparison. 5. Implementation: For Implementation all above results need to translate into detailed operating instructions issued in an understandable form to the individuals who will administer and operate the recommended system.

Q-2. b. Explain in brief the phases of Operations Research.The scientific method in OR study generally involves three phases: Ans :Judgment phase:This phase includes the following activities: Determination of operations. Establishment of objectives and values related to the operations Determination of suitable measures of effectiveness. Formulation of problems relative to the objectives. Research phase: This phase utilises the following methodologies: Operation and data collection for a better understanding of the problems Formulation of hypothesis and model Observation and experimentation to test the hypothesis on the basis of additional data. Analysis of the available information and verification of the hypothesis using pre-

established measure of effectiveness. Prediction of various results and consideration of alternative methods. Action Phase: This phase involves making recommendations for the decision process. The recommendations can be made by those who identify and present the problem or by anyone who influence the operation in which the problem has occurred. Q.3 Solve the following Linear Programming Problem using Simple method. Maximize Z= 3X1 + 2X2 Subject to the constraints: X1+ X2 4 X1+ X2 2 X1, X2 0 Ans: Max Z = 4Y1 + 2Y2 Subject to Y1 + Y2 + 4Y3 3 Y1 + Y2 + 2Y3 2 Y1, Y2, Y3 0 Q-4 . Explain the procedure of MODI method of finding solution through optimality test. Ans: After evaluating an initial basic feasible solution to a transportation problem, the next question is how to get the optimum solution. The basic techniques are illustrated below. Determine the net evaluations for the nonbasic variables (empty cells) Determine the entering variable Determine the leaving variable Compute a better basic feasible solution Repeat steps (1) to (4) until an optimum solution has been obtained

Definition: A loop is the sequence of cells in the transportation table such that: Each pair of consecutive cells lie either in the same row or same column No three consecutive cells lies in the same row or same column The first and the last cells of the sequence lies in the same row or column No cell appears more than once in the sequence Steps are as follows: Step 1: Under this method, you construct penalties for rows and columns by subtracting the least value of row / column from the next least value. Step 2: Then select the highest penalty constructed for both row and column. Enter that row/column and select the minimum cost and allocate min (ai, bj) Step 3: Delete the row or column or both if the rim availability/ requirements are met. Step 4: You repeat steps 1 to 2 to till all allocations are over. Step 5: For allocating all forms of equations ui + vj = cj, set one of the dual variable ui / vj to zero and solve for others. Step 6: Use this value to find - ui the optimal solution. Step 7: If any the most negative cell and form loop. Starting point of the loop is positive and alternative corners of the loop are negative and positive. Examine the quantities allocated at negative places. Select the minimum, add it to the positive places and subtract from the negative places. Step 8: Form new table and repeat steps 5 to 7 till Q.5 a. a. Explain the steps in Hungarian method. Ans: Hungarian method algorithm is based on the concept of opportunity cost and is more efficient in solving assignment problems. The Hungarian algorithm allows a "minimum matching" to be found. This can be used in instances where there are multiple quotes for a group of activities and each activity must be done by a different person, to find the minimum cost to complete all of the activities. Adopt the following steps mentioned below to solve an AP using the Hungarian method algorithm:

Arrange your information in a matrix with the "people" on the left and the "activity" along the top, with the "cost" for each pair in the middle. Arrange your information in a matrix with the "people" on the left and the "activity" along the top, with the "cost" for each pair in the middle.

2 Ensure that the matrix is square by the addition of dummy rows/columns if necessary. Ensure that the matrix is square by the addition of dummy rows/columns if necessary. Conventionally, each element in the dummy row/column is the same as the largest number in the matrix. 3

Reduce the rows by subtracting the minimum value of each row from that row. Reduce the rows by subtracting the minimum value of each row from that row. 4

Reduce the columns by subtracting the minimum value of each column from that column. Reduce the columns by subtracting the minimum value of each column from that column.

Cover the zero elements with the minimum number of lines it is possible to cover them with. Cover the zero elements with the minimum number of lines it is possible to cover them with. (If the number of lines is equal to the number of rows then go to step 9) 6

Add the minimum uncovered element to every covered element. Add the minimum uncovered element to every covered element. If an element is covered twice, add the minimum element to it twice. 7

Subtract the minimum element from every element in the matrix. Subtract the minimum element from every element in the matrix. 8

This example had to be reduced once more Cover the zero elements again. If the number of lines covering the zero elements is not equal to the number of rows, return to step 6. 9

Select a matching by choosing a set of zeros so that each row or column has only one selected. Select a matching by choosing a set of zeros so that each row or column has only one selected. 10

Notice that D has not been used Apply the matching to the original matrix, disregarding dummy rows. This shows who should do which activity, and adding the costs will give the total minimum cost. Tip If you wish to find a maximum matching rather than a minimum, multiply each number by -1 in step 1, then follow the steps as written. Q-5 b: Solve the following assignment problem Machine Operators

1 A B C D Ans: 70 is maximum 1 A B C D 10 30 15 25 2 60 40 55 45

2 50 45 70 45

3 45 55 60 40

5 45 35 50 45

3 25 15 10 30

5 25 35 20 25

20 25 0 25

Row Reduction 1 A B C D 0 15 15 0 2 10 10 0 0 3 15 0 10 5 5 15 20 20 0

Column Reduction 1 2 3 5


0 20 5 15

20 25 0 25

15 5 0 20

5 15 0 5

A=1, C=2

Q-6 a. Explain the steps involved in Vogels approximation method (VAM) of solving Transportation Problem.

Ans: The Vogels approximation method (VAM) takes into account the least cost cij, but also the cost that just exceeds cij. The steps of the method are given below. Step 1: For each row of the transportation table, identify the smallest and the next to smallest costs. Determine the difference between them for each row. Display them alongside the transportation table by enclosing them in parenthesis against the respective rows. Similarly, compute the differences for each column. Step 2: Identify the row or column with the largest difference among all the rows and columns. If a tie occurs, use any arbitrary tie breaking choice. Let the greatest difference correspond to the fifith row and let Cij be the smallest cost in the ith row. Allocate the maximum feasible amount xij = min (ai, bj) in the (i, j) th cell and cross off the ith row or the jth column in the usual manner. Step 3: Re-compute the column and row differences for the reduced transportation table and go to step 2. Repeat the procedure until all the rim requirements are satisfied. Remarks: 1. A row or column difference indicates the minimum unit penalty incurred by failing to make an allocation to the last smallest cell in that row or column. 2. It is clear that VAM determines an initial basic feasible solution, which is very close to the optimum solution. But the number of iterations required to reach the optimal solution is small.

Area of application: 1. It is used to compute transportation routes in such a way as to minimise transportation cost for finding out location of warehouses 2. It is used to find out locations of transportation corporation depots where insignificant total cost difference may not matter. Q-6 b. Solve the following transportation problem using Vogels approximation method:


Distribution Centres C1 C2 2 5 5 40 C3 7 2 4 20 C4 6 3 5 15


F1 F2 F3

3 7 2

50 60 25

Requirements 60


Factories F1 F2 F3

C1 3 7 2

C2 2 5 5 40 20 X X

C3 7 2 4 20 10 10 10 10

C4 6 3 5 15 10 10 10 15

Rows Supply Difference 50 60 25 3 5 4 3 20 5 4 20

10 10 5 5

Requirements 60 30 30 X Column Diff

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