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CONTENTS LJ Preface v Course Management Formulating a Teaching Philosophy 1 Setting and Achieving Student Learning Goals 1 General Suggestions for Running the Classroom — 2 Handling Grade Complaints and Dealing with Confrontations 3 Lecturing and Facilitating Group Discussion 3 Encouraging and Using Communication Outside the Classroom ‘Test Giving, Evaluations, Grading Speeches, and Assignments 5 ‘Teaching Strategies 6 Role Playing and Games 6 Field Trips and Classroom Guests 7 Computer-Mediated Communication 7 Brainstorming 7 Homework 8 Incorporating Outside Sources and Materials 8 Selecting Films and Videos 8 Ethics 9 Soliciting Feedback from Students 10 Special Considerations 10 Culture and Gender Considerations 10 ESL (English as a Second Language) Students 10 Accommodating Students with Disabilities 11 Including Nontraditional Students 11 ‘Tips for First-Time Instructors 11 Advice for Using A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking, Second Edition, for the First Time 12 Print Resources 12 Media Resources 13 The First Day 13 Learning Styles. 14 Visual Learners 14 Auditory Leaners 14 Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners 14 Participation 15 Nonverbal Behavior 15 Verbal Behavior 15 4 CONTENTS Feedback 16 Discipline 16 Dealing with Difficult Students 16 Student Intimidation 17 Inappropriate Student Comments 18 Service Learning in Public Speaking 18 Definition of Service Learning 18 Benefits of Service Learning 18 Service Learning Projects 19 Grading Service Learning Projects 19 FAQ. 20 Ising the Pocket Guide in Other Courses 23 Incorporating Public Speaking into Your Course 23 2. Organizing and Structuring a Public Speaking Course 25 Sample Syllabus 25 Pualic SPEAKING SyLLABUS 26 ‘Stupenr's Record oF Grapes 29 INFORMATION SHEET FOR INSTRUCTOR 30 Sample Course Schedules 31 ‘SEMESTER SCHEDULE 31 Quarter ScHeDuLE 33 SUMMER SESSION SCHEDULE 35 Descriptions of Speech Assignments 37 DescRIPTION FOR SPEECH 1:CEREMONIAL SPEECH 38 OUTLINE WoRKSHEET FOR CEREMONIAL SPEECH 1 39. DESCRIPTION FOR SPEECH 2:ORGANIZING AND OUTLINING THE INFORMATIVE SPEECH 40. OUTLINE WORKSHEET FOR INFORMATIVE SPEECH 2 41 DESCRIPTION FOR THE INFORMATIVE COMMUNICATION RESEARCH PAPER = 43 INFORMATIVE COMMUNICATION RESEARCH PAPER REQUIREMENTS 44 DESCRIPTION FOR SPEECH 3:ORGANIZING AND OUTLINING THE PERSUASIVE SPEECH—ACTION 45, OuTune WorksHEeT FoR Monroe's MOTIVATED SEQUENCE: PERSUASIVE SPEECH 3. 46, GROUP PRESENTATION OPTION 1: PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION—LEARNING ToUse PowenPownt 48 Descriow oF PowenPonT ASSIGNMENT 49 OuTuNe WorkSHEET FOR GROUP PRESENTATION OPTION] 50 GROUP PRESENTATION OPTION 2: INTRODUCTION TO DEBATE AND ARGUMENTATION 52 ORGANIZING AND OUTLINING THE PERSUASIVE DesaTe 64 ‘STEPS FOR BUILDING A DesaTe/Desate Jos Descriptions 65 OuTune WorkSHEET FOR GROUP PRESENTATION OPTION 2 — 66 Sample Student Outlines 68 ‘SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR CEREMONIAL SPEECH 1 68. ‘SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR INFORMATIVE SPEECH 2. 70 ‘SAMPLE INFORMATIVE COMMUNICATION RESEARCH PAPER: THE MICROBREWING WorLD 73, ‘SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR MONROE'S MorIVATED SEQUENCE: PERSUASIVE SPEECH 3. 75, ‘SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR GROUP PRESENTATION OPTION 1 = 78. CONTENTS Guidelines and Suggestions for Evaluating Student Speeches 81 Evaluating Online Sources 82 Speech Evaluation Sheets 83 GRADING SHEET FOR SPEECH 1: CEREMONIAL SPEECH 84 GRADING SHEET FOR SPEECH 2:INFORMATIVE SPEECH 85 GRADING SHEET FOR SPEECH 3: PERSUASIVE SPEECH PROPOSING ACTION 87, GRADING CRITERIA FOR PowerPownT AcTIViTY 89. GRADING SHEET FoR Persuasive Degate 90. GRADING SHEET FOR PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION 91 DescrIPTION AND GRADING SHEET FOR TEAM WoRKSHOP = 92 GRADING SHEET FORTEAM WorksHoP == 93 ‘SeLF-EVALUATION VIDEO SHEET 94 Peer EVALUATION SHEET 95, Ourtsive Speech Critique Evawarion 1 96, Ourtsie Speech Critique Evawarion 2 97, What to Focus on When Time Is Limited 98 Grading and Evaluating Speeches 98 ‘SAMPLE GRADE SHEET = 99 3 > Chapter-by-Chapter Analysis 101 CHAPTER 1 BECOMING A PUBLIC SPEAKER 103 Chapter Content Outline 103 Key Terms 104 Chapter Study Guide 106 Content Presentation Ideas 108 Recommended Supplementary Resources 119 CHAPTER 2 ETHICAL PUBLIC SPEAKING — 120 Chapter Content Outline 120 Key Terms 121 Chapter Study Guide 122 Content Presentation Ideas 125 Recommended Supplementary Resources 132 CHAPTER 3 LISTENERS AND SPEAKERS 133 Chapter Content Outline 133 Key Terms 134 Chapter Study Guide 135 Content Presentation Ideas 136 Recommended Supplementary Resources 145 CHAPTER4 TYPES OF SPEECHES 146 Chapter Content Outline 146 Key Terms 146 CHAPTER 5 FROM ATO Z: OVERVIEW OF A SPEECH 147 Chapter Content Outline 147 Chapter Study Guide 147 CONTENTS: Content Presentation Ideas 148 Recommended Supplementary Resources 153 CHAPTER 6 MANAGING SPEECH ANXIETY 154 Chapter Content Outline 154 Key Terms 155 Chapter Study Guide 155 Content Presentation Ideas 157 Recommended Supplementary Resources 161 CHAPTER7 ANALYZING THE AUDIENCE — 162 Chapter Content Outline 162 Key Terms 165 Chapter Study Guide 166 Content Presentation Ideas 167 Recommended Supplementary Resources 175 CHAPTER 8 SELECTING ATOPIC AND PURPOSE — 176 Chapter Content Outline 176 Key Terms 177 Chapter Study Guide 177 Content Presentation Ideas 179 Recommended Supplementary Resources 188 CHAPTER 9 DEVELOPING SUPPORTING MATERIAL 189 Chapter Content Outline 189 Key Terms 190 Chapter Study Guide 191 Content Presentation Ideas 192 Recommended Supplementary Resources 197 CHAPTER 10 LOCATING SUPPORTING MATERIAL 198 Chapter Content Outline 198 Key Terms 199 Chapter Study Guide 199 Content Presentation Ideas 200 Recommended Supplementary Resources 208 CHAPTER 11 DOING EFFECTIVE INTERNET RESEARCH 209 Chapter Content Outline 209 Key Terms 211 Chapter Study Guide 212 Content Presentation Ideas 212 Recommended Supplementary Resources 217 CHAPTER 12. ORGANIZING THE SPEECH 218 Chapter Content Outline 218 Key Terms 219 Chapter Study Guide 220 Content Presentation Ideas 221 CONTENTS Recommended Supplementary Resources 227 CHAPTER 13 SELECTING AN ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN 228 Chapter Content Outline 228 Key Terms 228 Chapter Study Guide 229 Content Presentation Ideas 230 Recommended Supplementary Resources 234 CHAPTER 14 OUTLINING THE SPEECH 235, Chapter Content Outline 235 Key Terms 236 Chapter Study Guide 236 Content Presentation Ideas 237 Recommended Supplementary Resources 241 CHAPTER 15 DEVELOPING THE INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION 242 Chapter Content Outline 242 Key Terms 243 Chapter Study Guide 244 Content Presentation Ideas 245 Recommended Supplementary Resources 256 CHAPTER 16 USINGLANGUAGE 257 Chapter Content Outline 257 Key Terms 259 Chapter Study Guide 259 Content Presentation Ideas 261 Recommended Supplementary Resources 275 CHAPTER 17 CHOOSING A METHOD OF DELIVERY 276 Chapter Content Outline 276 Key Terms 277 Chapter Study Guide 277 Content Presentation Ideas 278 Recommended Supplementary Resources 281 CHAPTER 18 CONTROLLING THEVOICE 282 Chapter Content Outline 282 Key Terms 283 Chapter Study Guide 284 Content Presentation Ideas 285 Recommended Supplementary Resources 289 CHAPTER 19 USINGTHE BODY — 290 Chapter Content Outline 290 Key Terms 291 Chapter Study Guide 291 Content Presentation Ideas 292 CONTENTS Recommended Supplementary Resources 295 CHAPTER 20 TYPES OF PRESENTATION AIDS 296 Chapter Content Outline 296 Key Terms 297 Chapter Study Guide 298 Content Presentation Ideas 299 Recommended Supplementary Resources 305 CHAPTER 21 DESIGNING PRESENTATION AIDS 306 Chapter Content Outline 306 Key Terms 307 Chapter Study Guide 307 Content Presentation Ideas 308 Recommended Supplementary Resources 312 CHAPTER 22. A BRIEF GUIDE TO MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 313 Chapter Content Outline 313 Key Terms 314 Chapter Study Guide 314 Content Presentation Ideas 314 Recommended Supplementary Resources 318 CHAPTER 23 INFORMATIVE SPEAKING 319 Chapter Content Outline 319 Key Terms 320 Chapter Study Guide 321 Content Presentation Ideas 322 Recommended Supplementary Resources 329 CHAPTER 24 PERSUASIVE SPEAKING 330 Chapter Content Outline 330 Key Terms 334 Chapter Study Guide 335 Content Presentation Ideas 338 Recommended Supplementary Resources 346 CHAPTER 25 SPEAKING ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS 348 Chapter Content Outline 348 Key Terms 349 Chapter Study Guide 350 Content Presentation Ideas 351 Recommended Supplementary Resources 359 CHAPTER 26 TYPICAL CLASSROOM PRESENTATION FORMATS 360 Chapter Content Outline 360 KeyTerms 361 Chapter Study Guide 361 Content Presentation Ideas 362 CONTENTS CHAPTER 27 SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS COURSES — 365 Chapter Content Outline 365 Key Terms 365 Chapter Study Guide 366 Content Presentation Ideas 367 CHAPTER 28 TECHNICALCOURSES 370 Chapter Content Outline 370 Key Terms 370 Chapter Study Guide 371 Content Presentation Ideas 371 CHAPTER 29 SOCIAL SCIENCE COURSES 375 Chapter Content Outline 375 Key Terms 376 Chapter Study Guide 376 Content Presentation Ideas 376 CHAPTER 30 ARTS AND HUMANITIES COURSES — 381 Chapter Content Outline 381 Chapter Study Guide 381 Content Presentation Ideas 382 CHAPTER 31 EDUCATION COURSES — 385 Chapter Content Outline 385 Key Terms 385 Chapter Study Guide 385 Content Presentation Ideas 386 CHAPTER 32 BUSINESSCOURSES 390 Chapter Content Outline 390 Key Terms 390 Content Presentation Ideas 390 CHAPTER 33. NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH COURSES 393 Chapter Content Outline 393 Key Terms 394 Content Presentation Ideas 394 CHAPTER 34. COMMUNICATING IN GROUPS 396 Chapter Content Outline 396 Key Terms 397 Chapter Study Guide 398 Content Presentation Ideas 399 Recommended Supplementary Resources 407 CHAPTER 35 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS 408 Chapter Content Outline 408 Key Terms 409 CONTENTS Chapter Study Guide 409 Content Presentation Ideas 409 Recommended Supplementary Resources 412 4 Additional Resources 413 Search Engines 413 Helpful Web Sites for Teachers and Students 413 Teaching with Videos 414 Ordering Educational Public Speaking Videos 415 5 Sample Speeches for Analysis and Discussion 417 Craig Kielburger, “Free the Children Address before the U.S. Congressional Subcommittee on International Relations and Human Rights” 417 Earl Spencer, “Eulogy for Princess Diana” 421 Wendy Kopp, “Commencement Address at Drew University” 424 Reverend Tom Grey, “Testimony against Legalized Gambling before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee” 427 Renzi Stone, “Live Longer and Healthier: Stop Eating Meat!” 431 Amber Mixon, “Making Dreams Reality” 433 President William Jefferson Clinton, “Address at the Time Magazine 75th Anniversary Celebration” 436 Nancy S. Dye, “Late-Night Reflections of a College President: A Virtual University” 440

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