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ECPE Oral examination expressions for Stages 2 5 Stage 2 Summarizing both options and giving a brief recommendation.

n. Examiner: Are you ready to begin? Candidate A: Yes. I have two possible options / applicants /venues / candidate / proposal to discuss, to present Presenting the first/second option I will begin by talking about . My other option is I also have two different options. Summarizing arguments 1. I will begin by talking about . 2. To begin with 3. To start with 4. Secondly.. 5. Thirdly 6. In addition 7. The final point is that 8. Moreover 9. Another advantage is 10. Finally 11. Next. 12. Also. 13. On top of that 14. Also worth mentioning is that Presenting the disadvantages The only downside is However, there is one disadvantage. The only drawback is Unfortunately, however Making a brief recommendation 1. Based on what I heard, I recommend that we .Brief explanation. 2. I would select 3. They are both excellent, but I would opt for 4. Well both options have advantages 5. I like the fact that 6. I find the first proposal more appealing. Page | 1

Stage 3 Both candidates compare and contrast the two options, talk advantages and disadvantages and reach a consensus (Dont look at each others papers).

Candidate A I think. Well Ill start by saying Well first let me point out I believe that. Not only that, there also That is a great advantage At the end of the day PreciselyAs you can see its a win - win situation. Well I have to admit you make a very good case for I am glad we agree

Candidate B You present a good argument, but I respectfully disagree That might be true, but I firmly believe that. But we need to take into consideration But have you considered? But to me it suggests that Apart from thatBesidesTo be fair

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Stage 4 Planning and giving a formal presentation. Each candidate gives two reasons and explains why. Sharing papers. Presenting Reasons We both agree that. We feel strongly that After careful consideration, we have decided Apart from the points my partner has mentioned, there are two other reasons. Explaining choise One major reason behind our decision This has two great advantages Another incentive for this option This leads me to the second reason

Stage 5 Counter questions by Examiner 2. Examiner I am not convinced That could be quiet serious Candidate That is a valid concern / I understand why you may be apprehensive It could be perceived that way, but given the fact that/However we do not have enough information to assess how serious/Not necessarily, to us it indicates There is one drawback / Yes you should be aware that

Are there any negative aspect I should be aware of?

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