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Reasoning-1 Blood Relations

1. X introduces Y saying, He is the husband of the granddaughter of the father of my father.How is Y related to X? 1. Brother 2.Son 3.Brother-in-law 4.None 2. Pointing out to a lady, Ravi said, She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother.Who is lady to Ravi? 1. Aunt 2.Grand daughter 3.Daughter 4.None 3. Pointing to photograph, a person tells his friend, She is the granddaughter of the elder brother of my father.How is the girl in the photograph related to his man? 1. Niece 2.Sister 3.Aunt 4.None 4. Introducing a man to her husband, a woman said, His brothers father is the only son of my grandfather.How is the woman related to his man? 1. Mother 2.Sister 3.Aunt 4.None 5. Pointing out to a lady, a girl said, She is the daughter in law of the grandmother of my fathers only son.How is lady related to the girl? 1. Mother 2.Sister in -law 3.Aunt 4.None Directions ( 6-10): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it: In a family, there are six members A,B,C,D,E and F .A and B are married couple, A being the male member. D is the only son of C, Who is the brother of A E is the sister of D.B is the daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died? 6. How is F related to A? 1. Mother 7. How is E related to C? 1. Sister 8. Who is C to B? 1. Brother 1. One 10. How is F related to C? 1. Mother-in-law 2.Sister-in-law 3.Mother 4.None Directions(Q. 1115) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions, which follow : A B means A is father of B, A + B means A is daughter of B, A B means A is son of B A B means A is wife of B 11. Which of the following means P is grandson of S ? 1. P + Q S 2. P Q S 3. P Q + S 12. How is P related to T in the expression P + S T ? 1. Sister 2. Wife 3. Son 4. P Q S 4. Daughter 2.Brother in-law 2.Two 3.Nephew 3.Three 4.None 4.None 9. How many male members are there in the family? 2.Daughter 3.Cousin 4.None 2.Sister in -law 3.Sister 4.None

Reasoning-1 Blood Relations

13. In the expression P + Q T how is T related to P? 1. Mother 2. Father 3. Son 3. P S T 4. Brother 4. None of these 4. Cant be determined

14. Which of the following means T is wife of P ? 1. P S T 2. P S T

15. In the expression P Q T how is T related to P ? 1. Daughter 2. Sister 3. Mother

Directions for question(16 to 19): These questions are based on the following data. Amar goes to the house of his sister Sita who is the neighbour of Geeta. Geeta has a daughter Meera. Meera studies in the first year of college. Ashu is the father of Amar and is married to Anjali and has sister who is Geeta. 16. How is Geeta related to Amar? 1. Aunt 1. Brother 1. Niece 1. Sister 1. Uncle 2. Sister 2. Uncle 2. Cousin 2. Sister-in-law 2. Cousin 3. Cousin 3. Cousin 3. Uncle 3. Aunt 3. Nephew 4. Mother 4. Father 4. Brother 4.Mother 4. Brother 17. How is Ashu related to Sita? 18. How is Meera related To Amar? 19. How is Geeta related to Anjali? 20. How is my mothers brothers only siblings son related to me? 21. What is my fathers daughter-in-laws sons wife to me if both my father and his father have only one child each? 1. Mother 2. Nephew 3. Father 4. None of these 22. A goes on a picnic and meets a woman B who is the sister of As wife. How is B related to A? 1. Sister 2. Sister-in-law 3. Brother 4. Brother-in-law 23. A boy goes to watch a movie and sees a man sitting to his left. He found that the man was his relative. The man is the husband of the sister of his mother. How is the man related to the boy? 1. Uncle 1. Uncle 2. Nephew 2. Father 3. Brother 3. Brother 4. Father 4.Grand Father 24. A and B are brothers.C and d are sisters.As son is Ds brother.How is B related to C? 25. Rohits mother is the only daughter of Snigdhas father. How is Snigdhas Husband Related to Rohit? 1. Father 2. Uncle 3. Brother 4.None

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