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Grevit Manual

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 What is Grevit? Installation How to use Update functionality

1.0 What is Grevit? Grevit allows you to create BIM elements like walls and doors for Autodesk Revit (RVT) and Autodesk Autocad Architecture (ACA) directly in Grasshopper and send them to your target application. Unlike other Grasshopper Revit Links this one supports multiple programs, no further files are created and the configuration is very easy. Assemble your BIM Model in Grasshopper with Grevit components. A Send component serializes the BIM elements and sends them via TCP/IP to localhost or a remote RVT/ACA instance where the Model is assembled automatically. The RVT/ACA Model can also be updated according to geometry changes in Grasshopper.


2.0 Installation 2.1 Installer Run the Grevit Installer and follow the installation instructions. The Installer will place 3 shortcuts into the GrevitInstaller folder in your Programs dir. The shortcuts will lead to the 3 installation locations: Grasshopper %AppData%\Grasshopper\Libraries RVT 2014 C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2014 ACA 2013 %AppData%\Autodesk\ACA 2013\enu\Support

2.2 Manual Installation Grasshopper Copy the content of APPDATA_Grasshopper_Libraries to %AppData%\Grasshopper\Libraries. Right-click the file > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text. Restart Rhino and Grasshopper. RVT Copy the content of ProgramData_Autodesk_Revit_Addins_2014 to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2014 and restart Revit. ACA Copy the content of APPDATA_Autodesk_ACA 2013_enu_Support to your ACA support path (e.g. %AppData%\Autodesk\ACA 2013\enu\Support). Load the Grevit.cuix to your partial CUIs in ACA and make sure the path is included in the support paths.


3.0 How to use Grasshopper You will find a ribbon bar called "Grevit" in Grasshopper. Assemble your Model and connect the Components to the Send Component, you might need to flatten before.

The Grevit Menu

An Example Model consisting of wall and column component.

The button attached to the send component should be pressed when one client (RVT or ACA) is waiting for incoming connections.

Preview generated from Grevit Components


RVT Start Grevit by clicking the Grevit Button in the Add-In Menu. Afterwards send the components by clicking the toggle button in Grasshopper. ACA Run the "GREVIT" command or click the Grevit button in the Grevit Menubar. Afterwards send the components by clicking the toggle button in Grasshopper.

Grevit Client in action

Important notice about RVT RVT uses feet internally. Grevit doesnt do the conversion for now, so keep in mind to convert first: 1 meter is 3.2808399 feet.

Result in RVT


4.0 Update Functionality To make sure the update functionality works correctly, use Rhino elements for your geometry. The Reference ID of the rhino geometry is stored in a parameter of your BIM object. In RVT the parameter GID will be created automatically. (If not you might want to create it manually: Instance Text Parameter named GID in the GID group applied to walls and columns) In our example the baseline for the wall is a Rhino curve and its ID will show up in the GID Parameter in RVT. The basepoint of our column is a grasshopper point and therefore the GID is not usable.

Properties in RVT

Back in Grasshopper we can modify the baseline curve and add true to the update port of the send component.

Update mode activated in Grasshopper


Once the model is adjusted we can activate the RVT/ACA Client again and resend our model. RVT or ACA will search for existing geometry and update it according to our changes.

modified geometry in Rhino

updated geometry in RVT


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