The Mysterious Box of Chocolates

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The Mysterious Box of Chocolates

By: Madelyn Wald

Anne was so excited to get to school. In three days was the 14th annual Valentines Day Celebration Anne was so excited she couldn!t wait. "#ery year she got a $illion candies and #alentines Well until last year. %ast year she was in &rd grade and she didn!t get on 'iece o( candy or any #alentines either )he was so u'set "#er since she tried to i$'ress e#eryone in her class so they would thin* she was cool. +,hen they!ll li*e $e. -o doubt they will.. Anne thought. )he *new this year would to' all the rest. )he was in 4th grade with lots o( (riends. Anne /ust *new she would get so$ething this year. "#ery thing was going really well this year. )he stared as the rich girl in the Christ$as 'lay0 she had a really nice teacher0 she had lots o( cool (riends0 and got an A1 on e#ery assign$ent. "#ery thing was going her way this year. 2inally0 Valentines Day ca$e. "#eryone was wearing red or 'in* and Anne thought nothing could be $ore (abulous. 3ntil the Valentine cards were being deli#ered. When she o'ened her bag she saw one big #alentine0 but nothing else. +Man . Anne thought. +It ha''ened again. -o #alentines exce't (or this big one . Anne $ur$ured. +Well I $ight as well o'en the only one I ha#e.. When she o'ened it she read silently: Dear Anne0 4ou are a wonder(ul 'erson 5a#e lots o( (un this Valentines Day 6.). We are sorry we didn!t gi#e you #alentines last year. We were too busy. )incerely0 4our )ecret 6als +Wow. Anne thought. +6eo'le really do li*e $e0 and I!$ going to (ind out who.. )o Anne brought together so$e really close (riends at recess and told the$ what she wanted to do. +7*ay girls we ha#e a 'roble$.. Anne said. +)o$eone or should I say so$e 'eo'le sent $e a #alentine and signed it anony$ously. We need to (ind out who. Who!s in8. Anne as*ed. )o$e girls snic*ered and others tried to hold bac* a laugh. +What!s so (unny8. Anne as*ed. +Don!t worry.. 5er closest (riend0 )arah0 said. +We *now you!ll (ind out sooner or later. +7*ay then0 well whose in8. "#eryone at the $eeting 'ut their hand in. ,he lunch bell rang. +At lunch we will discuss our 'lan.. Anne said. +7*ay8. Anne as*ed. +7*ay.. 5er (riends re'lied. +Well to lunch we go . ,hey all ran in. At lunch they all discussed their (or$ o( action. Anne crowned )arah as her assistant. +I thin* we should ta*e e#erybody in our class!s writing sa$'le so we can deter$ine who wrote the note.. )arah suggested. +,hat!s a good idea but the note is written by one 'erson and the 9Dear Anne! as well as the 9)incerely0 4our )ecret 6al! is written by another 'erson. )o$e $ore girls in the grou' snic*ered. +I say we still ta*e the sa$'les o( 'eo'le!s writing that!s in our class. We!ll /ust (ind the two that $atch.. Another o( Anne!s (riends said. +I li*e that idea. %et!s go with that.. Anne declared. +)arah you will ta*e Andrew0 )ally0 Isaac0 Alison0 Mary0 :oe0 and Anderson!s writing sa$'le.. +Aye;Aye. )arah said while laughing. +Ali you will ta*e Marie0 <eorge0 =ate0

Catie0 Maddie0 Madison0 and Dani!s writing sa$'le.. +7( course.. Ali also said while laughing. +Annie you will ta*e the rest.. Anne said. +>ighty;o.. )he too said laughing. ,hen lunch was o#er. ,he next day the girls ca$e with the sa$'les. +,urn your s'elling boo*s to 'age 1?@ and (ill e#erything out. <o . ,heir teacher0 Mrs. Barnbotto$0 said. +7's . Mrs.Barnbotto$ said +I totally (orgot. Because o( testing you don!t ha#e that $uch s'elling ti$e. 7h well I guess less s'elling this wee*.. +5a#e a good recess class.. )he said. +BB>>II--<<<<<. the bell (or recess rung.

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